THE MORNING HERALD: WEDNESDAY, JUNE 17, 1891 ON HAI.K. tu. n.nir IKiiiin ;'l lie on Bale each morning at II. J. Jones . book store.where it can be procured at 5 cents per copy. j MOXEV TO l.OAN. In sums to suit, from six months to live years, on irood Alliauy ami Linn county real etite. V. E. McTiieksos. Opp. Russ House. Albany, Or. JOTTIXOS ABOtt TOWN. Silk shirts at Searles'. Fresh bread every day at 1'arker Bros. F. J. Miller and family were in the city yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Ralston re turned last evening from Portland. Cakes of all varieties, fancy and plain at the IMmonico restaurant. A new invoice of Tne Lose of i S Japan" tea jast received at F. 1.. Kentoiis. '' Sam Uoetz's fancy pastry, cakes and bread, fresh every morning, at Allen Bros. Miss Orelle Yaug,n,of Co' visiting her sister, Mrs. Jo-i. Klein jof thja city. Rev. C. II. McDonald, formerlv Lebanon engineer, was in Albany lost evening. A new line of novelties in sum mer hats jui-t neeixtd at the Ladies Baaar. Ladies and children)) g"'d ear lings for 50 cents at the corner j inelry store. Mr. Van Winkle is quite ill at Lis resilience in this city with con-ge.-tioii of the hit gs. When you want a first -class cor set, call at tl:e Ladies r.i.ur and get one of the '"II. B's." It is rumored that defaulting bank President Marsh, of Thl'a- d-dphia, as in Albany last even-j ing. Try Coronad.i mineral water,! the purest on earth, for -ale bv all ilrm?'iats. John Is mi Jr.. "sole 1 agent. j Richmond Wheeler, graduate of ; the A'bany c-lliiie, has iniic In; Eugene this week n attecd the university cominencen eut. 1 If you have not drank Corunado : mineral water, you should t:y it. It will siber you no, give you a i clean stomach and a g-jod appe- ! tite. ; Geo. I'iper was in ti e city yes-j terday. lie will be in Saiem to-; day to at'end the wedding id his; brother, F.dgar I'iper. to .Mis Lcotiai Willis, of that city. Iluy your spectacles and eye classes at F. M. French'.", ami have your eyes teste ! and your i glasses properly lilted. d.i.-sesj from "5 cents to ji"'- ' Kvery grocer, dnu'u'ist and sa- j loon man should keep Corunado ; mineral water on hand. It wid ; he called fer, as it is the best. ; John Isoin Jr., sole uyent. j As a table and medicinal water, i the Coronado can't be best. Tr j it and be convinced. Bottled at j fie world renowned u iini. ! Hotel Del C )io:i.i io, t' i .;ia !o, California. j The Sov.thern l'acilie si:riri ons. i Dr. (i. W. Maston, of this c'ly.and Dr. Bevin, of Portland, have made arrangements to take a trip to; Japan during the summer, sailing j from ictor;a. J It. Whitney, junior editor oi the Hku.m.d. :s a. tending i i- mencement of the state university at Fugene, paying his respects to his alma mater, and a visit to his parent8. F.ld'-r and Mrs. li. M. Whi'ney. and family. A monthly hcrticultuial journal. "Fruit and Flowers," will com mence its regular is-tie early in July, published by D. II. Stearrs in Portland, and edited by I'rjf. E. It. Lake, of the Agiieuliura! college. It premises to he a valu able addition to the newspaper j family on this coast. i Mr! W. II. Domn-a and Mr. Jos. j Elkins were in the city last night j on their way home to Lebanon t from Portland, where they have been to procure the tight-of wayi from Mr. It. Cheadle f r the water j ditch lo Lebanon. The right of-1 way was secured and every ohsta-: e'e to the ditch is now rem ned and ; it is now assured. ! OrKunlzf t. The local board of the Pacific States Savings, Loan iV Building Company was organized yes'trdav in the parlor of the Linn County National Bank, and olliceis elect ed as follows: President, J. L. Cowan ; vice president, S. S. Train ; secretary. S. X. Steele; attjrnev, JuJge D. It. N. P.laekburn