MOROTtfG HERALD; FKHJA7, JULY 10. 1891. Kevere Cold Are Brakes In MoiUia. rp From the Virginia City, Mont M-tdisonian. When we find a medicine we know to possess genuine merit' we consider it a duly, and we take pleasue in telling the public what it is. Such a medicine we found Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, last winter, when la grippe was prevailing. We are satisfied that it warded off aeveial attacks that were threatening by the use of your syrup, and we have since relieved, in a tew hours, severe coids. add in the course of two or three days, entirely broken them ud by its use as have several of our friends whom we have recom mend it. It in all that it is repre seated to lie by he manufacturers. If you have a cough and want to stop it, Chamberlain's Cough Kemedv will do the work. For ale by Foshay A Mason. Take the Union Pacine railway for tha Kast. thirtv-tive hours miieker thn anv other transcon tinental line. Klegant new dining cars, Pullman pal.tce sleepers, free family sleeping cars ruu through t, iK-nver. O nana. Council Blurts, Kansas iliiy, -St. LiuU and Chi (i. Uawliiik's. city ticket ageut, footoi iiroilaibin street. I.Utle OlKiit ut I'owles' Rnta l.nvs misses ttlld child reu's shoes diiferent styles all sues au i widths mauk houb all TiiRouiiii. Try a pair n-jthmg better medium in price. Every pair warranted. i Samuel E. Coraetl CorieMl v itioUh a -necialtv of I lee .niua.-H tine corsets and w its W'e have a drive in a Fnch .atn mrset at 75 cents. xtra good value. Samuel E. Y no. The Uulun inclUo. Is the only line running two fast trains daily from Portland to Omaha, St. Paul, Kansas City, Chicago, St. Louis and all point East aud South. Buy your tickets of O. t. Bawlings, foot oi Broau albin street, Albany. It you want a dur.uue monu ment g to E. VV. AchUon. who are haudliug nothing but the best grades. Fies'i milk bread at (ioetz Bros. For an elegant and perfect fitting corset call at the La lie Bazaar. Inquire for the "B. B." Slejilesd nights, m ide miserable by tnat terrible coug i, Shiloh's Cure is the remedy lor you. For sale by Foshay A Mason. Catarrh cured, health and sweet breath secured, by Shiloh s Cat arrah remedy, price 50 cents. Nasal iuject.r iree, sold by Foshay A Mason. Tint sour-tempered, cross, dys peptic individual, should take Dr. J. 11. McLean's Sarasapard a! It will make him feel as wed and heart.; as the healthiest of us. He need-t" bracing u;, vitalizing, tiiat is all. Call and see the new line of gingham wrappers jual received at the Ladies Bazaar. Vegetable fro.u Linn county gardens, received every morning at Parker Bios. Black sateen blouses and sal or waists at the Ladies Bazaar. Julius liradwohl, proprietor ot th ti.ild.-n Kuie Bazaar, inlorma us that lie will add to his aireauy large ousiiie.-s a complete line ol such hard are -n-l family groceries, l'ne a es ol his Gulden Kule teas anil baking powder is steadily increasing- 11 U tne elegant pr.zea goods. e.ill Keeps with these FAIR WARNING. A HOT WAVE WILL OVERTAKE ALl DFLIM OUEMI TAXPAYERS WHO 00 NOT HEED THIS. This man thinks it is hot. but Sheriff Scott proposes to make it much more tropical for him and all other delinquent taxpayers un less ther settle up at once. He has hail published for several weeks the following advertise ment, but the delinquents ar still procrastinating: TO DKLINOTKXT TAXPAVEKRS By onler ol the c inty conn I m diwUtl to forr th rj'.l-tion o all ttn aUndmir nniHi.1 nn h M.Mlltflli inllnof ttlttt -Otllll V II mi -h taxea re not iil tumiMliatrly I j hall pr.f! to levy inn anil ell til yroirtv ol ilelimitlenis l m;iRe e i ieiii jii. mean bu ines. 1 M tt. Kheiiflol Linu CouutT. Now he proposes to enforce the collection of all unpaid taxes. It is not pleasant business, but the duty of his office compels him to do so, and delinquents should pay up immediately if they wish to avoid a legal process and enjoy peace of mind, a this is positively ihe last call, after which will begin the tire work. ASSIGNEES HOTICE. v..n. liMrehv iriven bat Cie . W, Smith ol Albany, l.iim bounty .Or. haf made aicn ment ol all hi. property. bth.":lU JTlT i i th nmlera irned lor the beutnt 01 -alitor. All xx-TMM harln claim ..!