K zr MORNING HERALD: FlMiiA V, MAY 15, i 81) I. How Severe Coltls Are Broken Ip In Montana. From the V.r.'iniaCily, Mont. M ulisanian. When we fuul a medicine we know to possess genuine merit' we consider it a duty, and we take pleasue in telling the public w hat :t is. Sueii a medicine we found Ihiaiiibjrliin'a Cou'h Kemedy, last winter, when la grippe was prevailing. We ate aatisiied that it warded oil" several attacks that were threatening by the use of yuur syrup, ami we have since reliived, in a few hours, severe colds, add in the cour; of two or t iree d.iya, entirely broken them up ny us ic-e as have several ol n!ir fr;..,L .. I...... .... i. mend it. It is all that it is repte- s.-nted to bo by M,e manufacturer.-.. Jf you have a cough and want to Btop i', Chamberlain's Cough Kerned will do the work. Fur Bale by toshay -fc Mason - Take the I'nioii facing railway f.ir tln K.nt. thirtv-livri hour's t-rll, ... r.rl...r t r . .... tinent il Iiih. Kiegu.t new dining ci-s.i uuiiri pti-tce sieepsr, uen f:vi. ! s "(:! ' cars r in tli rougH : ;,, u UY do not lieMhite to guuriui t ' iVv' . ( .n lb l, Co lP.cil lillltls, tee thi'iu every tii.ie iiml we Htaiel K. i-i-.n Cr v, t. I.oius autl Cbl- :ik.'i. t'. J. Ua.vliugs, city ticket; 4't it, ! t of llro i lulbbi street. I Mm I n Inn l'acilic. I Is the only li:i3 running two! fast traiiis daily from Portland to I (1. ill.!. Sl I'.llll IvunSiw I'itV ! - i ; -- . - Chicago, Si. Ixjiiis and ail points Kast and South. I'.uv vour tickets of C. ii. Kaw lings, fojt of i:road - albiu street, Alliany. The Itvxt 'rt. V.' If I : - ). t. li... .....ri'li'inl tailor, has jtist opened an elegant hue ..f new p Uterus for gentle- , .. ,, . B men ? . lothing. lie has a very l.iri;e line to select Irom, in suit iu.'s, paut.tl'H)iis, and all kinds of clothing. Ilia new patterns are not surpassed by anything in the city, and he has marked his prices down to the very bottom, lland-so-ne suits w ill he made to 'jriler for fJ- oO and $i". Those desiring a neat lining g.xxl suit at vervjow cost slioiild . all and s"e his st'jck. Tliey Am In It. It will piy yo!i well to call at tlie Co. ner ot Seeoml and HHh w.i tli stieets. .a MiK-lltr : liai ritl's, while you can the! a splen lid vaiit ty oi gr.nvii. s, veg et diies. iMiii.ti'V, ec, lor vour Sunday 'tm:i.. avoid l;o; iir.ii. a I early ui.d ..lie nt the most important. 1 he t'"i-s- ,K.111;i,l for it has become astonish- T.'-.is. biys, misses and child , u.j:i Aheady the treatment oi rcu's srio.'s dill' -re':', rtyles all .a, t disease is being revohltion-s:.-s au I widths maiii; soi.il Al l. j ix.it . maiiv unexpected cures t.iu.u ..n. Try a pair nothing i ellected. It soon relieves short better .Medium in priee. Kvvry ; breath, lluttering, pains in side, pair warranted. ! arm, sliould.-i , weak hungiy 1 un- S.MI K1. K otsii. ' grv spells, oiipressioii, swelling oi America likM lltu l.t?iltl. America now takes the lead as i an iron pro luciuir country, united I , with China, we couM do ti.'t wash- i ing and ironing of th" v .rld.j MiielUr .4 i.irr.tl are tasio- ,he! lead in the ;r..c ry bii-in. s-i of: Albany, as 1:i.- i cash i,j ues please every o;..-. 'I'ak Wiirimi. j To those wh are ipllek-t. in-p-red, it will b. Wtli to havt y-nr h.itr s'ltiulcd cl' fe to tie! In-id. w hen ar.:uing atioilt the biet .- : the-i g to Allleller iVc i.llit i and oi.l,-: -ciie:i.iiig go d to . ..t for vour S..n l.iv dinner. ..retl lorietHl We make a spiciaity of Ivies and misses line corsets and w tta. We have a drive in a Finch Baleen corset ui. 1o cents. S-xtra good value. S IMI'iil. K. Yo Ml. A no I her I ar. I! t'.os.' choice vegetables just receiv. .I. celery, cauiillower. cab bage, parsnips, tin nips, beefs, ormges, tigs gold.