Morning daily herald. (Albany, Or.) 1885-19??, June 13, 1891, Page 1, Image 1

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QoalH Baking
Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard
ffe arc
4- 4-
ANTKU A hx mom cottae near the
huninc-is pirticn of the city, Hill
rent ly the car cr take a leas..-. Call at
HrKAl li'.itt.ce.
RMHii) SAWINO dme mi th
V mil ire. Order h.-!t at lir.
In; it. 11 1. Hi att1idtd to. v.
11 li use work i a ji'tir
l bhortest
loiirh' ill
MMKU.--A sitiiation
f h UHI
ut ihisotlicc
10 ilo mineral
!. Apih
4N Kl Airt-nts ti Sfl1 a 1 oust hoM ur-
tirle iit'eiltil iii ivcrv lr lHe; hi:; money
tu rig. lit party ; I sunn le r- n cei tn, addre-s
X. f. sk, .-eteulli St. I'oit
a. il On,.. .
Volt SAi.K
J? I.-.l
Ki ipnic i
A i:"il li r.-c, han-e s and
r a'e rh an for c;v-h; a i-arca'.i.
t the ri al tu a e i f Miirktiart
SS heifc- calf ami is a good milch cow. Ap
ply to K. N. On-lit.
Oar Spring an 1
Summer Stock will he foil ml
00:11 plete th.iii evor.
larger anil more
Very attractive lines in new
coljr:ti4S an 1 l.iti st
no.'cl; ics.
Anything and everything in
I tri;e assorlm-'iif hii1 end
less Variety. .
SPRING & SUMMER JACKETS -st Styles! ILg'i Novelties I L-nlics, M isse-t X Chil lien's.
VKLVKTS, HA' s rrVS AND plushf.s. lawks' and
m 1 -
wn'Vi) l ir s;;. i:vnutoiKKiKs.sir,K and
first sTur;i:r. albany, orkgon.
' In Spriric tlie yovinc man's fancy
Ligl ltly "tun is to tl loughts of love !"
r S-b-ktfh-k-CfCfk-h-kti-k'h-Ciiitr-bi,
It also lures to i
i! 1.1 . f . .... r
the thrifty li msewife. all will
fresh ta'iie d-'licacii'S, choice
groceries of all kinds, to the
1 tV
vi in ' nan. t'ie 1
w'len s -ar.-l .
HIS 01 SOIilCf
pi !o!
35 well. I
'I'iie vh
turn tli'"ir ste;-.
lmttcr, Ves;i 1
gro -ery store of
1 I tn in,
111; lor
C E. BrowneU.
The Albany
Furniture Co.
Oiks no Alisolobly Safe Investment
1 lArKf,'s OP LN"I- All fit for cultt
I )f vation, 1111 ler fence, for Kite at
1 N.r a re. Within 1 in i It s from railroad
-titi m a'id Id tiiiltH from AWuny. Apply at
O irm rn
!iru ffinovcd h 9 laundry to the
i hoti the rortu-r of b oitd and
I. von sirt't't-1.
o ler to Ikrliliirs.
.VI th me induntt'd to the lutf
Thontson A tKriiin are ivo,iutt
at oihx- and fr--ttlu the ?nie.
ftriu of
d to cull
O.NKV TO LOAN -In l:ir;-' nr Hnial
aiiM'iintrt, friMii six iii.i.tti4 to flvt
ar4 on All-anv. ami l.ilili cnuntv rra1 entaU.
t'.Jl on or a.lilrt'i W. K. M.'Phersoii, real
istatj hrokir, opposite kuss hi) ise
l.aml fur S;ilv.
.1. M. 10, w acres, easy terms,
merit plan elletp an.l hih-prii-etl.
fen- city lots all nwiie l hy tl. Kryant.
Also a
lurd en juire of Uw.
X h 1 irnittire in
n il ctttti; l.ii!irre.
(,rii:i.iai ,
$l.tM worth f hniis
eh:ini;e f-r improv i .1
,t ortice of he.'n L.tnd
stilt t" kit idtlr.-- o iti!r..d:M tnv
litu- I - d i, or 1 ri
.1 S. SiviMoV-,
;: i - ir h1 w-irk i .
i in . arp.',it.T w.irk .
x ''. l.. Ii Kfiapp
. -it al i h. i!ire in
f-, all
, h up
1. '..
