THE MORNING HERALD; THURSDAY. JUNE 4, 1891 o.v s.n.r, The P.mi.y IliiK.'.i.n ! Hale each mornim at i!. .1 . be o!' : Jones j book store.where :t i:i be procured at 5 rents per cc-j.y. .iovnx;s . still.' r nc.v-v. Fresh bread I'Vcri' .!;iv at I'a: kfi F.ros. The finest ini'k .-!..'!,( .- in tin city at lloci.icke's. ('. I. k iiart ha: returned :i trip toTacnma. I. ('. Hull an.l I. I'. Conn went to I'urtlm l esterd .y. I.ra'.'e your on!--m lu I r - hs J chickens at Allen l'-n s. Ca! s' of all varieties, fancy an-: plain at the 1 .'lmonico resta .1. 1'. U !-rts n cam" in ye-tci-ilav from hi" iamb s .utii iat- in l1) I. Wir'-taWe from I inn county gardens, received eveiy';i! l'arker I'.nw. Strawberries. c!:"v hemes, currants, tie., reccivn every morning, at A i I-n I'.ros. The btdies" s cietv oi th Presby terian church will me--! i i i i attt-r-iiunn with Mri, U. II. lia-ton. Mr. Fi edition, who :..i been visitimr b s !. l;-rs in I!.! county, leaves to .lav f.-i hi- l.on.e in Wciiabing, Iowa. Tlie Fairmotint S:i la v school, across the rbcr in !' u'ou i :. t y . will ilve a picnic at t he pl.;ce next S.iturdav. Even lo '.v iiiviie I. Mr. Win. M. lioag. vho-p e i dent . f the . P. !.. P., v. as i;i the ritv la-t mirlit on bis .r. ,,ntl, l.v il... ov.., ! o. 1 f fr o, Mi". John Scbnu ei w i foi m hi-" p itroi,.- that !u- Cl! Ull! be foiiod in rej-liu--i a! :' times to j-'o to the train-or any paito. the rity at reasonable ta'i.--!. I.' avc orders at the stable. A curious freak of nature i- re ported from tbe fivm oi' i i r i n v I' M irsli neir K:o I'.tittr. A L'o -d old 1 : : r 1 1 i ! 1 1 u the o!' t-r iha presented her owmr with twin calves. :ie ha-! evcrv mark of a thoroughbred 1 lerr:,,.-.!, iiile the other was unmi-ta!: ih! a .lersi v. Poth calves ai well dvvl perfect specimens. ami At the llju-ra iloi-,.-. It was a very sman ami.eiii e that was present at the oca hotWii last evening to witness th. performance of M me. AhVie Car rimr'ou in tin op ra "K-ie oi OaS'iie," as w as exj'v V 1 a!' er 'In very unfavorablecritici.-m re; ii nt Salem. Th lew pre;e;i' were disappointed in s;ci:,-' in s: people on the s'a'-- and th" ah s.'iice of an orch-st ra or r'.;oru. b it w bt n Mine t 'at rilvto.i sai v tliey ior.'ot .ill else lor ti.e ti.i.e. for she certainly po s.-s-es;; iu'.'n: ficeut, sweet voir- and s : i i : - in an tlfillly. CVIT I 1 o; her iileldCIS of I be company al -i sa:i -ll, out Mr. (.'arrai,'t"n w Mo; ', na; the public jil.-,i..-e w hen i.e s"bs tieUvt' at 1 oil to hear : rand o .-..- company, altiiou ji l.em uh! s-'l lickcts at that price ! I. ear M no. Cirri'i-'.jii Mi!.; aei the pn:;:v woul-I uet tluir i;e.m y's w i. ' . Her c ivt.jiu- s Wo:n din:. t.'e evening Were ii'.a. n ' 0i' . I i,e conip.iuy li'i:;:! u a all io r!!lilit:j; th" tnUM.e.'ei aiid -!.ii:i.-! Catill-it l;n-.l-r 1 .-s. Tiie halies T; me -M-iunl .dneei fays th.i' (.'ap'iiMi I..' a is, r ..-ter :.l the P. S. i an. I o;h -e :;i ! ii i! city, has iecciVi-1 l'ic . I'o -. inn i -cp;y lioni the co i:n;-siom-r ol thoe.-n-eral laud oiiio-- in answer to a let ler re!at:n to !ii- !.-: avnieii' oi fees, and t his w ill d ti .its iy nth t he ipiestioa : '"Par lies who !,.i to rjiniy with the law ilnd'-i w hich lii.-y bare m ide the,r en tries, wiliiin the ti ne i -re -cr'.o. .1 by 1 iw, are not t .it lie 1 to lepiy- ment ot tecs, chase nioiiev. comm. .-si-.oi or pur- ilecl.trci! lli-:trie. Verterday morning Mr.s. Sai ih Jones, a mid i'e-a'ei! u mi. in. an 1 her tl i i'ut t PoO-cei 1'. .Jonet. who have beeii r--iibi:- in tot sou'liern s kciios o! toe citv. taken before .lud'e Pla.-kbnrn atnl a board of examinii lt pii:ic!, his, ci!i-isi in ' of i M s. I, W l i-t. hi and J. P. Wallace, an I writ t'e riaie.l insane and taken to he a -v-ium at Salem. Th -y h u e l e- ii a terror to th.; ne'LTii'iorh o 1 and tiad used insuitili and iticisivi Un'.i.ire in a public mann-r until it bec ime unb.'.irai 1.'