MOllKiKU iLEliALViSA'VVlloAV, MAY itf. 1801. How betrre Cold Are Broken I'p f In Montana. From the Virginia City, Mont Madisaaian. When we find a medicine we know to possess genuine merit' we consider it a duty, and we take pleasue in telling the public what it is. Such a medicine we found Cfiiimberl.iin'a Cough Remedy, last w inter, when la vrippe was prevailing. We are satisfied that it warded olT several attacks that were threatening by the use of your syrup, and we have since relieved, in a few hours, severe colds, add in the course of two or th ree days, entirely broken them up by its use as have several of our friends whom we have recom mend it. It is all that it is repre sented to ha by he manufacturers. If you have a cough and want to stop it, Chamberlain's Cough Kemedy will do the work, tor sale by Foshay & Mason Take the Union P.iciiic railway for the East, thirty-tive hours quicker thin any other transcon tinental line. Kiegant new dining c;-s, i'uMiutn pil ti-e sleepers, free f t:t:!' r-l--pi:i: cars rua through to !)-ivdr, Oanh i, Council Blurts, ka:isa Uity, Si. Louis and Chi cago. C. G. Uawliugs, city ticket fegi-ut, foot of Bro tdalhin street. The I'u Ion Tactile. Is tli milv linn rnnninc twn fast trains daily from Portland to j Omaha, ht. ran I, Kausas City, Chicago, St. Louis and all points Kast and South. Buy your tickets of C. (i. Kawlings, foot of Broad albin street, Albany. The Kent Yet. "V. R. Graham, the merchant tailor, has just opened an elegant line of new patterns for gentle men's clothing, lie has a very larie line to select irom, in euit 1114H, pantaloons, and all kinds of clothing. Ilia new patterns are not surpassed by anything in the city, and he has marked his prices down to tiie very bottom. Hand some suits will he made to jnler fr f'JJ.oO ami .f 25. desiring a neat litting good suit at very low est should call and see his ."tock. They Are In It. It will piy yo.i well to cail at the corner of Second and MtVs worth streets, at .Mtn ller it Gar rett's, where you can lind a splendid variety of groceries, veg et:tb!es, poultry, e c , ior your Sunday dinner. Call early and avoid Uie rush. I.iitln OlitiitaiiU CowleV Bros, boys, misses and child ren's siioes dUb-rent itylca all sizes an I widths maok solid all Tiiiioii.ii. Try a pair nothing better medium in price. Every pair, warranted. S.Mi'EL K Yoiso. America Takes the Lead. America now takes tho lead as an iron producing country, united with China, we could do tii wash ing and ironing of th" w 'Md. Mueller A G;irr tt, are tan in-.: lie lead in the gic -ry business of Albany, as tic:r cash ii.;:i!vs please fVi-ry n.i . Uko Warning. To those w!i are .puck-t.-in- j p -red, it wiii bf wdi to tiavt y.-ur j hair shingled ci .-se to the Im-.uI, when aruiug .tlout the In ; then g to .lili-ller cM Garrms UN I olde: so'iic'.liing go h1 to vat for your S ml.iy dinner. oreti 1'orMUI We make a specialty of lit'iea anl misses tine corsets aud w ts. We have a drive in a F nch sateen corset at 76 cents, r xtra good value. SA.MfKL K. Yo- KG. Another :ar. If those ch )ice vegetables just received, celery, cauliflower, cab-bag.-, parsnips, tuinips, beets, ordiv-s, tigs golden dates, lemons, and an endless variety of good things. Ail ol the above nice and fresh at Mueller A Garrett's. The finest and best assortment ot ladies Oxford's and slippers ev er brought to Albany at Searls' shoe store. Louis Vie reek's shaving and hair cutting parlors. Ladies andchild rens hair cutting a 8ecialty. Julius Gradwohl keeps at his Golden Rule Bazaar store a large assortment of fresh Walla Walla garden seeds. They are th best and freshest seeds "on the Pacific coast market. His store is tilled with the tinest and largest stock ia his line in the Willamette Val ley. The public is invited to call and inspect it. New and complete stock of spectacles an 1 eye glasses just re ceived at F. M. "French's. Every pair fitted by Johnston's Patent eye-meter, every pair fully war ranted to iit. We aru