.r-v V -- ' ....... r. 17 . . .. . ; , . -.v.. . ' . - -" - - -..- . .. .. - ; vv.'.j ' V ' ''' it ' - f '-.!-: : ''-.. lir- V; , : .' . XI ' . .... - - , - ; 'i"v-"s'v- ". " v- :. : ..- - v. : A ; - FT .- - . 1-. I V- .-J.- - . .- ... ". i.1--:--''"." . ' .;; -;.,rv f . ' r- r -J . v- - r- ::-- - .v; -: v;.:. v. ? v.r----;j--..' W,,; ?,.v:;-' ..? i-' ' ' j I-; 0r irTiU . . -() OKNTS A WEEK. ALBANY, OllGON, SUNDAY, IklAY :3l 1891 .VOL. YX NO. 155 4 y 0 ifam.Baking Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard a Ok Spring an 1 SiiuiMier Slock complete DRESS GOODS Very attractive lines in new col rin's ai'l latest novelties. are SPRING & SUMMER JACKETS l.:it -st Styled! IKg'i N'ovelties! Ladies, Misses it Childien'g. FURNISHING GOODS, VKLVKT-i. si,tS, SATIN'S XI) PTXSHKS, LA OIKS' AND MISKS SILK VN1) KNIT UXDKRWKAR, COTTON AND W )L IfOSK, KMRROIDKRIKS, SILK AND LINL HAN'nKKRCIIIEFS. SCARFS, V K I LI N(?S, SHAWLS, ETC. Gr. W. SIMPSON, FIR-T STRI'.KT, ALBANY, OREGON. FHXK BllflS. HIPIIINT COMPANY, POUT I, A .1ST I"), O REGON. BRANCH HOUSE ALBANY, OGN .foMN KOBSO.V, MANAGER, Have .n I'-uid f-r (lie pea-'on of lxitl, hinders, mowerg, farmer's tools and hane-ting niachineiy of all kinks. W . . 1 1 0 Onr ptcck of InitrgieH, carts, spring wagons, etc., is the largest and jnoHt complete on the I'licilie Coast, ami comprises all the leading style. At Deyoe it Robson's old stand, opp. Blumberg Block. days at Sio, Fridays and Saturdays at Albany. Mr. Blumberg ia als'oownerof the standard bred trotting horse, Alwood Breeze (No. 285.1) who can be seen at the stahle of Trites Bros. The get of this horse are large and tine formed, and only need proper development to show Beed. FEEL-iSTORE GENEUAL PRODUCE MARKET. WAXTEl) SPECIALLY- Hay, oats td rctstoee, to supply suatome cc tho Or 'iron Paci'.ic Railroad extension aud my incrcaiog home trade here I sell iu quantities to suit t'te purchaser?. Store in Strahan Brick, Seuoud utreet H. M JROBERTSoN. i 1 m will be found ttin evr. larger arnl n more WHITE GOODS Anything and everything in ld'e assortment anil end less variety. ! lie: ManV of our horsemen have given it as their judgment that Titus, Blumberg's black perch eron stallion stands at the head in his class. He is in the hands of Mr. C. E. Barrows.an efficient ami experienced horseman who will give his patrons every possible atten tion . TituS Will make the season of 0l, Mondays and Tuesdays ct Jef ferson, Wednesdays ard Thurs Good Recommendation. Eugene, Or., April 1, 1811 V"e the undersigned citizens of Eugene, Oregon, having thorough 1 tested The Pacific Washing Machine, do most cheerfullv recommend the same to all who need a first class machine. It does its work perfectly in a re markable short time, and without any labor, so to speak. It is all that Messrs. Punch it Williams claim it to be. It is the best ma chine we have seen used, and doe its work better. A. (J. Ilovev president Lane county Bank. T, G. Hendricks, pretident First National Bank, F. M. Wiikin Mrs. G. P. Griffin. Mrs. A. M Abrams, Mrs. E. C. Smith, Mrs W. H. Abrams, Mrs. Jv K. Luckey Mrs. F. J. Crouch, Mrs. J. .1. Wal ton, Mrs. Dr. 1). A. Paine, Mrs. J K. Bond, Mrs. 1. Harm, Mrs. C M. Horn, Mrs. B. 1). Paine, Mrs Geo. O. Yoran, Mrs. J. L. Fisher II. Svarverud, II. A. Haskell, M and Mrs. M. S. Riddell, pastor of I'resbvtenan church, K. (J. Lon mer, Sam Nelpon, Mrs. S. II Friendly, Mrs. P. E. Snodgrass, Mrs. G.'M. Whitnev, Mrs. (jeo. B. Hall, Mrs. C. Hntr, Mrs. J. V Egan, Mrs. R. B. Henderson, Mrs, Dr. Shelton, Mrs. Ada Mcpherson, Mrs. M. C. Dovle, Mrs. W'. P. Mummey, Mrs. C S. Davis. Mrs J. Miller, Mrs. D. Cherry. I. L