THE MORNING HERALD: THURSDAY MAY 14. fbOl. I- glorntoggaUjjJIerattl DAIbY AND WKEKIkV TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTH N: DAILY Published every morninir except Monday.) r.ivered by carrier, per week..... U"-0 y niai), per year...- 6 CO WKKKLY. j(PublUhci every Friday Morning.) Dd copy, per annum, in advance. ........ 00 W lien nut uaid in advance., 2J& THE MAIL. Mails it the Albany poslorBce close r -jr all &Zwv9 north. I Tlie Kawern mated i 6;30 A. , The Wwt Side Anil the Nairow Oa i- R. R.J J or Portland mid Sat i 11 A. M orvallis and Yaiiuina ......ll.'M) p. M , . office south..., 7:30 r. h The postoltice will be cl d each evening I torn six to seven o'clock. Ketristcred matter lor the lv mnminir train should be mailed before 6 clock the reyious evemnir. OREGON PACIFIC TIME TABLK. Arrives Departs raasentrer.. Fright...... ll.l:ipm 15.20pm . 3.4'.'tm 7.45 a ui TAKlMi THE LEAD. In many things it appears that far away Australia is taking the lead, and building up a reputation for progreseiveness. We copy a ballot from it, and now it seems that there is a likeh hood of its taking another radical step in the suffrage matter. We glean that the woman's sulfrae movement seems on the point of gaining an important victory in New South Wales. Sir Henry Tarkes, the Premier -of that Australian state, has announced that the govern ment will introilm e a bill confer ring the electorial franchise upon women. This means that the bill lias 'made what, in this country, wxuld be called an administration measure, but this signifies more there thau with us, lor the condi tion upon which an administra tion there exists is, tint its nieas ures shall be supported by a legislative majority, so that the l'remier's announcement means that the measure shall become a law, or the ministry will resign. Another thing that gives import ance to tiie movement is the standing ami reputation of Premier Parkes. He has been prominent in public affairs for over forty years, and is now leading statesman of Australia. H4 has b;-en the leader in the movement for federation which has culmin ated in the organization of the commonwealth of Australia. Undertaken under such auspices, woman sutlhige will have a great intlueuce, ami its success in New South Wales will lead to its gen eral adoption by the Australian States. More than that, it will give a great impetus to tht move ment in England, where t&e ,un- s-jrvative partv is inclined tt it m expectation of 'Jenvingan ! envingan Uerease the wordun's vote. of strength from 1 The Marquis of Saulsbuiy, the conservative leader and present English Premier, has heretofore announced his personal adhesion to the movement. Tl e New South Wales experiment will afford a better test of the workings of woman sull'rage than could ie obtained in this country, lor un der the constitutional system that prevails there the action of the elaborate upon tl e course of the government is direct and immedi atte. The administration is virtu ally an executive committee of the legislature, and changes as soon as it no longer controls the steady support of a majority. The results of the impostion of political duties upon women will therefore be con sciously manifested, and will re ceive the close attention of politi cal observers throughout the civilized woriu. ,1 r is a curious habit that human Iwings ill indulge in carrying articles in the mouth, which can be and are liable to be drawn up on the lungs, when they are cognizant and fully aware of the often fatal results, and always in jurious elfects to the lungs. An eminent divine, Dr. P.othwell, has just died in New York City, from this foolish habit, lie extracted