the jHiiple ! Who carry tl le most complete line ol narn- ware, valley stoves ami ranges in tnc , Matthews & Washburn. (iooil KesultK. I Our cash system of business is just w hat every one is now taking advantage of. Our goods are the purest and our prices the lowest. People who pay cash for their goods will lind it to their advan tage to buy of Mueller & (Jarre it's cash groceres. Huy gasoline stoves from Mat thews & Washburn. Trv Conn & Hendrieson's svrup, the 'finest in the market. Retail in quantities to suit. Summer underwear and hosiery in great variety at the Ladies Ba zaar. A new line of ladies and misses Swiss and Jersev ribbed vests just received at the LadieB Bazaar. Fine line of mens shoes at Searls ahoe store. Do vou want to be happy and make" those about you pleased, if eo (to and get one of those lovely .oni! piano's at Mrs. Hymans. A HUSBAND MISTAKi:. Husbands toooften ocrmitnivca and parents their children, to al t . . . . euiiei irom headache, dizziness, neuralgia, sleeplessness, lite-, ner vousness, when by the use of Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine such serious results coula easily be pre vented. Druggists everywhere say it gives universal satisfaction, and has an immense sale. Wood worth & Co., of Fort Wayne, Ind., Snow & Co., of Syracuse, N.Y., J. C. Wolf, Hillsdale, Mich., and hundreds of others say "it is the greatest seller they ever knew. It contains no opiates. Trial bottles and fine book on Nervous Diseases, free at Stanard aud Cusick's. SPltt'l LA 1 Kit D.i.WKKQI.. Scarcely a day pusses without the news of some large failure tlasliiiin over the wires -the usual result of speculation in stocks or some equally dangerous venture. The same electric cu rent carries to dear distant friend the Sail tidinu-s of death of loved outs too often the result of speculation in patent nostrums. Moore's llevrult-il Kcmcdy is no speculation but is sold on positive guarantee. Do not fail to ro to your dniiirist and ask for your ino;icy if not eatsslioU. We known you w ill ij-oand buy another bottle. For sale by all JruggUts. THCSM Ktr tll StanardA Cusick druggists, be lieve that the secret of success is perseverence. Therefore they per sist in keeping the tinest line of perfumeries, toilet articles, cos metic-, drugs and chemicals on the market. They especially in vite all persons who have palpita tion, short breath, weak or hungry spells, fiain in side or shoulder, oppression, nightmare, dry cough, siuother'.ng. dropsy or heart dis ease to try Dr. Miles' uncipialed New Heart, Ik fore too late. It has the largest sale of any similai remedy. Fine book on testimonials free. Dr. Miles' Restorative Ner vine is unsurpassed for sleepless ness, headache, tits, etc., and it contains no opiates. lltlTl IIUO-IKKS. Win, Thomas Postmaster of Ida ville, Ind, writes. "Electric Bitters lias done more for me than all medi cines combined for that bad fceliii" arising from Kidney and Liver triiitue. John hclie, farmer and stockmen, of the same place. sas: "Kind Electric Bitters to be the best Kidney and Liver medicine, made me led like a new man." J. W. (iardner. hardware merchant, same town, su, Electric Hitters is just the thing for a man wno is all run down and don't cure if he lives ordics; he found new strength, good appetite and felt jiit liku he had a new lease on lite. Only 50 cents a bottle, at Foshay V Mason's drug store. KY.H IKK IHLK U J.St I t:. Mrs Michael Curtain, Plaiuticld, 111, makes the statement that she ("aught cold, which settled on her lungs; she was treuUd for a mouth by her family physician, but grew worse. He told her stie was a hopeless victim of consumption and that no medicine could cine her. Her druygist sug gented lr. King's New Discovery (or I'onsiiinptiou; she htmght a battle and to her delight found herself bene lilted from the first Cose. She con tinued its us.: and after t.ikiug ten bottles, found herse.f sound and well, now dues her own hou-cwork and is as wi ll us i-hc was. Free trial bottle of this great Discovery at Fohay V M iron's llrug Stoic, large bottles ijilc, and il.Od- Mil's NtKlK.t tlVIK PILLS. Act on a new principle regula ting the liver, stomach and bowels through the nerves. A new dit covery. Dr. Miles' Pills speedily cure biliousness, had taste, torpi 1 liver, piles, constipationr Un cuualed for men, women, children. -inalleat, mildest, surest, ! 