MORNING HERALD: SUNDAY, JULY 12, 1891. w Severe Cold Are Brakes Cp la Heataaa. From the VirrfniaCity, Mout. atadisinian. . When we find a medicine we know to possess genuine merit' we consider it a duty, and we take pleasue in telling the public what it is. Such a medicine we found Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, last winter, when la grippe was prevailing. We are satisfied that it warded off several attacks that were threatening by the use of your syrup, and we have since relieved, in a few hours, severe colds, add in the course of -two or three days, entirely broken them up by its iibe as have several of our friends whom we have recom mend it. It m all that it is repre sented to be by he manufacturers, If you have a cough and want to stop it, Chamberlain s - Cough Kerned will do the work. For sale by Foshay & Mason. Take the Union Pacific railway for the East, thirty-live hours quicker than anv other transcon unental line. Elegant new dining cars, Pullmaa palace sleepers, free family sleeping cars run turouu to Denver Omali.i, Council tflatts, Kansas City. St. Louis and .Chi cago. C. i. Uawliugs, city ticket aeut, loot of Broadalbia street. Little Giant and CowUi' Bros. boys, misses and- child ren's shoes ditfereut styles all sizes and widths mads sotm all through. Try a pair nothing better medium in price, livery pair warranted. Samuel E. Young. Coraetl Corsets! We make a specialty of 1 ies and misses tine corsets and w its. We have a drive in a F nch sateen corset at 75 cents, r xtra good value. Samuel E. Ye no. The Union faclnc. . Is the only line running two fast trains daily from Portland to Omaha, rit. Paul, Kansas City, Chicago, St. Louis and all points East and South. Buy your tickets of C. li. Rawlings, foot of Broad- albin street, Albany. If you want a durable monu me nt go to E. W. Achison, who are haudhug nothing but the best grades. Fresh milk bread at Goetz Bros. For an elegant and perfect fitting corset call at the I -a lie Bazaar. Inquire fur the "B. B." Sleepless nights, in ule miserable by that terrible coug i, Shiloh's Cure is the remedy tur you. For sale by Foshay & Masun. Catarrh cured, health and sweet breath secured, by Shiloh's Cat arrah remedy, price 50 ' cent. Nasal injector tree, sold by Foshay &' Mason. Thit sour-temper.?d. cross, dys- ntic individual, should take Dr. I. McLean's Sarasapanlla ! It will make him feel as wetl and heart J as thn healthiest of us. He needs bracing u-, vitalizing, that is all. Call and see the new line of gingham wrappers just received at the Ladies Bazaar. Vegetables from Linn county gardens, received every morning at Parker Bros. Black sateeu blouses and sai'or waists at the Ladies Bazaar. Julius Uradohl, proprietor ol the Golden ltule Bazaar, informs us that lie- will add to Ins already large ousmes a complete line ol siielt hardware ..ud lamily groceries The ta'c- of hisiioldeii Kule feus aud baking powder is steadily increasing, lie a. ill keeps up the elegant prizes with these goods. FAIR WARNING. A HOT WAVE WILL OVERTAKE All DFLIN lOUtNi TAXPAYERS WHO DO HOT HcED THIS. This man thinks it is hot, but Sheriff Scott proposes to make it much more tropical for him and all other delinquent taxpayers un less they settle up at once. He has had published for several weeks the following advertise ment, but the delinquents ar still procrastinating: r DELINQUENT TAXPAYKRB8 By order ot the cnontv court I am directed to force the collection of all taxee etaudina an paid on the aaseasraent lollaof thia -nuntjr. If such bues are not paid immutably I hall proceed to levy unnn aod aell the propertv of delinquents to nuke co'lectira. ImeanWiues. M Sc,TT. Sheriff of Linn County. Now he proposes to enforce- the collection of all unpaid taxes. It is not pleasant business, but the duty of his office compels him to do so, and delinquents should pay up immediately if they wish to avoid a legal process, and enjoy peace of mind, as this is positively the last call, after which will begin the fire works. 