THE MORNING HERALD: SUNDAV. MAYS, JSM. DAIkY AND WEEKiY TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION- DAILY tablUned ever? morning; except Monday.) silvered by carrier, per week........... 0'20 j mail, per year .. 8 00 WUKLTi Published every Friday Horning-.) a copy, per annum, tD advance.... $2.00 fBp aot oaia in advance- 2.60 THE MAILS. Hall t the Albany postofflce close lose 1 fj;S0 A. H, 11 A. If ,12;S0 r. m For all offices north The Eastern state las West Side And U Narrow Oa if t R. RJ at Portland and Sana onralusand Yaquina A I Diuce sumn. mwm' ' - .7:30 r. i ne poexomce win oe ci y a eacn veiling (torn six to seven o'clock. Kagistersd matter lor the ly morning train shoold be mailed before o clock the rerious svsnlnr. OREGON PACIFIC TIME TABLE. Arrives Departs raseencer. Friltrht..... .11.13pmll2.20pm J 3.40pml7.46am BLAINE'S CONDITION INTENTIONS. AND The presidential prospective candidates form an increasing object of interest, and one of the leading men before the country in that connection is Secretary Blaine. A Wash ington w riter say s that much interest attaches to the condition of Mr. Blaine's health and hit intentions and future movements. Week before last he went to New York for a visit of a few days to his daughter and is still there, having been most of the time sick in bed, his complaint being gout It is said that his present illness has not been more serious than number of times within the last few months in Washington, and then nothing was said about it, so well kept was it that he was ill. For the first time it baa come out that Mr. Blaine has serious trouble and tbe disclosure has leu to curious speculations and rumors about what his course will be with refer ence to the presidency. It is as serted with a show of confidence that he will withdraw as a candi date, and that President Harrison has this assurance from Mr. Blaine,, and he will shortly make such a statement. It is asserted also, not less positively, that he will retire from the cabinet, and, having regained his health, will at the proper time become a candi--. -. yvith the expectation of re ceijftTig the nomination. It is doubtlees true that large numbers of bis party are holding them selves in readiness to conform their action to whatever Mr. Blaine'e condition and the circumstances will be when it becomes necessary for them to take action. The fol lowing paragraph printed in the Tribune regarding Mr. Blaine's position is doubtless as significant as anything that has been said : "One interesting fact has been disclosed in Secretary Blaine's visit to this city, namely, that no one had been authorized to define bis position regarding the presideney. Here is what one of Mr. Blaine's most intimate friends said oa the subject : 'No man living has the right to say that Mr. Blaine will or will not accept the nomination for president in 1S92. He has said nothing to any on that would justify the assertion pro or con. This being the case, it is hardly necessary to say that his friends are not particularly pleased with some recent publica tions on this subject.' This gentleman is one of the best knOwn leaders of the party and usually knows whereof he speaks.'' Among the many opinions ex pressed upon President Harrison's recent tour, and appreciative notices of his versality and elo quence in speech making, the ma jority have been favorable to him. We quote one from an opposing paper that while it criticises un favorably, in the end gives him a very flattering mention : "There has been much fulsome writing concerning the high character and alleged statesmanlike qualities of the president's wayside speeches. The simple fact is, he said nothing, from beginning to end, that will be long remembered, but he was in every way equal to the occasion of arousing genuine Arnericrn feeling, national respect, unity, and good will ; and to have made a record of this kind will be put down by the historian of the present administration as one of its wisest, most patriotic, and bene ficial effects." 