Simpson, B. C. Dunn, N. B. AT and wife, pastor Christian church, G. J. Travis, pastor First Baptist church, Mrs. Minnie Washbiirne, M.. b. B. Handsaker, Mrs. 1, W. Jenkins, Mrs. W. R. Met 'or nack, Fannie, Mrs. Win. Stevens, Mrs. Mierwoou Burr, Mrs. S. 11c Connel, Mrs. G. Soverns, Mrs. John Whitaker, S:irah F. Os!orn, Mrs. T. J. Kos-h, S. P. Lowell d. A. Blair and wife, pastor C. Church, Mrs. C. Hortes, Mrs W. T. Eakin, Mrs. Nancy Burch Mrs. P.Comegvs. Mrs. C E. Little Held, Mrs. S. E. Churchill. Mrs. J. E. Belshaw, Mrs. Geo. Belshaw, Mrs. E. E. Cleaver, Mrs. T. '. Segar, Dr. II. T. McComack, Win. P. Fisher, A. K. Gallagher, .1. W Cherry, F. E. Jones, Chiistian minis'e.-. A. E. Wheeler, A. II 11. Fi-k, M. E. Judkins. Something nice in colfees at Allen l!ro!. 1 tiev run their ow n leliverv wigon, and delivvr gf.od promptly, For lame back, side or chest, use Shiloh s pomu p aster. 1 rice 23 cents at Foshav it Mason. TAILOR MADE or-:. Cost no more made of good material than ready made ill-titting garments. 3 W. GRAHAM, he Merchant Tailor, lias in etock the finest 'ine of ppring and summer Piiit ings ever bought to Alba ny, including diagonals, cheviots and plaids. He has also a beautiful line of pants goods in ?ny style desired. "Call and see if it is not true. The Celebrated French CURE Warranted to cure Ml i, or mnnoy rtfninl?( AFTER the ireneritiv urifaiiB of either sex h:thef arininv from the exceflHixe use of stimulants, tobacco or opium, or thr ui;h ; oiithful itnln cretiou,over inilulcence, itc., such aslttsHot Brain 1'ower, Wakefu'neKH, ticrin Pown pains in the Back, Seminal WVakiie, Hys teria, Ker ou ration. Nocturnal Omis sions, Leucorrhoe Dizziness, Weak Memory, Loss of Power ami Impoten y which if tie lected often lent to preuiatiite olil e ami insanity. Price t a box; (I boxe5 fcr fj.UO Sent by mail on receipt of price. A WKITTKN ,l tUtMFF. is Riven with every (6 order received, to refund tne money if a Permanent cure is noteffected. We have thousands of testimonials from old and younfr, of both sexes, who have been permanently cured by the use nf Aphroditiue Circular free. Addresb THE APHKO MF.IMCISF. CO. Western Branch, Box, 27. Portland, Oregon. For sale by Foehay ft Mason, who eeale and etail drumtists, Albany, Oregon WANTED A seamstress, one who can cut and fit. 4Hil at corner of 5th and Rail road streets, Mrs, V. A. Burkbart, LOST On Sunday, May 4, lwl, between this city and Corvallis a lady 's black p. Fiudsr will plenis leai at this ortii;. a MEMORIAL DAY; The President and Cabinet Spend the Djy in Philadelphia. TAKE I'AHT IN THE SERVICE Qen Meade's Grave tba Soeue- IniDres- sive Ceremonies-A Eanaw;f Float ia Lansing, Micblgai ' - Piiii.ADKi.riiiA, Jlay .iagi- ness in this city was ?.-jT3t:m tirely suspended to-d:r' Presi dent Harrison and part v arrived here at 1 1 :15 this morning for the purpose of taking part in the cer emonies of memorial day. The president and memners of his cabinet were the guest 3 of the (Jeo.ye (1. Meade Post, i. A. K Drawn up outside of the station was His Terrace City troop of cavalry, who from the day that ashington entered tins city, o take his inaugural oath, lave acted as escort to every president who ha been a guest of 1 luladel phia. The party ordered carriages and preceded by the escort, took up the line of march for Inde pendence ha'l. The entire route was profusely decor ted with bunting and lined with crowds. When liniepeiiitence hall was reached the president was intrO' ituceu to flavor Muart. Jn a brief speech Mayor Stuart wel comed the president, who replied in Uite a lengthy speech. Alter the president had con