Morning daily herald. (Albany, Or.) 1885-19??, June 20, 1891, Page 4, Image 4

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The Daily Hera li will bo on
sale each morning al II. J. Jones'
book store.where it can be procured
at 5 cents per copy.
. In sums to suit, from six months
to five years, on good Albany and
Linn county real estite.
W. E. McI'iiersox,
Opp. Russ House, Albany, Or.
Freah bread every day at Farker j
Bargains in ladie3 low shoes
Strawberries and cherries
Parker Bros.
Boenieke has fitted up his
cream parlors.
Try Boenicke's ice cream;
can't be beat.
Get a pair of $5 shoes for 3
Searls' before removal.
Mr. A. C. Woodcock, attorney of
Eugene, was in the city yesterday.
Mrs. M. J. Train and daughter
returned from Eugene yesterday.
F. M.Miller, Lebanon's new post
master, was in the city yesterday.
C. C. Cherry, of the Tacoiu.i
Iron Works, was in the city yes
terday. For a surprise, look at tin mil
linery window at the La-ties
Airs. E. I-aForcst and Mrs.
Barnes came up fruin Portland
last evening.
A new line of novelties in Hum
mer hats just received at the
Ladies Bazaar.
If you are hnngrv go to Parker
Bros, and get a loaf of the best
bread in the city.
Boenieke serves ice cream by
the dish, guaranteed to he the
linest in the city
Girl wanted to do general house
work. Apply at store or residence j
of 1 nomas Hopkins.
Remember that Searls has a
fine line of gents furnishings that
are going for cost.
The Seio city officials have
challenged Albany's 1 iw makers to
play a game of baseball.
Calumet baking jiowder is abso
lutely pure and wholesome. Try
a carl. C. E. Brownell.
When you want a tirst-cla.-s cor
set, call at the Ladies Bazaar and
get one of the "B. B's."
The sum of $150 has been raised
in this city for a write up of Al
bany in the Chicago Times.
Try Coronado mineral water,
the purest on earth, for sale by ali
druggists. John Isom Jr., sole
An Eastern Oregon paper says
that Senator Polph will deliver
the Fourth of Juiy'cration at La
Miss Minnie McDaniel, who has
resided in Sookane for several
months, is in this city, the guest
of Mrs. J. G. Crawford.
Hon. C. B. Cr jsno, Capt. B. F.
Jones, Coll Van Clevt. of the
Toledo Coal Syndicate, came over
from that place yesterday.
If yon have not drank Coronado I
mineral water, you should try it. ,
it will s oer you
clean stomach and
up, give you a
a good appt-
At the annual election of the
Scio Fire Department held last
Monday, O. S May was re-eie ted
chief engineer and ( L M. Coffey,
The Scio Press savs that the
state law prohibiting the throwing'
of sawdust into streams is heinu j
continually violated by a planing!
mill in that city. j
1. X. Warmouth, of Brow nsvilL-,
was in this city Friday. Mr.
Warmouth and family will leave i
', . I
leu i
in a fow.davs on an extent!
Eastern trip.
The Jap who was arrested in
this city Thursday f ir kidnapping
a little Japanese girl, for immoral
purposes, was taken to Portland
yesterday for trial.
F. M. French keeps the largest
and most complete stock of spec
tacles and eyeglasses in the
couuty. Every pair warranted to'
give perfect satisfaction. j
Every grocer, druggist and sa- i
loon man should keep Coronado
mineral water on hand, it will
be called for, as it is the best.
John Isom Jr., sole agent.
'1 he eame ot baseball to have
been played yesterday afternoon 1
has been postponed until 1 o'clock j
this afternoon, at which time the
game will be called, weather per-1
mittipg. I
As a table and medicinal water, i
the Coronado can't he beat. Tiy
it and be convinced. Bottled at
the world renowned sanitarium,
Hotel Del Coronado, Coronado,
D. C. i chell returned yesterday
from Junction City, Lane county,
where he is employed as architect
for the erection of a new public
school building. The contract for
its erection will be let on June 'M.
