MORNING HEBALD;SUNLAV, MAY 10, 1891. IIow Severe 'olls Are Broken Tp In Montana. From the V.iviuiaCity, M out Mjiliaouian. When we tind a medicine we know to possess genuine merit' we consider it a duty, and we take pleasue in telling the public what His. Such a medicine we found CnaiuberUin'a Cough Remedy, last winter, when la vrippe was prevailing. We are satisfied that it warded old" several attacks that were threatening by the use of your syrup, and we have since relieved, in a few hours, severe coids, add in the course of two or three days, entirely broken them up by its use as have several of our friends whom we have recom mend it. It is all that it is repre sented to bo by he manufacturers. If you have a cough and want to stop it, Chamberlain's Cough Remedy will do the work, tor sale by Fo3hay fc Mason Take the Union I'aciiic. railway for the, thirty-rive hours quicker th;iti anv other transcon tinental linn. Klegint new dining cars, Pullman pilace sleepers, free family sleeping cars run through t :).'1;vo--. Uiii iha. Council Blurts, K-i'isa.4 City, St. Louis and Chi cago. C. i. Rawlings, city ticket agent, foot of Uro.idalbin street. The t'nlon Pacific. Is the only line running two fast trains daily from Portland to Omaha, St. Paul, Kansas City, Chicago, St. Louis and all points Kast and South. l?uy your tickets oi C. li. R.iwlings, loot of Droad alhiu street, Albany. 3 he Iteit Yt. W. R. liraliam, the merchant tailor, has just opened an elegant line of new patterns for gentle men's clothing. He has a very large line to select Irom, in suit iii'4, pantaloons, and all kinds of clothing. Ilis new patterns are not surpassed by anything in the city, and lie has marked his prices dow n to tiie very bottom. Hand some suits will tie made to order for "i0 and $L'5. Those desiring a neat litting good suit at very low .-I. mild call and see Lis stock. We aie the eopIe'. Who carry the lu'.dt ci-mpl- te Hue of hard ware, stoves and rjnges in the valley, Ai.iti;iews A Washburn. Xe'V and cjinpleie stock: of epvtacltM and eye glas es just re ceived at V. AI. "French's. Every pair fitted by Johnston's Patent eye-iuc'cr, every p.ih fully war ranted to .it. America T;krs the Lend. Aiiieriei no.v ta'.ces the lead as an iron pio l'icing country, uni'ed villi Ciiina, we Could d the wash ing anil ironing of the world. Micllcr i.iriett are taking the lead in the grocery business of Albany, as their cash figures please every tine. i..ltl KIM. ( ir c.isli v.!etn ol !)iis!ii:' is jul lit i-ery 'lie is now 'g udvantag'. iiurMods u.o he purest and pi .ccs the L .. I. I'ei.ji!" who J . t y casli for goo Is will tind il t their .ji-tag- to huy of M i.-!!er A Ga:i . 's cash groceres. They Art) In It. It will piy vol well to c;C the corner of .-econd and l .. Woil'i ; Uei t-, at AlUeller it ret' .-, !i -i " i can find a .. ud .i-!! y oi giieeiies, eg i t:m'e-. p -i: try, ' e , lor your Sunday tii .li -r. 1 early arid avoid t it i s i ' i . l.iltlt" tiotiit hii.I lw lea I'.ros. boys, mioses anil child ren's shoe.- duleient styles all and wid .lis mmk soliii all 'iiiuoii.ii. Try a pair nothing bt'tor :nediim in price. Every pair warranted. S iMl'EI. E Yol'Sli. l.aillf Klne Shoes. I make a sjiecialtyof handling ladies line shoes. I carry some of the best brands made in line and medium grades in widths from A to KK. All warranted g'Kxls; no trash, and will repair any pair of thoed of a :y Kind sold that will rip or break". Samuel E. Young. Take Warning. To those who are ipnck-tom-pered, it will be weli to have your hair shingled close to the head, when arguing about the bridge; then go to Mueller iV Itarrett's and ottlt-r go'jtl to eat for yo'.ir Sunday dinner. Curwtl Corsets! We make a specialty of 1 v. ies aud misses tine corsets and w fts. We have a drive in a Ftuch eateen corset at 75 ceuts. rxtra good value. Samlkl E. Yo no. Ainitlier Cur. Of those choice v-MaMe just received, celery, c.i.iiillower. cab bage, parsnips, turnips, beets, oranges, ligs. golden dates, lemoiiE, and an endless variety of good tilings. All ol ihealove nice aud fresh at Mueller & tia nil's. The finest and be.