cluded, the doo's were thrown open for an hone. The chief ex ecutive Mmok hanls with a large number of people. At the con clusion of the p.'blic reception, the president took the train for Land Hill cemetery, where he took part in the ceremor ies over the trrave oftleneral George G. .Meade, the hero of Gettysburg. Returning from the cemetery, the president and partv were the guests of the board of directors of the I'nion League club. After lining there a reception was held tiom 5 to 7, when the partv re turned to Washington. TIIK WIZ.iliD'S LATEST. Ktlison Will Kxlilliit Severnl In yen. '.Ions at the World' Fair. Thomas A. Edison, the famous lectrician and inventor, is prepar ing to astonisli the world, tj? the exhibit he will make at the world's fair in l.H'.i.'J. "I shall have two or three things to show," said ho recently, "winch 1 think will both surprise and please the vis itors to the electrical department of the exposition, which, by the way, I urn fully convinced will be a great success. T wo of these in ventions are not yet ready to be described, or even characteiized. fhe third, however, is so nearly perfected, that I do not hesitate to say something about it. 1 hone to be able bv the inven tion to throw upon canvas a per feet picture of anybody and repro- tuce tun words. 1 litis, should Patti be simjing somewhere, this invention will pul her full length picviire upon the canvas so per fectly as to enable one to distin guish every feature and expression of her face, see all her actions anil. listen to the entrancing melody of her peerless voice. The invention will do for the eve what the phono graph has done for the voice, and reproduce ttie voice as well, in let, more clearly. I have alrerd' perfected the invention so far as to be able to picture a prize light the two men, the ring, the in tensely interested faces of those surrounding it and you can hear the sound of the blows, the cheers of encouragement and the yells of disapointment. And when this invention shall have been perfect ed,'' said Air. Edison with the trace or enthusiasm's glow in his library at home, and having elec trical connection with the theatre, see reproduced on his wall or a peiee of canvas the actors, and hear anything they say. I can place one 30 it will command a street corner, and after letting it register the passing sights for a time, I can have it cast them on t canvas so that every feature and motion of the passers, even to the twitching of the face, an be seen, and if a friend passed during the time, yon may know it. This invention will be called the Kide tograph.' The first half of the word signifies 'motion,' and the last 'write,' and loth together mean the portrayal of motion. This invention combines photo graphy and phonography." Mr. Jvlison occupied nearly an icre with his exhibit at the Paris Exposition. As he wishes to show at Chicago all that he ex hibited at Paris, and numerous other things besides, he is desirous of being accorded a greater space in lS'.t:;. The electrical exhibit is expected to be the wonder of the Extiosition. The Carolina Itedbones. Krom tile St. Louis (iIoV-Icmojat. "There is a singular race of peo ple in South Carolina called the Kedbones,'" said Senator Wade Hampton. "Their origin is un known. They resemble in appear ance the gypsies, hut in complex ion they are red. They have ac cumulated considerable property anil are industrious and peaceable. "They live in small settlements at the foot of the mountains, and as sociate with none but their own race. They are proud and high- spirited people. Caste is very strong amone them. They enjoy life, visit