THE MOKNIffO OE1JALD: SU?U)At MAY 10, IaM. gowning gaUg go, aid UAIbY AND WEBKtY TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTK'N- DAILT Published very morning except Monday.) slivered by carrier, per week....-...... j"20 y mail, per yer..... " w WEKKLT. Published every Friday Morning.) e copy, per annum, in adrance.u.92.00 Wben not paid in advance.. 2.60 THE MAIL. Mail -t the Albany postorfice close For all olEces north The Eastern state The West Side And the Narrow 0t R. R j or Portland and Sai- u orvallis and Yaquioa ... .6 0 a. .11 A. M 12:30 r. M omce soutn.. .7:30 r. m The poatotltce will he cl x d each cv ening (rom six lo seven o'clock. Registered matter for the ly mflrtihitr train should be mailed before o clock the reyious evening. OREGON PACIFIC TIME TABLE. Arrives Peparts rassentrer FniKht... 11.13pm 12.20 pm , 3.4upm 7.45 a m The it responsibility of certain writers upon matters of public in terest ia often made apparent. According to the Chronicle the latest instance of this tendency is contained in a dispatch respecting the treaty between (inuany and Austria, which is said to be the initiatory step in the formation of a coalition of Ceutral European states against protected coun tries. The amusing feature of this state ment is the fact that Germany and Austria are nearly as frightful examples of protective depravity a9 the United States. The specta cle of their uniting to punish other protectionist countries would cer tainly be a moving one. 1'erliaps when we get full details of the affair we shall learn that the treaty is one drawn on strict protection lines, and that it is founded on the rational idea that the countries making it may with protltexcha ige freely non-competing products. It is hardly conceivable that any na tion that has once enjoyed the blessings of protection would ever consent to wallow in the unholy mire of unrestricted competition or invite its neighbors to underbid its own producers. Italy decides that she cannot afiord to attend the Chicago World's Fair, and so, unless pri vate enterprise supplies the menus, there will be no exhibis from that sunny land on the floors of the ex position building at Chicago. But a short time ago it was thought that Italy was anxions to make even a more costly display than tht world's fair calls for, in sending her army and navy over here to whip ue, and exploiting her im mense and wonderful iron clad war ships along our coat. But now instead of indulging iu such a pas time she backs down and actually pleads poverty to the extent of sending a poor little exhibit to the Columbian! celebration, in which she should have a personal inter est through the nativity of Colum bus. The latest and most reprebetisi ble methods adopted by strikers, and methods too that w ill avail nothing but to bring disrepute and disaster to the performers, are the ones said to have been put in use by the strikers in Belgium, and consist in adopt in si the weapon of the socialists dyna mite. When practices of that kind are commenced the strikers not only place themselves outside of the hope of gaining their cause, but also outside of all hope for sympathy and good will from the people at large, which is an essential for their success in their efforts. The great civilizer, the railroad, has gotten a foothold in Africa and the dark continent will soon have light. It