I I. ALBANY, OREGON, FHrDAV, J U.VIi 5 1891 VOL. VI NO. J0 CENTS A WEEK. 159 EPPRIC II 1 . "VWrl Used in Millions of Homes I e are-at Oar Spring an 1 Slimmer Stock eo.nplete DRESS GO 3DS Very attractive lines in new colorings and latest no .'cities. SPRING & SUMMER JACKETSI latest Styles! Hi'i Nnelties! Ladies, Mieaes A Childien'e. FURNISHING GOODS, VKT.VKrs. SILKS, SATIN'S AND PUSHES. LADIES' AND M1SKS SILK AND KNIT UNDERWEAR, fflTTDV AMI) WO:L 1IOSK, KM BROIDERIES, SILK AND I.1K HANDKERCHIEFS. SCARFS, V FILINGS, SHAWM, ETC. G. W. SIMPSON, FIRST STREET. ALBANY. OREGON. "In Sptinat tha young man's fancy Llglitly turnsto thouKhtSof love !" x8& SSkH 1 It also tm ds to I rr Fri i nAiinrtrc At i-nmn HI 2 The wise young man, the old man, the thrifty housewife, all will tn-n tlifir steps, wtien searching for fresh table delicacies, choice butter, fresh laid eggs, staple and fancy groceries of all kinds, to the grocery store of C. E. Brown ell. The Albanv A FULL LINE OF UNDERTAKING. Once "Wo -wish to remind you that wt car ry the most Complete Line of Hard ware. Stoves a.jd 3ianres in the Val IOV' MATTHtWS & WASHBURN. FEED -:- STORE AinD GENERAL PRODUCE MARKET. WANTED SPECIALLY- Hay, oat 1 1 d jr-tattte, to supply Bustome cc the Orcrn PaciSo Railroad extension ami my insrewing home trade here I gelt in nuantitiea to unit tlip t:iirr:iapra- Store in Strahan Brick. Second street 40 Years the Standard tlie Irani i will be found larger and more than ever. WHITE GOODS Anything and everything in 1 ive assortment and end less variety. -Cr r Cr r t in' lliini pod to Furniture Co. Asain j R. M. ROBERTSON. A A . jyiv 4 n r a FOK SALE, WANTS, KTC. VJ X ED AirnU to Bell a I oiis hoM ar 1 tit lc tieinkiJ in t very h ui?e; bite inouc) to rifc. ht part); I wimple fn rei.t, addre-s. X. K OAitLixuiiol sk, 275 hevei.ili St. Purl- .u.il Ort'tft , I SAI.K- A tyful h rt harness aid X hiiysn 'or fu e (h.U for ca h; u barya'.i. r.i uiic at the real tat tit ve 1 i lUirkha:t he:ney. FlKKSH MILCH uV Hi'l LK. HAS heife ci'f U'ul in a um1 uiili-li cow. Ap ply to E. N. O-ntiit. Cl B. WNN, AoKNT l-OK THii LEAL) in tir, life nntl r Mont iiihiimucv com UTAXTrD A seam-itreiw. one h ran cut ami tit 'ul at C Titi r of .'th ami Kail roi streets. Mm. K. A liiirkharl. 1 A WIRES OF LNf- AU fit for cnlti I f vation, aid uu lei fence, for hale at $lu ( r a re. W ithin 1 J mi; oh from reilrou ttati in aimI 2U mil en Iruiu Albany Apply a tliitt office. imn hou the cooer of Setoml and Lyon strotU. Roller to Ih-Llors. AM th e i'ltlehted to the lute firm of rhomjHO" A: Overman are retiuested to c:i!l at once und ucttle the Maine. MONEY TO LOAN In hrce or amal aiuoiinttf, from m months to flvt vcuMon Albany, ami Linn county roA oaU&. fall m or addrertM W. E. MvPherMon, rtl enUite broker, opposite lua house Lantl for rttilr. fi. 10, 20, 10, SO acre, easy term, install merit plan eheip ami lilh pricetl Also fc few city lots all owned by 11. liryaut. BOVS ll-:red a chan-e t make nomr pocket m ney: The Allanv Klectri Llitht Vo, wishes to nirchase a (piitntity of clean white or color-d cotton ra;, for wip ing mtchitiery. I imt them at the win pafiv'rt otH je ami ur cash M ONEY TO LOAN-HOME CAPITAL ON ifixxl reul estate sveurity. Kor lurticu- iars enctnre of uc. lliiiiiptircy. Jli1 SaLE -iMi to$l,00 wonli of hiiiiw f irnit'irt-la cxohaiiKc fir ini;rmnl real eftatu Kiiiu'reat tirticc of Orc-oii ImuA t'oiiii'uuy. (ioi.IJ KINli, (i i;iLO I'K.N'S. ti i-. UAH J iK-nri"-, 2 wry irn.l li iniki'r.'h; fs, ;c'lit t..li :ilrlri-H( to iiitrMlni.e 111) I'll .i linu ti tU, tor Id i-ts J S. Simuonh, O. lI'A'n: -A i v .rkh T-4 t i ,- .'. W l.ir hi iaric itL-r vrh. c il t 'i , u. rt jllii i- C. I.. 1'. Kii.i, T' l:U St nut iXl the Li.irclU Sll llr.rr.l A ftx Mli, .'i-n'.le tnU'JV her', ft nit n'owcr than a :l tnitiilte traifler. All- p y to J. S Antonolic, at at Chart. id hot:l. CtTKAYKK-Kniiii lilovens hriilcc jouir kjMtct'i (h tt wan iKiiiKht at the Ihlrkhart ttale last f.il'; reil with a s'tt anil uiiiK-rlut in a h ear. Iiihiriuatioii li-ailintr to iih recovi-rv will lie uitailv rcwarueil hi the oiier L. frcink-rs a' Alhanv. IOST 'r"'0tn th : ilep-it li tel ii thi- city J amirill .ViWh t-rrirr shir, i'lloriua. ti'in le.ul iu' t im re :ver will he auitahle re'A'irlel. I 'HOSE IilHlltlVa THE SERVICES OE an eperieneeii nipe riii Hml cue hv a- l K l tl e eoi lier nl r il'h jukI Kaki r Sts. Land tturvrylng. PARTlm DRHIRINO Hl'RVKVl.NO DOKR CAN OB tain aix-urate ml prompt work by calling upon cx-oouuty surviiyoi r , T, T. Kinher. He nan complete coiucaof Hclil notes and town ship plats, and is prepare 1 to do surveying in any part of Linn county. 