-. tha aal.l Geo. W. Smith, ar hereby req.leJte.1 to prent the aame .1 .....i.r.ivnr.1. at the oBice uf Cha. K. wni..ruu. in the city ol Albany. Oregon, on or before three montmliom thiadate. Dated at Albany thi. 20th day ol May, 1S91. Anljfnee ol Geo. W, Smith, an Insolvent Can, if. woiviaros, Atty lorae, w Ladles Fine Shoe. I make a specialty of handling ladies tine shoes. I carry some of the best brands made in fine and netliuin grades in widths from A to EE. All warranted goods; no trash, and will repair any pair of thoes of any kind sold that will rip or break. Samuel E. Young. Ell'irKMEKT run high in this city over System Builder as every body is using it lor Catarrh of the Stomach, Dyspepsia Constipation, Impure blood and to build up their system, lry u anu tell your friends about it, as it must possess wonderful merit when ail speak well of it. Special Notice. Ladies or gentlemen who con temolate buvintr trold watches will find it to their advantage to call at F. M. French 8 jewelry store be fore Durchatimr. as there has been auite a reduction in prices. The Corner jewelry store. New Sprint Goods. I a:n now receiving my first in voices of SDrine novelties in wash iroods. Drints.trinishain seersuckers, Htc.. also itist received a new line of all wool summer plaids and beiges. Samuel E. Youno. Fire KlnUlem. If you want a good and easy fire kindler, one hat will kindle your lire easy everv time. Callou or come aud see me. A. J. Fox. One Half Dollar Reduction on every nairof Lud lows Fine Shoes. A goodline of them at Samuel E. Young's. BUSINESS LOCALS. Ilulin A Dawson, druggists. French keeps railroad time. Vienna bread at the Delmonico. Conn & Hendr.cson, grocers. Bread of all kinds fresh at Goetz Bros. Fresh vegetables every morning from Linn county gardens at Parker Bros. For a surprise, look at the mil linery window at the La lies Bazaar. That hacking coiiirh can be so quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. W'e guarantee it. Sold by Foshay A Mason. Lawn sprinkleis, Matthews A Va9hbnrn, garden hose, Matthew A Washburn, lawn mowers, Matth ews A Washburn, pumps, Matth ews A Washburn, bath tubs, Matthews A Washburn, water closet-i, Matthews A Washburn, gasoline stoves, Matthews A Wash burn, the best of everything Matthews & Washburn. Some of tne test styles of ele gant bed lounges can be seen at Fortmiller & lrving's, as they have just received a large invoice. Buy gasoline stoves from Mat thews A Washburn. New sprirg novelties in dress goods and dress silks, in colors and black in great variety at Samuel E. Young's. Buy your gasoline stoves ol Hopkins Bros. Shiloh's Cure and consumption cure is sold by us on a guarantee. It cures coneumption. For sale by Foshay & Mason. Thomas Brink has received a I stock of baby carriages which he is offering at prices as low as the lowest, and they are first-class goods. New and complete stock ol spectacles and eye glas-es just re ceived at F. M. French's. Every pair fitted by Johnston's Patent eye-meter, every pair fully war ranted to lit. Every grocer, druggist and sa loon man should keep Coronado mineral water on hand. It will le called fer, as it is the best. John