1UR cause ol disease is often so peculiar as to be noted and remem bered. Especially is this the case with pulmonary troubles, ft is authentically related that two cases of pneumonia as a result of concussion of the lungs have been reported. A boy of 1 1 , who was forcibly struck on the left side of the chest with a hatchet, began to cough about two hours later, and soon developed the symptoms of pleuropneumonia at the base of both lungs. A man of 22, who strained his right side by trying suddenly to stop the fall of a sack of malt, developed all the signs of pneumonia in both lungs and died. In connection with the discus sion upon railroad topics, the pertinent inquiry contained in the following from the Chronicle, has considerable weight: "C. P. Huntington says that he believes he could take all the railroads in the country, knock two per cent off the existing rates as they ap pear on the surface and pay five per cent dividends on all the stocke. The question would arise, we imagine, not eo much upon what Mr. Huntington could do as upon what he would do. It is quite possible that by combining all the great lines expenses could be reduced in the amount which he specifies and dividends paid, but who could or would guarantee fiat it would be done 7 it is to be feared that the familiar princi ple of all the traffic would bear would prove to alluring for even Mr. Huntington's good resolutions, and that rates would go up in stead of down. But if Mr. Hunt ington could effect such a reform by combining great roads, why could not the government of the United States do even better?" Thk proceedings of the Detroit session of the Presbyterian gen eral assembly, in taking action ad verse to Dr. Briggs, whom the New York Synod had found guilty of heresy, were brought to a sudden close by the death of Judge Breckenridge, who fell and ex pired after having addressed the meeting upon the subject. It was a tragic ending, apparently, but really so in appearance only, the subdued feeling caused by the death only postponing action. THE Glorious Fourth EugenE WILL CELEBRATE, And will give more elaborate and enthusiastic entertainment than any city in the state. Every thing will be provided for a patriotic jubilee. THE 2D REGIMENT ENCAMPMENT Will be in session at Eugene at that time, and the week preced ing, and will form a very attrac tive feature of the day. This line body of f00 men will give splen did exhibits of drill, parade, etc. Dances and open air concerts w ith music by the best band in the state each evening, all with the beauty and grandeur of mili tary order and discipline. BEST MUSIC IN THE STATE, Sham Battle, Races, Games, Hose Contests, Etc. Everybody invited. 'there set QUARTER tied in Ba ker county Ore-Ill i;on, near whatUl Fa is now Baker City. .CENTURY man who hax since become identined with the revxirces and development of that country. Thini :AC0 man is no other than Mr. John Mewart, one of the wealthiest ami most influential citizens in the county. In a recent letter he nays: "I hail been suffering from pains in my hack and general kidney complaint for some time, and had used many remedies without any but temporary relief. The pains in m) back had lfecome so severe that 1 was prevented from attending to my work and could not move without the Ufe of a cane. Hearing, through a frfend, of the wonderful cures ef fott hy Oregon Kidney Tea, I was induced to try a box, and from that vev first dose I found instant relief, and lcfore u-inir half the contents of the box the pains in c y back entirely disappeared I have every faith in the virtues of the Oregon Kidney Tea, and can conscientiously recommend it to my friends. 