r -'() CENTS A WEEK. ALBANY, OREGON, SATUBDAY, J u Js' H G189T VOL. VI NO. 160 - - IPPRICES FOR SALE, WANTS, ETC. N ED Airents to sell a rous.ho'd ar to mlit partv; I samite in in Is, a.ldre- .V r. Oahlimiiioisk, mcuih Si, P. a d Orciro . mM Baking OK SALE- A wd li re, l.ari.e g ard liUijio lor sa'e i h aii foi eujh: a h:iri:a.l. Kwimre at ihe real mar oH ce of linrkliait & hecney, - L1KMII MIIAMi .iitt Hm s . LE. HAS a I hcife' i; ill anil n. ply to E. N. Cundit Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard intf tire, life and Wi-iiknt inmirHmt' miih h are at the Prat I VAXTKO A se imitrus-i, one who eun ,-u II and lit. fiil at crner of ;"th and Kail road streets, Mr-. r A. Hurkhart, 1 nV KES of" LNf- Ali fit f..r citlli 1 UU vatiun, ard under feme, for tale al l'J per a re, Within 1 J miles from railroad itati in and 20 miles from Al ham Ann v tlua office. ' . r w . i. i i , i rv.i tf n :iaa removcu ns laiiniiry to Hie O iron hou the coner of Sc. on.t and Lyon streets. D.ir Spring an 1 .r. --.i -- Summer Stock will be found complete than ever. larger and more Kutlrc In Ih-lifor. A'l th se indented to the late firm of ThomiMo" & O.erinan are ri-.iiier.tecl to -.it at once and buttle the same -O- DRES3 GO 3D3 Very attr tetive .lines in new coljrin.'S and l.it-st novelMcs. WHITE GOODS Anything and everything in 1 fee assortment ami end less variety. rOXKV TO LOAN-Iti lare or giual amounts, from nix line. tin to tivr ears on Allianv, and Linn count rea' mt.ilj' Call on or address W. E. Mel'henion, real eillate broker, opposite Unas house Land for Snle. 10, 20, 10, SO acres. exy term. incnt plan ihetp and iiLfh priced few city lots all owned by If. Bryant install Also b SPRING & SUMMER JACKETS! S Lafst Styles! Ilig'i Novelties! Lidics, Misses & Childien's. 0Y3 Here's a chan-as tn make suiih pocket urmey: Th-s Albany Kiectrii ht Co. wishes to ruruh ise a iiuantitv ol clean white or color! cotton ruga, for wip ing machinery. l);'iver them at the com panv's orti je andety nr e-.wh FURNISHING GOODS, MONEY TO LOAS-UOME CAPITAL ON irood real estate security. Kor uarticu. lare enquire ol Uo. Humphrey. 10 H S tLE-S.V) toSl.(D w,,rth h ld f irnitu.-e in uxehanee f.,r KI.VKr. sfA's, LATIN'S XI I'M'SHKS. I,Af)IKS' AND Wl-iKS SH.' M) KNIT nXDKRWRAR, (OITON Wit WO )L ir")S!!, KM.",RfinKRIKS.SI,K AND LINKS IIAXDKKUCIIIKFS, SCARFS. V KIM Xi JS, SUA WLS, ETC. BLACK Al COUJREO DRESS GOODS ! o. w. SIMPSON, FIRsr STRKKf, ALBANY, OREGON. real tMtatu Coniia ly. of house-innirov(l tn.irreat .ittice of Orc.'i.n Land tiil I'l ii'ir ami sr4;E. Rev. F. M. Shront, Pastor I'hited Urelhrcn t'lmrch, lihie Alounil Kan., pave: "I feel it my duty to tell what womlers Jr. King ftAew Discovery lias tlone for iihv My l.urrs were badly diseased, and m v parisliionera thought I could live only a few weeks. I took five buttles of Dr. King's Xew Discovery ai d am Hound and well, gaining 20 itis. in weiiMit. Arthur Love, Manaperv Ixve's Funisy Fo!ks C'omliination, writes: 'After a thorough tr:al and con vincing evidence, I am cofifident Dr. King's Xew Discovery forjCon sumption, beats 'em all. andi-ures when everything else fails.f Tbe greatest kindness 1 can do my many thousand friends is to liie them to try it.' Free trial bottes u roshay cV: Mason. Drusr store. Regular t-izes .r)!)(;. and 1 00. "lui.n i:ici, o (iiii.o I'K.ss. T ien. i -i. very koo. h mdki r. 1 sent to line of .'OAK hiefs. nil Jit ail.lrtn fo lutrtMluce my en up r nu. ror lo cts .1 S. Simmon, ddiz t. TO f;MO) TI.HPLAKs. Do von know that Moore's Rn- vealed Remedy is the only natei.t medicine in the world that doo not contain a drop of alcohol ; tin t the mode of preparinu it is known only to its discoverer; that it is an advance in ihe science of mcdi.