The advertisoment for the same
w ill be found in the Hkualo this
Southern California's prune crop
will be a failure this year. This
will be a big year for Oregon
prunes, cultivated in a country
where crops never fall. A gentle
man at the deiKit m this ci'y yes
terday was heard to remark that
his prune orchard would vield a
$10,000 cro. tius year.
Hop growers in the vic'mitv of1
Scio are talking of making up a 1
purse to offer as a premium to' the I
drier who could show the best June 27th the Salem and A I
article of dried hops (throughout hanvs cress bats on the grounds in
the season). This is a move in j al.'m. Albanv mav exoet a
the right direction. Anything : lively giine of hall at ilie h amis of
that has a tendency to cause a pro- j our bey. Albanv has enough
iluct to be placed upon the market good piaveis to put up a very
ina better condition should be aetive team and will d it. Saleiu
encouraged. Journal.
Farmers Ara Jubilant 0er the Pnppscts
Fur a Bountiful Ha vest and Good
Pr ces.
A II kr.u.ii reporter interviewed
Several fanners who were
in the city yesterday
as to the crop outlook
throughout the Wilhuuete Valley.
The reply universally received
from every lo tlily was that tha
wheat crop this year will he one
of the heaviest ever known in the
valley. The prolonged rains have
given spring grain a luxuiiant
growth, and there is no damage to
grain, unless it grows go rank as
to fall down, which it has not
ti0ile yet
llie puces lor wheat, too, are
moat encouraging. Ninety cent
is now otl'ered in Albany, and
buyers are ottering to contract to j
purchase wheat at 75 cents, and
considerable has been contracted
at this price. It is safe to say that
the market will open at a good,
figure, and the crop will begin to
move almost as soon as harvested.
A large amount of money will he
put in circulation, and thriving
timed may be expected this fall.
New Mining t'luini.
The following mining claims
have been tilled with the county
The false I'hrophet Lfdge.
Calapooia mining district. Locat
ed by the CalKoia A Blue Liver
Mining tc Milling Co., claim tilled
June 1 1.
Hunker Hi!!. Calapooia mining
district, L- cited on June 2 by
Grant 1'hcdlev. Claim tiled June
I'ikes Beak. Line river mining
district. Located on June.'!, by
Jam .-a l'heeii'v. Claim filed June
Ohio. Sintiam mining district.
Located on June 1, hv li. W. Hum-
j baugh ; about "' miles southeast of
j the White Bull. Claim tiled June
I Indima Located in Santiam
; Mining d.strii t, 2'.i miles soiith
i east of White Hull, bv John Mis-
Jcihn D.jna-a and Herman
Keen, Jtme Claim tiled June
Argonaut Located in Santiam
district, .'j mile trom the mouth of
Silver creek, by John Haullcman,
on June :, IS'.il.
Kentucky Located in Santiam
district, by Win. Rumbaugh, on
June 2, lS'.'il
l'lio'iiix Located in Santiam
district, by J. S. McKechnie, on
June 1. 1811. Claim tiled June
IS, IS'.il.
I miroveiiient of The Willamette.
Major Handoary, U. S. Engin
eers, returned yesterday from making-an
inspection of the Willamette
from Albany down says the Ore
Ionian. He camn down the river
on the X. S. Bently, staying over
night at Sa'em so us to see the
whole wriver. The object of his
trip was to see where snagging
was most n.vdedand where bare
r ipiired serap'Mg, with a view to
the j l'iii:io'is expenditure of the
small amount of money on hand
during this next season of low
water. He says that with only
a reasonable amount of money the
Willamette could be made a pretty
good water river as far up as Cor-valli-i,
hv putting in some wing-
lams and dike) to shut the water
nut from certain chutes. With
the small amount of money avail-
able the work can be only a repeti
tion ot the o:il story, temporary
improvements to be washed out
by the next Hood. The snagbnat
will he sent up the river next
month, working her way along
probably as far up as Hatrisburg.
