Morning daily herald. (Albany, Or.) 1885-19??, June 21, 1891, Page 1, Image 1

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r 7 "A -
VOL. VI tfOrlS"
Townsley, t!m richest farmer in
Tuckahoe county. had jn-t growl
ed down hi breakfast. Tim meal
luul been served ton minu'e-i late,
ami Tovnaley never failed to
growl when such was the cae.
lie arose fro'ii the table and
Peowle I at the litilu woman who
ea', trembling and weak, b.dtind
the hig co I leu pot. That little
i:i led piece ot liumaiiity was
Town-lev's v. ife.
"A woman," said Townsle; ,
irl'ocing at hi-i wife '"Bill toss
nt if I. a n ! w ft a teaspoon ira:i a 111.111 can 1'now in at
the. door with a poovel. Time is
money, Mrs. Townsley, and it you
go on'wasti :g in this way we shall
a'l he ia the poor-house before
"'Wool green and wouldn't
kindle?' Well, should have
f iiud nunc that would! Weren't
up two h urs before I ws?
WliAt on eartii women folks do
with all their time id more'n I
kno.v. But don't tit there mak
ing excuses. There's been enough
time lost alrea ly, 1 s lould think.
It is no hull past tl. Bring ie
my thick boots. You an get me
a clean coll ir, too. I'm going to
t nvn. By th ; way," sa:d Tow lis-l.-y,
in tiie little fingers of his wile,
fastened the fr.rsh collar around
his thro it, "run to the barn Hud
bring Ju ly's horse blanket around
to the front dor. If I'm not
tiieie, roil it up and tlno.v
it in the buggy. Wait a minute,"
detdniiiii her. You were i-peak-ing,
Mrs. Townsley. about a clothes
wi nger. I haven't any money to
throw arav on gnncracks. My
motht r never had a wringing ma
chine an I never asked for one.
Takes all I can rake and scripe to
keep the farm supplied with mow
ing mai'iiiii'.'S and corn-plant ei 8.
Delivered of his s;eech and
readv for twn toiin;, Townsley
allowed his wile to depart in search
of the hoise blanket, white he
btrodi- to the front door, dis
patched 1'. .! 1 1 open fie gaLe, and
j 'liu ed into tht? hungy.
".Jane," and fVw nsley, unlend
ing a tulle, a the smalt, frail fig
tire drew- clos.t and lifed iu the
he ivy blonket, "if fie lurcher
stops to day, yon won't need to
get any meat f -r the hoicie. I
hint le home for dinner to-day
and the men folk will be over to
Unci's. Well," miming up a
thin, cheap siu'le to siirnal gixul
by. I'm oil' at las'. Whoi, (tidy.
Jane, the's th no potatoes in the
bin; Ihey'ie c:vnin.j. letter
B'-e t them to d;'v. Good in .ru
ing." For a mile or two Townsley's
route lav through woods where
bloss mirg tliwcrs tilled the air
witn fraranc--. llj cut the tl w-t-rs
Willi Ins and left tiem
bruised and inaug ed by the way
side. The birds in the trees
tosse I him a i:r. ctiugas be passed;
but all the notice lie t'k was t-i
tur i soigs t screams by strikiui:
at i he l.rancbe- w- rm they swung.
Judy was fow nsley 'a best horse.
When tfiey not. through the piece
of woods ai d Towiisiey had u thim;
el-e toc.ack Irs whip a', be tried
tbe soapper on her and nude her
lance. Jiilv ;i in tine spirits
this morning. Sic needed no
II rii :l if. 1'iMH-ley contiuil. d to
fret b'-r wih li s w hip. Hut w be i
lit" touched her with the tassel
en 1 it was mo e than the spirited
animd Aonlil hrook. She reaied
stnd pa a el toe air, and th n
piling ! forward as it to fee her
kis'.i and lina'ly da-b -d forward at
a break-neck speed. For a miie
hhe II iw l'ke the;but Towos
ley's linn hand drew tier in at la-t,
and for the time being the h ir-e
recognized her ma.-der. But Judy's
eye glittered ; she looked wicked.
Townsley's tye glistened, iie felt
proud. At ease wnh all mankind,
be willingly drew lines to talk with
Kicketts, who was riding from
town on horseback.
"Wei, what's the news?'' in
quired Toi:s!ey, with a patroniz
ing no 1.
"N' t in .i-h news of any kind,
everyb idv s so 'larna! fu 1 !" the
"Kri-ir. eh! The fedow that
murdered his v;fe? So he's bad
to swing for it, Ins he? Hanging's
Uvt good for such a t")ss aa he
Judv plunged and reareJ and
snorted lire.
"Yn-a-. l'api-rs fe.ll on't ; con-ttiil-raliie
cxeiteiin-nt. It they'll
pardoned him, think tbe bos
would have Ivuched b in."