1 would not he without it for any thing" Oregon Kidney Tea cures headache, incon tinence of urine, brick dust sediment, burn ing or painful sensation white urinating, and all affections of the kidney or urinary organs of either sex. HUMPHREYS Dr. Hi mpmkrv h bru mes are scientifically and carefully prepared prescriptions; used for manv years in private practice with suc cess, and for over thirty years used by the licople. Kvcry single Specific is a cure for the disease named. These Hecilics cure without drugging, putvimr or reducing the system, and are in fact and deed the sovereign remedies of the world. list or rmsriPAi. no. oirrh. tricks.. 1 Fevers, Connextion, inflammation. .3 25 2 ftonim, worm fever, worm colic... 3 Crying Colic, or teething of infants. 4 Diarrhea, of children or adults 5 Dysentery, Griping, Killiotii Colic Cholera Morbus, vomiting 7 Coughs, colds, bronchitis 8 Neuralgia, toothache, Faceache '.I Headache, sick hfadache, vertigo... 10 Dpspepgia, billions stomach 11 Suppressed or Painful Periods 12 Whites, too profuse pctiods 13 Cronp, cough, dittljult breathing.... 14 Salt Kheuni. eavsipelas. eruptions. 15 Rheumatism, rheumatic pains 16 Fever and ague, chills malaria 50 17 Piles, blind or bleeding 50 19 Catarrh, influenza, cold in the head M) 20 Whooping Uougn, violent coughs 60 "24 General debility, physical weakness AO '27 Kidney disease ft) 2S Nervous debility .. 1 00 :10 Urinary W'eaki.ess, witting lied 50 32 Diseases ot the heart, ulpitation.... 1 00 Sold hy drugfists, or scit postiaid on re ceipt of price. Dr. Humphreys' Manual, (144 pages) richly bound in cloth and g-ld, mail ed' ree, HUMPHKfcYSMKD. O., Ill & 113 William St , New York. SPECIFICS. SPRING OUR TOCK OF SPRISd WAGONS IS THE LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE ON THE PACIFIC COAST. AND COMPRISES ALL THE LEADING STYLES OF Four-Spring Passenger and Moun tain Wagons, SPECIAL FARCEL DE LIVERY WAGONS. ONE - HORSE BUSINESS WAGON'S, ONE-HORSE IRON AXLE WAGONS, ETC. It will pay all parlies want ing Spring wagons of any description to call upon or correspond with us. We guarantee our vehicles the best, Staver $c NEW MARKET BLOCK, - WE CARRY THE LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE STOCK ON THE PACIFIC COAST OF Machinery and Vehicles SKND FOK CATALOG W. O.IDA. VIS. cfc ALBANY, The men of this vicinity need not be jealous because their wives talk so constantly about Matthews and Washburn. Its not their irood looks the ladies are talking about, it is the good qnalites of the'ook and heating dtoves they sell. Every one seems to be delighted when they buy from M. and W. Our stock of candy li:is arrived, and we will nive special rate to clmrclies and sociable. Mueller .r Contractois and Builders. Wood Tor Sale. j )tlice on First street with Wal- Dry fir wood delivered to any :'ace& Cnsiek, real estate agents, part of the city at. $3 00 per cord". : l'.iany, Oregon. Estimates given lave orders at the foot of Ferry j n all kinds of buildings or carpen Btreet t 1. W. ("pink's lumber er work. All work intrusted to ard. will be promptly executed. A FULL LINE OF BICYCLES AND TRICYCLES JULIUS CRADWOHL'S GOLDEN RULE Spring The public is invited to inspect