Jm V -' fir. 1 . h-' I' r ft -m. v -'() CENTS A WEEK. AL15ANY, OllEttON, SUNDAY. I UJS E . 1891 VOL. VI NO. 167 DPRICE'$ UdPowder CJsed in Millions of Homes ifc are at Our .-viring an 1 Summer Stock complete GO 3D3 Very attractive lines in new cjlr!ius and no ."el" led. SPRING & SUMMER JACKETS! Lit -st Styles! Hig I Novelties! Lidies, Misses A; Chillien's. FURNISHING GOODS, VKi.viir-. sma-s. ?.n"s n 1 plfsh ks. la pi ks and MI'SK- .;. NI KNIT UNDKRWKA R, (BOTTOM A S! Vi I. L ! I V-;::. KM P.ROI PI-IR! KS, ST LK AND I.INE HANDKKPOIIIKFS. SCARFS. VKII.INGS, SI maw Mvmmxmmw Gk W. 8IMPSON, FIRST STRKK T, ALBANY, OREGON. 'In Sprlrin2tlie 'young Jmati's fancy Ligl itlyturns to tl louglits of love !' The vi-'e yo.iui 'iiin, the ol I in in, the thrifty housewife, all will tu-n th-'ir ste n. w'leu searching for fresh tahle ddicaeies, choice butter, fres'i la 1 ill-', stipe and faicy groceries of all kinds, to the groery store of C E. Brown ell. The Albanv A FULL LINK OF TJ I K 1 'AC I K 'V : IS SAVISt LOAN i BUILDING CO. -OF SAN Oife ai Abiolat?!? FOR SMALL MONTHLY AMOUNTS. o Six do'.la-s per montn will amount to $100) in seven years, doubling the amount invested in that time. Money loan -d on real estate security at 0 per cent. For full particu lars apply t STEELE & CO., Local Airents. 40 Years the Standard the Fron 1 1 will be found larger and more thiii ever. WHITE GOODS Anything and everything in I.I've assortment ami end less variety.;! AWLS, ETC. KJ 1 ft- -tr CtiiiftzirtrCrCrk-tretirlftrlrCrtrlrCfA Cr r -ft ft- r ft r ftr ft il also turns to r ft Cr itliOrits Ml ! . r !!l!l!!!f m tO! ft ft- r Ct V- a- , as well. '' ft'-' ft Furniture Co. UNDERTAKING. IC s T AIUiS FRANCISCO - Safe lu'csfme FOK SALE, WANTS, ETC. IIMVI'KD A nx nwiii cnttsitfc nor the tiHinvs ptTticii of tho i-ity, W ill n-iit ly the ir or tak a 'ease. Call ut llKRAIK.tlil-e. U(H; SAWINU l"Mt' rn the ehcriext lia'i.e. Onifs 't:t at I'r, Irms' will li-1 rouill atttliikd to. W . NKKLY. w ;nthi.- A STtllrition lo ilo V-nt'ral ah ly Il- US,- u st IlisoiKtr. llrAN ! KD-AiffM-w tnfl! a I nus' holil ar il ti Ic i.t-i'dcii i- tvi-n h. u?i-; li moiti- to ri, lit part; I kuii If f ti c ts, aillre-s. N. V. liAKLINHHOl -7. L-VC-lUll St, l'llt- a. il Orrrt , lOll SALK- A u'nl li r.; lian e 8 and J? hllirvv" fr tia't; ill ap for catli; a l-arya'.l. Ki.fiiiru at the real m a.c otliev if liitrKliart Kteiu-y, Oa WIXM. AUKNT KOK THK LEAD Inif Are. life anl aochlent insurance com panies 1 PADRES OF L VNr- All fit for culti J )) vation, and un lor fence, for flalu at 10 iter a.-re. Within 1 j miles from railroad t it i .n and 20 uiilea from Alhany. Apply a thi otlice. OtAN WA has removed h 8 laumlry to the O iron h-ui the eor-ier of Second and Lyon rtret-U. ili-- lo l-llors. AM th i- indented to the late firm of rhonip."o:i .V Overman are reiiictetl to call at once and 6eUle the name. MONEY TO LOAN lu lare or smal ainoiiritH, from i mo-tth to five vt-ar.s on Albany, and Linn county rea' tvitate. I'all on or address W. E. .M. l'heraon, real estate hroker, oppoitu Itus9 we L.-IIKI Tor :ilc. S. 10. '), l. SO acres, cany terun, in'all incut plan iheiji and iiu'h prii-eil. A. so ft lew city lute ad owned by II. Bryant MONEY TO LOAN- HOME CAPITAL ON food real citate security, r'or particu lars enquire of Go-.. Humphrey. LO SaLE ju,tl00 worth of house X h ild f.irniture m echani;c for iinprovi-d real estate tncju'reat orlice of Orc.