T.'ie spirited Judy gave a leap;
but lownslev uuicted tier.
"Yes," ea:d 1'ownslcy, "he was
a liaril case
"Of ! desuut hard," interrupted
Kicketts. "Y- u read the account
didn't von?"
"Oh! yes, yes. I recollect the
whole miserable alt.ur. A man
w ho will abuse a woman as he did,
u man who in cold blood shoots
! n the mother of his child as
Kriefl'did hanging isn't enough
for him; it isn't enoug'i. Whoa!
Judy; whoa, you beast! Yea a
a tine horse. Whoa! Judy. Stand
Mill there. How did he behave on
the g.illows?"
"lake a man. the paper says.
Forth tir-t time in bis lite, I
reckon. Yes, died without flinch
ing; didn't seem to care what be
c wie of him."
"It's dreadful," said Townaley,
jerking bis horse's month and
with ditliculty controlling her.
"The way ciime whoa is in
creasing whoa! Mrs. Punch, or
I'll get out and whip you till you
I know who I am. That's the third
case of wife murder we've heard of
within "
Here Judy dahhid oil" at full
speed, a'-d Towns'ey was obliged
to leave his sentence unlinitieti.
What ailed the brute that morn
ing? The nerve and muscle of
one strong mon were n t enougti
to bold h r. The bugscy tossed
from side to hide of the road as the
horse rmbed onward. Towns'ev
grew pal l with rage. He cut the
animal iii:ht and left. Then be
irrew wale at the sig;it of the
danger In fore him, and tried to
restrain tier with kind, iea-suring
words. C'iresscs after wli ppinu't
are accented bv the cinbl w hen
refused by the beait. Townsle
was wnseioiis of M!icters sigzajj-
gicg like lightning before his eves ;
conscious of braciiij and holding
with bo'h hands; then of a great
plunge through the air: of plow
ing the ground with his shoulder,
and gurgling a prayer through the
gravel w hich til.ed his mouth that
liixl would save him. Then his
neck apparently broke and he
knew no more.
When Townsly can.e to hinnelf
be opened his weauly, then won-
deriiigtv, then fearfully. After
wlncli he closed them in a hurry.
lownslev was scared. Ma had
seen his own soul hovering over
him like a balloon, and struggling
to free itself from the body. Was
he dead or dvint; oi trembling on
the borderland? He did not know
lie opened his eyes again, looking
I his time from the soul s stand
point. He saw that tnanld, mo
tionless b dv of bis wrapped in the
wayside dust; and lie felt himself
the soul suspended in air, with all
that earthly flesh clogging his up
"But whisli mi I?" groaned
Townsley, a cold perspiration
breaking out all over him.
He seemed to comprise two be
ing, each wrestling lor the mas
tery. The soul pulled bird for
Iitierlv, bur. the body 8 dead
weight would grant it no release.
Sounds tilled his ears like runnini:
w aters, ami his throat was parched
and burning The heart of this
i-trong man failed him.
"Jane. Janie!" pleaded Towns
ley, "help me keep me stay by
me 1' going mail oh ! Janie!"
But all he saw as his eyes i'ost-d
heavily, was a white-faced woman
rubb'ng sprouts from a mountain
ofotto?3. She sat in a cold,
damp cellar with a tallow dip for
liiiht. Her sleeves were rilled
above the elbow, but the arm ex
posed had long ago lost all beautv
of shape skin and bone was all it
could boast now. Hers bad been
a pretty ace once. Tears washed
down I he cheek hollows and
washed white streiks down the
muddy potatoes and the dark
stained hands. She did not cease
working an instant, save now and
then to pick Jp and put back the
wedding ring which kept falling
from her wasted finger.
"Litt'e loyal woman cown there
in the dark, Hod bles ynu," ex
claimed a voice which penetrated
Towindey'n soul.
"Janie help me save me!"
cried the feeble body, choking
uith the dust which Oiled his
"Seeui to me," said the same
voice, growing harsh and unfeel
ing, "you're making a pretty big
fuss for a dead man. Cut that
in rtal coil and come along with
me. I can't wait here forever;
and I've been hanging around here
a long time for you. A man of
your nerve and force oughtn't to
make such a row when it com r to
biting off his own thread and lay
imr aside his earthly garments. I
tell you you're a dead man been
dead those two hours."
Townsley turned his eyes in the
direction of the voice, and beheld
the soul of a man, unencumbered
r.y bxly, sitting there on the fence
by the roadside. The face of this
individual was not in keeping with
the roug's careless word he had
uttered. It feemed to Townsley
he bad never beheld a cut ten
ance so full of sull'ring and woe,
po sad, so sorrowful, so hopeless.
But the remarks of this being were
offensive in the extreme; and
Townsl?v, accustomed to defer
ence, resented them.
"Who ara you, sir?" he de
manded, in tones of dinilied au
t ority.
