1 & iw i n.rf neve V Vl - JL. Ay iuLry&iJ HO CENTS A WEEK. FOR SALE, WANTS, ETC. WANfi:.! -v isii ! tli geneia' house sro-k n a I fuinih in the irountl y. Addrest W. W. I'rawf ir.l, a'l(ii:m. Of. GIRI, WvNTKl) T.i d. ireiieiV Iiiuiw wrk. X --.e .ut tirit c'ai help need Pr'y, Call at Hr.. W, K. It l eu s. HOUSE TO RENT -Ha th lint ol tin month a six r.au c itt-i.e on Kern street, will be 'or re it i..l dm; line water, evjry thiir-j eoi,veoie.ii. For pi ticulara inquire ( K. It Vn.ik. WOOJ SVWINO il ne on the sin noil ni'ice. Or.le e t at I'r, -lr ink will be prompt' attended to. W. NEKLV. 1 V T y Mir sch l t - Th-, m:h .ol tax tor hi r- l-t'l.n due . I paiab'e T.X-pAi'Ti are re pie e 1 1 1 il promptly, at tue o l .if the c erk. C (i Burl- h irt ami pay (he )mu, tjirf led, C. U. Uurkhart, cUak, . c B. WINN, AGENT FOR THE LKA1-; tag flra, life and accident Insurance cou panie 1 fAORES OK L VN' l- All fit for culti J ) ration, ar d on ler (em, (or kale ai $l) per a re. Within 11 mi'es troui railroad atiti in a id 33 miles Irjin Albany Apply a' this otnee. SN WA ha remored h a laundry to the iron hia the oor-ier ol Second and Lyon streets. Satire t Debtor. A'l th e ii Is te I t the late firm ol Thonipwi & 0.'ruin are retpjeated to call at once and sett'e the swiie Land for nale. ft. 10, 2 10. 8 ) acres, ray run, install mint plai chji.i an I ulifh nru-ed AUo a few city lots a I oued by a. Bryant. MONEY TO LOAM HOME CAPITAL ON tvod real estate security. For particu lars enquire of Oeo. Humphrey. GOl.D RING, 11 )LO PENS. iVDAR pen-.-i!, 2 very ifvfcl hm lU-fr.-hieN, all sent to ny addre to uitriidiije my ch ap line ol gilds, lor I') eti J S. Smil'is. Ci liz O. La ail HHrvryins:. Panss DSHiaiita suBTirri.ts oons ou oa uuu a-jcurate nd prompt work by cailmir upon ex-county surveyoi r. T. T. Kinder. He haacomplete coiesol Held notes and town ship plaU, and is prepare I to do eurvevtntr in any part.ot Linn county. Po.totni a.Mre, Millers Station. Linn eon it . Orevon. WO JOS"VVlS- H. II .wd hivini; pu bine I the Dr l M J jnei wo mI taw tt(r outfit, is now rewly t'i d 1 al' orders. Le tve orders at resi leu c. o-ij of S cJ avt VJapoiia s'r-, or IH-v e A Kmiiiin'i. KOOMi - In on i o' the I to 1 oirrf.net li -a'l'.ids in ne it to pir.n e t t he te it, Kir pi'tie llar-i tuipirie at hiN th e. ! JuvVi?:; consider luirhouf a Peer. Wj pacKaoe n&hc if in: carry mf!;", p-cKtt. CITY DRUG STORE 8TANAED & C03ICK, Prooi., PFEIFKKR BLOCK, - - ALBVNY. DeIerr- in DRUGS, MEDICINES. CHEMICALS. FANCY and Toilet arti. i-s, Snons, Brashes, Perfumery, School Books, and Ar tist's Supnies "Physician'e prescript! one carefully compounled. H. GREGG, Tailoring Hepairinj. Men's and Bo' s' elothini; mode to order or cleaned and repaired on hHt n4)ti:e and Teawnablo rate- Shop on the street car line, between Third and Kourrh streets. Notlea'of final Settlement. NOTICE 13 HEREBY i:lVKS TH T the und-r iirnt-d silminNtralor of 'In1 estate of Charles V, KMer, iI.tchsi-u has filed hin lnal ai't-ouiit wi ll the c JUutv clerk for Linn county, Oregon, and the county court li is fixed the :!d day of August, ls'Jl, at the limir of one o'cloi-k p. m. !or heirins; o'lj-c-t ions to Raid final ucoiint and the ettlemeut of said et.il-. This the 17th day of .Inn.-. 1MM. ti V. II WIS, J. K. WciTnearomi. Administrator. Attorney for Administrator. ollre lo 'ntrartor. Bids will be received up to .Inne :fltb ls0, lor the erection ol a public school building at Junction City, Luie county, Oreirrn. The direct tj reserve the ni;ht to accept or re Jrtct any or all bills. Plans ami anei-itcations mav be seen a the residence of O. C. Schell, architect. Alb .ny. Or., nrat W 8. Lee's dnnr store in Junctio i City. Huls will be 0cned at Junction City on the 30th ol June at two o clock r. a. sharp. D. C. ScnubL, Architect. Frequently accidents, occur in the house-hold which cause burns, sprains and bruises ; for use in such case1 Dr. J. H. McLean's Volcanic Oil Liniment has for many years been the constant lavoiite lamily remedy. Smoke th celebrated Havana filled 6-cent lgtra, manufactured t Julius Jom b'B cigar factory. 