50 dose I for Jo ceuts. Samples ee, at Stanard & Cusick. RMkLEVa AK.MtA SALVE. The best sa!ve in tin world for Cuta. Bruises,, I leers. Salt Rheum, rever sores, letter, (..Implied Italic, Chilblains. Corns, and skin Eruptions, and pos tivcly cures Piles, or i.o pay re'Uireu. 11 is guaranieeu to give perfect satisfaction, or money re funded, Price 25 cents per box. Fcr sale by roslisy ..V Mason Change In Kindness. From Jan. 1st, 181)1, we wil change our business to a strictlj cash system, thereby enabling ui to buy "for cash and get our dis counts, whereby we can, and will give our customers the benefit. Our M. C. II. Mueller, while east made arrangements to buy goods direct from the manufacturers at the lowest cash prices, and we will sell pure goodB at the lowest cash figures. Believing that the people will appreciate a store where they can goods at cash figures. We re main, Respectfully Yours, Mi'kli.kk & Garrett. Fine comb honey and salmon bellies at Mueller A Garret's, the leading grocers. Moustache dyeing with the renowned German Instantaneous Hair Die at L. Vierecks. tr.STKD-A g.To.1 wkhorse, to be pai-l If fr in carpenter work. Call at T, L. Wullitc Co. L, 0. Knapp. 1'ltV A SWISS CfX'KTAIL. IT IS bttest out at the Bureau Saloon. T1IK Dk. E. A MCALISTKK HOMEOPATHIC phvsi''in and surgeon. Ilu removed his office irto Mason's block over tbe ex presj office. AM calls promptly attended to NY WEAK MAN Who is sufTeritiiT, cither in in ind or body, from the in jurious or weakuiiinif effect of his own itfuoraiit follies, abuse aod excess s can tw quickly and permanently cured. Papers free (sealed. DR. COLE Portland, Or. This old doctor ha hail ;l years erpcrience in curing Private, Blood, Nervous and Skin Disease. Write to-day. Reliable remedies sent privately to ny address. LOST On Sunday, May 4, ls'Jl, between this city and C'orvallis a !ad's black ci Kinder will j)laie loaa at tbis ofltct, 8! ALLEN BROTHERS, Wholesale and CIGARS, TOBACCO AND CHOICE FitUITS OF ALL KINDS IX Oil SilALL QUAWriTiS3, I3r siB-i-Scasr. FLYXIJLOCK. Springfield Sawmill A. WHEELER, (SPRINCiFIfiLD.) PROPRIETOR. SPIIINGFIELD. Albany yard and office on treets, A. Wheeler, Albany Manager. Having lumber not excelled in quality, and facilities not surpassed or the prompt and satisfactory filling of orders, I respectfully solicit a hare of the trade. A. WHEELER. PEED -:- STORE AjnD GENERAL PRODUCE MARKET. WANTED SPECIA LLY- Hay, oats nil I otntctg, to aupply sustome o;: tin' Or'on Paoiilo Railroad extension and my increasing home trade . ht r I sell in quantities to suit the purchasers. Store in Strahan Brick, Sei'ond street R. M. ROBERTSON. ton rDirs V Special Notice. Ladies or gentlemen who con template buying gold watches will lind it to their advantage to call at F. M. French's jewelry utore be fore purchasing, as there baa leen quite a reduction in prices. Tle Corner iewelry ttore. Net Spring Uuuds. I am now receiving my first In voices of spring novelties in wash goods, prints.gingham seersuckers, etc., also just received a new line of all wool summer plaids and beiges. Samlkl E. Youno. Smoke tin celebrated Havana filled 6-cent igars, manufactured at JuliuB Jos h'8 cigar factory. If you want anything choice in the trrocerv line eo to Mueller & Garrett's, the only place in the . . 