-u dates, leni. US. an t an endless variety of good things. Allot thea'iove nice and fresh at Mueller iV t ia.-rett's. The finest and best assortment , ot in ! it-s (Jxlor.l s ami slippers ev er brought to Albany at Searls' shoe store. I.ouls Yieret k's shaving ami hair cutting parlors. Ladies anil child r jus hair cutting a specialty. Julius tiiadwohl keeps at his iolden Utile Caaar store a large assortment of fresh Walla Walla garden seeds. They are th" best and freshest seeds on the L'acilic coast nriiket. Mis store is lilleJ with the ti;.est ami laigest stock i:i h.s line in the Willamette Yal ley. The public is invited to call ami inspect it. Ne.v ainl complete stock of speciacles an 1 eye glas-es just re ceived at F. M. "French's. Kvery pair fitted by Johnston's l'atent eye-meter, every p.iii fully war ranted to .'it. We are tin- H)ople ! Who carry the most c u.iplt te line of hard ware, stoves and ranges in the valley, Matthews .t Washburn. ;l ICesillln. Our c.isli system of business is just w hat every one is now taking advantage of. "Our goods are the purest and our prices the lowest. People who pay cash for their goods will find it to their advan tage to buy of Mueller A Ciarrett's cash groceres. P.ny gasoline stoves from Mat thews & Washburn. Try Conn t Ileiidricson's svrup, the finest in the market. Uetail in .uatitities to suit. Summer underwear and hosiery in great variety at the ladies lia z.iar A new line of ladies and uiiss-'S Swiss and Jersey ribbed vests just received at the badies bazaar. Fine line of mens shoes at Searls shoe store. Io you want to be happy and make those about you pleased, if so go and get oue of those lovely Joiii'd piano's at Mrs. llymans. mi.iiti: ;ivf.: away. Our enterprising druggists Stanard & Cusick who carry the finest stock of drugs, perfumeries, toiret articles, brushes, sponges, etc., are giving awav a large nuni her of trial lottles of Jr. Miles' celebrated Restorative Nervine. They guarantee it tjcure headache dizziness, nervous prostration, sleeplessness, the ill ell'ects of spirits, tobacco, coffee, etc. I nii:gists say it is the greatest seller they ever knew, ami is uni versally satisfactory. They also guarantee lr. Miles' New Heart Cure in all cases of nervous or organic neariuiseases, raipuaiion. '" ".''? B""-'"n, etc. 1- me ! ,M),jk en 1 'art H i ',HI,t':' ' I " MJJtll Wl. Wo uVmic to say to our ! .ins, that for years we Imve heen 'unr lr King':- New lFisctivery I l.'oiisuini.tioii. Dr Kind's New ciU-ell-for Life ! ' '.-, I'.IK kll ll S AlllKM .Salve uinl ' ft"1' iiml h.'ve i.t'V.r thut soil us, or that ,.,ve -iv, n sm li tin-verbal sutisfat ready to rifuuU t lie min-liuse in ice, li ! s.i'i.-fartory r suits do not follow the r use These remedies have won their ere it iiopulanly purely oil uiei merits, Ko.-haj iV Mason Diuiiists, swr. inituim. Is one wliichtia trnaranteed to t.i inir ! you satisfajtory results, or in ease ol failure a return of purehase priee, I fki. II. i ftuf. r.1-.il v., I. I.IIV fro... j(lr adverti-ed druir-rists a l.ottle of Dr Kin"s New lSeovery for Con j sunitioii. It is guar nleed to lirimr relief ill evesy else, when Used for I :mv atlertion of Throat. I. mors, ol j !' s llonsumi.tioi., lull una- ,'" "f '-'"'r- !r"'1.'1"11-. A-tliiii-i. Whooiuii t oii.;h. Croup, tie, ete ,t j. , 'i(..l!iant :lIia :l..ri.t. ,lU. , tilsU.. lierleetlv safe, and eaii alwav.-. he de pended upon. Trial liottles free at r'oshay .V Mason, Druirists, Ol It 4 AMIilt tlllll't:, It is seldom that w- appear in the roll of spiritual adviser of family phy sician hut there 8iv times w hen we feel justified in calliiiLC the utt.