the watering-places and mountain resorts, but eat and keep I t themselves. "When the war broke out several of them enlisted in the Hampton Legion, and when the legion reached Virginia there was a trreat outcry among the Virginians and the troops from other states because we had en listed negroes. ' They did not re semble the African in the least ex cept in cases where Africans had amalgamated with Indians. Their intermixture, wuicn is common in the Carolinas, produce marvellous reuulN. "It takes the kink out of the hair of the African, straightens his features, and improves him in every way except in temper. These Afro-Indo people are devils when aroused, and as slaves were hard to manage. Put to return We soon convinced the kickers against the Itedbones that they were all right, and when in the liret Hull Kun battle ttiey proved how well thev could light all prejudice against them disap peared." Opal Mining. John G. Maddock, president of the First National Bank, informs a Sentinel reporter he has just re ceived a letter Iiom George t.on- ser, the leading banker of Hepp- ner. Oregon, in which he mentions Geo. Harrington, W. A. Kirk, Pat ljuaid, John Koyse and many others interested in the new lind. Also mentions P. O. Borg, Esq., the noted lleppner jeweler, had sent some of the stone to New lork Citv, Returns came pro nouncing it numtier one. i.iKe returns were received from Port land, Oregon. This goes to con linn the reports published in the Oregonian of recent dates. It is estimated that these precious stones are worth from if "JO to 1 00 a niece. 1 lie lormation is said to te encased in hard stone, some thing like ttie yolk within the al bumen of a boiled egg. In ex tracting this precious gem, it is necessary to Faw the outward casing with a very line saw. To break the stone would necessarily break the entire substance as the outward formation is very hard and biittle. It would be well for the miners and pleasure seekers who will soon leave for the Mt. Adams country, to notice for opals, which may be found in the lisiiug streams as well as along the mountains. Uoldendale Sen tinel. A S IFF. H.F.STMKNT. Is one wliiclilis guaranteed to bring you satisfactory results, or iu case of failure a return ot purchase price. On this sufe plau you cun buy from our ailfertised druggists a liottle of Dr King's New Dscovery for Om sumption. It is guaranteed to tiring relief in every case, when usetl lor 111 v iitlcction of Throat. Lungs, 01 Cliest, such as tiousuiuption, Intlaina tiou of I.uni:?, Bronchitis, AsthmB, Whooping C'otigli. Croup, etc, etc It is 1 leasaut and aarrce tile to taste. perfectly safe, and can always be de pended upon. Trial bottles free at roshay iV Mason, Druggists, 01 k adiii .timet:. It is seldom that we appear in the roll of spiritual adviser of family phy sician but there are times when we feel jii'-iilied in calling the attentioi our maiiv suhsiribera to an article ol true merit. We feci justified in s.yin; that Moore's Iteverled Kemedy con tains nmre ac'iial merit than an; medicine it has ever been ourgo' .' fortune to test. One trial will make you as enthsiastie as the writer, TCli:F. BET UI HI CCF.SH. Slanar.Lt Cneick druggists, be lieve that the secret of success is perseverence. Therefote they per sist in keeping the finest line of perfumeiies, toilet at tides, cos metic, drugs and chemicals on the market. They esecially in vite all persons who have palpita tion, short breath, weak or hungry spells, pain in side or shoulder, oppression, nightmare, dry cough, siuother'.ng, dropsy or heart dis ease to try Dr. Miles' unequaled New Heart, before too late. It