Major lianbury was surprised to
see the amount of traffic on the
Willamette at this season, tiie
llently having brought down a
large lot of wheat. Ilour and wool.
BuiltlifiK and Loan H4o:iation.
At the regular monthly meeting
of the Aloauy Building and Loan
Association, held in the Bank of
1 1 - i.., , : i
m uu luoiurt I,.;-.- evening, .1 ejau
I of .-jiiOtl was made to Mcl'herson
' Post, i. A. U., at (! months in
i terest in advance; also flOO to
George Dodder at (12 months in
terest. This is the highest rate of
interest yet bid for any loan in the
association. W. S. Denham with
drew 15 i-hares from the lir.-t j
series, amounting to $4:52, which!
accounts for the small amount of
Mtolinv 1t ln'.iri tlit ttinntli '
Another Itivcr KxcurMion.
The Oregon Pacific folks and the
citiz'-ns of independence are ar
ranging for a river excursion to
Salem on the Fourth. According
to the p'aiw proposed one of the
On gon Pacilic's convenient boats
will be brought into requisition
and will come loaded to the
guards, with music and good
cheer. Salem Statesman.
Tho Emperor and Kisuiark,
The Forum for July will contain
a review of the policy and an esti
mate of the character of the young
Emperor of Germany, by F. ileiu
rich Gellcken, Imperial Privy
Conn: ih r, w ho explains in detail
the dismissal of Bismarck and the
relations betw een the emperor and
ex-chanceiior. this article is one
of the most important ever contrib
ute 1 to an American review.
Cam "meeting
The annual camprceeting of the
Christian church commence.
yesterday at Turner and will con
tinue over two Sundays. Ministers
from Oregon, Washington, and
Eastern states will be in atten
dance. Parties paving full fare
roing will be caried for one-fifth
fare returning, on the Oregon
Pacific and Southern Pacific roads.
Interesting Jumj
Tbroni'hont the
from ichacg8
Northw -tt.
There are now :!S5 convicts at
the state penitentiary at Salem,
the largest number ever held.
There is cell room for only eigh
teen more.
Thomas II. Crawford, of Union
county, has been appointed deputy
district attorney to prosiciito the
investigation of the lonnty scrip
cases at Baker Ci:y.
The LS-moiiths old child ,f En
gineer West of the Sumpter Val
ley railway was .-everely and per
haps fatally poisoned by vetting
hold of ai.d swahoA'ing some con
centrated lye.
Stile Superintendent of School
E. B. McE roy is impioving, but
is still un-iOle to walk or s:t up
He experiences gieat ilillicultv in
moving about but is j.-a nltij;
strength daily.
F. S. Cunan, who was in 1SS7
sentenced to five years in the state
penitential)" for the larceny of an
animal in Creok county, has been
pardoned and duly restored to
Opals have been f ,und near
Huntington. F. A Bowen, tdiior
of the Herald at that place, is the
fortunate possessor of several sets,
which he lias had cut from stones
found in that vicinity.
The Union Pacific's coal machine
will be removed fiom Butter creek
to Fossil. All work on Butter
creek ceased a few days ago, and
it is fair to presume that no Urge
amount of coal was found in that
Leo Brown, of the Stayton saw
mill, and John ."-haw, manager of
the Santiam Lumbering Company
of Mill City, luve furnished bail
for their appearance a Salem a'
the October term of circuit court,
when they will answer to 'he
charge of depositing sawdust in
the stream.
The young son of George
Edwards, at Milton, is no ex
pected to live. On Monday while
in swimming in the Walla Walla
river with seveial boys, one of his
companions jumped upon young
Edwards which injured his leit
leg causing an ahcess, and it is
not probable that he will recover.
Line county has sent six dele
gates to the state pen:tentiary the
past week. 11. A. Snow and Oscar
Wilde, w ho got two years each for
burglarizing the residences of Dr.