1'ontorHee address, Miners iratton. Linn cou ity , Orevou. yO0H SAWINO-A. H. Howard haxinif I pun hased the lr I) M Jonei wocd mw- inK' outfit, ih now rta.lv to ml all nnh ri. Leave orders at residen e. xirurj of Sieoi.d and .'ataKK)ia strcetri. IIRNISHED ROOMS In tn ...f the pleamn e t localities in the itv to lent, For partic l'am iuiurie at bis olh x. tiikmki:t oi smi ihs Stanardeic Cusick drniHts, be lieve that the secret of niici-ess is perseverence. Therefore they per sist in keeping the finest line of perfumeries, toilet articles, cos ruetie , drugs and chemicals on the market. They especially in vite all persons who have palpita tion, short breath, weak or hungry spells, pain in side or shoulder, oppression, nightmare, dry cotiah, smother'.ng, dropsy or heart dis ease to try Dr. Miles' uucinulcd New Heart, before too late. It has the largest sale of any similar remedy. Fine book on testimonials free. I r. Miles' Restorative Ner vine is unsurpassed for sleepless ness, headache, (its, etc., and it contains no opiates. Tin: tli:w iiis nii:iit . You Lave heard your friends and neighbors talking about it. Yon may yourself be one of the many who know from personal experi ence just how good a thing it is. If you have evr tried it, you are one of its staunch friends, because the wonderful thing about it is, that when once given a trial, lr. King's New Discovery ever after holds a place in the home. If you have never used it and should be atllicted with a cough, cold or any Throat, Lung or Chest trouble, secure a bottle and give it a fair trial. It is guaranteed everv time, or money refunded. TrialWths free at Foshay & .Mason's drug store. A SK t'rSSlll MOKkt ltS. Work cannot be successfnllv continued unless there is an active mental interest in it. If the mind is not clear, bright and buoyant, then the work is drudgery and the worker is a machine. An occasional dose of Moore's Re vealed liemedy will put the body and mind in such harmnnv (lint the hardest tasks will seem as play. the ruriT ami sTitte. Kev. F. M. Shrout, l'astor ifnited ISrethren Church, Blue Ntpund, Kan., says : "I feel it my dry to tell w hat wonders Dr. King"8 New Discovery has done for niel' My Lungs were badly diseased, and my parishioners thought I; could live onlv a few weeks. I took live bottles of Dr. King's New Diocovery and am sound and well, gaining 20 ibs. in weiirht." Arthur Love, Manager Love's Funny Folks Combination, writes : 'After a thorough tr:al and con vincing evidence, I am confident Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption, beats 'em all. and cures when everything else fails. The greatest kindness 1 ca.i do my many thousand friends is to uge them to try it.' Free trial bottes at roshay & Mason, Dr" More lingular sizes 50c. and if I 00. TO .OOI TKtll'LAKS. Do vou know that Moore's lts vealed Remedy is the only patei.t medicine in the world that dot 3 not contain a drop ol alcohol ; tin t the mode ot preparing it is known only to its discoverer; that it is an ailvance in lite science ol medicine without a parallel in the nine teenth century ; that itsproprietoi 3 oiler to forfeit 1,0(K) for anv caES if d spepsia it will not cure ? sri t niiA At;s. S. II. Clillbrd. NewCassi l, Wis was troubled with Neuralgia i.nd and Rheumatism, his Stomach aiis disordered, his Liver was alhtted to and alarming degree, appetite fell awav, and he was ternblv re duced in flesh and strength. Three bottles of Kleclric Hitters cured him. Kdward Shepherd, llarrisbirg, III., had a running sore on bis leg of eight years' standing. . IJjed three Potties ol J-.lectric liit'.ers and seven