-ire without a parallel in the nine teenth century ; that itspronrietoj 3 oner lo lorieit fi.iiiHJ lor any i-a l dyspepsia it will not cure? !: I1ILN Al. II. (.'lill'otd.XewCassel. Vis.. was troubled with Xeiiral-'ia i.nd ;ind Rheumatism, his Stomach Aas Iisonlered. his layer was alViited to and alarming degree, apje;ite fell away, and be was terribly re- luced in llesh and streiiL'tb. three bottles of Klectric Hitters ru-ed him. Kdward Sbeoherd. llarris un. 111., had a rutniiiiL' sore on his ley eight years' standing. I ied uiree oouies ol i-.lectriL- iif.ers ;iml seven boxs of liticlden's Salve, anil bis leg is soun-i J nd well. John Sneaker, Catawlr, 0., ha.i hve large Fever sores ow his leg, doctors said he was incurable. One bottle Dlcctric liittera and cne box I.ucklen's Arnica Salve cured NATIONAL CAPITAL Notes of Interest on Various Current Topics CONSCIENCE riNI liKUWB First Case of Change of Name of Postmn ter -Tbe Polygamist Immig-ant Tom d Back. w Wall A V K f-'' in earpe it :r wo-k e X L. i. KiiHp,, A irool w irkh r-e, to l pii.l C II at 1. L.. Iiim entirely. Sold by Foslia ; Mason, Drug sture. WsiiiNt;rox, D.C., May 2fitb. Ex-Senator Wade Hampton of South Carolina was in Washington to-tlay on las way to Canada to nsh for salmon. He is not at all disturbed about the third party farmers finance movement in South Carolina, and tbe South, ami thinks it won t amount to much in that section of the country. A party founded on one idea, and that a lalse one be aavs can t survive Ion?. Its Sub- treasury plan is unwise, im practicable and unconstitutional. and tl. at 18 needed to destrry it is to discuss it and expose its absurbity. Senator Hampton still clings to Cleveland, and thinks be will be the democratic standard bearer in 18112. The justices of the supreme court of (be United States are preparing to tbe'r circuits courts for their summer work. It is expect ed that the nine new ciruit courts of appeals will be promptly organized next Mon day, as provided by the new law. although President Harrison is not expected to appoint tbe nine new judges bpfore congress meets again. Interett iu tbe appointment of the nine new judges incieass here daily. Pre sident Harrison's desk is almost buried under applications and and endorsements for these pos tions, There are sixty applicants ftom among ex-members of the last congress. The secretary of the treasury and the I nited States treasurer received many mysterious con tributions sent in by unknown THY A SWl S COCKTAIL. IT IS I UK lat'-it mic. al the li l eiu Sal-Hn. lrAl'..( A. till, h. -eiille li 1 1 n it 'oer than a :i minute t p y to J. S Autouclle, at M Charlx li il.'V litis.-, raveltl. Ap tel. "lo Spring tlie young man's fancy LiKlitly turnstotliouglitsof love!" GtrCtiffttiizirirtrtiittcCiittrhti-Crk IOSTF 0111 th depot li tel i i tlrn city J a sin ill Scotch terrier slu' l.if'irmi. tion lei.l.ni; t its re: very will !,e -Hit ilile re' .rde I. I'HOSK DESIKIN'.J THE SKKAIJES OK V an experiencai niirM- rin tin I cue hv ap- p yu g it the corner of Kit th and Hiker .Sis. It also turns lo I thoughts of some ill pi to Eat, as well. Land Murvrylug. PARTI US DUIRINS SIIRVKTINCJ DOM CAN 0B t&in a.-curate nd prompt work hv calline upon ex-count) survayoi f, T. T. r'islier. Ht hasconplote copiee of field notes and town. ship plats, and is prepare I to do surveying in nj pan . L,inn county, rosiomce a.lilrei, amcrn luKiim. una cou ity.urevon. f f pun -naaed llic Or l M Jone-i wocd taw in outfit, is now ready Leae orders at rcM.teu e. and ''a:aiHoia streets. to tl.l all order. rornej of S- t'l KNISI1EO ROOMS pie ,1.1.11 e t I xatliiir In rne of the l.le ,1.1.11 e t I icalllic in i he - ii v to i el. f.r pinic ilars in. iiirie at his nth 1 IIK sLt'KLT t)IMf l ls StanardA Cusick druggists. be r M 2Tbe wi-e young man, tbe oi l man, tbe thrifty housewife, all will inn uieir mei-, woeii Hi'arciiing lor iresh table delicacies butter, fresh la.d eg.'s, -tapie ami faticv groceries of all kinds grocery store of choice to the C. E. JBrownell. The Albanv Furniture Co. A FULli USE OF UNDERTAKING. TIIK i'ACI I 'iCJ W mm. W l BUILDING CI. oee uiut me secret ol success is perseverence. Therefore they oer- sist in keeping the finest line of erlumerie8, toilet articles, cos metic-, drugs and chemicals on ttie market. They epeciallv in vite all persons who have pafmta- .ion. snort oreath, weak or hungry speiis, pain in sine or shouiiler, oppression, nisrbtrnare, dry cough, smothering, dropsy or heart dis ease to try Dr. Miles' uncualcd