McCormack and W. T. Eakin;
Johu Devlin, who geti one year
for stealing a coat ; Williams ami
Martin, who get two years each
for robbing a freight carahout two
months ago, and the boy King,
who stole a shot gun from the
house at Smithlielil, and was sen
tenced to one year.
The arrest of a Salem dahyman
for keeping his daity in an mi
healthy condition has set dairy
men all over the state at wort;
clearing up and improving th"!
stables, for fear of an uuexp. cted
visit from the t.o ! eommissii l er.
The alem man pleaded guiity ai d
was lined $25 and costs. The aim
of the food commissioners 's to set
that the public, is supplied only
with healthful food, and in his
ellori.s lie should receive hearty
indorsement and aid.
A Fiht t Death.
In Parker lhos. store in this city
yesterday evening occurred a mosi
exciting scene. Two citizens
the names of whom we will refrain
from giving on account .f l heir re
snectahilit v became involved in
! a dismite, " which led to a lively
j encounter, in w hich one of the
parties was rougli'y hanoieti hy
the other jumping on him with
both feet. One of them ins'sted
that the Golden Drip syntii was
the best in the world, while the
other was iipially en
over the Log I'abiu M :
le syiup
The c 'iites'ants sveiv t vo innocent
little Hies.
Important Nolle.
From and after this date I will
sell my dry goods lor oil oi.
the dollar. My g'n!s furnishing
stock will be sold at greatly re
duced rates, such as 75 cent neck
ties for 50 cents ; $1.50 underwear
for $1.00 per suit, 00 underwear
lor !f2 50 per suit ; .". 00 silk shirts
for $1.75 ; $4,50 Ma k silk shirts
for $3.50, and even thing in pro
portion. My large slock of f hoes
at reduced rates to reduce Block
before removal. 11. C. Si; aici.ks.
June 3, l.s'OI.
Not ire.
II. Braodeiitein from San
Francisco v ill be at Albany on Sat
urday June 20 for purchasing the
following described horses: Bays,
black, and gray age 4 to H years,
from 15 to 10 bauds high, weight
from !50 to 1150. Must bo nentle
to ride under saddle, and also
gentle to woik. Free from all
blemishes and sound in even
particular, draft and c irriage horses
wanted also, lleadcpiaiters at L
Senders stahle.
Kxcnrrtioii i'o.poitel.
The contempla'eil excursion to
have been given to day from this
city to Yaquin.i 1-y F Co., O. X.
ha been postponed, on ac
count of the inclement weather,
until July 11. Intending excur
sionists will please govern
themselves accordingly.
A minister in the country, writ
ing to his denominational pat er,
draws a very pathe'ic picture of
the manifold duties, cates and
trials of a ccuntry parson, but hi
case breiks dow n utterly when he
introduces the parson's wile, and
adds to hei charge of al! the ladies'
societies of the church, "the care
of seven children.'' Good land.!
A hat ot that ? The parson can't
b'aue the t ongiegiition for the
children. Taiu't the fault of the
church that the parson's w ife has
to superintend a nursery, kinder
garten and grammar school in
additon to her other duties.
Sam Goetz's fancy pastry, cakes
and bread, fresh every morning, at
Allen Bros.
I . . i i :
SiXKEK, Owyhee Co., June 13.
To riiK tuir..H of iiik Uf ram.,
u .. i.-.. i,.... l,
t he most lovelv w-Pbfool
weather for some lime. More
rain has fallen here this summer
than tin re has for twenty-live
years iii the same length of time.
The o:chards give promise of an
abundance of fruit and especially
of peaches, prunes and other fruits
of their kind.
There was a storm of hail passed
over here in May in which hail
stones as large as blackbird eggs
were quite common, fortunately
however, it was of verv short dur-
ation, ami very little, if any, dam -
age was done.
This season has been
propitious so lar lor grain
vegetables, but s&mew hat too wet
tor allalla as the greater portion
ha-fallen down, and w i!i be verv
hard to cut.