-.m Land Company. roi.i Kisi, ti (ioi.o pi ns, ti JT it-.ii'-i i, very tttxxX handkerihiefs, all sf:t to mic a.i-irss to introduce my -h -up line of i-mIi, for 10 cts J S. Simmons, Cadiz O A!'E A wirkh .r-e, pii.l (. 1:1 .-aipc lt'T w irk. C H -C T. L. tt jll.cci v- u. i. Knai; si I S COCKTAIL. 1 r IS .ut at :he lilirem THE 1 i.iie.' i A stt-ii. 'e'i!'e liil- herd.-, :T tl.a i it :'. iniriuie trai-U r. . A'lt jn-Tilc, at t l.'iii.lts h-tti.t. py t . J. .1 T O.ST -I' o.n 'h d !' Il i'-l i l t;.i I J a 'i.d: .1.-.u-Ii t'-r-'nr ;:ur. I; ti :i 'e l-iu t it" re. v .-ry will .e i t I'llO re-v r U-1. hi; se :E-ii;;i i rtiE sevVueh e 1 an f (MT.ell . d nurse el I -ill I !' a p yirtf at te corne of rif-haud P.aker S:s. tamt rJarvrjIne. RTIItH UXHIK1N9 81'RVItriNa DOM CAN OB- X tain a-'curate nil prompt work i- eallinu Uoii cx-county euni-yoi t, T. T. fisher, lie haseompletc r-opiet- of field notes and town ship platg, and is prejare I to do surveying in inv part !! Linn county. 1'OHtortice atldrcee, Millers Station. Linn co'i u.Orcion. IIOOH SAWINU-A. 11. Howard havini; pur. hascu the lr 1 M Jonei wo-d aw i.ijt outfit, is now ready to H.I all orders. Leive r rders at rcsideii'-e. inrur 1 of Srcond an.i Vamoia streets, or Deyoe .t Errnun's. 1TKNISHF.I) ROOMS In mi o' th localities in ihe - ify to lent, For partic ilars iiniirie at his othce. U npx.e ce&tji te 1.U islusiuo tttrJ bccaus"ifAisltlie best for"SaU, Everywhere A Ml I't'OSIT L MOUkl K. Work cannot be successfully continued unless there is an active mental interest in it. If the mind is not clear, bright and buoyant, then the work is drudgery and the worker is a machine. An occasional dose of Moore's Re vealed Remedy will put the body and mind in such harmony that the hardest tasks will seem us play. ItU kl.r V AICM( A The lit'st salve in ties world for Cut.. Bruises, So.cs, I'lrtrs, Salt Klieum, Fever sores, Tetter, Chapped Hanc', Cliilblains. Cort. uiidskin Eruption:'-, and tios tively cures Piles, or i.o pay required. It is L'tiarantecd to k'ivs perfect sati.sfnctiim, or money re- funded, Vrieeii eents per box. Fcr sale by Ko-ln:y it Mason Notlre. All jiersons indebted to K. C. Searls are requested to call and settle at once as all accounts must be clo-jed by the t-'Oth of June. L C. Searls. June 8th 1801. Do you want to be happy and make those about you pleased, if so go and get one of those lovely toned piano's at Mrs. Hymans. tiik ri irrr am stai.k. Rev. F. M. Shrout, l'astor I'nited r.rethren Cliurch, Jlue .lound Kan., says : "I feel it my duty to tell what wonders Dr. King 8 ew Discovery has done for me. .My Lungs were badly diseased, and my parishioners thought I could live only a few weeks. I took live bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery and am sound and well, gaining 2 !l)9. in weight. Arthur Love, Mar.a-'er Love's Funny Folks Combination, w rites : After a thorough and con vincing evidence, 1 am confident Dr. Kinii s New Discovery lorLon sumption, beats 'eni all. and cures when everything else fails, the greatest kindness I can do my many thousand mends is to tige them to trv it ' Kr trial lint t' I at Fob hay & Mason, Drug Store uegniar eizesSOc. ami !fl 00. hi: i . ii r oi ritiiLiv. nervous women seldom receirs the sympathy they deserve. Wli .e otten the pictures ol health, th iy are constantly ailing. To with hold sympathy from these unfn r tunates is the height ofcruelt?. They have a weak heart, causii.? shortness of breath, llutterir pain in sioe, weaK and hung y spells, and linailv swellinir ankles, oppiession, chokiur, smothering and