"Who am I? Well, I was once
a man, and I ain't no baby now.
And if you'll examine my burden
of fins i-e-e. you w ill see that I'm
all that's left of Krieff, the nun
that murdered his wife and had to
swing for it."'
Townsley shuddered. He had
intense abhoirence for this Krieff
in his earthly guise, and his gpir
i ual form was more repulsive.
"Move on !" said Towcsley, and
get out of the way of respectable
people. io i may have mercy on
you ; but 1 haven't even pity for a
man who could so disgrace him
teif. You're a ''
KrietTs soulful eyes bad been
full of tears; but now his dry,
harsh laugh drank up all the
moisture. Interrupting the fal'en
man, he exclaimed :
"Yes, I'm Krieff who killed his
wife; and you'ri Townsley who
killed his wife. We're both in the
same box, Only I've had to dance
the gallows for my crimes, an'
your neck isn't broke accordin' to
iaw,though it's pret'y well cracked
for an accidental send-off", An'
now we'll strike hands an' Spin
Krieff outstretched a long, thin
arm, through which Townsley saw
the green hills and the blue sky.
"In the same box!" screamed
rownoley. "What do you mean,
yo i wall-eyed scamp? I'm a re
spectable citizen. I'm a trusiee of
the First .National Bank. I'm a
member of "
KritfFs bitter broke oil'
the sentence. It was not a merry
laugh, but one that described
agony better than words.
"Y'ou can't com: any such
dodges in this day!" he retorted.
"You are what you are, what you
have been no not what you have
passed for aniorg your fellow men.
A man who has abused his wife as
von have a man who in cold
olood has killed tiie mother of his
children harigin' aint et:ous;!i for
him ; it ain't enough," said Krieff
mockingly. "Come on here with
me, than, an' lake yer deserts,
like the ghost of a inun bhould.
Krieff and Townslev, wife-killers,
eh? Ye8. I've been loi'.erin'
around her all day. Had news I'd
have a companion in misery it I'd
wait a Utile. I've died once of
suspense; an' now I'm likely to
iuffer from it again, if you don't
kick the bucket pretty lively."
Townsley's face became purple
with passion while this loquacious
soul dcliveied his speech: but just
as he was about to cry out witti
rage, lie was brought back to a
realizing sense of bis own condi
tion by his soul, which was now
making desperate eil'oris to free
itself. White succeeded the purple
in Townsley's face, blood oozed
irom bis mouth, and a dead faint
made bis head rest heavily N old
Mother Karth.
"A pretty clever dodge, this
dead faint of yours," continued
ivrielt, coming down from tl e
ience and seating himself tailor
fashion beside the still, white,
bruised body of Townsley. "But
I'm bound to wait for you, a id
I'm bound to have out my t-ny.
Your body is as cold this minute
as that shell of mine in the
medical college; out here's vour
sciil, turned listener, and here's
what I ve got lo say.
"I died like a linn, vonVc
heard," said I rieff, gently, drop
ping bis voi.-e, and Knowing asi ie
bis ioi:-ii manner in bis mti iim1
e.'rnis! uess. Po von know whv.
Bec.ui.-e 1 was to big n with.
It W-s t'l the gilloiV.-) tna' kiiie !
Kr: .'. tnoug:i that iiis'.iluuor.
Ire soul. Kr ell ilied oi a bio
k'.'i: Iil-ui t, an' died yt-a; .ige. V' In.
took bis hie? V uorn-u;. Who
b-oke u.y ? My wile.
I'o v m lln..k I ibdll l .OVI!
little a: " In I o! a l.uev when 1
msrned her? I loved her from
the ribhoii in her hair !o the I ow
on her slipper. 1 worshipped her.
W ben a man loves a woman as
I loved her, she can lead him any
where. He will follow her to
Heaven, or she may dr.g him to
I (ell if she pleases. That is here
Lucy dragged me. She didii t
know it, most likelv. But there
ain't nothin' else lor a man when
a woman he loves an' would die
lor stops given' love back.
"You see, I lost my money, an'
Lucy went with that. 1 couldn't
believe she'd married me for that
little Property of mine till she
twitted me of deceivin' her and
buyiu' her love with counterfeit
bills. This from that little arm
I'u' that I loved so! But it didn't
cm li me. 'We'il bae gold in
their pace, Lucy,' say I; 'you
shall be a rich man's w'n'-i yet,
dariin', on'y love me. I han't
got the heart to work without
that ' But work grew scarce in
stead of plenty, an' 1 was in such
a rush !o make money lor her
I lest all 1 gained in hum-in'
from one prruiisia' chance to
"Other men make iuouy, why
can't you'." sh would hjv. And 1
would' Ely it over an' over to
myself: "Other men make money,
why can't you? After that, when
I got little sums I speculated with
'em in a poor man's small way,
I gambled at the nearest grog-shop
to win a fortune for Lucy. But
she sneered at me when I lost an'
when I got ahead would forget the
look of love an' encvu'agen.eiit I
"I had no peace at home m
comfort. She taught the little 'un
to make fun of me, its father.