1 - .......ilnni, ! ity where you can get everything cou want. I Some ol tne latest styles of ele-, cant, heii tarmacs can be seen at: Fortmiller & Irving's, as they have just received a large invoice. Money Is King, This is a true saying and is the reason that Mueller & Garrett are doing such a rustling business. Their cash figures are taking the lead and their stock is the best. You do not have to pay for any long credit by trading with them as they do business on a strict cash principle. KM 'ITEM Efts' run high in this city over System Builder as every liody is using it for Catarrh of the Stomach, Dyspepsia Constipation, Impure blood and to build up their system. Try it and tell your friends about it, as it must possess wonderful merit when all speak well of it. New goods of the latest patterns sold at Matthews aud Wash bums is why they will sell over four lo 'da of stoves and ranges this year, they lave their first carload of Jewel Stoves and ranges now on the road to arrive Feb 1st. A fine line of gents furnishings at Searls', all the latest styles. Go to Searls' for your low shoes, where you will tind the largest line at prices lower than ever be fore offered in Albany. Ludlow's shoes all sizes and widths at Searls' shoe store. Retail Grocers ALBANY, OB OREGON. Railroad, between Fourth and Fifth t5ol L Mas 2.nn $3 SHOE And other specialties for Cien- BtlVe tlemen, ladiea, rtc, are war- Si ... ranted, and bo stamped on liot '5 torn. Address W. L. DOl'tJ bi;0ft LAS, Hrockton, Has?. Sold by L.s t. tSL-AIIM, ALBANY, ORF.CON. mm mm. m m m m a CITY DRUG' STORE 8TANAED & CUSICK, Prooe., FFKIFt'EK BLOCK, - - AL1HNV, Dealers in DRUCS, MEDICINES. CHEMICALS, FANCY and Toilet artiris, Spoilers, llrimlies, l'erfuuiery, School KookN, and Ar tist's Supi'lu'B I'bysician's prescript! on f carefully compounded. MONEY TO LOAN III lartfe ur smal aniutints, from six monthfl to five years on Albany, and Linn county rta! estate. Call on or address W. E. McPherson, real estate broker, opposite Kuss house Land for Hale. 6. 10, 20, 40, BO acres, easy terms, install ment plan cneap anu uii;n-prireu. few ,0M al wned by u BrvaIlt ment plan cheap and Inifh-prired. Also ST ARRETTS Garden Seeds. The Best Because -:-Always Reliable. Established 1874. sflr6pecial prices to market gardeners. Sena for catalogue for 1891. Address, Geo. Stakrktt, Walla Walla, Wash. HOSE AND SIXOLE COMB BrownLcghorn Roosters FOR SALE AT $1.50 EACII Also some fine Langshang, Ply moth Rock and Wyandottes, same price. Mrs. L. J. Houck, Tangent.r. B0VS Here's a chance to make some pocket monev: The Albany Electric Llaht Co. wishes to" y uruhasc a quantity of clean white or colored cotton rajrs, 'or wip ing machinery. Ueliver them at the com pany's office and get your cash Viereck will shave you or cut your hair in the most approved stvl The Thomas Kay Woollen Mills of Salem, have appointed G. W. Simpson their agent in Albany. A full line of men and boys clothing blankets and flannels and all arti cles manufactured by the mill will be kept in stock. These goods are the best in the market and will give entire satisfaction. OH, MAMMA HE CARRIES A FULL STOCK OF NICE FURNITURE. REMEMBER T E PLACE, OPPOSITE OPERA HOUS i B iS lis i UC9 .j- v. E'ak i-oais," 3c t J LlJ lit e e.v .?cii eS U. - t 5 2 Sj I l 3? I . Z M.....s.... WHY you know j DR. ACKER'S ENCLISH REMEDY ;for Coughs, Colds and Consumption is beyond question the greatest of J ; all Modern Remedies? It will stop a Cough in one night. It will check; ! a Cold in a day. It will prevent Croup, relieve Asthma and cure Con- sumption if taken In time. " You can't afford to be without it." A 25c. ; I bottle may save you 100 in Doctor's bill mav save your life t Aak ; LB 1 Manufacture steam endues, grist and saw mil. machinery, in. n fronts all kinds of heavy and light work in iron and brass castings, tion paid to repairing all kinds of machinery. Patterns made A COSTEL, President. P LI KG RAN, Secretary, JOHN HOLM AN I list Kccrl i -l. I have just received my Fpring stock of Iliazer jackets, Rufess accordian plaited capes and beaded capes in the latest styles. Ladies will do well to examine my block before purchasing elsewhere. i. W. SlMl'SON. y 6 xuxv i II 'ttscXna' o t erjTo h a c e q . fVja.'cKe inxmost; c onf e rui t n f 7 P a c Kaj c s. rorTSAiETBy -'ALlTDrAIf R s- One lliilf Hollar Reduction on every pairof Lud lows Hue Shoes. A goodline of them at Samuel E. Young's. Ladies, the cheapest place to buy your Oxford ties is at Scarles' shoe store. Wall paper at Cumining's drug store. Just received, at Searls' shoe store, the latest styles in ladies cloth top shoes, lace f-hocs and Oxfords of all kinds. Searls $3 shoes for ladies and gentleman are the best. The finest milk shakes in the city at Roenicke's. A new line of corsets iust re ceived at the Ladies Razaar. An endless variety of new goods just received at W. R. Graham's. Remember that I am Bellinir all of my dry goods at cost, K. C. cearig. Boy's shirts vests at Searls iroing at cost. Know yc all men by these presents that we, Morris &" Blount, have just received ten tons, of mill feed and Hour which we will sell cheap for cash, Excelmor Roller mills tlour 1 ''() per sack. Plenty of bran, middlings and chop for sale and delivered free of charge inside of city, Morris & Blount. The Ladies Bazaar continues to lead in the millinery line. Re member they have the latest city styles and the lowest prices. "Have you seen those lovely lounges at Brink's? They are the prettiest in town, and all his new furni ture is simply elegant." I hey all say so, aud an m spection will prove it. Prices always the lowest. h PI 30 : f69.' s to. 2 p i i ' 3 q'srS 5 Kas a DO YOU COUGH?! that a little cough is a dangerous! I r4 a mi;,'.' jre jou aware mat it often fastens S on thclungsaiid far t) often runs into Con-' sumption aiul ends in Death ? People suffer- injr from Asthma, Bronchitis, PneuniouiaS and Consumption will all tell you that X "IT STARTED WITH A COLD"! Can you allord to neglect it? Can you" i trillo with so serious a matter? Are you; aware that WORKS SAX WA has removed !i laundry to the In in hou the cor'ir of Sei'ond and I on street. If yon want THE BEST, buy ALLEN'S NORTHERN ;icov. SEEDS. If the Meirhant you deal with does ll"t keep ttieni semi to A1.LKN direct, lie (lays the postage. Iteuutlftil catalogue sent flee. Adilreas, K W AU.KN, 71 Second street, I'ortland, Or .Vol Ice to IJcIiIoin. All those indented to the lute firm of Thonipxou & l Herman are requested to call at once and sett le the same. IIHKSII SALMoVat the Albany Fish liar X kett next door to the ptwtultice. Leave our crder fur Friday as the aalinon law ex pires on that day. Aim erch, tloundeia Mtureon and trout in season, Oaiue and poultry dressed to or Iti ami delivered free iu the city. M. IIvdk, 1'rop, IOST-A lad)'s silver watrli, aith a ku'i J ehain, lo.t in this city m, Mondav. The fiiidi-r will p!e.iHc leave the same at this Otliee. A pair of fast black hose free with every pair of ladies shoes, costing $3 or more, a! Searla' shoe store. Just like finding money to buy your groceries from Mueller & Gar rett. Their cash prices talk. Fresh bread, cakes and pies every morning atBlodgett A Son's. Go to Searls' and see his fine display of shoes, all the latest styles. Julius Gradwohl has opened at his Golden Rule Bazaar store a line of finely finished boys' safety bicycles, which will be sold much cheaper than they can be j ur chased elsewhere. New sprirg novelties in dress goods and dress silks, in colors and black in great variety at Samuel E. Young's. Blodgett A Son have removed their stock of groceries into the building formerly occupied by Blackburn & Pironi, and have added a bakery department, and are now prepared to furnish their customers with fresh bread, pies and cakes of all kinds. A large line of Ludlow's $3.00 shoes for ladies just arrived at eirls' shoe store. Natural fruit flavors only used at tfoenicke's ; coldest soda in the city. Another tine assortment of Robert's fine candies received at the Monogram. Fresh vegetables every morning from Linn county gardens at Parker Bros. W. R. Graham, the leading tail or, has just received a fine line of spring suitings. Fire Ktndlers. If you want a good and easy fire kindler, one that will kindle your tire easy