the im mense stock of Dry Goods FOR THE SPRING OF His assortment is iir thui and prices. The Highest Market Price Paid for WAGONS. HALF-PLATFORM SPRINGWAGONS, scroll spring wagons, "handy wagons," 'taylor' or three spring wagons, half-spring wagons, express wagons, delivery wagon's prices lowest, quality considered. Walker PORTLAND, OREGON. of " K AM Every Description. PltlCC LIST. OO. AGENTS OREGON. ALBANY e. ALBANY, istm A Eull C ips of OREGOh Instructors. Classi'-al, s-:if titi, literary, mmonria. Mtil normal chi m;a. Conrries f Htuly ar nuurwl to meet the need of all grades o' Uurii-ntH. i:e. ial inihittmerit off ere I V studentH froui ahriiuL Tuition ranea fron 85.50 l mi'.'.IVJ ivr Term. !ntru?iiental irmtric'iou in D.uaic ui tfiven hy Mitw Iaura Goltra Bianl in private families at low rattw, an' rooniH for self hoartltntf at small extise, j careful suiHTviaion uxurcbed over pup 4 way from hne. For oimilitra and full particulars, address the president, KKV. ELBKKTN. COND1T, Alhanv, Oregon. CR0WDER BROS KOli J JOYS AND GIIU.S Contc amomcemes ever before, and he is prepare! iatef ar .........A FULL STOCK OF Staple Groceries 7. The heat nuts, etc. quality cf tea, coffees, camlics FRESH DAK ED BREAD EVERY DAY. At this old reliable house 9 ali to found a complete :is.sortnicnt of frvdi fa'nily groceries, to whiel is conritaiuly tn-ii,g a'ltli d all the seasonable lines of groceries ui:d pro visions, such 93 Cranberries, Fine Pichles, Dried Beef Chipned to order Anchovy Mustard, Candies and Nuts, tastetn Buckwheat Flour. Cannea Goods of All Kinds, Bohemian Glassware, Etc, These goods wore all bouirht wlieu .ri- ; -ere low and the benefit of the iu:iru'n wll t-i iven to his customers. Kemeni!-r the p!a'' it the old cottier on First a'ld iri. u.illiiu ."its. Conrad Mijer. DR. W. C. NEGUS, Graduate of the Royal Collin of London, England, also of the Hullo vue Medical College. The Dr. has spent a lift-time of study and practice and make3 a PTie oialty of chronic diseases,' remove cancers, scrofula enlargements ,tumorc ml wens, without pain or the knife. He also makes a npucialty of treat nent with electricity. 1 1 :i3 praetii ei n the German French and English hospitals. Calls promptly attended lay night. Mis motto is "..OD WILL TO ALL," S"0ilice and residence Ferry street, hotwenn Third ail Fourth. r 1HOSK WISIllNf: A F1HST I'l.Ass !N 8'rjn'enr. the hi- xuAv to st;iul Iji- i ..Innate of tm.i etiut, cun tw N'utcl !- :i iin- j it Mm. It. !".. Ilin:.u'rt, Oj"fite tin .l;u nit j reaipk'. First slrri-l. The l;iti -t ic :il : iif-tniTm nniii; kt'jit fur h;i!i'. AN" tin-; laru'i'sl usHur'nu-lit i-f st.inniirnr iM'-rr.'- t H'lei t frntn thiM :!' "f 'r l.'--ivi'll ill pmuliiic unil eintu oiilt i ;.r h.tir itiiiho over linn C'm:t l;;:i.k. tii-ch-" 'our wnlur iu you 'Aiil bt i!iMi-i, N urirr . .MeriN. llvmim it Lrowni-ll aro prepared in their nursery to fur nish all kinds of Ht"fk, and tlniM' intending to plant should cali upon them. Itiiti mill S!n'H, ruri hasors of Hoots an i Sho-'s bear in mind that big a dverii -e-ments and oilers of bi-z di: c ui'.' -In not always mean best values. You w ill have to pay some one a profit as no one can do busino without expense. The ipn -t imi who can sell you the bet g ;od for the least money. Sa.MI I I. E. Vui'N'i. BAZAAR STORE. 