.fwh Si I ' San ;- , 1 C K A WKKK. SO siT-b KTV. Chr country. . Illit A J Ire i ( , .-neta' b mae ..-'asa help IICU. It 1- eu t UK' Ki T.. ' ..- .ut ' lj wwk. N ie ap.ly, C-II at Ur cat- on Krr 'r evy thim; oKtve'i.n. I- or iir- F ul urn in-iuire I K.H uik. root SVWISO l Hi' mi the an. rent Or.le aletiit lr, a will lie roniptlj atteidul tr. W. Nr r.i.Y. 1 ) .T V'nir ch I t. - ih.- .h j tx lor T.-j"rH are re me e 1 1 rt pr-iuiwlit , at i le i n d 'f the c em. 0. U B ir- hart anil iv thr aun. Six led, (X O. Burkhait, cierk. C1 B. WISH, AukXT ruK fH UkAi In Bra, We and accident lnan no win nanies en 1 AWE Off LtNU All flt for culti 111(1 vUion. ard nnlur fan.. lor tle lo per a re, -Within I J mi ca fmin railroad at vU m aiil 10 milua Ir jui Altuny Applv this office. Cl.!l WA ha removed h a laiimtry to tht O iron h u the co. -.er o( Second an. I Lyon atreet. o4lrr In larblor. A'l th He in le .te I t the late firm of Thom;- J; O.-rumi are requested to call at unce and m :',l'e the mine Laad far Male. R. 10, 21, 10. SI acre. eay t 'run, inatall m?ot plan cheto anl liiirti pried Alao a few city lota ad owned by U. Bryant "lfOSEY TO LOAM HOME CAPITAL ON J" I irond real estate security. For particn. lara enquire of Ue. Humphrey. f0:,D RING, 6 OJLO PENS, 8 I'DAR T oeiici.'. 2 very h'ui.lkarehiefit, all aeat to inv addrnM to introduce my ch ap lino o KkU, for 10 eta J d. Siki)N8, CaJii O. La ail ttarTeyla llaansa dhikik suEViTraa domioamob- I tain x-urate nd uroiupt work lv calluu upon ax-county aurrryoi f , T. T. Fisher. He tiaaeornplele cojrtes oi neiu notea ana rnirii hip plata, and la prepare I to do aurvevina; in any part of Linn county, roeiomcr auurew, Miilera Station. Linn cou 1U . Oregon. VV ard hiv!ni; pn hise I the Or 0 M Jone wo xl n Vij outdl. is iior reulv t. d.l al' orders. Lekve unlera at resi.leil e. o' i'l ol S-cwd and ?..laoia H're"), or I lev -e & Kroin in a. FJKISiUO ROOM -4 -In c-n. i Hie me .t ii e t lo :Vivid in 'he it to teit, r" r in-tic ilar i iqurie at hia m e. if not.tr it ana you will use no other fbbaceo. pa-cKe in most convetvient p&cK&e?. FM-5ALE -BTALL-DrAiEKS CITY DRUG STORE 8TAN4RD & C03ICK, Prooi., Pr'EIFr'KK BLOtJK, I ALBVSV. IieleiT In D.1UG3, MEOICINES. CHEMICALS, FANCY and Toilet trti i i, Snonires, Brnnhea, Perfumery, .Shool B-oki, and Ar t'at's Supp lies "Physician's prescrinti o n t carefully compounded. H. OREGG, in Men's and s' clohsif made to nnlar or cleane.l and repaired un .h irt notice and rewwiabln rate-. Shop on the street oar line, lietwcen Third and Fourth atrreta. Nntlcefnr Final Srttlonient. NOTICE IS UKREBy tilVEN THAT the und r itrnol adininitrmor of lu entate of h rlcs W. KMi r, di-i-enaru him Hied his 'ml iu-coiiiit wi h the c unfv ilrrk for Linn rouiity, Oreirmi. and the coun'y rourt h s Hxcil tile :!d d:y of uaust, ts'.H, at the hour of 0110 o'clock i'. M. lor hearing otijfc tioiHtonuid ti mil :icc Mint ami the Bcttlenient of id entile. This the Kill d.iy of .limp, l-.il. (i V. Mavis, J. K. Weatiieuporo. Administrator. Attorney for Administrator. Kollrr la ('Irarfwr. Bi.l will b received up to June 501 h 1S!'1, for the erection of a rublic axhool buildina at Junction City, Lane county, Oreern. The direct ra resene the riitht to accept or re jrtct any or all biila. PiaiH and apeci Icationa may he seen a the residence of I) C. Schell, architect. Alb-m, -r., orat W S. Le'r- druit atjre in Juuciio i Cit. Kids sill be opened at Junction City on the 30th of June at two o'clock r. h. sharp. D. C. Scnrxu Architect Frequently aiTidents, occur in the houne-hold w hich cause burns, sprains and bruises ; for use in hucIi case- Dr. J. II. Mclean's Volcanic Oil Liniment has for many years been the constant ktvoiite family remedy. nmoke th celebrated Havana filled 5-cent igtrs, manufactured at Julius Jom ih'a cigar factory. J inycur pipe? Tailoraf i llepaiiiflf Qsed in Millions of Homes Plai nkibtJD CONSOLIDATION TheClieapeat and I'.t'dt 7 Because the lota are 50x100; because they are ma'de property ; cause thev are all clear nr stuinos. no roots, no rocks: because lanil is elpvated and has a line view of the city ; because they are near (hr-e motor lines not in contemplation, but all no in operation ; Le cause buy no v, to-day, for the 10'h day of next month they will ad vance $25 each ; because they are a snap. Ask those win have seen. Seeing is believing. Are you in it? K. F. ASH BY, Manager, Xo. G5, Washington street, Portland, Oregon. ffc are at Our Spring and Summer Stock complete DRESS GO IDS Very attractive lines in new colorings and latest novelties. SPRING & SUMMER JACKETSI Iit.