A I loan of .1L' H w as presented an J j assed by the boad. '1 he com- j I any, whose hea I'Hiarters are in : San Francisco, is a coast company ; and oilers a safe, sure and home 1 investment and loan company. Loca". hoard ? have been est abhshi d i in Portland, Salem. Dallas, and now in Aibuiy. Di Slem loans have already l en negotiated to; the amount of $;:2,eH. ; Anifthvr ame of l;ull. A game of b.i-e ball has U-en ar ranged for Friday, June l' h, I e tween the following riines: Cham lierlain, Blo lgett, Larirnove, Lvon, Sower, Watts, Kd Ilustun. Van Wilson, ltobt. Huston, of Mewarl A Sox's block, and A. .Ahirsii ,il, Magers. Itcnnie, I'.reeki nrtdg , P. Marshall, Leimeit, Wadil.m You-'g and Smiley. The game will be called at 4 o'ch k. Uoe to Kuseiir, Prof. D. . . Kei.t Ins n.'i n n giged as euperir teiident of tlur Fugene public scliools, on a salary of lo'H) per year. Fugene is to be congratulated on securing his services. CIRCDIT COUET DOCKET- Stale of Oregon vs. John .Can non, buiglu'y. State oi Oregon vs. Caleb Gray, scliing liquor without license. State of Oreg-n vs. F.. 1. Rogers, discriininatiuu in freight rates. State of Oregon vs. F..1'. Rogers, discrimination in freight rates. State of Oregon vs. IK M. Hast ings, selling liquor without li cense. Slate ot reon vs. I). M. Hast- h;gs, stlliug liquor without li- cense. )'. J. I'orter et al., vs. John C. CI:d: et al., partition. Thomas Jellerson vs. Ci. S. Montgomery, attachment. II. Dittenhotler vs. Ferry Smith, recovery of money. Tophtz it Co. vs. Mary Cougill, recovery of money. C. F. Coonwell et al., vs. IXiisie Keenev et al., partition ieo. J. llrauer vs. Jlary Cougill, recovery of money. Mooncv, Valentine fc Co. va. Mary Cougill, recovery if money. Tne Albany Farmers' Co. vs. S. McFadden, recovery of money. C. G II ckok vs. J. S. Antonelle, ricovery ol money, attachment. Ktiel Custer vs. Margaret Custer, divorce. J. S. Antonelle vs. Anna Mc Xul'y, suit in equity, (iven vs. (liven divorce. 1 eyoe i!e Robson vs. C. G. Staid, recovery of money. I). F. Lit.-inger et al., vs. Geo. Rowel!, in junction. Mariah A. Kawson vs. Charles J. Stew art, recovery of money. In the matter of the assignment of F.arl Race, assignment. I eyoe iVc Kobson vs. 1). F. Lit S'ner and B. F. l'aisons, recovery of money. Deyoe & Kobson vs. William R ives, ricovery ot money. John Damoiid vs. Margaret E. Findley, foreclosure. Capital National Hank vs. V. F. Crosby, recovery of money. A. T. Gilbert, F. i. Gilbert vs. I', Blcvins, recovery of money. W. li. (iohia vs. William Sharp arid Klmer Morris, recovery of money. In tlie matter of the assignment of Blackburn assignment. Peroni. deed of II. It. Bri-gs vs. Caroline M. liriggs, di voice. In the matter oi the assignment of It. C. Warner, assignment. F. II. Williams vs. J. II. Sower, r c very ot money. J. F. Hendricks vs. Henry II"ggs, recovery of money. A. J. Houston vs. Martha Hous ton, faction to clear title, equity. Jennie Standish vs. Nathan 13. Standish. divorce. X. Mills vs. J. C. Lyons et al., ejeetnu nt. V.. T. T, Fisher vs. John S.-hiiiccr and Pauline L. Schmeer, toreelosiire. V. M. Mall'.rd and C. II. iray, partners by the name of Station! (iray, vs. S. H. McFImmry, re-eoveiy- of money. Thus. P. Haldwiu, bv name T. P. Hal Iwin Co. vs. M. B. Gol !- I smith am! Maui ice Kunkle, part ! ners by name of Go'.dsmitti t i Uunkle. recovery i f money. ! Koeiiigsberger, F'alk it Co. ve. J. iross, recovery of money, i The .uneneaii Moi tg.ige Co., of ; -'entljud (limited) s. I'M ward ; WiU ox. tru.