the cork of a small vial with his teeth to gi.e his sick child some medicine holding the cork in his mouth while dropping the medi cine in a spoon. The antics of an other child to distract the atten tion of the sick one cause him to laugh and the cork was drawn in to his lungs, cau-ing his death alter a few days of intense sutler ing. The painful incident has brought to light many others in the various hospitals of the coun try winch strongly emphasises the admonition never to put articles into the mouth not intended to go into the stomach. Tlu: supposition is that the imagi native ailments predominates, and near! every tiling is m mined up on that score, but it iloes not always apply. The doc tors may err as well as the pati;nts become nervous and imaginative, a recent case has shown they are liable to error. A woman w ho had just died in Bridgeport, Conn., who wanted the hospital physi cians two years ago to recover a set of false teeth which she de clared she had swallowed. An operation showed the stomach to he empty, but the doctors told her the teeth had been found. A post-mortem examination showed she had lived two years with the false teeth in her gullet. A Boston judge, in whose court two applicants for divorce had been living together as man and wife, under a simple contract drawn by themselves, has decided that there was no marriage and hence no cause for a divorce and dismissed the case. His action is commendable, provided there were no children to be aflected by it, inasmuch as it wonld give the parties a gentle hint that they ignored the law and custom in commencing married life, they would be consistent and. refuse to recognize the law and custom in ending married life. If they have a contempt far legal forms at first, w hy appeal to tuo3e legal forms at the last. The glowing sentiment towards a more liberal view in religions matters, it seems must meet ob stacles of a necessity, hence the action in New York against Dr, 1'riggs for heresv. The results will be watched closely, and will in dicate how much of the old religious intolerance, that used to burn men at the stake because they did not subscribe to ad the dogmas of the creeds, there still remains in the minds of men. Skyek.u. months ago the name of Koch and his lymph rilled all the newspapers, and doctors by the score were posting to Berlin to obtain the new and marvelous cure for consumption. Now Kooh has well nigh dropped out of sight, and his friends in the Reichstag had hard work to pass a grant for the maintenance of his institute. The lymph had no longer life than Brown-Sequard'a exixir or the blue glass craze. The shadow of a conflict be tween t-lie Chilian steamer Itata and the I'nited States Cruiser Charleston, does not seem to indi cate that this government is in any very precarious situation from a lack of naval protection. We have a; vessel fully capable of meeting thctuueJiuuils of the c.ise jv-hen it is called for. . The bids for Albany's big bridge will be? opened on June 1-, and be fore the autum rains decend the Willamette will be spanned by a substantial free wagon bridge. What is Albany going to do a"out celebrating the glorious Fourth of July this. year,',. . 