tlronsv. I.e. Miles' New Heart Cure is just tl e tlung tor them. l or their ne -vousness, headache, weakness etc., ins Kestorative Nervine la uiif(ualed. Fine treatise en "Heart and Nervous Diseases" ane marvelous testimonials fr sold and guaranteed by Stanard i Cusick. itM.ooit rt:iiri.4ies. Do you know that Moore's Re vealed Remedy is the only patent medicine in the world that does nut contain a drop of alcohol ; tlu.t (he mode ol preparing it is known only to its discoveier; that it is a:i advance in the science ol medicine without a parallel in the nine teenth century ; that its proprietoi 3 oiler to forfeit f 1,000 for any casa of dyspepsia it w ill not cure .' Sl'tdlll V TASKS. S. If. Clillord, NewCassel, Wis.. Aas troubled with Netiralgia and Rheumatism, his Stomach was disordered, his Liver was alletted to and alarming degree, appe'.ite fell away, and he was terribly re duced in llesh and strength. Three bottles of Electric Litters cured him. Kdward Shepherd, Harrisl) lrg, III., had a running sore on his leg ol eight years standing. L tied three bottles of Klectiic liit'.ers and seven boxs of Lucklen's Salve, and his leg is sound i.nd well. John Speaker, Catawba, 0., had live large Fever sores on his leg, doctors said he was incurable. One bottle F.leetric Hitters and one box Lucklen's Arnica Salve cured him entirely. Sold by Foshay it Mson, Drug store. A Ml SI Kill I VI'l.tlM It, The paers contain frc uat notices of rich, pretty iled girls eloping with negroes, trj sps and roachiiien. The well-kn )ivn specialist, Dr. Franklyn Mi.js' says all such girls are more or hysterical, nervous, very in: Hive, unbalanced ; usually sub to headache, neuralgia, sleepl ness, immoderate crying or lai ing. These show a weak nor system for which there is remedy equal to Restorative 2J .-r-vine. Trial bottles and a :e book, containing many marvel' :s cures, free at Stanard & Cusi i, who also sell, and guarantee 1 r. Miles' celebrated New Heart Ci 3 the finest of heart tonics. Cu. 38 Iluttering, short breath, etc. Mll-VH M I.MKK TILLS. Act on a new principle regula ting the lier, stomach andlowel3 through the nerves. A new dii- eoverv. Jr. .Miles' l ins speedily cure biliousness, bad taste, torpil liver, piles, constipationr Un equaled for men, women, children. Smallest, mildest, surest ! 60dose3 for 25 cents. Samples ee, at Stanard A Cusick. His Celelirated CUKE Warran,e.Uo..ApHJl0J2ITiJ.S(. Orkney the generative organs of either sex w.-- - .-r arisitnr from the execsixe u-'e or s':-. tohai'co or opium, or thr ui-;h out.' c' rretion. cv-'r indulgence, it fc.ieh r o' Drain Pcver, Wake'u'ne-s. lie." 1 . i pains-'tt'ie Pack, Semi n-1 Wt.I.i- I-- teiU, N ou str.dio.i, Ne. , (. sioi , L iicorrhoe I)i. in s, W ' Losiof Powur and linjiote.i.v w.-'i 'i -- 1 lecttd u.ten lenl to prtv r t i u r rr.. ins.-"itv. Price jl a hoi.; fj 'u,j ; I, .- ; ,W S. nt i.v rr. il on r-oj; o" ti - A VKI1IK f.l lKtMi.: '1 .v n wi: ii every t r ord. r rev ivm, .1 . 'e u monei if a I'rrmciii nl it re not IfetC".'. We have thoiipaiiilsof I .' . 