buxos of I'.neklen's Salve, and his leg is soun 1 i nd well. John Speaker, Catawbp, 'J., had tive large Fever sores on his leg, doctors said he was inc'iral le One bottle Kirctric I'.itters and cue box I'.neklen's Arnica Salve cuied him entirely. Sold by Mason, Drug store. F ciiK.nr or iciki.iv. Nervous women seldom recei the svmpathv they deserve. WhLe often the pictures of health, th syr are constantly ailing, lo wita hold sympathy from ihes unfr- tunates is the height of cruelty. They have a weak heart, causii e shortness of breath, llutL?rir pain in side, weak and hung y spells, and linally swelling )f ankles, ojiptessioii, chokiur, smothering and dropsy. Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure is just tl e thing for them. For their ner vousness, headache, weakness, etc., his Restorative Nervine ia uneijualed. Fine treatise cn "Heart and Nervous Diseases" ane marvelous tes'imonials f rt e sold ami guaranteed by Stanard i Cusick. . A nisiKltl :i'L4it:ii The papers contain fre ajnt notices of ric h, pretty and clue lied girls eloping with negroes, tw aps and coachmen. The wel!-kn twn specialist, Dr. Franklyn Mi.js' says all such girls are more ori sis hysterical, nervous, very in: vil sive, unbalanced; usually sulr set to headache, neuralgia, Vhepl ness, immoderate crying or !ai j';- ing. these show a weak i.er system for which there is remedy eipial to Rei-torathe 'J vine. Trial bottles and a book, containing many marvel cures, free at Stanard & Cusi who also sell, and guarantee J Miles celebrated New lleait Ci the finest of heart tonics. Cu. fluttering, short breath, etc. nn-. m:ki:.i i.itt:Ki-iii.s. Act on a new prineiile regula ting the liver, stomach and bowels through the nerves. A new dii covery. Dr. Miles' Fills speedily cure biliousness, bad taste, torpi 1 liver, piles, constipationr Un e'liialed for men, women. children. Smallest, mildest, surest ! 50 dose i for 25 cents. Samples ee, at Stanard & Cusick. The Celebrated foenci CURE Wirr.e,,talPHIlODITiNEl or money refunded AFTER the Keiitr.itlvcorir.iii8 of cither box whether ariniinf from the extensive use of stimulants. louaccu or opium, or thr mi;h vouthful imliu- cretion.ovcr iudulitenM, itc., eueh an loss of nam rower, naKciu'ncHg, Ucannf Down pains In the Back, .Seminal WeakneM, Hys teria, Ner oil s'ratinn, Noetunia! Oniis MOhs, l.euti.rrh.K! Pizzinc, Weak Memory, lsof Power and linKten:y which:! neg lected often lead to premature old ixe and insanity. Price 81 a lio: fl taxes for 45.00 Sent hv mail on receipt of price. "Biui.i i i.t. li piven with every $.S order rewired, to rcf .nd tne money if a I'erniHiient cure i9 nottilettol. We have thousailflsof teMtimnninla fmm nhl and younir, of both in xes, who have been liermaneiitly cured by the uge "f Aphroditine Circular free. A- , . tm . rto Hi:ni( vi: Co. WeHtern branch, box. 27. Portland. Oregon. ror Bale Foahnv At Miuvin w-hn f.lle&nil etail druirnists. Alhanv. Or,.... in mi tS) K.F0PE off 5 i THE ITATA CAUGHT. She is Delivered Over to the United States Authorities. NONE OK TIIK AltMS MISSING, The Insurgents Are Great!; Excited Over the Turn 1 Affairs - What Will the Fede.-ul Courts Deoide? luim'.'i:, Chili, June 4. (Via Galveston.) The steamship Itata arrivtd l.eie this morning from Tocopilla, and has been delivered over to the American war ehips nowhere. The Charlestoi la ex pected to arrive here to day from Arica. The Itata handed over all the arms she took from San Diego, consisting of oliOO rifles. New York, June 4. A Herald special from Iquiipie, Chili, says: "The excitement and rejoicing re cently c.iused tiiere by the news t tat the l.'nitcd Slates cruiser Charleston had an ived at Callao, Peru, without having caught sight of the Itata, was nothing compared to the sensation and enthusiasm when word was received that I he Itata had an ived at locupilla Immediately upon hearing this welcome intelligence the insurgeRt authorities sent back orders I) the commander of the Itala lo lose no time in coming on to this port. Il is therefore believed the Itata will arrive here to-morrow, and an ovation awaits her. The pursuit of the