-t a';ituieiit ot ladie Oxford's arid slippers ev er brought to .Ail-any at Searls' shoe store. Louis Yiereck's shaving and hair cutting parlors. Ladies and child-r.-ns hair cutting a specialty. The rr.ost beautiful wall paper in the city at J. A. Cumming's tfrug s'.ore-. A b:g cut in prices on ladies Kmgola sices in all styles for the net days at Klein Bros. We mean business. Julius tiradwolil keeps at his iol len Rule Bazaar store a large assortment of fresh Walla Walla garden seeds. They are th best and freshest seeds on the Pacific coast market. His store is filled with the tinest and largest stock in his line in the Willamette Val ley. The public is invited to call aud iuspect it. WILL BE tlYE.1 AWAY. Our enterprising druggists Stanard & Cusick w ho carry the finest stock of drugs, perfumeries, toilet articles, brushes, spouges, etc., are giving away a large num ber of trial bottles of lr. Miles' celebrated Restorative Nervine. They guarantee it to cure headache dizziness, nervous prostration,' sleeplessness, the ill effects of spirits, tobacco, coffee, etc. Druggists say it is the greatest seller they ever knew, and is uni versally satisfactory. They also guarantee Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure in all cases of nervous or organic heart diseases, palpitation, pain in side, smothering, etc. Fine hook on "Nervous and Heart Dis eases" free. .tit KIT WIN. We desire to say to our citi ztns, that for years we have been sell ing Dr King's New Discovery for Consumption, Dr King's New Life Pilis, Kucklen's Arnica Salve and Electric Bitters, and have nevr handled remedies that sell as, or that have given such universal satisfac ticu. We do not hesitate to guaran tee .them every time and we 6tand ready to refaud the purchase pi ice, if satisfactory r suits do not follow their use These remedies have won their greU (popularity purely on their merits, roshay & Masun Druggists, A tttt'K IWKHTNKVT. Is one whicli.ia guaranteed to bring you satisfactory results, or in case oi failure a return of purchase price. On this safe plan you can buy from our advertised druggists a bottle of Dr King's New Dscovery for Con sumption. It is guar -iitced to bring relief in every ease, w hen used for any allection of Throat. I.unirs, oi Chest, such as (ionsumption, Inll.iina t ton of Lungs, Bronchitis, Asthnm, Whooping Cough. Croup, etc, etc It i pleasant and agree-We to taste, perfectly safe, and can always be de pended upon. Trial bottles free at Foshay & .Mason, Druggists, OI K AXUltt ADVICE. It is seldom that we appear in the roll of spiritual adviser of family phy sician but there are times when we feel justitied in calling the attentior of our many subscribers to an article of true merit. We feel justibed in saying that Moore's Keverled Keinedy con tains more actual merit than any ruedfeine it bus ever been our got il fortune to test. One trial will make you as etithViastic as the writer, Mil.! MKtK.t 1,11 F. It 11 1 LS. Act on a new principle reguln ting the liver ,'etoniach and bowels through the nerves. A new dii covery. Dr. Miles' Pills speedily cure biliousness, had taste, torpi 1 liver, piles, constipationr Cn etpialed for men, women, children. Smallest, mildest, surest ! oOdosei for '17) ceuts. Samples ee, a-'. Slanar l & Cusick. KllkLKYS AU.MCA S4Ll:. The best sa'vu in the world for Cuts. BniUi'H, Ulcers, Salt Khetim, fever sore?, Tetter, Chapped Hunt!, Chilblains. Corns, and skin Eruption!1, anil po- tively cures Piles, or l.o pay l required. It is guaranteed to giw ! perfect satisfaction, or money re- funded. Price cents 'er box. Fcr sale by Foslmy A