1891 AT to satisfy custcmers in -piality Country Produce. ' - f - ... - 1 ui & $ IL11 AIo carries the Pianos & Organs 7.V THE WILLAMETTE VALLEY. CALL AM) EXAMINE HIS STOCK. ODD FELLOWS TEMPLE, ALBANY, OREGON. CTXJLICTS Manufacturer of -AND DEALER IN- FINE IMPORTED AND KEY WEST (,'!.'':ir? I'iu and Smoking TolmccoB, Meerschaum and Briar Pipes, fti full line o' rtmokers' Articles. Ne ot t.o Pllcitlcr's candy store, Albany, Oregon, Tiie largest and best line of $3 shoes for men in Albany. N. B. All my dry.goods at cost. FIUST STREET, ALBANY, OREGON. v. r-,-il 5 ake "immons Liver Regulator One Dose ioo Dollars. Pr.ts S. L. P.: I consider one dne lm mon l.ivnr ll.unlatnr north )I(M. wu lOiH'im'oil, ha-l lloailache, couM eat oth inir with Rnti.ifwtion or appetite- ha the nines, aii'l felt altoifithcr out of rt. I re Kortnl to Illue Mam, Calomel, Quinin , anil every remotv auL'i'Bteil, hut only ohlained icmimn- relief. One ilose of S L R did m m.ire eo."l than StKKI worth of rioetom an Ixtorintr- Henji'y, J C Martih. 1 ha'e heen a teacher for twontweare, and .1 uririir time hive had lepeateil attacksof headnehe, pr'Klnceil hy torpid Liver, and hrivrheen entirclv cu cd hy Simmons Livet He'n!:iior. 1 fonn t to he of go mild .haraetcr in it a tion not to interfere, In the least with my duti fin the school room. To thimc similar situi t d and stihject to the name, I cannot 7 hit recommend Sim mons Liver Remiiatir. E, . Ciiiiil Ctmpbel Isyllle Kj. G.L. Blackman, DEALER IS Druffs, Paints, Oils, Perfumery AMD TOILET ARTICLKSi And a full line of Books, Stationery, Periodicals. Prescr'mtions Carefullu Comoounded. finest lines of JOSEBH, Choice Cigars DEALER IN F'ine Shoes for Ladies. Fine Shoes for Gentlemen. Fine Shoes for Children. And the finest line of Oe.nts FURNISHING GOODS in the city. Sole agency for the Ludlow Fine Shoe. FOUND AT LAST I THE WATERPROOF OIL BLACKING, rur liiirncsM, IxhiU, thoeg, carriage i.U Ini'irv t'jv, patent leather, etc.. CANNOT BE EQUALED in nunitiers of eiiod qualities. Tbe fol lowing are a few of iu qualities: 1st. It is lasting and durable. IM. It does not rub off on the hands or clothes. 3d. It is perfectly waterproof. 4th. It softens the leather to itf natural state. Oth. It gives the leather a new and glossy appearance. 0th. It contains not one ingre dient that is injurious toeither the leather or stitching, but is a pre server of ihem. 7th. It can be used on the finest loots and shoes and not prevent the use of the common boot-blacking, but will soften and keep them from cracking. Now, my friends, if such an oil as this wouKI suit you, go to the drug store of Hulin & Dawson, where you can get it for 50 cents per box. One box will oil more than one set of harness. Receipt for making the oil is sold only for individual use. J. C. DEVINE, Manufacturer and Agent, - Albany, Oregon. Health is Wealth ! Dr. E. C. West's nerre and brain treatment, a guar anteed specific for hysteria, dizziness tits, headache, ner vous prostration caused by the use of alcohol or tobacco, softening of braia resulting in insanity and leading to mis ery, decay and lorn of power in either sri Kach box con tains one m -nth treatment. One dol lar a box, or six boa eg for Ave dollars, sent by mail pre paid on receipt of price. Guarantee issued only by J. A. Cumminirs, dniKirist sole afreut, Albany. Orejron. 5500 REWARD We will pay the above reward? for any caw of liver complaint, dyapeMia.. sick headache, indiirestion, constipation or costiveness we cannot cure with West's liver pills, when tl direction are strictly complied with. Thej are purely vegetable and never fail to give satisfaction. Lnrce boxes, containing 30 pilla, 25 cents. The genuine manufactured only by the John C. West compMiy. Chicago Illinois. Sold by J. A. CummrORS, druggir Albany, Oregon . Julius (iradwohl, propnetor of the Golden Rule Bazaar, informs us that be will add to his already large business a complete line of shelf hardware and family groceries. The sales of bis Golden Rule teas and baking powder it steadily increasing. He still keeps up the elegant prizea with these goods. -THE- lapinhfe ! OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD T. K. HOGG, receiver. Oregon Development Do.'s Steamship Line 225MMRTEH. 