1 laying w ili commence as soon
as the weather clears up sutliciem
ly to alio a' ot its curing properly.
Bang stock are said to he doiii;
uiceiy fis year, there being
pleiiiy of grass in the mountains,
hut down on the foothills there i
iiethiig but white sage, shai
scale, gieasewoo.i and sagebtush
interspersed f eini-occa.-i ju a 1 1 v
with a very small bunch of grass,
which will i,ot t e '"in it" after the
first raid of B;..b Xohles' sheep
Ibis fall.
Snow is still lying in patches on
the side of ol'i War Eagle moun
tain. : beep shearing is about done
and a good fleece has been taken.
Owyhee county is the banner
sheep o .runty of the Mate.
Ileautirul Women.
The magical elTects of Wisdom's
Ivohtiitine as a beautifi-r aim
preserver of the complexion have
been attested by thousands of the
leading ladies of society and the
stage. It is the only article evei
discovered which gives a natural
and beautiful tint to the com
plexion, removing tan, sunburn,
treckles and all toughness of tin
face and arms, leaving the skit,
soft, smooth and velvety. Al! re
mark on its delightful, ccoling ami
refreshing propel ties, a distinction
not found in any similar prepara
tion on lhe market-. Sold every
Noliee to I"uIi-oiih.
Ai.n.vsv Or. May :J0 IS'.IL
I have this day made arrange
ments with .Messrs Knapp Bunel
it Company of Albany. Tofurnif-I
all patrons with leering Binders
1 lease cail at once. Also arrange
ments are made w th them fort
verything in the farm implimenl
line including twine.
Mart Mii.i.i:i.
Financial Agent.
Ko ntlhli Clu-rrli n.
Next week leave your orders
the same at 0. E. BrowneTs.
Miss Maud HoU'mau, of Corval
lis, 's visiting in this city, the
tuesta if the Misses Mason.
Kev. S. E. Meminger, pastor o!
the M. E. church, has returned
iroiii a short stay in Sa'em.
John Morrison a".d U. Fox
went to Yaquiiia y sterday.
Silk mitts at the l adies Bazaar.
Boy's shirts vests at Searls going !
at cot f.
Alien's d ) their own delivering, j
carefully ami promptly. j
A large line of children's sun !
bonnets, school hats, white aprons j
and dre-ses jost received at the I
Ladies Basaar. ,
Something nice in coirees at
Mien Bros. They run their ovn ;
leliverv wagon, and deliver goodt
Straw berries, cherries, g lose-'
berries, currants, etc., received!
every morning, at Allen Bros. I
Buy your spectacles and eye,
'laj-cs at F. M. French's, am) i
li.uvyour ees tested and votirj
glasses properlv litted. (il.i.scs:
from 25 cents to
I have t few men's shoes that
, . i- n jr. n
pair i hat 1 oiler, to close, at $:!.00
per pair. The above goods are all
perfect in every respect, only the
iines are broken in sizes. Call
early and get a pair.
E. C. Skahi.s.
Julius Gradwohl, proprietor of
the Golden Rule Bazaar, informs
us that hi; will add to his already
lar;:e business a complete line ol
shelf hardware and family
groceries. The sales of his Golden
Rule teas and baking powder is
steadily increasing. He still keeps
up the elegant prizes with these
Just received, at Sear's' shoe
store, the latest styles in ladies
cloth top shoes, lace shoes and
Oxfords of all kinds.
Have you seen those beautiful
cement walls in the cemeter ' s,
put up by E. W. Acbison, at alf
the cost of stone.
Baby cried,
Mother sighed,
loctor prescribed : Castoria!
Highest of all in Leavening rower.
i The ooinin" 4th is to be
, ' ""'"' " l" ul-
; brated with unusual pomp
and "Pn"'Ar . ! Newport, i aquma
"av. following is me niu
'ramme :
Music Independence band.