Rev. F. Shrout, Pastor I'nitetl
Brethren Church, Hlue Alouml,
Kan., says : "I feel it my duty to
tell what wonders Dr. King's New
Discovery has done for me. Jly
Lun;j8 were badly diseaeed, and
my parishioners thonuht I could
live only a few week. I took live
liottlesof Dr. Kind's New Discovery
and am sound and well, gaining 20
lha. in weisiht."
Arthur Love, Manager Love's
Funny Folks Combination, writes:
"After a thorough tr:al and con
vincing evidence, I am confident
Dr. King's New Discovery for Con
sumption, beats 'em all, and cures
w hen everything else fails. The
greatest kindness I can do my
many thousand friends is to uge
them to try it.' Free trial bottes
at Fohay it Mason. Druir Store.
Regular sizes 5()c. and $1 00.
I! l.-i
p V t J . ut (
-tv'i h
r thti'i u
eriT.-j In!.',
tiiiniito ti i
. st rit,i;: i-
o ii h
tioil h-.t t.ti,' t lln
re rd 1,
1.' i ti
i t-r t
.1 i,
i- U t.-t
1 1 1 i eicy
I it rmi
ti suiti'de
mi eMen'iiri nurse rin Hud emi hy ap-
p yi: k it te -rner nf r ii h aiul I; ikt-r Mh.
Limit HurvryliiK
b tain accurate nd prompt wnrk hy cailinv
upon cx-t:inty mirvfjor r, I. 1. ruder, lie
hascomplete conies of Held notes and town
thip j1a1, and in prepare I to do fnirveyiiuf in
any part of Linn county, rotoniee aduruag.
Millers Stati-.n. Linn ecu U, Oregon.
llfOOli SAWIN;A. II. Howard h.iinu
l pur h:ise,i the Ir l M .lone wocd faw-
iniffuttit, is now ready to ud all orders
Leae orders at residence, orai of Second
and !'a!:ipooia HtreetH, or Peyoc t roman .
'1 KMSIIKO IUHMS -In rna f th
L pteruian e t lolities in the itv to
tent, F r prtie I'.&n inqtirie at his i fit
uia Din?
JuAes con's Ar;
with mi T . a1 dtv
Its PcKaoeTma.Kcs it trie
tmoyttesir.ahlt To
carry inffjt pocnet.
to $1003 in seven years,
K&t Six dolUira rir month will nmnnnr
doubling the amount invested in that time.
Money loanea on roal estate security at per cent. For full particu
lar apply to s. X. STKKLE A CO.. Loral Agents.
a m rtsi 1 1. mokki:ks.
Work cannot be successfullv
continued unless there is an active
mental interest in it. If the mind
is not clear, bright and buoyant,
then the work is drudgery and the
worker is a machine. An
occasional dose of Moore's Re-
ealed Remedy will put the bodv
and mind in such harmony that
tie hardest tasks will seem as
The bent salve in thi world for Cuti.
Bruises. l iters. Salt Klieum.
Fever sores, Tetter, Chapped Hunt;,
Chilblains. Corns, and skin Eruptions,
and pos tively cures Piles, or 1.0 pay
required. It is guaranteed to giva
perfect satisfaction, or money re.
funded, Price 25 cents per box. . Fcr
sale hy Koslmy & Mason
All persons indebted to K. C.
Searls are requested tq call and
settle at once as all accounts must
be closed by the 20th of June.
K. C. Searls.
June Sth lS'.H. of kii:ltt.
rservous women selilom recei r
tlie sympathy they deserve. Wh'.e
often the pictures of health, th jy
are constantly ailing. lo wit-
bold sympathy from these unfur
'mates is the height ofcruelt?,
Thev have a weak heart, causii.
shortness of breath, llutlerir J
pain in side, weak and hung .7
spells, and linallv swellinsr f
ankles, opptessioii. chokinr,
smothering and dropsy. L
Miles' New Heart (hire isjusl tl
thing lor them, tor their no.-'
voiisness, heailache, weaknes.)
etc., his Restorative Nervine i
uncquaied. niie treatise cn
"Heart and Nervous Diseases'
ane marvelous testimonials fri
sold and guaranteed by Stanard
l'ovouknow that Moore's Uo
vealeil RtMiiedy is the only patei;
mpdii'ine 111 the world that dot
not contain a drop of alcohol ; tin.
the mode of preparing it is known
only to its discoveier; that it is a
advance in (he science of mediciu
without a parallel 111 the umc
teftiit h century ; that its propriety
oiler tu forfeit f l,n()0 for any ca?
of dyspepsia it w ill not cure ?
sri:nit:.v r.t-i.s.