has the largest sale of any similar remedy. Fine book on testimonials free. lr. Miles' Restorative Ner vine is unsurpassed for sleepless ness, headache, tits, etc., and it, contains no opiates. A SKTF.SSFI LMOKIiFHS. Work cannot be successfully continued unless there is an active mental interest in it. If the mind is not clear, bright and buoyant, then tho work is drudgery and the worker is a machine. An occasional dose of Moore's Re vealed Remedy will put the body and mind in such harmony that tiie hardest tasks will seem as play. I WILL BE .IVF. 4TWA1. Our enterprising druggists Stanard & Cusick who carry the finest stock of drugs, perfumeries, toilet articles, brushes, spouges, etc., are giving away a large num ber of trial bottles of Dr. Miles' celebrated Restorative Nervine. They guarantee it to cure headache dizziness, nervous prostration, .sleeplessness, the ill effects of spirits, tobacco, coffee, etc. Druggists say it is the greatest seller they ever knew, and is uni versally satisfactory. - They also guarantee Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure in all cases of nervous or organic heart diseases, palpitation, pain in side, smothering, etc. fine book on "Nervous and Heart Dis eases tree. FOREIGN AFFAIRS i the German Emperor Investigat ing the facts cf the case REDUCTION OR. SUSPENSION. There it Not Muoh Chance of Either Carry lag The Emberer'S'.udyin; the Conditions. (Copyright '91 by N Y AsndeateJ Pre) Rerun, May 30.- Emperor Wil liam, before deciding upon the reduction, or temporary suspen sion, of the duties on grains, ask ed Von Boettich, secretary of the imperial home office, to submit to him a report upon tho crop pros pect, and upon the general eco nomic position beari' g upon the question. The ministerial coun cil will meet to-morrow, to take delinite action touching the mat ter. Ministers maintain the ut most reserve, but it is the ollicial conviction to-night that there will be neither leduition nur su.-p u sion of duties before the cum n r cial treaty between Germany and Austro-Hungary comes into force. VunMsltke Predicted War. Saai k, May 30 The Zeiiung states that Von Moltke just prior to his death concluded an exhaust ive study of EuroiHjan armaments, ending with the assertion that trance was ready for war and Russia nearly bo, and that the great conrlict could not be delayed beyond CANADA'S I'ltKMIKK ItVIMi. Hlr Juliii McDonald (Vh.ioI l.fvc Many Hours Loiter Ottawa, May :!ti.J I;r. Monta gue says Sir John Mcliuuld ii.is just taken a turn for the woi je. Dr. Powell says Sir John is grow ing weaker, but still retains his consciousness. He cun make known his wants, but vainly tries to speak. All the cabinet minis ters are at his bedside. Many Telegrams and cablegrams of in quiry pour in this morning. cable was received from her majes ty asking lor news ol Sir Johns condition. 11:30 a, m. A consultation of physicians is now being held. Sir John's case is hopeless. He re tains coiidcioi'.sness buA sulleia iiu pain. His ellorta Td speak are pathetic. He was able to articu iatl indistinctly the various names repeated by J.ady McDonald ixtru Stanley earned a report ot Mr John's condition this morning to the queen and lxrd Salisbury. PEKSKCl TION OF TIIK JK.W S. Striving fur a I'lau to Ameliorate Their Cuuilitlou. IIamhi it;. May 30. Word has been received from a prominent manufacturer in New J jrsey, Amer ica, that he can find employment tor several hundred of the exiled Russian Jews. The manufacturer states in his message, which is ad dressed to a Jewish house in Ham burg, that owing to the American emigration law he can't engage hese