Beading Declaration of Inde
pendence. Oration Hon. John Cuples, of
Sailing races, for which three
prizes are ali'ered fu st prize $15;
second, $10; third, $5.
Ladies' sculling race first
prize, $5; second, $2 50.
Mens' foot race, open to al! uiir,-
tuers prize, $10,
! Foot race, open to all married
; ladies prize $10.
Fool race, open to all unmarrieol
! laoK-s prize .fiu
r oot race, open to all gi. is umli r
14 years ot age prize $5.
Foot race, upon to all hoys under
14 years of age prize $5.
Sack race.
Fat man's race.
Lean man's race.
Bicycle race.
The e tea m schooner Mischief
w ill make regular trips out over
the br.r during the day.
In the evening there will be a
grand display of lireworks from a
ship that will be anchored in the
hay for the occasion, oll'ei i:ig all a
splendid opnorltini.y to witness
the grand ell'cct.
A grand ball will be given at
night at the opera house.
Everybody is invited to be there
or thereabouts on the 4th.
is rccoiu mended
phvsiciaiis for children teething.
It is a purely vegetable preparation
.ts inuredients are published
around each bottle. It is p'
to the taste and absolutely harm
less. It relieves constipation,
regulates the bowels, quites pain,
cures iliarrho-i and wind eo'ic,
allays feverishness, destroys
worms, and prevents convuli-ioiis.
soothes the child and gives it re
freshing and natural sleep. Cas
soria is the children's panacea
the mothers' friend. .'15 doses, 115
Novelties in I, allien l-ontwcai.
I huve just received for the sum
mer trade ihe latest noveh.ies in
ladies line shoes. Cloth top, fancy
tips ; lace shoes with fancy tix,
tiesides all thestaple styles in han.l
and machine turns, 'i'h: se go;ds
were mad j expres-ly for me a"id
will be found nice enough lor the
most fastidious and cheap enough
for any one wanting a line dress
shoe. 1 also carry late njveltie
in Oxford ties ranging in price
from $1.25 to i( l.OO. S. 11. Young.
I iniMirlaiit to 1 1 ouni.I,.'ii-i-h.
It gives Julius Gradwhol great
satishtcti"ii in selling his line
Golden Btil.3 teas and baking
liowder, wiin el. gaut prizes or
without them, that his cus'omers
who have piir-ha.-cd in. ariably re
i n rn and say they ate well pleased,
that the tea is .No. 1 and lb- t-ak-ii:g
ioW (h r is as good as the best
All his teas and baking powder
bears thu name of otilius Grud-
hoi's Golden Kule Baz oir, and
are expressly put up for his busi
ness, and he still continues to give
with each pound of tea or biki'.g
powder an elegant piece of gia-s
a are.
I. a. lieu, .lllenlloii.
Hannah Cohen, hair
I lair deed, bleached or
shampooed in the latest styles of
the art. Outers taken lor all
kinds of hair work, shop at resi
lence, c jrner Thir l and Calapooia
All persons indebted to E. C.
Searls are ri quested to cali and
settle at once as a'l accounts must
hy eioicd by the 20th of June.
E. C. Se n Is.
(tine St'i LSlti.
1 have been bitheid with
catarrh for about twenty years; I
tia 1 lost tense of smeli entirely, j
and I had almost lost my heating, j
My eyes were getting so dim I had i
to get some one to thread mv
nce . ,",
1 as wetl
Xow I have my hearing j
as J ever hai, ami I can
see to thread as line a needle as
ever I did, my sense of smell is
partly restored, and it seems to be
improving all the time. I think
there is nothing like Ely's Cream
Hal. n for catarrh. Mrs. E. E.
liiimes, Rend; ill, Pc r.y, Co., O.
Freouentlv accidents, occur in
the house-hold which cause burns,
i .sprains and bruis.'s ; for use ill such
leases l'r. J. II. McLean's Volcanic
Oil Liniment has lor many years
been the constant fa vol i to family
Do you want to be happy and
make those about you pleased, if
so go and get one of those lovely
toned piano's at .Mrs. Ilymans.
