THE MORNING HERALD: S1XNDAST, JUNE 21, 1891. ra Daily and Wkeku TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION- DAILY Published every morning except Monday.) Ilvsrsa by carrier, pet na. 0-20 BOO y mail, per year...-... WUKLT, Published every Friday Morning.) e copy, per annum. In advanc.....t2.00 W nen not paid in advance., iM TBK MAILS. Mails at the Albany poetotSce cloee Fat all ontcea north The EMtera state 16;S0 A a, The West Hide f And the Narrow Oa E. J m Portland and Sauk 11 A. II orrallia and Yauoina 12:S0 r. M 1 1 office oath 7-30 r. The postofBes will he dxd each evening on six la mm o'clock. Registered matter for the ly morning train should be mailed before o clock the rerioua evenhur. OKKOON PACIFIC TIME TABLE. Arrives Departs .ill.13pmll2.20pm FlilKbt. J 3.40pm!7.45am BRIGHT CROP PROSPKCTS, Reports received at the Agricul tuial Department bear out the high expectations heretofore created as to the harvest. The railroads are preparing to trans port products promptly, specula' tors are whetting their appetites and there is a general feeling satisfaction at the prospect of of seeing come back the $69,000,000 of gold that has lately gone to old , countries to keep them on their ! feet. The harvest throughout Western and Central Europe will be late and of a poor quality, and, as a consequence, Europe must import extra large quantities of wheat. Russia wilt not have the surplus crops that she expected, and must, therefore, depend on the United States mainly for her supply. The crop iu Oregon will be large and farmers are encouraged over the prospects for good prices. A big crop and paying prices will make thriving times this fall, (train dealers are already offering to contract the growing crop at 75 cants, and 90 cents is quoted in Albany at present, although there is no wheat now to sell. Thx Portland Telegram asks: "Where will Oregon be when the great Columbian exposition opens, and the representatives of earth's millions look upon the grand spectacle?" Oregon will be right here. This state is not going to fVHoP'do anything fool ish. Because foolish legislators failed to follow the wishes of the people and make a moderate ap propriation for a becoming exhibit at the world's fair, it does not follow that the state is going to allow herself to be left out iu the wet. The Herald predicts that Oregon will occupy the front row, along with the other progressive Pacific Coast states, at the big exposition, and that her enterpris ing people) will furnish the money for proper representation. There is ample time to accomplish it before the opening of the exposi tion. "Biffalo Bill" Cody turned things upside down recently in Brussels, where the people took him to be a Lord High Master of the Buffaloes, or something of the kind, over here. The Belgian Queen visited his show three times, and then took Col. Cody to the Royal Btables and had him in spect her horses. Just as likely as not he will be knighted by some of the effete monarchies. In 1S93 the Wild West, enlarged and rearranged, is to be the diversion par excellence of the Chicago World's Fair. Twe frequent attacks of illness to which Bismarck has lately been subject suggest the idea that the old man will not te as great a thorn in the side of the govern ment as was at first feared. A man broken in health may have his capacity for active opposition in Parliament diminished, ,1 tit if Bismarck peiseveres in his deter mination to publish his memoirs during his lifetime he may do as much mischief to German absolut ism by telling the exact truth as he could by a vigorous legislative onslaught. Ir Wat a gallant tight the friends of consolidation made in Portland, not only in uniting the suburbs of the metropolis into one big city, but in crushing the ring which has ruled or rather misruled the politics of Portland for many years. It was an Augean task, but it was wall done, and the bosses are beginning to find it out. Those people who are inclined to parade their doleful tale of herd times should paste this squib from the Philadelphia Press in their bats : The United States at the end of a half year from the Baring crash is the only country in the woild whose finances and banking are unperturbed, and which is looking forward with hopeful and prosperous prospects to the com ing half year, in which its own crops will be large, foreign demand brisk, and the manufacturing situation favor able to its own industries. ABOUT IMMIGRATION. During the month of May 62,000 immigrants landed at the port of Kew York. Of this number 13,486 came from Italy, 10,572 from Ger many, 7,089 from Ireland, 5,184 from Sweden, 3,985 from Austria, 2,856 from England, 2,371 from KiiHHia. 