'I'hrre ict tli-l in lia QUARTER kcr ountv 'Ore Ur A on, near w hut k now liaker City, aflr UTIIPV mill alio has sineeULIl I UllI in'come identified wild the resources :ind development of that country. This :AC0 tuiiti is no "tner than Sir. John btewart, one of the wealthiest and most influential citizens in tiie county. In a recent letter he savs: "I been suffering from pains in mv back and general kidney complaint for some time. mid ha: used many remedies without any but temporary relief. The pains in 1113 back hail lieiotne so seere thit 1 was prevented from attending to my work and could not ni'ive without the life of a cane. Hearing. throuuli a friend, of the wonderful cures ef fort by Oregon Kidney Tea, I was induced to try a box, and from that ve-v nrst dose I f'Otiid instunt relief, and before u-ing half the e intents of the box the puns in c y back entirely disappeared I have every faith in the virtues of the Oregon Kidney Tea, and vn conscientiously recommend it to mv In. mis. 1 woii'd not be without it for any thiti.'' Oregon Kidney Tea cures headache, incon tinent-c of urine, brick dust sediment, burn ingur painful sensation while urinating, and all alfcclmtis of the kidney or urinary organs ot either sex. HUMPHREYS Ik. Hi Mi'MRRY'tt SrR( ikich arc Scientifically aiul c.ircfully pruiarel prescriptions; used for manv yenrs in private practice with sue ccrw, and tor over thirty years uecil by the xojle. Kvcry single opecitic is a cure (or the disease named. Three necilirs cure without dmin?, puruiti or rcliicinu the Mttem, and are in f it and den I the sovereign reiuedica of the world. r or trincipai. mm. re rim. pricks.. rViern, Contention, inflammation. -J5 Wornw, worm fever, worm colic riiiki Coin , or teething of infant.. -'; Diarrhea, ot children or adult J6 I'yMMitery, Uriping, Bdlious Colic 2." Cholera Slorbu, vennting Ciuuh, eoldf. hronchitis 2a Neunilkria, toothache, Kaceache Headache, sii-k htadache, vertigo.... tf DpHpepsia. hilliouA stomach 2; Suppressed or Painful Periods 25 Whites, too profuse peiiodn 2.p Croup, couch, diThVult breathing 2. Salt Kheuiii. eaHipelas. eruptions.. 2.' KheuniatiMii. rheumatic pains 2.'t Fever and aue, chills malaria . :'sJ Piles, blind or hleediuir 50 Catarrh, influenza, cold in the head 50 WhoopniLT Couirn, violent eomrh ftu (teneral debility, physical weakness 50 Kidney dicuie H 50 Nervous debility M H 1 00 I'rioary Weakt.ess, witting bed 50 bLseajcsot the heart, palpitation.... 1 0" Sold by druggists, or sent postpaid on re ceipt of price. !r. Humphreys' Manual, (144 pane) richly bound in cloth and gild,-mailed rcc. IIL'MPHKKYS' HKD. O , 111 & IIS William St , New York. SPEC I F.I SPRING OUR STOCK OF SPRING WAGON'S IS THE LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE ON THE PACIFIC COAST, AND COMPRISES ALL THE LEADING STYLES OF Four-Spring Passenger and tain Wagons, SPECIAL PARCEL DE LIVERY WAGONS, ONE-HORSE BUSINESS WAGONS, ONE-HORSE IRON AXLE WAGONS, ETC. It will pay all parlies want ing Spring wagons of any description to call upon or correspond with us. We guarantee our vehicles the best, Staver & NEW MARKET BLOCK, - WE CARRY THE LARGEST AND THE PACIFIC Machinery and Vehicles IKM) KOK CATALod'E W. O.DAVIS cvj ALBANY, - The men of this vicinity need not be jealous because their wives talk so constantly about Matthews and Washburn. Its not their good looks the ladies are talking about, it is the good qualites of the 'ook and heating dtoves they sell. Every one seems to be delighted when they buy from M. and W. Our stock of candy has arrived, and we will give special churches and sociables. & Garrett. rate to Mueller Julius Gradwohl, proprietor of the Golden Rule Bazaar, informs us that he w ill add to his already large business a complete line of shelf hardware and family groceries. Th? sales of his Golden Rule teas and baking powder is steadily increasing, lie still keeps up the elegant prizes with these goods. Wood for Sale. j Pry fir wood delivered to any part of the city at -f 3 00 per conl. Leave orders at the foot of Ferry street at P. W ard. Spink s lumber A FULL1 LINE OF BICYCLES AND TRICYCLES 1 o JULIUS GRADWOHL'S GOLDEN RULE gPBINQ The public is mense FOR THE His assortment ia lii.