'nioiii.'ls 1,0m o'u and youuir, o.' Ith s' r - t 1 110 h. vc l"cii pt-nnauently ciiriti hv tiic u w f Afi 'Ci :.:ne Circular iree, Addif s Tilt: A I'll 1:0 MClMilM: . Western ltranch, llox, il. Porlbnd, Oicv'on. For sale by Koshay & Mason, whs csii.e and etail d moists. Alhany, OrK n. r-LFOPt iff AFTER STATE DISPATCHES. Bills Found gaintt Saw Mills for Violating Certain Laws. SAWIUST IN THE SANTIASI. Xba Food Comtniisiocer Makoa Stait'l g ReDOrt-Oregon Pi'.neerj Will Mwst. S.u.i m, Or.i June 13. Circuit court for the June term closed the first wei'k's session this evening. The f:r.ii d antt petit juries were discharged and the court will con tinue a day., ior two next week. True bills wefre returned against three eaw nrij't SruiB, one in Salem and the others on the Santiani. The charge being the dump of sawdust in the Btream, contrary to law, and damaging the tishing in terests. The a rests have not been made yet. W. W. Raker.state food commis sioner, was here to-Jay and made an ex .mii.ati'iri of the dairies in the iciiiity of Salem. He makes a startling report, having found one daiiy in a horrible filthy con dition, and very damaging to the health of the patrons of the de.iry and public. This evening Com missioner Laker had a warrant issued for the arrest of John Cis s.idy, the dairyman. His stable was filthy, and he was fced'og malt to mill h cows. The la-t rail has lieen Ia"'J ami the last pole set for the e'ecliic line extension to Ihe fair grounds. The c.irs wiil be liinuing iv July lirst. Thetiavk is he'tp; ba lasied ami put i'i good shape. OI:l.(. IIIIVKKKS, They Will .Meet in the Melioolls Next Tuesday. I'oitri and, June L!. The nine- t'enth annual meel'u and rt un ion of the (lit gon l'ioneer As'oei ation will be held in this c;ty on Tur? lav next. of arrangement. consists of Frank Dekum. Henry Failiir', (ieneral Wilh im lyipes, Charles K. Ls;dd and (ieo ge 11. II i iira. Lverytaing possible s bein 'doneby them to m:'ke the melting a succe.-s and a la'ge at tend nice is exiKeled. Iu itations t. be present have been sent to the l'ioneer and His toric.! tociety at Astoria, the Soiuhe'-n Oregon Pioneer a -sstia-tion and the county societies of Polk ard L'Pii counties. Many disliir;ii:-ihcd individuals and nro'iitrie olhcials have also been :'l'ted. '--- . . f-SLr- A 1IEAKTV WELCOME. Sir W llliain Gordon CuunuUig and Itrlile at Home. London. June I'i. Sir William Gordon Cummin.; and his bride received a royal welcome on their rival at Forn s, Seot'and, near which the Uiiotiot's e-iaie is sit uat 'd. The inhabitants of Forres and its neighborhood from many miles around in order to show their sympathy for the owner of I Altver. An address of welcome .Vi iiresuited their, with coni.i' uiations. i DO WK MAM EACTl 1!E UN It Would Surely Seem So This Dispatch. fri in I.iis-niiN. June 1:!. Ow in' tj the ler-r.-iscil ileniniiil from America. forty-three Welch tiu-plate works w ill shut down duriui; the whole month of July, locking out 1'd.OOO men. It is ieared the stoppage ill extend bevond July. A mass meeting of the men will beheld in Swansea to protest against the lockout. A l'ioneer Laid Away. ORk;oN City, June l.'. The re mains of (ieorge W. Waiting, of Oswego, was huiied at the Masonic cemetery in this city yesterday. Mr. Wailing was a pioneer of 1847, ami has resided at Oswego contin ually since that time. He was a member of Multnomah lodge, A. F. & A. M., of Oregon City! He was 72 years of age at death. Killed By a Premature Blast. Kicamoni), Va., June LI. By the premat ire explosion of a dy namite bla-t on the Koanoke Southern railroad, between Rock Mount and Roanoke, two men were1 instantly killed and two fatally iu ju -ed. Tho I'eople's Tarty. Sr. I ons, June 13. Five mem bers of the executive committee of the people's party met to-day be hind closed doors, to pass upon matters of importance in connect ion with the preparation for the campaign of 1S02. Exports on Bread si (!'