'I ASSIGNEES HOTICil. Notice la hereby riven hat Of . W. 8mith of Albany, Linn county .Or. haa made aaehrn nent of all hla property, both real aad per sonal, to the undersigned for the benefit of hla creditor. All persons having claims acalaat the raid Geo. W, Smith, are hereky requested to present the same under natn to the underaicaed, at the office of Chaa. K. Wolverton, in the city of Albany. Oregon, on or before three month from thia date. Bated at Albany this ioth day of May, 189L J. W, Cisicz AatWn of Geo, W, Smith, an Insolvent; a, . WOLTSSTOS, atty toreioe, Ladles Fine Shoe. I make a specialty of handling ladies fine shoes. I carry some of the best brands made in fine and medium grades in widths from A to EE. All warranted goods ; no trash, and will repair any pair of tnoea ot any aina soia mat wiu rip or ureaa. oamuei ju. xoung. BarirEHE.iT ran high in this city over System Builder as every body is nsi ng it for Catarrh of the Stomach. Dyspepsia Constipation, Impure blood and to buna up tbeir system, lryitanu tell your friends about it, as it must possess wonderful merit when all speak well of it. Special Notlee. Ladies or gentlemen who con template buying gold watches will find it to their advantage to call at F. M. French's jewelry store dc- lore purchasing, as there has been quite a reduction in prices. The Corner jewelry store. New Sprlna; Goods. I am now receiving my first in vokes of spring novelties in wash goods, prints, gingham seersuckers, etc., also just received a new line of all wool summer plaids and beiges. Samuel E. Young. Fire Klndlera. If you want a good and easy fire kindler, one hat will kindle your tire easy every time. Call on or come and see me. A. J. Fox. One Half Dollar Reduction on every pairof Lud lows Fine Shoes. A goodline of them at Samuel E. Young's. BUSINESS LOCALS. French keeps railroad time. Vienna bread at the Delmonico. Conn & Hendricson, grocers. Bread of all kinds freeh at Goetz Bros. Fresh vegetables every morning from Linn county gardens at Parker Bros. For a surprise, look at the mil linery window at the La lies Bazaar. That hacking couph can be so quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. We guarantee it. sold by foshay A Mason. sa tt u apiiuaici r naawbaiii no ua, Washburn, garden hose, Matthews f a lar r anfinlrlai a f ri Vi An-n jtm A Washburn, lawn mowers, Matth ews & Washburn, pumps, Matth ews A Washburn, bath tubs. Matthews A Washburn, water closet, Matthews A Washburn. gasoline stoves, Matthews A Wash burn, the nest ol everything Matthews A Washburn. Some of tne test styles of ele gant bed lounges can be seen at Fortmiller A lrving's, as they have just receivea a targe invoice. Buy gasoline stoves from Mat thews A Washburn. New spriig novelties in dress goods and drees silks, in colors and black in great variety at Samuel E. Young's. Buy your gasoline stoves of Hopkins Bros. Shiloh's Core and consumption cure is sold by us on a guarantee. It cures coneumption. For sale by Foshay A Mason. Thomas Brink has received a stock of baby carriages which he is offering at prices as low as the lowest, and they are first-class goods. New and complete stock of spectacles and eye glasses juet re ceived at F. M. French's. Every pair fitted by Johnston's Patent eye-meter, every pair tully war ranted to nt. Every grocer, druggist and sa loon man should keep Coronado mineral water on hand. It will be called fer, as it is the