-st Styles! Hig'i Novelties! FURNISHING GOODS, VKLVKTs! SILKS, SATINS ANP IMJ'SHKS. l.ADlKs' AND MKSKS SILK AND KNIT UXIKKWKAK, OirTON AND WOOL IIOSK, KMBROIDF.UIKS, SILK AND LINR. II AN DK KKC II I K FS. KCAKKS, VKILTNf.S, SHAWLS, ETC. n mil ii in? i i i in iirvni imun Gk W. SIIVEPSON, FIRST STRKKT. ALBANY. OREGON. The Albany A FULL LINE OF UNDERTAKING. MS. M ft BUILDING CO. . - OF SAN FRANf-lSCO OfcB ai Afasolutelv Safe FOR SMALL MONTHLY AMOUNTS. Six dollars per montn will doubling the amount invested in that time. Money loaned on rpal estate security at 6 per cent. For full particu lars apply to S. N. STEELE A CO., Local Atrcnts. i aniette -:- University, -THE ObDEST, LdARGEST & IsEAST EXPENSIVE Institution of learningin the Northwest. 330' students in 1887, -I'.fo in 131)1 an increase of nearly 50 per cent in four years, (iraduates in Art, Business, Classical, Law, Literary, Med ical, Musical, Normal, Pharmaceutical and Scientific courses. Gradu ates from the normal course have all the advantages of graduates from the State Normal schools. Better facilities for teaching next year than ever before. First term begins SEITEMBER 7th. 18:il. For cata logue, vith full inforniation.address Wm. S. ARNOLD, A. M., Salem.Or. Powder: 40 Years the Standard LOTS 1 Huv in the Market. the the Front ! will He found than ever. larger and more WHITE GOODS Anything and everything in l.i'vie a.Mwirtment and end less variety. Luliei. Mise Si Chil lien's. Furniture Co. amount to $1003 in seven years, ALBANY, OREGON, THE l'l LI-IT Al STACJE,; : Rev. F. M. Shrout.Pabtor Tr ited Brethren Church, Blue Mound, Kan., says : "I feel it my duty to tell w hat wonders Dr. King's New Discovery has done for me. Mv Lungs were badly diseased, .and my parishioners thought 1 could live only a few weekR. I took five bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery and ain sound and well, gaining 20 lba. in weight." '. Arthur Love, Manager Five's Funny Folks Combination, wfites : 'After a thorough trial and, con vincing evidence, I am contident Dr. King's New Discovery fo!-Consumption, beats 'em all, ai2i' cures when everything else faiti The greatest kindu;ss.X. pot ' 'y many, tbnami friends iB to uge them to try it.' Free trial hottes at Fofhay it Mason, Drug Store. Regular sizes 5i)c. and $1 W. MIL! KEKVK.V Lit I K I'll IX. Act on a new principle regulu ting the liver, stomach and Wowt'l.-i through the nerves. A new dis covery. Dr. Miles' Pills speedily cure biliousness, bad taste, turpi 1 liver, piles, constipationr L'n equaled for men, women, children, smallest, mildest, surest, ! 5')dosei for 25 cents. Samples . ee, at Stanard tJt Cusick. ii :i; ii r of 4uiii.iv. Nervous women seUlotn recei z the sympathy they deserve. Wh .e often the pictures of health, tli sy are constantly ailing. To wil l hold sympathy from these unft : tunates is the height of ci iu-lt 7. They have a weak heart, caiitfii shortness of breath, llutierir pain in side, weak and hung y spells, and finally swelling' )f ankles, oppiession, chokinr, smothering anil dropsy. L. .Miles' New Heart Cure is jut tl e thing for them. For thMr ne vousness, headache, weakneAl, etc., his. Restorative Nervine is uneijualed. Fine treatise cn "Heart and Nervous Diseases" ane marvelous testimonials fi' e sold and guaranteed by Stanard 5c Cusick. SI'M IHLV ( ASKS. S. II. Clillbrd. New Cafsel, Win., was troubled with Neuralgia s.nd and liheumatism, his Stomach van disordered, his Liver was allettcd to and alarming degree, aiie;ite fell away, atnl he