-tee, et a!., foreclosure. ! W. 11. Johnson vs. FM.vard .' Johnson et al. I (ioldsiiiilh Kankle vs. Farm ; era' ; Mcrhan's' Ins. (.'o., recovery i ot money. Mimson it Hibldewhite vs. j Farmers' it Merchants' Ins. Co., i cecove'v of nuney. ! M. ltoseiihein vs. Farmers' A Meichants' Ins. Co., recovery monev. Samuel Merrill vs. Merchants' Ins. Co.. .roliey. S. Wic'orw itz & Co F'armers' it recovery of vs. Farni-recov- ers' ii Merchants' Ins. Co eiy of money. Jacob A. Mt in vs. Farmers' A Merchaiits' Ins. Co., recovery of money. C. B. Thurston, receiver, vs. Farmers' it Merchants' Ins. Co., recovery of monev. James C. Iteid vs. Farmers' A Merchants' Ins. Co., recovery of money. Kay Hubbell vs. Farmers' A Merchants' Ins. Co., recovery of money. Joseph Wild et al., vs Faimers' it Merchants' ins. Co., recovery of money. A. II. Davis and Wechendon Savings Bank vs. Farmers' A Mer chants Ins. Co., recovery of money. Hil'cr A Hoil'man vs. Farmers' .t Merchants' Ins. Co., ricovery of money. S. Winebcrg vs. Farmers A Mer chants' Ins. Co., recovery of money. J. Fra ik vs. Farmers' A Mer- I chants' ! money. lns. C., recovery of St. Loirs F.lectric Power Co. vs. Farmers' A Merchants' Ins. Co., recovery of money. Ituhin Tiotky vs. Farmers' A Merchants' Ins. Co., reovery of money. V,'. H, Coleman vs. Farmers' A Merchants' Ins. Co., lecoyery of money. Charles L. Schwartz vs. Farm ers' it Merchants' Ins. Co., recov ery oi money. The IMison Fleet rie Illuminat ing Co., of New York, vs. Farmers' A Merchants' Ins. Co., recovery of money. Pa: n A Co. vs. Farmers' A Mer- e!:ant-' Ins. Co.. recovery ot Farmers' A recovery oi money. M Bermond Merchants' Ins. vs. Co money. Jacob Franks vs. Fanners' A Merchants' Ins. Co., recovery of money. Kiversides Woolen Mills vs. Faru era' A Merchants' Ins. Co., recovery ot momy. l-;cc' Thallium vs. Farmers' A Mrch tuts' Ins. Co., recovery of money. Honeyman. Dellart A Co. vs. S. K. Becker, recovery of money. Jas. F. Powell ve. MauJ Powell, I). Van Horn and S. C. Van Horn, his wife, partition of property. Bridge A Beach M !"g. Co. vs. Smith A Senders, recovery of money. J. C. Broy. r vs. Smith A Send ers, recovery oi money. Jas. Mcllargue vs. J. K. Mc- Ferron, recovery of money. In the matter of the assignee of E. Bed er, deed of assignment. S. Nicholsnuig vs. C. B. Monta gue, recovery of money. Almira Miller vs, Schooling A McDanie!, recovery of money. J. 15. Stetsoi. vs Smith A Send ers, recovery of money. Will A Link vs. Jacob Miller and Eila Miller, hp; eal fn tu jus tice c 'lilt. j I T. J. Bh-ck vs. Win. Hunter, re covery of money. i Albany Iron Works vsl Harold I Bros., suit to recover iii uk v. I . I lycer , L. B. Tvcer et al., vs. Ina et ah, su;t in equity. Sina Cummins vs. F:ank Cimi niins. divorce. Dieliiihoefer, II ass A Co., vs. G. W. Pugh and Elvira Pugti, fore closure. Otto Fox v. Jno. Maxwell, re covery of money. P. "V. Smith vs. Samuel F Waldo tt al.. foreclosure. Ida Driver vs. Jas. . Paver,) divorce. I Lee Sing vs. M. V. Dju I, r c v- j erv of monev. Andrew J. Noble, as executor of the will of W. S. Noble, dece. te I, vs. S. V. Moore and Mary Moore, foreclosure of mortgage. ( has. II. Dodd vs. Win. St.Johr. and Cynthia A. St. John, action on nccoiHit for necessaries fur nished far lily. Mahala F. Turner vs. J. Thomp son A Sons, r jcovery of money. Thomas Jellerson vs. W. G. Mc Donald, recovery of money. Alice .McNeil vs. John S. Mc Neil, divorce. In the matter of the assignment of T. L. Henness, an insolvent debtor. A. E. Curry vs. S. P. It. It Co., appeal from justice court. Win. Bilea vs. It. It. Humphrey and C. B. Montague, recovery of money. E. E. Miller vs. It. X. Morris and A. B. .Morris, recovery of money. In the matter of the assignment of (i. W. Smith, an insolvent debtor. Matthews A Washburn vs. T. Henness and Amelia l'llen Hen ness, recovery of money. Stewart A Sox vs. T. A. Beard, recovery of money. Iva Templeton vs. I.nn county, action for damages. A M. Templeton