THE MORNING HERALD: SUNDAY, JUNE 28, 1891 ON SALT. Tho Daily will be on Bale each morning at H. J. Jones' book store.where it t in be procured at 5 cents per cojy. J1DN K V TO LOAN. In sums to suit, fimn six mouth? to live year?, on ..rood Albany ami Linn county real e-ttt.. W. K. Mi-riiKRsi.x, (;. Ilnss House, Albany, Or. JO"XTINir) AKWl t TOWN. Show c.'..-es lor sale at Stalls'. Ila.-e ba'l excurison t- Sa'.em to day. Fresh bread everyday at Paiker lros. l'arz lius in ladies lov shoes Searls'. Maon fruit jus for sa'e by L. Kenton. Strawberries ami cherries F at l'arker Uros. New j.'wtlry of latc-t patUrnsat Will Stark's Only futir day more to got the i bargains at Searls". t A tme line ot nitiht idiiits for cost at Scarln'. Get a pair of .f5 shoes for $: at Searls be!ore removal. A lio line of K"''d riri jut . opentll at Wiliife S'arL's. Cakes of all varieties, fan:-y and plain at the IVliuonico restaurant. For a siupri', lmik at the mil linery window sit the I .a lies liaaar. U. i. Hay ne is in! It confined to his room 1. being 1 with the measles. Mrs. S. K Di'd-Ain, I'ln-na, is 11 siim at the Vista, sister of Mr. C. in the city. A new line of novelties ner h its j :.t received I.adk-s Bazaar. If you are hungry !i to l'arker l'.ros. and get a loaf of the bet bread in the city. Remember that Searls hss a fine line of gems iiiruishings tiiat are going kir cost. A few more warm days and 'he entire populace will ilee to the sea side and mountains. Calumet baking powder is abso lutely pure and wliob some. Try a can. C. K. Brownell. Marriage license was issued yes ter.Uy by the county ciers to V. P. (ioin and Janie Cyrus. The Albany tire department will send a hose team to Eugene on the -Uh to contest for the ririzes. Kentieh cherries furnished in any quantity on short notice by F. L. Kenton, near Iho postollice. Strawberries, cherries, g iose berries, currants, etc., received every morning, at Alien Iho. The uiilitaiy boys will take their departure for Eugene this morn ing to go into camp for a vte!;. Try Coionad'i miner il water, tha purest on earth, tor sale by al: drugUts. Jolin Isoiu Jr., "so'e ager.t. The rooms of the Fi-st National Hank are being frescoed and dec orated in an arti.-iie manner by Messrs. .Millers Ihrrt. Do you want to Iw happy and make tho.-e about you pleaded, if so uo and gi-t o'l-nii those lovely toned piano's at Mis. Hynians. The truckmen have accepted the challenge of the barbers to play a game of base ball, and name .Mon day next as the day for the contest. I If you have not drank C'oro:ia lol mineral water, you should try it. j It will s iber you u;, give you a clean stomach and a gtxid appe i tite. j J-.very grojer. dra.'iiist ,1 and sa- loin man should mineral water on K-ep Ci:n Hindu hind. It ui.l b." called iVr, as it is John Isom Jr., sole ageiit the heft. F. M. French keeps the largest I and most C' lnpl-te stork ol : spec- I tachs and eyi glass, s in tin.; county. Every pair warranted to, give perfect gati.farti-n. j W. C. Nicholson, frjm Hirris-I burg, was in the 1 i -y yesteiday. ! lie re polls some slight taiuair to j winter wheat in his vicinitv irom ! lodgn-g, but all other crojis bent-j fitted bv the rain. ! The gospel services of the Young Men's Christian Association to-day will be postponed until -1 I v. m. The meeting wl.l beaddre.'S id by cue of AliMins business men. Subject, Dilli ullk-s, Ail mrii are conlially iuvit"d. If you 'ilfer pricking pains on moving tjie eyes, or rannm bear bright liglit, and find your si'ht wees ami nil iu', v 'oil OtlM promit!y use Dr. II Strengthening Ee cents a box. . McLean's j Salve. 2o 1 oi Independence,, i.