0 affl Used in Millions of Homes Piltnfib-lE) CONSOLIDATION The Cheap.;st a:itl r.e.U B cui'e t!u-1 its are 50x100 ; because tliey are insMe pro'rty ; bo cause tlit-y are all clear no stu:iis, no. roots, no rocks; because tlie laml a elvateil aul has a tine view of the city; bjcanse thoy ae near tlirce motor lines not in contemplation, but all now in operati jn ; 1 e cause buy nov, tod ay, for the lO'li ilay of next month they "ill ail vance 25 each ; becaune they are a map. Ask those win have sci-n. Seeing i- believing. Are voil in it? K. F. ASIIHY, Maiuucr, No. li"), Wa.-hington Street, rortland. Urepm. We are Our Su miner Stock will complete FURNISHING GOODS VKLVKTS. SILKS, SATINS AND I'l.l SMKS, l. DH' V N 1 MISSKS SILK AND KNIT UNHKRWK H, Ci)rri" AND WOOL HOSK, KM HUDI DKR1 KS. SILK AND LINKS HANDKKRCHir.KS. SCARFS. VKILINCS. SHAWI, KTC DRESS GO DDS Very attractive linos in new "colorinus and latest novelties. GOODS FOR SUMMER WEAR I Latest Styles ! High Novelties! Ladies, Misse ; & ('liUdteiiV. Gr. W. SIMPSON, FIRST STRKET, ALBANY. ORKiON. The Albanv A FULL LINE Till'; PACIFIC SL'A'l'KS o.i vi hp i ii i i & ditii niTfi rn CIHrtU. LUfl l VI UlIILUinu - OF SAN s .ri Afooliileh'' -Safe F01. SMALL MON'THIA AMOUNTS. -o "Six dollars per montti will amount to sf 1 00) in seven years, doubling the amount invested in that time. Monev loaned on real estate security at li per cent. For full parti -ti-lars apply to S. N. STEKLK .V CO., Local Agents. Willamette -:- Uoivcrsity, -THE- ODDEST, IdARGEST & LoEAST EXPENSIVE Institution of learning in the Northwest. 330 students in 187, 4113 in H!)Iar. increase of nearly fx) per cent in four years. Graduates in Art, liusiness, Classical, Law," Literary, .Med ical, Musical, Normal, Pharmaceutical and Scientific courses. Gradu ates from the normal course have all the advantages of graduates from the Sate Normal schools. Iietter facilities for teacliinir next year than ever before. First term begins SEPTEMBER 7th. 1 S. I . For cata logue, with full information.address Wm. S. ARNOLD, A. M., Salem Or Baking Powder 40 Years tlie Standard f LOTS ! Cnv in tts" Market. in the Lead! t.e found larger th.m i-v r. and indie WHITE GOODS Anything an I everything in I.I've assortment and end less variety. Furniture Co. A A & A - OF UNDERTAKING. FRANt'ISfO ALBANY, OREGON, the i-nrir m sTAtre, Kev. F. M. Shrout, Pastor T'nited Brethren Church, Blue Mound, L'.m onvo- "I foci it 111V dlltV tO tell what wonders Dr. King's New Dif-covtrv has lone tor nie. .iy Lungs were badly diseased, and my parishiui e -s thought I "could live only a few weeks. 1 took live l.r.tHosi.i Dr. KiiiL' s New Discovery and am sound and well, gaining M I I 4 11 i:3. in wemui. Arthur Love, Manager Love's Funny Folks Combination, . rites: "After j. thorough tr:ai and con vincing evidence, I am confident Dr. King's New Discovery forCon suniption, beats 'em all. and cures tvlii.it ovorvili im else fa.ls. The greatest kindness 1 can do my many thousand friends if- to uge theni to try it.' Flee trUd bottes at Foshay it Mason, Drug Store. Regular sixes 5;1c. and $1 00. M I L--J V.K E A LI V EK I'l I.L. Act on a new principle reguln ting the liver, stomach and bowels through the nerves. A new dii covery. Dr. Miles' Pills speedily cure biliousness, had tasle, torpi 1 liver, piles, eonstipaiionr Un equaled lor men, women. children. Miiallest, mildest, surest ! 50dofc63 ior 25 cents. Samples . ee, at Stanard A Cusiek. mii.iir in (itirxTi. Nervous women seldnin recci 73 the sympathy they deserve. Wh .e often the pictures of health, th )jr are constantly ailing. To with hold sympathy from thef-o unf, r tnnates is the height i.fcruelt7. They have a weak lieatt, causil ? shortness of breath, liutterir i, pain in side, weak and hung y spells, and linally swelling if ankles, oppiessioii. chokinr, smothering ami dropsy. Br. Miles' New Heart ('tire is just tl e thing for them. For their ner vousness, headache, wcakiies-i, etc., his Restorative Nervine is uneijnaled. Fine treat.se cn "Heart and Nervous Biseases" ane marvelous testimonials fr 8 sold and guaranteed by Slanard S: Cusiek. MT.t HHA I tSIr. S, H. Clill'ord, NewCasscl, Wis., was troubled with Neuralgia i.nd and Rheumatism, his Stotiach as disordered, his Liver was afletted