Cakes of all varieties, "fancy and
plain at the Dchnoiiico restaurant.
ANDEItsOX-Jalhe wiirtjef (i.-org.-.
AimerM -iff ill uih nv uii
oire to
ontrai lorn
I!i.l.i will be received "i to .Im.e :
jhor the f-rcctin of a i iiiilic silcn.l fcui:.!l
1 at. Junction C ity, Line county, Oreir.-ii. '1
.lir.'rt, m rr.Hcrvc the riirht to acoepi or re
Ket ftiiy ." id! i.i.lf. I'laiis and Hin-citeHtioii
mav lie .en at of O. C. Sc liell,
architect, Alh inv, Or., W S. I. c ilru
atore in Junctio i City. I'" ill be opened
at Junction City on the of June al two
.'clock r. a. nharji.
1). C. Sc'ir.i.t..
Ar ltitt-rt
Latest U. S. Gov't Food Lej.ort.
1 1 1 1 e i-i
f ! T
The facilities of the present day
for the production of everything
that will conduce to the material
welfare and comfort of mankind
are almost unlimited and when
Syrup of Figs was first produced
the world was enriched with the on
ly perfect laxative known, as it is
the only remedy which is truly
pleasing and refreshing to the tate
and prompt and eflectual tocleanse
the system gently in the Sprm
time or, in fact, at any time any
the better it is known the more
popular it becomes.
The best salve in the world for Cuti.
Bruises,, Fleers, Salt Kheum,
Fever sores, Tetter, Chapped Hand,
Chilblains, Corns, mid skin Eruptions,
anil pos lively cures Piles, or i.o pay
required. It is guaranteed to givj
verfeet satisfaction, or money re
funded, Price "A5 cents per box. Fcr
sale by Koslicy it Mason
The Thomas Kay Woollen Millf
of Salem, have appointed G. W.
Simpson their agent in Albany. A
iull line of men and boys clothing
hlankets and flannels and all arti
cles manufactured by the mill will
be kept in stock. These goods are
the best in the market and will
give entire satisfaction.
The Ladies Bazaar has still a
good selection of millinery A'hich
they are selling at greatly reduced
rates. If you need a hat give
hem a (tall.
A&MIKnee's Notice.
licit lice, Ws, Jim, G iw, and Naey
West bill partners doing business
under tli". liiin name of Kwomr, Woo,
Ivee, Company in-olv n. debtors in
Albany on the l.itli day of June IS'.M,
made a general assignment to the
uniliTsigncil for the benefit of all the r
creditors. All persons hawtur claims
i i pn-M-nt the sain duly vurilicd to
(lie iiiidiTMgncd iitllit batik of Ore
i n, Al.uii.y. (iregon, with:u tlnee
month from the date lie of
June 15 ls'.q.
Jal W. Iti.'l ",
L. H. Vuntaynk, Assignee.
Atloriiey for Assignee.
rruiusalH fur a ltrlt!;e at Albany,
Xtitii e is h 'leby given that the com
moil coitneil of llie city of A bany,
Uivgiei, ill receive scaled bids lor
trie building of a bridge across the
iVi!l.inict!e river from the north line
uf First, street, at t.e junction of saiil
First street vitfi Calapooia street, to
tin: leirtii side of said river, iti accord
.nice k itii l lie phuis, spei ilications and
survey now on li'e in the ollice of the
i corib-r of the city of Albany; said
bi 'ulye to be l:;i0 feet in length and '20
leet ide hi the clear and composed of
six Oil spans; the iippiouchct to lie
iesiec;ive y : MM feet and o45 feet in
le ,g:ti nmf-JO feet wide; sued bids may
also be a'-companied w ith plans and
specifications of the bidder , which
will be considered by the council.
bids will be received lor ao all steel
bridge, and must be accompanied by
draw ing showing plans and elevat'.ont.
of both sub-structure and super--truct'irc;
diagram of stresses for
sj.:m of different lengths, and full licatioti of the material and work
manship of th" details of such bridge.