22 Hours Less Time Than by any other route: Accomodations unsurpassed formu foit n alety. l ares and freights tia 'Vauii.a an tbe Oregon Deve opment company's hips, much less that by any other route ween all points in the Willlanjet'r al and Sao Francisco, SAIUNO DATES. , rmoii TiQcnia. Willamette Valley.. W V mm. mm WUlameUe'Valley ..June 4th . 1st FROM SAM raaKCISOO W May M Willamette Valle June Willamette Valley ' IS, 27 The company reserve the riyht to cha-ig teamen or aailing dates. BAILT rasbKKOIR TRAINS Kxcept Uunilays.) L Yaquina 7:00 talLv Albany 12:20 M Corvallii 10:Sf-A I " Corvallis 1:01 r II At Albany 11:3b a H I Ar Yaquina 4 ii'i r. u O. h C. trains connect at Aiban and Cot Wm. M. Boao, C, , Hoeci, General Manager, il.f & P. Agent Con-allis, O on EAST SOUTH VIA SOUTHERN PACIFIC RQUTE. THE MOUNT SHASTA ROUTE California express trains run daily suirru I KOHTH 7:00 pm..Lv Portland Ar.. iXtn lu:2ipm..Lv Allmny Lv.. ii:?. am 10:15 a in..Ar...... S. Francisco. Lv.. !Mi pm LociU Pass. Train lally--(Ex. S0m..Lv Portland Ar.. 4:m'im 12:20 p m. .Lv.... Alhauv. ...... Lv. um 6:40 p mAr.....KoHehurg L . . H:j. nm Lebanon Kranrb. 2:3flpLv Albany Ar.. :.o ju t2:3S p m Ar ....l.chaimn Lv 4 ani 7. JO am. L AlOauv Ar.. t.-j: pin S.22am..Ar lal.-nn'ii Lv.. b'4 pm ALBANY LOCAL, DtILT (KlCC-pt SulllU) b.'Ai v M . .Lv.... Portland. . ..Ar....v.'Xi A M s.oii.......Ar. ..Altuiiy....Lv....5.oo a a PULLMAIn B I' ETSLKfc I t.lii-. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS, For accommiHiation of SeeoniM.'huMi Va sengers attached to Kxpn iv I nin i. VTtMt Uie Dltl.lon. Between l'ortland and Corvailis Mall Train Oally-Except Sunday 7:30am..L- ...Po.tlanil ...Ar.5 3'ip. m 12:10pm. .Ar Conanw.. L. i;.6)i. m At Albany and Corvallis connect with trains of Oregon PaciflcKailroad. Express Train Iall Exctpt Sunday 4:40pm..Lv Portland.. Ar fc:20 am J:ii p m.. Ar McMinnville.Lv..5.4tm THROUGH TICKETS lo AH Point eastMnd south JSTor tickets and full 'infotniatiou re garding rates maps, etc., call on cou:pHiiy's agent at Albanv. H. hOEHLER, E. P. BOOEKS, Manairer Asst. U. a e, A A WEAK MAN Can core himself of he de plorable results of early abut-e and perfectly restore Ids vigor and vital ity by our home treatment. The remarkable cures of hopeless cases of nervous debility antl private coniDlaints are ever where stamp ing out quackery. Treaties arid question list, a physician's gift to suffering humanity, will be eent fiee to those alllictec. Address with stamp PIONEER INSTITUTE, 405 Kearny St., Room 2, ijan Francisco, Cal. We carry a large stock of printer's stationery, well as sorted, bought direct from the manufacturers at a low figure, and can eive the best of work in all kinds of printing for the least nionev. Trv us. Paisley A- Smii.ey. THE MARKETS. ALBA.NT QUOTATIONS. WheaJ 7d4 Oats foc Flour 4.25 per bbl Potatoes Hh: Ejrjrs 13o Butter 25(3550 Lard 10&Vic. Hams 1415c. Shoulders i8c. Bacon 10 12c Hops 20c. ; Hay Timothy, 116, oattand cheat 11 App es Orcen, 1 per bn. Plufli Dried, c. per tb. App'es dried bleached 9c sundried c ChickenB 15 00 5.50 Beef 3:(c stors. Mutton :a rmr Lead. Hogs 5c. dressec. Veal ka6c. ECCS FOR SALET I will sell full blood Leghorn eggs, both single and rose comb for $1 50 per 13. also dotted Wyan dotte, Light Braltmas, Langshan and Plymouth Rocks at the same pric. L. J. Hot ck, Tangent, Or,