1.980 from Poland, 185 from Norway, 2,708 from Hun gary, 450 from Greece, 89 from Armenia, and 7 fromTnrkey. Less than one-fourth of these, it is esti mated, came West to seek homes. The immigrants who are co:uing to Oregon are the conservative, well-to-do citizens of the East, who wish to better their condi tion. The number of westward immigrants now is not as jlarge as last year, but they are generally of a wealthier and more desirable class than heretofore. Tue Emperor of China has ordered the execution of all per sons implicated in the recent riots and massacres of Christians. To some this might seem like an im Dortant concession, but to those who have etudied the question the fact is well known that the Chinese authorities would rather decimate a district by exe cution than to pay a stiff bill of damages. If vou suffer pricking pains on moving the eyes, or cannot bear bright light, and find your sight week and falling, you should promptly use Dr. H. McLean's Strengthening Eye Salve, cents a box. Croup, whooping cough and bronchitis immediately relived by Shiloh'sCure. For sale by Foshay & Mason. For lame back, side or chest, use Shiloh'a porous plaster. Price 25 cents at f oshav & Mason. THE Glorious Fourth EUGEN ED WILL CELEBRATE, And will give more elaborate and enthusiastic entertainment than any city in the state. Every thing will be provided for a patriotic jubilee. THE 2D REGIMENT EKCAMPME1TT Will be in session at Eugene at that time, and the week preced ing, and will form a very attrac tive feature of the day. This fine body of 500 men will give splen did exhibits of drill, parade, etc. Dances and open air concerts with music by the best band in the state each evening, all ith the beauty and grandeur of mili tary order and discipline. BEST MUSIC IN THE STATE, Sham Battle, Races, Games, Hose Contests, Etc. "Everybody invited. HUMPHREYS' Dr. Hi MPtiRST's Sricnrics are scientifically ahd carefully prepared prescriptions; used for minv years in private practice with suc cess, and for over thirty years used by the people. Every single Specific is a cure for the disease named. These secilics cure without drugging, purging or reducing the system, and are in fact and deed the sovereign remedies of the world, list or raisciPAL sos. ct res. pricks.. 1 Fevers, Congestion, inflammation . . 3 25 2 onus, worm fever, worm colic... 26 3 Crying Colic, or teething of infanss. . 2ft 4 Diarrhea, of children or adults 26 5 Dysentery, Uripiog, Billious Colic . 25 Cholera Morbus, vomiting 25 7 Cough", colds, bronchitis 25 3 Neuraliria, toothache, Faceache 25 1 Headache, sick htadiche, vertigo.... 25 10 lpspcpsia, billious stomach 25 1 1 Suppressed or Painful Periods 25 12 Whites, too profuse peiiods 26 13 Croup, cough, difficult breathing 25 U Salt Kheiim. caysipelas. eruptions.. 25 15 Rheumatism, rheumatic pains 25 Hi Fever and ague, chills malaria 50 17 files, blind or bleeding 50 111 Catarrh, influenza, cold in the head 50 2(1 VI hooping Coun, violent coughs 50 24 (lencral debility, physical weakness 50 27 Kidnev din-ase 50 2sNcivoiu debility 100 3) Urinary Wcaki.ess, witting bed 50 3J Diseases id the heart, palpitation.... 