THE MORNING nERALD: SATURDAY, JUNE 6. I MM. planting JaiUt uraM ; WEBKUY '. Daily and TERMS OK SL'BSC'Kl ITI' 'N DAILY Published every morning except Monday.; !iVfril hv rarrlftr tier fto k . U'-JO y mail, per cat 6 WKKKLTa Published every Friday Horning.) D9 copy, per annum, in advance.......2.0C Hulii nut paid in advance. 2.50 THE MAILS Mailt it the Albany postortice close Far all olticcs north The Eastern states ' fl;30 A. M, Ihe Went Side f Anil the Mai row Ga Kt R. R.J ) or Poitland a nil Sa. 11 A. M orvallis anil Va.tiina 1-':H0 p. , , ortiuc - i The postoltice will be cl j- d each evening I torn six lo seven o'clock. KoKistered matter for the ly mornini.' train should be mailed before o clock the revloua evening. OKKGO.V PACIFIC TIMK TABLE. Arrives Departs rassenirer.. FitUsht...... 11. 13pm M20pni .' j.4l.'pUl l.iDKUi THE SEA LlXt; J.-l TTEIiS. The settlement of . t)e di-agrec-merits between this country and Great Britian, over the various fisheries and especially the Beliiing sea seal taking business, ia a mut ter of satisfaction all around. Neither country can utrbrd to allow the trouble to become a casus belli, and a diplomatic set tlement is a credit to both. The Chronicle sums up the present adjustment as far a? has gone "that the closed sei theory is not sought to be maintained by the I'nited States: that Great Britain will consent to a close seasm and to arbitration of the points in dispute, and that Russia will be invited toaid in the preser vation of a close season for the seals. It also appears that England has consented, though reluctantly, to the proposal of the United States that the North American Com mercial Company, the h s le of the I'nited States, may 7000 kill teals thia year to recorrpense the com pany for its outlay but on condi tion that no females be killed, so that the productive capacity of the he'd lie not diminished. If the I'nited States has sur rendered the closed theory, must it not follow, when the matters in abeyance come to be arbitrated, that Finland must, in turn, aban don the headland to hea Hand theory upon which she has insisted with regard to the Atlantic shore ? One claim is unite as tenable at the other, and we may feel certain iha Mr. Blaine will make no concessions without obtaiug cor responding concessions in return. Sir James Ferguson, the British under secretary of foreign affairs, said in the house of commons on Monday that the matters to be n- lerred to arbitration were still tha subject of correspondence, but the two governments steadily ap proached points of agreement, and he believed a harmonious refer ence would soon be obtained. This has been the belief of every body extept a few i.ysteriial Ca ladians, who shriektd for gore, but who wanted Great Britain to "do the lighting and Canada to secure the lauveU, if any there should be. Both nations are not to be felicitated upon the good sense they have shown in taking their time to negotiate and in arriving at a just conception of the situa tion. There are very few things that can be done well in a hurry, and the adjustment of internation al disputes or differences is not one of them. Tub connection between the two. oceans, by Sn isthmus canal, means water transportation that will bring the markets for this coast many thousands of j nearer than they are at present, i V...... ... I .