THE MORNING HJ5KALD : TU ES DA Y , JULlt 7, 1891. DA.II.Y AND WEBKIiV TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION DAILY j Published 'every morning except Monday.; enrerol by carrier, per wwkUMM. y mail, per )rar ...... CO WEEKLY, Published every Friday Morning.) Be copy, per annum. In atl ancc.....$'2.00 ttnea not paid in advance., i.iC THE MAIM. Mails t the Albany postorfice close Fir all offices nortii The KasWrn stales f 6;30 a. M, The West Side t And the Narrow Ga st R. R.J ) or Portland and Sat-i 11 A. M orvallis and Yaquina .....12:30 p. h ; r otlice amith , ... t 70 p. u' The postofflce will be cl d each cvci.iuy oai six to seven o'clock. iletnatered matter for the ly morninif train should be mailed beforo o clock the revii'Us eventnir. OREGON PACIFIC TIMETABLE. Arrives Departs raswntrer. Fi(ivht... 11.13pm liiOpm 3.40iu 7.43 a ui The Telegram of Vancouver, 1). C, thinks the United States lu-.s become a country of mixed races and that we have precious little of our Anglo-Saxon heritage left to ua. Perhaps this is true, but oil contemporary has been grossly I misinformed on one point. It says: "It may not be generally known that in many parts of the United States the Knglish lan guage is not spoken not even known." This is an error. There are a few places where the immi grants have tenaciously adhered to their own customs and use their native language, but we venture to aay that there ia no place in the whole length and breadth of the'Iand where the children of these foreigners do not speak Eng lish. There is a popular fallacy that ia certain parts of Pennsyl vania "Dutch" is exclusively spoken, but it is a notorious fact that not one in a hundred of (he so-called Pennsylvania Dutchmen is ignorant of or unable to speak our language. The assumption that communities would abstain from learning English is based on tha erroneous idea that all persons wlo are not of English extraction are foole. as they would be cer tainly if, located in a country like the United States, they refused to avail themselves of the opportuni ties which a knowledge of the English language would open to them. S. F. Chronicle. Tub latest news from Chile bears out the previous reports that the Insurgents are steadily gaining ground and that the days of Bal maceda's government are nt in hered. Certainly the prevention of guano shipments will be a serious blow to the dictator, a it cuts otr his main source of revenue. He will try t repair this less with paper currency, but the result will be the same as it was in tlu . Confederate States during the h'st months of the war, when several thousand dollars were needed to buy a hat or a ham. No true American will regret the fall of 1'iilmaceda, because he represents the worst type of government an irresiionsible dictators!, ip in which the form of republicanis.n is used to cloak the worst ollenses against liberty. General Wolsi.ey ii not to be relied upon in his comment on our civil war. He has persistently belittled the valor of tli3 Federal troops as well as the skill of their generals, and now in his latest paper lie tries to show that Sher man was unfairly treated by Stan ton after the surrender of Johnston. The simple fact is that Sherman was outwitted by the Confederate and Stanton merely carried out Lincoln's plan in refusing to ratify an agreement that would have been attended with mischievous results. The official announcement has been made that the 4,'.j per cents will be extended at U per cent in terest. This action of the secre tary of the treasury does not have the appearance of wisdom. It is evidently the outcome of a d'j.-ire to help the national banks, which would have been discommoded by the calling in of the bonds, for accordiug to trie secretary's own statements there is enough money in the treasury to take up all of the 4 '...s. Tun reports from Alaska show "that the volcano of Bogosloy was very active last month. The lat est accounts say that the moun tain was smoking, and that traces of lava cou'd be seen on its sides. Those wlio are interested in vol canic phenomena will hope that the pursuit of seal poachers may not prevent the officers of the revenue cutters irom making some observations of tiiis far northern volcano. The Canadian authorities liave issued an order directing that no Americans be employed in the construction of the new canal at .Sault .S!e. Marie. They have (lore so to get even with the Ameri cans, who excluded Canadians from working ou the ''.