. Important Notice. From and after this d.ue 1 wi sell my tiry j-'oo Is lor o ) c on the tloiiar. My ir- Ms Piri.ihii: stock will be sold at ."a'ly r. -diiee.l rates, such as 7- neck ties to." oil cents ; -vl.oo mioi-i for ?t.'K per s lit, o I m . . i i ,,-ar lor $2.o'l per sun ; w,. "' .il tir $1.7 ; si.") ) i.ia k lor ?;.' I, an i everything portion. .My iaie ,s',.i 1; i lit reduced to ie.l.. . shif -I . .- h'.i s ; in pro i ! mo ics 1 e s'oi-L : before rem v .1. K. V. i. ; June II, 1 .I.lii-rs l ndi't Arn .1. Several s 'liiei s have bet n ar-re.-ted lit Wada Walla lor c .-m-olicity in ti.e 1 ic li- ti A. .1. Hunt, a'ld placed ;u lh c.iinty jail, which is stiol.-'iy i;iiai le.i 1 1 ue of the numiu r .-a :d :o n.m romerseti thecrlm an ! imp i those now in ii;i a;;. .' ;:e. county tiili.'i lis as as t:.. rt-is at the foil v. d. u-e i vciy iMiition that lie -re wi.i b- i.- c-s-ful attempt at iriea-it-g tcldiers. 1 h- 1 r- Alley I i'ti-. Py the ac'iv- t-fl i is ..f the IT petty o. m !"i s in t :c I t wc-t oi : 'r t-t .1 tt lour block- on 1 n st .-! Jlroadaihiu si n '. h.; put lii lour inc. in c- u: ll.'l: in ks lue respective Jtiicys in the In cks named, l i'.c act. on ia an exceih i. t one and will nn.i .n ..e.ily ie l.. lo.ied by the (libel pi-'jeily tnu -ets on i l rest tilled. LE1TKR I ROM PORTLAND. J lewiy Con-iti:nts oa Topici o.' Iterfat j from the Kttropjlis- j 1'ou 1 1. .i. June 'J Judging by 1 w bat we bear on I lie street! from ! rcpicseutativesi of different cec- lions, oi this state, Washington and ! I -laho. we ctitainly bave no cans. 'o complain, bi lie sure there is -nine t-tringericy in the. money market yet, but really times are i.y no means harl here, compared t:j oilier portions of the country, indeed we may e insider ourselves i favored people. There are no c'rogible movements, but a -tcady advance in every direction. 1'rosp! rity abounds in every avoca tion of lite on this Northwest oat. We hae good crops and and good prices. Every product iiears a g.'od price, and eveiy pro ducer is an independent and self Mspportin.1 citizen. Kvery rity, town, and hamlet, shows marks of improvement, while many are fast rowin into pit teutious cities w ith all of the modern evidences of ciii'za ioi in pr inbuilt airav at i every c.i iu r, ami in every con i I ceivable form. No v is it bard i'iiue that, brings this all about? A -k the old pioneer, whose early icm.nisenccs recall the days, mouths and years of pi 'n ation t'nroiiL'h which tbev successfully iiscd.and In w hich tbev refer to with conscious pii.le. They are passing rapidly away, but they have inculcated Ii'S.-oih and habi b of thrift that llnir i-uccessors will ioiii renu-nilicr mid practice in the hid. ding up ot the linest and most piosper.ius of the Pat ilic Stales. the r-icanihoat the railroad and h- tcb irrapli ate wonderful ai-Is i) n il; Uioii and improvement ""l '"'" 'es.-anu uieua.iy . .1 i 1 .1 l-l.. .I.Mirnal tbev would be less inner T. ,.!,.,.!;, ,..w,,li.r.finf, tl.o icitie-i oi the K ist side w ith I'ort I land in one urea! muni io dity was carried by such ovei whelming n:aj oi itics lb it t he feeble opposi tion, wbh bo-s Lotau as manager, that the proceedings locked as a rattier one sided aliair. and their sack with all its boasted ellicacv j was powerless a ;-iirist the honest j c .nvicsiona and wishes of a long ;-e.i;icring, line-ruled community, ! S i -l:iu ai d his "bloomin"' ferrv w ill t:- laid up for repairs Il:e V. C. T. I', have hern in sesssion the past week and their lab )s h ive been wonderfully in terestinjr, and r.o doubt will prove li ucticial to t he irreat cause they ihe women) so ably advocate. And in point of intelligence and administrative ability as well as political jii'liTnifiit, J think as a class of ciiijns their votes :nii$ht prove to bj an eil'ective civilizer and educator of public sentinieili, and promoter of j;ood law and j'H 1 m innei s. Put Pah, a very emmiueiit authoritv on woaian an 1 her lolhes, b'-r deceitiulness an 1 insirlcei ity as a c!as, repre sents lier sex as so nttei ly unre babie that she is not to hi? tingled, and that pride ami hypocrisy are two lre.;iie;ily the only nttii oiites oi feminine excelience she cart s to cultivate. She fays that aw an c runot trust her secrets to a bosom friend wish coiili.lence a mail is mom reliable : but Bab, I ibink, most h..; a sour disap point.', old maid, and don't mind sc ii,' ii-r sex as opportunity oil'. os. may be mistaken, an.l Pah miht b; a very pretty lady itii a very sweet disposition and an unc .mfo ta' le habit of tellin;; !he tiuth where it were better to have left the ungainly facts t the viid and inventive ;ma;iiiation of b-'r re.ider. Next week I'll t I i you about that Albany real estate mon in Po.