-nt'n.r ol our many su .s.'i ihers to an article of true merit We feel jie tilled in syyini; that Moore's .levelled lteinedy eon tains more a. tual merit than ai;y medieine it has ever hei n ouriroid fortune to test. One trial v. il! lual.e Joii a- eiithsi.istie a- the writer, 'I Mr: .i:i tlii mi; ikk. Among :he great ftiikes that ol ! 1 r. M ili-s in discovering his New i lloart cure has proven itself to be ankles, smothering and heart dropsv. I r. Miles hook on lb-art j and Nervous Disease, free. Th uneijualed New Heart Cure is sold and liuaranteed bv Stanard it Cusick, also his Uestorative Ner vine for headache, lits, sprees, hot llaslu-p, nenous chills, opium habit, etc. iiiis Miar.t iiuiii'MK Act on a new print:1 pie regulu ting t ! it; liver, stomach and bowel -throiigli the nerves. A new dis covery. Ir. .Miles' Tills speedil eiire biliousuts-', bad taste; turpi 1 liver, piles, constipaliotir l.'ii eiialed for men, women, children . smallest, mildest, surest ! bOilse! for '2't cents. Samples ee, a Statiard .t Cusick. i;iiki.i: 4iema saiai:. The hest sa've in th world for Cut. I.ruises, So.es, l lnrs. Salt llheuii', r'ever sores. Tetter, ( happid Ham'., . t hillilains. Corns, and .-kin Kruptioli:-, ; in I pus lively eures Pile-, or i n pa ! required. It is guaranteed to giv- "erleet satislartion, or money funded. Price '25 t ents per hex. sale hy Ktisliry .V. Mason re Ft r Change in l.iisinrmt. From Jan. 1st, lsiil, we wil change our business to a etrictlj cash system, thereby enabling ui to buy for cash and get our dis counts, whereby we can, and will give our customers the benefit Our M. C. II. Mueller, while east made arrangements to buygxid direct from the manufacturers at the lowest cash prices, and we will sell pure g'iods at the lowest cash figures. I'.elieving that the people will appreciate a store w here they can goods at cash figure?. We re main, llespectfully Yours, Mlkli.kk it (i lltltl-.Tr. Fine comb honey and salmon bellies at Mueller Si Oarret's, the leading groceis. Moustache dyeing vwth the renowned German lnstantamous Hair Ie at L. Vierecks. WANTKO-A gooJ workhorse, to t; paid for in carpenter work. Cill at T. L. Wall i.-e .V C. h. Ii. Kimpp. rp'IY A 1 l.ti-.t SIM S CtM'KTAIh. IT JS ..at at In; Cun-.m Sal-i'Hi. T1IK plivsi M in an-1 stiro-n. Hn n inuviil hi oiti f ii t Mvtorti hck or tht- ex presi ottice.'s. Ail cills promptly attends! V TO PKI.IN'Vl'KXT TAXPAYKIIKS-Hy I nrtlt-r of the county cimrt I nm Hr rtel to force tin-colltft ion of all taxi- st.unlin unpaiil on the xH-fSiim-nt iollof tltn rounty. If nil h ta.xotf are not puiil inmn i;atcly 1 ?hall prH'oel to levy upui and rll the proH-rty of ile1inpient.t to tu tkt rj'ltction. M. Scott. SheiifTof Linn Count v XY WEAK MAN Who is sulTerin, either in uiiinl or bol. from the in- h jirius or weakening t fTects . ' of his own ignorant follie. 5i altuse anil eL'eTi-! can W (piickly ami Krmanenilv etiml. F!! fref fealeil. Urt- UULt Portland. Or. 'ihw old doctor has lia.i ao years everinee in curinir rrivate, H'oimI, Nervous oiid Skin iJiscasej. Write to-ilay. Kvlialilu r. niolles scut privately to ny adilruDH. It ST J tl.i OST On Sun.iav, M.iv 4, la'.'t, l.i'twccii irv anil t'oriatlis a la.h's Mack cap.'. H'..l.