THE MORNING II Kit A LP: WEDNESDAY. JULY 8, 18J1 Rowing gaUugcnM ON HALF. The Daily Herald will tie on ale each morning al If. J. Jones book store, where it (.an be procured at 5 cents per copy. .HOXKY TO LOAN. l .l unit frolll CIX (til 1 i S. I.) live vears, on good Albany ami Linu c3untv real estite-. W. E. MiTiiKKstiv. Opp. Riiss lloiidf. Albany, Or. JOTTIXOS ABOIT TOWN. Fresh bread everyday at Parker Pros. II. Lampman.of Portland, id in the city. L. Viereck has returned from Yaquina. New jewelry of latest patterns at Will & Siark'a. Charles Cusick It ft yesterday for a trip up the Sautiam. It. A. Irvine went to l'oi Hand yesterday on business. Frank Crabtree.of Lebanon, was in the city last evening. A fine line of gold ring just opened at Will & Stark's. W. F. Read and family are so journing in tlie imitiniain.s. Tickets for Si. Plunl-ar.l on sah at Will & Link's at f0 and 7" cents. Cakes of all varieties, fan- y and plain at the Deluionico restaurant. A tine line of ladies law nNortoik waists just reccivod at the Ladies' Bazaar. Hon. Charles Miller, f .Ic!fr Bon, uas in the city on business yesterday. If you are hungry go to Park; r Bros, and get a loa: of the bc.-t bread in the city. L. E. I'.lain and wife went ver to Yaipiina yesterday to enjoy a few days reereat'on. When yon want a first-class cor set, call at the Ladies I'.aaar and get one of the ''15. B's." Mr. Frank frtanard and Miss Maggie Dunn, of Brownsville, were united in marriage on July 4. Secure your tickets for Si. Phin kard this evening. They are on sale at Will Links at ot and 7") cent. The citizens of ate considering the ipa-suon ot pro viding the town with water woi ks as a protection against the. Do you want to he happy and make those about yon pleaded, if so go and get one of those lovely toned piano's at Mrs. llym ins. If von have not drank Coroia -Id mineral water, you should try it. i It will sober you up, give you a clean stomach and a 1 appe-. tite. j Mr. A. B. Seal wi'.i leave to-div for San Francisco to accompany i his' wife and Hidden to tne;r home in this city. Mr?. Seal has haen visiting her parents there f .r several months. Dr. F. I. Ball, win iias just a' i rived, has formed a partnershi with J. C. Littler in the jiru-tice of dentistry. Dr. Bail lias tiiiirlie l a 2'... years' course in ihe ilcrdai department of the university Michigan. A petition is being cirfu'ateii and freely signed among tie' b ii ness men of this city, i k:.i: tiie Oregon Pauitic railroad company to run trains as far eastward as Co, twice d week. It would he a treat convenience to the people in that reirton. as well as a means ot m creasing trade with Albany. j William Mack, John Mii k and William Sterner Mrs. .Mack's ' cousin of Altent'own. Fa.. s:-ei;t i the 4t!i on the Yaouina river. I lishimt. where they cau-ht n , I n if a I a rcra i rmi i Tlinv mif irt fishing and liuntiinr good at that j point. Mr. Sterner sas Oregon a tine country, much better tha-i Pennsylvania, for fruit, grain and vegetables. Another Mill for the Mines. At a meeting of the Albany Mining & Mihii g Co.. held Mon day evening, it was Voted that a ten-stamp mill be purchased for the company's minis in the San tiam district immediately. Mr. f. II. Allen and C. Ci. P.urkhart were chosen to go to San Fran cisco and purchase a nidi. Thy will leave in a few days for thi. purpoe. It will be an inirved mill of a capacity of 'M t"iis e. day. Theie will he active work in "the Santiam mines this sum mer. Council rruvctMliiii;. The council met lastevenitigand adjourned to meet again t bi.s evening. At a previous mctiiiL' various modifications asked lor in the street improvements were presented and refer ml to the proper committee. The applica tion of the W. C. T. I'. ..r the privilege of driving p;.b!;c weils, one on r erry street, eat side six leel irom l irsi street, an.i one on Ellsworth street, e:e received 1 and referred. I auureierieu. , . .. . Nonce tu Water l .. i.