-i in the ci'v ! Dr. T. J. I. e brother of C. (. in consultation with hr. (i. W. Mastoii in regard to tin- rondi.ion of Mr.'s little giri. wlio. wlicn just recovering irom scsrh-t fever, was suddenly taken iIuah with membraiiiras croup, an 1 is in a very crit:J-al condition. Miss Helen ('.raw fori! and Mi"? Myra KeJIy. sister ol lr. C. 1 Kelly, and Misses Mori is. edge wick" ami Crossed, teachers in the public schools of Albany, have secured the use of a house on the tiie ocean beach back ol New port. Yaipiina bay. ami wen! yesterday to make a protra .ted st.iV at the seaside. Church N'ttitru, The services to-div at tie I'resbyteriau church wiil fce ;s follows: trieachii at 11 a. m J ami 7.110 K i. S ibimth School at ; .12:10 i m. t 1 . r. . l ,. 1,. meeting i i.,iige So. o, 1. O. O. r., and visit at 7:00 i'. Ji. The subject to" thcjing biolhi r-', are requested ti morning siii men is "Co npauioii-' meet at the hall at 2 r. m. to-da ..;i il., l.t.. .. - r'.- . .. ship in l.ayor. ami the tmuo ot the eveninJr sraion will be "Com mercial llonesly." Ail will be made welcome to these services. THE ALBASY3 WERE NOT IN IT, Defeated in the Boll Game at Sal'm by a Score of 16 to 0. Concerning the game of base b.ili yesterday at Salem between the Albany and Salems there is not much to be said. The home club was not in it. The boys went into the g.une under a disadvant age, Ala Alarshall, first baseman,, fciiig in ami one or two 01 1110 other layera being disabled. The tame was called at JJJO, with Theo. I'otter as umpire, lttilly went to the bat for the Salems. He was their heaviest batter and bit safe to first, stole steji.d and third and scored on a parsed ball. Stanley and I-eveiue were each fanned out, and Smith sent a t-ky-Rcraper to center field, which Blodgett pulled down grace fully, retiring the side. Ala Marshall went to the bat for tho Albauys. He found Leveque's twisters, but went out at first. Bio luett and Dick Uurns each struck out. In the second innin" the Salems also got a goose eng. Cross went to first on balls. Mmto was fanned 0,lt- xw& was assisted out neatly by Mayers at third, and Metlen re tired at first. Tha Alhai:vs came up smiling. J Magers I lew out to pitcher. I.aii Kouig . more hit safe to first, but went out ) trying to steal second. Huston struck out. - Cp to this time the Albauys had played good ball, and a close and exciting game was promised, but in the opening of the third inniiiL' Charles Hums, Albany's favoriie -.i 1 , i I wiener sprained 111s arm, ani never tui a nine go to pieces, any quicker tiian did the houie club, '.he Salems made five scores, and the Albauys again got none. In the fourth inning two scores were made by the Salems and two men out, when Lurns left the pitcher's box, his piace being taken by Larimore, who fanned out the third man. liurns 'hen left the diamond Stites took l h:rd base. M-igcrs seoud and Huston short stop. Inthelilih inning the Salems piled up six runs, and tne Albauys again took their medicine, a big round goose og-r. They were dis-. ci imaged aiul played indillerently. llreekenridge was enjoying an afiernoon nap in right field mid did not see a daisy fly until' it landed near him, and the other iK'ys played much the same way. The Sa'.eois changed pitchers. putting in Jacob, an Indi&n from Chemawa, but the Albtmys did not get a soore nor did a man reach second ba-e. A hot tly caught by Stites at third was one of the features of the game, whijh brought down the grand stand. The official score of the gimeis a" f ol ows : A!: it sn POAK Ktriily, :ii . Stanley, 1-.. Levoiiiu.. p. 1 :t 1 l-- 1 0 1 antl rf. Smith, 2i era-". If Mi t.-.lf .Motion, iti b:n An, sh .I;i:i:, rf. ami p lotil Al.KVWH. o ) 0 1) 0 0 0 s 0 0 5 2 4 ..44 lti :i i7 Ali K Bit bll lo A F. V:.r-lllil. 11.. cf... ...4 0 4 O 1 U II 0 1 0 2 l. Ctirn.4 c l,nr:liiri-. ys. an'! p lill.ton, anil fil SMtis. .t) C B'trns, p l.eim rt. if Uret-ki'iiriftc, lot:i! .... Score by rf.. ..3 II Jli 7 1! lunings : 1 2 :t 4 I 11 r. 2 II 11 0 0 (I 1-t'i 0- 0 Allianyn Sum mary Eai ned runs. Salems, :5; two base bits, Stanley 2, Smith I ; stolen base5, Heilly 4, Stanley 1, I.eveuue 'X, Eevan 2, Jacobs 1, .-mith 1, Cross 1, Miuto 1, Mellon ! 