-two .ijjoh wi.ii guriject Id there- . fore of interest. The Trov Timer. ! ot .New ork says that the ex haustive examination of the present condition of the work on the Xicaraia canal and the chances for its rapid and economi cal construction, made l.v Hon. Warner .Miller and his party, no room for doul.t as to the suc cess of the enterprise. It is now j an accepted fact that the canal ' presents no unsurmounUl.le en-! L'ineering difficulties, that the j plans for its construction are sim ple and practical, that the work is m progressing in a business-like ami economical manner, and that this great link between the two oceans' can be completed a cost which' will ensure it r-.rmn., u .,;uf.,.., ..i i . 1 tti H' 1 J ) interest on the investment. The! nanal is therefore assured, and it is also reasonably cer tain that the co?t will not exceed $7-3,OiiO,lKO or fSO.iM., (HX). The only question then is aa to the control of the waterway when completed. Tiik matter of building up large cities, in the miads of some people seems to be easily accompnsiieti. TJiey think apparently all they have !o do is to selert a site and commerce operations and presto the fear is accomplished. That seems to be the underlying motive with a company of Eastern capi talists, including John I . Rocke feller, of the Standard Oil Com pany ; Sidney L'illion ; Gov. Mer- tiam, of Minnesota; C. L. Colby, of the Wisconsin Central Railroad, and other New Yorkers, with a paid-up capital of $2,rC0,'0O;, have, it is represented, entered upon the purpose of building a city on Buget, Sound, in the State of Washing ton. There will be manufacturing and every other kind of businass called for set goin; at once, includ ing iron and steel, paper making, and many other leading industries. It is indicated that the spot most favored for the new city is in the neighborhood of Tort Gowner, about 100 miles from Seattle. The projectors think they are about to found the New York of the l'acitic coast. However, New York, Chicago and several other cities that might be mentioned were not constructed that way. Tiik surrender of the Itata, the Chilian tteamer that has caused so much talk, immediately on her arrival at Liuiqiie, shows that the authority of the United States is respected and that there is a much better way out of the tangle than for the Charleston to have over hauled the Itata and blown her out ot the water as many enthusiastic individuals desired her to do. The action will place the two gov ernments in bettei relations than ever, and will give the insurgents of that country it better standing with us. That hacking coiii-'h can lie so quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. Weguaran'ee it. .Sold by Foshay & Mason. THE Glorious Fourth EugenE WILL CELEURATE, And w iil give more elaborate and enthusiastic entertainment than any city in the state. Every thing will be provided for a patriotic jubilee. THE :M REGIMK.Vr ENCA2.IPLIE27T Will be in session at Eugene at that time, a. id the week preced ing, and w ill form a very attrac tive feature of the day. This line I rod of "oo men will give sp'.en Ld exhibits of drill, parade. eto. Dances and ejen air concerts w ith music by the best band in the state each evening, all with the beauty and grandeur of mili tary order and discipline. REST MUSIC IN THE STATE, Sham Rattle, Races, (James, I Io."e Contests, Etc. aW"Everybody invited. HUMPHREYS Dr. II. uriiKXY's Si'r.ciFicsare scientificly and cxircfully prepare.! prescriptions; used lor iiimv years in private practice with, suc tss, and for over thirty years use 1 I,, the K-ople. Kvery single specidc is a 4Ute. for the -ItSL-aMe riain-jil. These H;oilica cure without ilrugKinir, puritini; or re ludnsj the system, and . are in tact and deed the sovereign ntuedies of the worm. utl or -Klw inL.M. Ct'kRS. tRICKA .. .re, '.Keniiui lUDanimauoii. .s - WoriiH, worm fe-vr, worm cotif 2 t 'ryiiur Colic, or teething of infiuits - .'iii-a, ui c.itiuren or aiuits . 