'Oh, Lucy!' said I one day, 'you're
a-killin' me an' I love you so!'
You can't die anv to soon,' said
she : 'an' your love's nil wasted.'
But I couldd't believe she meant it.
"My heart didn't break through,
till she got to lovin' Tom a good-for-nothin'
worthless scamp an'
then all hope died within me.
1 took to drinkin then. I u-ed to
come home pretty drunk some
times, but I never laid a linger on
Lucy. I always crep off a'ane till
I was myself again.
"All except that one night,
when I had crep away an' come
again sudden, my brain ail on lire
all excei t that one night, w hen.
comin' back, I loun I her sittin'
close to Tom; saw her givin'bim
bandsful of touches on tace and
throat (I would have died years
before that to have any one lovin'
touch fn m Lucy's linger tips) :
saw her kissin' and kissed ; heard
her talkin' to him in tones w hich
broke up ail the memories of my
happy long ago, an' croonin' to
him of the bright future comin'
when a drunkard's grave should
have swallowed up John Krieff,
an' she an' Tom l'orter should be
in their own cosy home. Tom
kissed her after that, an' called
her his angel.
"They didn't see me till I come
cut to the light with the pistol.
'Toni, says I, crazed with liquor
and pasison, 'your angel in heaven,
m.rbiina but never here!'
"I tired then, an' Lucy fell dead.
All tins was lnuisiiiici, wime iu
the bodv, but it conies back fresh
and clear to me now.. I could
have saved my life by dishorin'
Lncv's name; but, even if
hadr.'t cared to keep her white to
the world, yet would I have kept
still. 1 had no desire to pieau
mvease. 1 was dead.l was heart
broken, an' I lonired to get oui of
the world.
"1 here's some one e'se that's
heart-broken in this world.
There's a little woman down in a
cellar sproutin' potatoes this mm
ute, whose husband lias killed
her. Her soul isn't fieo vet but
she's dead just the same. That
woman is Townsley's wife. Your
soul is a-lieann' of me. if you
a n t, pursued Knell, touching
the cold, white face, and straight,
en'mg Townsley's lingers. "You
didn't shoot our wife with
pistol, but vou let her die a slow-
lingerin'. horrible death! Y'ou
killed her in a cruel, heartless
manner. You starved her. Do
vou think if I had a wife like
voiirs, 'lownslev, I'd have been
tics man I was?"
Tears tilled Kritll's eves.
"You were a poor man when
your .lame niamed you poorer
than I ever was. Folks said ll
ever there was a woman as mar
ried for love, it was Janie Jordan.
You began life hiiinblv. Janie
was delicate reared an' dainty;
but to do w ithout lor l bilup was
no hardship. When vou hit suc
cess she kissed you. When you
missed it, she kissed vou just the
same. You had a litt'e heaven of
it for three or four years. Then
continued prosperity made you
selfish. You got so far ahead vou
couldn't stop to come back for the
love an the kisses of Janie.
"Then more money came.
Money represents power. You
began lo lord it. ovi r vour fellow-
men, an at home you made a
slave of the woman who adored
i on never saved her a step or
a burden's weight. You let her
'.lig away, toil away, die away,
fioui iiiornin' fill night. An' you
killed her. But; overworked
though she was, wasn't what
killed her. It was neglect that
'roke her heart. A husband's
neglect. You starved her to
death. Townsley's wife died from
lack of appreciation, lack of love
in the man who promised to love,
honnr an' cl erish her his w hole
life long. You wouldn't treat a
dumb brute as you treated your
"We're in th? same box, you an'
I Townslev an' Krieff wife
kill ers. Only 1 hold that 1 was
the more merciful of the two: for,
while beside myself wi:h passion
an' rum. I killed my wife iu an
instant's time. You killed your
Janie by slow torture the most
cold-blooded method I know of
killed her while bhe crept on
hands ami knees to eerve you.
'May (iod have mercy on your
.; I haven't even pity for you.'
I shall g.-t my deserts, I know;
an' I'm bound lo stick by an' see
yon get yours."
"Janie," murmured Townsley,
his whole body quivering ; "Janie,"
whispered Townsley, opening his
dull, h-avy eves. "Oh, Janie
Janie Janie !"
" Twon't do any god," t -claimed
Krieff, "to shout after
her. She can't save you. You've
got to come along with me."
But as time passed on IVm-dey
at hut beea-ne conscious oi tiie
presence of a t; in I perron a
presence which soolhed him,
w hich came between him and that
waiting soul. He felt cool hands
upon his binning head, and a
soft, smooth cheek pressed cl .e
to his. He heard himself called
all manner of dear names, a:id
once or twice felt hot tears d ih
over his face, to be quickly
brushed away. Best of all he ) -It
that through the power of : ve
some one was drawing his r-.jul
back into his body, and he ki t w
that some one was his wife. I.vs
Bad days and days it took ; lui' it
was a new soul that wentbaik,
and a new bodv that covered it.