. Wvmiinoton, Juno 13. The bureau of statistics report the total value of exoorts of domestic htea Istull's from the United Mates dui ino- last May was 12,330,000. W II EKE WILL IT END? Kuml: Will Exclude all Foreign ers from Her Domain. Sr. PirrEitsBCRd, June 13. The Jewish persecution is extending to all foreigners in Russia, especially Germans, Poles and Tartars. Prince Kuropatkin, governor-general of Transcospia, has signed a secret order expelling- nearly ali of the Polish engineers and imploycs engaged in building and working the Central Asian railway. The same order gradually expels all foreigners engaged in Servia, ex cept Frenchmen. Among the Jews expelled from Moscow are many old soldiers, some d-corated with St. George's cross, the highest pos sible reward for vah-r on the field. it is Bemi-oilicially'-d that ArnoM While,;it of i'.jron Hirsch, who has been sent to Russia in order to make iin invre-im-nts for the cinigiat on of .lews has been very favorably received by the higher authorities who greatly favor the scle me. The government intends to limit the number of Jewish physicians, banisters, lawyctsand journalists in every town in Rm-sia. A FA.MOl S CASK. Alleged Conspiracy to Itreak A. T. Steward Will. ew York, June in. During the procedings yesleiihiy in the Stewart will case, ex-Judge Rus sell, for the dt :cn !a:.!s, !,!! the repolters a p;ii t ! t e a i, ( 'j;i- sptracy ol a vi.ou a.-' ii-o.e i:. . it; will and dni'ie liie pioietds. William 1. S nilh, A. i'. i-ieaii,'s old body servant, was alleged lo be the tcol of the conspiracy, lie was defendant in a suit brought by Sara Liatiiigh to oust him from the premises at 11:1 Fast Thirl y lit'tii street, given him by Mis .Sewat. Allida.its have been served Uon attorneys for coim pla'nants, i'lt iuding (itneial l'.en Sutler. Kesult or Too Much W hisky. MoNTtioMciiv, Ala., June i;5. I. N. (iilchrist. meinber of the last :ts cn.bly ?n I y- ;r -r pi. r, ol' lr ci Ii d noiliiv. comiu'i : ! s.:-e de by taki g "n.o ih: . li had been il'iii'.itg n- " v e-r.ei:i v.ceU, rod i!i-.-i.i:n.I c brt aking the habit. THE PANAMA " CANAL THE SIIAKEIIOLIIEIIS WILL I'IKISECI TE l)E LESS! I'S. iri'liis is Donelt Wilt lie the Means of lelyiiijf Work on the World's ICiesest Ddcli. P.m: June 13 Tre e a t be no doi-ht th :t D" I. w1' be pro ' I'.'-d. P'ar., I - wlfe dec'a -ed the i up i on that tue i.i-ui'v has 1, co ue e.iiichcd is v.kho it f cnd-i-lioti. On the conl'.i' y, siic ivs her v, ho'e fo l fe is 'ivi'.eii i:: the Panama canal. De I. epulis is now ill and weak. Ed.i'' th'S moip:iig t;:,s Ihe Pau.itiia sliaieholilers are deie minid that unless the government p oseculesDe I.essups. they wi'l biini: charges be ore the Correctional Tribune of the Seiue. The shareholders ald they will take siaii'ar action against ChavK s De Ixssups, Damn l'ois-on t.'otta and Fontaine. It is reported the l anama canal pros cutioti is con nected with a scheme ol the Credit roncier syndicate lo place the en terprise on a new and S'jlid ba:is,to omplete the canal. London, June 13. A 1'aris cor respondent of the Times says the decision to prosecute the I'anama .