-'oo" canal on tin American side. Such re taliatory acts are not pleasant to contemplate. They eugge&t t.o strongly that had feeling is grow ing, and that we are rapidly an- proaching the day when we shall he comjelled to take precautions against trouble on our northern border. The Tin Platers' Union of Wales has decided against striking for an advance of wages, as it is recognized by the leaders that they must cheapen production in order to withstand American :om petition. Evidently the Swansea people do not share the opinion of the American Mugwumps that the McKinley bill will prove a fizzle so far as the tin-plate business is concerned. Pou'rriiAL is about issuing something in the nature of an irredeemable paper currency, be ing forced thereto by the scarcity of coin. It is to be hoped that extraordinary individual who dis cusses dresham's law so ably ia I the columns of an evening con temporary will not see in this another confirmation of his theory that the cheaper drives out the dearer money. Chronicle. The .wheat crop of the Pacific Northwest States this year will be j verv large, and there will he an immense surplus for export. The Northwest is in big luck with a big cro and big prices certain. OIITAINKII MO UK liKLI KK From h Can of O. K. T. Thau Auy tliing He Kver I'setl. The writer of ttie following is a Baptist minister of many years standing, well know as a m;s sionary to the Indians, and is now a teacher in the school recently established at Forest irove for the education of the Indian youth: roKEfr tiKovE, Or., March S I have leen troubled many vears with weakness of trie kidneys und tried many different remeilie", sought aid from different phv- siciaas, ami even changed climates to obtain rebel, but have met w ith inuiiierent success. Hearing through a friend of the Oregon . i Kidnev Tea. I obtained a box of ' ' - O u ana nave derived more benefit from it than from any tiling else I have vet found. Rev. J. C. Ill kf. Memlers of Linn County Farmer's Alliance. Y&u are hereby notified that I have contracted with the well known firm of Stewart & 'ox, at Albany, to supply von with birders mowers, rakes, twine, hacks, bug gies, wagons, plows, etc., as well , as all other articles in the line of general hardware. .Marion cojn- j ty members can purchase at the ! same place on the s.ime terms. i 15i:x. II. Ikvixk. . i t inancia) Agent. I Strayed or Stolen. From the farm of the under-1 signed near Muddy station. May:), i Lane ounty, one dapple gray j mare six years old fourteen hau ls h'gh branded on the left shoulder ! with the combined letters J), 11. Anyone giving information leading , to her recovery will be handsomely ; rewarded. j J. P. Allison. ! The trotting bred stallion Alwiod Breeze will stand for i service at Trites Bros., stable Al bany Saturday's of each week un til luther notice. j HUMPHREYS Ir. lit mtukkVh Srit' ivus are ecii-ritiiic.IK ami cart-fully prepare, prescriptions; usci for urinv jours in private practice with mi'--'tsa, ami for over thtrtv years u-i- l ly th: people. Kvtry single :pfiaii.c is a cure tur tin' hamt-l. Thtttc spt-.:i(iv curt' without tlruirinu', punrifii; or fflii -inj the tystcn., anl are in fiit t :iTni tied the sovereign rcincIu.'S uf the world. ur ok prim :ir.L sm, it km. ikkkh.. 1 Kt-vf m, C iiii stion, intUmmatioii. .?? 2 Vonn?, worm fwor. worm colic i' 2 t'Oinir t'olir, or tttrthinkf of infant.. m: 4 UuirrhcA, of rhiUfren or atlu'U 'ih 5 iKiH-ntery, Griping, UillioUH Colic WU Cl holira S!ortui. vciiutirn -1 7 I'lUiih. coMs, rriuuhitis S Neuralia, tf ha..he, Kwcvaclie 'i '. Hcaiachu, pick h.a-l he, vertigo.... !f 10 lK.