to and alarming degree, appetite fell ."way. and lie was terriiily re duced in llesh and strength. Three bottles of Electric Bitters cared him. Edward Shepherd, Ilarrisb-rg, III., hnJ it runninir soru on his lctf of eight years' standie;-?. Used three bottles ol JJectrio Bit ers and seven boxs ol l'ucklcn's Salve, and his leg is sound . nd well. John Speaker, Catawbf , 0., hal live large Fever sores on his leg, doctors said he was incurable. One bottle Electric Bitters and one box Bucklon's Arnica Salve cured him entirely. Sold by Fosha it Mason, Drug store. a miu:t i n iim ii. The pajers contain fiei) 3$nt notices of rich, pretty and e itit lied girls eloping with negroes, tr.i sps and coachmen 'I'd,, vi ..1 1-k n scn specialist, Dr. l'ranklvn Mi. 13' says an sucn gn is are more or. 3rs hysterical, nervous, very in: ;ll sive, unbalanced ; usually sul set to headache, neuralgia, "e'eep. 11 ness, immoderate crying or lal Th ing. These show a weak tier' is system for which there is jo remedy equal to Restorative Iljr vme. Trial bottles and a te book, containing many marvel :s cures, free at Sfanard it Cusi 1, who also sell, and guuantee Jr. Miles' celebrated New Heart Cu 2, the linest of heart tonics. Cu. ;s Muttering, short breath, etc. lot.oou iii:lii:s. Do you know that Moore's Ro vealed Remedy is the only patei.t medicine in the world that dots not contain a drop of alcohol ; thi.t the mode of preparing it is known only to its discoverer; that it is a:i advance in the pcieiu-e of medicine without a parallel in the nine teenth century ; that its proprietor oiler to foifei; sfl.ii(ii) for any ca?3 of dyspepsia it will not cure".' Tiio Deisorateii Fronoli CUKE Warranted to 1 Plf t Sstt".'W?". or monev cure tiiUMUliMk rcfunUcd r.'.FfjFE the xenerative nfinu of rdher sex whothw arisiiiK from the cxci'nsi c u ol stimtilantn, tobacco or opium, or thr "uh 3 outliful indis cretioii.cvcr iridulKi'iii-'e, itc., t'ich a-slotwol drain Pcwer, Wakefu'iisss, ISenrinsf Down pains in the liack. Seminal Weakness, Hys teria, N.-r on s-rition. Nocturnal Omis sions, Leucorrho PiirzinisJ, Weak Memory, Lotmof Power anu inioton .y whi.-h if nck. Iii tcd often leal to jircnia'ure el l aire and insanity. Price il a fx-x: -)xi'5 lcrt.i.00 Sent be mail on receipt of price. A tlltin it 1.1 IKI ' EE is riven wi'h every to order re.-cived, to refund tne n.onev if a i'rriilHiient cure is noteffcftcl. We hive thouianilftof tisiiicouiaW from old anil younsr, of both s. xej. w ho have been permanently cured by tiio use I Aphroditine Circular free. Address, HIE 41'HKIt MElH IK t. Western liranch, liox, -2. Portland, Oregon. For sale b Foshav A Mason, ha Cfale and otail dr-inists, Albany, Or.iin. AFTER TUESDAY, t) ULY I t 1S.U GRAIN IN DEMAND The Shortage in Europe Cause a Market. Will AM EI! I CAN OICAIN IN DEM AMI, French K prts Show a Fho -laire -Toreign Millers Report to Bay i mor'can Grain - Wasiiisotox, July 13. A report on the harvest prospects in France and Europe has been received at the state department from Com mercial Agent Griflin, of Lyons, France. The National Millers' Association of France, the icport says, has just issued an estimate very carefully collected of the probable whefat harvt st of ! ranee and Kurope in 1801. Ju order lo meet the demand of France 'until the harvest is gathered ir lH'.i'J, it is necessary to see how much heat was yielded by the crops in 1KP0 and the quantity imported. The otlicial liguies ot the yield for Is'.M given by the minister of agricul ture, ate 1 li,':!t.S27 hectoliters. There is a mo-ithly consumption of 8,0,10,000 hectoliters, requiring for a verr's eupply lim.OOO.OOO hec toliters. About 15,000,000 hectol iters are used for seed, so that the present average ot wheat in France per annum is 123,000,000 htcto liters. This year there must be added to this amount o.OJO.ooO hectoliters, which is required for resowing where the grain has been frozen or injured, making a total for the year of l2s,(KI0,000 hecto liters. The es'imattil yield of wheat for ISO! will lie S2 770,000 hectolili rs. This is the maximum estimate ; it will he.'i'J per cent les tha'i the harvest, of lvio. Russia, Tuui, Kzvpt. Roumunh and some