transport by the Charleston has been naturally followed with the keenest interest by the inhab itants of this town. The dispatch from the connu iink-r of the Itata was vety brief, and we shall have to await tier arrival her.; to learn the details of her famous run from San Diego, Cal. 4 am informed, however, that the commander ol the Itata reports he did not fee iny traces of his pursuer. It is generally believed here that the 1 tata has made a transfer other arms and ammunition to the Ks meralda oil' the Mexican coast. It is not thought likely, however, that the insurgents would order the Itata here if she had arms and ammunition still on board. It may be she has already discharged her cargo at Tocopilla. At any rate, if she has got rid of it in anv way, by a transfer to the Esmeralda or by landing it on the Chilian coast, it may be that her being rrdered here is in accordance with the re port already sent out that the in- urgentfl intend to turn Her over to the United States government in order that the question of a vio lation of the neutrality laws may be f illy tested in the federal c'ourts. Tocopilla is a little over 100 miles south of Iquiipie, and is in the northwestern part of the province of At-jcama. It is just the spot for the captain of the Itata to turn ins vessel in. its nearness to Cobij t would enable him to reach an important rail road center, if necessary, while at the email ort of Tocopilla no one would expect to mid the Itata. It would seem the Itata'scommandei was fully apprised from s-mii source, doubtless the r.nmeia.:. His superiors i.ave ordered him p return, and all responsibility i taken oil' his shoulders if the shi is to be surrendered." LonpoN, June 4. A Valparais" cable says tl at the president is aoout to make another t-tTort to bring IquKpie to surrender. The rebel Oeneral I rrutia, the only Chilian general ho proved un faithlul to the established govern ment, is souring I he provinces held by the libels for recruits, and in many instances men have been shot for refusing; to en'nt. I he rebels are attempting to organize an army with a view to a forlorn- hope inarch on Santiago, liaium- eeda, however, has within imme diate call for defense ol the capital a force of about 25,000 men, includ ing 1200 cavalry and six batteries of field artillery. The Baluiaceda government has promised com- nensation lor ioreign vessels lnpir- ed during the recent attack on the Maggalanes, an insurgent warsmp at Chanaral harbor. CO It RETT IN I'OKTLANO. The Man That Kouglit Jackson to i Stain still Koyally Welcomed, Poitri.Axn.June 4. Jim Corbett, the young California pugilist, ar rived in this city thismorning and received a welcome calculated to impress 1 im with the fact that he is very highly regarded by the local sporting fraternity. A dele gation of 8orting men gathered around the depot on the other Bide of the river to greet the young fistic gladiator upon his arrival. Corbett looks strong and healthy, although it is evident that he has not yet fully recovered from his severe siege of training and the long-drawn-out batMe of sixty one rounds. THE 9TOKV OF A CKIMK. A Mysterious Power That Revealed a Murderer' Work. Lospon, June '4. Present indi cations leave hardly a hope that Duncan, the American who mur derously assaulted his ife in Wales, will escape a charge of murder. An interesting state ment, not yet presentcu in evi dence, is told by the quarryman who came upon the couple and prevented the completion of the deadly work. It is that while pursuing another way home he felt a mysterious impulse to take a secluded and totally unfrequent ed path instead of the one which he ordinarily followed". This im pulse he is utterly unable to ex plain, but it is so powerful that he did not resist, and when he start ed on the path he at once felt easier in his mind, l'.nt for this singular prompting nobody would have seen Duncan and his wife ou the terrible occasion. OEX. A Mi Kit Mil. I. VISIT is. He Is Coming to the I'aellic Coast for lllx Health. Cine-Ado, June 4 (ieneral Iviis sell A. Alger left Chicago last night for the West, lie wilt visit the Pacvfii