Townsley was a changed man
through and through.
Krieff s soul was forced to depart
at last, but Townsley never forgot
his parting words :
"I am lost an' you redeemed,"
he cried, "throiizh thepoAeroi
woman a xwer which can make
it heaven or hell for mankind here
an' hereafter. And oh ! when the
lovin' heart wills to create a paia
dise, &how your appreciation an'
don't go to coiniu' money out of
the gold-paved streets."
"There ain't a man in Tuekahoe
county," says Farmer Kicketts.
"so choice of bis wife as Mr.
Townsley. He can't do enough
for her. He'd let her walk on him
an' welcome, if she wanted to.
Beats all nature!''
And if he means human nature,
lie is right. But Kcktts doesn't
know, as you and I do, how near
Townsley came to In.' one of two
llM.OOlt TIHI-l.tKS.
Do you know that Moore's li:
vealed Remedy is the only patci.t
medicine in the world that dot a
not contain a drop of alcohol ; tin .t
the mode of prepaiiiv; it is known
only to its discoverer; that it is an
advance in the science of medicine
without a parallel in the nine
teenth century ; that its proprieto 3
offer to forfeit f 1.000 for any ca?a
of dyspepsia it will not cure ?
Death and Ruin Rampant
v Throughout Missouri.
Men! Wooiea acd Cbildron Take Rcfige '.
Ititi aud Remain There All Night
Many LieB Lott.
Ka.-kasCitv, June 2.). Specials
report a ternb e ram and w ind
stortii in the vicinity of Osceola
Iastf. nifcht. Oreat damage was
dor) .'o crops all over the state. A
ras'eerger train on the Kansas
City, Orctoia& Southern road was
ditched, killing l'-ngineer latnner,
A man thought to have been on
the train is missing. At Emporia
nearly every cellar in the town is
Hooded and the lower floors of
many bouses are covered with
water lo a depth of several inches.
The cvclone which passed ovei
Arkansas City last night did milch
damage liftcn miles southest of
there. A number of dwellings
were completely wiecked. All the
ininati s escaped without serious
injury except Mrs., who
wag latally hurt. A large number
ot barns and granaries were blown
dov ii. At Fort Scott a large dam
broke, and the bott in lands are
completely Hooded. Houses are
swept away, and it is feared miny
lives are lost. A number of men,
women and chil Iren can be seen
on roof tops and in the trees in
Buck Run bottom, but it is impos
sio'e to reach them.
I'oitr Scorr. Kas., June 20. It
if feared that In avy lo-'S of life bus
r silled from List night's storm,
l'lie Lug-; daun oi Mead & Hart
man and II. il. Lamb broke about
lii teen minutes alter the etui in
began, under a heavy pressure of
w ater, and the bottom lands were
completely Hooded. Six houses
were swept away by the torrent,
ami it is almost certain many of
their inmates perished. The water
in what is known us Buck Run
hi ttom, is fully a mile wide. A
number of men. women ami chil
dren sought refuge in trees and on
the roofs of houses, remaining
there all night. Thev were taken
oil' in boats this morning.
Li.mks, Del., June L'O. Thirteen
.f 1 he crew of the schooner (ieorue Imivii hpi'ii t:iLi-n from the
rigging of their vessel in an ex
hausted condition. John (ilees, a
seaman, was drowned when the
vessel struck Shears shoal, but
the others managed t get into the
.'urging belore the vessel sank.
The 'essel is a total loss.
l'rcaiileut Itari lllnH Caught iu Soma
Tricky It indnenu.
rVrv nk- Mi- vri'ii. June '20. The
Anglo-American h is bus received
(i t.(,.(rf-nin from its i-orresnondent
at thecily of (iuateuiala, saying
tin. twr.turv of ioieiioi affairs
stated the rumor about annexation
u .m f 1wu aint tb;it. mi wlleh lironO
sition was made or contemplated.
1 resident iiarniiasaisoneiiieu 11.
Sr. Loi is.June 'JO. A I
from the city of Guatemala says .
reat sensation is caused there b
the discovery that $0,000,000 1
bonds were issued for the redernp
tion of treasury notes instead 01
:!,000,0:)0 called' for. 1 1 is further
stated thatBuiTillasso'dfc.JJOO.OOO
worth of these bonds at 4(j per cent.
of their face value and picketed
the monev and placed the remain
der of the bonds iu the treasury to
redeem the notes. Ibis piece of
work h.ia cau ed treat indignation.