-..m. rs. ... .. .. . t .,, . ,. . , . . .. All must he sunt i n i .i , . . . . I i . promitlv at ! oe.ock, and a 1 1 leaks and water waste must carefully guarded again -t d :rin' the coming week while the wa'er is out of ihe canal, as one pump can be used, ami it is n. ees- QUI y tvtii. iil nil miii.Lt. i.i, -ii j.-ih . to keep water m the rai ro.el au.l other elevated tank:!. A. C. W. T. L. C'.i. Wallace Bai.iiw;s, Collier. A l'luiuo for Linn Comity. It is a notewoiihy fact that De co, a Linn ivue.iy bred and raised horse, defeated the crack trotters at Spokane las' week, in cluding Van Dj L-.bhiiimt's th.ei lUondie. Deleoe made the splen did record of 2:'2' 4. lie is a son of Oneco, and was raised by Mc Knight Uros., near Albany. ABU OX THE BETDOE. The People are Growing Weary of the Nerdlfss May ofths Undertaking. Tie c.jiintv court will cinveiie to-day, and it is to be hoped before that body adjourns some definite conclus.on uid be readied on the 1'iidge ijuestion that will result in the speedy commencement of work mi th! much needed and lcng talktd i f inipr. v nient. There has h'-eti so much said on this l!Rs:iou and so little actually done that tin! p.ople are growing weary of it. The season is rapidly, ad vancing, and if the bridge is to be built tnis summer the quarrel over the location must be s!oped, at.d a united plan of action agreed upon At once. The county is to be an equal pettier in the building ol t he bridge, and the question ouht to be prest iite 1 and definitely set t'edatthis term of the county court. This important undertaking is languishing for no other cause than the piolonged strife over rival locations. If this is contin ued until the next meeting of the uvitnty court in will be s) Lite that there will be little hope of securing tlie brid.e this suiiuiipr. There is urgent need of concerted action now. Let the city sta:;d united, sgree upon a lo caiion, end j in with t L e county in biginnir.g this important public work ni-.hout further delay. A Young I.ady Kills a liuar. A few diys since Mr. Kahn, the fur dealer, while driving out ol Eunuie t V v. Coos bav. met a I vming 1 .')" tilling into town with i a lill.j in lcr hand and the carcass. of a Lear strapped across the horse behind saddle. The young lady j was Miss Charlotte Nichols, oi I Empire City, who had staitedout j to visit a place her father ow ns in ; the country and took her lilL' iiil-ii." iin.l meet im? t be bear, shot ' i!. iie is quite an expert with a J rule having killed a numner oi deer. Mr. Kahn purchased the i skia as a souvenir, tor, as he says, i she was, "a deuced nice girl." j AV here Is Frank Kenedy? 1 Frank Kenedy, a recent anival : in i'orllaud, is missing, lie left : his family residing on B street, j near the 'nimby hotel, about the ' miod!- of .1 line, and went to Ta i coma in search of Aork. Not being able to g.-l employment there he wrote to his wifeth:;t he waygoing to Astoi ia. since w hieli time, about two weeks airo, she has not heard from him. Mie is afraid liiat some thing serious has happened to him. lie had $L'ol dollars on his person. Mr. Kenedy is a tall man of liht compk-xior , w it.'i a small soar over his It. ft eve. Uicgonian. Sic-veieJy Iijurel. I'.uizene in aid : As Mr. Preston I'argei and w lie -vere coming to the Eug-'tie celebration on the morn- i n.r . .f f-..ii-tlt u-l.iU lia. ttii , -,...n i.,.;.,, ,. ' t j this town, the Bo;t burg local came up be'iind them. The horse ran ; away overturning the vehicle in i which they were ridinir, severely injuring Mr. Barge r in tlie ba'.