vs. James B. Eeeney and S. D. Keenev, recov ery of money. lloneyman, Deilart A Co. vs. E. Henness et al., recovery of monev. E. L. Bryan vs. S. P. II. It. Co., recovery ol money. II. Bryant, as adminis'ralor of Ephraim B. Hughes et al. vs. J. B. Keeney et al. Albany A Astoria It. U Co. vs. Henness Bros., recoverv of money. Davis Bros. vs. O. T." McDowell, recovery of money. Davis Bros. vs. Henry Acker man, recovery oi num. -v. Mary Wood vs. Fru.k Wood, recovery of money. David Metzger vs. O to Scrlling. damages. J. F. McKinney. as nimdniin executor e.c. vs. Emily McKin ney, as administratrix etc., re coverv of monev. A. J. Houston Crabtree, leave to Sugar Pine 1 oor vs. L. B. Knox et of lien. vs. James A. issue execution, it Luiiih'i' Co. al., h-reclusuie Manhattan lilectric Fight Co., limited, vs. Farmers' A Merchants' Ins. Co., action on policy. Andrew Kan A Co. vs. Kwong Woo Kee, recovery of money. T. J. Mi-Clary, as a-signee i f T. L. Henness, an ins d vent, vs. I.on Conser, James Hoihns and M. Scott, recovery of money. John A. Craw foul vs. X. B Frv, recovery of money. Pauline Ilegele vs. Jno.Schineer, recovery of money. Yuen F'ong vs. Kwong Woo Kee Co., recovery of money. Leighton Knox vs. Adam Sise more, appeal from justice court. J. Put Smith vs. C. 1". Croft, recovery of mo'ney. In the matter of the assignment of Kwong Woo Kee Co. Flrank Spalingei' vs. D. C. Pen ninger, recovery of money. KxcMirftlon to Newport. A grand excursion to Newport will by iii ven Saturday, June L'O, for the beiielit of "F" Co.. Second Regiment, O. X. G. Tra il will leave Albany at Ti p. in. Sa'urday, June 1!0, arriving at Newport about 8:30 p. in., returning ieave at p. m. on the following day, arriving in Albany at !i:(K) i. m. The weather at the coast is very pleas ant and excursionists will lind this the best time of the year to take a few days recreation at the seaside. Arrangements have been made so that those wishing to remain until Mondav or Tuesday may do so by paving 50 cents additional to the agent of the O. P. R. R. Co. at Yaquina on their return. The tides w ill be favorab'e, hotel ac commodation a plenty and the steam schooner Mischief w ill make a trip over tiie bar for the henelit of those w ho w ish to lish in the ocean. The hills back of New port present a goigeous appearance, cohered as they are hy the brilliant rhodedendrohn-. "F" Co. w ill go as a company and tickets may be secured of any member of that organi.a'ion for .f 50 for the round trip, including steamer fare to ami Irom -New port. LKT1 Kit LIST. Following is the list of letters that remain uncalled for in the Albany jKjstollice June 10, lS'.M : Adams, A. J. ; Brow n esii., G. W. ; Carbin, Mr. Hill; Custer, R. ; Kuppers, Barney ; Ktiner escj., R. ; Lovelock, Mr. Vm.; Bowers, Miss (ieorgia; Ritz, Miss Annie; Riley, Mr. B. A.; Turner, Mr. C. S. ; Welch, Mrs. Mary. Tnos. i, 1. M. IN MEMORY OF ALLIE E. SCHLOSSEE. A'.lie, ili-ar ill. parted one. With thy smiling, kinti'y face, Tlum hast li lt tliis world of sorrow, In the Savior's sweet embrace. Though well c know thou dil'st ill sini With dear ones to remain. (JoiiMs't in' u Imt Pni ak t ) u,to-day Hiou wuuhl'etnot be back again. So. tlioiigh we no more sna'l nee thee, No more shall c!sp thy hanJ, L'i'til the Heavenly K.i'her Cal s us to join that bund We would noi wish thee back again, No, liev-T, Allie. dca1-. ll.iektu this world of trouble. Win re fulis the Eoirjwiug tear. For thee, where thou hast gone to dwell, I peace forever im:e. And naught of pain or fever Joth enter ul the d;ior. There thou w ilt watch and wait for us And all whom thou did'st love, -j- , jin tln-e: in the heavenly home, 1 I'eparea lor us above. So m 'y we live that wlieu the Lord, In His own good shall call