25 .. .-..-iiiicr.. uniwr, i.iuious Colic -i it'holera Morhus. vcmrtiri(r.. .7- 7 Ciuijsj, coUls, hriucliitii....."3 2"i .VuraK-ia, Unithache, Kaceac!ie.. "i lleailache, si. k htada:he. varMun. r. 10 lip-ipepsia. hillious fjmair,.. 25 11 Suppressed or Painful Per-o-ls..."" 5 12 w lutes, too profuse piou. .. ' Vi Croup, coiitfh, ditllcwib hruathjiil 14 Salt Klieum, eaysiiwlas. erui,t.,fw',' " -T-. 15 HhcumatiijiH, rluuuiatic pains... l.i Fever and air ue, chills maJaria. 7 IT Piles, hliud or. hleediriK . H ID Catarrh. iiit:tn, cold in the 'head Hi h.H.pimr C.'Uirn. violent imulu 2;. to so 6U 50 so I 00 - physical weakness vmo B ii'mViiv'"-" I .i I tinar?. Weaki.css. .li, : l'is. ajt..t the heart. Mlpttiot!7.T 1 W AO SV.I.U.V dniistss .w seat Kwt.aid on re. ' eeiptofpri. ,iv. Humphreys-Manual, (Ut pater n. hly h.xm-1 in cloth and itHd, mall 'i , - .n, am, o ! lit .x HI W.Uiam St , New Y..i'k. J S E C I F I c s I aSBSS,B- KOSK AND SINGLE COMB Brown Leghorn Roosters FOR SALE AT$1.50 K.'-WBE,, Also some fine I.angsl anjj, Piv ot h Rock and Wran-Jcttes, sanie pn. Taawnt, Or. ' A-ISJY WEAX MAN iV"" 19 lie: rnind or ody, from the' in- h" . """'""if effects- . Kuoraot lollies, I Jk al.ue and excesses can lie ami permanently cured. csiH-rs fre rM.,i..i DR: COLE fedo8rl . vm u. cur nas nad 30 years e-perienec in curinir . ...aic, u'.kxi, nervous and SKin Kiseases. Write to-dav Keluo.e entj i rivately to iddreo.'. riy spring OUR STOCK OF SPUING WAGONS IS THE LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE ON THK PACIFIC COAST, ANI COMl'KISF.S ALL TIIK LEADING STYLES OF Four-Spring Passenger and Moun tain Wagons, SPECIAL PARCEL DE LIVERY WAGONS. ONE -HORSE BUSINESS WAGONS. ONE-HORSE IKON AXLE WAGONS, ETC. It will pav all par ies w ant ing Spring wagons of any description to call upon or correspond with us. We guarantee our vehicles the b Staver NEW MARKET BLOCK, - WE CARRY THE LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE STOCK ON THE PACIFIC COAST OF Slaclunexy ani Vehicles of Every Description. SKM FOR CATAl.tXJ .' K AMI l'KKK LIST. AV. O.DAVIS As ALBANY, - The men of this vieinitv need i not be jealous because, their wives . i, ' , , M.i luiH. en i-uuiai ,:y iuioui .H:miieH ; and Washburn. Its not their Uood I looks the ladk-s are talkinir ahout, i - , . i ,-. . .' it is the koou (Ualites of the "'ook i and heating fetoves they sell. Everyj one seeuis to e u ltrntfil when thty boy from M. and W. Sch.,.., Xaa o,.oe. The ,:ol tax in district ;: JLis now due and pav - able. C the s.ttn linient, my oiin-e an.i pay before it hecjines tle- V. (i . Hi i:k u tir. district Clerk. A FULL LINE OF BICYCLES AND TRICYCLES FOR i:)YS AND CIULS JULIUS BRADWOHL'S G3L0EN RULE Spring The public is invited to inspect the im mense stock of Dry Goods FOR THE SPRING OF . .Ilia assortiient i hiir tit vi I atic prices. The Highest Market Price Paid for wagons. half-platform shring wagons, SCROLL SPRING W.-u.ON.S, "II ANDY WAGONS," 'TAYLOR' OR THREE SPRING WAGONS. 