-tlaud. M. i El h LSTATH TRAN3I'ER3. ' II. P.. Sprciier to Sarah P. ( 'ooper, 7 '' acres 1- v ;!; consitl j erat imi, !?S.. i I'.ivid Phodes to Klia Carwine, oacres II w ; conoid-ration, $-20. j Annie and J. S. Antonelle to ; Nanny T., " feet front First !.-tieet, Albanv; consi'leration. i .1. S. Antonelie to W. K. P.ilyeil, er of attorney. ' ' Ke-n-y to teo. U . Keeney, j o- acres II w 2; consitleration, ! rJnn . J. P. Ket ney to Jerry B. Keeney, I7.s', acres lo w 'J; consideration, ! .floim. F. M. P.,.vel! to II. P. Powell, PM acres P! w '2, and o , consider ation, L'".'.)I!. I.orenz Pon' to W. S. Tliomp- I son, 2 acres 1-' w s; considera' ion, ! -f I''. I .1. W. (Jrhii'.'s to Alice J. IIII yen , ; 1 lot, N. Prow nsviile ; consi lera 1 ' I'.o.i, svi. . A: t". K. Ii. Co. to II. F. ! Pro deker, .S!i acres'.! K 'Z: consider ! a'i.ui, $i;o. Joitithan V.assi)m to F. K. Matks. lots I, I', b k :;, W's A. to Lebanon ; coiisidt -ration, 120. Jonathan Wassom to.AIyra .Marks 2 lot j. W'.s .. Leiiaiiori : ronsider atn oi . .i I '!!. ' V. II. P binett to J. C. Pavis, to acres i.-, w 1; consitleration, ii 2". S. I. Cu'ssfo Henrv Kbert, '..of Ion.. b'K I. Vs A., Albany; con-.-; 'I. i at ion. 25. Sam iniffs ti llenrv Ebert, lot 2. :.'k 1, Y'a A. ; eotisideratioii, $5. I. P. Keeney the J. II. Keeney, Ion acres H F. I: consideration. 1 loin I. P. .1. Pa ti nore to Lodge No. 7. K.ol'P, leas.' of ball in years:; t on-ioeiat on, ?.,n ill. J. P. fox to J. C. Paker. 2'.. g ;ht -e res 1 l w 1 : consideration, ' P.. Ilarniih to Wm. Myers, b. I'-t .;, iilk IPs i;d A.; considet . a" ion, . 1 7-5. ii .i'ift r 1 I 'a, i, Shane to S. T. Fiei ntr, HI a. res hi w 1 ; consider it ion, $7lM. in !.' wid lie no praver meetiliil' in tiie M. 1 1. church on Thursday j cenii g, Mi's Cusbmau, a return inis-i.inary will lecture in the j M. K chmcb, Fritlay J meotli at i 1! I-. M. and S r. . the public is. cordially iir.iteJ to attend, j A LETTER FROM NEVADA. Hi:no, New, May 28. T" rim FuriuR of i in: II i: h. The state A Nevada, especially in the north western trt, is very dull. .Miiiiier ri.nd stockraisim; are the principal resouic-.s of the state and at present the botioiu has dr ppedout of both. Your rorrespoiiilent paitl a visit to the famous llo-nstork I. ule, at Virginia I'ily, a f.-w tlavs ajjo, and was stiuck, by the c.reai rbanre in miuiiie; that has t iken place tlitoe in the iat few ye us. The mines are all riiniiin or are 1 -ciim run on the assessnents, and not one are paying, in fact PiestiK kholdcrs nave tori; it ten '!i it they ever hail rectiveil a.bvi lend. I he monthly pay roll ol tin sevtial mines amounts to iic.nlv two hundred thousand dollars, an I one w..u d natuially suppose that times would be;ojd when so much mon y i-in circulation in a town tie i-ie of Viiginia City, but it is lar fr m lively. Not om-li.iil the iiicii thai found employment :n tin; miues a few years ajji, are at work now. Formerly, one mine, thCalifon: a f-nd Virginia City, employed Htl'l tuen, w liile at present alioiit oil t nii'ii find employmeiit. .Stork in the 0. C tV; V. has tliopjied one lialf wiilr.n the week, ami the regular assessment of 50 rents per share must not be overlooked. The mines all pay union wars, which is 4 per day, for men underground and $-..r i for men aliove ground. This mine is dunn ed by the ej'e.i; Milro lunutd, w hich is (-even miles in lent;;h,an l a line piece of eiiLiineei ii ir. The Hale V N'orcross, I'.est i l'.elchcr. Savage, Ftah, P.tdcber Yellow Jacket ami numerous other mines arc located w itbin h ill a milt; of the business part of town, and when a bla-t is li e a person ma accus'iMiie l to it