Isom Jr., sole agent. Allen's do their own delivering, ' carefully and promptly. A large line of children's sun bonnets, school hats, white aprons and dresses just received at the Ladies Basaar. Something nice in coffees at Allen Bros. They run their own delivery wagon, and deliver gooda promptly, Ieave' your orders for dressed chickens at Allen Bros. ChaDfe of Business. Notice is hereby given that Mueller A Garrett have sold to E. J. I, aiming their entire business, goods, wares, merchandise, book accounts, fixtures, e'c. Parties in debted to said firm will please call and Bettle at once with E. J. Lan ning. to whom all accounts are payable. All outstanding indebtedness will be settled by Mueller A Gar rett. iMCKlXER A Gakrett, E. J. Lanning. All any, May 25. 1891. Important to Housekeepers. It gives Julius Gradwhol great satisfaction in selling his tine Golden Kule teas and baking powder, with elegant prizes or without them, Unit Ins customers who have purchased invariably re turn and say tiiey are well pleased, that the tea is No. 1 and the bak ing nowdcr is as irood as the best. All Ids teas and bakinu powder bears the name of julius Grad whol's Golden Kule Bazaar, and are espressly put up for his busi ness, and he still continues to give with each pound of tea or baking powder an elegant piece of glass ware. Notice to I'atrons. Albany Or. May 30 1891. I have this day made arrange ments with Messrs Knapp Burrell A Company of Albany. To furnish all patrons with Deering Binders Please call at once. Also arrange ments are made with them fore verything in the farm impliment line including twine. Mart Miller, Financial Agent. v . "e G.L. tlllil in ; 1 Also carries the finest lines ol Pianos & Organs IN THE WILLAMETTE VALLEY. CALL AND EXAMINE HIS STOCK. ODD FELLOWS TEMPLE, ALB.4NY, OREGON. jnCTXiircrs Manufacturer of -AND DKALER IN- Cigars Plug and Smoking Tobaccos, Meerschaum aud Briar Pipes, M full line o' Smokers' Articles. Ne r ot to Pffeiffer's candy store, Albany, Oregon, Once AVo wisli to remind you that wis ear- the most Completes Joints oi 1-J ard- rv ware, Stoves a .d 3ian-es in the Val IeV MATTHEWS & WASHBURN. FEED -:- AjnI WANTED SPKCIA LI.Y- Hay, rats Mid lotatur, to supply Biistome .c the Oregon I'acinc Railroad extension and my increasing home trade fcr I gt-11 in qnantiticb to suit the purchasers. Store in Stralian llrick, Second street R. M. ROBERTSoN. lnp5T ake "immons Liver Regulator One D ose W0tTM ioo Dollars. Dia S. L. R: I consider one dne Ira monfl Liver Renulator worth 9IM. war constipated, hal Heailache, could eat oth In ir with satisfaction or appetite ha the blues, and felt altogether out of sorts. 1 re sorted to Blue Mass, Calomel, Quinin , and every remedy suggested, but only nhlained temporary relief. One dose of S L R did m more good than fjllM worth of doctors an dxtoring. Kesp'y, J C Martin. I have heen a teacher for twenty rears, and during that time have hail lepeated attack90f headache, produced by torpid Liver, and have been entirely cu cd by Simmons Lirei Regulator. I foun t to be of so mild i character in Its a tion not to Interfere, In the least with my duti tin the school room. To those similar situ? t d and subject to the same, I cannot i higt recommend Sim mons Liver Regulator. E, E. Cnui rampl ellivllle K). Blackman, DEALER IN Druffs, Paints, Oils, Perfumery AND TOILET ARTICLES) And a full line of Books, Stationery, Periodicals. Preacriotions Carefully Comoounded. crosE:pnBL, Choice Cigars STORE atST There act QUARTER tletl in lia ker comity Ore-Hi" tfon. near whatUl M la now Baker City. apCIJTIIRV man who han HinutUkCn I Uil I become itlentiricd with the rcsuiirrofl anililevelupnieiit of that country. 