Mason Change In Ituslness. From Jan. 1st, 18i)l, we wiL change our business to a strictlj cash system, thereby enabling U4 to huy for cush and get our di counts, whereby we can, and will give our customers the benelit. Our M. C. II. Mueller, while eaBt made arrangements to buygjodii direct from the manufacturers at the lowest cash prices, and we will sell pure g-xids at the lowest cash figures. Believing that the people will ajipreciate a store where they an goods at cash i'.gures. We re main, Respectfully Yours, Mi ellek & Garrett. Fine comb honey and salmon bellies at Mueller & Garret's, the leading grocers. Moustache dyeing with the renowned German Instantaneous Hair Dye at L. Vierecks. f irrulur's Mulr. In tltr County Court of Linn cminty, Oregon In re the estate of ;i. W. Warmnth, tleceft-Hetl, f NOTICE IS HEKEBlf GIVEN THAT THE untlumiKned the duty appointed quali lied and acting 6ole executor of the last will and teatamcut of Geo. W. Warmotb, deceased, in pursuance of the terms of theast will and testa ment of s-aid d ceased aud in further pursuance of an order of the above er.titled court duly made and entered of record in the above entitled cause on the Uth day of April, ls'.il, author zing, licensing and directing him as such executor to make sale of the real property hereinaft r described, will on Saturday, the iilUl day of May. 1891. at the hour ol I o'clock p. M. of said day at the court house door in the city of Albany, Linn couuty, Oregon, ollfr for sale and sell at public auc tion to the highest and best bidder for cah in hand and in one parcel the following described real property belonging to the estate of said deceased, to-w it: Beginining at the Southwest corner of the Donation Land Claim of James R. Payne, the same being at the Southeast corner of the Southwest quurter of section 17, Township 14 South Range :J West Willamette mcriuiau In Linn county, Oregon, and running thence East 'i'M mils, thence North 1IX) rods, thence West Ni, thence South l:5 rods, thence West -J4() rods, thence South U'i-td' rods to the place of beginning Dated this 01st day of April, 1WU. Gko. W. Kke.vev. Executor of the-last will and testa, nient of (jio. W. Wartuoth, deceased. Hewitt v Irvinf. Att'ys for Eiucutor. A WEAK MAN Can cure himself of the de plorable lesults of early abuee and perfectly restore his vigor and vital ity by our home treatment. The remarkable cures of hopeless cases of nervous debility and private complaints are ever where stamp ing out ipuackerv. Treaties and question list, a physician's gift to suffering humanity, will be sent fiee to those atllictec". Address with stamp PIONEER INSTITUTE, 405 Kearny St., Room 2, San Francisco, Cal. LOST -On Sumlay, May 4, lSl'l, between thiscitv and Corvsllit a lady's black cop.- Finder will pleaflev at this offlc. ALLEN BROTHERS Wholesale and CIGARS, TOBACCO AND CHOICE FKUITS OF ALL KINDS IH 03 QUANTITIES, FLYjnN BLOCK. Springfield. Sawmill A. WHEELER, (SPRINGFIELD,) PROPRIETOR. SPRINGFIELD, Albany yard and office on treets, A. Wlieeier, Aloany Manager. Having lumber not excelled in quality, and facilities not surpassed or the prompt and satisfactory tilling of orders, I respectfully solicit a hare of the trade. A. WHEKLKR. FEED -:- STORE A IN D GENERAL PRODUCE MARKET. VA' VEl) S FECI A LLY- Hay. outs :.i..l jidatiif. to supply snstonie or. tiie Ori'im I'.ieiiio Itaiir.i.ul ami my iti2rea?ing home trade t V ..r.. ' sell iu quantities tu suit tin piu e'i.isi rs. Store in Strahau Brick, SeMinl alreet R. N.T. KOBKKT3oN. 5W V? lflf Special Notice. Ladies or gentlemen who con template buying gold watches will find it to their advantage to call at F. M. French's jewelry store be fore purchasing, as there has been quite a reduction in prices. The Corner iewelry etore. New Spring; Ootnln. I am now receiving rny first In voices of spring novelties in wash goods, prints.gingham