is said the trans African Railroad has been com pleted from Loan da to Amboca, 150 miles in the inteiior. It is the only railroad iu oicration in equatorial Africa. It has been built by native workmen fid daily trains are run over tie- line. Four years have elapsed since the line was started. The Portugese government guarantees the inter est on its cost. The road is to be pushed several hundred miles further into the 'itsrior. It has been ascertained that the aesthetic city of Boston, with all its culture "id lei n:ng, wealth and renown, is lacking n the mat terof fittingly appropriate monu ments ii its cemeteries. Some one has investigated and b' uds that work of that kind does not exceed $5000 in cost and very few at that figure. Boston will bave to take action in the matter, and induce their wealthy citizens to expend more money in costly artistic monuments or it will lose caste. A Svfua.n- inventor, by dissecting and carefully studying the interior arrangements of the silk worm, has discovered the modus operandi whereby silk is evolved from the leaves and twigs of the mulberry tree, and has sent his nephew over to this country to set up and run a silk making apparatus entirely in dejHmdent of the eilk worm. The work on the Nicaragua canal is said to be progressing in a very satisfactory manner. Al ready the dredges have com menced the work of excavating, and have gotten Miite a start upon it. The surveying and railroad work necessary for the entire route is well under way. Some one suggests that the be lief of Bismarck, who has been one of the most ardent supporters of the divine right of kings to rule, lias probably received some modi fication since the Emtveror William has so persistently and thoroughly sat down upon him, metaphori cally speaking. I here is no cure so thorough and perfect as a per sonal application, well laid on. The town of Ayr, in Scotland, is going to erect a statue to the memory of liobert Burns. The movement is commendable under the plea of better late than never. Fire Klnillers. If yon want a good and easy tire kindler, one that will kindle your tire easy every time. Call on or come ami see me. A. J. Fox. lleatitiful Goods for Men, Do you want a new suit 01" clothes that will tit you? W. R. Graham, the leading merchant tailor, lias just received the tinest line if spring and summer suit ings ever brought to Albany, in cluding diagonals, cheviots and plan's. Hu has also a beautiful line of pants goods in any style desired, in fact he con suit the most fastidious. Call and see his elegant line, there is no doubt but that you will be more than plt-asei. Mr. Graham keeps .abreast with the times and guar antees a li. Will Make Koine Iluwl. The spring season being so late in opening up, and being over stocked in ladies Oxford ties we will for the next 30 days, sell them at greatly reduced prices. We mean just what we say. Call and get prices. We have over :J0 different styles to select from, at Klein Bro.-. exclusive shoe store. Notice nf Final c tllcmciil, NOTICF is hcrebv jriven thai the under signed adiniiii.tratri of the estate f J. J Dorris, deceased, has filed her final account as said administratrix of aid ccte, anl tf at by order of the county court of Linn county. Un-iron, on the '-it h day of May at 10 A. M., of aitt Uay has been tied bv the court as 'he tune for hearing and bc'.tiii'jr said account. JIki. M. E. fORBis. Administrator. t'e A There set tied in lla QUARTER ker i ountv ore 'ion. near what ur a is now I'-'kcrl it.v.aprijTn man ho hw fine 0 Q (1 I U II I tK'conie idciitiicd wild the resources A n andltvclimciit of that country. TtiisMuU man is no otli-.