Xew Heart, before too late. It i. . . i. .. i . i f nan me largest saittoi any similar remedy. Fine book on testimonials free. Dr. Miles' Restorative Ner vine is unsurpassed for sleepless ness, headache, tits, etc., and it contains no opiates. TIIK MLW 1MM IIM KI. You have heard vour friends and neighhois talking about it. You may yourself be one of the many who know from personal ex neri'- ence just bow good a thing it is. If you have evr tried it, you aro one of its staunch friends, because tbe wonderful thing about Jt is, that when once given a trial, Dr! King'sXew Discovery ever after holds a place in the home. If von have never used it and should" be dtllicted witbacouuh. cold or nnv Throat, I.ung or Chest trouble", secure a bottle and give it a f.tir trial. J t is guaranteed every time. or money reiunded. Tna boitl. iree at rorhay A .Mason's dm store. ng- OF SAN FRANCISCO- fen an iltisoliitelv Safe fn vcslraeo t FOR SMALL MONTHLY AMOUNTS. fV Six dollars per nioiitn will amount to $1000 in seven vears, doubling the amount invested in that time. Aioney ioane,i on real estate security at 6 per cent. For full particu lars apply to S. X. StKF.LK A CO.. Local Aeenta. A SIH MI I. MOKkt its. Work cannot be successfiilly continued unless tiiere is an active mental interest in it. If the mind is not clear, bright and buovant, then the work is drudgery and the worker is a machine. An occasional dose of Moore's Re vealed Remedy will put tbe body and mind in such harmony tliat the hardest tasks will seem as play- That hacking cough can be so quickly cured by Sbiloh's Cure. We guarantee it! Sold by Foshav & Mason. ii ii i. ii r or citiKi. x- . . ervous women seldom ncei T3 the sympathy they deserve. WhLe often the pictures of health, th ly i i iiiisiaiitiy ailing, lo wili hold sympathy from these infuj tunates is tbe height ofcruelt? -ri i . .V . tuey nave a weaK heart, ciusn: shortness of breath, llutterir j, pain in side, weak and hung y spells, and hnally swelling )f ankles, oppiessiou. chokinr, smothering and droppv. L". Miles' New Heart ('ure is just tl a imng mr iiiein. l or tl eir lie votisness, headache, v.eaknesi, etc., his Restorative Nervine H uueijiialeil. Fine treatise cn 'Heart and Nervous Diseases ane marveloUH testimonials fro solil and guaranteed by St.mard & Cusick. .4 Mi si tun i:fi.tir.n. i ue jiapers contain frttj -Jjnt notices of rich, pretty and e.lut.0.ed girls eloping with negroes, tra :i;s and coachmen. 'Ihe wc l-kit)wn specialist, Mr. I rankhn Mi ii D....O ,.11 1. - I - r.i.- .in aucn gins are mote on 2S Hysterical, nervous, veiv in- ill sive, unbalanced; usually sul let uj iieauaciie, neuralgia, rleepl "3 ness, iiiimuilerate crying ( r lal ,llht a "ese snow a ucak ner j-is system for which there is 10 remedy eipial to ReKtora'ive 'I'r vine. Trial bottles ami a :i book, containing many i, arvel cures, free at Stanard i'. Cusi :t who also sell, and guarantee J t Miles' celebrated New 1 1. .. t me ii nest ol heart tonim Cn lhittering, short breath, itc. 39 Mil 8 MIUK.V LIVLfcl-ILLfl. Act on a new principle retmlti ting the liver, stomach am bowel through the nerves. A new dis covery. Dr. Miles' Pill speedily cure biliousness, bad taste, torpi I nver, tuies, coiiHtinat.ii, or Tin equaled for men, women, children maiiest. mildest, surest ' folnHa t .a- . . w.vajJ lor ceuts. Sam nes hp at f-. i .. . .-ruiiani x UUS1CK. The Celebrate! French CURE 1FHR0DIMS'- Warranted to cure or mi.ticv refunded KF0P ACTFP iheicenerative uriraim of either sex whether arising from tne excrssiw use of stinmlanta, tolncco or opium, or th - .uirh outhfW indis- cretiou, over iiidulirtnc-. itc., such aslossof urain rower, akefu-ness. Beannz Down lama in the Hack. Sen nal Weakness. live. teria, Ner-ou H'rati.in. Nocturnal Oniia. Mons, lx:ucorrhoe Dizziness, Weak Memory, Ijmm of Power ami lm.)ten;y which if uck- et iea onen lean u i -eiaatiue old a-c and insanity. Price il a b-.x; Iwtci for 5,u0 Sent by mail on rei-i of pnee. nxiniA Ll tHtMIl: ig eiven with every S order r--teivcd, to refund tne mone if a Prrninin -if enre is noteffwtMi j We have thousan.Mot testimonials from old ! and