Hids insist be filed Willi the recorder of
said city en or before the hour of 1
o'clock i. m. ol the ViTlh day of June,
l-'.'l, mill must he accompanied by a
certified check for live per cent of the
amount of the bid. The contractor to
whom the cortract may be awarded
will be required to enter into a writ
ten agreement and contract and to
give bond to the city of Albai.y in
double the amount of the contract
pr ce for the construction of such
bridge, and for the faithful and stiict
pci form:' nee of the contract in all its
terms, conditions and detads. Work
must be commenced within 20 days
from the execution of the contract,
and be completed to the pel feet satis
faction of the engineer in charge of
tie; work and construction of said
bridge and of the city council, on or
before the 1st day of December, IS'.il,
bids will be puri'iely opened on the
JTth day o' June, IS'.il , at the council
chamber ill lhe city of Albany, he
twei'ii the h iiirs of J and 4 o'clock p.
m. of sai 1 d.iy.
The council hereby reserve the right
to reju-t any and all bids
Published by orjer of the coincil
made May "Jilh. ls'.H.
liecoidcr of the V ly "f Albany.
Albany, "T, May "JMh, 18'.H.
Mate r Ori'iioii -.mill li'iarlnienl
The homd of co nmlssiones for
the sule of sell io! al d university lands
and for the investment of the fu ids
arising therefrom of the State of Ore.
gon, hereby invite sealed applica
tions to purchase the lollowitiff ue
tcribed hinds to-wit:
All of the donation land claim situ
atcd in sections l.". Hi, 21 itt ii, in
Township i South Haje 1 West
know n a"d described on the govern
ment surveys as the Donation Land
claim cf Joiin W. Mooie and wife be
ing notiliealion Xo. "iVK.l saving there
from is acres sold to Jacob Xiwuiin
containing :KK acres. Also bckinningr
10 chains West of the North East
corner of the Northwest quarter sec.
lion 21 in Township 12 Bouth Range
1 West running thence east :M) chains
Ihenee South 40 chains, thence Wes
:i chains thence North 40 chains to
the bcginuing.eontaining 120 acres all
si'ualed in Linn county, State of Ore
gon and containing in all 420 acres
more or !es,
Aj.dic-itii.ns will tic opened at a
regular meeting of said board to lie
h.-ld Tie silav the. Ulli, d y of July
1VM. at 2 o'clock I". M. The right to
I rej.-ei am and all tills is reserved by
be board.
S-alem, Oreg n, June 1,
Clerk of the Board.
An order for 200,000 pounds of
wool luis liecn received by A. Sen
ders, who will py the highest
mrrket price. Bring yonr ffool to
him in Albany, and get your
irick for
At mv kiln one mile east of town,
or delivered anywhere in the city,
-:- IITillPi -:-
L. B.
Tiie leading Clolfer
c-lx. .A -
Unequaled for fasi. work and light
draft. Manufactured at the loot of
Baker Street, Albany, by
Spring and
Light weight Summer coat and vests, dmt os, s Ik, liar.nel ami
negligee shirts, light weight eilk and b:.lhr".gg,ni underwear,
straw hats; in fa ;t anvthing and everytidi.g in mr line
you will find in great .inanities ami all
ijuaUties al our store.
To call :;n 1 examin our r'uh'y
And renember alsc that we are htad.purlers f r dura le
all wool cloihing nrnle by the Albany Woolen Mills, r.i'ov.i.u
ville, th-egon City and California woolen mTs g .ls
Before you buy your next pair cf
shoes we would suggeet that yon
call and examine our line, because
we undoubtedly have the largest
stock in this city. Cannot be
equaled for style, comfort and
wear, our fine line made by
k Mtrelet Jjlor.
Hsrio see
tailored clothing ma le for us by
"3cC tM X