-r tln-i ewr before, aa.l he ia prepared to satisfy custcmerg in quality and prices. The Highest Market Trice Paid for Country Produce. WAGONS. HALF-PLATFORM SPRING WAGONS, SCROLL NP1UNO WAGONS, "HANDY WAGONS," 'TAYLOR' OR THREE SPRING WAGONS, HALF-SPRING WAGONS, EXPRESS WAGONS, DELIVERY WAGONS, pi ices lowest, quality considered. Walker PORTLAND, OREGON, MOST COMPLETE STOCK OS COAST OF of Every Description. AND flllCE LIST. CO. OREGON. ALBANY Collegiate Institute. ALBANY, IKSO OREGON mil A. Eull C( rps of Instructors, Classical, aei title, literary. conimercia i normal ciaut CourxcK of study ar ranged to meet the needs of all grades of .l.nlnntd v 1 1.1 - i n I i n .1 1 . -u n,,i t a nffnml I' . u deuU from abroad. Tuition ranges frou qvtuv in iciin, lustrumental instruction in music wi .riven by Miss I.auro (loltra. Hoard in private families at low rates, anil rooms fur self hoarding at small expense. A careful supervision exercised over pup iw:iy from home. For circulars and full particulars, address the president, KEV. ELBERT N. CONDIT, Albany, Oregon, CROWDER BROS Contractois and Builders. Jfliceon First street with Wal- jlace A Cusick, real estate agents. .I:any, Oregon, r.stimates given n all kinds oi bmidingsorcarpen- er work. AH work intrusted to will be promptly executed. II YS AND GIRL AMOMCEMENT invited to inspect the im stock of Dry SPRING OF " r Won Me ml ,.A FULL STOCK OF.. Staple Groceries MooflCkery( Glassware. The best quality of teas, coffees, candles I outs, etc. FRESH BARED BREAD EVERT DAY. At this old reliable house la also to be found a complete assortment of fresh family groceries, to which is constantly being added all the seasonable lines of groceries and pro visions, such as Cranberries, Fine Pickles, Dried Beef Chipped to order Anchovy Mustard, Candies and Nuts, Eastern Buckwheat Flour, Cannea Goods of All Kinds, Bohemian Glassware, Etc, These goods were all bought when price ere low and the benefit of the margin will be given to his customers. Remembei the place, at the old corner on First and Broaulbin Sts. Conrad Myer, -DR. W. O. NEGUS, Graduate of the Royal College of London, England, also of the Belle vue Medical College. The Dr. haa spent a lifetime of study and practice And makes a spe cialty of chronio diseases, removes cancers, scrofula enIargements,tumors od wens, without pain or the knife, fie also makes a specialty of treat ment with electricity. lias practi ed in the German French and English hospitals. Calls promptly attended day night. His motto is ,OD WILL TO ALL." WOffice and residence Ferry street, between Third and Fourth. IPX 11UOSE WISHING A FIRST-CLASS IN . s'rjroent, the best made to stand the climate of this coast, can be suited by ca'ling it Mis: B. E. Hyntan's, opposite the Masonic Temple, First struct. The latest vocal and instrumental music kept for sale. Also the largest assortment of stamping patterns to select from this side of 'Frisco. Lessons .riven in iaiiiting and embroidery at her studio over Linn County Hank. Give ber your trder and you will be pleased. Nursery. Met a -3. Hyman & Brownell are prepared in their nursery to fur nish all kinds of stock, and those intending to plant should call upon them. Boots and Shoes. Purchasers of Boots and Shoes hear in mind that big advertise ments and oilers of big discounts io not always mean best values. You will have to pay some one a profit as no one can do business without expense. The quest:on is who can sell you the best goods for the least money. Samuel, E. Young. AT- BAZAAR STORE. Goods 1891 AT f a II i aft t 5 SB Also earriea the finest lines