younir, of h-th exes, who have lm-n permanently cured iry ;1 e use rf Aphroilitine Circnlr free, Adiirt I IIK AfllKU nrm(iK CO. WesU-rn Uranch, box, -27. Portland, Oregon. Kor Bale hy Kosliav tl Mason, who esaleanu etiil dnu'uists. All.niv. lreion. fiersons, whose consceience accuses them for having swindled the government in oneway or another v hile many peotileseein to regarJ the government as thev do a cor poration, which having neither a soul to be saved, or a body to be kicked, may be cheated to any ex tent justifiably : lint now and then an individual turns up who gets worried about bis cheating opera tions. Such penitents usually send the amount they think they owe the government to the secretary or treasurer. Contribu nous ol this sort come in every lew davs. r-ome ol them are as low aj a two cent postage stamp. while others are as high as several thousand dollars. Not long since eight halves of as many $1,000 notes ca.ue to the secretary of tbe treasury, accompanied by a notification that the remaining halves would follow, it acknow ledgement was made of the receipt of the tirst consignment. Some of tbe conscience hind communica tions are very amusing. Kecently j a man wrote irom r.ne renn9vi- vania saying : "inclosetl una ?), which I return totheUovernii.e t.. having beattn her out of that amount in minor ways, from tun" to time." Another roiifcienc- striken wretch sent $200, saying "This is on account of amount defrauded the government of, and which I have paid back : thank God!" An old soldier, who is re garded as a regular customer by tbe secretary and Treasurer sends $ from time 10 time, on account $100, which be writes : "I obtain ad by unfairness nearly twenty years ng ), a well as I can re member, and winch 1 hope to liquidate. I give my God tbe benelit of the doubt, relying on bis boundless mercy." Another fellovr. whose conscience is in propertion to liis means, lately sent the U. b. treasurer ?4,M)o, accompanied simply by a scrap of paper with conscience fcrawt ed upon it. A women in France sent $20 pinned to a note with the words : C est pour Ie tresone', on it. This, no doubt came from a repentant woman smuggler. President Harrison lias lust re appointed Miss i.'inmaC. Noble, or rather appointed Mrs. Emma C. Mcl'berson postmistress at Raton, Naw Mexico. Mrs. Mc- Pherson. a few years ago, when grst appointed to tbe position was a Miss Noble; but since then lias married, so when she was reap pointed, it was necessary, owing to the change in her name to give her a new name. This is the first case of the 1 ind on recoid at the K8t office department. tieneral Oreely, chiei ignai officer, has returned to V asbing ton from an extended tour of in spection among the Signal stations of the South and West. He says there is a screw loose here and there, but tbe Weather Bureau Machine is working smoothly. He will at once make preparations to transfer the weather bureau to the Agri cultural Department on the 1st, of next July. Secretary Rusk has as yet, nisde no Detection lor a chief of tbe Weather Bureau, and a good peal of competition is going on for the place. General Oreely is being urged as tbe pr jper head of the bureau in the nev depart ment and it is more than likely that he w ill be detailed for the place. i ne i.nreau ot American Re. publics, now fairly established in Washington is one of the first practical remits of the Pan-American Conference, held here about a year ago, Tbe Luieau is doing excelleut work in furnishing to i we i resB oi me county inlorm.i .mi vi an sorts oi Happenings in South and Centeral America, of interest to business men. For the first time in the b' n-v of the country a polygmist coming to tne unueo Mates irom abroid has been turned back by the ireasury Department. Acting oecreiary ixeiueionol the Treasury Dtipartmint made the first ex ample yesterday, by directing that Ilo'Iver Peteraeon. n. poligamiet and his wife, who came to Xew York from Sweden, shou'd be nentback tothe country whence they came at the expense of the steamship coiui any which brought Hem over to tho United States. Jons Weddekbi kx Fire at The Dallrs. IHE