of the Danuabian prov inces will have a fair harvest. In Hungary it will be below the aver age this year. ine estimate? given by the millers, the report says, are optimistic ; tne desire to crette the impression that there is a better supply than really exists is done with a purpose. They want to buy grain as cheaply as possible in "those fortunate coun tries that have their abundance to export. In 1 soil, 1,,03.,: acres were sown with wheat and the average yield was 10.7 hectoliters per acre. 1.1,000,000 hectoliters were used for seed, nuking not quite eight bushels for fifteen bushels. In conclu-iioii the report Bays that not only France, but all Europe, is looking longingly to Hie wheat fieids of the I'nited Statex. Last year many hoped that South America would help supply the deficit, especially the Argentine Republic, but to-day no mention is made of these countries. All hope is built upon the United States harvest. Tlie fact, as re cently stated, is that tne supply for laircpe must come lrom America. Itl ilNKI) TO HEATH. A Woman I'erlshes In the Flames In California. Napa, Cal., July 13. A house oi six looms, beioiiging to II. Bache under, two miles west of tow caught (ire last evening and a . burned to the ground. Jlrs.l ai.i.. j Hooper perished in the lhi'in-e She was a native of Switzerlan aged 11 years. The husband the woman, who is employed a' the place, was in the milkhouse about forty feet distant. Suddenly there w as an explosion. He rushed out, and found the bot:se in tUnies. A piercing shriek was beard from the woman, but she was never seen again The body was re covered from the ruins terribly burned. LOOK OUT I'OR THL' HESSIAN i'LY. The Horticultural Buard Warns F.irinfrs to Kiep it Out of Oregon- The California pipers say that die Hessian fly has made its ap learance in several parts of that :-tate, and a great deal of anxiety is felt by wheat-growers, and in fact, by all interested in lint most important produ t. The State Board of II jrticuliure have tak-n prompt aciion iti the matter, and have s-ii. men to all places w here the dread pest is reported to have appeared, with instructions to burn up all patches of grain that bore traces of the lly's pre-ence. The fact that this fly has crossed the Rocky mountains and found lodgement in the grain fields of a neighboring state, says a member of Hie State Board of Horticulture, should at least put the farmers oi Oregon upon their guard. It is supposed to have I ecu brought to California in grain bhipoed from the East for planting purposes. Tlie Hessian fly (Cecidomya des tructor) is so called because it was supposed to have been introduced into America with the forage brought by the Iletsian soldieia of the British army during the Revo lutionary war. It is a two winged fly, very minute, about a tenth of aii inc:i in length, and generally produces two broods in a season. It deiiosits its eggs in fall or win ter wheat after the grain has sprouted and begins to show leaves and its presence can soon be de tected by the drooping and wither ed appearence of the stalks ellected. '1'he worm operates just beneath a joint of the stalk. It cuts a slit half an inch in length and so weakens the stalk that it fadsover as if broken down by hand and H'xm shrivels as if scorched by lire. The ouly effective remedy yet found for the destruction of ihe flv is theburningof the grain all'ected. Secretary, of the Board cf Horti culture, tys : A simple word of warning and caution is herewith sounded to the farmers of Oregon. Firsf, In-very cautious whenever seed grajji is fecuied ; second, he very ob-crv-ant, and if the lly should make its apjiearanee us such m -ans as will insure its destruction. Th old adage "that one ounce of preven tion is wo'th one pound of cure." is a goo l rule to stand by and one that if Oregon ha 1 observed some eight years ago in keeping out ft nil tree pests, would have t-aved large sums of nc ney to the state that must nrw be expanded in battling them. COAST KO'i'Eb. A number of young ladies f Baker City have oiganied ?. base ball t a'ii and pr.vive r- g!i a iy. It is i l.tlii.e 1 that ' .i I- j: 'ou-e is not as prevalent i . tin i. .n : of Salem as ie;oi'(d s ou- tine ago. Passengers fr-iiii the South say peaches are just nearly lipe in the Rogue rivur valley as they are in -anta Clara valley, Cal. Washington county capture I more premiums at the re gon t-'ate fair last year than any ther county in the state except Mi rion. Americans have beer employed to take the place of the Chinese laborers who recently struck on the Gold Hill M-cion uii th? Southern Pacific railo.v!. At S.