S. II. Clill'ord, New Tassel, Wis.
was troubled with Neuralgia s.nd
and Kheumatism, his Stomacli A as
disordered, his Liver was all'eitet!
to and alarming degree, anpcUte
lell uwav, and lie was terribly re'
duced in tlesh and strength. Tliree
bottlesof Klecttic Hitters cu:
I'M ward Shepherd, Harriabirg
111., had a running sore on his leg
ot eight vears' standing. L sed
three bottles of Electric I3it'.ers
and seven boxs of liucklen
alve, and his leg is sound 1. ik
well. John Speaker, Catawba, 0.
had live large Fever sores on bis
leg, doctors said he w as incurable
ne bottle Klcctrie Ritters and cue
box Rucklen's Arnica Salve cured
him entirely. Sold by Foshay &
Mason, Drug store.
The papers contain freij njnt
notices ol rich, pretty and e.iuc tied
girls eloping with negroes, tr apg
ami coachmen, the wcll-kir wn
specialist, Dr. Franklyn Ml. is
says all such girls are more or. les
hysterical, nervous, very in: il
sue, ; usually sub jet
to headache, neuralgia, sleet4 !3-
ness, immoderate crying or lai
ing. These show a weak ner' -is
svs.em for which there is
remedy eipial to Restorative Zi
vine. Trial bottles and a
book, containing many marvel-
cures, tree at Manard & uusi
who also sell, and guarantee
Miles celebrated New Heart Ctt
t u; hnest of heart tonics. Cu. 3S
tlutt?rin'l short breath, etc
Act on a new principle regula
ting the liver, stomach andboweb
through the nerves. A new uu-
covery. ir. .Miles nils speedily
cure biliousness, bad taste, turpi
liver, piles, constipationr Un-
eqnaled for men, women, children.
Smallest, mildest, surest, ! audoeo3
for 2." cents. Samples ee, at
Stanard it Cusick.
The Celebrated. Fi-encli
Warranted to
or money
:fi3 AFTER
the ircnrrativc nrcans of either sen whether
ariiim; tnnn the uxcesxii e use of stimulants,
toltaccu or opium, or tlir itiL'h outliful inilin-
rt'lion.cver iiuluk-.'iici.. iti'.. nidi asloiwof
lirain I'cwur, Waki-fu'nefM, bVariiur Down
pains 111 tl.c Hack, Seminal Weakiiuas, Hys
teria, Ner cu H'ratmn, Nocturnal Omit
"ions, Leiieiirrhiie DizzineJH, Weak ileiuury,
1.HS80I I'ower aiul Imiioteiuy uniun ii iie
leeleil often lead to iiremature old are and
insanity. Price jl a hnx; 6 lioxeo fcr J5.U0
Sent hy mail on receipt of price.
A WKITTK' I.I I!:V1KK is ir:ven
with evcrv 5 order received, to refund tfte
money if a Frrmanrnl cure is notelfecte.1,
W'e have thuusaiMtsol lestiinonials froui old
and younir, of b.ith sexes, who have been
permanently cured by the use l Aphroditine
Circular free. Address
Western Branch, Box, 27. Port land, Oregon.
ror sale Dy t c.sliay at alason, wtio csaicanu
tail itruijuiats, Albany, Oronon.
Budget of News From the State
Snptriotaadent McLlroy, Who En Bei
. r?ogerouilj II, Ii Escot riuf
- Other Oregon N w.-.
1; '
Salem, June, 12. State SciiCe!
Snperintendent K. B. McKlroy
.ohas bsen so seriously ill, is now
slcwly improving. He was able
fc ituptoday. The trouble Las
been with his brain, but bis mind
ib tlear now.