1 ; bases on called balls, by Burns I 1. by l.arimore 1 ; struck out, by I I.ovciiue (J, by Jacobs 7, by IJurns ! I, by l.arimore ; passed balls, j limns 5; will pitch, Durns 1; j time of game, 2 :().". ! There was no '"kicking" at the j impire. The Saleu.s simply ' played too hard ball. Several of ) them are professional 3 and they j a -e a strong team. The Albauys ! need practice. They have mate- ; rial lor a good team, but have not ' played together. About 200' excursionists went down on the I loag from this city to witness the game. On return ing they left Salem at 5 o'clock and reached this city atl0:.'!0. The boat left Salem before all of the excursionists had returned from the ball grounds, and about 7o of them were left, hich caused considerable indignation. Tne Alhanys will make some changes in their nine, put in some new men and play another I game to-day. Notice tt Firemen, members of Linn Engine The Co. No. 2 are re'iestel to meet at their hall at 2 :o0 Sunday afternoon in full uniform, to attend the funeral of our deceased member, James It'. Hal. By order cf the fit ma-. . E. 'tll.I.ETT. The numbers of en: me coin- pane No. 1 are rcipiesteu to meet at their hall at 2 v. m., sharp, in full uniform, there to form"and march to join No. 2 engine com pany, to attend the luneral of Fire man F. Hail. By order of acting foreman. " A. B. Lack v. Filiform ICank K. 1. Sir KnLhts of Columbia Di vision No. 4, C. It. K. P., you are ieouested to appear in lull uni form at ytur armory, promptly at 2 o'clock to-d.iy,for the purpose of attending the funeral of our la'e captain, J. F. Hail. By order of I'. E. Propst, 1st Lieut. Otlil Fellow, Attention. All the members of to dav lor the purprse ol attending the funeral of Brother James F. Hail. Bv order of C. W. Klaks, N. U. To the Public. Since the malicious and scur rilous attack made on the great est medical discovery of the present century, Kadam's Mi crobe Killer, actuated by envy, or professional jealousv, without shadow of law to justify, by Food Commissioner Baker, who is try iog to compel us to place upon the jars containing this valuable med icine a bonus formula, it has been suppressed, which is false; neither will it be, as our places of busi neES are open, both here, at Tort land, and a'l rther agencies throughout the state. Candid in vestigation as to the genuine merits of this medicine earnestly solicited. Uadam's Microbe Killer Co., general office, 151, Monison street, Porllaud, Oregon. In Al bany, at John Kobson's agricul tural implement store. Congregational Church. Kev. A. J. McLeod will preach in the morning at 11 o'clock and in the evening at 8. Immediately following the morning sermon the ordinance of the Lord's supper will be administered, after which the Sunday school will be held. The young peoj le's society at G:4o Subject ot the morning sermon, "Man's (ireat Example." In the evening, by request, Mr. McLeod will repeat the address delivered at Forest drove before the Con gregational club on ''Congrega tionalism,and Some of Its Achieve ments." All aie invited. Oir For the Encampment. Albany's militia, company F, thirty strong, left yesterday for the encampment at haigene. Cap tain Chamberlain was in charge, ami Captain Ellis, on the regi mental stair, accompanied them. Salem's two companies were on the train, and also two other companies. The Second regiment band was also along and gave some god music, while the train was at the depot in this city. Hulphur Spring. i. T. Frost was in the city yes terday, bringing w ith him a sieci men of water from the sulphur spring on his place, on Thomas creek, b1., miles above Scio. He has lived on the farm forty years, but the spring was not discovered until last spring. It is a very healthful daiuk. One spring comes out of the bank of the creek and the other from the bedrock. Ir Htrtimental Mottle Taught. Miss McClurg, a graduate from the Ohio academy of music, will meet all desiring lessons in instru mental music at Will & Link's music store next Tuesday after noon, at '.) o'hlock. Miss Mc Clurg, who is just recentiy from