A l-liln'nite Mulc-lilr,
Cincinnati, June 2). A large
number of passengers over the
Cincinnati A Covington suspension
bridge saw a man deliberately
jump into the river, ninety feet
below, yesterday atternoon. lie
was rescued alive by some boat
men and taken to the hospital,
where he died two hours later. He
was able to siieak and to 8y biB
motive was suicide, but refused to
identify himself, further than to
give the name ot Kichard Kheim.
Shot by a Jealou Lover.
Col.t'Mi:ts, Wis., Jurp) 20.
Amelia Heinenianii, of Fall
Itiver, Columbia county, was shot
yetterday by her jealous lover,
Seymour Turner, a farm hand on
the Rockefeller farm near Fall
Biver. Turner then turned his
weapon upon himself and inflicted
a bad wound in the breast. It is
thought he will recover. Miss
Heiiieman received two bullets
and will die.
Itluiiie' Health Improving.
Bar Hakiior, Me., June 20.
Blaine's physician says his patient
had no relapse, but is steadily im
proving, and is in better health
than at any time since his illness
,n New York.
Wheat Crop in Oklahoma.
KistiKisiiKR, O. T., June 20.
The wheat crop in Oklahoma is
complete. The yield is estimated
at not lees than L'5 bushels to the
acre. Crops of all kinds are very
An Instructive Little Story,
"You don't amount to much,"
said the bridge, loastily, to the
rough looking pile of rocks on
which it rested. "All vou are
good for is to stand down there hi
the water, l'eople come from miles
around to admire my handsome
proportions, my lightness and
strength ana to wonder how much
the cost. If it wasn't for me no
body could cross the river. I'm
the bridge myself. That's what I
am. Y'ou are nothing but a heap
cf rocks."
"That may be so," replied the
rough-looking pile of rocks, "but
no matter how higvi you hold your
head nor how line and smart you
think you are, I want yon to know
I am your pier."
This story teaches, dearchildren,
that nothing is more important
than a g od tinderstaiidirg.
An iiu Tiain Itun Into an
.".' !" Switch at Mfc-hi, .
Nkw Orleans, Juno 20. A col
lision on the Illinois Centrjl road
last night near Sam e was
by an open swi'ch near where a
freight train was sidetracked, and
run into by the south-bound last
express. Four 1.1. n were !:i'ed
and h'ix severely iuii'e.'. i
killed are: l.ngliifT ..iiie u-i ,
Fireman Lawson, friaries Aiumi
and Bill Williams (colored. j l iie
mail train was behind lime and
running very fast when the acci
dent oeemred. The passengers
were severely shaken, but no oi:e
was seriously injured.
Ilenlh of au Army O Hirer.
Boston, Jumj 10. Assistant
Adjutant ( ieneral Monroe, of
1fluS!if-toiaotf a I lt..i rf in.iii t i:
li., died at Kevere last night. He
was a thirty-second degree Mason.
a i?i.! vi n:n-i- mi a-;--.
DuHprradue Attack the I'ri'fiiileu
tlal Tarty While 'at C hurch
The Muh l.eai'er Arretted.
Paris, June 20. The Haytieti
minislcr here has received a letter
from the llaytien secretary of
s'ate, dated l'uit an Prince, savins:
on Corpus Christi, May 2S, Presi
dent I lipjiulyte was attending re
ligious cerencjiiies in the cathedral
at Port an Prince, w hen a b ind of
desperadoes at Licked the p.ison,
forced open the doors and liberated
he prisoners therein co iline I.
The band then Marted for the
presidential palace, hoping to fciir
oris.; ami assassinate Hiepolyte.
The former massed his forces, and
soon managed to suppress the
revolt. The bearers of the revo
lutionary movement was placed
under arrest, and a number of
their accomplices were aiso made
prisoners. Higaud was shot, after
convincing proof that he was not
a French subject. The secretary
of state's letter concludes with the
remark that the couulry is more
tranquil and will remain so.
J,a biccle to-day eavs the Euro
pean cabinets are discussing the
expediency of taking united action
n order to restore order in H tvti.
H a cabinet council held to day, it
vas decided to demand reparation
1111 Hayli for the shooting by
hppolyte of Uigatid, on the
.round he is a French subje. t.
Tilt: I'll.l'IT M SUM,
Kev. F. M. Shrout, Pastor Ciiited
Brethren Church, Blue Mound,
Kan., says: "I feel il my duly to
tell what wonders Dr. King's New
Discovery has done for me. My
Lungs were badly diseased, and
my parishioners thought 1 could
live only a few week". I took live
bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery
and am sound and well, gaining 2'i
lbs. in weight."
Arthur Love, Manager Love's
Funny Folks Combination, writes :
'After a thorough tr:al and con
vincing evidence, I am confident
Dr. King's New Discovery for Con
sumption, boats 'em all, ami cures
when everything else fails. The
greatest kindness I can do my
many thousand friends is to uge
them to try it.' Free trial hot tes
at Foshay & Mason, Drug Store.