1 00 Sold by druggists, or sent postpaid on re ceipt of price. Dr. Humphreys' Manual, (144 page) richly bound in cloth and gold, mail ed ne. HUMPHREYS MED. O., Ill & 113 William St , New York, SPEC I F I C S . Children Cry for PXTOHZB'B Castoria SPRING WAGONS. OUR STOCK OF SPRING WAGONS IS THE LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE ON THE PACIFIC COASr, AND COMPRISES ALL THE LEADING STYLES OF Four-Spring Passenger and Moun tain Wagons, SPECIAL PARCEL DE LIVERY WAGONS, ONE - HORSE BUSINESS WAGONS, ONE-HORSE IRON AXLE WAGONS, ETC. It win pay all parties want mg Spring wagons of any description to call upon or correspond with us. We guarantee our vehicles the best, Staver & NEW MARKET BLOCK, - WE CARRY THE LARGEST AND THE PACIFIC ataehinery and Vehicles SEN!) FOR CATALOO J 0. 13 A.VIS ALBANY. cfc The men of this vicinity need not be jealous because their wives talk so constantly about Matthews and Washburn. Its not their good looks the ladies are talking about, it is the good qualites of tl a. cook and heating atoves they sell. Every one seems to be delighted when they buy from M. and W. School Tax Notice. The Bchool tax in school district No 5, is now due und pay able. Call at my office and pay the same before it beomes de linquent. C. G. Bi KKIUKT. District Clerk. A FULL LINE OF BICYCLES AND TRICYCLES FOR BOYS AND GIRLS JULIUS CRADWOHL'S GOLDEN RULE Spring The public is invited to inspect the im- mense FOR THE SPRING OF His assortment is bier than ever before, and he is prepare!, to satisfy customers ha quality and prlceB. . The Highest Market Prico Paid for Country Produce. HALF-PLATFORM SPRING WAGONS, scroll spring Wagons, "handy wagons," 'taylor' or three spring wagons, half-spring wagons, express wagons, delivery wagons, prices lowest, quality considered. Walker PORTLAND, OREGON MOST COMPLETE STOCK ON COAST OF of Every Description. E AND PRICK LIST, CO. OREGON. ALBANY Collegiate Institute. ALBANY, 1890 A Eull Caps OREGON .1891 of Instructors. Classical, scic tine, literary, cctnmercia. ind normal cla-scs. Courses of study ar ranged to meet the need of all grades 0 students. Special inducements offered to students from abroad. Tuition ranges fron 5.5 lo 913.M Per Term. Instrumental instruction in music wl given by Miss Laura Goltra. Board in private families at low rate, and rooms for self boarding at small expense. A careful supervision exercised over fup iway from home. For circulars and full particulars, address the president, REV. ELBERT N. COND1T, Albany, Oregon. CROWDER BROS Contractois and Builders. Jffice on First street with Wal 1 ace & Cusick, real estate agents, Jbany, Oregon. Estimates given n all kinds of buildingsorcarpen er work. All work intrusted to will be promptly executed. amoumemmT stock of Dry w Bakery ar ,.A FULL STOCK OF. Staple Groceries Crockery. Glassware. The beat quality of tea, coffees, candles nuta, etc. FRESH BARED BREAD EVERY DAY. At thta old reliable house is also to be round milHt assortment of fresh family ' groceries, to which is constantly beiwr added all the seasonable lines 01 grocerim auu pro visions, such as Cranberries, Fine Pickles, Dried Beef Chipped to order Anchovy Mustard, Candies and Nuts, tastetn Buckwheat Flour, tannea Goods of All Kinds, Bohemian Glassware, Etc, These goods were all bought when price ere low and the ueneHt of the margin will be iven to his customers. Keniem!' the place, At the old corner on Mrs, ana lirtauioin dcs. Conrad Myer. DR. W.C.NEGUS, Graduate of the Royal College of London, England, also of the Belle vue Medical College. The Dr. has spent a lifetime of study and practice And makes a spe cialty of chronio diseases, removes cancers, scrofula enlargements, tumors ind wens, without pain or the knife. He also makes a specialty of treat ment with electricity. Has practii ed in the German French and English hospitals. Calls promptly attended lay night. His motto is "b.OD WILL TO ALL." "Office and residence, Lebanon, Oregon IP I--TnTO. 11IIOSE WISHING A FIRST-CLASS IN . B-rjment, the best made to stand the climate of this coast, can he suited by ca'Iing at Mis: B. E. liyman's, opposite the Masonic I'empls, First street. The. latest vocal and Instrumental music kept for sale. Also the largest assortment of stamping patterns to select from this side of 'Frisco. Le;ns given in ainting and emhroidery at her itudio over Linn County Hank. (Jive her your order and you will be pleased. Nursery. Meta 's. Hvm?i & Brownell are prepare-', in