-k. Mrs.'-r tell heavily e n ton of luiii. A ri re'clier was improvised .li. ii he was ink 211 to his son -in law, D.ivil lil.y s resilience where he ii.jw is in a precarious eondiCoa. He Was :i Salem Journal I'rincn. The Overland pas.-eiig-r loie into Salt-ni this tnonni'g one ol I-.urope s crown princes. The young m m was Prince icoigft of (Jreece, w in has In en doing San Francisco, Yos em'te and low goes to tho Sound and A'aska lie was a ni j.Iestly I '-vd youth of scarce over twen- j '"' 11 "o aj pearence or ensigni t j "' "' ''" 'd-person or baggage. : "e wa') "naproachable to a re- pot ter. as acompanied bv a ; yoiui'j Liruijn ami occuiei s cuou 7 ' Uit lirl I'ullmaii Oregon l'roducts. Over 5,PO),0.W pounds of wool w iil bi siiipped to the Dalles this seascn Oiegon wool. Ovtro.OJO, ODdcansof salmon will beshipptd Hum As'.oria this season Oregon salmon. O.-er 15,000,000 bushels of w heat w ill be shipped from the state this season Oregon wheat. These are only a few. There are also Oregon fruit, Oregon gold, Or egon silver, Oregon timber, and a . I ..i I . t ... ..I....... , St o. otoe. voeou o..ui " j '.'i. .vsioiian. i New liiiiiroud station. j three iuidies in diameter at the A new station is being laid outi"1'11! 1en1- The board reserves mi ti... (in. ...n IM.-it;.. ri.ilron.1 l.r- ! the right to reject a iy or al. bid?. i tw ten t iatesviTe and l!row n's mill. , j It is to be called Minto D is near j j Leedy's saw mill, from which a! , tiamwav v iil be built to the rail- j A I -ridge for waons and . the tramway is being built aciuss the ri vtr al t he new station. S, cri ctry AleKridM ItvtuniH. Sa'em .hMii nal: Hon. ieorge Mci'iide ieai lied Salem Saturday I morning, from his health tuiir in I t'alifornia. but proceeded on to St. ! ll' leis. 11 is expe -ted to letuin ! lids evening to be here tor impoi- .... . .... .. 4 ... ...1 .1 ; uic .isjium .uei hoo! i.ands Hoard, that are to '. he held here this week. 1 Ie re- : , ,, i : . i ; turns v. rv iiiu- li unproved in l .- .m. ' , . . .. . . " I - lining ll..l-e 1 hi. r. . , , '-em Journal : Deputy Sheritf iiiiui wen; in i m uer mis iiioi org, ' and mi a raii'-h near there seeure-l . oiu, Walt! r ILiekins, a b y not yet .M-xenean years ..l. wanted lor : ! hors f stealing. The clianre iiik.ii which he is arrested comes from I county, and he w ill be held ....v ........ Ja uu.ii Bi-iu . .sew orlv llerahl. tor. lie was ton lid on a rinc'i, ' between lard MrionL I xe.v and complete stock of it tiiiii.ntai Aiusic Taiicht. ; spectacles and eye glas es jut re-Mi-s MeClurg, a g;d,hiate lr..m ' f '.vu ' "l .F-.M- Kvery the t)hio acadeni) of mui , w ill I):llr ,,,tll(, V Johnston s Patent meet ail de-irim.' lesms iu insirii- i ''-'-"'eter.'very pan fully war .:et.I..l mii-i.: at Will A Link's ; rulltt'J to ilt' mu.-ic st . ue next Tuesday alter-1 Every grocer, druggist and sa noi,n, at I' ihlock. Miss M.;-lloon man sliou'd keep Coronado Chirg, v.iio is just recently from mineral water on hand. It wi 1 the l-.asi. is a thorough teacher j be called fer, as it is the best, and o'Uaran'.eee sati.-factioii. ' John lsmu Jr., sole agent. BROWNSVILLE SEW?. Crops and tbo Mines Reported Cordi'.on. in Good Biiow ssvm.i.k. Or., town celebrated the July 0 This national hoii- day in a ptoppr manner. Al though the morning opened cloudy and cool, the wagons, bucks, carts and buggies began pouring into the town early, and as the day advanced the clouds disappeared and a lovely day resulted. The opening address was made by lion. B. B. Beekman, of I'or'.lmc, wlio did himself honor. Addres ses were made by many others. Tim r .