? vhe Salem Canning Company
started to-day to preserve traw
bimes, having run two weeka on
gcoselieriies. This institution will
put up two million cans of fruit
and vegetables this season.
A warehouse belonging to Ladd
v Keed, the big stock farm near
Aiiiity, wasdestroyed by lireThurs
day night. It caught from sparks
from the narrow guage engine, and
the Ioeb was itiite heavy, 2500
bushels of w heat and 1500 bushels
of oats being burned.
1 he r-ulem public schools con
ducted their commencement at the
oiera house to-day, with pro
grammes both afternoon and even
nig. The primary department
exersises occupied the aiternoan
and in the evening the graduating
programme was rendered and
uipiomis awarded, there were
27 graduates. Salem schools has
just closed a most prosperous year,
dunnx winch there was an enroll
nteiit of Ml ) ami an attendance of
over a thousand. Thev employ 21
teachers which nuni'ier will have
to be considerably increased next
year. The evening exerci'-es wen
of a highly enjoyable character.
I he school board met to-day and
considered plans lor the con true
(ion of a new twenty thousand dot
lar building in houth .saiem and a
ten thousand one in Yew park.
These will be built thissmmer and
ready lor the oeiiingof the school
tn the fall.
A number of leading capitalists
of Salem are reviving a scheme to
build a motor line railway from
Salem to Sil.'erton, a distance of
10 miles, fbey held a meeting
to-day and appointed a committee
to confer with railway companies
relative to building the line, which
would be a most desirable acquisi
tion to balcm. the scheme to ex-
'.cnd the Southern Pacini's pent
tentiary switch toconnect with the
narrow guage liAe miles earl ci
Salem, meots general appro i.,and
citizens are confident the company
will build it tins seascn. lbe ronte
is almost level and the road would
be easily built. There would be
obly one small culvert. It would
tap a rich country and make a
tributary to Salem.
In the circuit court to day the
.'rand jury returned not a true bill
ugainsr editor L. II. McMahon, of
the Woodburn Independent, for
assault with intent to kill Jap
Three Portlandem Will I'ndaiUk'
tu Kench the Summit.
roiiTi.AKo. June 12. A party
three young business men of f'or
and start to-morrow evening !
Sissons, on the Southern Pacim
railroad, Siskiyou county, Calitor-nia.
They are to make the ascent of
Mount Shasta, and will be absent
about a rt'eek. Their names are
C. II. Oove, l;. C. Towne andRob-
t Ri-ooke. The former has. on a
former occasion occasion, been to
he ton of the mountain, but tbe
other two have never made the
The CSuine Which hai Kulned tUe
Causa of Royalty.
Baccarat is of French origin
where it is very popular at the
fashionable clubs and baa
practically BUterseded and dis-
laced the one-) lavome games oi
ungt-un and lansquenet. It was
made popular bv tbe Prince of
Wales, who liked it fir itaeven
chances between the bank and
Rather more preparation is
required for than most
ther names, except, pernaptia laro
It is nlaved on a large oval table
covered with the conventional bil
liard cloth marked into ten divi
sions, five on each side of the
banker, who aits in the middle.
n the center ot the table is a
circular cavity containing a bag
bout eiubt inches in diameter
and a foot deep, which is called
tbe "wr.ste basket. At the
banker'a rinht hand is the "k-'tty,"
usual to most gambling games, in
Inch is deposited the game a
precentage." In front of the
banker is a traingular-shaped
piece of wood, against which the
cards are placed when the pack is
too large to be conveniently
handled. There is a small piece
of pasteboard or thin ivory, like a
paper-cutter, with which a con
venient slice is cut from the pack
against the wooden block. With
three decks of ordinary playing
cards the mechanical apparatus is
The game is not an intricate one,
and is primarily of chance, in
which the element of skill enters
but slightly, and resembles vingh
nt more closely than any other.