Each one of us lo leave this earth, We may meet tlu-e--yes, a'l, M:iy eieii of the lamily circle. And fii.'iids thou loved'st true, Seek the He venly Father's -uidance. And strive His will to do! Mas. W. S. T. Ai.hwt, June l' Dairy I aw. section of the The section of the dairy law under which I-.od t.unnissioner Baker has caused the arrest of dairyman Cnssaday of Salem ia as follows : '-When cows are kept by any person for dairy purposes, either for butter or cheese, or for the production of milk or cream for sale, and are con lined in stahles such cows so coniined shall be allowed at least eight hundred cubic feet of air, and such cows so stabled shall not be con lined lac ing each other unless there be an air-tiirht partition 1 etwee n such cows at least four feet in height, and all stables w here such cows are kept ehall be well ventilated and kept in a good healthy (healthful) condition." Surprise. Salem Journal: Father Henry Armstrong, who was Imrn Jan 1, I SOl', and became un Odd Fellow at Genesee, N. Y., in 1834, and is undoubtedly the oldest member of this order in America, il not in the world, this morning received ' I an invitation to attend the next i regular meeting f Woodi.urn lodge. Formal reto utions were j powder, w ith elegant prizes or adopted, a committee appointed to j w ithout them, that his customers wait upon the veteran, and a check ! who have purchased invariably re form 0 endorsed to pay his ex-; turn and say they are well pleased, penccs. The Wo nlburn Odd j that the tea is No. 1 and the bak Kellows etitertain l ather Arm- j ing powder is as good as the best, strong June 17th. I All his teas and baking jiowder - ! bears the name of uiilius (irad- ice cream Sociable. ! whol's (ioldeii Utile Bazaar, and On Fridav evening of this week ; are expressly put up for his busi Mcl'heison l'ost (L A. R. and Mc-j ness, and he still continues to give l'herson Relief Corps will give an i w;th each pound oi tea or baking ice cream sociable at the (L A. R. ; powder an elegant piece of glass hall. Everybody invited, and aiware good time anticipated. Admission j 15 cents. I I have been bothered with tiruiltlMle. The following are the graduates of the literary department of the State I'niversity at Fugene, for i lie veiir lS!;)-o"l : Veina K. Adair and Linna A. Holt, Eugene; Ftta Levis, H.irrisburg; J. Clarence 'e:izle, Dallas. The graduating exercises occur on Thursday. The Uailroad. Fugene (iuard of Monday: The railroad track whs laid to the edge of the city limits of Springfield Saturday evening. The engine will arrive in that city to-day. congratulate our Sister City on being connected with the out side .voi ld w ith bauds of steel. Mothers? is recommended Castoria bv ihvsicians for children teething. It is a purely vegetable preparation .ts ingredients an; puousneu around each bottle. It is pleasant to the taste and absolutely harm less. It relieves constipation.) regulates the bowels .piites pain, ; cures diarrh.e i an l wind colic, i allays levenshues, destroys , worms, and prevents convulsions. soothes the child ami gives it re freshing and natural sleep. Cas soria is the children's panacea the ino.hirs' friend, .'lo doses, 35 cents. Catarrh cured, health and swTet breath secured, bv Shiloh's Cat- arrah remedy, price 50 cent-. X-.