coast, spending iiist of his time in Washington. The trip, he says, is one purely for health, and has nothing to do with the scheme by which, as rumor had it, he would be connected w ith l eigh Hunt and Mr. Claikson in plan ning to establish a gigan'ic !i:ie of s earners from Washington iei ports to China. An lutert-ftliiiK; I't t. tine night al out a moid h ago, Charley Merrill, the chief engi neer at "Jeff's" heard a singulai sciatching at the door, and open ing it, found a young seal demand ing admittance. The b iby pboc;e had Mapped out of the water on the slip, and waddhd across: the sidewalk to where there wa3 a light and the voices of men. He was taken in and fed, and re turned the next day. Since then the seal has grown to be quite a pet. It is amusing to watch the animal. Merrill is the ii.lv one it wiil pay any at'e:it:.;:i t . it :iii swers to the the r::'i:.c of "Joe," and wli.-n he calls it no nrat.er it it is out in the liver channel, it answers and comes swimming quickly in, and up to the slip, where it waits exp'ctantly for food. If a stranger takes hold of "Joe," he shows his teeth, and being pretty well tixed for teeth, makes it unprofitable to fool with him. He knows his name the same as any other baby, and if he does not too (prickly develop the hereditary fondness for salmon, may loug continue to tloui ish as one oi the most interesting of pets Astorian. A DEAR'S PKANKS IT MAKES TI1INOS LIVELY I OK AN EXI'KKSS JIESSKMiUI! Itruill Amuses 11 lmelf by Tearing Open anil Destroy Injf Express Package. Rir-iii;stkk, June 4. John Hob inson, who runs a menagerie at Ontario 1 leach, on Lake Ontario, went to Rufl'alo a few days ago and bought a bear, llruiu was shipped yesterday on the i.yons accommo dation train. 1 he animal was in a crate ot rough boards and was seemingly secure. When the .rain was nearing Crittenden, the messenger noticed th.it the bear -.as uneasy, and soon was teui ed to see the animal burst out of he cage and come at him. growl ing furiously. Tygart made a dash lor the dor ot the car with the bear in close pursuit, but the mes senger got out first and slammed the door behind him. He crawled upon the tender and over to the locomotive and there he stayed till the train reached here. In the car were severil barrels of fish, crates of berries, crock ) of butter and some boxes of fancy crack ers, and the bear proceeded to make an elalnirate lunch of them and to amuse himself by tearing open and destroying the express packages. Ry the time the tiain reached Rochester, the interior of the car looked as if a cyclone had struck it, while the bear was smeared from head to tail with butter and still growling furiously. The car was sent on to Ontario Beach, and at a late hour last night all efforts to get him out had been unsuccessful. How Portland Won the Kri.c. San Francisco Report : We ate very sorry tiiat San Francisco has lost the Presbyterian (ieneral As sembly of 18!2, for to have hail it would have been very advantage ous to the city. Several hundred intelligent gentlemen, with their families, would have visited us, and we doubt, not gone away pleased to sjieak well of San Fran cisco and the state. The manner in which the assembly was lost makes the defeat all the more vex atious. It was lost by sheer lack of enterprise and spirit. San Fran cisco otlered, in the "assembly in Detroit, on Saturday last a guaran tee of flO,000. Portland olleied $20,000, and entertainment for 200 delegates. In the piesence of this oiler ban r rancisco stood n tually mute. Of cour e its delegat?s talked, but they did not see Port land's $20,000 and go it any better. and, of course, coin talks in church as in every other. So the assem bly voted enthusiastically for little Portland. We congratulate Po.t land on its grit. It fairly w on the prize from San Francisco, with its 300,000 inabitants, beaten out and out by Portland, with one-Sfth of the population. Well, well! FUN IN ILLINOIS. A Scene of Excitement and Con fusion in the Legislature. AM. OVKKTIIK WOKLD'3 FA 111. A Tie-Vote on a $750,000 Appropriation Dtci.icd By the Speaker-Ad Atteinot Will Ee Made to B?coDsider. Si'itiN'.KiKi.n. III., June 4. An extraordinary scene of wild con fusion ami excitement was wit nessed in the lower house of the general as.