-r than .Mr. .John Stewart, one of the wealthiest and most influential citizen in the county. In a recent letter he sas. "I h-ol lieeu suffering from pains in my ba- k and general kidney o'liioiaint ior sonic tim,, and hao 11s4.1l many remedies wirncut any hut temporary relief. The pains iu in; hack had become so .severe th ti I was i-rcvcnted from attending to my work and could not move w itiioilt the ue of a cane. Hearing, through a friend, of the wonderful cure et foit hy Oregon Kidney Tea, I a induced to try a hox, and from that vev first dose I found ius'ant relict, and heforc u in:; half ihc contents of the hox the pains in c y hack entirely disaptwAred 1 have every fnth in the virtus of the trefoil Kidney Tea, and can conscientiously recommend it to iu I would not he without it for any thing." Oreuon Kidney Tea cures headache, incon tinence of urine, hri.-k dust sediment, hunt ing or painful sensation while urinating, and all affections of the kidney or urinary organs of either sex. WANTED A food workhorse, to he paid lor in i-arpenter work. Call at T, I.. Wallace & Co. L, U. Knapp. 'PRY A SWISS COCKTAIL. IT 16 THE X latest out at the Durcau Saloon. Dh. E. A MCALISTEK- HOMEOPATHIC phvsi'-ian and surgeon. I!a4 removed his orh e ii to Mason's hioi k over the ex press office. All calls promptly attended to HUMPHREYS Dk. Hi Mi iiKKi s SmuFicsare scientilicallv anil c.trciJlly prepared prescriptions; use! tor mint years in private practice with sue des, and lor over thirty years used hy tlu leop;e. Every single i, c.inj is a cure tor the disease uanud . these ilics cure without rirurciin.'. purging or n In 1111; the svstem, and are 111 fact :i rid died the sovereign remedies of the world. .ll Ot I'KtV ir.-.i. Vs. CI KKS. I'tUCKM.. I Fevers iiu! -tion, iiitlanunation. J.. Wforins, worm ivvtr, worm colic... 2 :: 1 rving Colic, or teetniug of inlalits.. I Ln in ). a, ut hiMnn or adults -j. .' Kv.sclitcrv. Orlpin,', Ihhiulis Colic -J.- i I'h.ilcra Morlms. vrmiting -j;, 7 Ciuithj, cold-, hroiiilutis...., .j , 3 VlllaL-ia, l'M..ltache, Faccache '.I llci.l.ic!ic. sl'-k hiadu he, vertiirj.... li in lir.jepsia. hi. lions st jmach 11 Suppressed or Painful Periods -j:. Vi W lutes, loo protuse pciiisls -J.". IS Croup, couh, 1I11H u!t nrcathii- H ball Klielllil. e vs sipclas. erupl.ons.. l., Kheliniatisui, rheumatic pains 10 Fever and aue, clul Is malaria ;'si 17 Piles, hliud or hletdinif ;,o i'J Catarrh, iiillucua, colu 111 the head ;'.n Ji hooping Collin, violent couuhs 5o Jt Ceueral delnlitv, physical weakness 'M 7 Kidney disease ,rsi 5 Neivous dclulity 1 ou oO L'rillary Weaki.ess, witting l,cd ;0 :jj Luscasis ol the heart, palpitation 1 00 Sold hy dru';'isls, or sent postpaid on re ceipt of price, i'r. Huaiphrcys' Manual, (144 pacs) richlv bound in cloth and gold, mail ed rcc, " HLMPHKr.VS' MEL), O., Ill 11 j William St , .New otk. SPEC I FIGS SPRING OUR STOCK OF SPRING WAGONS IS THK LARGEST WD AIOT CO.MI'l.ETE ON THE PACIFIC COAST, AND COMPRIi-n ' ALL THE LEADING STYLES OF Four-Spring Passenger and Moun tain Wagons, SPECIAL PARCEL DE