-.l ' ... -...'r 1 1... Nasal injector free, sold by Foshay it Mason. That sour-tempered, cross, dys peptic individual, should take Dr. J. II. McLean's Sarasapatilia ! It will make him feel as well and heart as the healthiest of us. He needs bracing tn, vitalizing, that is all. Call and see the new line of gingham w rappers just received at the Ladies Bazaar. Vegetables from Linn county gardens, received every morningat Barker Bros. Black sateen hi, uses and sailor waists at the Ladies Bazaar. Leave your orders for dressed chickens at Allen l'.rrs. Baby cried. Mother sighed, Doctor prescribed: Castoria! Highest of all in Leavening Tower. R ABSOLUTELY PURE THE WOULD ENKICIIKD. . The facilities of the present day for the production of everything that w ill conduce to the material welfare and comfort of mankind are almost unlimited and when Syrup of F igs was first produced the world was enriched w ith the on Iv perfect laxative known, as it is the only remedy which is truly pleasing and refreshing to the taite and prompt and effectual tocleanae the system gently in the Sprii. time or, in fact, at any time any the better it is known the iuoie popular it becomes. Beautiful Women. The magical effects of Wisdom's Robertine as a beautiliT and preserver of the complexion have been attested by thousands of the leading ladies of society ami the stage. It is the only article ever discovered which gives a natural and beautiful Out to the com plexion, removing tan, sunburn, freckles and all roughness of the face and arms, leaving the skin soft, smooth and velvety. All re mark on its delightful, ccoling and refreshing properties, a distinction not found in any similar prepara tion on the market. Sold every where Notice. II. Brandenstein from San Francisco will be at Albany on Sat urday June 20 for purchasing the following described hoises: Bays, black, and gray age 4 to 8 years, from 15 to 10 hands high, weight from JI50 to 1150. Must be ventle to ride under saddle and also gentle to work. Free from all blemishes and sound in every particular, draft and c-trriage horses wanted also. Headquarters at L. renders stable. Novelties in Ladies Footwear. I luive just received for the sum mer trade the latest novelties in ladies tine shoes. Cloth top, lancy tips; lace shoes with fancy tips, besides all thestaple styles in hand and machine turns. These goods were mads expressly for me and will be found nice enough for the most fastidious and cheap enough j for any one wanting a line dress i shoe. I also carry late novelties I in Oxford ties ranging in price j from ll.'-T) to f 4.00. S. K. Young. Important to HouMekeepers. classes of land claims, mining, pit It gives Julius (i rad w hoi great ! cmp! ion and homestead cases pros- satisfaction in selling his line W 'olden Iiule teas and baking j catarrh for about twenty years; I had lost sense of smell entirely, and I had almost lost my hearing. My eyes were getting so dim I had to get some one to thread my needle. Sow I have my hearing as well as I ever had, and I can illk i, tltro'l.l 'IW fill. '.I IOOi!ll !t-3 ever I did. my sense of smell is partly restored .l and it seems to be improving all the time. I think there i nothing like E'y's Cream Balm for catarrh. Mrs. E. E. (irinies, Keinlrill, l'erty, Co., O. Notice to I'atrons. Ausanv Or. May 30 lsiil. I have this d,iv made arrang-- I merits w ith Messrs Knapp Burrell I it Company of Albany. To furnish jail patrons" with Duerirg Binders, j I lease call at once. Also arrange ) merits are made w th them fore verything in the larm linpliinent , ,. incl7Un., u illt.. .Mart Financial Agent. i.a.iies. Attention, Mias IIannall Cohen, hair Hair dved, bleached or . m, iin(1 .,.. Ktvlft of the art. Orders taken for all kinds of hair work, hop at resi dence, corner Third and Calaooia streets. Have you seen those beautiful cement walls in the cemeter s, put up bv E. W. Achison, at alf I the cost of stone I Tf IV If vou suffer prick ing pains on moving the eyes, or cannot bear bright light, and lind your sight week and falling, you shouid promptly use Dr. 11. McLean's Strengthening Eye Salve. L'5 I cents a box. Sevenly-live cent neckties for 50 cents at Searls'. For lame