7 tin :AG0 man m no other than Mr. John Stewart, one of the wealthiest ami most intlm-utkU citieno in the county. In a recent letter he say: "I hul heen sulTcriiiK from jaiii in my lack anil general kidney enmpl-tint tor hoiiiu time, ami ha! urteil many reinttiicH wifheut arn hut temporary relief. The mins in tnj hack hal become so severe th it I waa -reentc. from attending to my work ami eould not move without the w: of a cuit. Hearing, through a frfend, of the wonderful cure ef foil by Oregon Kidney Tea, I watt induced to try a box, and from that ve'v tint dose I ft.und iiiHtant relief, ami bi f.ire 11-in ball j i he cmtents of the box the pxhiH in n y bat K j entirely disappeared I have eery f dtli in the virtues of the Oregon Kidney Tea, and ran conttctentiouHly recommend it to my friemlH. I would not be without it for anj thiftK.' Oreiton Kidney Tea cure headache, incon tinence of urine, brick uut m-dniKiit, bun. ingnr painful sensation uhile uiinattiig, ami all afTcetions of the kidney or urinary organs of either sex. Wealth ! IV K. C. West't nerve nrnl brain treatment , a gun r inteed epecitlc for hysteria, diiczinew tits, ht-iai'hc, ner vuus prontratioo caused by trie Une of alcohol or tobacco, softening of bniin result iiiK' in innanit ami leading to niitt ery. decay ai.ri lost of power in either 8tx Kach Utx cm tains one in mth's treatment. One dol lar a box, or six box es for Ke dollani. sent by mail pro pajd on receipt id price. Guarantee iwiieil only by J. A. Cumminpt, druKiHt wle agent, Albany. Oregon. 500 REWARD We will pay the alwvc reward; for any cam of liver complaint, ilysjK-nnia, uk huulai-he, indigention, constiati('n or coHtivenem we cannot cure with West's liver pilln, when tl ilirection arc strictly complied with. Thoj are pui elv vcgelahlo and never fail to give itiHfotion. Iirge boxes, cot taining 3u pills, 2.rj ccntfl. The genuine maiiufacturisd only by the Jnhn V. West coinirauy, Chicago Illinois. Sold by J. A..Cummiugii, druggist Albany, Oregon. JOHN SCHMEER'S Livery, Feed ft Sale stable Corner Second and EUxworth St ALBANY. OIWGOb TTomiM aoaRDRD hy the day or month Car j O riages or buggies on reasonable terms vtini NEW FEEDJ5T0RE! HAY, OATS AND CHOP FEED Always on hand. Atao Lime, Plaster& Cement. Come to the corner of Water and Ferry sts. for all kinds of Feed, P. W. KPINK. Albany, Or. Health is 'lily OH. MAMMA HE CARRIES A FULL STOCK REMEVI8ER T E PL4CE. - - 0 A -2 5"? ( a U)U Si B e to " M l ! itt I o you know thinly Are on the lungs 3k DC "2 - x .S2 7?: e- s Sac j f 2 ft w Bi 5 w i a 2 S 3 y"5-Sy5is.- "t&.: s Bt III I DS.. ACKER'S ENCU8H REMEDY : for Couglw, Colds and Consumption is beyond question the greatest of S SallMcxIernReraedies? It will stop a Cough in one night. It will check j ; a Cold in a day. It will prevent Croup, relieve Astlima and cure Con i sumption if taken In time. You can't afford to be without it." A 25c. j A ON Manufacture steam engines, grist and saw mil. machinery, in off jnta all kinds of heavy and light work in iron and brass castings, tion paid to repairing all kinds of machinery. Patterns made A COSTEL, President. P LING RAN, Secretary, JOHN HOLM AN lust Itecelvert. I have juat received my Rpring stock of Hiazer jackets, Rufess accordian plaited caies and beaded capa in the latest styles. Ladies will do well to examine my stock before purchasing elsewhere. G. V. Simpson. CALIFORNIA POSITIVE AND NECATIVE ELECTRIC I INAMENT n L CURE1 CATAUUII, KHEUMATISM, Neuralgia, Corna. Headache, and ail pain. Tlie Califor nia jKisitive and negative E L E U T R I C COUGH C U It E, cures colds, croup, consump ttion. Sold by all druggist". Each 25c. 50c. and $1. Creas inger A Co., Propa., Ixa Ange les, Cal. BANK OF OREGON, ALBANY, OREGON. H- F. Meri'.l, ?., J- LanniD?, V. J. W. B!s n. Cashier. Tninwtsa encral lianking tiumem. Kxi hiii 'e boinjlit aod sold on all the pnn-i-iliil citii-s "f the United SUtes, also, Great liritain. Kram-e and Germany. Unl'euliona at all areessible pointa made on f;i' oralle t-riiis. hilircst paid 'n time deKsits. FOSHAY & Wholesale and MASON ReUil AI.B." ORCOON A !FK IXESTMET. 