LIVERY WAGONS, ONE - HOUSE BUSINESS WAGON'S, ONE-HORSE IRON AXLE WAGONS, ETC. It will pay all par:iea want ing Spriig wagons of any description to call upon or correspond with us. We guarantee our vehicles the bjst, Staver $c NEW MARKET BLOCK. WE CARRY THE LARGEST AND Til E PACIFIC Slacliiacry and Vehicle: I-KM) I OR C ATA Lot! Ar. O.DAVIS Su ALBANY, - The men of this vicinity need not be jealous because their wives talk so constantly about Matthews and Washburn. Its not their trood looks the ladies an; talking about, it is the good qualites of the cook and heating stoves they sell. Every one seems to be delighted when they buy from M. and W. Our stock of candy has arrived, and we will give special rate to churches and sociables. M nolle j' &,,Ciarrett. Julius (iradvvohl, proprietor ot the Golden Rule Bazaar, informs us that he w ill add to his already large business a complete line of shelf hardware and family groceries. The sales of his Golden Rule teas and baking powder i. steadily increasing. He si ill keep up the elegant prizes with ihes; goods. Woml ror Sale. Dry fir wood Oclivered to any part of the city at sflj 00 per eord". Leave orders at the foot of Ferry treet nt P. W. Spink's lumber sard. A FULL LINE OF BICYCLES AND TR 2 CYCLES -lo JULIUS GRADWOHL'S GOLDEN RULE SPBITO AMOUSCEM ENT The public is invited to inspect the im mense stock of Dry Goods FOR THE SPRING OF 1891 AT His assjrf.mnt ii bt',"r th 11 and prices. The Highest Market Price Paid for WAGON HALF-PLATFORM SPRINGWAGONS, J-CROI.L .spring WAGONS "II ANDY WAGONS" 'TAYLOR' OR THREE SPRING WAGONS, HALF-SPRING WAGONS, EXPRESS WAGONS DELIVERY WAGONS prices lowest, iuality considered. Walker PORTLAND, OREfiON.; 1 MOST COMPLETE STOCK ON COAST OF of Every Description, - K AND Itll'E 1.1 SI". CO. AGENTS OREtiON. ALBANY VUillUlv luOU'.ulVt ALBANY, OREGON ! I fit I A Eu!! ('tips of Ij.'utcrs. CIayisi.ta.l, .it titto, litvT;irv, t.u;n-fn:ia xnd ncrnjai && C-jjcj if Mtu ! ar ninirt'! to incut lUv ru':trf of h!1 K'pa4lirt o -.I'li'.-jtilH. bpL'viul iu-ijo'iiiLnrt off. re-l t Hulcntri fruu utruaL Tuition rruitft. Jrctn 8KriO to ivr Trriu. IiiHtrunioiitul iiiMrui-iion in id it it; w; jjivt'ii hy MiH lvir: tioltia. Hari in niutt f urn: lies) at low, a'u' room for self hoarding at fMn?f, A cart-ful ext'ri;'xi otr pup iw:iy from hnine. Kr cin-i' rri and full jiartiiu!"r9, alilrt the prfsiiJcrit, KEV. ELLiEilT X. C4NIIT, : Alliany, lri-irun, GROWDER BlT6s Contractois and Builders. Jflice on First street with Wal lace et Ouiii-k, real estate agents, JSany, Oregnii. Estimates given n ail kinds of huildingsorcarpen er work. All work intrusted to will be promptly executed. 1. YS AN 13 GIRLS AT w X x if ev.-r .before, an 1 h,5 is jr.-nrel Bakery ....A FL'LL STOCK OF StapJo Groceries The hcBt quality of teas, coffees, can lies out), t tc. FRESH BAKED BREAD EVERY DAY. At this old reliable houhe is also to ' e found a complete assortment of fft-M' family irroceries, to whicl is constantly lci:.;r addisi all the seasonable line,1 of groceries and pio visioiis, such as Cranberries, Fine Pickles, Dried Seef Chipped to order Anchouy Mustard, Candies and Nuts, Eastern Buckwheat Flour, C'kvea Goods of All Kinds. Bohemian Glassware, Etc, These sjoods were all hoti-rht when prices ere low and the benefit of lie mar-in w ill Le s'iveu to his customers. Kemciiib. . 