back, side or chest, use Shiloh's porou3 piaster. Price 25 cents at Foshav & Mason. Strawberries, cherries. gose berries, currante, etc., received every morning, at Allen Bros. Croup, whooping cough and bronchitis immediately relived by Shiloh's Cure. For pale by Foshay & Mason. Just received, at Searls' shoe store, the latest styles in ladies cloth top shoes, lace ehoes and Oxfords of all kinds. Frequently accidents, occur in the house-hold which cause burns, sprains and bruises ; for use in such cases Dr. J. II. McLean's Volcanic Oil Liniment has for many years been the constant favoiite family remedy. Latest U. S. Gov't Food Report NEW TO-DAY. IOST A Viritflit tv pony about 4 yera J oM, branded with pair of spictaclrfl on the left slioulili-r, Information leading to its whiTi-about-'H be amply rewarded by Al belt Bond, A'bany Orison. IAY your whonl tax -The school tax for the year ls'.ll, in now due a;. d payable. Tax pavi-ra are rwimnUH to promptly, at the oitice of the clerk, C. O. Burkhart and l-ay the same. Signed, C. G. Burkhart, clerk. AsslRiiee's Notice, NOTLE IS HEKEBf OlVEN thatCiee, WTa, Jim, Uiw, and Nancy Westfall partners doincr business under the rhm name of Kwong, Woo, Kee. Company in solvtn. debtors in Albany on the loth day of June WJ1, made a general assignment to the undersigned for the benefit of all the r creditors. All persons havintr claims wi i present the sum s duly verified lo the uudersigned ut the bank of Ore grin, Al.iany. Oregon, within six mouths from the date hereof June 15 1MH. JaT W. Bli. L. II. Montaynb, Assignee. Attorney for Assignee. Jrick for At mv kilu one mile east of lown, or delivered anywhere in the city. W. C. CaS.ELL. l'ension. Postal, Land and Indian lepr 'dation Claims. LAW OKFICKS OF iwm mm or cuius, I'nder the management of W. R. HEARST, l'.d. & l'rop. S. F. Daily Examiner, JOHN WEDDKKBUKN, Mana; e ', olS F. St-eet, Northwest. Washington, I). C. Will practice in the supreme court of the Cuited States, the court of claims, the several courts of the District of Columbia, liefore committees of congress, and the executive departments. We obtain pensions and patents, Indian depredation claims and a. I e -ute'l before tne general lanu oi- nee, Hepartnient oi me interior anu i ue supreme coun. An order for 200,000 pounds of wool has been received by A. Sen ders, who will pay the highest mrrket price. Bring your tfool to him in Albany, and get your money. Proposal for a Bridge at (Albany, Oregon. Netice is lmehy given that the com moil council of the city of A bany, I Ircion, will receive scaled bids for the building of a bridge across the Willamette river from the north line i V.f Vr Bh,cV .J !" j,n,c;l.ioJ., llic IKrlil AAu 'rivor iu aceord. I uiicc with the plans, specilieatioiii and i suney now on li'e in the ollice of the I ucoider of the citv of Albany; said I bridge to be KWi) feet ill length and '20 lect wide in the clear and composed of ' six Hi) stuns: the approaches fo be iepeclie y :HHI fe t and :H5 feet ill li-nrlh amf'ili feet wide; such bids 111;, y ' also be a coiiipanied w ith plans and 'specifications of the binder , which j will be considered by the council. Bids w ill be received lor an all steel bridge, and must he accompanied by drawing showiugplans and elevations of both sub-structure ana super structure; diagram of stresses for span of different lengths, and full speeil'c.ition of the material and work manship of the details of such bridge. Bids must be tiled wiUi the recorder of said city on or before the hour of 1 o'clock p. in. of the 27th day of June, ls'.il, and must be accompanied by a certified de ck for five per cent of ihe amount of the bid The contractor to whom the eortract may be awarded will be required to enter into a