7s one wliicli'ia iriiarantced to brinR you -iatisfn -txry result, or in case of "fiiilurrt a return of purchase price, On tnis Bute plan you can buy from our i.lycrli'ed druiriciHts a bottle of Ur Kind's New Uscovery for Con suinidioti. Jt is riiarntced to britifC relief in every case, when used for any atlection of Throat. Luntrs, or Cliot, sueli as Consumption, Inflama tion of Luntrs. Broncuitisj AsthraB, Wlioopinir CoukIi. Croup, etc, etc It i" jjleajiaiit and afreet ble to taste. DL-rfi-ctly safe, andean always be de pended upon, Trial bottles fre at Fosl ay A Mason, Druggists, Important Notice. From and after this date I will sell my dry goods for 50 cents on the dollar. My gents furnishing stock will be sold at greatly re duced rates, such as 75 cent neck ties for 50 cents ; $1.50 underwear for ft.OO per suit, $3.00 underwear for $2.50 per suit ; $6.00 silk shirts for$L75; $4,50 black silk shirts for $3.50, and everything in pro portion. My large stock of shoes at reduced rates to reduce stock before removal. E. C. Searleb. June 3, liWh Sam Goetz's fancy pastry, cakc-s and bread, fresh every morning, at len Bros. "Havej you seen those lovely lounges at Brink's? They are the prettiest in town, and all his new furni ture is simply elegant." They all say so, and an in spection will prove it. Prices always the lowest. OF NICE FURNITURE. - OPPOSITE OPE Hi H OUS co a tm 3 CO Ml J 3 H P5 M S. 2 23 o-f 3 i VHYDOYOU COUGH?! that a little coueh isadaneerouSS you aware that it often fastens! and far too often runs into Con-; sumption unri ends in Death ? Teople suffer-; iug from Asthma, Uronchitis, l'liiMimonliit ami Cousuni)tiou will all tell you that "IT STARTED WITH A COLD": Can you aifonl to neglect it? Can you! , trille with so wrious a matter? Are you; aware that ; WOR (S, RED CROWN MILLS ISOM. LAIS; A t o., Prop. NEW PROCESS FLOUR. (Superior tor Family and linker's use) Best Storage Facilities (-Highest cash price aid for wbeatli 4.LBANY - OREGON FIRST BiflONALBAHK TRANSACTS A BUSiA'ESb. OEZXAL BANKING RESIDENT L. FLISS. 'ICK PRESIDENT 8. K YOUNO. villi ER E. W. LAGON. DIEECTOES s S. E. Yotma, L, JL. Blaik, L Fuit!i K. K. Sol. E W LN910N Cashier, Albany Nurseries. WE HAVE ON HAND AT OUR nursery on the Corvallis road, one half mile from town, as fine a lot of Fruit Trees of all kinds as can be found anywhere on the coast. If you contemplate plantipg trees, it will pay to see our stock and get our prices and catalogue free. HYMAN & BKOWXELL. Pension, Postal, Land and Indian Depredation Claims. LAW OFFICES OF EM1NSR BUREAU OF CLAIMS, Under the management of W- R. HEARST, Ed. A Prop. S. F. Daily Examiner, JOHN WEDDERBUUN, Manager, , 018 F. Street, Northwest, Washington, D. C. Will practice in the supreme court of the United States, the court of claims, the several courts of the District of Columbia, before committees of congress, and the executive departments. We obtain pensions and patents, Indian depredation claims and all classes of land claims, mining, pie emption and homestead cases pros ecuted before the general land of fice, department of the interior and the supreme court. REVERE HOUSE, ALbANY, OR.