-rFHiift, hilliou Htoinat-h J; 11 StiprrcHscd or l';iinftil Periotifj 12 White, too prufuw ii,r l;t Croup, cou'li, ditll- ult linr ithtn 'I'- 14 Sitt Khcuni. iayh.iK.'ln. crnpt'OnB.. I i IvhcuTna'inii. rhcun utic pains Iti Fev er ami aut;, chiiN in juria 17 Mini r hlotftlifiK l:t (' itiirrh, ttiHm nz:!, cuM in the lu-.vt ji) W hoitpiiii; C"iiiiit iolcnt c-uh i t.cntr.l ik-S.lilv, ptnical wcukucsd J7 Kiilnt:Y lis.VK;. U 'Is Nrrvou ilclutiiy 1 Of.' t l.'rimir Wcak-M'ss, witling kK'il f.i S2 lw.':iit! ot the heart, palpitation.... 1 0" SoM bv lrui.t, or m;nt postpaid on re ceipt of prict. lr. llu'-Ufhrcyd' Manual, (1,4 p:iit--) ruhlv bound in elnh aim) ?ill, m.iil il nt, I1CMPHKKVS MK1. o, 111 1U William Ht , New York, SPEC I FIGS Children Cry for PITCHER'S Castoria i ,0 1 i i SPRING OUR ST(X:K OF SPRING WAGONS IS THE LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE ON THE PACIFIC COAST, AND COMPRISES ALL THE LEADING STYLES OF Four-Spring Passenger and Moun tain Wagons, SPECIAL PARCEL DE LIVERY WAGONS, ONE - HOUSE P.USINESS WAGONS, ONE-HORSE IRON AXLE WAGONS, ETC. It will pay all par.ies want ing Spring wagons of any description to call upon or correspond with us. We guarantee our vehicles the best, prices low est, quality considered". Staver $c Walker NEW MARKET BLOCK, - - - PORTLAND, OREGOX. WE CARRY THE LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE STOCK ON THE PACIFIC COAST OF -Machinery aai Vehicles of Every Description. SEND Foil C ATALOG ; E AM) I'llll'S LIST. W. O.I") A. VIS cVc ALBANY, - The men of this vicinity need not be jealous because their wives talk so constantly about Matthews and Washburn. Its not their good 1 looks t,ai hidies are talking about, ii ia me g'jou 1 1 urn i ies oi me cook and heating stoves they sell. Every one seems to be delighted when i ""v ,m -u- "lul " School rax Notice. . . He school tax in school district No 5, is now due and pay able. Call at my olln e ami pay the same before it bee mea de - Unguent. C. G. IU ukiukt. , District Clerk. A FULL LINE OF BICYCLES AND TRICYCLES FOR BOYS AND GIRLS dULSUS GRADWOHL'S GOLDEN RULE PBING The public is invited to inspect the im mense stock of Dry Goods OR THE 1 His assortment is bigger than md priceB. Mi : . a The Highest Market Price Paid for Country Produce. WAGONS. HALF-PLATFORM SPRING WAGONS, SCROLL SPRING WAGONS, "HANDY WAGONS," 'TAYLOR' OR THREE SPRING WAGONS HALF-SPRING WAGONS, EXPRESS WAGONS, DELIVERY WAGONS, CO. AGENTS OREGON. A L BAN Y Collegiate Institute. ALBANY, OREGON lW0 -.. 1 1.SI A Eull C( rps of Instructors. Classical, del title, literary, cemmerdx md normal cla-ses. Course of study ar ranged to meet the Deeds of all (Trades o itu.lents. Spe. ial inducements offered t Undents from abroad. Tuition ranges fro in 5.50 to 18.58 p,r Term. Instrumental instruction in music wi uen by Miss Laura Goltra. Board in private families at low rati, and rooms for self boardinif at small expense, b careful supervision exercised over pup 4 way from home. For circulars and full particulars, address tho president, 11EV. ELBERT N. COXDIT, Alliany, Oregon, CHOWDER BROS Contractois and Builders. Jflice on First street with Wal- , i ace & Uusick, real estate agents, 1 Jbany, Oregon. Estimates given j n all kinds of buildingsorcarpen- lerwork. All work intrusted to will be promptly executed. AMOUSCEMENT SPRING OF ever bafore, and he is prepared, Star n i mm .....A FULL STOCK OF........ Staple Groceries taware. The best quality of teas, coffees, candies outs, etc. FRESH BAKED BREAD EVERY DAY. At this old reliable house Is also to be found a complete assortment of fresh family groceries, to which is constantly beius; added til the seasonable lines of irroceriea and pro risious, such as Cranberries, Fine Pickles, Dried Beef Chipped to order Anchovy Mustard, Candies and Nuts, Yastetn Buckwheat Flour, Cannea Goods of All Kinds, Bohemian Glassware, Etc, These goods were all boucht when price ere low and the benefit of the margin will be riven to his customers. KeoiemW the place, t the old corner on First and Br.oiaibiD Sta. Conrad Mier. DR. W. C. NEGUS, Graduate