iuli.es, June o. ine harii oi jonn M. Warden was burned at 5 o'clock this morning. A few days sin-e the firm of Gihon?, Mc Abater v Co . of wh:-h Mr. Mir- den is a member, tl-jied in this barn twelve backs ami uiii Lugy in crates. Ibese were entbelv destroyed. The loss is about l'iK:i) anu no insurance. J lie origin was unuouoieaiy incendiary. Inn nearest occupied building was 100 feet away. Determined Suicide. Me.w.vii.le. Pa.. June 5. I - John Thompson, who lived near UnesviIIe. in this countv. Wed nesday, tied bis feet together with a rope, bitched the rope to a tree, leaving plenty of slack, and then plunged headlong into creek and was drowned. He was vears oKI. He had frequently tbre aened eiiicideon account of il! health. THE ITATA AFFAIR POLAR EXPEDITION The First Woman on the tic Journey. Anc A THREE YKAK'd CRCI8E, Will Spend tbe Winter la Greenland Push on in the Sprtuf to Find the Fabled Open 8m, New Y'ork, June 5. Probably the first American woman who has ever made tbe trip to Polar regions win oe airs, reary, wno will ac company her husoand Lieut. R. E Peary, of the United States navv who has been placed in charge of tbe expedition to be sent out by tbe academy of Natural Sciences of Pbila delphiaon his proposed exploration of Greenland. The steamer Kite, commanded by Cap tain x me, win leave aw York with the exploring party Saturday morning, fully equipped for a three years' voyage. The auxilliary ex peouion win consist of nine men. 1 be main expedition will consist of Lieutenant and Mrs. Peary and uveirained men. The auxilliary will consist mostly ot scientists who will spend two months or more exploring the northern boundaries of Greenland and re turn to New York late in the fall. Lieut. Peary's own partv. however. will remain in Greenland during th coming winter making explor ations. When soring comes thev will push on northward in an at tempt to reach the open sea. which is supposed to surround the North Pole. TIKKEV ARUIIED, CHILIAN CONSI L THINKS CLE SAM 18 LEFT. Thla Country Itecelvea An Apology But Nothing of a Substantial Nature. San Francisco. ' -'Th South American S.. igation company ought to g...ieful to the United States. '"said an attache of the Chilian consulate yesterday lhat is lor reading iher steam er Itata from the insurgents. That is ahouc all that the seizure or si rentier oi tne itata means, it ru interpretation of tbe national law- is coirect. Of course, the insult to tbe dignity and authority of the stars and stripes is ajiologized for in me surrender ot the vessel, but as to her being forfeited to pay for me coal the Cltarleston has burntd in chasing her, that is another question." iesieruay s dispatches in an nouncing that tbe arms taken from the Kobert and Minnie bad been . . Burrenuereu wim tne itata. were explicit in stating that the prop erty turned over consisted of but 000 rifles. If this is true, the Itata has managed to dispose of lust that many rilles and 2,000,000 artridges, as tbe number ol Rem . igtons landed on the long wharf ui Oakland was 10,000 instead of 5000. GAY HAKVAKU TI I1KNTS, Their Flace of Meeting Raided by the Boston 1'ollce. Bostok, June 5. Alpha Ielta 1 In, one of the most fashionable and select clubs of Harvard, with royal quarters on Plympton street, Cambridge, was raided by Ser geant Puilen and the liquor office r of the First district police station this morning. For some time past numerous complaints have been made by residents of Plympton street, protesting against tbe con duct of certain students, who, be coming intoxicated, make night hideous with their revelry. Captain "Tom" Lucy, of the First District Police Station, de termined to share matters to a fitting end, made a thorough search of the building and dis gorged beer and choice brands of liquor sufficient to stock a first class saloon or moderate hotel. Adjoining the billiard hall, w hich is the principal room on the first floor, is what the students term the "side room," containing a massive sideboard of modern in vention. This was heavily laden with bottles of champagne, bran dies, whiskies and Mines of the best brands without anv attempt at