was terrinfy re duced in tlesh and strength. Three bottles of Electric Bitters curvl him. Edward Shepherd, Harrisb -.rg, 111., had a running sore on his leg of eight year3 standing. C jed three bottles of Electric I'.it'.ers and seven boxs of Bucklen's Salve, and bis leg is sound , nd well. John Speaker, Cata hr, )., had five large Fever sores on hie leg, doctors said he was iucural.le. One bottle Electric Bitters and one box Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured him entirely. Sold by Ens hay Mason, Drug store. a msTi.iti rtri tiMii. The pajiers contain frcq -jnt notices of rich, pretty and e iu. i!ad girls eloping with negroes, tra p.- and coachmen. The well-kn rrn specialist, Dr. Franklyn Mj . 39' says all such girls arc more or. i?n hysterical, nervous, very in: : sive, unbalanced ; usually sub to headacne, neuralgia, sleep, ness, immoderate crying or lai ing. These show a weak ner system for which there is remedy equal to Restorative I! vine. Trial bottles and a book, containing many marvel cures, free at Stanard & Cusi who also sell, and guarantee i Miles' celebrated New Heart ('11 the finest of heart tonics. Cu. fluttering, short breath, etc. TO;OW TKrlfLtltS. Do you know that Moore's Ro vealed Remedy is the only patei.t medicine in the world that dot not contain a drop of alcohol ; tin t the mode of preparing it is known only to its discoverer; that it is a " advance in the science of medicii;t without a parallel in the nine teenth century ; that its proprietoi 3 offer to forfeit $1,000 for any ea? of dyspepsia it will not cure ? The Celebrated CURE Warranted to I, or nionpy euro refunded KFOKE os AFTER the vencrative or.'ana of either aex whether arisiinr from the exceaic line of Htinmlarits, totiaccoor opium, or thr ui;h .ntliful inihii- cretiou, over indulgence, itc, such ashviof Drain Fewer, n aki'fu'nevM. Ik'arinir Down pains in the Hack, Seminal WVakiuna, Mya teria, Nerou 4' ration. NH-turn-il Oinis- sioiia, Leucorrho ItizzincsH, Weak .Memory, IMHof Power aim iiiiiKiteii :v whii hif neg lected often k'ai to premature old a-e ami insanity. Price 91 a box; 6 boxeS fcr 5.W) bent by mail on receipt of price. A nKIIIM UIKAMIK is CI vi n with every 55 order received, to refund tnc money if a 'rrnmnrnf cure is not"II- te.1. e have thouaamlsof tetimoniiils from old and younir, of iMith sexes, who have been permanently cured by the use nf Aphroditinc Circular free, Ad.lre, THE AP9IKO milK IM: III. Western Branch, Box, 27. Portland, Oregon. For aula W Foeiiav & Mwn. who cualeabd etail ilniKuists, Albany, Oreit .n. t K P C - a TJllJ IDA V, .UJ L V ! STATE AND COAST. Hil', the Albany Train Vrecker, Pardoned. RAILWAY KniOMX IN SAI.KM i U'ocd-Cnttrr F..taliy Iojared by a Fallla? Tro- . Lid Drown d Near SlWerton- Saik.m, July S. 1 o-u.iv was pardon t'av at the etate boost' Governor lVnnovtr having com muted the enle;n-e of Kiur pris oners, Thelirstwas William B. Kd'Jii gf, sentenceil from Douglas county tor a life term ; he wasc m- victed of murder in lne second degieeand broiiglit to the piison Jauuaiy 21, 1SS-1; thepardm was granted at the miuest of a large number of petitioners and because the ditiii t. attorney believed be had been mllicieiitly jiuiii.shed Anotln r was David Cameron, Ken ti need f.i'in .Mu!tno:nah county July I.'., ISS'.i, f r the ti-nn of three year for tin? crime of larceny; it was thought he had received sutli i-ieiit I'tiu mi-fit . V'm. A. Hill, the train wrecke r from Linn coun ty, Nov. S, ISS'.I, convicted ii man slaughter and sentenced to a ter-ji of ten years, was given his fieidom, the reason assigned lor the pardon being the recommen dation of the district at'oiney. The fourth one to receive freedom at the hands of the governor was R. A. Burney, sentenced Mav 5, ISS7, fiom Multnomah county, convicted of arson; he was to serve an eight year term ami the pardo:i w:e grant"d upon the rec OtniiK'lldati "II of tilt dis'iliet attorney. lt :l Mehriiii.', w. ii king in Michael Hyni.'s logging camp, six miles west "of Dallas, met w ith an accident yesterday which