Regular eizes 5:1c. and $1 00.
iikiuiit or ui 1:1 IV.
Nervous women seldom recei '3
the sympathy they deserve. Wh .e
often the pictures of health, th !
are constantly ailing. To wit .
hold sympathy from these unf .--tunates
is the height of cruolt ;.
They have a weak heart, causii .
shortness of breath, fluUerir t,
pain in side, weak and hung y
spells, and linally swelling A
ankles, oppiession. chokin:,
smothering and dropsy. i:.
Miles' New lleait Cure is just tl 0
thing for them. For their ner
vousness, headache, weakness,
etc., his Restorative Nervine ij
uneipialed. Fine treatise ci
"Heart and Nervons Diseases"
ane marvelous testimonials In ?
sold and guaranteed by Stanard a
Mil.1 m:ki:.v Litiuri:.L.
Act on a new principle regain
ting the liver, stomach and bowels
through the nerves. A new dii
covery. Dr. Miles' Pills speedily
cure biliousness, bad taste, torpi 1
liver, piles, constipationr Un
equaled for men, women, children.
Smallest, mildest, surest ! 50 dose 1
for 25 ceuts. Samples . ee, a',
Stanard A Cusick.
His Views on the Political Out
look for 1S92.
lie Thinks Blaius Will Be tbe Republican
Nominee, Bat Would Not Object
to It Himself.
Pokti.anu, June Si). Last even
ing there arrived in Por'.land from
Tacoma one of the prominent men
of the day, General Kussell A.
Alger, ex governor of Michigan,
lie cam in his private car, the
Michigan, and alter a brief stop
Uried for San Francisco, bis car
being a'tached to the regular ex
press ori the Southern Pacific, leav-
ing here At 7 i". m.
He was accompanied by Mrs.
Aiger, Miss Alger, Miss Frances
Algyr and Miss Baldwin, of De
troit. 1 he part v have been a short
time on the Sound, where tienerai
Alger owns considerable property,
i.iid are havinir a pleasure trip as
well. The general is looking line
.v, and says they are having a de
lightful trip.
Will you be a candidate for
president 011 the republican ticket
in 1S:i2 '."' he was asked by the re
i ell, now,' he replied, " that
is too personal and straight a ques
tion to ask. 1 have already ex
pressed my views and been quoted
y papers. I admit that Blaine is
he strongest man that the repub
lican party can nominate, and I
believe that' the feeling iu his
favor is growing every day."
How about Harrison
"1 can s-iy that he has made a
'ood president, but popular sym
pathy does not Eeem to be with
uini enough to make him sure of
success. The democrats will make
a hard light in 1SV2, and the re-
ui'iluans intend to put forward
t heir best men. I think the Ohio
date convention demonstrated the
lesire that Biaine be nominated
iy the applause that was given at
he mention of bis name."
' ho will the democrats nom
inate'.'" The geiica! laughed at this
query and riid: "If 1 am not sure
is to the republican nominee, 1
can hardly ted who w ill be named
iy tbe party of which I am not a
member. Of course I am not in
its councils, and so am not fully
posted, but il U )ks much like
Cleveland now, w ith a possiltility
for I liil, or some dark horse."
'Will the fanners' alliance
movement be an impwrtant factor
in the next campaign ?'-
"It is dilliciilt to give its prob
able status, for such uprisings
must show their stability in order
to last. They had a big conven
tion, but their enthusiasm liny
not be petm inent. Then, their
!t( lion will be largely determined
by what men the old part:es put
loiwa d for president and vice
ir tikm:ii his ukain.
iV C'i'lur.Klo Man' Oooil I.uck
Irivr Him Crazy.
Dknm:k, June 20. George T.
Hasweil, a prominent resident of
Colorado, has become a raving
maniac b 'cause of a dispatch an
uouncinif that after many years of
t range vicissitudes, a fortune was
at last within his grasp. Mr.
Harwell i? past "(0 years old. He
visited Chicago in the nope of
securing employment in connec
tion with the great fair. He
originated and piojosed to a party
of wealthy Texas friends .an idea
for the organization of a company
to issue official souvenirs of the
world's fair. The souvenir would
be a medal which would cost
probal ly 10 cents and sell to the
people at $1. A company was
formed and incorjiorated for the
purpose. The world's fair com
missioners announced yesterday
that they accepted the proposition
and it was this that turned the
brain of Hasweil. George T.
Hasweil has had, in many respects,
a remarkable career, having been
a prominent figure in Texas poli
tics, a lifelong republican and a
staunch union man 111 the war.
II. I.. Nitrtlfii Suggested a I'roka
hly the Man.
Poiu'i.anp, June 20. It is now
said that the police commissisuers
have determined to forestall anv
action of the Young Men's Muni
cipal Reform League, looking to the
decapitation of the present incom
petent chief of police, by ta ting de
cisive action themselves.