-r will plce lea'- ut this "flic. ALLEN BROTHERS Wholesale and i I C1GAUS, TOliACCO AXDCIIOICi: FltUlTS OF ALL KINDS 1 1ST S-S02ST. FLYmX liLOCK. Springfield Sawmill A. WHKF.LF.R, (SrRINtiFlF.I.h,) FROPKIETOR. SLMIX(FIELD, T"Alhany yard and otlice on Railroad, between F.uuth and Fifth treets, A. Wheeler, Albany Manager. Having lumber not excelled in tpiality, and facilities not surpassed or the prompt ami satisfactory liliing of orders, 1 respectfully solicit a hare of the tra.h. A. W'UFF.I.KR. FEED -:- 8TOEE A.Nl) GENERAL PRODUCE MAJIKET. W'ANI'Kl) Sl'KCIALLY- 1 1. ay, eats i-ml )-r.tnteis it. supply .sint.i;ii" j:; tin- Or inn I'aciiie K iilr.iad .jvtirnRinn and n.y increasing linim: tr ult 1 : r,. si, (ua.ititicb to suit the put eliasi-rs. Store in Strali.n: l'.rick. .Seei.ml street i-t. N.J. KOBKliT'SoN 2.nn S.ft'inl Notice. Ladies or geiitlenien who con template buying gold watches will li tnl it to their advantage to call at F. M. French's jewelry store be fore purchasing, as there has been piite a reduction in prices. The Corner iewelry e tore. Nt'iv Sprliiu Om.ilH. 1 am now receiving my first in voices of spring novelties in wash goods, prints, gingham seersuckers, etc.. also just received a new line of all wool summer plaids anil beiges. Sami kl K. Yoi no. Smoke ths celebrated Havana tilled 5-cent igirs, manufactured at Julius Jos h"s cigar factory. If you want anything choice in the grocery line go to Mueller A Garrett's, the only place in the :. i .. , ,... ,,.. o.-.., tl,;.,.. ; uy wnvic .wi v.i fci... s , cou want. I Pome ol tne latest styles of tie-1 gant bed lounges can be seen at ', Forttniller & lrving's, as they have just received a large invoice. Money Is King, This is a true saying and is the reason that Mueller & (iarrett are doing such a rustling business. Their cash figures are taking the lead and their stock is the best. You tio not have to pay for any long credit by trading with them as they do business on a strict cash principle. IMIIIIIIAT run high in this city over System ; Huilderasevervblyisusingitfor. Catarrh of the Stomach, Pyspepsia Constipation, Impure blood and to : K.,;i.l .... Il.uiv c-u..,.. 'IV., It .i.wl I tell vour friends about it, as it must jiossess wonderful when all speak well of it. merit New gootls of the latest patterns ! sold at Matthews ami Wash burns is why they will sell over four lo ds of stoves and ratines this year, they l ave" their first carload of Jewel Stoves and ranges now on the road to arrive Feb 1st. i A fine line of gents furnishings ..4. O l,. 11 .1... l.f..! ,...1.... I at .e.uis , an uic laicnL cijiuo, io to Searls' for your low shoes, where you will lind the largest line at prices lower than ever be fore oll'ered in Albany. Ludlow's ship's all sizes and widths at Searls' shoe store. WU S!y -75 5 Ketai ALU AN V, OI? OKECJON. . L no S3 SHOE Ami oilier siK-cialtie? for len- BOYS -ll'""'" l-adics, Ftc, are war- ranteti, ami fo siamju ii on out torn. Address W. I.. IKH'C l.AS. I',.-iH'kt:.n. .Mass. S,,'d . m mam iwtk Al.i'.ANV, tRi:'iN". CITY DliUli STOKE 8TANAKD & CUSICK, ?r,os., I'l KlFI Kli Ill.tH K, - - ALI'.ANV. - Ht-:.l. rn : DRUCS, MCDICINES. CHEMICAIS. lAilGY arul Toilet iirtii i-s, .iiiii-h, linitli'-, rcrfuincry, Si-tiiml I'.niiki, :unl Ar tist's Slllilil-M t.Idt' Physician". pies.'iipii on? carefully com 1011 ruled. MONKY To I.OA.-Iii lir.-o ..r sunt .llll.MllltH, (pilll llli.'ittl-; tO fh. vi-hm on Aliiany, ami !iim rounty r.-.i' . slat f'nllonor a.lilri-N-i W. K. M.-l'lu-ri-on, rmil i.-st:ite ttroki-r, ojipoitite tin.- hou-.i- I. nnl for Siilr. 5. li, -i lil. 80 ncn-n. ray t.-nu-i, in--t-l!- mtriit iilan tli. :ip ami ii.nii-i.ri. e.l. A. so a tlU otaal, W1J ,v II. Ilrtant. I T ARKETT'S Garden Seeds. The Best Because Always lie-liable. KSTABUSHED 1S74. ;T Special prices to market gardeners. Semi for catalogue for IS!H. Address, (Iko. Stakhktt, Walla Walla, Wash.. -KOSR AM) SlMll.K COMIl JfAniI JMvjinni HoIKIOI": I f-UU II 1 A ll'.'l IJ IIUWIL- roil SALE AT $l.."lO KAl'II Also some fine l.ang.shang, Ply Oioth Ktxk ami Wyan lottes, same price. Mrs. L. .1. Hot ck. Tangent, Or. 1)oVS-ll-rc'.H a i-liamv tu makf w"!' y po.kft m..iiiv: Tl A ll.au Htri.: j l.luht t'o. MHhe-i to riir.