best. John Isom Jr., sole agent. Allen's do their own delivering, carefully and promptly. A large line of children's sun bonnets, school hats, white aprons and dresses just received at the Ladies Basaar. Something nice in coffees at Allen Bros. They run their own delivery wagon, and deliver goods promptly, Leave your orders for dressed chickens at Allen Bros. Change of Business. Notice is hereby giyen that Mueller A Garrett have sold to E. J. Lanning their entire business, goods, wares, merchandise, book accounts, fixtures, e'c. Parties in debted to said firm will please call and settle at once with E. J. Lan ning. to whom all accounts are payable. All .' outstanding indebtedness will be settled by Mueller A Gar rett. Mcei.ler A Garrett, E. J. Lanninu. Albany, May 25, 1801. Important to Housekeopers. It gives Julius Gradwhol great satisfaction in selling his fine Golden Kule teas and baking powder, with elegant prizes or without them, that his customers who have purchased invariably re turn and say they are well pleased, that the tea is No. 1 and the bak ing powder is as good as the best. All his teas and baking powder bears the name of julius Grad whol's Golden Rule Bazaar, and are expressly put up for his busi ness, and he still continues to give with each pound of tea or baking powder an elegant piece of glass ware. . . Notice to Patrons. Albany Or. May 30 1891. I have this day made arrange ments with Messrs Knapp Burrell A Company of Albany. To furnish all patrons with Peering; Binders. Please call at once. Also arrange ments are made with them fore verything in the farm impliment line including twine. Mart Miller. Financial Agent. j r. i ,fc km itajl iLpegiaaaa-jaaa; Also carries the finest lines of Pianos & Organs IN THE WILLAMETTE V ALLEY. CALL AND EXAMINE HIS STOCK. ODD FELLOWS TEMPLE, ALBANY, OREGON. -XTXLI'CTS Manufacturer of -AND Cigars Plug and Smoking Tobaccos, Meerschaum and Briar Tipcs, full line o Smokers' Articles. Ne rot to PUoiffer's candy store, Albany, Oregon, Once - wish to remind voii. that wn car ry the most Complete Line of Hard ware, Stoves a,d Halites in. the Val lev. MATTHEWS & WASHBURN. FEE D -:- STORE AJNI GENERAL PRODUCE MARKET. WANTED SPECIA LLY- Hay. rats srul ictatctp, to supply sustome c the Or -on Pacific Kailroiil exteimion and my increasing home trade tc re I aftll in quantities to giiittlie purchaser". Store in Strahan Brick, Second street M. ROBERTSON. 1 i ake Emmons Liver Regulator One Dose ioo Dollars. DlAB 8. L. R: I conliler one doe m mom Liver Regulator worth HIH). war constipated, had Headache, could eat oth ln- with satisfaction or appetite- ha the blues, and felt altoeether out nf anrta 1 sorted to Blue Mass, Cainmel, Quioin , and romoujr BUKxemeu, oui only nniained temporarr relief. One dose-of S L R did ro more good than Alee worth of doctors u dxtorinft. Resp'y, i C Martin. I have hMtn a Im. hr Fnr tum.ti. WA.M j during that time hare had lepeated attacks of headache, produced by torpid Liver, and have been entire! vcu ed by Simmons Livei Regulator. I fouo t to be of so mild t cnaractar in ita a -tion not to Interfere, tn the least with my dub tin the school roem. To those similar ritui t d and subject toOte same, I cansot s hl?t . recommend Sim mons Liver Regulator. k. k. c-utsi 'amr.ta::ivine K. G.L. Blackmai?, DEALER in Draffs, Paints, Oils, Perfumery AND TOILET ARTICLKS And a full line of Books, Stationery, Periodicals. Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. CrOS"BF!T3:, Choice Ciffars DEALER IN- Asrain tiTk Thire act QUARTER tlel in lia kcr county "Ore-np Vun, near v.hatur t a now liakerc'ity. "PCIJTIIDV man who has si net U I. II I Ultl bixx)me iiluntifieil with the resources A Oft ami development of that country. ThieHUW man is no othci than Mr. John Stewart, one ol the wealthiest an'' most influential citizens in the county. In a recent letter he says: "I hail lieen suflt-rinK from pains in my liack and venvral kidney complaint for no me time, and ha; used many remedies without any but temporary relief. The paiim in nij bai k had liecome so severe tli it I was .revcnted fnim attendinx to my work anil could not move without the we of a anu. Hearing, inrouKn a irrvnii, oi tne wonilerful curen el toit by Oregon Kidney Tea, I wan induced to try a box, and from that vcv tint dose I found instant relief, and lieforc u-iuir hall the contents of the box the piins in ty hack entirely dinapptared I have every faith in the virtues of the O:c-.'0ii Kidney' Tea, and can conscientiously recommend it to my friends. I would not be without it for any thing." Oregon Kklney Tea cures headache, iucon tinence ol urine, brii k dust sedinuni, bum iiiK or painful senKition while urinalini;, ami all afflictions of the kidney or urinary organs of cither wev. Health is Wealth ! Dr. K. C. Wcst nerve and brain treatment, a guar nnteed specific for hysteria, dizziness tits, headache, tier vous prostration caused by the use of alcohol or tobacco, softening of bruin resulting in insanity and leading to mis ery, decay and losr of power in either six Each box con tains one m mth's treatment. One dol lar a box, or six box es for 'He dollars, sent by mail pre paid on receipt of price. Guarantees issued only tiy J. A. C'ummings, druggist sole agent, Albany. Oregon. 3500 REWARD We will pay the ahtve rewani; for any case of liver complaint, dysCDaia, sick headache, indigestion, constipt.tioa or costiveness we cannot cure with West's liver pills, when tn direction are strictly complied with. Thej are pin el v yegelalile and never fail to give satisfaction. Large boxes, containing 3U pills, 25 cents. The genuine manufactured only by the John C. Vest company. Chicago Illinois. Sold by J. A.Cummiugs,.druggist Albany, Oregon . JOHN SCHMEER'S Livery. Peed k Sale state Corner Second atul EUworth Sir ALBANY. - . ORKGQb H oasni BoiEDKO by the day or month. Caa nages or Duggiea nn reasonable terms veni NEW FEEDSTORE! HAY, OATS AND CHOP FEED Always on hand. Also Lime, Plaster & Cement Come to the comer of Water and Ferrrata. for all kinds ot Peed. P. W. SPINK, Altany, yr. OH, MAMMA HE CARRIES A FULL STOCK OF NICE FURNITURE. REMEMBER T IE PUCE, - -- OPPOSITE OPERA H0U3 111 rvTS.'a u ?Ls!.i y is ! s aafaa w Me" t'nof j c Sl!!Sj5Il!E T!Js 5 Sii"!aai-S 3 5 i aa W .... 1 Ti PC-V aware j DE- ACKER'S ENGLISH REMEDY j forCougli8, Colds andCoasuinption is beyond quest ion the greatest of I ; all Modern Remedies? It will stop a Cough in oue night. ltwillcheckS : a Cold in a dar. It will prevent Croup, relieve Asthma and cure Cob- . I sumption if taken In time. "Yon can't afford to be without it.- A25aj j bottle may save you $100 in Doctor's bilLj mavsave your life I Aski :yourdruggistforit,orwriteforbookto 4nYbl $r2t.. miaaia ALBANY IRON IRKS Manufacture steam engines, grist and saw mil. machinery, irrnfrjnti all kinds of heavy and light work in iron and brass castings, tion paid to repairing all kinds of machinery. Patterns made A COSTEL, President. P LING RAN, Secretary, JOHN HOLM AN CALIFO R N I A POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE ELECTRIC JINAMENT S CURE CATARRH, RIIKU M A T I S M, Neuralgia, Corns, Headache, and ail pain. Inefjaliior uia positive and negative ELECTRIC COUGH CURE, cures colds, croup, conmmp ttion. Sold by all druggists. Each 25c, 50c. and $1. Creas inger & Co., Props., Los Ange les.Cal. BANK OFOREGOv ALBANY, OREGON. H. J. Merill, Pres., J. Lanninir, V. P J. W. Blain. Cashier. Traiiawts a