The bank ia put up at auction and
taken by the highest bidder, who
at once starts his bank with the
amount he ba9 bid for it. The
players, who are called punters,
then draw tor positions at the
table, at which but ten may nt,
one at each marked division, the
others to stand and play. The
cards are shuttled and placed
against the block, the dealer
pauses until the bets have been
made, and which may be any
amount which does not exceed
the sum in the Dank. He then
tkea off a part of t he pack and
dealea a C."rd to the first punter on
his ruht. Hen to the first on hie
left, then to himself, and then re
peats the operation. J be three
now examine their cards, and any
combinati in of spots which make
eight or nine must be immediately
called out and shown. One ad
ditional card may be drawn, but
no combination of eight or nine
can beat that made by the two
original cards. Ties are oil'. In
case neither eight nor nine are
made, then the rule i that the
combin ttion ne ir-Pt to tb ise
numbers is the one t i.d is p!::y 1.
In fact, the iMiiut.i of l a caial
are the same as vingt-un, except
that the ace never counts anything
but one, and that the ten spots
and face cards all count as ciphers,
thus making nine the highest
point. Suppose the banker has
delt to tbe punter at his right a
seven and a duce, and to the punter
at hia left a live and a four, each
hand ia called out ami disnlayed
as making a combination of nine.
This total, being undo on the first
two cards, ia called a "natural,"
and, unless the banker has one
also, he loses instanter, and must
pay the stakes watered, w hile an
assistant the cards used
into the waste oiski t. The. lo .'. et
baud in the gnu! is calied
"baccaiat," lieiuga cipher, formed
either of face cards, or ar.y othere
of which the sum is ten. the game
goea on in this manner until the
cards are all in the waste basket
when the assistant takes out and
shuttles them preparatory to the
bidding for a new brnk. Hurin
the game the cards are delt t
but two punters at a time and to
them until one of them loses
hand, they are delt to his neighbor
i b;s is the general plan of tl
name, but there are aoine sixty
four rules very strict and severe
against punters and banker. They
do not tend to complicate t he game
but are mostly penalties and for
feita or misdeals by the bank, e
The Young Wife, Lady Gordon
Cummings, Ostracized.
Hla Fraaaat Succcm Seems to Tura
Bli Head-Some Prospect of the
V. S. Taking a Hand In It.
Washington, June 12. The
government is serio.isiy consider
ing the question of cutting off all
diplomatic relations with Hayti.
The letter written bi Minister
Firmin to tbe special commission
ra ol the United Males in reply to
tie request ot a lease ot the mole
tl St. Nicholas was so unfriendly
n tone that Berious offense has
been taken in .Washington. Dur
ing me uprising two years ago
flippolyte sent a commissioner to
this country, who virtually pledged
tome united Mates to lease
coaling station and certain com
mercial privilegea in the event of
the United States lending her
moral aupport to Hippolvte. This
the United States did, and it
proved the turning point in the
uprising in the black republic, for
shortly afterwards the legation
waa deposed. Recently a commia
alon waa sent to Port-au-Prince to
ecu re a fulfillment of the pledges
Instead, they received a very irri
tating reply in which Hippolvte
absolutely declined to enter into
any negotiations for the lease of
the mole, and objecting t J the con
tinued presence in Port-au-Prince
of the United States men-of-war,
The letter completely ignored any
obligation toward the United
States. Minister Douglass will
aoon be in thia country again on
leave of absence, and it is probable
that before his return all diplo
matic intercourse will have ceased.
It will then be with Hayti to
make such apologies as may be re
Attempted to Wreck a Train.
Tucson, Ariz., June 12. Kurpen
monicker, a discharged section
boss on the Southern Pacific, was
arrested at Sentinel yesterday by
Lepuiy united states Marshal
Wilson for placing ties on the
track for the purpose of wrecking
the train, and taken to Gila Bend
and bound over in $1000. He was
sent to jail at Phoenix. Zolliker
ia a German, 48 years of age. Six
months ago he completed a three
years' sentence at tbe Chester, 111.,
state penitentiary for counterfeit
ing. Da Lesaepa Not Afraid of Arrest.
Paris, June 12. In an interview-
to-day De Lesseps declared he was
not aware any steps were taken to
prosecute him or hia eon, or any
partners ot the Panama Canal
Company. He asserts it would be
impossible to take such steps, as
all hia acts in regard to the Pan
ama canal enterprise are legal and
above board.