would think an earthipiake had bioken loose in the neighhorhoo I. Virginia City has Si-en its best days, and it is only a tjuesti in of time when i'n mines w it! i-lose forever. The pon derous and vahiibl.; machinery that is now ail life an.l motion, sound lik.'i distant thunder, will be silent. Such is the prediction of men who think they know, a d unless the yellow in.'ial chows itself in larger quan tities, it must b s. ('arson, the capital of Ni v. id i, and the town which g-iiiied so mu notontty from the discovt ry of those mam moth foot prin's so lar under ground, is stiil called a town. The population is rat her on th-- decrease ami the many houses to let, enow that times are bard there also. K:'iio is as quiet as an Albany churchyard at midnight, and the bustle that urcoiui.any a tow not its size, is also lni-.-iug. A stranger iiotictB this mon. than an old res. dent, b it have tj ali th; bu iliicss men t that there is no business. Steamboat hot pi ings, si.'u iled a few miles from low are tpnte a -pri.!i's are lulling up place of iuttre-t. Th numerous, ami coin. every few feet within the ten acre lield oi lava. Huge cracks in the earth run the entire It nutli of ti.e lava beds, and one cm iook into them and see the. b tiling water far below the sml'a e, while the air is lull of eseapin.' steam whic'i can be seen from ouite d. stance. The bath bouse is nicly arrant: ! and one cm eilii -ir p!u ng- oi ! u o bal h. The water is so let it is n cesary to use cold w a to in oi ler to make il suiiahle for bathing. The springs are a lavortte p! ice for picnics, plenty of le.t water to boil eggs an I ue for tea or c flee, provi.ted the Co;. sum -r does not miatl the stioj-ej Milphu-ie taste tnat acromp.inie-- it , It would not take lov.g to con vince an 're.'oiiian that Neva la is not oveillowieg with milk and honey. Put the Neva-bans think it the only place i.i live, and the garden soot of ti.e woild. F. M. I lie I..I it.o -. Tin; natioial,ciai'n ol ed itors will he In-) I at St. Paul. Minn., July I I, 18 M. I'll- iregou deleuates to I he convention are II. V.. Sjott, L. S iinuei, o. p. Mason, Portlunl; K. C. Pentland, Inde pendence; Charles Nicked. Jack sonville; S. M. Yoran,l hii.'ene ; J. Micliell, Tiie I idles. The pro gramme for tlie annua! session of the Oregon Press Association, to be held at Astoria, August 27, 2-S and 2:', is now' being prepared and will be ready in a few days, tisc gest'oiis regarding the sini" should be addressed at one.! to the president of the association. Mr. L. Samuel, PonUu 1. Tim session of ISO promises to be au inter esting and enjoyable one. A very valuahle paper for newspaper men is now being prepared for the occa sion bv Messrs. A. Noltner, II. L. Pittock, of Portland, and II. H. Kiucaid, of Fngene. Jt is entitled "History of Oregon Journalism." An l-t lit U iTf. Mr. and M rs. Stocks! ill are quite well known in some stctions ol this coun'y, esprri.tlly among the farmers a few miles south ol this city, where they have been em ployed for a number of years. One nay iasi wick .nr. st'.ckstill ae coinpauied his employer. Mr. Satn Kecord, over to .Msea, and when he returned homo he fomid a note on the table ftom his vv:l'e bidding! t . r i .- . .... ... nun a lonn iireui-u loirvt r. :s!ie hail taken their only child ami left for parts unknown. Nothing has yet been I eard from bt r, and ln-r strange tb ci ;;ou i- unace mutable, for it was always believed they were living bappi y togetln r. .Mr. Stockstill is a gootl, industrious, law abiding cilien and the truant wife miiv vet rue tli tlav she took I this apparentP i'oulith Mcp. Coi-j vallis Times. j KIIKlIVs IICMIt Mill. j Ti.e Ite.-t sa'.vt- In lie; wnrl.l for l li s. ItriliM. 