1 1 A LF-SPR i N G W A( i( N S , EN PRESS WAGONS, DELIVERY WAGONS. - st, prices lowest, quality considered. $c Walker PORTLAND, OREGON. CO. .ACHATS OREGON. ALBANY Mate Institute. ALBANY, OR EG On IS?0 - !!! A Eull Cfips of Instiuctors. Class-.1 s. i tiflc, literary, c uimercia and normal ela ses. Curscs of study ar raiiKeo ui uieei uic neeus or an irraiics o' utuik'hta. Spo lal tii'lurementa offuretl tt i , . Instrumental instruition in n.usic i Kiren by Miss Laura Uoltra. B -anl in private families at low rates, am '"""'"' '-" careful suiervisiou exercised over pup frm i,,.me. For circuKm and full particulars, addre vn-amem. RKV. KLI'.KRT X. COXDIT, Allianr. Oreiron. CROWDER BROS Contractois and Builders. I Jtlice on First street with Wal- ; i.nce A Uusiek, real estate agents, i.l.rany, t irepm. Estimates given naiiKinusoi miiiumgdorcarpen- er work. All work intrusted to will be promptly executed. amodscemesT ewr hifnv, anl he is prepaiel Star Meryl ..A FULL STOCK OF. Staple Groceries . Glassware. The best outs, etc. quality of teas, codecs, candies FRESH BAKED BREAD EVERY DAY. At this oM reliablo house s also to he round a complete assortment of fresh family (froceriea. to hitl is constantly U-i.iir added .ill the saiHonable lines of groceries uml pro visions, such as Cranberries, Fine Pickles, Dried Beef Chipped to order Anchouy Mustard, Candies and Nuts. Eastern Buckwheat Flour. Cannea Goods of All Kinds. Bohemian Glassware, Etc, Thtse (.'""ds were all bought when pri.-t eret.'wanu tueneuciitor ti e margin win m .rival: to his customers. Remember the place. U the old corner on First and llr ualbin Sts. Conrad Mticr. O.K. W. C. NEGUS, Graduate of tho Royal College ot London, England, also of tlio Bclle vue Medical College. The Dr. has spent a life time of study and practice and makes a spe cialty of chronic diseases, removes cancers, scrofi'la cnlargeinriit8,tiinion uid wens, without pain or tho knife. He also makes a Btrcuialty of treat ment with electricity. Has practii ed in the iierman trench and English hospitals. Calls promptly attended lay uifiht. His motto is 'V.OD WILL TO ALL." fJTOtliee and residence Ferry street, I oetween I hird and rourth. ipi -A.iro. I "I1HOSE WISIIISU A VlKST-CLASS IN ! 1 s'raii'ent, the best made tn stand the ; clinate of this coast, can be suited byirt'lini: t .it His. It. F.. Hyinau's, opjMKiite the Mavmii , Tcaiplj, Fin,' street. The latest oc:U and instrumental music kept fur sale. Ais" the ' l:r -Sl tLSMnrt(it..lil tf d?u, (...l.i.ri.u j u, t (rom this side .if 'Fnsc. Lcssuns i jvi. , ,aitini; ami emi.n.j.Ierv at hoi ,t,u0 over jn Countv Hank. Give he. your srder and ou will be pleaee-1. N urserj . -Me'8's. Ilyinan & Ilrownell ar prepart-d in their nursery to fur nish all kinds of stock, ami those intending to plant shouldeall upon them. Hoots anil Shoes. Furchasers of Hoots and Shoes hear in mind that hid merits and H'.TS .f bit; discounts I -o not always mean best values. You will have ti pay some one a prolU as no one can do business Ivit.llllUt. MYlwnui' Tli mwt ,.n who can sell yo.i tlie btt goods for the least monev. Samcel K. Yoi no. BAZAAR STORE. 1891 AT . to satisfy customers in qnalitv Country Produce. Crockery Also carries the finest lines of Pianos & Organs IX THE WILLAMETTE VALLEY. CALL AND EXAAIINIJ IIIS STOCK. ODD FELLOWS TEMPLE, ALB NY, OREGON. JITLICTS Manufacturer of AND Jl Cigars Plug and 8mokint; Tobaccos, Meerschaum and Briar Pipes, full lin- o' Sninkers' Articles. Ne o- to Pffciffcr's eandy store, Albany, Oregon, Once AVo wish to remind you that -we car ry the most Complete Line of Hard ware. Stoves and I-tanes in the Val ICV MATTHEWS & WASHBURN. FEED -:- STORE GENERAL PRODUCE MARKET. WAX TKI) SPECIALLY- Hay, rata and polst. ts. to supply sustome it: the Orv'.m Pacific Railroad excension ana my increasing home trade Y frt- I sell in (uantitieb to suit the purchasers. Store in Strahan Brick, ScoiiJ street Fl. TVI. ROBERTSON. ake "immons Liver One Dose ioo Dollar?. cd the 1 DitAR S. L. R: I consider one dofe mon Licr KetintatoT north I'll OA. constipated, had Headache, could