-.itoi'e i'-il!, .:t :;';! is, Tu.-s-day l.io! niii!, i.i;- 1 .v io;,r!;i: va.s rt.tl tig d ! a t re I-.: P:nv tliiib -r, the lop ol a ! i. ih w back and pinned him face d j, n into the earth. When the tree was pried ell' it was found that his nose and collar lone were broken and his face greatly disfigured. He will recover. (rant county farmets, who formerly raised so much whe.it they did not know where to store it, will not be confronted with any such conundrin this season. The wheat wid be there all right more than ever before and after filling their bins they will haul the large .surplus to the ne lljur ing mill and receive cash for it. The Dalles city ceincil have entered into an agreement with a SS.IU 1 rnciteo company tu put m a complete gravity sy-tem ul water works'at a est of nev!y j(ii,0;H. The reservoir is to be above the Ha'lock mill and give a fall of 200 feet. The laying of the pipe will require perhaps seveuty-fi.e iaton-rs for three months. The w hole thing is to he completed w ithin a year. A company of Eastern capital ists are eaid to have bought the Frazer River Freezing Company's plant, and will conduct operations on a much more extensive scale this season. They expect to handle 1,000,000 pounds ot salmon next season, and they will go, be sides, extensively into deep sta ishing, bringing Nova Scotia ' hooners round the Hoi n for the irpose. II. E. Huntington, gencr.il mall iger of the Newport News iV dississippi Valley b'ailroad Com pany, lias tendered his resignation to take effect on September 1st. next. On that date Mr. Hunting inpton will assume the duties of assistant general manager of the Southern Pacific railroad with headquarters at San Faueiseo. He will serve in that capacity un til January 1st, when lie will be come general manager cf the Pacilic and Oregon divisions of the system. It is said that Mr. Huntington wili receive ..")0,tUK) per year salary. He is a near rel ative of C, P. Huntington. My ler in ns DisHppearenre. Eugene Guard: A short time since a man giving his name as Virloop commenced boarding with Mrs. A. J. BaM on High street, paying his board three weeks in advance After basing been there ten days he disappeared without any explanation, leaving a vilise filled with good Hoitiing. lie was last sent oti the Fourth of July. Virloop was ef i ierman rx traction, about 4 ) years of age, and appeared tteady and sober. He had wotkd several days shov eling dirt cn tiio sewer cut. It is another case of a mysterious dis appearence. The Latent Novelty. Union Journal : The latest novelty proposed for the Colum bian exposition is to have congress anl the several state legislators meet in a ball -in Chicago in 1 s: : ; that our statesman my go on ex hibition like the animals at a country fair. Oregon and Wash ington must clean out their stables before that time to that they can make a creditable display. The I'roliable Caue. Eugene Weekly Advance: Nc statesman can afford to omit the c minion people f re ni hi calcula tions. They are the very root and core of tociety. Peihaps the general uprising all over our land could be traced to overbearing uic:ation on tne part ot some who in their haste to occupy high posi tions, overlooked the truth. m - METROPOLIS . -4r How the Workmen will Attend Grand Lodge. lil'SINKS AMI I'LEASl'ltE. Lo t Fair and a Large Crowd All Can Go and Enjoy It Visitiuga For eign Cocntry PoKTAXo, July 13. The thir teenth annual session of the Ancient Ordet of United Workmen tor the jurisdiction of Oregon, Washington and British Colum bia convenes at Victoria, B. C, on Wednesday morning of this week. A very large attendance is ex pected, and a good time is sure to lie enjoyed by all who go, as the members of the order in Victoria have planed a fine