-embly yesterday when the world's fair bill, which as passed by the senate appropriates $1.0 K),000 for the Illinois exhibit was acted npon. Effort to reduce the appropriation to $500,090 or fiiOO.ooo were successively de feated, but on a motion fixing the amount at $759,000 it was appar ent the vote would be a tie. Then Speaker Crafts, a democrat, voted fur the amendment, and, ignoring a republican member who wished to change his vote, hurriedly an nounced the ballot closed. Then the house became a bedlain of shrieking blasphemy and hurrah ing men. Crafts coolly declared tne 75O,OO0 amendment adopted in the face of a terrific storm of protest. The speaker would only listen to a motion to adjourn, and calmly declared it carried. The members were now yelling and running alnjiit like wild men. Half a doen msde a rush for the speaker to diag him from the chair but were forcibly held back by his friends. It is expected another outbreak will take place to-day, w hen an attempt will be made to reconsider the vote. ITS MISSION WAS TO FAIL. A It.-mk That Oreanlzed With This End In View. i ii TiiitiK, O. T., June 4. Sher i 11" J. Ilixon, of Logan county, ar rived here late last night from Cnicago, having in charge Charles W. Rleiiler, ex-cashier of the Commercial bank, which institu tion went ruder several months ago, short nearly $100,000. P.leu ler has been wanted for some time as has President Ragsdaie and other officials, charged with per jury, embezzlement and otuer crimes. Ragsdale is in Denver, it is thought. Vice-President Mc l.ain is siP)j)osed to be in Newton, Kan., ana the assistant cashier, clerks and others, who are all under indictment, are in different parti of the cou'itry, but just s here no one knows. The Com mercial was supposed to be the strongest financial institution in Oklahoma :.t the time of its sus pension, and hundreds of creditors ere left penniless as a result. A short timj ajo Ciief Justice iretii appointed K. J. Nix re ceiver, and yesterday Mr. Nix filed his statement with the court. It shows that the bank, from its in ception, started with a view to take in nil it could in deposits and then tail. POLITICS IN I'OICTLAND. Who the Democrats Will Nom inate for City Officers. Pokti.axp, June 4. The city election which will be held June 15th is waxing warm. A"straight" or a citizens or consolidation ticket is the absorbing question, especially among democrats, who have taken the nuitive and will hold the lirst convention of the campaign to-morrow evening. The primaries were lield to-diy. It is probable that the democrats will place the following ticket in the field : Mayor, E. I). McKeeorJohn M vers. Fire comin'ssioner, B. G. White- house. Assessor, J. W. Kelly. Treasurer, Albert Freeman. Auditor, Charl -s Cohen. Superintendent of streets, Chas. E. t lliver. Citv attorney, II. B. Nicholas or . V. Beach. Police judge, Charles Wait. City surveyor, Douglas V. Tay lor. There will be two and probably three tickets in the field. STAKVISfi TO DEATH. Pitiable Account of Destitution in the Land of the Caar, London, June 4. The Tele graph's St. Petersbutg correspond ent gives a pitiable account of the lestitution prevailing in the dis tricts of Kazan, Simboisk, Samara, .M.nai, .Nonegorcd and l'ensea. The correspondent says hundreds oi persons have died of hunger in the past tive weeks. Peasants in Simbirsk and Samara districts re volted and attacked the cora mag t.iiies. a number ot conflicts oc curred between the peasants and troops, and several persons were killed and many injured. Gloomy larvest prosiects increase the horror of the situation. The minister of the interior has forbid- len any reference to famine by the newspapors. MONETARY AFKAlKS. An Accusation That English Bank ers Are Conspirators, New York, May 4. Henry Clews, in an interview, states that it appears the Bank of Fngland and otlier English jtfmtu.g insti tutions have coMptred to keep up fictitious rates for mqney with the purpose? interfering