their nurBery to fur nish all kinds cf stock, md those intending to plant should call upon them. Boots and Hhoes. Purchasers of Boots and Shoes bear n mind that big advertise ments and oilers of big discounts io not always mean best values. You will have to pay some one a profit as no oie can do business without expense. The quest :oli is who can sell you the best goods for the least money. Sami'el E. Yoinq. BAZAAR STORE. Goods 1391 AT - 5 . . JL Also carries the Pianos & Organs IN THE WILLAMETTE VALLEY. CALL AND EXAMINE HIS . STOCK. ODD FELLOWS TEMPLE, ALBJ NY, OREGON. Manufacturer of -AND DEALER IN- Cigars Plug and SmokSnjr Tobaccos, Meerschaum and Briar Pipes, i full linw o' Smokers' Articles. Ne foi to Pffelffert candy store, Albany, Oregon, Once Wo wish to remind you that we car ry the most Complete Line of Hard ware, Stoves and Ranges in the Val I3V" MATTHEWS & WASHBURN. FEED -:- -AHD- GENERAL PRODUCE MARKET. WANTED SPECIALLY-Hay, cats and potators, to supply sustome cn the Ongon Pacific Railroad extension and my increafing home trad here I sell in quantities to suit the purchaser!. Store in Strahan Brick, Seoond street R M. ROBERTSoN. m 230 ) ake yimmons !Lwer Regulator One Dose WO ATM - ioo Dollars. Drar S. L. R: T consider one dote Im mons Liver Regulator worth wt constipated, had Headache, could eat otti ine with satisfaction or appetite ha the blues, and felt altogether out of sorts. I re sorted to Blue Mass, Calomel, Ouinln , and every remedy suggested, but only obtained temporary relief. One dose of 8 L R did m more good than 91M worth of doctors an doctoring;. Resp'y, ' O Marttji. I have been a teacher for twentv yean, and during that time have had lepeated attacks of headache, produced by torpid Liver, and have been entirely cu od by Simmons Livei Regulator. I foun t to be of so mild character In its a tlon not to Interfere, In the least with my duti ttn the school room. To those similar i situi t d and subject to same, I cannot 9 higt , recommend Sim moos Liver Regulator. K, K. OMRS CanipberjrtUe K) G.L. BlackmaD, DBALSR IN Druirs, Paints, Oils, Perfumery AMD TOILET ARTICLES) And a full line of Books, Stationery, Periodicals. Prescriptions Carefully Comoounded. finest lines of Choice Cipars AND KEY WEST Again STORE quarter ker county Ore flJ gon, near whatUr ft is new Baker City. apCUTIIDV Bum who has I Ull I become Identified wUh the resources A Of) pnd development of thnt country. TbisMuU man is no other than Mr. John Stew-art, one of the wealthiest rod lost influential citizens in the county. Inr. recent letter he says: "I had been suffering from pains in my ba k and general kidney complaint for some time, and had used many remedies wi'hcut any but temporary relief. The pains in 1113 back had become so severe that I was prevented from attending to my rork and could not move without the ue of a cane, lieariog, through r frend, of the wonderful cure el ioit by O egoo Kidney Tea, I wan induced to try a box, and from that ver first dose I found instant relief, and before n ihg half he contents of tbe box the pains in c y back entirely disappeared I have every faith in the virtues of the Oregon Kidney Tea, and can conscientiously recommend it to m friend. 1 would not be without it for any thing." Oregon Kidney Tea cures headache, incon tinence of urine, brick dust sediment, burn ing or painful sensation while urinating, ami all affections of the kidney or urinary organs of either sex. Health is Wealth ! Dr. E. C. West't nerve and bratt: treatment, a guar anteed specific for hysteria, dizzineat fits, headache, ner vous prostration caused by the use oi alcohol or tobacco, softening of brain resulting in insanity and leading to mis ery, decay and lo of power iu either ex Each box con tains one tn .nth c treatment. One dol lar a box. or six box ee for ve dollars, sent by mail pre paid on receipt oi price. Guarantee! issued only by I. A. fhimminira. dnureisl I sole agent, Albany, I.Oregon. S500 REWlRD We will pay tbe above reward for any can of liver complaint, dysperaia. sick headache, indigestion, constipation or costlvenes wi cannot