-anal management is regarded as a weak measure, and it is thought will complete the ruin of the enter prise. There is a general feeling of regret that De Lessups is om pelled to undeigy such treatment at the close of his patriotic and use ful life. THK I'OSION TKIAL. All Aiile-Mortem Statement Denied by the Defendant. Memphis, Tenn., June 13. The ante-moitem declaration of DaiJ Poston was real this morning in the criminal court, before which Colonel King is on trial for Fusion's murder. In it Poston said King walked ti l to him, called him scurrilous names ami lired imme diately. Colonel King then took the stand and told a diil'erentstory. He say 8 he met Poston and asked hiiu to withdraw the charges made against him (King) and w ile in the cross bill in the famous King-l'il-!ow case. Ilereitised, and King denounced him as a scoundrel. Poston then called King ile names and, witness asserted, put his hand behind bis overcoat. Witness, thinking he had a pistol, drew bis own and lired. The cross bill in the King-Pillow c::s2 was then read, ami Kingsaid the wholelhmg was a tissue of falsehoods. the divorce bill, which was never filed, was also introduced. It tro- fessed to be a copy of the bill written by King, setting forth that his married life was unhappy and arranged for a marriage w ilh Mrs Pillow in event of a divorce being obtained. Kingenteied a denial of this. A Fatal Eleetrieal Storm. Loxii P.itANsjii, N. J., June 13. An electrical storm which swept over this section of the state yes terday afternoon caused a loss of life and the destruction of consid erable property. At Hamnionton, Daniel Gross and his two children were instantly killed by a bolt of lightning. The damage done at Ashbury Park amount i t $20,-00X WASHINGTON GOSSIP The Better Class of Immigrants are Coming Westward CLEVELAND LOSING GKOISD Comment on Topics of Foblio Interest at the National Capital The Growing Northwest- sjh; ia: Correspondence, Cop righted. Wamhm'lo.v, .tune 10 An e;,,-nest effort is to !e made by the Government authorities. t" en force to the letter and imuiigration laws, which, though mild, are sutlicieiit to put a stop to the worst a'msi scomplaiued of. The steam ship companies are chiefly at fault, ami lesolute measures are to be taken to bold them to the severest penalties of the law whenever they unrig in punrs, lunatics, or criminals. Except Chinese, im migrants of this character f sldom fin 1 their way to the west, for w hich quarter," however, the great body of the lielter class im nrediately depart alter lauding at the seapoit. .HE WEST TO HAVE tt'K INCPEASE. Railroad manaseia and others w ho del practically with the im migration question a;e preparing to "lumd'e'' ag et.t number of new i (ci e s i. o'ii the old world th. n ever. p:ui ave in the in't lieliei ' by the lai0er put v i j sci '-; horn-i in the We t, rr . I eptc..!"e the Mail 3 01 Inl .0 v.e t. To s.n.Ji iiaii of fie i'..pi.;;l iu the F'stei.i Si- s ;. loo -igoe'. for e np'ovmeui ' xt'ir it'..' '"i' :l'o. Peso is h.i" "g s. (.iotl th'ii'r " wiiii which to i i'"ce c.'pHal shof'd ii'iue nlr. d tl'3t t"- 3 in sett is the opi'-iiiit'ie mome't! .-bee " eve- . 'iiitv wd'i'' to t.i'.e chrnce and l.e coti'"nt ".In i ii ;'i; :f it o.dy lie S''re. ihe I mU is a good one to put in pract'ee. ALL KCKENE AT 110. K. Sr-c.etniy Fosler, of thelVa'-f-y third. - he sees iiis way c!cap as t : !'c li'iances of tlieiuiure. AM ihe i i .-ogiiiKt d og.tns of iiia'ue fe s! ion ; ami clear in the I elie' tint no cloud is I:ke'y to'-se to des,i"b he business pros-cccf wl'ic'i id 'o-ne crops and a lar,e fo.e'tn ' demand are bound to insure. 'iVe piesent ".t'-t may be desc ib(l by saying that the financial ni.-'-l;eis a'einapei'od of rest. Tue im--ovement in Europe cont'.nes, o'it full confiderce in tiie ent re -lab lity of the markets there can not be said to be yet reVed. Though ledticed ;u volume, lue stream of o'd expoi ts is sti.l Cow ;ng Knroi ?waid, the amount last wi-'k having been and a ha'f ru'iiiou, with other thiiinie. s to to low. Magr'.iic-.'iit as has b.