-p'-cting mill for the Brownvilie Minni"g Company arrived here from To; Hand last Monday evening, and three le ims took it up to the mouth of Blue river, where it will be immediatly taken up into the mines and put to work on the Poorman company's c'aim. The people will soon have the pleasure of heating a report from there in the shape of gold bars. The night before last Su peiintendetit li. M. Bradley arriv ed home from the I'oorman. He reports everything now ready for the mill, and expects to have it in runningorderin about thirty days The ledge is some tentv feet wide now between wall, and the ore pans out well. In fact, all re ports from the camp are very favorab'e. Messrs. McDonald it Stanard have just If ased the w heat elevator from the Southern Pacific Coin ).uiy here, and are putting the same in good shape for bus nu'ss I and from present indications there w in lie a neavy crop oi gram in this section. The various hop fields in this vicinity are also looking well, and so far lint few vermin have been found, rnd the outlook is good for a large crop of hops. ' SI I'lunkard." A Yankee comedy of the above title will be seen at the Albany opera house this cvenin ', July 8. The comedy is in four acts, the scenes of which are laid in and aiound the New England country and New York city. The central litiure. of course, is "Si Plunkard," a young Yankee no tion peddler, which part is looked after by Mr. J. C. Lewis. Some of the leading characters seen may be men'ioned. Dora Page, a young country lass, in love with Si; Felix Schmnrdt, an inventive Dutchman; Uobert Denny, a bogus st"ck speculator; Ezra Page, an honest old farmer who does not understand speculation ; Moses Wilton, a Hebrew momTy lender, and numerous lriendsof the Page family. The performance includes many spi ciahi-s. lieautifut Women. The magical effects of Wisdom's Robeitine as a beautiliT and preserver of the complexion have oeen attested by thousands of the leading ladies of society and the stage. It is the only article ever discovered which gives a natural ami beautiful tuit to the com plexion, removing tan, sunburn, freckles and all toughness of the face and arms, leaving tiie skin s.d't, smooth and velvety. All re mark on itsdelightful, ctoiing and refreshing properties, a distinction not found in any similar prepara tion on the market. Sold every where. M ol tiers? Castoria is rc com mended by physicians for children teething. It is a purely vegetable preparation :ts ingredients are published around each bottle. It is pleasant to the taste and absolutely harm- less. It relieves constipation. regulates the bowels, (piite.s pain, cures diarrlnei an I wind coMc, allays teverishiu s-, destroys worms, and prevents convulsions. soothes the child andgivts it re freshing and natural sleep. Cas soria is the children's panacea the mot hero' friend, uo doses, .'Jo cents. M'o.,.1 IVauted. Sealed proposals will be received by the clerk ofdisfiet No. ", Linn county, Oregon, u; to Monday, .Inly l:J;h, 1 s: 1 . to furnish said dis trict with li ) cords of grub oak woixl and 5 cords of split fir wood ; ' the latter to be split iiom the bodv ; of large trees, four feet long and frt.t. 0f kllOtS. The oak wood V) be four feet long and not less than Albany, July 1, is:il. C. .. Bi i;Kii.u;r. dist. clerk. A Terror for His hi.e. it ntlein in lint I'm afraid he wouldn't make a g: mi l watch dog. Purp Whv, Ljr Man with 1 bless 'art. it ws onlv law' week this 'ei vverrv animal held a burglar down I v the throat an. 1 l, his brains oiit with its lail. Lrouklvn Life. --" llidliif; it. "Yi.iiI.kILm- e.ei h ive n. i.l.. -i . ' '1 ' -w sofa wdh t-H