seersuckers, etc., also just received a new line of all wool summer plaids and beiges. Samckl E. Young. Smoke ths celebrated Havana filled 5-cent igirs, manufactured at Julius Jos ih '8 cigar factory. If you want anything choice in the grocery line go to Mueller & Garrett's, the only place in the ity where you can get everything cou want. I Some of tne latest styles of ele-1 gant bed lounges can be seen at ' Fortmiller h lrving's, as they have just received a large invoice. Money I King. This is a true saying and is the reason that Mueller & (Jarrett are doing such a rustling business. Their cash figures are taking the lead and their stock is the best. You do not have to pay for any long credit by trading with them as they do business on a strict cash principle. EH ITEMEVT run high in this city over System Builder as every body is usi ng it for Catarrh of the Stomach, Dyspepsia Constipation, Impure blood and to build up their system. Try it and tell your friends about it, as it must possess wonderful merit when all speak well of it. New goods of the latest patterns sold at Matthews and Wash burns is why they will sell over four lo:-ds of stoves and ranges this year, they 1 ave their first carload of Jewel Stoves and ranges now on the road to arrive Feb 1st. A fine line of gents furnishings at Searls', all the latest styles. Go to Searls' for your low shoes, where you will tind the largest line at prices lower than ever be fore offered in Albany. Ludlow's shoes all sizes and widths at Searls' shoe store. virw Mi Mail Grocers ALBANY, OB OREGON. Railroad, between Fourth and Fifth u. 83 SHOE And other specialties for (ien- Bnvp tlemen. Ladies. Etc.. are war- WW Si ranted, and so stamped on hot .5 torn. Aldress W. L. iKM'ti- LAS, r.nx'ktiin, iMass. Sold by ali;a. uKi.iiti.N. CITY DRUG STORE STANARD 4 CD8ICK, Proo., I'FKIKKKK Ill.iN'K, - - AI.UNV, H-alrr? :n DRUGS. MEDICINES. CHEMICALS. FANCY ami Toilet artiei.-a, SimiiKt-a, tiriirdieH, I't-rfuiucry, Srhonl limit;!, and Ar tist's Siipplit-4 Physician's prescription e carefully compounded. MO.S'KY TO LOAN In Isr.-p or smal aminints, from six month to five yt-nrs on Albany, and Linii county ri-a' estate. Call on or adiiresi W. K. Mid'tiemon, real retutv t.rokcr, opposite Hus9 house Land for Male. B. in, 20, 10, hO acres, easy terms, install ment plan chenp anil hii,'ti-priceil. Also few city lots all owned by 11. Hrvatit. iSX ARRETT'S Garden Seeds. The Best Because -:-Always Reliable. liSTAHLISHED 1874. fcSSpecial prices to market gardeners. Send for catalogue for 18!1. Addrees, Geo. Stakhett, Walla Walla, Wash. KOSK AND SINGLE COMB BrownLesfliorn Roosters o FOR SALE AT $1.50 EACH Also some fine Langshang, Ply moth Hock and Wyatv.lottes, same price. Mks. L. J. Holck, Tangent, Or. BOYS Here's a change to make some poiket ni.incy: The Alliativ Electric Lliiht Co, wishes to rurchrwc a quantity ot clean white or coloreil cotton rairs, for wip ing machinery, liclivcr them at the com. pam 's otltce an.l etyour cash Viereck will shave you or cut your hair in the most approved j stvlo, I he lhomas Kay oollen Mills of Salem, have appointed G. W. Simpson their airent in Alhanv. A ! full line of men ami boys clothing i blankets and flannels and all arti- cles manufactured by the mill w ill j be kept in stock. These goods are ; the best in the market and will give entire satisfaction. ifsBflt I Dims, Also carries the finest lines of Pianos & Organs IN TIIE WILLAMETTE VALLEY. tfALL AND EXAMINE HIS STOCK. ODD FELLOWS TEMPLE, ALBANY, OREGON. Manufacturer of -AND FINE IMPORTED AND KEY WEST Cigars Plug end Sruokins; Tobaccos, Meerschaum and Briar Pipes, as full line ot Smokers' Articles. Ne or to Pueitler's candy store, Albany, Oregon, IE3. C The largest and best lme of $3 shoes for men in Albany. N. B. All my dry .goods at cost. FIRST STREET, A f.UAN V, OREWO.V. in nc si ri artSJ ake "immons Liver Regulator One Dose TTOA.TB ioo Dollars. DrrS. L. K: I ronsiiler out il.we 1m mono l.ivcr Iti-julatsr worth $IOO. conitinatnl, h) Hi-ailailic, cmiM eat oth ujir with natisfn-.