of Pianos & Organs IN THE WILLAMETTE VALLEY. CALL. AND EXAMINE HIS STOCK. ODD FELLOWS TEMPLE, ALBiXY, OltEGOX. JTJXiIO"S JOSEBH. Manufacturer of Choice Cigars AND DEALER INr I h II Clears Plug and SmokiriB Tobaei-os, MetrRihaum and Briar Pipes, ot full line o SniokerR' Articles. Ne t of to Plleiller's candy nlorc, Albany, Orceon, The largest and best lme of $3 shoes for men in Albany. N. B. All my dry.goods at cost. FIRST STREET, ALBANY, OREGON. .rfr 3a -i dke Hmmons JLtver Regulator One Dose n0tHTU ioo Dollar?. Diar S. L. R: I consider one duo ln mons Liver Regulator worth 100. wa conmipateil, hail Headache, could eat oth inir with satisfaction or appetite- ha the blues, and felt altogether out of sorts. I re sorted to Blue Mass, Calomel, Quinln , and suyirestcd, but onlv olilainel temporary relief. One dose of 8 L R did m more good than 9lM worth of doctors an djctorintt. Resp'y, J C Mum. 1 have been a teacher fir twenty years, and during that time have had lepeated attacks of headache, produced by torpid Liver, and have been entirely cu cd by Simmons Livei Rcmilator. 1 foun t to be of so mild character in Its a tion s not to interfere, In the least with my duti fin the school room. To those similar , situi t d and subject tothe same, I cannot 3 hlie recommend Sim mons Liver Regulator, K, K. CbssiI Oamov-I Uvtlls Kj G.L.Blackmap, DEALER IN Druffs, Paints Oils, Pcrfimicry AND TOIIiKX ARTICLES, And a fall line of Books, Stationery, Periodicals. Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. I X il it H V ll H DF.AI.EK IN Fiue Slices for I.adii'f. Fine Shot-s for u-tl ini-n. Fine Shoes for CliilJren. Ami tlie Gner-t line of (itT.ts FUKXlSHIXtJ GOODS in the city. Sole agency for the l.uJlow Fine Shoe. FOUND AT LAST ! TIIE WATERPROOF OIL BLACK8MG, CANNOT BE EQUALED ia iiiimlK'n of ukh1 (pi.ilitien. Hie io1. loMiu are a few uf it qualiiie-i: Int. It is lasting and durable. 2l. It does not rub oil" on tlif hands or clothes. 3d. It is jKiifectly waterproof. 4th. It softens the leather to its natural state. 5th. It gives the leather a new and glossy appearance. 0th. It contains not one ingre dient that is injurious to either il.e leather or stitching, but ia a pre server of them. 7th. It can be used on the fine"! boots and shoes and not prevent tle use of the common Iool-b!:iek-ing, but will soften and keep tliein trom cracking. Now, my friends, if such an oi! as this would suit you, go to the drug store of Hulin iS: Dawson, where you can get it for 50 cents per bcx. One box will oil nioie than one set of harness. Receipt for making the oil is sold only lor individual use. J. C. DEVISE, Manufacturer and Agent, Albai, Oregon. I'r K. C. WiV, nerc and hraji. tri-atnit'iit, a nu:r lili-. tjetitic f.i l'.ti-ri;i, i; lit1, htaiiarhc, in.r ViillS T iHtr.i-iot, l-allsi l by IDi u' of al--ht .r toi-aft-.i, wftenint; of lirain resulting in in6;tiiit anl leailin to it:i erj , de ay ai.d lo of power in eitlui sex Kach Ihjx cmi Uins one m -nth't treatment. One dol lar a box. ur six box es for ve dollars, sent by mail pre paid on receipt ot j'riee, tiiiarantevr iwueionl hy J. A. CiinimiiiL'H, ilrtiL'ciKt side aifeiit, Albany, Orepm. S500 REWlRD W will pay the aliove reward; for any cam of liver complair.t. dsH.-nia, nick hea.fa.