people in advance, but bo i ill give them work upon their I 1 rival. The labor unions in Lou j d -n are much excited over the ' prospect of the arrivai of more Kussian Jews, and there is reason to fear, if the immigration is per sisted in at present rate, objection may take the iorui of violence. AND STILL SHE WINS. Fortland Is I'laying iool ICnll Away F'rom Home. Tacoma, May 30. Portland, ('.; Tacoma, 5. Eleven innings were necessary to decide the .ame. Si'okane, May 39. Seattle 3; Spokane, 2. Abandoned by Her liny it Lover. Berlin, May 30. A letter from Stuttgart says that on Wednesday last a woman named F-anz, sup posed to have been at one time acquainted with King Charles, of Wertemberg, applied for entrance to the palace and was refused. She tried to create a scene but the guar Is, acting, it is said, under orders from the heirapparent.w ln, refused to recognize the woman. It is reported that she wanted some permanent provision made for a child by King Charles. Well Done. Salem Journsl; Cheniawa In dian Schoel has just preformed a noble act of charity, as reported to the Journal. A man living on French Prarie lost his half-hre-?d wife thether diy. She left him a familyVpf nine children. The Indian blflbd entitles them to asy lum in the government Indian Schools, and they have promptly been adopted into the Chemawa home where they are cared for as well as they would be in any home. 'Jobnay, Get Your lun." Berlin, May 30. The kaiser has done some remarkable shooting during his visit to the estate of Count Dob n a. He bagged thirty pheasants in one day, proving himself an excellent shot, holding his gun, a weapon made especially for his use, to the shoulder w ith one hand. Well Supplied Will Leg-. A remarkable freak iu the ani- mal kingdom is to be seen on the farm of Dtn I Brothers near Wheat land cays toe YamLill Reporter. It is nothing leas than a 6ix-tegged sheep. Couuty Assessor. York, who is our informant, savs it is a wonder that rivals ; atf similar freaks ever 'exhibited, in: -a menagerie. The animal is a per fectly, hc-a'thy and, frisky lamb, abont two months old, and Ijesides the four legs which sprout where you would naturally look for legs, there is one cop.ingout of its breast and one just baokof the shoulder blade. Th extra leg in .front is not as perfectly developed as the others, but tho' other oneis, ap- pamt'tiy and r'.icl-9 Mo--the ground. The owners of this re markable sheep have already re lused an oiler oi liity dollars for it. A t ELKlllMTHI) CASK. leU'8 Illegitimate Hon K( (; - nlcil ;t the Hi ir. San I'kaxcisco, May :',(. Judge l.olley lias rendered another deci sion in the celebrated .Icssup cae, tioioiiig mat uicliard r. .Iesu, nas hcen sulluaeiitly recognized a the legitimatized son of Geishom P. Jessup, deceased, and as siu h, is the rightful heir to an e-t.ite now valued at ti'iKl.fKhi. Serious Memorial Serine Accident I.anmni;, Mich.. .May 3d. A feature 01 the memorial ilay parade this morning was a ll.iat on which rode 43 women, to rep resent tlie stales of the union. Near tho tvim tery the p'attorm gave way. Win. Manly leil under the boises heads, frightening them into a run. The women bung screaming to tin lloat until thrown nil' along two r three blocks. The last one Ml oil' ju-t MS the cemetery was reached, w here the horses" stopped. I lardy was badly injured and ahoiiMifUeii women weie slightly Incised, none severely. Whole l'":iml!y lUirucd. Wm:i:uo, W. Ya., May 3 The home of Henry 1'hiiiip-, at Tayloi'stown, was burned this af ternoon. Phillips, hi-i wifo aud three-year-old child were ljiini'l to death and a l.Vear-old boy scorched so badly th li. he died ii: a lew hours. C0AST K0H Corvaliis Leader: Tho report of an extensive coal mine. In-iim discovered near loieno, ia this county, is the cause for con siderable cxcitPi. oiit, As there is every indication of large coal de posits in that section, tliere is no reason to disbelieved the 'epoit. There is nothing that would prove of more benelit to the county than ui-li a discovtry, and it is to In hoped that work 01, the !e!;ve w ill s on he commenced, i he coat is said to be of a vety line 1 j . 