the East, is a thorough teacher and guarantees satisfaction. Lost, On Thursday, the 20lh inst., 011 the road leading east from Tan gent, a portion of a single buggy harness, consisting of bridle and lines, breast strap and traces. Any one mining me same and com municating with or leaving the harness with F. L. Kenton, at Albany, wiil be suitably rewarded. Funeral Notice. All members of Laurel Lodge No. 7, K. of P., are requested to meet at their castle hah. at 2 r. m. to-day for the purpose of attending funeral of our deceased brother, J. F. Hail. Visiting knights are cor dially invited to be present. V. M. Pabkeh, C. C. THE COLT 8H0W. It Was One of the Lareeat and Best Ever E ld in Thii City. is city was filled with horfe- men yesterday to witness the colt show. About 2 o'clock First etreet was paraded by the finest lot of colts ever 8ben in this city. The procession was composed of as beautiful an aggregation of young horses as could be found in any country, numbering about 300. About ten beautiful colts from Win. Riles' shire stallion Cannock were exhibit"d. J. A. Zimmerman's shire horse Dunsmuir Lad was represented by 8-;veral very tine colts. Peter Riley's gray Percheron horse Desirus showed some superb looking little fellows. A well built lot of animals were those from Fred Blumberg's horse Titus. Huston Bros, had a fine array of colts from (ialloway, Civile, lioth yearlings and two year olds, also from Deo. Percheron. Jas. Blackburn's Cleveland Bay, (10'den Emperor, showed a very pretty lot of colts. Eugene LaForreH'a trotter Pick Flaherty was to the front with a perfect beauty firm Jas. Elkins' standand bred mare. Wheeler Bro-. horse Niger was on hand with some good colts. John Propst and James Owenby exhibited two fine, large colts from James Elkins' black shire horse, Reynard. A large namberof others were to be seen, among which were several from adjoining counties. That Albany Woolen Mill Ameiw ment. Albany, Or., June 27, LS:t. To ma Editor ok Tint IIrralu: In a communication in this morning's Herald, over the sig nature of Citizen, in regard to the assessment of city properly, a statement is made in regard to the Albany Woolen Mills company that I deem it proper to notice. I don't propose to defend the city, school and state assessors in the matter of their assessment of this property, as they are sworn of ficials, and I presume can take care of themselves; but I will say this much, which 1 stand ready to verify, that the property of the Albany Woolen Mills company is pssesFed higher, in proportion to its value, than any other property in the city of Albany. The main thing I wanted to notice in Citi zen's communication was his fling about the bonus paid to the Woolen Mills company by the citizens of Albany. Now, in the first place, I defy any perso-i to say that any member of the Woolen Mills company ever asked any one to subscribe a cent to that bonus. Said bonus was entirely voluntary on the part of the ciii zens of Albany, and was accepted with reluctance on the part of the Woolen Mills company, and was only accepted when it liecauie a matter of either accepting the sum or backing square down. After the same was accepted the Woolen Mills c unpany went ahead in good faith, relying upon the in tegrity of the subscribers, and not only performed the letter and spirit cf the written contract, but did more. Instead of putting in a lot cf second-hand machinery, as its contract called for, it put in new machinery from top to bot tom, and has in operation as good a mill of its size as can be found anywhere, and one that is a credit to the city. And now, while the company has more than performed its part of the contract, I am sorry to say there is still in round num bers $15 000 still due on the bonus, and it seems that we are to be forced to the painful necessity of appealing to the law for its col lection. Io conclusion, let Citizen come out over his projier signature and let's see ho much he pays taxes on and how h'S property is as sessed. 