-lic. indirection, constitiatiiin or cnftivent-iw we annot cure with West's liver pill, when tl directio.i are strictly complied with. The are pur ely vegetable and never fail to ive satisfaction. Large boxes, containiin; 3" pills, 25 cents. The (renuine nianufa'1uroJ only by the John C. West conifvany. Cbiiavo Illinois. Hold by J. A.Cummiturs, drujfifis' aIMS, Crenron. Health is AVraiiiiT -THE- fapiiidioiitc OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAI T. K. lHXiti. Iicct'ivT. Oregon lleYelopinelit Co.'s Steamship Line .AND 22 Hours Less Time Than by any ether ro.:tv: Arroniodations mip5iJ fenrnfr t; sn ssitety. rarti! unl initLis i:. n i. tn the Oregon leec;r:ent rrnisi-t's ihips, uiuvb less by any tl-t-r r.e Vi-eeii ail points in the Vt i:i::.i: i . I u:d Sail FraiiciHco. Sailing dates. TKOH TAljriNA. Wi'Iamette Valley.... -Mav 7th W V . '.HI W.llamclto Valley . SI, :sl fKOM SAN rkMI.-uO rV M.ij :'.rd ii;tii - -'), ii::.Ilitle Valli Willamette Yalk-v.... Tiie tympany r.A-r'.e the ribt to ci a'lg tvaniers r silinir U:ai;a. Kxcept bii!"ia;.6.J L Yar,iit.a7.(0 A u I I.v Albany 1? -20 r' Corvallii ln:S a m I " O rn:".s 1 Ji r Ar Aliu;ny 1 ixAr Yaui:i 4-.i; i-. O & C tia.i.s -cni:e.:t a; ti-an um 1 oi '. M H.-A-J. C, t Hoore, Gcitral Juabutp'r, U. F & F. as-u cr-rvallis, O on EAST SOUTH -VIA- SOUTHERN PACIFIC ROUTE. TiiE KOUNI iiUALTi r.CLTL C:!if"iniH t; m p ti:ii:- n.i. Hit in i I AOI-1H .7.xi p m..L. .. I''i'iAi:, Ar.. aiu IC.-J p i:...1. A!:,.' Lv.. .-1: lu.l.. a U...AI I..-. ..;.-. L .. U'"pin iiM-,1 Vn-. trim lt;-tlj - l.. -i.i.ii .i a 111..I.V I r.'. Ar. . -i , m U:piu..L A ;!.! .-i. :4ti p mAr. .... Rr.-.-t.;ir i.v.. -tia l.VtlUlitiU litill-lll. p !iLv... .A!i:.i-y Ar.. -)i : :. f in Ar....l. n i. - ; i. ' a IU. I.v Ai- :) Al .. a n:..Ar :.-' ..u" .1. ... I. .. a:.knv l-l;:.l (K-, Vi r M..1.V I'-.rtluiid.. L.w Ar. . .A.'- .. 1'L'J.DiA:n IiL"i- M.l. i.i i i- toi'ki-t su:: ! : . Kt.r ux'0!i:n!'Kiai..-n . i :rv i a:u ii-.ii tu l ij , : ., U'tween J.,it..;f!-i ' a.l Mall Irsim lastty - !:.,., 7:.'i a IH..I.W ... i 1:H- p iu. . Ar. .. ..; i ... .. At Aibany a-l t'r.rv-1 . , lr:..of i.'vi: far.-tt. .- . r.prr- IriilH I'.tt F . --: i : !: u.. I.v I - I ;za p m . Ar :.: . x.:-...:. .. .. f. Ill :. m i' t v ,th . . S!;t..I iv Ai . . :.. a-.l i.- . ,:.i.t. .1111 THROUGH TiCKFTS EAST A.NO SOUTH -p'Kor ri n ..j f ardit..' r:5i a-ap-, :V ak'i nt :it A .!j..-r . i. i , i :n 'a K. hu.- 1 !.r i-:, y p. i.j ( K-:.1- Nntice i.r SlraHiulilim .'Moctiiic. "7oMfK I- !T!-:!;l l:Y .:.V ,ilU TliK XI in mi ,1 1 1,..",,, r in. .-: ii.j , f tl a;. ';,".v M iiiini- ,ii:( .v, ;!ini!-'-il , , f A I mi v wii! W ii. lil ;.t tiir.,:i -I ! 111.' f-'-il l :. , i -t) ),,, (.,.. ;.., tlie M'.iIi;.ii-1Vjiivi- .nP: .i - t; i-V-t flroct, AH, i,v. Or, .,. i:;,. -;. , ,j; v oaiii- ii.-r !l,r l:.-t .!i,ii(:- ;,f A-iril. !-'l, :,i -.; );,,,, ,- , t -.,,. o'clock i . v.. for IV im , !-( ,.( ,-t. '"- '-Vfll !itV !..! - ! ',.r tR. oHf.iinjr nr. U.ttell ".!l III V. Mr. Ii 11' 1 1 1 i.. 1! M.,t..mV, ti-i-rt-i:ii v. - c:,iry a .i:-f stock of lrint rV f-tation.-ry, I H.irtod. 1.';' t direct from tin lnainif.n tui c !:- ;;t a low lijruro, and can give tiie lie.-t nf work in all kin-Is ,f j.rinting for tlie least inoiiey. Try ns. IV.i i ' y A- L1 In this i -.y er t.l : . a gold h. J n Aj . , hc limi.-- i!l b,- re vi .ins i l.j I.i.mi.j r.'.an.e :it the Ari'.l. in-, . t' l.a.l v ci U-p.t-ai II-lp. - ..-.i ,; 0 1: N. lil.Ai. Kl't !;. AIToljM y at . Law, All-ant vr-?.. o,!,. ; .., n"Io' 1.-i:i !.-. A ',) ; r -.-ti;e in ! .-. . s .-iftliA or. t .. . . Of the f tat inl ati-.iv l. -J. liUsi 111--, ('M v'l I i-oniii . :in:y -u;t i.I I.i:.n ' I AT.TUNT Jl'CTiTION. 'btSt 71';. Oiilp -V'c Flour t.25 vt" !,W P)tatxf 40c Eir 12c Lntter i".ff"."io ' l.urd lli(i.'. I'.''c. Hums l-itt !"m-. S li ou 1 C rs I '( c. Hai-ou Mv? Ic. Hops Jnc. " Hay Tiiuotliy, oalacd cl t .i!, App es firrrr, p.-r 1 11. I'!u,n -Dried, '."j.e. per ib. A;ps dried lileai lied Jv evr-A Ci '. c. ChiekenB 15 (K e?.'i.rit) Beef :;3::c cross. MuttoD f.iper liea 1. Hoirs .'.!.,. dr.-ssec. Veal Oijtc. A V