-tion or anprtiti" h the blurs, an.l Mi altogether out of norm. 1 rc sortnl to Blue Mas, Calnnu-I. Ouiiiin . anil every reuie lv miiru'oteil, but niilv nlitBinc.1 tcmpor.irv iclief. ino Anse of S 1. 11 ili.l 111 more itok1 than h w.irth of ilivtora an iloctoru.s:. Re-p'y, J C Martim. I have U-in a to. her fur twenty vcva. anil durini; thi time have liail ie)icat.'ilattaekiof headache, pnnluceil hv torpid Liver, and havebeeu entirely en cdt.y Sinimona I.tvet I f..,m t to he of so mild a character in it a tion a not to interfere, la the least with my dull tin the school room. To those similar situ: d and subject to the same, I a hi-t recommend Sim moos Liver Kemiatr. E. K. l uaaa Can theltaHU. K G.L. Blackmail, DEALER IN- Paints, Oils, Perfumery AND TOILET AKTICLHSi And a full line of- Rooks, Stationery, Periodicals. Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. Choice Cigars DEALER IN- Sesurls. I'KAl.EK IN Fii.e Slim s for Iidic. Siioi a fur ( i iitli-iiit-n. Fine for Ch'ddieu. And the finest line of (it-nts FUUXISHlXt, t.OODS in the i-it y. Sole agency for the Ludlow Fine Shoe. fOUND AT LAST I THE WATERPROOF OIL BLACKING, luw tops, patent k-Htlit r, etc., CANNOT BE EQUALED in itumbt-rH of kikxI qualitim. Tiie fo' louiiiK urv u fiw of its qualilit'S: 1st. It is Listing and durable. I'd. It does not rub oil' on the hands or clothes. 3d. It is jierfectly waterproof. 4th. It softens the leather to its natural state. Sth. It giveB the leather a new and glossy appearance. Gth. It contains not one ingre dient that is injurious to either the leather or stitching, but is a pre server of ihem. 7th. It can be used on the finest boots and shoes and not prevent the use of the common boot-black ing, but w ill soften and keep them Irom cracking. Now, my friends, if such an oil as this would suit you, go to the drug store of Hulin & Dawson, w here you can get it for 50 cents per hex. One box' will oil more than one set of harness. Receipt for making the oil is sold only for individual use. J. C. DEVINE, Manufacturer and Agent, Albany, Oregon. Health is Wealth ! Dr. E. C. West's nerve ami brain treatment, a piar antced specific for hysteria, dizziness fits, headache, ner vous prostration caused by the use of alcohol or toliai.-cn, softening of brain resulting in insanity and lcadiiu to mis ery, decay and loss of power in either st x Kach box con tains one ni .nth s treatment. One dol lar a box, or six lm cs for ive dollars, sent by mail pre paid on receipt ot price. Guarantees issiiei! only by J. A. .'uuitnilit,'B, drilifi;ist Soleavetil, AUiauy, Oregon. $500 REWARD W e w ill pay the atmve reward; for any cast of liver complaint dysjienia, sick heailache, indiirestion, constipation or costiveness we eamiot cure with West's liver pills, when th direction are strictly complied with. The are pui ely vegetable and never fail to give satisfaction. Lanre lioxes. containinir So pills, 2S cents. The genuine nianufactured only by the John C. West company. Chicago Illinois. Sold bv J. A 'timniiiigs, drmHt Aitiany, Oregon. J Lf2SL! FHYSICIASS ItrH. DAVIS. M. D. PHYSICIAN A.VD f suieon. Can be found at bis office room in Stratum' block, First street, Albany Oregon- r C. KELLY, PHYSICIAN AND olR- J. peon Albany, Oregon, office n Fierce new block. Office hours, from 8 A. H. toj r. u. AJ. ROSS1TER, VETERINARY SUR . geon. graduate of Ontario veterinary college and men ber of the Ontario veterin- f ary medical society, is prepared to treat the 1 .i : - .it . i . ;... I .n:n..i. nn seientific principles. Office at Ans Marshall's livery stable Residence 4th and Calajiooia streets, Albany, Oregon. CU. HAMBEKMX, M. I)., Homcepathic Physician, office at