will probably result in his death. He .vas fe'Iing a tree, which in falling caught in the top of another tree. Mehrling ran, but as struck by the tree in its descent. His nose and colla; bone were broken and he was otherwise badiv hurt about th-.' body. NtwH has ju.it been received here of the drowning of the son of Wm. Wooden in the Abi'pia river, above Silverton, Monday. The little fellow was wa king across a foot log and fell into the stream. The body was recovered several hours afterward washed many ya'ds below and bruised by the rocks. Lottie Miller, aged thirteen, and idiotic from birth, was brought to the asylum from Lane county to day. In the case of J. R. Myers, resp. va. the Pacilii: Construction Co., appeal from Benton c iunty ; judg ment reversed and ttie cause re manded for such further proceed ings as may be proper, not incon sistent with this opinion, which by Lord, justice. Rumors buing in circulation to the Piled i hat Cora Boone's death, mentioned in these dispatches yesterday, and supposed to have heen caused by lier swallowing a inn. was not irom natural causes. Coroner Stoll was summoned fi'"t) liorvais and conducted an injti i j Dr. Smith and Cusick eon'iii- the autopsy, und Ihe jury i"'ii that death was fiom nalui. causes. lem is alive with railrnai news to dav. 1 he Denver roil and Coinpanv seeks a lrant-hise tor an elect lie line to the asylum on Court and t'ommerciai streets and to the cemetery, and a prow- it ion f..r a road to Mlverton is eady to he f-ubmittol. Parties me a'so Here, io King up a location for a f:;00,O00,0l)ii beet fugar re linery. A iticit i:k; .ii ink. Itomleil to 'FrUrn Capitalists for a l.tirt Sum. l'nui.Axn, JulyS. John B. Mc- tiee, representing all trancisco mining capitalists, ha bonded a lieh Oregon mine, which it is be lieved contains one ol the largest cinnibar ilepo its in Ihe world. ruin location is in Lane county. sixteen miles southeast fiom Cot tage Grove station, on the Oregon it California railway, ou what is locally known as the Black Butte mountain. It is owned by Dr. Henry Little, of Oakland : John I'endcgast and Mr. Ciine, of Port land. The price is if 1 00,000, which is to be p tid in cash on January 2, 1802. New -.iKlioirics in Mexico, Cuv K Mkxico, July S. A telegram received here from Rome says the wpe lias decided locreate iu Mexico three archbishoprics to he called Linares, Oaxaca ami Durango, and live bishoprics, Cneniivaca, llaltillo, Tepico, Tehiiantepec, and Chihuahua. I.AMI IIL'NOKIC. All AnifriCHii Craze for Which There is no I'arallel. Iii the face of the great increase in the demand for produce, im plied by the growth of cities and towns:, .there stalks into sight ai apparition, in the shape of an other condition, so unsuspected and so startling as hardly to be credited. This is nothing more or less than a realization of two im portant facts: First, the extent ol the exhaustion of arable soils; I85U second, the hardly realizable circumstance that no more new wheat lands remain unoccupied in the I'nitel Mates. In other words, if a farmer's son or a new comer Meks to secure l tnd thai will probably produce bread, to do so be must displace an o enpant already iu possession or g with out. That a"laiid bun.'er"should at this early date in the history ol the country cxit, ate! I c unap peased, woul l seem iiiipnsiii!c on a continent who-e I not an-as were supjioicd to he i'.iimit.il'ie. and whose soil was siipp' s- d io I f inexhau-tible. That i,o lauds are available is a coi,eir.s:on so unex pee'ed and mi extraordinary that it is no wrndcr people doul.t the irti'li of such stateiuint Vet that a land hunger of the keenest character do.ii cxiit i proved in numerous sectiois, an ! perhaps mole vividly than by any thing else by the scenes which o 'cured at the openii'g ol liu? ler- ritory of ( hiklahom i t a o years ao and w hx'i have since been it-peat eu with terrrile earnestness on every occasion upon which govern nient Ian 1 othi-'s : o"n tor allotmc'ii f ii.ii. i '! i i h-n as in Ashland. v';s.. I.tt i ( men and women t:ai.i io line. ankle deep in sih-w. ."a ur.lay, wai ing for their turn to register, and when the Secreiaiy of the In terior at a later date was compel led to close the land oliije be cattle it was in p',ss ssion of a mob, w ho only htcame such because of their eager desire for the regis (ration oi their names, there i proof of a craze for land w hich iu thing else in ti:c previous history of the co'inliyhas paral leled. Er.istus Wyinan in North American Review. FAKMKliS' ALLIANCE A statk i; ; i.M.