cure with Wert's liver pills, when tl direction are strictly complied with. The are purely vegetable and never fail to giv satisfaction. Large boxes, eootainiiih pills, 28 cento. The genuine manufactured only by the John C West company. Chicago Illinois. Sold br J. A-tCummitiKa, druggist Albany, Oregon. JOHN SCIIMEER'S Liyery.MSSalestataf Corner Stand and EUnwrih 8is ALBANY. - ORSOOh E oca as boabbbb by the day or month. Oar nagetor baggie on tuisoiums veni NEW FEEIDJTORE! HAY, OATS AND CHOP FEED Always on hand. Also Lime, Piaster & Cement, Some to the corner oi Water and Pwary str. for all kinds of Feed, P. W.8PJKK, Albffty, Or. M 1 Ska0 THE- fapioa Rite OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD T. E. HUGO, Becelrer, ANC Oregon Development Go.'s Steamship Line 225 M1LM10RTER. ;and 22 Hours Less Time Than by any ether route: Accomodations unnurjmflsed for rrmtoit D laiety. Kane mk! freiift.l via Yaquii.a an the Oregon Deve opmeut company' tnlpe, much leas that by any other route ween all points in tbe Willlamet'e al and San Francisooi SAILINa DATES. nOM TAQGIHA. Willamette Valley ..Jiite 4th w v..... iat Willamette Valley 22, FROM BAM rRAKtffiOG Mny 1 June 9 - IS, 27 Willamette Valley Willamette Valley The company nerve the rkht to cha ic teamen or tailing dates. DAILT r llltiseil TRAINS iucept Sundays.) L Yaqulr.a7:00 a I Lv Albany 12:20 H Corvalli, 10:36 Ami" Corvallis lf Ar Albany 11:3b I Ar Yaquiua iSH r. a. O. a V. Main connect at euLan amjioi Wm. II. Unas, C, . HoetTB, General Hana'di U. F ftP. Agent Corvalli, O on EAST SOUTH -VIA- S0UTHERN PACIFIC ROUTE. THE MOUNT SHASTA ROUTE Califernia ex rest trains run daily SOUTH NORTH i7:U0pm..Lv Portland ....Ar.. 8:3; am 10:2 p m..L.....Aloany Lv.. 6:2i am 10:15am..Ar...... 8. Francisco. Lv.. 8-00 pm Lcal raas. Trala DnUjr- E. Sunday g:0Oam..Lv Portland ....Ar. . 4KXr 12:20 p m..Lv.... Altuy.Lv..lii am 6:40 p mAr.....Roacourt Lv.. 6:2" am LebwaoB Krmacta. 2.36 pLv Albany Ar.. 8:2f pm ,2:36pm Ar ....Lebanon..... Lv . K-4v-7:30am.. L Albany . Ar.. 4.20 pm B.22am..Ar Lebanon Lv.. 3;4u pm Albany local, DAILT (Except Sunday) 5.00 r h..Lv.. Portland. ...Ar....0 A u 9.00...... Ar. ..Albany....Lv....5.u0 A M PULLMAN BUFFETSLEKTEKF. TOURIST SLEEPING CAKS, For accommodation of Second-CIa4 Pa sengeri attached to F.xprew i.aina. West Bide tmition. Between l'oitland uid Ccrvallis Mall Trnlri Dally - Except Sunday 720 a m..Lv 12:10 ptn..Ar Po.tlanJ ...Ar.6.30 p. tn Conaiiis.. L: liS.'.p. m At Albany and Corvallis courect with trams of Oregon PacificKailroad. Expresa Train Bally (Excipt Sunday 4:40pm..Lv Portland... Ar.. 6:20 am 1:26 p m..Ar !cUinoville.Lv..;6.4; THROUGH TICKETS lo All Point' EAST AND SOUTH tS"fot tickets and full 'information re garding rates maps, etc., call on complies agent at Albanv. K KOEHI.KK, E. P. ROGER?, Manager Awrt. U. A V. A A WEAK MAN Can cure himself of Hie de plorable results of early abuee aiid perfectly ret-tore liis vigor and vital ity by our home treatment. The remarkable curep of hopeless cases of nervous tlebility and private complaints are ever w here stamp ing out quack erv. Treaties and question lift, a physician's gift to suffering humanity, will be sent ftee to those afllictec. Address with stamp PIONEER INSTITUTE, 405 Kearny St., Room 2, Snui Francisco, Cal. We carry a large pt.tK.-k of printer's stationery, well as sorted, bought direct from the manufacturers at a low figure, and can give the best of work in.all kinds of printing for the least money. Try us. tt Smilky. THE MARKETS. ALB AN r QUOTATIONS. Wheat- 84c OaU 4Sc Flour J4.2S per bbl Potatoes :c Ekks a-v Butter 2f Lard 1012Jc. Hams 1415c Shoulders 10c Bacon 12ic Hops 90c. Hay Timothy. (10. oats and cheat 8. App es Green, tl per bn. PlujM Dried, 9c. per lb. App'es dried bleached be enndried flic Chickens 4 5or,oo. Beef 33;c jrross. Mutton 3g 3 50per head. Hoks RJc dresser. eal-6fit6Jc. Wool 1821c. EGGS FOR SALE. I will sell full blood Leghorn eggs, both ningle and rose rouib, for $1 50 per 13. also dotted Wyan dotts. Light Erahmas, l.angahan and Plymouth Rocks at the same prioe. L. J. Holck, Tangent, Or.