secrecy. Smallpox tn Sacraiueuto, Sac ramento, June June 5. Mrs. W. F. Mack, a member of tbe "fa kir" Theatrical company, was striken down w ith smallpox at the Golden Eagle botd to-day. She was removed to the iesthouse. Much excitement it is feared over the case will follow as no care was taken at the hotel to nrevent. a spread of tbe disease. Sir John MacDonaM's Conditio.. Ottawa, Ont.. June 5. WH from EarnBcLffe is not verv en couraging. Tbe premier still re tains consciousness, but his heart's action is becoming more enfeebled. nr. ueorge Koss arrived h-nm Montreal this afternoon. He is a specialist in heart trouble, and was f-uinmoned from Ofawa at thp re quest of the family. Measure to Be Taken to Sunureea Brigandage. Constantinople, June 5. The capture by brigands of a number of passengers on the eastern ex press near Tchereski has aroused the Turkish government, and de cisive measures will be taken to prevent a repetition of the crime. The governor of the province in which the outrage was perpetrated is organizing a force to pursue and if possible, capture tbe brigands. In order, however, not to imperil the lives of the persons now held for r nsoin by the robbers the ex pedition will not start in pursuit until tbe ransom money or $40,000 is bandeJ over to the brigands and the prisoners released. Herrlsrail, the Berlin banker. started for a town thirty-two miles from Adrianople, having in his possession the $40,000 asked for by the brigands. The Porte has promised the German government to at once take active measures to punish the brigands. A DETECTIVE. shotgun, the charge taking effect in the face and neck of the vic tims. Murray was intoxicated, and claims to have shot at some geese and hit Craig and Mrs. Zacbgraf accidentally. The latter claim the shooting was intentional and as the parties have been asso ciated in a brewery, and had much trouble, it is thought the shooting was not purely accidental. Craig received a number of shots, but may recover. Murray was lodged in jail. A Flood at Fresno. Fresno, June 5. The canal company has not yet succeeded in stooping the break in the levee of the canal, which occurred in the ' suburbs of Fresno Wednesday. Tbe wa'.er has inundated the northeastern portion of the city, and is coming in on several streets. The street-car track on Blackstone avenue is washed out in several places, and some other damage done. The only remedy remain ing seems to be in closing the headgates at King's river twentv miles from here, and shutting the water out from the canal. This will bring no immediate relief, , however, as the water will con- j Untie to flow in the canal thirty hours after tbe headgates are. closed. The City of San Diego. San Dieoo, June 5. Over a year ago suit was commenced against Mayor Gunn and the city of San Diego to oust the head of the municipality from office and de- lare the charter under which tbe Ity is now being governed uncon stitutional, null and void. Three superior judges, sitting in banc, to-day oidered judgment to be en tered for defendants. This is a practictl confirmation of the legal- ty of the charter, and will tend to miet manv other questions which have hinged upon the decision. FRUIT PRESERVER , CALIFORNIA MAN'S 1XVEN. ;TION, It ie Done By Gas It Preserves the Fruit Forever -There Being 'o Decay. He Captures the Purse for a Prise Fight. Rochester, N. Y., June 5. Rochester and Buffalo sports were knocked out in one round to day by Chief Detective Havden. of this city, who confiscated Jiiyo of tbe if 1000 stake money of the purposed light between Brennan and Spilling-. Ten dollars brd been drawn. Stakeholder Richards was arrested this morning by Detective Furih- ererona warrant charging bim with participating in a prize fight. He afterwerd went with Chief I fayden to tbe Monroe bank and drew out the prize money. This is in Chief Hayden's possession and he says i; will require pretty hard work to get it from him. He will turn it over to the police pen sion fund. Richards was paroled until Monday. It seems that Brenncn and his friends had fixed up a schema to induce the stake holder to go to Buffalo on a