8o.t , I l. t rs. S..I1 Plieiin ,! Fever sores. I. tli r, ( Inipiml Hani', ! t 'liillihiins funis. :ilii!Uin I1 r n r ,t i, ! ami pos lively t un s Pile, or l.o pay reiinretl. It is guaraiili t-tl to givj perfect sati-fat tinii, or money rt -flintier!. Price -"i cents pt-r box. Fcr sale ty Fo;lu!y iV. Mason KORTHWEST K0TES- New y Items Obtained from Eichanges Throaghont Tha N rthv. est. Corvallis will celebrate the Fourth of July. II. F. Fisher, of the Corvallis flouring mills, purchased the first of this week 17,000 bushels of w heat at Buena Yiata, delivered free on board of the Iwat, at !5 cents per bushel. Father Champagague is now corresponding witn the Chatholic board ol Indian missions at Wash ington, I). C, with a view of hav ing an Indian Bchool established at Lakeview. Th e M c M i n n v i 1 1 e cor respondenre to the Portland Telegram says: Mr. ami Mrs. A. M. Pee are the pa rente of a baby born on the 15th. which, when two weeksold, weigh ed tint two pounds and fourteen ounces. The child is heal hy and grow ing rapidly. Mr. II. Cherkins while working on the Siuslaw raihoad survey recently met with a very painful and dangerous accident. He was walking on al'.g ami cu'ting haish, when he lost Ins halanc" ami fell, striki-:g o-t one of the taplings wiiich he had cut. The Kipling penetrated the abdomen, almost disembowling him. Y. getation never I oked letter in the Willamette Yalley than at present. The late . warm raili8 have brought everything to the front ami cereals and fruit proicise in abundance. With good crops ami gootl prices this fall, we wid awake from our leihargy ami Corvallis will be herself again. About midnight Fii'ay V. JI Mil'cr, prnpiietor of the Arlington restaurant, one of the first settlers in this county, while under the influence of liquor attempted to strangle bis wife, sli8 succeeded in j freeing herself and stayed the! night will a neighbor. On return-! ing she f..und he had decamped, j taking with him all the available! cash, id'). Mrs Miller haB made! application for a divorce. Tuesday morning as Mr. A. C, Alexander, of Kiim's valley, was coming to Corvallis, he saw a beautiful sight on the Cardweil bib, live miles west of there. He was driving along uiitlioughtt-dly wh -n liw lare deer trotted up within 200 yards of his wag .in ami then scampered oil" into the brush uiicoiicerned'and unmolested. Ileatitiful Voiiicii. The magical elfectsof Wisdom's Kobertine as a beautili-r anti ori-Hio'vei" of the eoinolexion bave deeii altested hv thousands ol" t hp leitding billies of society and the stage. Jtistheoniy article ever discovered w hich give9 a natural and beautiful t'nt to the com plexion, removing tan, sunburn, irecklt s ami all toughness of the face ami arms, leaving the skin sift, smooth ami velvety. All re mark on its delightful, ct oling and refreshing propel ties, a distinction not found in any similar prepara tion on tlie market. Sold every w here. Iiiiptirtaiit to llttnsekeepers. Il gives Julius (iratlwbol great satisfaction in selling his tine Golden Pule teas ami baking pow.ier, with elegant prizes or without them, that his customers w ho have purchased invariably re turn and say they ate well pleased, that the tea is No. 1 and the bak ing powder is as gootl as the best. All bis teas ami baking powder bears the name of .inlitis Grad w bol's Golden Rule Pazaar, mid are expressly put up for his busi ness, and he st ill continues to give wilh eatdi pound of tea or bakinn powder ware. an elegant piece of glass Notice. II. Pramlenstein from Horn '.i jO to lloO. Must be vein Ie to ride under saddle and also gentle to work. Free from all iiiemi ami soiinti 111 every particular, tlraft and c image horses wanted also. Iteauiiuarters at L Senders stable. Notice to I'atroiiM. Albany Or. May 30 ISO I. I have this day made arrange ments with Messrs Knapp Purrell tt Company of Albany. To furnish all patrons with Peering Hinders. I lease call at once. Also arrange ments are made with them fore very'hing in the farm inipliment line invluding twine. Makt Mii.i.kii. Financial Agent. Sttiialile at Tangei t. Tangent Grange will give a sociable in the Tangent ware warehouse on June 12th begining at S i'. m. The programme will consist of singing, speaking and sidling. the basket. Last but not least will be voting on the preitiest lady, who will receive a nice rake, a id the honielist man a delicious pie. Hitve you seen those beautiful cement walls in the cemeter ts, put up by K. W. Achison, at alf the cost of stone. Ctoup, whooping cough and bronchitis immediately relived by Shiloh's Cure. For sale bv Foshay .vi Mason. Highest of all in Leavening Power. riauciseo win tie at Aioany on sat- ' . r , ... ,, - ,,- dounie ibe auioiiiii ot the contract urdav June 20 for purchasing the '. K 1 "V ,-t 4'f '! it -e for the ceiti -net ion of such following desciibed horses: Pays, l.'V" ?ol,,? to ';'; C roa-n ; i i,tirt.. a...l i..rtl- f.tithi,.! and st.ict black -mil ei-iv -lire 4 to S V(..,r(4 I I-alhl gives immediate relief. Its I peifornn lie- .if the cniilra.