-. v i iun IMltll IN I'Oi; I 1. IM. The l-latforui Stands 1!iuly on Three I'liinks Seine of the I. e tilers in Or-roii. I'outi.ani). July 8. The meeting of alliance delegates to cigani.e a state farmers' alliance met in the (i. A. K. hall this forenoon at 10 o'clock. It was called to order by Al nzo Wardell, national organizer. J. B. Henninger, of Marion count v, was elected seeielai v, and Alberl Hart, of Mil tiioinuli eounty, .i-sistant. On motion a committee of throe was appointed on resolutions, consisting of C. Moran of Clacka mas, R. A. Irvine, of Linn, anil W. A. Sample of Umatilla. The following committee on constitution and by-laws was appointed: N. Pierce, of Uma tilla, W. Brown, of Biker. R. A. Irvine of 1. nn, an I W. I. Dcrbv of Yamhill. Torty-one deleg ites a-e present. W. A. Sample, of I'.natllla county, A'as elected president. Among the prominent members of the alliance are Senator li. A. Irvine, of Linn; F. M. Nighswaii- IeJ, ofLa?.e;0. p. tiood.tll, of Union: J. W. Barn,'?, of Wasb- ngton; N. Pierce, of Umatilla, nd many others. The light this attcnioin was ver the leport of the committee u resolutions. They tg lore toman sulliage and jirohihii ion, md the platform de:!s chit tly with fiuaneial, tran-on t.iiioo and land ipiestioiis. THE SALTON 1 ATKS:S. Kugineers Will Explore the New Foimeil ca, Yi .M.i. A. T., July 8. Southern Paeitie Engineer Swain arrived this morning, lie will out lit here lor a trip to explore Salton lake. Swain believes Carter's report con cerning the source and supply of water to be correct. Carter wi l guide the party, oeing familiar with the desert region. The m tin crevasse, furnishing the l.nge amount of water from ihe Colo rado, lrom Cartel's account will reipiire piling to closv. Engineer Swain is of the opinion that the necessary woik to be done f h U ting out the water w ill not be di. lieult or expensive. IK, LANK IIKIIKKS, Dr. liow huol A i in il Superin tendent of the lusune Asylum. S.m.em, July 8. At a meeting of the board of trustees of the insane a-ylum to-day, Dr. L. L. Rowland, of Salem, was elected medical di rector of the asylum, to tike tiled August 1. ;iohe Trotter Truin Is Coming. New York, Ju'y 8. The steam ghip Majestic reached quarantine this morning. Among her pasen geis is George Francis Train, w ho is completing hi circuit of the globe in a race against time. Other distinguishe I paet g,-rs are D. O. Mills, Mrs. Whiu-law Reid and Senator Spooner and family. Two New National Hank. Wasiunoton, July 8 The Yel lowstone National" bank of Bill ings, Mont., capital f5( ,00: was yesterday authorized to begin business. The Everett National bank, of Everett, Wash., ha, asked for permission to establish a national bank. EAST OF THE ROCKIES Secret E'ectnc.ii Executions De nounced by the Press. THE ITAT.V PAYS A S30O FINE. Tee Farmers Allianoa Bojt Up Wl h a C'jI 831 Schema to Control tha What Markit. Ni:w Yokk, Julv 8. This morn ing's newspapers comment as fol- I0MS.011 vesterdav s electrocutions The "Herald says: "The world must await the official report of he witnesses present for the min ute de'ails, but enough has been learned to show that the execu tions ivere a success.