J' . ' , ", ' , V vour bread and butter, sa d Mrs. , , , . ,', r i.;.let j to her son Johnny. "Never min.I. ma, oucansiti . :. .. - - l I mi it w ! the parli lieu tin re is company .r." Texas Sittings, in ; Ti.iii M iinina Iilra of It. (tearfuilv) It pains me, lommj, just as much as u does you, t.j have to whip you. Tommy (also teatlullyj .Mebbe It jitl M lint f.l.t in f Ii u'.Mtu ,,.i..f, i,,,. Tomnn . iosl :is mmdi xh it. I I C0&3TN0TE3. Interesting I-.ema frim Tbronghout the Northwest. I V1'1 ,iW l,0xe8 ol peaches w ill 1 e i sl"l'Id from Ashlanu this season. S. E. Leach has sold the Lake view Examiner to W. M. Town send. Baker Cily's street car line has suspended operation for laik of patronage. The attendance of school dren at Spokane this vear is Liiet year it was 27ii4" Horse thieves are again mitting depredations in the rhil-37-il. roll)-east- ern portion of the state. A farmers' alliance with seven teen members has been organized at Elmira, Lane county. More than lollO notaries public have been appointed since Wash ington became a state. Company H, O. N. (J. at A-tor'a has disbanded and W linmbeied with the things that wete. The hop louse scare in the Puv allup vallev is subsiding. In fact grave doubts are expressed w heih 'r the aphis were hop lice. At tiie Union Pacific shops at Albitiii 400 men are employed and thirty-five cars on an average are repaired each day. An E.ihtein party 1'bs rented a niece of land near Eugene and w ill experiment on raising broom corn, with a view of starting a broom factory. Pmdleton diil not have a cele bration this Fourth, owing to the exagerated reports in regard to the number of cases of diphtheria in that place. In digging a cellar at Linkville, j a monstrous human skud was lound. The skull was three- eighths tf an inch thick and the j jaw bjiies tremendous. ' Clackamas count v publishes , r , ,.- ' . seven columns of deiiouent taxes., Lane county three. Tillamook hall iinee, Aiiuiuiotm 11:111 and Douglas county a dozen, and Douglas county! nearly a quarter of a column. ; piarterof acjlumn. Tillamook county is soon t , hae telegraphic connection wih the outside world by means of a line Hireicneo along tne iison river road from Tillamook to Forest Grave. Thursdiy W. E. Miller, the lestaurant man at Arlington, made a determined elh.'rt at stlf destruc- : l i. .1 :.. : .. ii ; . : .. ....... a.... rumiuc.. ... imnuM.u " dangerous and probably fatal wound hi his with a thirty eight calibre rjvolver. TI,Ail,.i,-l..,t l'.n.. .,' r:n on the Santiam, W'm. Smith and a dutchinan by the name ot Canootsen got into an altercation an t the latter v as quite severely cut on the arm with a pocket knife in the hands of Smith. William Bigham, the pi uieer horse breeder of Eistern Wash ington, died at his home in Cheney, Thursday. lie was probably better known in thit section of the country than any other person engaged in like busi ness. A gentleman from San Francisco has made a large contratt with the Philips Uros., on the river, for cedar shingles Ir.uu their mill. He states that many of the best itichiteets of San Francisco w ill not use the redwood shingles, hut demand cedar. Ctorge r.el.-haw, the veteran wheat grower of Lane comi'v, and the v inner of the for the "b?st w heal grown by all nations" at the Philadelphia Centennial ' Al.-iiSlllV'll Ol Ji'l U llliM 4V tuV l';ti. inr. cnrnoii. KTt: ..I tl.o of w heat growing in his eaded in Eugene. Siii Cure for the Liquor or Opium IlahitM. The East India cure for these I awful habits can he given wit;. on' I the patient's kuowiedge, and is line oiuv hiiumi ppecuic 101 me i purpose, it is not injurious in the . l ; .. i : i: . i j least degree; manul ictured by Emerson Drug Co., San Jose, ( al., and for sale at J. A. Cumming's drug store only. If y vi puller pricking pains on moving the eves, or cannot bear bright light, and find your sight week and Tallin you slouidl promptly use Dr. It. McLean s Strengthening Eye Salve. 