-CHA8 Pfeiffer. Prop. Only flrst-eclaas house n the city. Largo (ample rooms for eotoj merdal men. No Chinamen employed in the Kiscnen. wenerai ne omr corvallis. PHYSIC) ASS WJL DAVIS, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND su.geon. Can be found at his office room in Stratum's block, First street, Albany Oregon- C-CKELLY, PHYSICIAN AND iUR . geon Albany, Oregon, offlce D Pierce' new block. Othce hours, from 8 a. M. toj r. it. AJ. KOSS1TER, VETERINARY 8UR . geon, graduate of Ontario veterinary college and me ber of the Ontario veterin ary medical society, is prepared to treat the diseases of all domesticated animal on scientific principle. Office at Ant Marshall' livery (table Residence 4th and Calapoo street, Albany, Oregon. CU. HAMBERLIN, M. D Physician, office at Dr. , Homcepathic Wallace' old stand, Broadalbin street. Offlce hours, 7 to l to s ana o to e r. DRG. A. WHITNEY, PHYSICIAN AND surgeon. Graduate of Bellevue Hosol- tal Medic- College, New York City. Diseases of women a specialty. Office in Foster block ATTOBXET at-law will practice ir ail the courts ot the state. Special attention given to mat ters in probate and to collections, oslne in ruuu block. 1EO. W. WkUlIIT, ATTOKNEY-AT-LAW VJT and Notary Pub ic. wm practice in all the cojrts of tliis a tale, Olhce, front fwms over ISauk of Oregon, Albany, Oregon, DR. N. BLACKBURN, ATTORNEY AT a Law, Albany Oregon, office in Odu r how'j Temple. A ill practice in all oourtt Jt the rtate, and give special attention to al lUKinesf, except the county euurt of Linn cuuuiy. ir ErtllT & IRVINE. ATIORNEVSA1 Law. ill pra:tice in all the courts o the state. Ott'.ce in r linn's block, I-irs trett. W. T. BIRNKT. i. W DUHt URN Y A DRAPER, ATTORNEYS at law, Oregon City, Oregon. Twen ty years experience as register of tha U. S. anu umce at Oregon City and in the land practice recommend us in our specialty ousiness before the Laud Ofnoe or the court and involving the practice in the general na umce. HC. WATSON, attorney-at-law, Albany , Oregon. Office in Stratum block. J. N. DUNCAN ATTORNEY-AT LAW and notary public Otic is the Stratum block, rooms No. 1 and . WOLVERTON CHARLES E. ATTORNEY at Law, Albany. Or. Office in room IS and 14 Foster' Block, over L. E. Blain's (tore, JR. WEATHFRFORD, ATTORNEY Al . law, Albany, Oregon. Oft in the Minn Block. Will practice n all the courts of thestate, and give specia. atteutioo to an uusiueea. JAMES P. MEAD, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW and title examiner, Albany, Or. Will practice in all the court of the state. Ab stract of title furnished on short notice. Ten years experience. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. "Some months ago? I ourchaeed a box of Dr. J. P. 3ill' Catarrh Cure for my own ue. but finding; my nephew, (J. A, McMahan. needing such nedi cine, I let him have my box of medi cine. He now eeods for three more boxee, saying- it is the best thing for catarrh ever tried by him and bie friends. I got another box to use in my rase, and cheerfully recommend it toothers, (Signed), JOHN McMAHAN, Ex-County Commissioner Lane Co, Oregon, Springfield, Lane county, Oregon. Prof J, W, Johnson, president of the State university. ays it cured him ol a cough after two other prescriptions hid failed. Likewise two of hi little girls used It to cure their coughs. Mrs Mark Bailey, wife of Prof. Bailey, sent it to Prof. Johnson, and reeom mends it to all who suffer from colds and coughs. For coughs it acts like acharm, and can ba inhaled into the jlpes or passages, where no other cough cures can reach. Your Good Health Depends on the condition of your Stomach and Liver These make your Blood good or bad. Moore's Revealed Remedy Is the greatest of natural tonics for the Stomach and Liver. It reg ulates both surely and