lr. Wallace's old stand, Broadalhiii street. Orflce hours, 7 to A. St.; 1 to S and 0 to 8 P. u. DRO. A. WHITNEY, PiiVSlCIAN AND surgeon. Graduate of Bellevue Hospi tal Medical College, New York Citv. Diseases of women a specialty. Office in Foster block ATTOKSEY GEO. W. WRIGHT, ATTORNEY-AT LAW and Notary Public, Will practice iu all the courts of this state, Ohice, front roolm over Bank of Oregon, Albany, Oregon. W, T. tl-KSXr. J. w DRAPER BURNfiY A DRAPER, ATTORNEYS at law, Oiegou City, Oregon. Twen ty years experience as register of ths U. S. Land Otflue at Oregon City and in tne land practice recommends us in our specialty business before the Laud Of lice or the court's and involving the practice in the fcei.cral Land Office. II C.WATSON, attorncy-at-law, Albany , Oregon. Ortice in Strahau block. JN. DUNCAN ATTORNEY-AT LAW . and notary public. O'fice in the Stranan block, rooms No. 1 and 2. WOLVERTON CHARLES E. ATTORNEY at Law, Albany, Or. Office in rooms 13 and 14 Foster's Block, over L. E. Blaine tore. JK. WEATHERFORD, ATTORNEY AT . law, Albany, Oregon. Oft in the Fnnn Block. Will practice n all the courts of thestate, and give specia. attention w mil uusuicse. TAMES P. MEAD, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW .1 mnti lt : . 1 . ...... . . i ' viMiuiigi, niuiujv, Ul. Will practice in all the courts of the state. Ab stracts of title furnished on short notice Ten years experience. DxGIU'UqU fRE FOR BALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. "Some months ai;o; I tiurcliascd f liox of Dr. J. P. Gill's l.'ntarrli Cure foi my own Hise, but tindine my nriiliew I'. A, McMaliau, neediti); sm li jh.'1'i f ine, I let tiini have my box of uieili l ine. He now sends for tliree inort lioxee, ayini; it is the best thinif foi catarrh ever tried by him and hit friends. I pot another box to use it; my case, and cheerfully recommend il toothers., (Sltsned), JOHN MrMAHAN, fix-County Commissioner Lane Co. Oregon, SpritignVld, Lane county, Orepon. Prof J, Wt Johnson, president of the State university, says it cured him ol u coupli after two other prescription!, had failed. Likewise two of bis little L'irls use! It tocuiethoir eouplis, Mrt Murk Hailey, wife of Prof. Bailey, sent it to Prof. Johnson, and ret-om-mends it to nil who sutler from midl and eouplis. Knr eouphs it acts like aeliarm, and can t iuh tied into the jlpes or passa;es, where no olhei eoupli cures -.-au reach. M00f?f:5 FRIEND OF WOMAN The very remarkable and certain relief given womankind by "Moore's Revealed Remedy' has won for it the name of Wo man's Friend It is uniformly successful in relieving their deli cate ailments. Moore's Revealed Remedy Stands ieerless as the natural rem edy iieculiarly adapted to the wants of womankind. WIIATOXE WOMAN SAYS, Seattle, Jan. go, is;ii. "f want you to publish my testimo nial for Moore's Kevealed Kemeily, for It has been a pi and thinp for un:, for it has cured mc of headaches, from which I have su tiered whenever I be- ! cumc chilled, for the last titteen yea's, j I have sufl'ered perfect torture for I twenty lour noun at a lime, some times retchinir for three hours with out any rest and unable to pet help from any of the numberless remedit s tried. Now I am free frein this Biitl' eriup. for at the first symptom of one these attacks I take u pood dose of .Moore's Kevealed, and that is the end of it. It has also cured me of eonsti. pat ion. My husband says it. ba saved hi life, and he would not be without it. We are both so bappv over il we cannot say enoupli ,11 its lavoi . and advise all our friends to usr it. MKS. JAMKS lil.EASOV Cor, 1'ith A Jackson st, Seattle, U'asl t-T"For sale by all druppieU. Notice) to Stochlitilderi. VoTIrK IS IIKKKUV GIVKN THAT T1IK 1 annual llit-etilitr of the Mv-lli..l.l.. .. theAlliauy Fariucis t o.. Kill In-li. t.l -.r n... oti:ee of said conipauv i Allium, ortx.m. on May IHth. lS'U, at I o. to -k.'r. of said nay, me purpose of electing seven (7) uiiituini to scrte tne ennuini; tear, and the transaction of su. u other tuim-ss as nut properly come before the me-tiug lioue lit the order of the ol directors. AI. II. W ii ns, Atteit: President. 