general banking lmaneai. Kxc.'c lougbt and ao!d un ail the prin cipal cilira of tiie United 8tatca, also, Ureal lirilain, Kranre and Germany. Cullei tiona at all accessible points made on fa oralilc terms. Iiitrrct- paid on time dcKsitb. FOSHAY & MASON Wholesale and Ketail alba" OSKGON A HtrK ITlTrIET. Is one whicliis enaranteed to bring 3'ou sutisfaetory results, or in ease of failure a return of purehiise price, On thin safe plan you can buy from our adfcrti'ed drueifiiits a bottle of Ur Kind's New Dscovery for Con sumition. It is guaranteed te brinjr relief in every case, when used for any allection of Throat. Ltines, or Chest, bucIi as Consumption, Intlama tion of Lunars, Uronchitis, AsthmB, Wlioonlni; Conli. Croup, etc, etc It ir. j'leaaant and atcree ble to taste, perfectly safe, and can always be de pended upon. Trial bottles free at Foshav A Mason. Druggists, Saie) Cure tor Xhe Liquor or lum Habits. The East India cure for these awful habits can be given without the patient's knowledge, and is the only known specific for the purpose, it is not injurious in the least degree; manufactured by Emorson Drug Co., San Jose, Cal., and for sale at J. A. Cumming's drug store only. French Tansy Wafers. These wafers are for the relief and cure of painful and irregular menBes, and will remove all ob structions, no matter what the cause, and are sure and safe every time. Manufactured by Emerson Drug Co., San Jose, Cal., and for sale at J. A. Cumwing's drag store only. When you want a first-class cor set, call at the Ladies Bazaar and get one of the "B. B'b." Watches, chains and spectacles, specialties at F. M. French's. "Have you seen those lovely lounges at Brink's? They are the prettiest in town, and all his new furni ture is simply elegant." They all say so, and an in spection will prove it. Prices always the low' .rest V O a5S 3 S i IS i t-a a, s "in kS A 3 1 k Aa VHYDOYOU COUGH? D you know tliat a little cough is a dangerous i thing? Are you aware that itoftt'n fastpns: on tlu'luiigsand far tooofton runs into Con-! HUiuption andfiiils 111 Death ? rootdcHlifrpr-; iug 1 nun Asthma, Uronchitis, rncuiiKinia: and Consumption will all tell vou that .' "IT STARTED WiTH fl COLD"! Can vou atfonl to nctrhft it? Can vou! Wii'trillo with st wrious a inattir? Are you' that ; MS RED CROWN MILLS MOM. LA.N.M Jk ., Props NEW PROCESS FLOUR. (Superior for Family and Baker's use) Best Siorage Facilities t"H!;lic8t cash price aid for wbct"W 4.LBANY - OREGON FIRST NATIONAL BANK T1RANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING RESIDENT L. FLISN. . lCK PRESIDENT S. K TOC.NO. i-iUIKR E. W. LA:-'G)0N. 1 S. E. Yotnca, L FLnrs L,,;C BLAIM, C r. Sox. E. W Laxqdon Cashier, Albany Nurseries. WE HAVE ON HAND AT OUR nursery on the Corvallis road, one half mile from town, as fine a lot of Fruit Trees of all kinds as can be found anywhere on the coast. If you contemplate planting trees, it will pay to see our stock and get our prices and catalogue free. HYMAN & BROWNELL. Pension, Postal, Land and Indian Depredation Claims. LAW OK KICK or ESAKIH EtimU OF CLAIMS, Under the management of W. R. HEARST, Ed. & Tpop. S. F. Daily Examiner, JOHN WEDDERBURN, Manager, 018 F. Street, Northwest, . Washington, D. C. Will practice in the supreme court of the United States, the court of claims, the several courts of the District of Columbia, before committees of congress, and the executive departments. We obtain pensions and patents, Indian depredation claims and all classes of land claims, mining, pie emption and homestead cases pros ecuted before the general land of fice, department of the interior and the supreme court. REVERE HOUSE, ALBANY, OR. CBA8 Pfeiffer, Prop. Only flrst-eclass house n the city. Largo