EU Nibs, tha Prince of Wales, Will Bt
Aak-d to Kulgn Hit OSoo ai Field
If ushil of the Army.
New York, June 12. The Her
ald aaya : We have been requested
by a mem tier ol the Garner family,
whose action baa the approval of
the w hole family, to print the fol
lowing statement: "Several pa
pera have, by mistake, stated that
ono of Miss Florence Garner's
fnow Ladv Gordon Cummings')
sisters was present at her mar
riage. The eldest, La Marquisee
de iiretuii, is at present in New
York with her husband. The
youngest one, Miss F'dith Garner,
is in lenna with her aunt, Mrs,
Lawrence. The family wish to
rectify this mistake and also to
st-ite that no one of Misa Garner's
relations were present at her mar
riage. It is needless to add that.
being of age, she took this step
against the wishes of her entire
family." The meaning of this
more than startling announcement
is at once apparent. From it it is
evident that absolute ac-ial ostia
asm is the penalty which the
young wi.'e must pay nothing
eie. it is a social pronuncia
mento from which there can be no
Lonoon, June 12. The Press
eorresKndent learned to-day that
a meeting ol members of the cab
inet lias leen called to consider
the events following the baccarat
trial, and esiiecially the unprece
dented criticisms upon royalty in
tne press ana among the people
There is no thought of any legal
action unless the Wilsons or
others should conclude to prose
cute for libel, but there is a feeling
in the highest circles of the gov
ern nient that the monarchy is
shaken by the harshness of the
liscussion touching the heir ti
the throne. Assaults of this char
icterhave heretofore been confined
to so -ial clul s and disreputable
newspapers; now they are heard
everywhere. What the govern
ment most dreads is a proposed
attack upon the priuce by the
radicals in parliament. Underthe
shield of diBc.issing the ar.ny ea
timates it is intended to demand
that the prince snail resign his
olhce as a held marshal of the
army. Ttis the government will
For Some Unknown Causa He Took
Ula Own Life.
New Orleans, June 12. J. W.
Harris, superintendent of. the
Soldiers' and Sailors' Orphans'
Home, at Knightstown, Ind., com
mitted suicide this afternoon, at
the St. Charles hotel, by cutting
his throat with a pocket knife. He
arrived here this morning from St.
Louis, paid hia bill and took din
ner. Ife acted as if be had been
drinking or else was slightly de
ranged. After dinner he went to
his room, and locking himself in,
wrota a letter to hie wife, inform
ing her of his arrival, and that he
waa feeling sick. He also said
he intended to return to
her on the 5 o'clock train. He
tore up the letter and then cut his
throat. When the door was broken
open Harris was found dead. He
had $02.50 in cash, a gold watch, a
lot of postal cards and stamps and
sealed letter addressed to ins
1 with a cargo of wieckaae from
the vessels sunk in the hurricane
of March, 18S' and the Dodies of
twenty American sailors who were
drowned at the time. Their re
mains will be interred at Mare
Island, Cal. .
The Commercial Advertiser of
Honolulu prints a statement to the
effect that Wilcox and Bush, lead
ers in the late Hawaiian insurrec
tion, are again stirring up the
natives and that a proposition was
on foot to seize the queen, who is
visiting the neighboring islands,
and hold her a captive until Biie
consents to bring aliont a modifi
cation of the constitution so as to
shut out whites from any voice in
the government and put natives
in power.
A nether Young Lordly Spendthrift
London. June 12. Another sprig
of nobility who is making an inter
esting exhibition of hiniseU is
Brevet Granville Cateret inynne,
grandson of the second Marquis of
Bath and also of Richard p. t-neri-dan.
Young Thynne owes about
11,000, and has 35 to pay it with.
He frankly confesses that tie has
spent all of his money on a woman
not his w ife. His father was will
ing to pay his creditors something
if be would go to South Africa, now
the Mecca of penniless nobility;
but. as the young man has rever
sionary interests of value, he may
have to pa up without regard to
South Africa.
Riotous Fanatics In China.
London, June 12. Dispatches
from Shanghai announce that at
tacks n i ion the Christian missions
in the interior of China continue.