pretext that another fight had been ar ranged, and there to make him pay over the money to Brennen if pilling did not show up. ALIEN IMMIGRATION. Kepresentatlres of Steamship Lines V III Aid the Government Agents New York, June 5. At the of fices of the various trans-Atlantic lines yesterday, the agents in peaking of secretary fosters cir cular regarding the immigration traffic, expressed a willingness to help the department in every way to make the new law effective. All of them have sent their agents in Europe copies of the law, and an admonition to be careful what kind of emigrants are allowed to embark for America. Tbe French line has notified its agents that they w ill be charged with full expense which may accrue to the company, by reason of returned immigrants booked by puch agents. Tbe line has also given instructions that no mmigrants Irom Alexandria. Smyrna or Constantinople will be permitted passage on its ships. Two Children It a rued to Death. PirrsnvRG, June 5. The dwell ing of Samuel P. Myers, a promin ent farmer living near Myersdale, a., was burned la'.e bet night, and two children, aged V and 12, roasted, rine other occupants badanirrow etc.pe- It is not known bow the fire started. Shot a Man and Woman, Eureka, Cal., June 5. Daniel Murray yesterday shot and sen ouBly wounded-James Craig and slightly wounded Mrs. .acugrai. The shooting was done with a San Francisco, June 6. In an nterview, A. T. Hatch, the well- known fruit grower said : Experi ments are now in progress in this city, which, if they prove as suc cessful as they promise to do, will give the fruit industry a boom such as it has never known. A local chemist, who has been ex perimenting for a long time, has hit upon a gas which is claimed will preserve fruit in its natural state for an indefinite period of lime, at tbe same time preserving both the appearance and flavor at the fr jit, just as it comes from the tree. A short time ago I was shown a sample of cherries tb&t had been preserved in this way for six months, and thy were in perfect state of preservation in every way. Even an expert could not have detected that tbey were not fresh from the orchard. Other experiments are now in progress, and a number of fruit grower. myself among the rest, have ad vanced money to carry them on. The gas is easy to manufacture, costs little or nothing, and no diffi culty is experienced in handling it." In Favor of the Pi Inters. Washington, June 5." An im portant decision was rendered yesterday by Judge L. S. O'Neal in the case of the compositors in the employ of N. W. Darby, who walked out last Monday and enter ed suit for the amount due tbem for work on that day. The defense did not dispute the correctness of the bills, but maintained that the amounts were not payable until regular pay-day. Saturday, and contended that tbe manner in which the men went ont should not be sanctioned. The justice, in giving judgment in each case with costs, said he did not consider the question of unionism. It was con ceded, he said, that the bills were correct, and that it would lie a hardship to cam pel men to remain here out of work waiting ior their pay when they des'red to leave and seek work elsewhere. Hebrew Bankers mod Russia. London, June 5. A Berlin dis patch says the Hebrew bankers of that city have given notice to their agents and customers that Russian securities will no longer be dealt in by them, and that orders for such securities will not be filled. It is said that similar action has, been tacen at Vienna and Frank fort, and that in London an iden tical movement is under consider ation. As to the effect upon Russia, opinion is divided. The czar's government is amply sup plied with funds, and hai given up the idea at present of convert ng the loans which it was proposed to redeem with the aid of the Roths-f childs. German Minister to Paris. Berlin, June 5. It is again rumored that Count Waldereee will succeed Count Munster as German ambassador to Pans. Munster has never been exactly liked in Paris or Berlin since the visit of Empress Frederick. A fine line of gents furnishings at Searls', all tbe latest styles.