programme. As most of the visitors will have arrived by Tuesday, a grand re ception and public meeting will be held that evening. Addresses of welcome by the Vict ria ollicials and resp aises by the visitors, in tersiicrsed with musical selections, will make it an agreeable evening. On Wednesday morning the business session of the grand 1 ;lge will commence, and on that evening a banquet will be given the members and visitors. Thurs day and Friday w ill be occupied by the business sessions, and on Friday evening the final adjourn ment will probably take place. Those going from this vicinity will arrive here on Saturday n'ght or Sunday morning. In consequer.ee of arraugciaents made, tiie fare f i am here to Vic toiia and return, including rail road and steamer, will only be $11.70, and as the amount is small many will avail themselves of the opportunity to make such a de lightful excursion to a foreign country. The grand lodge pays ! he traveling expenses ot its oth ers and representatives, and therefore many ot them will take their families with them. SHOT AT CLOSE KANGK. Killed Him WhiU He Was ISegtlna; for Life. Jefferson Citv, Mo., July 13. A double homicide occurred at foas, leu miles east of this city vetterday. Just after mass at the Catholic church at that place, Francis Bermlemans was aecostcd by Jose pi i Frank in a quarrelsome manner. BerroJemans tried to pacify Frank, and apparently suc ceeded in doing so, as the two walked away arm m arm. After going about sixty feet together, Frank drew a revolt, it and li red, tt.e shot taking effect in the leit bteast of Bermlman. The wound ed man caught Frank by the shoulder and begged him not to shoot again. Frank fired a second time, and Bermle'iians fell dead with a bullet in his breast and brain. Frank pointed the revolver tow ards his own bead and snapped it tw ice, and then started off. The excited congregation gathered around the remains of Beinde nians and carried them to the schoolhouse near by. Frank started down the road, but had gone but a short distance when he agsin placed the revolver to bis head, and blew out his brains. No cause was discovered for Frank's assault on Bermlemans. A Desperate Woman Captured. Fun:, Pa., July 13 Mrs. Jane Lelae.d. a woman of 00, connected with some of the best families in Pennsylvania, lies in the Erie county jail to-night, raving mad. Her son Frank was recently sent to prison for steiling cattle, and I he mother swore vengeance upon all who had anything to do with his conviction. Witnesses and jurors ti nee then have been pur sued by a common nemesis and their horses and cattle have, been killed by poison. Suspicion re sulted in her detection this morn ing, just as she had inoculated a valuable stallion with arsenic. Mrs. l.eland and her daughter fought the officers with axes, but were overpowered. C.'oiiilition ef tiio Wealliar. Washington, July 13. The storm central yesterday in South Dakota ha.) moved southeast to Lake Superior. The clearing con dition has moved slightly east to the middle of the Atlantic coast. Another clearing condition of great magnitude has moved from the North Pacific coast to Montana. Rain has fallen in the Northwest, and on the middle Atlantic coast. Temperature has fallen in the Northwest aud extreme Southwest generally.and has risen elsewhere. Illalne Overcome liy Heat. Nfvv York. July 13. A Bar Harbor special says Secretary Blaine had a bad turn Sunday af;ernoon, having sudden attack of nervous dyspepsia. The weather is sultry and warm, and rumor says Blaine had just sat down to a late luncheon, when he had the attack. He was helped to his couch, and in a short time grew better and talked some. He him self declared, so it is said, this was too much for him. Her Hesitation Caused Her Death. St. Loi is, Mo.. July 13. At a colored dance held atCahokia, 111., a small hamlet across the river, j-".r VT VO191 two of the men present became engaged in a quarrel at 3 o'clock this morning as to which one should be favored by a woman, who was undecided which to give a dance, and whom both the negroes claimed. Finally one of them drew arevolver and fired at his antagonist, but not before the woman had thrown herself across