1'kks, I!. Ma. shall. Secretary. SITCATIO.V WANTKK, At any empl..y nient, office, store, mill or railrtiail. aiirvevor hy profesnioa, sober, steaily, in dustrious, t; kh1 references. A.ldrew Ik Sol Alhanv Orcffin, I REMEDY f$jSSW Reliable Men Wanted as traveling salesmen for a first-class Cigar Company. Must give good references. F. O. B. CIGAR CO., Salem, N. C. HEWITT & IRVINE, ATTORNITi AT Law. Will pructiM in all the souri the state. Otf.ce iu Flinn't block, Fin trect. do you wr :m im ? If so call on I. BEAM lie delivers Lis good to aar nart of the city frve of woarge. Fresh vegetables every day. Nothing but the bast kept at I. BEAM'S. 21 st., cor. Jackson and Jefferioy. IITANTED To contract with partial to I V bank 3W.OO0 ft. of logs or mora M be completed by June 20, lfcul. For farther information call personally at toe ooBpksy camps, mouth of the Santiam. W ILLAUETTI Pi LP PaPR C. H. GREGG, Men's and Boys' clothing made to order or clcened and repaired on akort notice a' reasouablo rates. Mm .p on the street car line, betweea Third and Fourth streets. or jOo.1 dry fir wood at $.00 per cord, also grub oak and ash wood at $4.1H) per cord. delivered in any part of the city. hders left at the real estate offlc of Mulburt A Writsman will re ceive prompt attention. FfifER KliflEY. Albany Nurseries. WE UAVE OX HAND AT OUR nursery on the Corvallis road, one half mile from town, as fine a lot of Fruit Trees of all kinds &a eftn lie found anywhere on the ooaat. If you xon template plantipg trees, it will pay to see our stock anl gt our prices and catalogue Ire. 11YMAN & BROWXILL. DEVERE HOUSE, ALbANY, 0B.-CIUS It i'fciiier, Prop. Only flrst-ckua twws ti the city. Laraco sample rooms for aoat) uercial men. No Chinamen employed in ill kitchen. General stave offie Oorvalua, 1 i-mAi KKS OF LAND- All fit for ettlli JOU vution, ar.d under feuce, for sale at eloper a: re. Within 1J miles frvca nkroM "titi in ami -M initcs from Albany. Apply at tins office. TAKE TILE CAB m RATBB: To any part of the city, CO i-or calling, first tionrl.rX), snbsequent bour 1. SECRET SOCIETIES. McPherson Post No. B, . A. B. Statod nieetinn at the 6, A. R. Hall on tne second and roorfb Friday evening of each moaib. Transient Comrades are eovdi y invited to meet with aa J. fr'. WH1TIN. B. F, Tablsk, Oomunfideo Adluuuit, A. ' ww.J .V, IUH every Monday eveniug at tha O. A. j a ft IT w C.I.I. Tvwi v- ,a. nan on rcrry street, between Second i I nird. Albany, Oregon. Btrarurars la city and transient brethron oorcumlly tar to aiiettu. JOHN SCHMEER'S Liyery. Feed & Sale stable Comer Second and SUntotth t . ALBANY . . . OREGON Houses KOARtxD by the day or moatti. Oar riages or buijirlce on reaaonable terms rflnl nitKSII SIILCU KOR SALEHAS A X heifer calf and is a good uileh cow. Aa- ply to K V. O.ndit. Hie Latest Alarm. One of the latest styles of tire alarms is now on trial at No. 1's engine house in this city, but thia is nothing compared with tka alaiuiingly low prices to b fouad at Mueller A (Jarrett's. The latt steamer came loaded down with a large iuantity of the best table delicacies, to he sold at the lewc-gt cash (Inures. l'.iiths, well sunlight rooms at Vierecks. (.'all early and secure the best pantaloons to order at coet. Zai hes. the tailor, ooeite poil- ollice. Just received, a new invoice f children's ready-made dreaaea and aprons at the Ladies llazaar, whii ii are beiti sold for less tbaa you can make them up. Suits to order thia week at eest. Zaches. the tailor, opposite jo8t- ollice. lluy gasoline stoves from Mat thews A: Washburn. mm Kepaino? M Sale raoM