-hasi-a 0,,t' .ot :lin whit or colore! .-otti.n ra.-i, (or m intf inv tiiruTV. ielili-r tli.nt at llu t'-m- j Ian s olllco ami ct yo ur rasli . Viereck will shave you r t ut j your hair in the most approved J stvle, ; Tl. Tlinlnnc IvJIV Woollen Mills : of Salem, have appoint I Simpson their agent in Albanv. A j full line of men ami boys clotlnmr blankets anil flannels and all art i- i des manufactured by the null will be kept in stock. These good? are j the best in the market and will i give entire snUisfrcliott. j OH, MAMMA Grocers. wL HE CARRIES A FULL STOCK OF NICE FURNITURE. REMEMBER T IE rUCE, -- - OPPOSITE OPERA HOUS fft rl 5 -zc 0. l 1 1 C3 oq 5 ttt? t I! 1:111:1 ImlU ,nl,im 1 'B Vr xi.i:- ., . ... w m Y'Vy v"-Vi' "win:uaiuticoonKiiisadaiiireron8! ihinv Art y.u aware that it often fastens! " .yS" iheluiisaiitl fa r tt k often run into Cou. i .' .tffffi". i sl!!ini! lull :illil ciiiU in 1 I. -il I. V !,.,.. .1.. uilt.. a .) 'CT ?4WfAv.' Ifoi . lr- .'':iMiiupti..u will all tell vou that ? i s fc-;. i '-m ..-.i ( ill Vi.'.l riilc Iiv t!::it DE,. ACKER'S ;'i'iM 'nie;h, Culds mi 1 P.msumptioii isljeyondtpiestion the greatest of J ;all Moihin Rciucilies ? It will .-.tup a Cnugh in oue night. It will check in Ct Id in a thiy. It ill prevent Croup, relieve Asthma and cure Con- sumption if taken in time. " You can't alTord to bo without it." A25c.J bottle may save you sloo in I)m(oi's bills niav save vour life I Ask; ji.urtlruggi.-tforit.orwiiteforlHHjkto ". ihmikek a co ... Mai!iif:u:t':re nteaiii : iiini'ft, rtut :iw til '.i'lds nf lii-avy ai.ii iilit work in in 'i;m p;ti-l tn ir: a:i!ii ' all kin.N f marli A t'OSI'l-'L, :'r.-si -it. P LINi;KAN, 1 hr.ej:'.vt lecciveil niy spring "tock oi '.a.-v jackets, Rutess accordi in pl.iitfd cai't s and bended capes in tin- latest -tylcs. I.idiej i Will i o Well to e lllillie my sto k t-efo: e i;ich l.-il g elsew heie. i. W. SiMTSoN. U up re ce&c.TiijeA fAv?m.aiv forl tslusinOiitJ because irJis.tfje faest .r Y.;t ost i r& h I e iie.cHa.ae to carry. Asm our. dealer.; res 6aleEv(rywhiii I' .,, Iii.tr Dollar Ke-lui ti'M on every pairnf l.ud lows Fine "h-je'. A goodline of them at Samuel F. Young's. Ladies, the chiMpest place to buy your Oxford lies i at S. :irles' shoe store. Wall paper :il Cuniming's tltiig slort . .lust rei-eived, i:t Searls" shoe store, the latest flyles in ladies cloth top i-leies, lace times and Oxfords of all kinds. Seat Is shoes for ladies and gent It man are the best. The finest milk shakes in the city a! I'.oenicke's. A new line tif cornets just re ceived iit the Ladies P.a.aar. An endless vaiiety of new irtiods just received at W. K. irahams. Kemember that I am selling all of my dry goods at cost, F. C. Searls. I'i 's hii Is vests iit Sea lis going at eo'.-t. Kn-..w ye ail men by these presents that e, Morris it I'.lount, have just received ten tons, of mill feed and llur which we will sell heap for cash, Fxeeh'ior liol'er mills Hour l 'i pr s:n'k. Plenty of bran, middlings and chop for sale and delivered free of charge inside of city, Morris it I'.lount. The Ladies Pazaar continues to lead in the millincrv lino. Ke- jiiember they have the latest city styles anil the lowest prices. "Have you seeu those lovely lounges at Brink's? They are the prettiest iu town, ami all Lis new furni ture is simply elegant." They all say so, ami an in spection will prove it. I'riees always the lowest. fsjvnn vniinniiniio! .... ... A-lhma. I5r..nchitis. l'nciimoiiKi ! ? n r ii n n n i.iii .