1 am ready and willing to compare the assessment of the Albany Woolen Mills company with bis, and will guarantee that said company wili take nearer what i's piopeity is assessed at for the same than Citizen w ill, if he has any. J. P. Galiiraith, Sec. A. W. M. Co. Julius Gradwohl, proprietor of the Golden Rule Bazaar, informs us that he will add to his already large business a complete line ol shelf hardware and family groceries, the sales of Ins Golden Rule teas and baking powder is steadily increasing. He still keeps up the elegant prizes with these goods. Croup, whooping couuh and bronchitis immediately relived by Shiloh'a Cure. For sale by Fosliay & Mason. For lame back, Bide or chest. use Shiloh'a porous p'aster. Price li cents at i-oehav &, Mason. Silk mitts at the Ladies Bazaar. Baby cried, Mother sighed, Doctor prescribed: Castoria! Highest of all in Leavening Power. U XA - ABSOLUTELY PURE OIRCDII COURT. Only one case was disposed of yesterday before adjournment until Monday. Maha'a F. Turner vs. J. Thomp son & Sons, to recover money ; judgment by default. TEE MINING INTEREST. Mr. Legh Harnett, the mining expert of the state of Oregon was in tho City yesterday, and is enthusiastic over the prospects of the mines contiguous to the Wil liamette Valley in the Cascade mountains. He says that in no locality on the known face of the globe are so rich and lavorable situated mines as are thee that are tributary to the wonderfully fertile valleys of the Western Oregon. Mr. Harnett reviews the mines in the Brownsville Times, in wh'ch he f-ays : Now, for a movement, let us state, in absolute te ma that admit of no qualification what these devolpments are : First, the character of the ore in the different mines throughout the Santiam district, improved so rapidly as depth was atained, that the Al bany and Salem people put up a small prospecting mill to test the ore at all points; the result was large "jsold bricks" as they are termed, that not only delighted the owners of properties, but set tled the question as to I he charac ter of the veins, and induced the local capitalists to "begin the end"' and put up a thoroughly equipped mill of twenty-five stamps. The boiler for this mill was hauled over the mountains last week and is now at its destination. So, before the Enow flies auain, the mill will he in full operation. Then Santiam becomes one of the recognized mining camps of the world ; for, if the little proppecting mill could produce such wonders, what will the large mill produce? Let the unbelievers wait thrte months and see. Next, on Gold Hill, in the Blue River district, twenty miles south, the Tacoma company, have had seven mill tests of unselected 01 e in bulk, made at Tacoma Reduct ion works. The first test was f 7 in gold and a fraction in silver. Then through all the grades of increas ing excellence, the last test went ip to in gam aua stiver; ,n these results, the company resolv ed to put up a thorough first class mill and the machinery is now on its way from Chicago. To aid in the enterprise, the Eugene people, with their usuai liberality, Bub scribed pretty near .f 1000 in a day to build a waon road from the McKenzie liver to the mill site, while the miners and local resi dents guaranteed to put in 74 days work. So, before the snow again flies, here will be another mill at work on ore that averages $25 or i'.iO a ton and so pure in character, that it only costs $1.50 a ton to mill it. Again we may ask, what will be the result? In addition to th'S large mill at liold Hill camp, the Brownsville people, who are largely interested in the mines, are also putting up a two stamp prospecting mill, only a better one in principle than the Albany people firct used at the Santiam. With such ore to work on as is now on exhibition in Brownsville, it cannot fail of itself to establish the reputation of the camp. The Brownsville and Eu gene people are now thoroughly alive to the importance of these mines. The general public may rest assured that they will meet with alacrity every call that may be made upon them in luture. . Lastly, we may observe that a long way over ordinary discoveries have been made at Bohemia. 