In one case, Chinese troops sent
to repress the rioters sided with
them and made matters still
worse. At Takatang, lady mis
sionaries were compelled to nee
for their lives. There is great ex
ilement among Chinese living in
the vicinity of Povard, near Kin
kians, where ladies from Takatang '
have sough trof uge. About Neigh
borhood lake several missions
were looted and burned.
What the Drivers Ask.
London, June 12. The omnibus
li ivers deny the statement of the
general company of directors that
to concede their demands would
mean bankruptcy. They say that
lividends as nigh as 12 per cent.
have been paid, beside a reserve
fund of 200,000. What the men
list.nctly want, they say, is a
twelve-hour day and from 0 pence
to 8 pence per honr. They also
want the company to stop perse
cuting union men, and treat un
ionists and non unionists anke.
A Beautiful Wife Leaxes a. Wealthy
Husband After Gambling; A way
Her Fortune.
Poaching; Sealera Barred From the
South Pacific Ocean,
San Francisco. June 12. The
fiett of sailing sealing vessels be
longing to this i 3rt have lost one
of their best hunting grounds. For
years it has been the custom of
sealers, when the revenue cutters
harassed them in Behring sea, or
when the run of seals in tbe straits
grew email, to spend several
months in the South Pacific. Last
season, two vessels returned with
exceptionally large catches from
the Marquarie islands. The action
of the United States in barring
sealers lrom Behring sea recently,
caused the Tasmanian officials to
pass an act prohibiting seal catch
ing in the South Pacific within ex
tensive sea boundaries. Sealers
found near the islands will risk ar
rest and forfeiture of their vessels.
This is considered a hard blow to
the sealing fleets at this port.
Natives Are Trying- so Dethrone
Klug Malletoa.
San Francisco, June 12.
Samoan advices by steamer Mari
posa state that considerable agita-
i jn is going on among the natives
some ol the islands with a view
to unseating Malietoa and ptittirg
Mataafa on the throne. The
working of the Berlin treaty is
also stated to be a source of much
dissatisfaction among the island
era. Another cause of complaint
was tbe action of Baron von Pil-
ach, president of the municipal
council, in creating a dozen new
offices . when he took control of
municipal affairs.
l he brig Sea aif left Apia May
Berlin, June 12. Two years ato
the well known financier and fact
ory owner, llerr firauns, of this
city, married in grand style at
'esth, the daughter of a wealthy
hanker at that place noted for her
beauty. A month ago she sud
denly vanished from the mansion
of II err Brauns, in Pottsdameresse,
and her whereabouts could not be
learned by her many social inti
mates until a day or two ago.wben
it was discovered that she was a
fugitive from justice, and bad
taken refuge in her father's bouse
at Pesth. She had confessed to
having forged her husband's name
to bills of exchange amounting to
upwards of 100.000 marks. Thia
money she had lost in speculations
on the bourse. It also transpired
that she had gambled away ' her
own dowry of 170,000 marks before
entering upon her career of ciime
as a forger. The banker offers to
make good his son-in-law's losses,
but Herr Brauns insists upon se
curing a divorce. The affair has
saused a sensation in fashionable
oeial circles.
Killed by a Negro
Albany, G June 12. X. C.
Mercer, white, was killed by a
negro named Crawford, in a dis
pute over the payment for services
of the lattor as expressman. Pat
ties of men are hunting for the
negro, who, if captured, undoubt
edly will be lynched.
Three Whisky Pedlera Killed.
Gi-thrik,0. T., June 12 Indian
scouts from the Sac and Fox coun
try have arrived here with intelli
gence of the killing in the Indiau
rerritory of three white men w ho
bad been peddling whisky to tbe
Indiana. Their names are not
know n.
He Will Not Give Pp.
PiTTsni no, June 12. The naa-
tor of the Fast End Refoimed
Presbyterian church, the Key. O.
B. Miiligan. one of the voumr min
isters who was expelled from the
church by the synod vesteadiv.
has decided not to give up the pul
pit. Explosion of a Tank of Gasoline.
ClNCl xnati, June 12. Earlv this
morning a tank of gasoline, con
taining 2000 gallons, exploded at
waders' station, near Xewnmt
Ky. The explosion was felt for a
distance of ten miles around
Firemen were sent to the scene to
save the surrounding houses,