writ ten agreement and contract and to trive bond to the cily of Albat.y in double the amount of the contract pr ce for the construction of such bridge, and for the faithful and strict pel foi mi' nee of the contract in a!l its terms, conditions and rictads. Work must be commenced -wit bin 20 days from the execution of the contract, and be completed to the perfect satis faction of the engineer in charge of the woik and construction of said bridge and of the city council, on or before the 1st day of December, ISM. Bids will be puo'.icly opened on the 27th day of June, lsui , at the council chamber in the city of Albany, be tween the hours of i and 4 o'clock p. in. of said day. The council hereby reserve the right to reject any and all bids : Published by order of the council made May J'th. N.J. HEXTOV. ilecorder of the City of Albany. Albany, Or., May 'tu, 1691. Male of Oregon tand Department The board of commissioncs for the sale of seh joI ar.d university lands and for the in vestment, of the funds arising therefrom of the Stat of Ore gon, hereby invite sealed applica tions to purchase the following de scribed lands to-wit: All of the donation land claim situ ated in sections 15. lt, 21 22, in Township li South Ranjfc 1 West known a- d described on the govern ment survevs as the Donation Land claim cf.Ioim V. Mooie and wif.; be ing notification No. i"09 saving there from IS acres sold to Jacob N-iwmao containing SH) acres. Also beninnin 10 chains West of the North East comer of the Northwest quarter see. tion 21 in Townhip 12 Bouth Range 1 West running thence east 30 chains thence South -W chains, thenee Wea :W chains, thence North 40 chains to the beginning.containing 120 acres all situated in Linn county, State of Ore gon and containing iu all 420 acres more or less. Applications will be opened at a regular meeting of said board to be held Tuesday the 14th, dy of July, at 2 o'clock P. m. The right to reject any and all Lids is reserved by the board. Salem, Oregon, June 1, 1891. NAPOLEON DAVIS. Clerk of the Board. Sale Wanted 08 Iv. E). Blain The Leading Clothier. GRAND CLEARANCE SALE I T HE LATENESS OF necessary to close out I time. To do this e have reduced all light weight stock of clothhg to almost cost, and are giving bar gains to make room for our new stock. Just come in and ascertain this fact for yourselves. A FINE ASSORTMENT OF NEW CLOTHING MADE Fit guaranteed in his Pkices always Keasonable. i if u u u ii u u u u u it tt u ii u u ii ii ii u ii u ii u ii ti u li u X COMPLETE STOCK OF Spring ani Summer Clotliisif, Light weight Summer coats and vests, dusters, tdlk, flannel and negligee shirts, light weight eilk and halhnggan underwear, straw hats; in fa-t anvthing and everything in our line you w ill find in great qua nines and all qualities at our store. I' :Y0U ARE SPECIALLY INVITED- To call an 1 exauiins our richly And renemher alsc that we are headiiiurtere f r durable all wool clothing made hy the .Alhany Woolen Mills, l'.rowns ville, Oregon City and California woolen mills goods CALL AXI) SEE OUR STYLES IN THE CELEBRATED Before you buy your next pair cf shoes we would suggest that you call and examine our line, because we undoubtedly have the largest stock in this city. Cannot be equaled for s'yle, comfort and wear, our fine line made by T. L WALLACE & GO., THE BIRTHPLACE OF GREAT ANI) HOXEST BARGAINS. CALL -AJLSTD SEE THE VERNON HAY PRESS o Unequaled for fast work and light draft. Manufactured at the foot of Baker Street, Albany, by PRICE VERNON. THE SPRING MAKES IT summer goods in a short PAT - " TERNS FOR S'JITiNCS AND TROUSERS TO ORDER AND A tailoring department. i. at it ii u i: ii u it ti ii it ii ii i: it i! ti n n i! t? tf i; 11 n n : tailored clothing made for us by ATS