1 ii 1 1 -. Dalles Tiiiies-Mi'iintaiiieer : The run of salmon has 11. a been huge this year; lr.it hopes an- enter tained that June and Ju'v will again witness a iiH'ux o! this specie of lish. The seasoti wiii end the l-t,of Augti-t, and wheel men have been at a g-eat expense and must have a goxl run to re imburse thoiii. lA'wis'on Teller: A smal' sornvl of soldiees. some hall dozen in a'!. under fiiiioouril ol I.-eiitor-Me.t I Carringtmi from fort l:ei man, passed through Lewistoa ibis week for Lapwai, where 1 r sum days tie y will remain for the pur pose oi reciuitmg Indians lor cavul.tiv service. I nder the new military regulations an attempt i being made to make soldieis of the the Indn.ns. Lieutenant Carrington has been recruiting In dians now for some time, but finds them very shy to accept I'nclo Sam's oiler. More ItorKe lluitit'HH Tortlic Courts. Conlev, the man who lost forte head of horses Iiom Steel's swamp, or near there, and long agj adver tised a b.g reward for their ie- covery, lor the arrest and eonvie- lon of the thief, or thieves, 1.-: around again. It has been ascer tained that the thieves killed four of the horses because they were remarkable and would be easily indentitied wilho.it looting at the brands on them. Several of tli" horses have been found, and we mav look out for a whole lot of startling devclopenients at Cue next court. Somebody ha 'Miiealed," and although the north and well winds have been numerous, pud ire 1 till blowing, the county is becoming pret'y warm for a lew people whose names our info; mailt refused to give. The grand jury will sit on a tew dead repr.t items, at any rate, and ted what aned Ihom. 1 Klamath Star. Southern Oregon IVat licit. levers of tln peach will be pleased to know" that the proS'i". I in Southern 1 reg n are line. Tie: A-hiand Tidings sajs: Tiie jiru-(i.-nt fruit groweis id Sou'iiern Oregon are now busily engaged in thinning the peaches on their trees, as tne crop if left as it set on the trees would almost wholly destroy many of the young or chards. Those who w ant a ready market for their fruit at good fig ures w ill have to take oil' from half half tothree-fourthsof the quantity now 011 the trees. The luge peaches w ill sell easily at good fig ureswhen the inferior fruitcannot find a market at any price. :;GERMAMIRB; ,r. Grosvenor's EensrLs Reuses , the ' German-Americans. . DO NOT LIKE HIS ASl'XttSJONS. Claim That the Germane Are True atd Patriotic The Bone . and Sinew " of the Couitry. ,1 ST.'loris May 30. What was rvjr;rtoi;t'v bejML... interview .wiLh, "leneiai oro-vn'or, cnaiiman 01., the committee appointed to abroad a: l study the imiii'grut'h question was widely circulated Nesteroay. In it, referring to the evils of unrestricted immigration, ho spoke oi Wisconsin as almost a foreign .state. This aroused great i:idignaiin among the Germans hi re, and Kit hard P.arthold, eecre l uy lot the German-American s c eties of 1 he I'nite i Stales, to day i-i.t a telegram to the secre taty of the Treasury I'oster.saying that judging from Grosvcnor's ifi'erview, they can expect front him iieiiher tne exercise