-e;t tl eellect iu Kurora of the go'd expo Is fio'n Ame'iej. and gieat dj li: i been the avei tisemeat of our li lanc'al si eng.h, P exh'b't v I ii on p-u tini wit'i f:iO.O?0,0'J'.l. (.') o." go'd without sei lous in. ;u , the cou.'.iuance of tte irovement, ow. I even in smalie' amonuts, is an tasio'i of moieorlessdeivessioii. NOT ALL SELLNE AltROAK. Abroad theie are signsof unrest, jn account oi heavy debts, partic u'ai'y those male in England '.y South American countries s ci dilations enormous and jrofit less. HE EMI'OItll M OF THE PACIFIC. In an interview with Hon. Robert P. Poiter, Suieriiitendent of Census, w ho has just returned from the Pacific coast, Mr. Porter said to your correspondent: "The real need to-day of the West, especially of the State of Oregon and Washington, is manu factures. There is a la -.k in Port land, Astoria, and Taeoina of frictory c'limney, and I think that the people who lay the foundation of a lare manufacturing city thee will eo.i v a boon on Die people of those Slates, by aiding trealy ami materially in their develops- ment. The commerce of the No'lbwest is growing greatly and, in con sequence of protection, we have encouraged production in this country at reduced prices, so that we will readily supply Australia with a great many articles; and anything that has a market on the Pad lie Coast States or Australia or even South America, could le manufactured, to great advantage. POl ITU'AI. ;;S!P. Pieiidetiv's ik l0'3 liie aven.-e i oni me seat of C' .. ii- n ii the piefent sum me r , : ot like y to be long, though may he f'Ki'icnt, owing to the '..t-ss of Mr, LUine, and the r n.iL-?r o ipiestions that will require 1 is at.cntion on that acconnt. The reiKirt that has been ex tensively circulated that Secretary Noble will leave the Interior .;e pailment to take Minister Lincoln's pi. ice in London, the latter bein assigned by the rame report to Setretary Proctor's place in the War Department, he iii tir.i, by the same process, tak ing Mr. Edmund's shoes in the Senate, e:.iluded at the first bound. It is possible that Mr. Noble in the fa'l may 'e .ve the Cabinttto go upon the Supreme Court Urencli under tiie new law. Senator Voorhees. of Indiana, and Senator Col!iuitt, of Georgia indorse Lie assertion that Mr Cleveland is losing ground among 1 letnoerats West and Sout h for the next nomination for President. Senator Gorman, it is asserted, is gaiuing as the prospective nominee. WIIT OF MR. BLAINE? Jnte'l'!-;! ent op'n oa has about t titled down on fi e p-esent con di;io.i and p onp'oly .".iliii-e of Mr. Blaine, w no is t hl'i Maine home, where he is expected to remain, almcst iideiijiteiy. Here in Washington no one 'appeals will ing to hazard the oD'nion that he wi.l return be "ore fa'l, if at all. The shock which u'.3c; him was toia'.lv unlike a.vyiirng that pre vio.isysent lrni iii-o his house and to bed for a 'ew days to come out again reasojib'y fresh and sfong. At present he is capable of neither menial !.;bor nor much phys'cil exe-iion. Neitlior the President nor any Cabinet officer wi'l BAv'tt'Lt he exDecis to eea Mr. Pla;ne" returned to his post in the Sta'e Department nor for some months at least. The business of the department, with the capable oversight of President Ilairieon, goes on with undiminished efficiency in the hands of Mr. Blaine's