- This is the main 1 oint, since it proves that the iiillidion ot the death penalty by electricity is no longer to be regarded a-) an experiment, but a great reform that has come to stiy. No duubt other Etatea will follow the lead of Ne v York in adopting the greatest reform of the entury in criminal administration and even Europe may study with advantage the reports of what took place yesterday morning within the prison walls on the banks of the Hudson. The Sun eays the secret execu tion of criminals is a horror to every sane and intelligent mind, The electrical execution law should be repealed. TheTiibune says there is no reasonable doubt that the fonr men w ho were put to death by electrieU yesterday in Sing Sing prison, lost consciousneas the in stant the current touched them and died without sensation. The new 'aw wi.l gain many friends in consequence of these last execu tions. The World's editorial is devoted to an attack upon Warden Brown, who "took extraordinary and wholly unnecessary, as well as fu tile pains to prevent the newspa pers from getting news of the electrical executions which took place there yesterday morning, i'he warden's actions in placing araied guards in the highway to prevent newspaper men from ap proaching the prison beyond a dead line," is vigorously den unced by the leading newspaper. A OIti ANTIC SCH KM K. The Farmers Alliance Trylne to Control tha Wheat Market. Chicago, July 8. A great scheme has been devised by some body w Uhin the farmers alliance, whereby it is proposed to withhold this year's wheat crop from the market until fanners can get (hen own price, or at least a price con siderably above the avernge. The p an is unfolded in a circular of advice issued through accredited oilicial channels to all members of farmers' organizations in the United States. It suggests agreat 0 nnbinatiou of (5,000.000 members if the farmers' organizations, as leg s'alion is declared too slow and iiu ll'ecu il, and a. the conditions of the cio, 1 and maiket appear auspicious the producers, who are cr.-ariiz.'d, hope to form an organ z itio:i that will result in profit to a. I arii-UiturUts. They will them selves comer wheat mi l hod it until they can get il 35 a bushel for it i;i New York A not of 1 OO.oO J,00 , it is believed, would accrue from such manipulation. The circular advocate a complete pr.'l-ibition of gambling on the pi 01 luce market, not by the legis lature, but bv the farmers con- tiolling prices without the assist ance oi dock brokers. The llata Fined, Washington, July 8. The sec retary of the treasury has author ized tli!? acceptance of the offer of the master of the Chilian steamer Data to ruy f 500 for a violation of the navigation laws in having cieared lrom San Diego, Cal., without (he necessary papers. The set tl-ment has no bearing on the otiier charges against the offi cers of this ve.-sel, to-wit: Kidnaping a federal officer, and violating the neutrality law. The attorney-general believes an action may still be t rough t against the individual officers of the Itata and Robert and Minnie for violation of this law. End of an Ocean Horror. Gibraltar, July 8. The Anchor line steamer Netopia, which sunk last March, and 600 Italian emi grants were drowned, was raised to-day and rests on the beach. Negro Lynched In Mlaslsslppl. YicKsBiRG, Mis., July 8. News was received here to day of th lynching on Palmyre planta tion of a negro named Henry Gentry, he being hanged for the murder of a colored companion. A Con-rent Destroyed by Fire. St. Ailaire, Quebec, July 8. The convent of La Province, situa ted on the Richelieu rifer, below Belorl, was burned to-day. Drowned Daring a Gale. Galveston. July 8. Four well known Italians of this city were drowned in a gale ofl North Point Sunday night. A fter Hand ofl ndlaua. Bakkkickield. Cal., July 8, A courier reports that the posse that pursued the band of six Indians, who killed Deputy Sheriff Powers VOL. VI NO. 187 and Liverymah McCoy, abouf (he 2d inst., had killed one of tjafband an! taken ihejeon of Chiejrkiowa prisoner. Kiolva and antKiier eon were slain 'n trie fight i h Powers. There are about 600 lr. 