-t ill all :ts mat k ami pa age 4 10 j j ars , , . , priceless 1 terms t ditioiis ami d. Work Irom loto P. hands high, weight , ,; , !,.,.',.. ,,..-.-.i witbi,. 'n .b.v mi Eg ABSOLUTELY PURE JUnX MSI. Following is the jury list drawn for the circuit court which con venes at tiie court house, in this riM , on June 22d : Johnson White, farmer, Irleans J. W . Gardner, farmer, Fox j auey. Orlando Pickens, farmer, Sweet Home. T. F. Smith, farmer, liaise v. I. F. Conn, mechanic, West Al bany. George Cline. tanner, West Al bany. Frank Alois! , farmer, Lebanon. David P.urkhart, f inner. Mbanv. L. F. Smith, merchant, Tungent. W. K. Temple, farmer, Cent.-,-. Jos. Flkins, farmer, L dianon. Cord Titus,, Scio. J. W. Swank, farmer, Ceirer. Frank Tritcs, liveryman, West Albany. Robert Andrew?, merchant, Halsey. L. White, Irrmer, ill. W. W. Parrish, former, Waterloo. John le-.uiv, farmer, Lelcimui. I J I II T . I lin'5S!e.S,,e,l0,, ,an,Wr' FO:,k'iVj)(i Willi 01 I John Suminerville, farmer, liar-j MUUl if lllllvU I risburg Mark Hulburt, farmer, Orlean-. Thos. P.utler, railroad man, Albany. Hon. C. J. Shetld, farmer, Shetid. Hon. S. M. Pennington, fanner, Albany. James Hunter, farmer, West Albanj. Wm. C. Davis, merchant, Fast Albany. J. W. F.ishop, farmer, Watt 'loo. G. 15. Splawn, farmer, Prush Creek. (J. V.. lvockwell, farmer, Prowns villc. W. H. Pugh, fanner, Oi leans. A. L Cannon, farmer, Peoiia. A South Amerhiitii l:tull Ic. The exhibit which the South American republic of Colombia will make at the World's Fair will be a very notable and interest -t;ng one. A communication re- 'reived at Fxpositiou headquarters ! describes its character in pait as follows: "Columbia.s fair Worl.Ps j building w ill be modeled alter her ! national capitol at PoL'oti. The i x- terior will be in imitation sandstone j of w hich is it built, wliile the intt r- j iorwill be partiiionedand cei ingel i ihroughoii! with the precious hard- ! woods of the country, compi ising j more than a hundred varieties, both rough an I polished; an ex-1 hitjition in wood alone, a parallel ' to w hich has never been presented hv a.'iv otiiercountrv in the wot Id. ! i The interior w ill be tilled with the t otintrv ciflee. products of tbt cocoa, ml i-er, ivory, nuts, wax, : gums, libers, etc. while tlie : mineral exhibit will doubt'ej be the i ........ i,..,. ,, ;,, 1 1,,. i i I il. iifrob v, - . .-i.v,, ii ni nit i- i.i.l.i j Sta'es. "Within the buddhyr i Indian women will be seen vwffv- I ! ing tlie much-appreciated lfiania i hat froi t liber preparciLon thi! spot, all hand work. ytVstrippiug ' ; ami weaving the lib yin tlieadsj j as line as linen. An '".llpaigai-j ; teria lnanufaclory ol hemp j sandals) w ill be seen in full opera tion, while the 'petate' a tine ' palm lilier m:it;wili be turned t ut I liv the native baud loom m i- ! nipulated by i of the count rv skillful woikmen HainuiOLk-makers j will braid tins beautilul gras-es ol ! lyOiomma lino ai usiic worn, an oi ! w hich can not fad to !iml appre - 'ciatetl purchaseit, thus leading to !a coiiiuierce ill these useful and j valuable articles. These latter ex ! hibils will be made by private j parties but wi'l bave a place wilh j in tlie Columbia building, because ! they present an interesting and I important feature of her imbintries ; so exclusively Colombian that her I exhibit would j without them. ..l 1 ... ,,,.t, uui lit. i.onij 11 11. For all forms of nasal w here there is dryness ol catarrh tin1 air One of my children had a very bail discharge from her nose. Tao phvsicians prescribed, but without benefit. We tried Fly's Cream Palm, antl, much to our surprise, there was a marked improvement. We continued using the Palm ami in a short time the discharge was cured. O. A. Carv, Corning, N. Y. Sleepless nights, made miserable by that terrible cough, Shiloh's Cure is the remedy for you. For sale by Foshay & Mason. If you sul'.er pricking pains on moving the eyes, or cannot hu bright light, anil find your sight week and falling, you shouiii promptly use r. II. McLean's Strengthening Kye Salve. 