deputies and working force, Mr. Adee being the acting Secretary of State. M I'KMl'BS OF WAIC A Guatemala Revolution la a fore gone Conclusion, C i v of Mevco, June 13. Ad vice ? from Guatema'a sources- re vea.l the true reason of the discon tent and revohuionaiy talk in that count. y. The restless spirit is occasioned by the elections which : -0io he held in Ociolier. Presi dent j .'iiiliaa wishes to make'sco Auguinano, a member of the cabinet, his successor, but ihe ptooie are nut willing to accept ihj no ni.talion. Letvcen now and election time a revolution is a fo-'egone conclusion. The same ;'lvices evy tiiei-e is no tiDuble be tween Salvador and Honduras, toih count iiesobserving the recent t-euty to the letter. HE SEES IT NOW. THE I'lilNCE OF WALKS CATCHING ON." ia His Highness Cannot Any Longer Treat the Matter Lightly-Sir William's Case. London, June 13. The Prince of Wal s nd Duke of Cambridge came to t)n this morning on business which is generally under stood f i be connected with the ba; terndal. The prince, who waat first disposed to treat Llie nuti-sr li-riitly, is uow awak ened t the seriousness of the rituation. A 1 ondon correspond ent of the I r'ds Mercury eays he has good ret )3 to state the secre tary of suite for war will apologize Monday next in the commons on behi If of the Prince of Wales lor the course the latter t3)k in con doning the conduct of Curnnring a". Tranby Croft last September. it is currently reported that Lord Co'eiidw, lord chif justice of England, who presided at the recent trial of the suit of Cum tiling against Arthur Wilson and .Hi eis, will take otlicial notice of the charge made against him bv S.r William, the substance of wbieh is that the verdict of the jury would have been entirely different had it not been for the partiality for defendants which the lord chief justice showed in his summing up and his charge to the ji'ry. OTIIEK PEOPLE'S MONEY. The Amount of Herzbacher's Defal. ration Made Knowi. New York, June 13. The amount of the defalcation of Julio Herzbacher to the New York Life Insurance company, is $370,0). Vice-President Welch said to day: '"Some people may think it very Itieer that such a sum could be taken without discovery by us. I'.utitt- kes a very long time for the proceeds of the South-American business to be sent to us. The business of that asency is between $2,0X1,000 and $3,000,000. In so large a sum, a uelay in the arrival of if370,C00 wou'd not attract sf ::ial notice. Mr. Sanchez is re sponsible to us for what Ilers- bacher lias taken, we have the greatest confidence in Sanchez. and will institute no legal proceedings - against him." It was said to-day that, besidefe the .; O.OUO of agency money, Ilertbacl er had appropri ated some of his partner's psreonal funds. Coudltiou of the Weather. Wamiin;t(in, June 13. Barome ter highest in the Lower Ijike re gions and lowest in Dakota. Fair weather prevails, except light rains in the extreme Northwest. Teuierature has fallen somewhat in the Lower Lake region, Middle and Eastern slates; elsewhere re mained st itionary or risen. A'.er the Oleomargarine Dealers. St. Loi is, June 13. The United States grand jury has returned in d'etmeuts against sixty-nine retail dealers of oleomargarine, for vio lation of the act requiting oieo to be Bold n stamped packages. Financial Matter In Portugal Li-iion, June 13. The financial position is much improved, and the government has decided it will not be necessaty to prolong the moratarium expiring July 10.