'S cents a box. Try Conn & Hendricson's svrup. the finest in the market. Retail in quantities lo suit. Cioup, w hooping cough and bronchitis iinmediaiely relived by Mnloli sLure. 1'orsaluby tosliay I .Mason. j r. M. I rencli keeps the largest and most complete stock of spec tacles and eyeglasses in the eoui:U. Every pair warranted to give perfect satisfaction. Strawberries, cherries, g wse berries, currants, etc., received every morning, at Allen P.ios. Calumet bukiiii! powder is abso lutely pure and wholesome. Trv j a can. C E. Hrowuell. Pa'oy cried, Mother sighed, Doctor prescribed : Castoria ! Highest of all in Leavening Power. ABSOLUTELY PURE KltOJI Illl! Sll SI.A'.V. vVai.tux, Or., July 4, lS'.M. Last Thursday our thermometor registered DJ in the shade. D. (iiten (Jay brought his little girls in to spend the l!h with their I old neighbors. About all of the young people havu gone to Eu iiene to celebrate to day. A. C. Barbout is up from his school at Acme to spend the llh with his family at Walton. George Bather of Seafon p isse 1 through our settlement week w ith one hundred li"ad of sheep, is going to try his luck with sheep on the Sitislaw. Geo. Fowler has returned from Eastern Oregon, where he has betn herding sheep. (jmte a number of our famieis are cutting hay now, although t'mothy has not bloomed yet. Mrs. Sarah E. Krnetz has taken lit r family and gon-') to Buena Vista to he reunited to her hus band after a separation of about 10 months. , C. -i . Brooks has moved back to his home in Elk Woods. A ti lal wave of religion has struck our side of the 111 Hint una and about 12 were buried in bap tism. They have formed ;i young people's Chris!ian Eendi avot aitd organized another Sunday school. Wr. Whitaker sent to Iud'ano polisfor a little cyclone churn, which weighed pounds and the freight was .f;;.7:J. We have been figuiing quit-.! a lot to know whether that was a reasonable clii ru'e. Add 27 cents and if it had been mailab'e it could have been laid dow n at Walton ol miles nearer home than Eugene. ?dr. Wise has not recovered his 1 Ihiv of mumI. ami at. last mifimiic he was oll'ered $P...0 for goods he valued at $171', and says he d d not put it at half its real value. ".. ' "'T" .v; I-re neli Tansy W aferit. ,., ' . . .. . ! ,1",'ri4' wy- - a,re, lo' r. ; . .... . eure ! painful and v ' " 1 menses, and w ill remove all 00 r"1"""1 imu w'" '"" -irucii'-ns, no matter what the ...,u.. .,. ..... c... ,,.,.1 t..f.. time. Manufactured by Emerson ,,.,," c'0 San .lose, Oil,, and lor A. Cuniii'ing's di ng store ; g.,. a j 1 Jnjv' j Iti O.I.I. ! lltMC.i Mill.. T, , , , . ,, , , , ... Ueh.cve oi tlit worH for 111'.. iiiiiiTO.c..,, i u ci!., o.m. iiiii nil , ever sore, itier, ( .iiapiii it ilanc:. ; (Miil !.l a: im. ( .i ai.kiu Kreptiui.:), ,lm Il() ,;V(.:y ,.,1It.s p,;,. r , ,-, piir.-l. Ii u uwai :iuh e.l t.j uivj j "t iiVei s.itisrai-t'nn, or nion-'y t- ' "uim .i, i iii-.-) cents per mix. t a!e ly I'oslo:y V. M.ion Kentish t'licrrtcM. Next w eek leave your orders the same at C. E. Iirownell's. for I have been h ithen d with catarrh for aoout twenty yeais; 1 had lost sense of snieli entirely, and 1 had almost lo.