25 J cents a box. j frequently accidents, occur 111 the house-hold which cause burns, sprains and bruises ; for use in such cases Pr. J. II. Mclean's Yoleanic Oil Liniment has for many years been the constant hivotite family remedy. For lame back, side or chest, use Shiloh's !orous p'astrr. Pi ice 25 cents at Foshay it Mason. Thatour-tempcred. cros, dvs- peptic individual, should takePr. J. If. McLeans SarasapanPa ! Jt will make him feel as well ami heart as the healthiest of 'is. lie i needs bracing m, vitalizing, that is all. Latest V. S. Gov't Food keporL TIIE 1VI1KI.II KMIICIIEII. The facilities of the present day for the production of everything that w ill conduce to the material welfare ami comfort of mankind are almost unlimited and when Svrilli nf KhrA uau tirct nro.1 ll,-.l the world was enriched with the on ly perfect laxative known, as it is the only remedy w hich is truly pleasing ami refreshing to the tat and prompt andeilectual tocleanse the system gently in the Sprin time or, in fact, at any time any the better it is known the more wpular it becomes. Just received, at Searls' ehoe store, the latest styles in ladies cloth top shoes, lace Ehoes and Oxfords of all kinds. Catarrh cured, health and sweet briath tecuretl, by Shiloh's Cat arrah remedy, price 50 cent. Nau.I injector" free, sold by Foshay ci Mason. XKH' TO- If A I. An onler for 200.000 pounds of wool has been received by A. Sen ders, who will pay the highest mrrket price. I'-ring your ool to him in Albany, and get your monev. laig-si lire insuiancecoiiipanit s in ! the w jrbl. Larsre teiritorv and good compensation. Addici-s W, 11. Raymond, box (Ml, Albanv, Or . Vtty Keeurttitr'M Nt.tice of KiUl!tt I thill. NOl'K Kis hereby tiveii Hint the f ii i tn ' ii i tiuiii il of the city of A 1 1 ai.v )reg .ii . will -ii as a Hoard of Kiii.tiij ion, at Hie council chambers in said city, on cilnestlay, the lutli day of Jin t- Is'.M, at the hour of two o'clock e. vi. ni Mad dity, for ttie purpose of .Hid lOllcttiiig Hit' assess tiietit of eilv. for tin: year ls;il. liv :ir ler of the council made May ill, is'.b Hated at Albany, Oregon. May 2S, is'.'l. X J. IIextox, Keccder "f the city of Albany. rr'urf a Itrhliro at lAlban y. Oregon, Ntice is li"icby given the Cum in. 111 council of lint t ity tit Albany, 1. Ircgnn, will receive scaled bids for the biubiing of a bridge acro-s the Willamette river from the north line of Khl street, at the junction of said Kir.-t street-tvith tlalapodi.i street, to lhe iioi'ii side ofsaid liver, in aecord ;t ie-i- h ii ti 1 lie plans , spet ilicatiou ami 1 survey now o-i ti e in the Ollh i' of the I . . en her 01 lint eilv of Albany; taid ' bridc to hi-1::-: 1 f,r,. hngtli mnl tin j leet vt iile in the clear and composed of ; -i oi) spans; the appioitclies to be ! it--pet tive y :;on l.;.-t am! :;4."i f.-i-t in ; '''"gtli and M leet wide; siuh bidsmuy j 's 11-0 ne ii"coiiipaaeii nnn pnins ana ili ations ol the hidtlcl , which j ;n ,,. ,.,,,,0,1, r,., 1 p,us will b.- received by the council. I.r 11 11 nil steel I iir.dge, and mast be at i-oinpatiied bv i draw ing slum ing plans and elevations til lioili sun. iiiii lure imu super structure; diagram of stresses for sp ins of ilitlerent lengths, and fill! spec feaiion of the matt" ial and work manship of the details of such bridge. l!nl must be filed it Ii the recorder of said citv on or before the hour of I o'clock ti. 111. ol the 27lh tlav of .lime. 1 s'.'l, mm niiisi tie iiecoiiipaiiieil iv a , . . ,. f , r . amount of the bid. The contractor to wliiun tint 1 oi'lr.iet tuny be awarded vv ill be reiiiired to enter into a writ ten agreement and eon tract- ami to bond to ti.e ci'v of Albat.y in from the execution ol the contract. and be completed to the peifect satis faction of the engineer ill charge of the woik ami construction of said bridge mid of the city coiuicM, on or belorc the NI day of December, istn. liiils will bit puiihcly o.i.