of the Royal College of London, England, also of the Belle vue Medical College. The Dr. has spent a lifetime of itudy and practice and make a a pe nalty of chronic diseases, removes jancers, scrofula enlargements, tumors ind wens, without pain or the knife. He also makes a specialty of treat ncnt with electricity. Has practii ed a the German French and English lospitala. Calls promptly atteuded lay night. His motto ia (.. OD WILL TO ALL." trOfRce and residence, Lebanon. Oreg n. IWOSE WISHING A FIU.ST;LASS I.N L s'r anient, the best made to stand the jlimate of this coast, can be suited by ca'linK it Mis: B. E. iiyman's, opposite the .Masonic rempls, Fint street. The latest vocal and instrumental music kept for sale. Also the :anrcst assortment of stamoimr uattt-ms ti lelect from this side of 'Frisco. Lessons ,'ivcn in painting and embroidery at her ttuilio over Linn County Bank. Give her your enter and you will be please-. Nursery. Mefs s. Hvuian & Brownell are prepared in their nursery to fur nish all kinds of stock, and those intending to plant should call upon them. Hoots and Shoes. Purchasers of Boots and Shoes bear in mind that big advertise ments and offers of big discounts io not always mean best values. You will have to pay some one a profit as no one can do business without expense. The quest on is who can sell yon the best goods for the least money. Samlkl E. Yoi:ng. BAZAAR STORE. 1891 AT . to satisfy customers in quality Crockery STEWABT & SOX, -DEALERS IN- fops, Separators and Stackers, OSBORNE BINDERS, AVe carry no machinery that ha8 not been tried in this locality and found to be satisfactory, and as we represent factories, no responsible dealer can give better terms. Springfield. Sawmill A. WHEELER, (SPRINGFIELD.) PROPRIETOR. SPRINGFIELD. - - - OllEUCXN. Albany yard and office on reets, A. Wheeler, Albany Manager. Having lumber not excelled in quality, and facilities not surpassed or the prompt and satisfactory tilling of orders, I respectfully solicit 8 hare of the trade. A. WHEELER. Auk mr agenta Tor V. Ij Douvlan ii nni ior nie id your pi nee rhk draler to nend Tor catalosue secure ttgenry, and set tbem lor you. UTTAKE NO Ht' BSTITL'TE, WHY IS THE for $5; equals irencii un- W. L. DOUGLAS to1i?oea whichcost l,cm OO CUniT FOR $4 hand sewed welt shoe, fine 30 OnUt CENTLEMEN caif 6tvlisb comfortable and THE BESTSHOE IN THE WOBtQ FOR THE V.0HPI ffllbS. TnfKhoe 'ever ollVred at this price ; same grade from Jii to Sl. :.50 ix! ice shoe : farmers, railroad them ; line calf, Peamless, smooth inside, heavy three souls, exten sion edge ; one parr will wear a year. $2.50 fine calf; no better shoe ever ctTered at this price ; one trial will convince those who want a shoe for comfort and service. $2.25 and $2.00 Workinuman's shoes who have given them a trial wili wear no other make. ROYS' $2 and $1.75 school shoes are worn by the boys everywhere; they sell on their merits as ths increasing sales show. L API ES $" hand sewed shoe, best 1 ongola ; very stylish ; equals French imported shoes costing from $4 to $!. Ladies $2.50, $2 and $1 75 shoe for MinBesare the best Pongola. stylish and durable. Caution. See that V. L. Louglas' name and price are stamped on the bottom of each shoe. W. L. DOUGLAS, Brockton, Mass. FRANK BKOS, BRANCH HOUSE ALBANY, OGN JOHN ROBSON, MANAGER, Have on hand for the season of 1891, binders, uiowere, farmer's toolt and harvestingjniachinery of all kinks, Our stcck of buggies, carts, spring wagons, etc., is the largest and most complete on the Pacific Coast, and comprises all the leading styles. At I)eyoe & Kobson's old stand, opp. Blumberg Block. "In Spring the young man's fancy Lightly turns to thoughts of love !" The wise young man, the old man, the thrifty housewife, all will turn their steps, when searching for fresh table delicacies, choice butter, fresh laid eggs, staple and fancy groceries of all kinds,; to the grocery store of C. E. Brownell. MOWERS & RAKES. Railroad, between Fourth and Fifll Shorn, r.L. E. BLAIN, ,he SOLE ACiENT. o ALBANY, OREGON. It is a seamless shoe, with