sample rooms 'for com? mercial men. No Chinamen employed in the kitchen. General stairs oSJr Oorrallis. i PHYSICIANS W1 B. DAVIS, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND m.sKon. Can be toond at hi oOos room tn Straban's block, First street. Albany Oregon c. C. KELLY. PHYSICIAN AND 4UB- '. freon Albany. Oregon, ofBos n Pierce' new block. Office hours, from 8 A. M. tof T. U. AJ. ROSSITER, VETERINARY 8UR . fteon. graduate of Ontario veteriaary colleae and me ber ol the Ontario veterin ary medical society, Is prepared to treat the diseases of all domesticated animals oa scientific principles. Office at Ana alarahall'a livery stable Residence 4th and Calapooia streets, Albany, Oregon. c U. HAM BERLIN, M. D., HomoJpalhie Physician, office at Dr. Wallace a old stand, Broadalbin street. Office hours, 7 to a a. ins ana o to s r. M. DRO. A. WHirNEY, PHYSICIAN AND surgeon . Gradnate of BelleTos Hospi tal Medical College, New York City. Diseases of women a specialty, Offlee Id foster block ATTatJET C1EO. E. CHAMBERLAIN ATTORNEY r ai-law will practice ic all the courts of the state. Special attention given to mat ters in probata and to collections, oAce in Klinn block. G1 EO. W. WRIGHT, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW f and Notary Pubdc. Will practice in all the courts of thia atate. Office, front rooms over Bank of Oregon, Albany, Oregon. DR. N. BLACKBURN, ATTORNEY AT Law, Albany Oregon. Office in Odd rUow a Temple. Will practice in all courts ot the state, and give special attention to at. 'Murines, exeept the county court ol Lino cuuuty. II E WITT & IRVINE, ATTORNKYS-AT 11 Law. win practice in all the courts o the elate. Office in Flinn'a block, firs w, t. susjtsT. j. w Basra 1 URNY A DRAPER, ATTORNEYS XJ at law, Oregon City, Oregon. Twen ty years experience as register of thj U. 8. Land Office at Oregon City and in the land practice recommends us in our specialty business before the Land Office or the eouru and involving the practice in the general Land Office. a C.WATSON, attorney-at-law, Albany , Oregon. Offlee in Strahan block. JN. DUNCAN ATTORNEY-AT LAW . and notary public. OUce in the Strahan muck, rooms No. I and 2. OLVERTON CHARLES E. ATTORNEY at Law. Albany. Or am. in rnnm 1 and 14 Foster's Block, over L. K. Blaio's tore. JK. WEATHERFORD, ATTCRNEY AT . law, Albany, Oregon. Oft in the Funn Block. Will practice a all the courts of th estate, and give specia. attention vj mil vusiiiuh. JAMES P. MEAD, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW and title examiner. Albany. Or. -Will practice in all the emirta ftt Oi mt-tm a u stracta of title furnished on short noal Ten years experience. FOR 8 ALU BY ALL DRUGGIST!. "Some months ago? I purchased box of Dr. J. P. Gill's Catarrh Cure for my own Hise. but finding my nephew, C. A, McMahan. needing such jaedi cine, I let faim have my box of tnedl. cine. He now sends for three more boxes, saying- it is the best thing for caisrrti ever iriea oy mm and. his friends. I got another box to use in my rase, and cheerfully recommend It toothers. (Signed). JOHN McMAHAN, Ex-County Commissioner Lane Co. Oregon, Springfield. Lane county, Oregon. Prof J, W, Johnson, president of the State university, says It cured him of a cough after two other prescriptions had failed. Likewise two of his little girls used It tocure their coughs. .Mrs Mark 2ailey, wife of Prof. Bailey, sent it to Prof. Johnson, and reeom mends it to all who suffer from colds and coughs. For coughs it acts like a c barm, and can ba inhaled Into the jipcs or passages, where no other coua;h cures can reach. Your Good Health Depends on the condition of your Stomach and Liver These make your Blood good or bad. Moore's Revealed Remedy Is the