eat ine with satisfaction or appetite- ha olues, and felt altogether out of sorts, sorted to Blue Mass, Calomel. Quinin every remedy supirested, but only oblairssrj A temporarv rcner. One dose of 8 L K did s more eoKl than worth of doctors an dxtoririR. Kesp'y, J c Mastw. I have lieen a teacher for twenty years, aari during that time have had icpeatedattackst heulache, produced bv torpid Liver, and have been entirely cn cd by Simmons Live Reifula'or. I foun t to be of so mild character in its a tion not to Interfere, lei the least with mv Hni .In th. u.kMl j To those similar . sitnt t d and sublect toi same, I cannrt bigfc. recommend Bimv mooa Liver Reiruiator. E. K. Cuii1 Camn'.el Isyllle Kj u G.L. Blackmar, DEALER IN Perfumery AND TOILET AKTICLH8 And a full line of Books, Stationery, Periodicals. Prescriptions Carefully Comnounded JOS EBH, Choice Cigars DEALER IN- 'lhtre net-1 QUARTER tleil in kcr count fw-flC A fun. nar tthtlUP n it now (taker City. pCTlfDV man who hail ainct-UkU I Uil F teconie identi fled with the rmurcfuipA ami development of thatcountrj. TtiUMUv roan is do other than Mr. John Stewart, one of the wealthiest suidmt influential citizens in the county. Ia a recent lelter he sas: "I hal Inxn suffering from pains in my Ik k and wreneral kidney comnKint ior wiiie time, and had used many remtdifM wirhcut any hut tei!iHrury relief. 1 he uaitis in m hack had become so severe that I was i-rtvenud from aHondintf to my work and could nut iihive wtihnut the ure of a cane. Hearing, through a frfeud, of the wonderful cure- if foit by Oregon Kidney Te. I waj inJucel to try a hux, and fmm that ve-v Unit doee 1 found iuti'aiit relief, and before u?imr half the contents or the box the piins in c y ck entirely diKantwrtd 1 have everv t.ith in th irtutt of th O:eiron Kidney Tea, and j caii (xnrtctenuouslj reoonniietiu it to my trieiidtt. 1 wou'd uot be without it for any thing." OreKon Kidney Tea eiirea headache, incon tinence of uri e, brick duit aedimeni, hurn injf or painful senoation while unuatiii, and all affection of the kidney or urinary organ, of either sex. Health is Wealth ! Dr E. C. Wesft nerve and brain treatment, a guar anteed speciflc for hysteria, dizziness tits, headache, ner vous prostration caused by the use of alcohol or tobacco. Btmeningt 01 urain j milling lUIIIDWIHJ and leading to mis ery, decay arid Ion of power in either at a Each box con tains one m .nth's treatment. One dol lar a box, or six bos ea for 4ve dollars, sent by mail pre paid C4i receipt of price. Guarantees issued only by J. A. Uanwouurs, druggist soleairent, Albany. Oregon. " P 5500 REWARD W will pay the almve reward; for any oat of liver complaint, djspensia. sick headache, i indigestion, constiiti..n or costivenesa W cannot cure with West's liver pills, when tl direction are strictly complied with. The) are pui ely vegetable and never fail to gi.i satisfaction. Lame Iwxes. col taining iiilln 9J rent. The irenuine manufactiirm I only hy the John C West company. Chicago Illinois, sold ny J. A. cummiugs, aruggist Albany, Oregon . Julius Gradwolil, proprietor of the Goltlen -Rule Bazaar, informs us that he will add to hia already lnroa VlllDinpca a minnlata lina aI . " " VVIUIfll M. IIIIC l "1 eiieii Hardware and laimlv J groceries. The Rales of his Golden P Rule teas and baking powder is li steadily increasing. He still keeps j up the elegant prizes with these i. goods. . Silk mitts at the Ladies Bazaar. Boy's shirts vests at Searis going at cost. A large line of children's sun bonnets, school hats, white aprons and dresses just received at the Ladies