-iH-..-,i i.. n.M-i..-t itv I'm. v..ii" .ill.. id to in-elect It? iih s. si r ioiis a matter? Are jou; ENGLISH REMEDY : ............ ...v.i. ...... ....a 1 !aH mil. machinery, inn fronts n and braB cadtiugn. iiv ry. I'atti-rns made SoT'tary, JOHN UOLM AN s AN W.' r.-iiiovf-l h tt Kuin.lry to t lie Iron li hi i he iur ..-r of Si-.-oii'l and in n:r.--t-j. If yon want Til K HKST. bnj All L'M'Q NOKTHEItN SEEDS. If lie- M.-it liant y.m ili-al willi ilavn imt k.-i . th-m m-ii.I to AI.I.KN ilin-et, lie vayn In- p-l.ii-. li.-atititiil i-atal'ik'tlt-iH-nt fn-c. AililrrM, K W AI.I.KN, 71 Si-conil 8tri-i-t, I'ortlan.l, Or V.llrr lo li-lilor. All tli mi- iiitliiit.-il to the late (inn of I'liotiipxoii A; o.iriiian art ri'iiiTitiil to call at once ami i-tt!e the same. ttliKslI SALMON' at the Albany Finh .Mar kt-t, next .liH.r to the (Hmtottice, Leave -iitr onl.-r for Kriiliy an th Katinoii law ex-piri-s on that ila. Also .erih, tloiimtt-rH -.lurL'eon an.l trout in Hi-atoti. . tiame and lionltry ilrt-MM-il to or lei an.! delivered free in tlieiity. l. IIvhk, l'rii. roST A Lilly's silver watrh, with a irn'il i chain, lu-t in this city on Mon.tav. 'I he liniU-r w ill please Icate the same at this ollive. A pair of fast black hose free with every pair of ladies shoes, costing -f; or more, a' Searls' shoe store. .lust like finding money to buy your groceries from Mueller A Gar rett. Their cash prices talk. Fresh bread, cakes and pies every morningatlilodgettit Son's. ioto Searls' and see his fine display tif shoes, all the latest styles. Julius Gradwohl has opened at his iolden Rule Bazaar store a line of finely finished boys' safety bicycles, which will be sold much cheaper than they can be jur chased elsewhere. New sprit g novelties in dress goods and dress silks, in colors and black in great variety at Samuel K. Young's. lllodgett & Son have removed their stock of uroceiies into the building formerly occupied by I'.lackburn A: Pironi, and have added a bakery department, and are now prepared to furnish their customers with fresh bread, pies and cakes of all kinds. A large line of Ludlow's $:!.0l) shoes for ladies just arrived at eirls' shoe store. Natural fruit flavors only used at Loeiiicke's ; coldest soda in the city. Another line assortment of Kobert's fine candies received at the Monogram. Fresh vegetables every morning from Linn county gardens at Parker l'.ros. W. K. Graham, the leading tail or, has just received a fine line of spring suitings. Ktre Klntllers. If you want a good and easy fire kindler, one that w ill kindle your lire easy every time. Call on or come ami see me. A. J. Fox, IRKS, i I-UYBICIAXS W H. DAVIS. M. D. PHYSICIAN AND IT luieon. Can be found at ha office room to Smhan'a block, First itrect, Albany Oregon- p C. KELLY, PHYSICIAN AND dUR- KJ. geon Aluany. Oregon, omee n fierce new block. Office houra, from 8 A. u. toj r. m. AJ. ROSSITER, VETERINARY 8UR . Keon, graduate of Ontario veterinary college and met ber of the Ontario veterin ary medical society, la prepared to treat the diseases of all domesticated animal on scientific principle. Office at An Marshall livery stable Residence 4th and Calapooia (.reeu, Aiuanv, Oregon. p T. HAMBKKLIN, M. D., Ilomoeuatliic J i-nysican, omee at ur, Wallaces old stand, broadalbin street. Office hours, 7 to w a. .; 1 to 3 ana ttanr. u. DRO. A. WHITNEY, PHYSICIAN AND urgeon. Oraiiuate of Bellevue Hospi tal Medical College, New York City. Disease of women a specialty, Office in Foster block ATTOKWEY GEO. W. WRIGHT, ATTORSEY-AT LAW aud .V.tary rub.ic. Will practice in all the courts of this state. Office, front rooms