'he p'a;e, it the old corner ou First arid iir .v.alhiu bts. Conrad Mtjer. DR. W. C. NEGUS, Graduate of the Royal C.'!cf.'p of London, England, also of the iWio- vue Aiuiiicai Lulloge. The Dr. has i?iH.ut a lifetime of study and practice and makes a soe- ; uiilty of chronic diseases, removes : cancers, scrofula enlargetiitmts, tumors tnd wens, without pain or the knife. ; ile also makes a opecialty 01 treat ii'int w ith electricity. Has iTactii ed ia tho Oerman I'rertch ami Kn'i:;h hospitals. Calls promptly utuuded lay U!i'ht. His motto ia "v.OI) WILL TO ALL." iTOllice and resilience Ferry street, 'letween Th:ril and Fourth. i n..,wE wwiiixo i.-MT.r..x 11IOSK WlSUIMi A FIHSTCI.AS.-s i. s'rjll'ent, the lic-,t mule to sr.ind oiinute of this coanf, i-.m he suited h ca the lins .it Mis. 1;. K. livuian's, oifMi:le the M:is leniid.', Firt street. Tho latent voi al ilistiuuieiif-d ni'wi.- kt t for ac". .Ms-, largest a-ortin.'lit of tt.inioi.i -..tiv rcs clct t from lai id 'Fri.-. ... l.-s-'r.en in paiiitiiu ixinl ei.ii.ri.; u ; :f tii-lio over l.uei i o-mty I'.iiik. Oivv your rdcr iiid you w;ii l e -iia.c i. nic .Tilt the t,; urery. AfcfS-''. llyin in it r.rowne'l are prepared in their nursery to fur nish all kinds of st'iek, and those inten ling to ilant should call ujion them. Hoot and Slioe. Purchasers of Hoots and Shoes bear in mind that big aiet!ie mcnH and oilers "f nig di'-eoiin's Id not always mean best values. Vou will have to pay some one a profit ;t- no one can do lni'-hioss without expense. The Ue-1 'on i. whoean sell you the beet 'ood-! for the least nnuiey. .v.O!l'tL E. Vol NO. BAZAAR STORE, to sitis'y ciist. mots in ijuality Country Produe e. Star ! i n 1 OH. MAMMA . 'jfQVy yv . i 1 HE CARRIES A FULL STOCK OF NICE FURNITURE. REMEMBER T.fE PLACE, -- - OPPOSITE OPERA H0US ire at :: Our Spring and Suinmer Stock complete DRESS GODDSl Very attractive lines in new coloriiiL'S and latest novelties. SPRING & SUMMER JACKETS! 1. utest Siylis: Hi'i Novelties! Iulie., Missel & Childien'e. FOIlWiSHlNG GOODS, V KIA E FS. SI "P.TI AN" lr-T :J1I,-s.LArIES' AyP !1 ! - SKS Sl!.K ANI K NIT 1 1 X I K It WEAR, COTTON" AND Wool, HQS E ili"011!'". tlE.SI LEAN I) I.I NE. II.'.N i 'a Ely 111 EKS. SCAKFS, V !' 1 1 .1 . ; . S 1 1 A W ! ,, ETC. BLACK AND COLORED DKBSS GOODS ! G. W. SIMPSON, FIU.ST STREET. ALBANY, OREGON. i situ way. . ?n WK--i''''- Are t tii m mil f .It -a-'' e'j-aware OR- ACKER!S EWCLI8H REMEDY : fi r ( 'ouglis. Colds and Consumption odern Remedies? It will stop a MllM Za Col I in a day. It will prevent Croup, relieve Astnma ana cure ixn ition if taken in time. You can't afford to be without it." A25c," isumj !lnttlomaysavcyou100in Doctor's bills mavsare vour life! Askl ! i :t..r 1 w. I. nnfl'crR A- rn.. ; join uiusKUHUi ii,o nw.-ioi .lti.t K4erlvi'il. I h:ive inst received my spring ul.wk ..f It! ,i -it i-u-kelK. Unfi'SA pl.iited capes and beaded capes in tiie latest styles. Ladies will do well to examine my stock hefore pun b:sing elsewhere. i. W. Simpson. U up re c een TjrA Wi forS aLc'. Everywhere One lluir Dollar Reihii'tion on every pairof Lud- li-iu a Ii hp Shoes. A L'OO.lline of them at Samuel E. Young's. They are not playing liijil bridge, low bridge, no bridge in the pime, but are devoting their time and at ten', ion to sellinc first elass groceries at the lowest mar ket price at Allen Rros. Ladies, the cheapest place to