-t my hearing. My eyes were g 'ttiog so itial 1 had to get s "me one to thread mi net die. Now 1 have my hearing as well as I ever had, and 1 can ee to thread as fine a nee lie as ever I did, my se.isi; of smell is paitly restored, an 1 it seems t j be improving all th;; time. I think there is nothing like Ivy's Cream r.ahn for catarrh. .Mrs. K. E. (irimes, Keudr:ll, IVny, Co., O. The Thomas Kay Woollen Mills of Salem, have appointed O. W. Simpson their agent in Albany. A j full line of men and boys clothinu i blankets and flannels and all at ti tles manufactured bv the mill will be kept in stock. These g'.tds ate the best in the market and will 1 .- . give iMitire satuaaction Ah a table ami medicinal water, ' t he I ovonado can t be eat. liy it and be convinced. Hot lied at the wcild renowned sanitirium, Hotel Del C,.ijna.lo, Cjronado, Calitoruia. The Ladies I'aaar has still a good selection of millinery hich i . . inev are sellin; ,ntes. It voii at greatly reduced need a bat give hem a cab. : speciahiesf r.ovel mechanical ef- For lame back, side or chest, ! fects and sensational features, in u 'e Shiloh's porous p'aster. Price ; chiding the introduction of a regu- i" cents at l'oshav : Mason. ' A new line of novelties in sum- I hi t hats just received at the j Ladies Ra.aar. I Have you seen those beautiful j j cement walls in the ceinetei s, ; put up by E. V. Achison, at all j the cost of stone. ; Try Coronado mineral water,! j the purest on earth, for sale by all 'druggists. John Isom Jr., sole' ; aKent. j Silk mitts at the Ladies I'.a.aar. i)iB.i K.UiT At liis liiuiieii O.ikville tlr. j J11 y I'.il ls'.il, in the ti:J:il year of Lis j ae, Mr. War-liiimt jii Kairy. Mis !! ,!( in tlie coinuiiiiiity mill I church ill be haul to till An invalid 1 wife and two ila iirlilci s sin vivo Ii'ud. 1 1 1 1 1 1 l- 1 1 1 1' 1 1 1 till-1 ;t 1 nl . kind father ' il'Uilit eiti.'li. ami 1 In isti ill 12: at 1 has di parted tu liis reward. I ilUUWS-at h's liome I'e .r Sle d. I j Oiegon, July :1 lVH, .Mr Win. I'rjwu in the 'iiltli yeiir of his aire. , Mr. Blow I.'.- w its 111 aeiive and use ful lit , up t II a short time arro he a j lull of life and promise, Mis wife ivho was near his own age, ra-s.d on ! him only a few week-, a?.. He died in '.he Kopcl uinl of a l.le;sed i iiiiiii.irtality. .Notice to Whom it May t'oneern. ! A1! porsnns arc liefrtiv naliftt'd my i wif.-, nc.i.t h-w left inc u ithoiit a-i 1 .'uiiH.., uu.l all v-ei's'iiifi are h.Tc.y fuillierl not iitt-il nti ti let hor hwc an tliinir on iry j, tii i will in. p.v f..r aiivOii i; on hor I llllW AKIl II Latest U. S. Gov't Food Report. THE WORLD ENKICHED. The facilities of the present day for the production of everything that will conduce to the material welfare and comfort of mankind are almost unlimited and when Syrup of Figs was first produced the world was enriched with the on ly perfect laxative known, as it ie the only remedy which is truly pleasing and refreshing to the taste and prompt andeflectual tocleanse the 6ystem gently in the SpriL time or, in fact, at any time any the better it is known the more IKipular it becomes. Novelties In Ladles Footwear. I hnve just received for the sum mer trade the latest novelties in ladies fine shoes. Cloth top, fancy tips ; lace shoes with fancv tips, besides all the staple styles in hand and machine turns. These goods were mads expressly for me and w ill lu found nice enough for the most fastidious and cheap enough tor any one wanting a line dress shoe. I also carry late novelties in Oxford ties ranging in price iroin f 1.-0 to !H-"u- S. J.. Young. -THE- Stats igricitifil Higs Opens Scpteuiber 18th, 1S!1. COl KSE OK SI UUY arranged exprenly to mevt the nveda o, the firming and mecnani cal iniercHla of the Htate. Lartce, comodiuus and well-vcntilntetl bui'dings. Itie .otlee totaled in a irultivatcd and Chri-itian com 111 1. iil , and one of tlie healthieat in the Military Trainiiiy. V. er,ms Sued XT. Kxccod SIM for Ki tire Sous m. the Two r more fr; 8 It )Ursliis Ik.ii ivcn cuny, Wri't for fir:tliit;iie to IS. I.. AllNO;.i, l re., C'orvalLa, Or. -GENER iw)m THROUGH TICKETS To autl from Kiin-po hy a I flrct-ola a liixi i j Ti.