with laws which should govern trade and commerce, and are draining ua of gold. He suggests that the Amer ican Banking and Trust Company retaliate by maintaining an arbitrary rate of interest, say 0 per cent., and that the treas ury refuse to furnish gold for ex lort in higher denominations than $5 pieces, in order to put all pbs-t-ible destruction in the way of bhipju'rs. It is said this suggestion will be laid before the treasury de partment. Ui knos Antes, Jun.e 4. Oold further advanced, and the close quoted at 3.2:5 per cer t, pre mium. EM. LAND'S SENSATION. It Increases in Interest as It Slow ly Progreasee. London, June 4. The interest taken in the baccarat scandal trial is unabated. The usual crowd of fashionable people were present when court opened this morning, on the fourth day of tue case. Ar thur Stanley Wiriamswasthe first w itness. His cross examination waa xntinued. It commenced with a long and not very interesting dis cussion as to the (Kisition of the tables used in playing baccarat. In ero?s-e.xamination the fact was elicited that the counters used in the baccarat games at Tranby Croft were the property ot" the Prince of Walee, and w ere eet carried about by him when visit ing country houses. TIIEV WILL I'AKTICI KATE. The ' Peoples Karty" Arranging for the Campaign of 181i. M i i.w-At KKK, Vis.,June 4. Rob ert Schilling, secretary of the new people's party, to-day issued a tall for a convention of the party, to be held at St. Lcuis June 13. to arrange a plan of action for the coming campaign. Fred Douglass Coming Home. W AsHiNiiTox, June 4 Fred. Douglass has been granted a leave of absence by the state department ith permission to visit the United State. The application for leave was granted about ten days ago, And is for the customary peiod of sixtv davs. It is expected that Mr, Doutilass will arrive in Wash ington within a short time.' ELECTRICAL DEATH INTEREST IN METHOD OK NEW YORK'S EXECl'TION. Germany Is Desirous ot Changing the Existing Mode of Adminis tering Death to Criminals. London, June 4. A Berlin dis patch says that the Prussian min ister of j 'ist ice. Dr. Schelling, is interested in the new American method of execution by electrity. and has caused instructions to be sent for full reports as to its meth ods of working, so far as obtaina ble. Many Russians are inclined to consider decapitation as too barbarous a method of execution. and the consequence of thi9 senti ment is favorable to the criminal classes. Reimiel, the headsman, has been making personal inqui ries on the subjict of electrical death; whether for official reasons or to satisfy his ow n curiosity is not known. The conservative feel ing in Germany is very strong, and there is little probability of such a serious change in the criminal laws as to do away w:th the exist irg fotm of death penalty. Competitive Examination. Washington, June 4. Secretary Tracy has issued an order, declar ing vacant a number of positions in the mechanical departments at Mare Island, and announcing a competitive examination will be held there June 22, to fill such vacancies. Fatal Train Wreck In K ansae. Fokt Vorth, Tex., June 4. Near Aledc, on the Texas Pacilic, yesterday, the second section of a freight train crashed into the rear end ot the first section. The con ductor and engineer of the first section are fatally injured. Another Murderer Sentenced, New York, June 4. The Japa nese murderer, Jugiro, was sen tenced to day to be executed in the week beginning July 6, the same week fixed for the execution of the, other three murdertrs. A Small Harvest Odkssa, June 4. The crop out look was changed by the heavy rains which have fal'en recently in southern portions of Russia. It is believed tl.e harvest will be under average. His Neck Was Stretched. Loi ginai., Out., June 4. Dar cisse Larauque, w ho last October brutally murdered two little girls, was hanged here this morning. Losslng, the Historian Dead, Boikiiikeespie, N. Y., June 4. R. J. Lossing, the historian, is dead. Do you want to be happy and make those about you pleased, if so go and get one of those lovely toned piano 8 at Jirs. 11 ymans.