-ned 011 the Y, day of .lone, ls'.i'l, at the council chamber in the city of Albany, be tween the hours of :; and 4 o'clock p. 111. of said day. The council hereby reserve the right to nj ft any and all bids Pnbtislit tl bv order of the council made .May 'Jilii. '.il. X.J. IIEXTOX, oitler of the City of Albany. Albany, 'r., MayJsth, Male r Oregon l-'ind Heparlmriit The board of commissioncs for the sale of school ar il university lands and for tlie investment of the funds arising therefrom of the State of Ore- I gun. hereby invite sealed applica I thins to pun base the following ue seribed lands to-vvit: All of the donation land claim situ ateil in sections .", pi, 21 ,v ii. in Town-hip li South Range I West known a"d described on the govern ment surveys as (he Donation I. anil claim of .loiin W. Munie and w ife be ing untilieatioii No. 2-V saving there from is acres sold to Jacob Xtwiinn eon! lining tinn acres. Also hciaiiiiiii 10 chains West of the .North Kast corner of the Northwest tuarter sec. . , , : . ,, ...h m..i,..i. oinims, thence North 40 chains to the beginuing.cotitaining 130 acres ah situated in latin county, State of Ore- I goa ami containing lu all i'Jtt acres 1 unti e or less. Applications will be opened at a regular meeting of said board to be held Tu.-stlav the. Will, d -y of July Is'H. at ti o'clock e. M. The right to reji-ct any and all Lids is rest rved by the bo lid. Salem, Oreg n, June 1, ls'.M. XAl'Ol.KOX DAVIS. Clerk of the Board. I1T AN i Kli Atrtnt to 8rll a household ar- j If ti. le neitltsl in every house: hig money : to rylit prty: 1 Kimple ten cetts, atltlr!8. i X. F. (iARLiM)iioi'Hit, 275 scveiuli St. l'ort ai .1 Ort-'H.., 1 - via SALE A koihI hir'f, harnen and liiutrv for ftale t-heaii for t-asli: a bariraia. Knoiiire at the rial tra ate office uf Burkliart Mil wantcfl ! A tii.strict agent for one jf the i huency, A. COMPLETE STOCK OF Spring and Summer Wiling, Light weight Slimmer coafs antl vests, dusters, silk, llanr.el and negligee shirts, light weight silk ami ba'dniggan underwear, Etravvhats; in fa t anvthing and everything in our line you will find in great qua Uilies and all qualities at our store. YOU ARE SPECIALLY IHViTED- To call and examine our richly And reneinber a'sc that we are heatitiu.irieis f..r durable all wool clivhing made by the Albany Woolen Mills, Hrowiiu vil'.e, Oregon C.ty and Califoniia woolen mills goods CALL AND SFK OFIi STYLF.S IN THF CKLKIJKATED ulutijulMi uil lu Ilefore you buy your next pair ell si2isrcit J shoes we would suggest that you ' ' call and examine our line, because V"S . t!i-iO we undoubtetlly have the largest f x fA,AN) stock in this city. Cannot lie j ' "r". etpialed for s!yle, comfort and K wear, our fine line ma le by V, Ifr;- t.L WALLACE &fST, Till'. LIUTIU'I.ACK OF CIIFAT A N 1 IIO.T.ST IJAi: iAl. S - 1 1 11 i ' 0 L. H. TIIE PKOiRl''SI VF. ruuCIfAPEli 1F.SIUES 3( to see a line of goodi that embodies in its immense variety, the finest and conservative fashionable features of the day, combined with a complete assort ment oi staples, all made and fnitdied ii: the very high est standard of excellence, and plt d on ti e market at pcpular prices, our exhibit for the coming spring r.nd summer season will surelv command his atlt n'ion. A FINE ASSORTMENT OF m PAT CLOTHING MADE F:t guaranteed in his Prices Always jilill!lllllllllliliiilHililliilIllll!!l!lll!i!illll!l! CALL THE VERNONJH AY PRESS TJneciualed for fast work and light draft. Manufactured at the foot of Baker Street, Albany, by PRICE & VERNON, t.iilored clotlrng u-r.-H for us bv Blain, -aiino1 Clofliicr. o TLTiliS FOR SL'iTNCS MS TECUStRS TO ORDEF7 AND A tailoring department. Keasonable. .Illi:iliii:!l!ii!l!i:i!ii!:i!:i!i:ii:!i:i!i:i:iii::ii!i:i JSTJD SEE