buy your Oxford ties is at Searles' shoe store. ft'hether you contemplate buy ing or njt', it will pay you to inspect mv spring stock of wool ens, .aches, the tailor, opposite the postotlice. Wall paper at Cumming's drug store. Red School house shoes at Klein 'ti. WWIff WkmmL "Have you seen those lovely lounges at Brink's? They are the prettiest in town, and all his new furni ture is simply elegant. They all say so, and an in- spection will prove it. Prices always the lowest. lie Fron U i will be found larger and more than ever. WHSTE GOODS Anything and everything in lave ussortment and end less varietv. Do you hnowthatalittlecoughisadangerous! yo iu aware that it of ten fastens ml far too often runs into Con..; ar.dendsin Death? People suffer-; Astl'iiia. Uronclutis, Pneumonia; C'oiiMii'ipiion will all tell vou that ' "!T SIGHTED WITH A COLD"! Can you atlord to neglect it? Can you! : ti itle with so serious a matter? Are vou1 that ! is beyond quest ion the greatest of J Cough in one night, ltwillcheck? n 4S vC Hr.imVi, Kw Vrk. 'AX WA has removed h 8 laundry to tht' i O iron hou the cortier ot Set-ond ami i Lyon aucvt If yon want THE BEST, bny ALLEN'S NORTH EKN SEEDS. If (he Merchant vou deal with 1" int k'op them acml to ALLEN diri. He 'a the io$l;w, Hcautiful catalogue m-nt fiee. Aldremt K W ALLKN, 71 Swond utrctt, 1'urtlaiid. r lli-c to IK'liluro. A'l th -so indented to the late firm nt Thompson O-riiiaii are reiticsted to call at olive and si-ttlc the name. I1KKSII SALMON at the AILanv Fish Mar Jl ket. ni-xt door to the Histortire, Leave jiuir order fur t'ridiy as the .a!inoii law t-x-pire am that d.ivl Aluo ereh, flounders sturgeon and trout in season, (;anie and jvotiltry dressed to or lei and elive'cd free in the city. SI. llvim. Prop, IOsT A lady's silver watch, ith a uo'ii J chain, lont in this city or. Slondav. i lie Under will please leave the same at this oilice. A pair of fast black hose free with every pair of ladies shoes, costing $3 or more, a' Searls' shoe store. Just like finding money to buy your groceries from Mueller & Gar rett. Their cash priies talk. A line of the latest style lace shoes lor ladies at Klein's. Fresh bread, cakes and pies every morningat Blodgett ifc Son's. (Jo to Searls' and see his fine display of shoes, all the latest styles. Julius Gradwohl has opened at his Golden Rule liazaar store a line of linelv finished bovs' safetv bicycles, which will be sold much cheaper than they can be I ur chased elsewhere. New sprirg novelties in dre68 goods and dress silks, in colors and !lack in great variety at Samuel E. Young's. Blodgett & Son have removed their stock of groceries into the building formerly occupied by Blackburn A Pironi, and have added a bakery department, and are now prepared to furnish their customers with fresh bread, pies and cakes of all kinds. A large line of Ludlow's $3.00 shoes for ladies just arrived at Sends' shoe store. THE- Route ana OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD T. E. UOGG, ItereUer. Oregon Heyelopcieiit Oo.'s Steamship Line 1X1 1. -,AD- 22 Hours Less Time lliau by any other route: Accomodations unsurpassed fcrictiif'-rt an latcty. Faros aud frek'tits iu :r,uii.a an the Oregon Oeve opnient couiaivs hips, much less that Ly anv route ween all points iu tht; VVilllau.ilir J aud Sao Francisco. SAItlNQ DATH3. PROM TaQl'UV'A. Willamette Valley.... -.. Slav 7th wv " let Willamette Valley 24, SI rkOM DAB rRAKCISOO W Willamette Vall. v ... Slav 3rd ... ' 1-Jth ... 