B. L. Norden is thought to be
the man who will be given the
opportunity to wear the chief's
1'rintera Want Klglit Hours,
London, June 20. A Berlin dis
patch says that the printers of that
city have been approached from
Vienna on the subject of a grand
international strike for eight hours.
American and Australian printers
will be invited to join in the move
ment, w hich w ill take place in the
A Murder My stery Lnravilleil.
Wichita, Kan., June 20. The
mystery surrounding the murder
of Christopher Helm, the wealthy
cattleman whose body was found
on the Cherokee Strip, riddled
wiih bullets, has been dispelled.
A burglar fatally shot at Cherokee,
Tex., confessed that he aud a mn
named Ben Scott killed Helm and
robbed bis body of a large sum of
monev. It is said the authorities
have Scott located.
I'elltloD to Determine t'' Title to
4.. 100. OOO Acre of Land.
New York, June 20. Tbe Caaa
Grande Improvement Company, of
New York, is soon to present its
petition to the new land court to
determine title to 4,500,000 acres
of land in Arizona. It is an old
Spanish claim and is valued at
f 8,000,000. The Caea Grande Im
tirovement Company (limited) of
Arizona has a capital stock of
if 1,0011,000. .In case the Peralta
claims are successful titles to ac
tual settlers will not be disturbed.
1'aneed Over the Veto,
Bt'KN'os Avers, June 20.--Tbo
president has sent a message to
congress in which be baa vetoed
the bill granting six months' de
lay upon bills payable in gold or
silver. The chamber of deputies,
immediately ujion receipt of the
mesage, passed the bill over the
president's veto by a two-thirds
Htrathineatli Wlna the Derby.
CmcAiio, June 20. The derby v
was won by Strathmeath; Poet
Sot, second; Kingman, third.
A pair of fast black hose free
with every pair of ladies shoes,
cor.ting $3 or more, at Searls' shoe
The Verdict Was Received With
Much Applause, aud the Soldleia
Were Congratulated.
Wai.i a Waixa, June 20. The
jury in the case of the seven sol
diers on trial for their lives, for the
recent 1 lu lling of Hunt the gam
bler, for killingsoldier Miller, after
being out a few minutes, sent in
word to tbe judge that a verdict
was ready. The verdict of not
guilty was received with applause,
which wan with ditliculty sup
pressed. The soldiers, after tbe
discharge of the jury", Uel'J iMUl"
gratulated by friends, including
the jude. and shook hands with
many prominent citizens. The ver
dict gives intense satisfaction.
Suppressing Xewenapera.
London-, June 20. The rebubli
cans are more active than ever in
Portugal, and one of the newspa
pers has been suppressed for inso
lent tones of an attack on the gov
ernment. They will hardly miss
the paper, however, as half a dozen
others Lave sprung up since the
ratification of the Anglo-Po, tuguese
lF.(IMt:X t'ASKM.
S. II. ClifTord.XewCassel.Wis..
was troubled with Neuralgia end
and Rheumatism, his Stomach as
disordered, bis Liver was affected
to and alarming degree, appetite
fell away, and be was terribly re
duced in flesh and strength. Three
bottles ol Electric Bitters cared
Edward Shepherd, llarrisbirg,
111., had a running sore on his leg
of eight years' standing. Used
three bottles of Electric Bit'-ers
and seven boxs of Bucklen's
Salve, and his leg is sound 1 nd
well. John Speaker, Calawbe, 0.,
had five large Fever sores on bis
leg, doctors said he was incurable.
One bottle Electric Bitters and one
box Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured
him entirely. Sold by FoshaT A
Mason, Drug store.
Americans Must Be Careful.
Standish What's that? You
say you were attack by high
waymen on the way here?
Winthrop. Yes, and robbed of
every cent after lieing beaten in
sensible. Standish Honest citizens ought
to go armed.
Winthrcpe I was armed.
Standish Then why didn't you
Winthropc I was afraid some of
the highwaymen might be un
naturalized residents and I did not
want to risk plunging my beloved
country into a loreigrt war. New
York Weekly.
The papers contain freq 3Uit
notices of rich, pretty and e.Juc ited
girls eloping with negroes, tra aps
and coachmen. The well-kn wn
specialist, Dr. Franklyn MLja.'
eays all such girls are more orl ass
hysterical, nervous, very in; il
sive, unbalanced ; usually suhj et
to btadach, neuralgia, 'sleeping
ness, immoderate crying or lat i'i
ing. These show a weak ner- i
system for which there is 10
remedy equal to Restorative 21 jr
vine. Trial bottles and a le
book, containing many marvel is
cures, free at Stanard & Cusi t,
who also sell, and guarantee 1 r.
Miles' celebrated New Heart Cu ,
the finest of heart tonics. Cu. m
fluttering, short breath, etc.