perfectly. A re you billious? Are you constipated? One teaspoon ful of MOORE'S REVEALED REMEDY will give you relief. C H. Keese, a well-known Seat tle druggist, says Moore's Reveal ki) Kemkdv cured him of Severe Billious Headaches. Sold by all druggists. TAKE THE CAB rates: To any part of the city 50 Qppt For calling, first hour $1.50, i.Ucli anbfleqnent hourf 1. FROM SCHMEER'S STABLES TAILOR MADE For-:-Sooimcr-:-llrear, Cost no more made of good material than ready made ill-fitting garments. W. P. CRAHAM, The Merchant Tailor. bas in stock the finest 'ine of spring and summer suit ings ever brought to Alba ny, including diagonals, cheviots and plaidp. He has also a beautiful line of pants goods in any style desired. Call and see if it is not true. Reliable Men Wanted as traveling salesmen for a first-class Cigar Company. Muf t give good references. F. 0. B. CIGAR CO., Salem, N. C so to? want :m nm i If bo call on LBEAM lie delivers his goods to any Part of the city free of charge, 'resh vegetables every day.- jarXothing DUt the best kept at I. BEAM'S, 2d et., cor. Jackson and Jefferson. An order for 200.000 pounds of wool has been received by A. Slen ders, who will pay the highest mrrket price. Bring yonr jrool to him in Albany, and get your money. At mv kilo one mile east of town, or delivered anywhere in the city. W. C. CaSELL. SECRET SOCIETIES. McPherson Poat No. 6, 1. A. K. Stated meetings at the O, A. it. Hall on tne second and Fourtn Friday evenings of each monrh. transient Comrades are cord!, y invited to meet with us J. K. WHITING, B. F. Tan., Commander Adjutant. , O. U, W. Safety Lodge Ko. 18; meets l every Monday eieuine; at tlie G. A. K. hall on Ferry street, between Second and Third. Albany, Oreiron. Strangers in the city and transient brethren cordially invited to attend. Mate of Orrgop Ijind Department The board of coinroissioncs for the sale of sen Jol acd university land and for the investment of the fund arising therefrom of the State uf Ore gon, hereby invite sealed applica tions to purchase the following de scribed lands to-it: All of the donation land claim situ ated in sections 15. It, 21 iZ, in' Township 12 South lUnge 1 et known a"d described on the govern ment surveys as the Donation Land claim of John V. Mooie and wife bc- ine notification No. 'K)9 savinc there from 18 acres sold to Jacob NJ.wma containing 300 acres. Also beginning 10 chains West of the North East corner of the Northwest quarter sec. tion 21 in Township 12 South Kanire 1 West running thence east 30 chains thence South 40 chains, tbenee Wes 30 chains, thence North 40 chains to the beginning,containing 120 acres all situated in Linn county, State of Ore gon and containing in all 420 acre more or less. Applications will be opened at a regular meeting of said board to be held Tuesday the 14th, diyof July l&H, at 2 o'clock p. m. The right tn reject any and all Ud6 is reserved by the board. Salem, Oregon, June 1, 1891. NAPOLEON DAVIS. Clerk of the Board. Assignee' Notice, NOTICE IS IIEKEBf oIVEV that Gee, frV), Jim, ii aw, and Na' ry West fall partners doinjf under the liim name of Kwonir, Woo, Kee, Company insolvtut debtors in Albany on the 13th day of June 1V.M, made a general assignment to the undersigned for the benefit of all the r creditors. All persons having claim w hi present the (am J duly verified to the undersigned at the bank of Ore gon, Aljany. Oregon, within thrc months from the date hereof June 15 1991. Jai W. Bliv, L. II. Montatnb, Assigne. Attorney for Assignee. Buy your epectacles and ere glasses at F. M. French's, add have your eyos tested and your glasses properly fitted, laftea bxMa Si ents U mm Woo Wanted Brick for Sale - .-. J