greatest of natural tonics for the Stomach and Liver. It reg ulates loth surely and perfectly. Are you billious? Are you constipated? One teaspoonful of MOORE'S REVEALED REMEDY will give you relief. C. II. Beese, a well-known Seat tle druggist, says Moore's Reveal ed Remedy cured him of Severe Billious Headaches. Sold by all druggists. TAKE THE CAB FROM SCHMEER'S STABLES RATES: To any part ol the city, 60 e-Ht For calling, first hoar $1.60, tWh subsequent hoarf L SeaffifaSoits TAILOR MADE Fok-Sudi r-:-iVejrj Cost no more made of apod material than ready made ill-fitting garments. W. P. CRAHAM, The Merchant Tailor, has in stock the finest 'ine of spring and summer suit ings ever brought to Alba ny, including diagonals, cheviots and plaids. He has also a beautiful line of pants goods in any etyle desired. Call and see if it is not true. Reliable Men Wanted as traveling salesmen fer a first-slass Cigar Company. Most give good references. F. O. p. CIGAR CO., Salem, N. C. so rou w.tOT im fkss? If so oall on I. BEAM He delivers his roods to anv part of the city free of charge. Fresh vegetables every day. sCa Nothing but the best ket at I. BEAM'S, 2d st , cor. Jackson and Jefferson. An order for 200.000 pounds of wool has been received by A. len ders, who will pay the highest rnrrket price. Bring yonr wool to him in Albany, and get your money. At my kiln one mile east of town. or delivered anywhere in the citv. W. C. CaSSELL. SECRET SOCIETIES. McPherann Piat Nn K n A n Stated meetings at the O. A. K. Hall on tee second and PourUi Friday evenings of each monrh. iruM xnraaee are oorul y invited to meet with as J. K. WHITING, B. F. Tislsb, Commander Adlutant. , O. U. W. Safety Lodg No. IS; meets ever tfnnH&v MMnln. V. a k hall on Ferry street, between Second and rhird. Albany, Oregon. 8tranrera in she city and transMnt brethren cordially invited toatter.d. Male of reajB-lB Depart anent The board nf rnmnrilaainnna the sale of school and university lands and for the investment of the funds arising therefrom of the State of Ore gon, hereby invite sealed appliea tions to purchase the following de scribed lands to-wit: AU of the donation land claim situ ated in sections 15. 16, 21 & 22, in lownsnip iz oouw Kange 1 Wen; known aid described on the govern ment surrevs aa thn ta,uiat in and claim of John W". Moot e and wife be ing noimcaiion no. JOW saving there from 18 acres sold JlNlh conUinlng acres. Also beginning; 19 chains West of the North East eornerof the Northwest quarter sso. uuu i in lownsnip Vi Boulh Ksnffs I West running thence east 30 chains (hence South 40 chains, tbenee Wes 30 chains, thence North 40 chains to the beginning,conUining 120 acres all situated In Linn county, State of Ore gon and containing in all 4'itf acres more or less. Applications will be opened at a regular meeting of said board to be held Tuesday the 14th, dy of July W, at 2 o'clock p. m. The right to reject any and all bids is reserved by the board. Salem, Oregon, June 1, 1891. NAPOLEON DAVIS. Clerk of the Board. Assignee's Notlee), NOTICE IS HEREBr blTE that Gee, Wa, Jim, Gaw, and Nanev Weatfall partners doinir busine under the him name of Kwonir, Woo, Kee. Company insolvent debtors in Albany on the 13th day of June lftl, made a general assignment to the undersigned for the benefit of all the-.r creditors. All persons havinr claims wtli present the sam ) duly verified to the undersigned at the bank of Ore, gon, Albany, Oregon, within thre months from the date hereof Juns 15 1861. Jat W. Blaiv, L. H. Mostatnk, Assignee, Attorney for Assignee. Buy yonr spectaclea aod glasses at F. M. French's, and have yonr eyes tested aod yom glaaaet properly fitted. Clsrsea from as cents to $30. mm Woo ralel Brick for Sale