the breast of the object of the bullet. The man's life was saved, but the woman, whose name is Catharine Brooks, was mortally wounded, the ball .entering ber back and passing nearly through the body. DIED IN A CKLL, Like a Itat In a Hole All for Drink Probably. Pobtlaxd, July 13. There was a dead man at the po!:"e station this morning. John Daly has been confined in the city jail for the past week. He was given a term for being drank and has been serving bis time. He has acted very peculiar during the latt two or three days. The jailer and others around the eta tion think he was insane. Last night and the night before he was heard beating his head against the wall of the cell, and there was a rumor this morning that he had killed himself in this way. This morning at 6 o'clock, when one of the employes took Daly's tjrt aktast into tne cell, he called, but received no answer. He laid the plate down, and went out for some one, saving that he believed the man was dead, lie was found crouched down in one corner of the cell, and, on examination, it was found to be so, and be was taken to the morgue at seven. Will Wln I'p it Business. Pittsburg, July 13. The Boat man's Fire and Marine Ins trance company, of this city, organized in 1865, decided to day to wind up its affairs and go out of business. The risks, aggiegating $9,370,000, are assumed by the Norwich Un ion Society, of England. The stock of the company has not paid a dividend for five years, and the stockholders deemed it best to close up to save further loss. Railroad Commissioners In Town. Portland, July 13. The rail- roaa commissioners, w. in. Colvig, Robert Clow, and the clerk, F. J. Miller, are in Portland as wit cesses in the case of Miller vs. the Southern Pacific. It is a suit brought by one Miller for $26,000 damages for injuries he received at the Lake Labish disaster. A. N. Hamilton, the other member of the commission, was not a com missioner at the time, so be is not a w itnesf. Affair In Guatemala. Citv of Mexico, July 13. Ad vices from Guatemala say infor mation from Quezaltenango say. the mountains are full of discon tented men, organizing for war. Pre&iden Barnllas is sending troops to Quezaltenango, although he claims no revolution exists. A dispatch from San Jose, Costa Rica, says : "Keciprocity with the United States is considered necessary, and all rnncpsniona asked for will be granted." A New and Wonderful Book. One of the latest and bound to be most popular books, bears the title of "The White ngel of the World." It is devoted to teruter ance and gives an exhaustive re sume of that subject in a vivid and interesting manner. The name of the author will be a guar antee of its freshness and its earn est less and readableness. It is no less a person than the Rev. Samuel Small, of whom everybody has read. The work is profusely and handsomely illustrated. An agent will solicit for it in Albany. Local agents wanted in Linn, Lane and Benton counties. Addrees Box 00, Albany, Or. A Peculiar Misfortune. A peculiar misfortune happened to Mr. Alexander, a wealthy sheep owner, who was taking through Klickitat county to the Sound market a herd of 10,000 fine mutton sheep. There was a small canyon ahead of the band which the herders did not see, and when the Iron; sheep came to it the rear ones pushed them ahead until there was a bridg formed with the struggling and dying leaders. The rest of the band passed over, and when the herders arrived thev found 300 dead and dying sheep. ' Thinks It Large, The Astorian says: "Among other indelicacies of the season received yesterday was a bunch of North American strawberries, wrapped in the beggest strawberry leaf in the state. The stt aw berry leaf was sixteen inches in length, and the strawberries wee of a size to match. The berries were raised, grown and cultivated by Fish Commissioner Reed on his justly celebrated soap-stone for mation in the Third ward. They can't be beat for flavor, and have seldom been outsized in three parts." Thiont-h Train. Notice baa been given that com in.ncing on Saturday, Joly 8, the the train to the front, on the Ore gon Pacific, will run clear through to Coe, and on every Saturday thereafter.