-ki-is irn-u " i.Ure ill Kurope to any p-iiii' in Hit I'n ted Sta'ea, r f oin thin 'tr, , nlrM,cl ,)illtJ ww ovcr tc i ion ,i;, ij,t linei S rMt ;rtii.iii I.(nyl. via New York, .Viriii i or in in Mny.I, via lUUnuore, Line. Anchor Line. Ainorican Line, S'a'e Line, !; ucr Line, Cunard Line, lied Star Line, Wlrte Star Line, Uuion Line. DKAI TS AND MONEY ORDERS fo);l hj a I Ktirojiein cititttat currtct ra'ee. Itifi.'iiatin c-jl!ettion. FuT information Tvj; tr'ii.i ;rieutt of paM-ue, date of nttiitri, tto, '-ill u i oraddresM, i 15. WINX, Albany, Ok. Opera House, Waratr & Cra Lessees & Manageit. Coming, By Cosh ! ONE NKIIIT ONLY' ! j I (llliC'l V llllV K ' ' tdllt&Uil , .Hll O, FARMER J. C. LEWIS -And his company of 0 -I -is- s The best Yankee play ever writ : ten. rei.lete w b Ii nlen.nini imiKieul lar, working threshing machine, which will positively be seen fuiI operation, threshing gram ( SPLENDID RAND & ORG I IKS- traof 12 solo musicians. COUNTRY BANS PAR'DE AT K01N, I'.ach member dressed in farmer costume, hy "Si" himself (Mr. J. C. Lewis), as drum major of the farmer hand, (his original creation.) Seat- on sale at Will it Links, 50c i and 75c. FOR SALE OR RENT. .TEFFLSOX FLOURING MILLS -Also SAW AND PLANING MILLS, .Tellerson, Marion Co., Or. For particu'ars apply to COUI'.ETT t MACLEAY, 01 and OH Front St., Portland, Or. Dissolution of llruR Firm. VOTI-. K IS IIEKEIIV U1VEN THAT HV inamal consent, S. A. Hulin and Fred Dawwiu have this day diasolved partncnilii pi the drui; liusineiw. S. A. Hulin havinf (ur. lnspil the inlereat hithe'to owned bv I'reii I'awson All outstanding inoeliUd-ne-s will he settled bv, and all accounts ate pn:.l.le to S. A. Iliilin, who will, as hither to' 1 f"ii"d ready to accommodate ha l atrons at Iiik s.oro on French corner. 1 S. A. Itl'LIV, FltEi) U IWSON'. Albiny, Ju'.v 1, IS'.U. Notice. To a"! whom it mav concern, notice in bere l.y itiven that uiv wife, AnKic TriUs, ban left niv In 1 and h afd without any Just caus or r',i a ior. and I will not be ieinsib e for any debts cl her contracting. Tr Tl) ttany July 1 1S91, Notice. 1 hereby warn aV people aicanw ere nuns lilt- imslianii vu i.ij ' r " " ,, l im, with a very just cauie ai d provcsration, and positifelv reliue to pay any ichac ,,,.! made by bill.. Wf . T,ITI HAVE YOU SEEN THE GOODS TO BE SOLD IN Grant SUMMER -NOW Iv. E. Tlie Leadins Clothier CALL A3ST3D SEE! THE VERNON HAY PRESS Unequaled for fasi. draft. Manufactured Baker Street, Albany, by PRICE VERMOK. A. COMPI.BTE STOCK OK Sprmg and Li'.t weight Sumiicr coai and vests, dustis. silk, flannel and negligee etiirts, iiht weight si:!t and baibrigaii underwear, straw hats: in fa t anUhimr you will End in prei.t 'juaitities and a!l qualities at our store. :Y0U ARE SPECIALLY IH!TD To call an l examine our r'u h'y And reiieinher alsc that we are Leadquarieis f. r durable all wool clothing made by the Albany Woolen Mills, Uiowii6 vil'e, Oregon City and Calif on ia wcolen inil'i- g,.tds CALL AND SEE Ol li SI VIES IN TEE Ctl.FrPATED Before j on buy your next pair cf shoes we would suggest that yot call and examine our line, because we undoubtedly have the largest stock in this city. Cannot be equaled for s vie, comfort and wear, our fine lino ma le by T. L WALLACE TIIE I51RTHPLACE CF GKEAT THE mm :' Sale Willi -:- GOODS IN STOCK.-- Blain, & hM Tailor. Tork and light fit the foot of Sauicr i I, o and evervti.ii.i: m -ur 1; tailored cl ithin made ijr lis by AND UONI ST I'AKGALNS. 00..