of un leased j.idgment, nor an im partial report. II :s prejudice cisp!a;el it'!i'ist Wisconsin is know nothing pure :d simple. ii.irthold dds l.iat the bulk o: the Germans 1 in-! b.; classified among the liest .mcrii-u:s and in the west they have constituted the lone and linen- oi tin republican paity since the War. lie helleves lie i cs 111 sent imetils of the Gct- !u: 1-A roen.ans in asuin 1-oster t wuh ii';:w Grosvenor's aptoint ineiit''i.,r wliii h," si vs Darthoid, yi. :i and your party will be held lesiuii-iluc since tins prejudice ias beeoim publicly known. NOT so cki:tain. Tiie S 1 1 ;.;...-.-. I r,:iilmir .Murderers Iti rortl.tiiil. I 1: i i i. May 30. T'le alleged in.iidi n rs of William M. J'.aibour, 'he I."!iaiiin merchant, arrived here t i-d.iy iu charge oi Officers i'.irry and Gritl'm and were jdaced :-i jiil. They assert their inno- iiii-. Tli. ir names are James W i;ii:urs and John WaUon. I'ncle Sol, the pawn broker to whom the murderers had traded the gold watch taken lrouiJiyioura body, 1 ailed to rr;xt;o ": loeBj spy ing they are not tfrftisrties. ' : - - Ivilled liy altuuaway Team. Si ai nx. May 30. Melviu J. ': inii. ill ;vei f..r l!;.;! and Hallo nay, il.iin men. was int.mtly kill- i d to day by I. is ii-am running c.wav. hi.e camp was stepping 1 1 ! i-i wag-.ei, he sinu-ed and foil in front ol the w hee's over Uie . it ! ti- e. The. horses broke do a ii-1 and Camp was dragged I vir blocks, his f:i e and loJy b ii g io t iatnl in a horrible man ner. His-kud was fractured in .'. er 1: pl.-ces. 1'iorv Tersiiit Sick. Halifax, X. S., May ."0. Tele- ;-iaph disjiatches from St. Paul's i-iand, sas i n the settlement half '.iy between Cape I'uetoii and New Foundland, every man, voii'nn and ciii'd on that island, vi 1 tii the exception of two men are prostrated with a disease re-ein-bli'ig g. ijpe and sorely in need of i.s.istauce. The government has .ii.soati lied a tug with physicians and stl; plk's. A Very let r net I ve Fire, Waiiletox, S. D., May 30. A lire moke out this aileriixtn in the rear of See'eyra warehouse, and fanned by a high wind, swept on until it had destroyed the wareboive, people's, bank. West ern I'nion otlice, ' large (louring mid, Gieat Northern depot and several store buildings. The losses aggregate ?10t ,'00, w ith but little insurance. Iteer.i ati.n Day Ilttiugly OliKorved Pouii.ANp, May 30. Dispatches lroiu Oregon City, Saleiu, Eugene, Koseburg, C-'i vallis and Jackson ville. st;.te that decoration day was iitt:ngly obiervcd. The Markets. Livi.Li'ooi., May 30. Win at, in sUady demand, poor. Red Wes tern S, ting, Si!'...'! percental. Advertising in a Hymn Book. A poor congregation found itself ;v in want of l.vmn becks. The clergyman applied to a London firm an 1 asked to be supplied at 1 he chinch rates. The linn re p' ied that on the condition that the hymn hooks contain certain advei tise;i.ent the congregation should have them for nolh ng. !li. minister complied, thinking .vhcii the advertisements came I'iK'y hoiild be removed from the '.eaves. The hymn books arrived and they contained no interleaved ad .i-i ti-'-ments. At the thanks giving icrviee the parson gave out I be Christmas byir.n.and the con gregation sang the fust verse. When they reached the last line ihey iouii.l that this is what they had been singing- "Hark! the herald angels sing. Dash's pills are just the thing; eaco on earth and mercy mil l, two for man and one for child.'' London 'fid Bits. Just received, at Searls' shoe store, the latest styles in ladies cloth top shoes, lace ehoes and Oxfords of all kinds. . 1. .' -.-; v ' : v r ? v i. :' A e (KS xv .v.. i -