over liana ol Oregon, Albany, Oregon. W. T. BlRXET. J. W IIKAPBK BtKNiY & UltAPER, ATTORNEYS at law, Oiegon City, Oreou. Tweu tv years uxtK-rieni-e as register of ItuU. S. Land OlMee at Oregon City and iu tlie land i.nictice recouimeuds us iu our auecialtv buniDeag before the Land Otlice ur the courts ana Involving the practice in the Ke'eral luid Office. C. WATSO.V, attorney-at-law. Alb any . Oregon. Office in Strahan block. JN. DUNCAN - ATTORNEY-AT LAW . and notary public. OUce in the Strahan block, rooms Mo. 1 and 2. WOLVERTON CHARLES E. AITORNEY at Law, Albany, Or. Office in room IS and 14 Fos.er'B Block, over L. E. Blain' Store. JK. WEATI1FRFORD, ATTCRNEY AT . law, Albany, Oregon. ott in the Flinn Block. Will practice n all the court of then lute, and giv ipecia. attention to all business. TAMES P. MEAD, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW and title examiner, Albany, Or. Will practice in all the courts of tlie state. Ab stract of title furnished on short notice. i en years experience. FOR SALE BY ALL DKfGGISTB. "Some niontliB airoj I Durcliaaed hox of Dr. J. P. Gill's Catarrh Cure for my own Hiae. but Hutting my nephew, ('. A, McMahan. neediug such uitdi cine, I let him have my box of medi eine. He now sends for three more boxee, saying it is the best thine for catarrh ever tried by him aud hie friends. 1 got another box to use in my ease, aud cheerfully recommend It toothers, (Siened). JOHN McMAfTAX, Ex-County Commissioner Lane Co, Oregon, Springfield, Lane county, Oregon. Prof J, W, Johnson, president of the State university, says it cured him ol a o ni trli after two other prescriptions had failed. Likewise two of his little irirls used It tocure their coughs. Mrs Murk Bailey, wife of Prof, bailey, sent it to Prof. Johnson, and recom mends it to all w ho sutler from colds and coughs. For roughs it acts like a charm, and can li inhaled into the .Opes or passages, where no other eounh cures ?an reach. " iMOOttS! FRIEND OF WOMAN The very remarkable and certain rebel given womankind by "Mooie's Revealed Remedv," has won for it the name of Wo man's Friend It is uniformly successful in relieving their deli cate ailments. Moore's Revealed Remedy Stands peerless as the natural rem edy peculiarly adapted to the wants of womanlrind. WHAT ONE WIMAX SAY, Seattle, Jan. SO, 1H. "I want you to publish my testimo nial for Moore's Kevealed Kemetly, for it has beeu a graud thing for me, for it has cured uie of headaches, from which I have sutl'ered whenever I be came chilled, for the last tltteen years. I have sutl'ered perfect torture for twenty four hour i at a time, some times retelling for three Lours with out any rest and unable to get help from any of the numberless remedies tried. Now I am free frem this sull erinjr. for at the first symptom of one these attacks I take a uond dose ot Moure's Kevealed, and that is the end of it. It has also cured me of consti pation. My husband says i'. ha saved Ills life, ami he would not be without it. We are both so happy over it we cannot ray enough .11 iLs favor, aud advice all our friends to use it. MRS. JAMES Cil.EASoN, Cor, Pith A Jackson st, Seattle, Vah. UT For sale by all druggists. Notice to Stockholder. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE annual nieetimr of the stockholders of the Albany Farmets Co., will be held at the offige of said company ii Albany, Oreiron, on May llth. lSyl, at 1 o'cltvk, "r. ., of said day, for the puriose of electing seven (7) director to serve the ensuing rear, and the transaction of such other business as may properly come before the meetniK Done by the order of the board of directors. M. II. Wilus, Attest: President. I'KES, B. MakshaM., Secretary. SITUATION WANTED. At any employ ment, office, store, mill or railroad, surveyor by profession, sober, steady, in dustrious. G.khI referencss. Address boa aOl. Alluury Orlfon, I 1 s-aa. M mrnj HT WWIIsl! I Jf B : L mm nciiduie men Wanted as traveling salesmen for a first-class Cigar Company. JJust give good references. F. 0. B. CIGAR CO.. Salem, N. C. HEWITT & IRVINE, ATTORNEYS-AT Law. Will practice in all the courts o the' state. Office iu Flinn block, Firs trett. so 70? wast im tin ? If 80 call on I. BEAM He delivers bis rood to any 1art of the city free of charge, 'resli vegetables every day. Nothing but the best kept at I. BEAM'S. 2d st., cor. Jackson and Jefferson. IITAXTED To contract with parties to 1 1 bank 300.000 ft. of loirs or more to he completed l.y June 20, ISal. For further information call personally at the company camps, mouth of the Santiani . Wll-LAMItm rl'LP & Papkr Co. H. GHEGG, T U, Men sand Hois' clothinir made to order or cleaned and repaired on short notice and reasoiiablo rates. Shop on the street car line, between Third and Fourth streets. Good dry fir wwd at $3.00 per cord, also grub oak and ash wood at $4.00 per cord. Delivered in any part of the city. Orders left aW the real estate office of llulburt & Writaman will re ceive prompt attention. 1'etkr Riley. Albany Nurseries. WE HAVE OX HAND AT OUR nursery on the Corvallis road, one half mile from town, as fine a lot of Fruit Trees of all kinds as can be found anywhere on the coast. If you contemplate planting trees, it will pay to see our stock and get our prices and catalogue free. HYMAN A BROWNELL. REVERE HOVSE, ALBANY, OR. CUAS IfeilTer, 1'rop. Only flrst-eclasa house u the city. Lariro sample room for comj mercial men. No Chinamen employed in the kitchen. General tae offir Corvallis. J Ovr vation, and uuJer fence, for sale at Slo per a.-re. Within 1J miles from railroad stati n and M mile (rum Albany. Apply at this office. TAKE TILE CAB FROM RATES: To any part of the city, 50 cent For calling, first hour 1.60, each subsequent hourf 1. SECRET SOCIETIES. McPherson Post No. 6, i. A. R. Stated meetinir at the G, A. R. Hall on the second aud Fourtn Friday evenings cf aach monrh. Transient Comrades a oordi. y invited to meet with us J. F. WHITING. B. F, Tablrk, Commanden Adjutant. , O. U, W. Safety Lo,lge No, IS; meet i. every Monday evening; at the G. A. K. hall on Ferry street, between Seeond and Thinl, Albany, Oregon. Stranger in the city and transient brethren oordially invited to attend. JOHN SCHMEER'S Liver;. Feed & Sale statue Corner Second and EUmeorth SU . ALBANY. - - CREG0X Ho an as aoDD by the day or month. Oar riages or bumrie on reasooable terms r8nl IMtESH MILCH COW FOR SALEHAS A heifer calf and is a good milch cow. Ap ply to E. N, Condit. The Latest Alarm. One of the latest styles of fire alarms is now on trial at No. l'a engine house in thiseity, but this is nothing compared with the alaimingly low prices to be found at Mueller & Uarrett's. The last steamer came loaded down with a large iuantity of the best table delicacies, to be sold at the lowest cash figures. Baths, well sunlight rooms at Vierecks. Just received, a new invoice of children's ready-inad dresses and aprons at the Ladies Bazaar, which are being sold for less than you can make them up. Ladle Fine Shoes. I make a specialty of handling ladies tine shoes. I carry some of the best brands made in fine and medium grades in widths from A to EE. All warranted goods; no trash, and will repair any pair of thoes of any kind sold that will rip or break. Samuel . Young. 11 mmwa & Repaiiw M or Sak