every time. Call on or come and see me. A. J. Fox, FHTBICIAMS WE DAVIS, . D. PHYS1CIAN.AKD sueon. Can be found at his office room In Strolun's block, First street. Albany Urejjon. r C. KELLY, PHYSICIAN AND 3UR- J. peon Albaoy, orefron, omce D fierce new block. Office hours, from 8 A. u. toj r. a. 4 J. ROSSITER, VETERINARY SUR- A, tceon. graduate ol Ontario veterinary college and met ber of the Ontario veterin ary medical society. Is prepared to treat the disease of all domesticated animals on scientific principles. Office at Ana Marshall's livery stable Residence 4th and CalaKtoia streets, Ai'jany, Oregon. ff I'. HAMBKRLIX, M. I)., Homoepathic Phvaieian. affit at Ir Vdlir.'. nl.l stand,' Broadalbin street. Office hours, 7 to ..; ins ana c to 8 p. u. TytO. A. WHITNEY, PHYSICIAN AND u surgeon, uraduate of Bellevae Hospl tal Medical College, New York City. Diseases of women a specialty. Office in Foster blook ATTORNEY CIEO.W. WRIGHT, ATTORNEY-AT LAW T and Notarv ft'uL.iL-- Will iirui-tiir in All the courts of this .late. Office, trout rouua over Bank of Oreou, Albany, Oregon. w. t. si'KNsY. j. w paarsa LRNY X DRAPER, ATroRNEYS 1 at law, Oickoo City, Oregon. Twen ty years eiparien'e as register of thi U. S. Laud office at Oregon City and in Uie land practice recommends us in our specialty business before the Land Office or the courts and involving the practice in the general Land Office. u C. WATSON, attorney. at law, Albany , Oregon. Office in Strahan block. JN. DUNCAN - ATTORN E Y -AT LAW . sud notary public. OVc In the Strahan block, rooms No. I aud 2. WOLVERTON CHARLES E. ATTORNEY at Law, Albany. Or. Office in rootca IS and 14 Kos'.er't Block, over L. K. Blain's Store. JK. WEATHFRFORD, ATTORNEY AT . law, Albany. Oregon. Off in the Minn Block. - Will practice n all the courts of th estate, and give specia. attention to all business. JAMES P. MEAD, ATTORNEY AT-LAW and title examiner, Albany, Or. Will practice in all the courts nf th mtt a k. stracta of title famished on short notice. ten years experience. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. "Some months airo! I purchased liox of Dr. J. P. Gill's Catarrh Cure for my own hise, but tindiDR my nephew, C. A, McMahan. needing 6Uch medi cine, I let him have my box of medi cine. He now sends for three more boxes, laying it is the best thing for catarrh ever tried by him and bis friends. 1 got another box to use in my case, and cheerfully recommend it toothers. (Signed). JOHN McMAHAN, Ex-County Commissioner Lane Co, Oregon, Springfield, Lane county, Oregon, Prof J. W, Johnson, president of the State university, says it cured him of a cough after two other prescriptions h&d failed. Likewise two of his little trirls used It to cure their coughs. Mrs Mark Bailey, wife of Prof. Bailey, sent it to Prof. Johnson, and reeom mends it to all who suffer from colds and coughs. For coughs it acts like a charm, and can be inhaled into the .ilpes or passages, where no other cough cures can reach. WOMAN'S FRIEND So successful and delightful Lave been the effects of ''Moore's Re vealed Remedy" upon the delicate ailments of womankind, that this wonderful remedy has been called "Woman's Friend." Moore's Revealed Remedy in a few doses shows woman kind its peculiar virtues for their ailments. Its effects are gentle, soothing and uniformly successful. Hundreds of testimonials from ladies all over the coast bear wit ness to its success. Sold by all dniRgists. Notice to Stockholders. V0TICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE Ll annual meeting of the stockholders of the Albany Farmeia Co., will be held at the of said company il Albany, Oregon, on May I'Jth, 1391, at 1 o'clock, r. ., of said day. for the purpose of electing seven (7) directors to serve the ensuing year, and the transaction of such other business as may properly come before the meeting . Done by the order of the board of directors. 11. II. Win. Atfent: President. 