20. -Js Willamette Valley The company rcdene the ri-ht to cLa-ig tfcainers or Siilint' dates. PilLI rABfcZ.OKK THA'NS F.xcept buudava.) L Yai, ulna 7:00 a u I Lv Alhany If 20 H Corvallii 10:31 a u I Corvuhis r u Ar Albany i i:'Js a H I Ar Yaquina 4 ii p. m O & C. Ilaiiis jouncjt at Aibau and Col Wm. SI . H.,AQ, C, . Hoot , (Jenerul Jit-naci. O. F & P. agent iAirvallig, O ou EAST SOUTH VIA SOUTHERN PACIFIC ROUTE. THE KOUNT SEST FCU7E California exrens trvitt iii 7:O0pm..Lv I'ortland Ar.. s:i. u 10:a i) iu.. Lv Albany Lv.. --. u 10:15am..Ar S. Frar.-"cr.L'-.. '.' uu ui Loral F. Train linlly- Ft. haudty SKlOa m..Lv Portland Ar.. 4 mi m la:i0 p U..LV Albany ....Lv ..ii.i-. am 5:40 p mAr.....Resfiiuiil L.. ir.A am LrbHuiio llrMix Ii. 2.S(lp .Lv Albany Ar.. J:- j.m 2:35 pm Ar ....Lebanon Lv . s 4,. m Allia;.- ........ Ar. . 4 .y, tu S.22 a m..Ar l luin..i Lv.. V4"iui ALBANY LOCAL, DAILY (Except SuU.'ij) "-CO p ..Lv.... Portland Ar....y a m tf.OU..... Ar. .. AlbjiU) Lv....;..m. a M PULLMAN BUFiKT.SLLKi i lit-. TOURIST SLtj'.r.'Nt; CA.':S. Fur aeeouiniouaiinn of Si :..!:. ; i.:ifli ,a 8ti.,;cra i'.t..neu to txincss iiiu i. BetvAe-ii i'ljiiiaini ai;d Coivaiiia Mall Train j - Kxiti . Sun.jij 7:3;im..Lv ...Po.-;ii! 1 ..Ar .' ; i. in ltWinu..At L Jj.f..).. m At Alb&ny and Cortat!i ui.sit! will. trams of Wr.n Piciii. H..nn,r.l. Ilaprrss Tl ;;l.t li,Uj Kl.. t;-i ."u'j..y 4:4-1 p ni. . Lv I'. r W.ii i . Ar.. vam 7".'j p ii. . . Ar S; Sliiii.v . i.v . . ' i i su THROUGH TICKI-TS in a:: punt EAST AND SOUTH X-"For tickets aiul fuU infi tuiatirn re (;aritin? rati j. n.apa, etc., call on con: m j 's aift-nt at Ajinv. K. KOiOilU-U, K. P. CCOKKS, Sia:i:nrcr Awt. O. t & I , A Notice of .Stockholder Meeting;. "vtotice is iif.i:fi;v civk.v hut the JA at niial tt.iw.lio:,!. rs mei tmi: of the Al eut)- .Mining una .vi.ihhm oii j iih v ol Albany will be lit-M at the i!bi- flu viM-ri-;i re in r.iuiiw ." ... .1 In the Sfahttn-IVurce I tii'nii .g i n Ki:t street. Ail) ir,y. Or , on t.'ie -Tlii d;,y. ibe faille lieinjr tile Slolid::v of Anril, lVil, nt Hu' Imiir ..t i-n'luur o'clock!'. M., for the pur ose of elect. m veil ditecUir; lo tervc ir the et:t titiij; y-ar. bated Albai.y, Or. March M. l'.H. L. II. MoXTANV K. teci'etai v. We :.rry a larjro slink of printer's stationery, well ::s sortcJ, bought tlinrt from the manufacturers at a low iigure, and can give the hest of work in all kiiuls of printing for the least money. Try us. I' A- Smii.kv. OST In this citv I J ladies ircld ali h. on An n or in tie tiain, a It. ibt H; iler ivili lie rcw;.roe: l-v i,-:,v :i.- : 1.. -.iii.e at the Academy ilUn i.h t.( l eioeiual IMp. "Ji. it. DK X. IXACKI-.lliX, ATI t'KXI'Y AT . Law, Alhany Oru.-.n: oitiee in (hid fellow's Temple. .Via practice in ;11 courts of the stat, ami rut: stiecitl Htt ntirn ( : !( business, except the county cuuit of count v. THE MARKETS. ALBANY qCOTATiONS. Wheat itu' Oate We Flour 4.25 jei Jtibl Potatoes 4 ic Eira 1-c Butter 2.r:;5c Lard KxaiJc. Hams 14gUc. Shoulders C2Sc. Bacon 10 lac. Hops 'JOc.r Hay Timothy, f 16, oat6Dd cheat, App es Green, (1 per t-u. Plujia Dried, !"(2e. per tt. App'es dried bleaclied Vc sundried c. Chickens 5 00 -.50 Beef :!:;c pross. Mutton :!.5tjper head. How 5V'c dresaec. Veal C20ic