no tacks or wax thread to hurt the feet; made of the best fine calf, stylish and easy and because we make more shoes of this grade than any other manufacturer, it equal hand sewed f-hoes cot-ting from $4 to $3. $l.00 jrenuiue banc' sewed, the finest calf shoe ever olfered as custom made shoes cost:np men and letter carriers all wear are strong and durable. Those it nuiimi 111 tun rrr iiirifhtrtitftrCrti it -ft it -it Ct r it it 1 It also turns to I Ithoughts of somei Itlig good to! Eat, as well ! trHt'HtHfttHtHHt-ttW S- ft H P M?in?T rm pnw 11 AIM, THB- Yaquina Route OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD T.. K. UOGG, Itereiier. Oregon Development Co.'s Steamship Lino 22 Hours Less Time Thau by any other route: Accomodations uiiurpa8ed for t ct'.f'-rt ao safety. Fares acd freichts via Vaquiiia an the Oregon le e c:c.vut comiari's hips, much less tlit t) any ctlitr route aeen all points io the Vtilil(,ui.t:e VI and San Francisco. SJk.IIINO DATES, no TiUl'IMA. Willamette Valley.... ..Jvine 4h W V l.,t Willamette Valley 22, FROM US FLAJhCUKXl W M y M Willamette alley . Jui.c It Willamette Vallc-v . " lc, -.7 The company ruierve the rht to tha tcamers or sailini; uates. ValLt FADKUkOrR TRAINS hxcept Simi'lays.) L Yat.dir.a 7:00 islLr Albanv 13:20 r ConailU lUifr A u j " Corval'iis l:W H Ar Albany ; l: a a u Ar Vaquiua 4 as c it O. l C. iMilic jonncct at Ai!n and 101 Mi. 11 II. .40, C, i IIOOVB, CeliLKl lil.t.l. O. t' k P. AttM CcrvalliB, O on EAST SOUTH -VIA- SOUTHERN PACIFIC RQUTt. Tfc'E KOCM SHASTA TCLIt California ex ree traine run rlsi'y SOCHI NOHTH 7:uo p ai..Lv. ...forliand ....Ar.. 9::s. ao, 10:2! p iu..Lv Lv.. i:i am am..Ar S. rraiK-isco.l.r.. pro Loral l'aits. Train 1k!Ij- -(Cx. bm.!y SKK' a m. .Lv IV.rilc.i.d Ar. . 4 r; ia l-:20 p m..Lv...; ........ I. v. n. fttO p mAr.....Koci..i:r- l. . . i...- mti fU-ttatioM lirHix'li. 2.oJ p n..I.v. .. .Albany Ar.. l::i x ":pm Ar ... .Ln.b.i-n. .... v ...i. "'iam..L- Albany .. Ar.. 1 )io I.Ait't.n l.v.. :-4. ;.m A.B4XY LOHL, UAILV (KliCept &UN.I ) S.oO F ..Lv.,..I'ort!aiid r....y.t'j A u i).lK I'M Ar. ..A!tui:y...l.v....i.iw a m FULLMAIn liirFFETSLLFi'Ehfr. TOURIST SLEEIING CAl', For accomniooation of Sc.x 1 1 ; a senders attached to Between 1'oitlaa.l mid Ccj -..''ia MhJI Train Bnilj - Txdi.'. un iy 73(i am.. Lt- ...i'o.tian i ...Ar.6 p..p. ru llupm..Ar (.eraui.. L.16f,p. m At Albany and Corvallis comiect with trail's of Orison racifii ltailri.M. Express Train DailjfKxtft Sunday 4:40pm. .Lv Portland . Ar.. auj J:25 p m. . Ar Aiil' inuvillc.Lv .. b.ii-m THROUGH TiCKF.TS 1 o All 1'cint EAST AND SOUTH i"-4j For tickets and full 1 in:crn.a.ion re ardinjc mtm maps, .tc, call on x.m sny's V'1 nt at AIKtiiv. K. hoElll.KK, E. P. KOGERS, Mnnrer wi. a. A A WEAK (VI AN Can core h;rnst-lf of the (!e p)i. raMe r cnilis of early ahuse and erf cilv ret-tore his vioraud vital ity hy cur heme treatment. The remui kahle cures '' l:ri l.-tn n.. k of nervous debility un.i private comnlaints are ever" where stain ing out qiiuctery. Trcaiies ;ind question Jit, a phvbician's cift to sutl'erinjr hiuiianity, will he ser.t free to those alfhctcc. Addnts wan stamp 1'lOXKKU JXSTITl'TK, 405 Kearnv St.. linmn 2 s,n Francisco, Cal. We citrry a larrc sii-tk of I'rrinttT'rs Hationcry, will at sorted, l)Oiij:lit direct frcin the manufacturers at a low figure, and can give the b( .-t of work in all kinds of ji :i:ting fur the least money. Try us. Paisi.i: t'v THE MARKE'iS. Al.rANS QUOTATIONS. Wheal St Oxtt 4c Flour $! .25 '.ei b'tl PotatH ? :-tc F.VITS f.V lluiler 2- c Lord UW2r. Hauis J4iii:c. Shoulders lire. Hacon 12'ji'c. Hops -JOc, Hay Timothy, $10, oats and cbeat IS. App es flrecn, ti per t n. Plujit Dried, 9Qc. per 1. App'es dried blenched Sfc- 6undr!ed 'J c. Chickens 14 5o,iH. Beef :5".Jc troths. Mutton $:g:j 50per head. Hosts druHSP . Veal .wt;jc. Wool legale. EGGS FOR SALE. I Will Bell full l.lmrfl T.rt.nrn eggs, lH)th ninple and rose eomb, for $1 50 per 13. also dotted Wvan dotts, Light Ilrahmas, Ijingban and Plymouth Kocks at the same price. L. J. Hoi ck, Tangent, Or,