'ans- the vicinity, but thev ara ' apparently indifferent to thei of Kiowa's jury found band. The coroner a tli a remote cause of the distur- bance was the eale of liquor to the inHiana who afterward fired the haystacks, for which Powcib sought to arrest them. Funeral ef Hannibal Hamlin. Bangor, Me., Jul v 8 The w ho'e city U in mourning t'day. The remains of Ex-Vice President Hamlin were removed front the residence to the Unitatian chur, Ii, wbtre they were viewed by a large number of people. The funeral services were held at 3 :30, and were attended by many promi nent men, including etate officers. Tiro Men Ciuahed to Death. Axron, O., July 8. Foreman Berg and hie helper, James Q iiun, were caught in a huge clay crusher at Ewart'a tile works last everin?, and weie horribly mangled. Quinn died within a few minutes, and Berg cannot possibly recover. Chicago Markets. Chicago, July 8. Close Wheat, steady; casby 92HS92i; September, 87J . December, 89,l. Oats Steady; cash, S7; Sep tember, 33?4. Barlev Nominal; 68(370. Their Bodle Burled In Quicklime. Sing Sing, July 8. The bodies of the four murderers executed yesterday were buried this after noon in quicklime. No eervice? were held in the prison or at the grave, and nobody was allowed to be present at the burial. 7 AT IT AGAIN THE SAl'GHTV PB1NCE OF WALES PLAYING BACCAUAT The Kaiaer Was an Interest On looker -Go8i From the Old World. London, July 8. The emperor and empress of Germany, after having breakfasted with Queen Victoria, droye to Frogmore and visited the royal mausoleum. The imperial party afterwards lunched at Windsor and were then driven to Cumbeiland lodge, where the silver wedding of Prince and Prin cess Christian, of Schleswig-IIol-etein, is being celebrated. It is said that the prince of Wales actually had a baccarat parti-at Windsor on Monday night, the kaiser being an interested on looker. The kaiser has expressed a de sire to meet Mr. Gladstone person ally, and an attempt will be mtdj to "bring them together, il Mr. Gladstone's health and engige ments wiil permit. To-day the liberal leader is buiying his t on at Hawarden. The kaiser is anxious to visit not only ihe nival exposi tion, but also the dock-yard, and it is rumored that at the date dinner in Windsor, he put the Prince of Wales in an embarrass ing position by asking him eome questions about naval matters, to winch the prince was entirely un able to respond. The kaiser also tried to obtain some military in telligence from the prince, but it is said lound the royal held mar shal bo;ielessly ignorant on all such topics. A well-known noble man has cruelly suggested fiat the prince would have l-e n at home on baccarat. The ka;ser. it h thought, takes a mal clous pleasure in politely sounding the depths of the prince's ignor.iace on prominent public topics. They are, however, to all appearances very friendly. The royal plate displayed at tl.e banquet to the kaiser is said to be the most valuable of its kind in Europe. The czar has a set of golden dishes, but they are not equal in weight and design to the British, and are of much mure re cent manufacture. The roval plate is watched by Queen Vic toria with eager anxiety, and it is very seldom displayed, even a-i an honor to visiting royalty. Berlin, July 8. It is reported in diplomatic circles that unless Count Von Munster, the German ambassador at Paris, denies the story circulated by Deblowitz to the effect that the lata emperor was desirous of getting rid of Prince Bismarck, and that the ex chancellor's advancement of Her bert Bismarck, his eon, was a glaring instance of nepotism in politics, he. Count Bismarck, will challenge the German ambassador to give him satisfaction on the field of honor. Stuck to Their Kelleion. Vienna, July 8. In Smolensk. Russia, las week, the police or dered all the Jews to embrace the Russian orthodox faith. The Jews assembled in their synagogue and solemnly vowed that they would stand by the faith of their fathers. They Bold their houses and other propeity within two days and emigrated' A Linn County Flyer. The Linn county bred and raised trotter, Delco, by Oneco, surpassed bis former record at Spokane by trotting in Portland Tceeday in 2:23). This trotting race was argued to be the finest ever run at the track, and the winner, Del co, lowered the stallion record ti Blondie by a second and a quarter.