1'hem. B. Mamhall, Secretary. SITUATION WANTED. At any employ ment, office, store, mill or railroad, surveyor by profession, sober, steady, in dustrious. 0m1 references. Address' box 301. Albany Oregon, TO DELINQUENT TAXPAYERRS By order of the county court I am directed to force the collection of all taxes standing unpaid on ths assessment lollsof this county. If such taxes are not paid immediately 1 shall proceed to levy upon and sell the rropertv of delinquents to make collection, mean bu-inces. II. Scott. Shei iff of Linn County. i REMEDY jjjQffl MstTncnes jl 1L .M I iXlSLfta (Reliable Men Wanted as traveling salesmen for a first-class Cigar Company. Must give good references. F. O. B. CIGAR CO., Salem, N. C. HEWITT & IRVINE, ATTORN EY8-AT Law. Will practice iu all Uie eonrts o the state. OlT.ce in Fliuu't block, Firs treet. so you want m imi ? If so call on I. BEAM He delivers Lis roods to any fart of the city fiee of charge, resh vegetables every day. eSXotliiug but the beat kept at I. BEAM'S. 2d at., cor. Jackson and Jefferson. IITANTED To contra. -t with parties to If bank 300.UOO ft. of logs or more to be completed by June XI, 111. For further information call personally at the company's camps, mouth of the Santiam. Vt II.LASKTTS fLLP A fAfia CO. H. GREGG, i n ii s s & ReDaiim lien's and Bovs' clothlns- made to order or cleaned and repaired on short notice and reasonablo rates. Shop on the street car line, between TMrd and fourth streets. Good dry fir wood at $3.00 per cord, also grub oak and ash wood at $4.00 per cord. Delivered in any part of the city. Orders left at the real estate office of liulburt & Writsman will re ceive prompt attention. I'LfKR RlLKY. Albany Nurseries. WE HAVE ON HAtfD AT OUR nursery on the Corvallis road, one half mile from town, as fine a lot of Fruit Trees of all kinds as can be found anywhere on the coast. If you contemplate plantiog trees, it will pay to see our stock and get our prices and catalogue free. HYMAN & BKOWNELL. REVERE HOUSE, ALBANY, OR. OB AS ifeifler, Prop. Only flrsWeelasa bouse n the city. Largo sample rooms fur con. mercial men. No Chinamen employed In the kitchen. Oeneral stage otflc Co rvalue. 1G0' ACRES OF LAND- All St for culti vation, and under fence, for sale al IU per acre. Within 1J miles trout railroad sUti in and 20 miles trow Albany. Apply at this office. TAKE TILE CAB FROM LWiitfMMi'fi cinu nr ixi RATES: To any part of the city, 80 cent For calling, first hour 1 1.50, each subsequent bourf 1. BECKKT 8OCIKTIK8. McPhereon Post No. 6, O. A. R. Stated meetings at the O, A. K. Hall on tne second and Fourtn Fri.lay evenings ot each monrh. Transient Comrades ate soldi, y invited to meet with us J. F. WH1TINO, B. F. TiBLsa, Conunandw Adjutant, A . O. U, W.-Safety Lodsre No. IS: ri. every Monday evening at the O. A. kL hall on Ferry street, between Maeond and Third. Albany, Oregon. Strangers la Uik city and transient brethren cordially tavttsa to attend. JOHN SCHMEER'S LiYeiy. Feed & Sale stable Corner Stamd and EUmeorth 8t . ALBANY. - . 0RXG02I TJoasss KAasu by ths day or moatk. Oat s.riages or ourgiea on ible etal FRESH MILCH COW FOR SALE. HAS A heifer calf and is a good milch cow. An. ply to E. N. CondiL The Latest Alarm. One of the latest styles of rJre alarms is now on trial at No. l's engine house in this city, but this is notion? romnarpil with tho alaimingly low prices to be found hi aiuener uarreti s. lue fast steamer came loaded down with a larirA nllflntitw nf tha HabI fahlA delicacies, to be sold at the lowest cash figures. Baths, well sunlight rooms at Vierecks. Just received, a new invoice of children's ready-made dresses and aprons at the Ladies Bazaar, which are being sold for less than you can make them up. Ladles Fine Hhcaa, I make a specialty of handling ladies fine shoes. I carry some of the best brands made in fine and medium grades in widths from A to EE. All warranted goods; no trash, and will repair any pair of thoes of any kind sold that will rip or break. ISamnel . Young. GROCERIES! n fall or Sale. V " ' -i1. v'