2-1 miles to the south, enough and more to satisfy the requirements!" an experienced well-to do quartz miner from California, who has joined the camp this summer anil means to stay there. Such a man will do much good for the camp. Now for a few words on final re sults. Suppose these pioneer mills to be thoroughly successful, and of j that there is no doubt, for the days of uncertainty are gone forever. Where is the nun living, however propnetic in nature, w ho can re alize fully their influence iion Central Oregon, from Cottage Grove to Sale m? By nature one of the loveliest spots on earth, it will become as celebrated for its business and commercial activity, as it is now for itis agricultural wealth, charming climate and picturesque scenery. Notice. All persons indebted to F.. C. Searls are requested to call and settle at once as all accounts must be closed. E. C. Searls. June 8th 1891. Have you seen those beautiful cement walls in the cemeter - s, put up by E. W. Achison, at alf the cost of stone. I have a few men's shoes that are worth from $.' 50 to $5 00 per pair that I oiler, to close, at $3.00 per pair. The above goods are all perfect in every respect, only the lines are broken iu 6izes. Call early and get a pair. E. C. Searls. As a table and medicinal water, the Coronado can't be beat. Try it and be convinced. Bottled at the world renowned sanitarium, Hotel Del Coronado, Coronado, California. Latest U. S. Gov't Food Report. Baking Powder TIIE WOULD ENRICHED. The facilities of the present day for the production of everything that will conduce to the material welfare and comfort of mankind are almost unlimited and when Syrup of Figs was first produced the world was enriched with the on iy perfect laxative known, as it is the only remedy which is truly pleasing and refreshing to the taste and prompt and effectual to cleanse the system gently in the Spriu time or, in fact, at any time any the better it is known the more popular it becomes. Beautiful Women The magical effects of Wisdom's Robortine as a beautifier and preserver of the complexion Lave been attested by thousands of the leading ladies of society and the stage. It is the only article ever discovered which gives a natural and beautiful tint to the com plexion, removing tan, sunburn, ireckles and all roughness of the face and arms, leaving the skin soft, smooth and velvet. All re mark on itsdelightful, ccoling and refreshing properties, a distinction not found in any similar prepara tion 011 the market. Sold every where. Novelties in Ladle Footwear. I Imve just received for the sum mer trade the latest novelties in l ladies fine shoes. Cloth top, fancy tips ; lace shoes with fancy tips, besides all the staple styles in band and machine turns. These goods were made expressly for me and will be found nice enough for the most fastidious and cheap enough for any one wanting a fine dress shoe. I also carry late novelties in Oxford tics ranging in price from :f 1.25 to tf 4.00. S. E. Young. Fourth of July Excursion. The Fourth of July excursion tiain on the Southern Pacific rail road will leave Salem at 0 a.m., and will leave Albany at 0:4o. Returning it will leave Eugene at li i'. m. The fare from Alhaiiy to Eugene and return will be $1 H. Tickets can le purchased ai the7 Southern Pacific depot on the evening of July 3. Steamboat Kxcumlun. The steamer Hong will convey the baseball club and its friends to . Saem ext S4tarjay June 27ih i,.,, ,. :,i. ti'i ...!, : to cross hats with the crack nine ot the cnpital c'ty. The boat will leave Albany at 8:30 A.M.and return from Salem after the close of the game in the afternoon. Fare for tiie round trip, $1. Important to Housekeeper. It gives Julius Gradwhol great satisfaction in selling his line