Basaar. Something nice in coffees at Allen Bros. They run their own delivery wagon, and deliver goods promptly, -THK- lapa Route OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD T. K. IIOGC., Receiver. ASC Oregon Development Co.'s Steamship Line 225 MILESS110RTEE. -JLSD 22 Hours Less Tim Tlian by any otl er route: Accomodations unsurpassed for c n fc rt so safety. Fares and freights via n,l.ii.a an the Oregon leve opment coni ai.j s ships, much let by any other route ween all points Id the'e sl and San Francisco, Sailing dates. FROM TaOm. Willamette Valley.... . June lh W V .. 13t rVUI&mette Valley .... 22, FROM SAS nUXCISCO W M.-y il Willamette Valiey. June 9 Wiluuuette Vallev IS, 27 The company njerve the right to cha-uj teamen cr sailioir dates. DAILY rASOUOKa TKAntS Kxcept Sundays.) L Yac,dlr.a 7.-00 a M I Lr Albany 12:20 I Corvallis 10:3f anl" CorvsJIis W'l ri Ar Albany ; '.:Jo is Ur Yaquina 4 SS r. O. & C. I tains wOnuect at AiLan and Col Wm. 11 . HnaO, C, . Boera, General Manageri U. F A P. acent Uorvallus, O on EAST SOUTH VIA SOUTHERN PACIFIC ROUTE. THE MOUNT SHASTA r.OUTK California eij rise trains run daily south KOPTH Ar.. i am I'M) u m.. Lv.. ...Portland lu:2 p m. . Lv Alliany Lv. 10:15 a m..Ar...... S. Francisco. Lv.. 6:2i am 0-00 pm Local faas. Train Dally- (Ex. Sunday S)im..Lv Portland ....Ar.. 4:00tm l'2:20p m..Lv.... i.m 6:40 p mAr.....Ro!H'nurK Lv . . 8 J am Lelmaun Kranrb. 2.36 p ..Lv. Alhany Ar.. U:'J-' ym .i.ibpm Ar ....Lebanon l.v H-4. uoi T.'XJam. L' Ailuiy.. Ar.. pni S l'2am..Ar Lebanon...... Lv.. b-4. pm ai.rwv urcaL, dailt (Eicept Sunday) b.(0 t M . . Lv Portland Ar....9.00 A .oo... Ar. . .AIbjnym.Lv....5.0o a a PULLMAN BUFFETS LtEl'tKr TOURIST SLEEPING CARS, For aocommtHiation of Seonnd-Class a senders attached to Expreae liaias. Went Side Ulvlslsa. Between Portland and Coivallis Mall Train Dally-Fxcep. Sunday 7:30 a m..Lv ...Po.tlan.l ...Ar.5 80p. in 12:10 p m..Ar. Ccnanis.. L.I 2. 5.. p. m At Albany and Corvallia coainect traina of Oregon PacificKailroad. with Exprcaa Train Dally (Except Sunday 4:40pm. .Lv Portland... Ar.. 8:20 am 7 35 p m . . Ar 31 cil i n o ville . L v . . 6.45 im THROUGH TICKETS lo All Point EAST AND SOUTH X3TFor tickets and full information re iraidinK rat iuaK., etc.. call on ccnipanj'a aKent at Alhanv. K. hoKtll.KK, E. P. FOUKRS, M- .ia.i-' At li. A I , A A WEAK MAN Can cure himself of the de plorable resulis of early abute mid perfectly restore his tioranit vital ity by our home treatment. The remarkable cures vi hopeless ratts of nervous debility and private coniTjlaints are ever where etauip ing out quackery. Treaiies arid question list, a physician's gift to buffering humanity, will be sent fiee to thusc alliictec. Addrtt-s with stamp I'lOXEER INSTITUTE, 405 Kearny "?t.. 2, an i Francisco, Cal. We "rry a largo stock of printer's stationery, well as sorted, bought direct from the manufacturers at a low figure, and can give the best of work in all kinds of printing for the least money. Try us. PAISI.KY it Smilky. THE MARKETS. ALBANT QUOTATIONS. Wheat-;3.,' trau Wc Flour-4.25 pel bbl ' Potatoes 40k gHS-'Vic Lard 1012Xc Hams 1415c. Shoulders tiec. Bacon 1013c Hops 20c.; Hay Timothy, fl, oata and cleat 12. App es Green, $1 per tin. Dried, Urge, per ft.. App'es dried bleached 9c eundried & 9 c. Chickens $5 00 05.50 Beef 3g:5Xc jrross. Mutton :g3 SOper head. Hoct f-c. dresaec. Veal-a6Jc EGGS FOR SALE. I will sell full blood Leghorn eggs, both niniile and rose comb for 1 50 per 13. also dotted Wyan dotts. Light Brnhmas. I-angshan and riymoulh Rocks at the fame Price. L. .T. Hoi ck, Taugent, Or.