Golden Rule teas and baking powder, with elegant prizes or without them, that his customers who have purchased invariably re turn and say they are well pleased, that the tea is No. 1 and the bak ing powder is as good as the best. All his teas and baking powder bears the name of aulios Grad w hoi's Golden Rule Bazaar, and are expressly put up for his busi ness, and he still continues to give with each pound of tea or baking powder an elegant piece of glass ware. Notice to Patron. Albany Or. May 30 1891. I have this day made arrange ments With Messrs Knapp Burrell & Company of Albany. To furnish all patrons with leerirg Binders. 1 lease call at once. Also arrange ments are made w:th them fore verything in t'ae farm impliment line including twine. Mart Miller. Financial Agent. Mothers? Castoria is recommended by physicians for children teething. It is a purely vegetable preparation its ingredients are published around each bottle. It is pleasant to the taste and absolutely harm less. It relieves constipation. regulates the bowels, quites pain eure3 diarrhoM and wind colic, allavs feverishness, destroys worms, and prevents convulsions, soothes the child and givts it re freshing and natural sleep. Caa soria is the children's nan area the mothers' friend. 35 doses, 35 cents. KMKLKWft a KMC A SALVE. The best salve in the world for CuU. Bruises,, Ulcers, 8all Klieuni, Fever sores, Tetter, Chapped Hand, Chilblains. Corn, and skin Eruptions, and pos lively cures Piles, or 1.0 pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money re funded, Price 25 cents per box. Fcr sale by Foslisy & Mason Sine Cure for the Liquor or Opium Habit. The East India cure for these awful habits can be given w ithout the patient's knowledge, and is the oniy known specific for the purpose, it is not injurious in the least degree; manufactured by Emerson Drug Co., San Jose, Cal., and for sale at J. A. Cumming's drug store only. French Tansy Wafers. These wafers are for the relief and cure of painful and irregular menses, and will remove all ob structions, no matter what the cause, and are sure and safe every time. Manufactured by Emerson Drmr Co.. San Jose, Cal.. and for sale at J. 1- . T . ...... .....'f. . A. Cumming's drugstore only. The Thomas Kay Woollen Mills of Salem, have appointed G. W. Simpson their agent in Albany. A full line of men and boys clothinq blankets and flannels and all arti cles manufactured by the mill will be kept in stock. These goods are the best in the market and will give entire satisfaction. The Ladies Bazaar has still a eood selection of millinery which they are selling at greatly reduced rates. If you need a Lat give hem a call. When you want a first-class cor set, call at the Indies Bazaar and get one of the "BB'e." HAVE YOU SEEN THE GOODS TO BE SOLD IN Gran OF SUMMER OJEl m -NOW L. EX jBlain, The Leading Clothier I Merchant Tailor. C ALL AIT ID SIEIE THEVERNON HAY PRESS Unequaled for fasi. work and light draft. Manufactured at the foot of Baker Street, Albany, by PRICE & VERNON. A. COMPLETE STOCK.'OF Spring and Summer Clothing, Light weight Summer coats and vests, dtiftfrs, silk, tlannel and negligee shirts, light weight silk and balbriggaii underwear, straw hats; in fa-t anything and everything in uir line yon will find in great qua ltities and ali qualities at our store. YOU ARE SPECIALLY INVITED- To call an I examine our richly And renember alsc that we are headquarteis f r dura Me all wool clothing made by the Albany Wooh n Millp, lirovii. 6 vil'e, Oregon City andCaliforiiia wcolen mil's gocds CALL AND SEK OUR MY A Be'ore yon buy your next pair cf shoes we would suggest that you call and examine our line, because we undoubtedly have the largest stock in this city. Cannot be equaled, for s'yle, comfort and wear, our fine line made by Mon&8 HATS T. L WALLACE & GO., THE E1RTHPLACE OF GREAT AXD KOXIST BARUAIXS. THE mm Sale IMIT: - fi IN STOCK.- tailored clothing made for us by IKS IN 1I1K CILIIFATM) -A i. TI -: