MORNING HERALD; WEDNESDAY, MAY 6, 1891 How severe Cold Are Broken l' In Montana. From the V.riTinia City, Mont Madiassian. When we find a medicine we know to possess genuine merit' we consider it a duty, and we take pleaaue in telling the public what it is. Such a medicine we found Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, last winter, when la grippe was prevailing. We are satisfied that it warded off several attacks that were threatening by the use of your syrup, and we have since relieved, in a few hours, severe colds, aild in the course of two or t'.iree days, entirely broken them up by itd use as have several of our friends whom we have recom mend it. It is all that it is repre sented to be by he manufacturers. If yon have a cough and want to stop it, Chamberlain's Cough Remedy will do the work. For sale by Foaliay & Mason. Take the Union I'acinc railway for the East, thirty-five hours quicker than any other transcon tinental line. Elegant new dining cars, Pullman palace sleepers, free family sleeping cars run through to Denver, Omaha, Council Bluffs, Kansas Citv, tit. Louis and Chi cago. C. (i. Rawlings, city ticket ageut, foot of liromlalbin street. The Union 1'acine. Is the only line running two Itst trains daily from Portland to Omaha, St. Paul, Kansas City, Chicago, St. Louis and all points Kaat and South. Buy your tickets of C. U. Rawlings, foot of Broad albin street, Albany. 1 he Best Yet. W. R. Graham, the merchant tailor, has just opened an elegant line of new pUterns for gentle men's clothing, fie has a very lursje line to select irom, in suit ings, pantaloons, and all kinds of clothing. Ilia new patterns are not surpassed by anything in the city, and he has marked his priceB down to the very bottom, Hand-ao-ne suits w ill be made to order for JJ.M and 25. Those desiring a neat litting good suit at very low cost should call and see his stock. U'e are the ieople! Who carry tli- most complete line of bard ware, stoves and ranges iu the valley, Mattli.-ws t Washburn. New an-1 complete stock of eprciacle-s an 1 eve glaa es just re ceived at I'. M. 'French's. Every pair fitted by Johnston's Patent eye-me!er, every pair fully war ranted l lit. . u-r it I'Hkra llie Lead. America no. v takes the lead as an iron iro tiicing country, united with China, we could d the wash ing and ironing of the world. .Iie!ler A Garrett are taking the lelid in the uroo ry business of Albany, as ttieir cash figures please every one. Oar c.irdi r.ysUMu of husines-t is just what every one is now taking advantage ol. " Our goods are the purest and our prices the lowest. People who pay caau for their gooiis will find it to their advan tage to buy of Mueller A Garrett's cash groceres. , They Are lu It. It will pay you well to call at the corner of Second and Ells worth streets, at .Mueller A Gar rett"s, where you can find a splendid variety of groceries, veg etables, poultry, e'e, for your Sunday dinner". Call early and avoid the rush. I.lltln tilunt and lowlei' Bros, boys, misses and child ren's shoes different styles all sizes ami widths made solid all riiiioLviii. Try a pair nothing better medium in price. Every pair warranied. Samuel E f Ladle Fine Shoe. I make a specialty of handling ladies fine shoes. I carry some of the best brands made in fine and medium grades in widths from A to EE. All warranted goods; no trash, and will repair any pair of thoes of any kind sold that will rip or break. Samuel E. Young. Take Warning. To those who are quick-tempered, it will be well to have your tiair shingled close to the head, when arguing about the bridge; then go to Mueller A Garrett's and older something good to eat for your Sunday dinner. Cornell Cometal We make a specialty of liea and misses fine corsets and w its. We have a drive in a F f nch sateen corset at 75 cents. Fxtra good value. Samuel E. Yorso. Another Car. Of those choice vegetables just received, celery, caulitlower. cab bage, parsnips, turnips, beets, oranges, figs, golden dates.lemons. and an endless variety of good things. All of the above nice and fresh at Mueller A Ga-rett's. Tin. finest, and best assortment ot ladies Oxford's and slippers ev er brought to Aioany ai cearm shoe store. Iuis Viereck's shaving and hair cutting parlors. Ladies andchild rens hair cutting a specialty. The n.ost beautiful wall paper in the ctfy at .1. A. Cumming's drug stdfe. A big cut in prices on ladies'ila shoes in all styles for the next :;i days at Klein Bros. We mean business. Julius Gradwobl keeps at his Golden Rule Bazaar store a large assortment of fresh Walla Walla garden seeds. They are th best and freshest seeds on the Pacific coast market. His store is filled with the linest and largest stock in his line in the Willamette Val ley. The public is invited to call and inspect it. SlDDEN DEATH. Heart disrtse is by far the most frequent cause of sudden death, which in three out of four cases is unsuspected. The symptoms are not generally understood. These are, a habit of lying on the right side, short breath, pain or distress in side, back or shoulder, irregular pulses, asthma, weak And hungry spells, wind in stomach, swelling of ankles or dropsy, oppression, dry cough and smothering. Dr. Miles' illustrated book on Heart Disease, free at Stanard A Cusick who sell and guarantee Dr. Miles' unequaled New Heart Cure, and his restorative nervine, which cures nervousness, headache, sleeplessness, effects of drinking, etc. It contains no opiates. THE FIK8T STEP. Perhaps you are rundown, can't eat, can't sleep, can't think, can't do anything to your satisfaction, and you wonder what ails you. You should heed the warning, you are taking the first step into fer vous Prostration. You need a Nerve Tonic and in Electric Bitters yon will find the exact remedy for restoring your nervous system to its normal, healthy condition. Surprising results follow the use of this great Nerve Tonic and Altera tive. Your appetite returns, good digestion is restored, and the liver and kidneys resume healthy action. Try a bottle. Price 50c at Foehay A Mason's drug store. CATABBH. The ablest physicians of the present age recognize catarrh as a blood disease which aggravates the mucous surfaces. Moore's Re vealed Remedy purifies the blood, restores health to the affected membranes, stops offensive dis charges and corrects the breath. For sale by all druggists. THE MEW DlSCOYKBI. You have heard your friends and neighbors talking about it. You may yourself be one of the many who know from personal experi ence just how good a thing it is. If you have evr tried it, you are one of its staunch friends, because the wonderful thing about it is, that when once given a trial, Dr. King's New Discovery ever after holds a place in the home. If yon have never used it and should be dtllicted with a cough, cold or any Throat, Lung or Chest trouble, secure a bottle and give it a fair trial. It is guaranteed every time, or money refunded. Trial bottljs free at Koshay A Mason's drugstore. A SlCCESSnL WQHKEBH. Work cannot be successfully continued unless there is an active mental interest in it. If the mind is not clear, bright and buoyant, then the work is drudgery and the worker is a machine. An occasional dose of Moore's Re vealed Remedy will put the body and mind in such harmony that tiie hardest tasks will seem as play. MIL' Kit YE UVEBMLLH. Act on a new principle regula ting the liver, stomach and bowels through the nerves. A new dis covery. Dr. Miles' Pills speedily cure biliousness, bad taste, torpil liver, piles, constipationr Un equaled for men, women, children. Smallest, mildest, surest 1 60 doses for 25 ceuts. Samples ee, at Stanard A Cusick. BltliLEVH ABSiCA SALVE The beet salve In the world for Cut. Bruises,, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, fever sores. Tetter, Chapped Hani, Chilblains. Corns, and skin Eruptions, and pos tively cures Piles, or lo pay required. It Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money re funded, Price 25 cents per box. Fcr sale by Foe n By K Mason Change In Basinets. From Jan. 1st, 1891, we wil change our business to a strictlj cash system, thereby enabling us to buy for cash and get our dis counts, whereby we can, and will give our customers the benefit; Our M. C. H. Mueller, while east made arrangements to buy goodi direct from the manufacturers at the lowest cash prices, and we will sell Dure iroods at the lowest rash figures. Believing that the people will appreciate a store where they can goods at cash figures. We re main, Respectfully xoura, Mueller A Gabrktt. Pine comb honey and salmon bellies at Mueller A Garret's, the leading grocers. Moustache dyeing with the renowned German Instantaneous Hair Dye at L. Vierecks. Exrraler's Sale. In the County Court of Una county, Oregon In re tbe estate of I Geo. W. Warmoth. deceased, f NOTICE 19 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE nudcrsitcned the duly appointed quali fied and acting sole executer oi me last will and testament of Geo. W. Warmotb, deceased, in pursuance of the terms of the ast will and testa ment of kaid deceased and in further pursuance of an order of the above er.titlcd court duly made and entered of record in the above entitled cause on the 18th dsy ot April. 1891, author izing, licensing and directing him as such executor to make sale of the real property herelnsft r described, will on (Saturday, the )Wd day of May. 1891. at the hour of I o'clock P. m. of said day at the court house door in the citv of Albany. Linn county, Oregon, otter for sale and sell at public auc tion to the highest and best bidder for cash in hand and in one parcel the following described real property belonging to the estate of said deceased, to-wit: Beirinining at the Southwest corner of the Donation Land Claim of James H. Payne, the same being at the Southeast corner of the Southwest quarter of section 17, TownsLip 14 8outh Range 3 West Willamette meridian in Linn county, Oregon, and running thence East 330 rods, thence North 100 rods, thence West 80, thence South 13)f rods, thence West 'J40 rods, thence South im rods to the place of beginning Dated this 21st day of April, 1891. Qbo. W. Kbbnst. Executor of the last will and testa mant of Geo. W. Warmoth, deceased. Ucwirr A Irvine. Att'ys for Exeautor. ALLEN BROTHERS, Wide and CIGARS, TOBACCO AND CIIOICE FRTJI1 OF ALL KINDS IIT L Altos OS SMALL QUANTITIES, IZST SEASOIT. FLYjnN BLOCK. Springfield. Sawmil A. WHEELER, (SPRINGFIELD,) PROPRIETOR. SPRINGFIELD, Albany yard and office on treetSj A. Wheeler, Albany Manager. Having lumber not excelled in quality, and facilities not surpass or the prompt and satisfactory tilling of orders, I respectfully solici hare of the trade. A. WHEF.LER. FEED -:- STOR AssD GENERAL PRODUCE MARKET. WANTED SPECTA LLY- Hay, oats ud rttrg, to supply sustoi on the Oregon PaciSo Railroad extension ami my increasing home tri . here I sell in quantities to suit the purchasers. Store iu Strahan liri Senond street tlw m :m The City Liquor Store M. BAVMGART, Proprietor. SWSaxt door to th Odd Fellows' eniple, Albany, Oregon a Kmds constantly on hand the finest imported and domestic winus, liquors, clrs as to'r Only flrtt-cUas liquor store in tbe SPECIAL ATTf"Tinit PAID TO Special Notice. Ladies or gentlemen who con template buying gold watches w ill find it to their advantage to call at F. M. French'B jewelry store be fore purchasing, as there has leen quite a reduction in prices. The Corner jewelry store. Mew Spring; Goods. I am now receiving my first in voices of spring novelties in wash goods, prints, gingham seersuckers, etc., alBO just received a new line of all wool summer plaids and beiges. Samuel E. Young. Smoke tha celebrated Havana filled 5-cent ignrs, manufactured at Julius Joss h"s cigar factory. If you want anything choice in the grocery line go to Mueller & Garrett's, the only place in the . " . .. uy wuere you ran Boi. cvcijm...6 cou want. Some of tne latest styles of ele-1 eant bed lounges can be seen at I Fortmiller & Irving's, as they have just received a large invoice. Money Is King. This is a true saying and is the reason that Mueller & Garrett are doing such a rustling business. Their cash figures are taking the lead and their stock is the best. You do not have to pay for any long credit by trading with them aa they do business on a strict cash principle. EHITEWENT run high in this city over System Builder as every body is lining it for Catarrh of the Stomach, Dyspepsia Constipation, Impure blood and to build up their system. Try it and tell your friends about it, as it must possess wonderful merit when all speak well of it. New goods of the latest patterns sold at Matthews and Wash burns is why they will sell over four lo'ds of stoves and ranges this year, they lave their first carload of Jewel 8toves and ranges now on the road to arrive Feb 1st. A fine line of gents furnishings at Searls', all the latest styles. Go to Searls' for your low shoes, where you will find the largest line at prices lower than ever be fore offered in Albany. Ludlow's shoes all sizes and widths at Searls' shoe store. Retail Grocers ALBANY, O OREGOI Railroad, between Fourth and Fi R. 1VT. ROBERTSON $3 ssio: Itoi ff. And other specialties for J.i Bnve tlemon, Indies, Etc., are .War ranted, and bo stamped on liot torn. Address V. L. DOl'G l.AS, I'.rockton, Mass. Sold by L. E. BLAIN, ALtJANV. OREGON. city ORDERS FROM THE COUNTRY' CITY DRUG STORE STANARD & CUSICK, Froos., I'FEIFFEK ULOCK, - - ALBANY, Dealer in DRUCS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, FANCY and Toilet artieis, Sponges. Uruiheg, Perfumery, Sehool Books, and Ar tist's Supplies. Physician's prescriptions carefully compounded. MONKY TO LOAN In larire or smal amuunU, from six months to five years on Albany, and Linn county reai estate. Call on or adilresH W. K. McPheraon, real estate liroker, opposite Kuss house Land for Sale. 6. li), 20, 10, SO acres, easy terms, install- ment plan chea . fuw gity lots all owned by II. Bryant. ST ARRETT'S frar(Jen Seeds. The Best liecause Always Reliable. Established 1874. pecial prices to market gardeners. Send for catalogue for 1891. Address, Geo. Stakrktt, Walla Walla, Wash. KOBE and single comb BrownLcgliorn Roosters FOR SALKT $1.50 EACH Also some fine Langshang, Ply moth Rock and Wyaudottes, same prire. Mas. L. J. Hoick, Tangent, Or. BOYS Here's a ihaneo to make some pocket moiiev: The Alliany Electric I . I u 1 1 f I'a ..' .1 .... - iimn iv i uieuaac a quniiiiij' wi clean white or colored cotton ratra, for wlp. ihk iiiv-nincry. lleliver them at the com pan j 9 olHce and get your cash Viereck will shave yon or cut your hair in the nmut ntmrnved 'stvle, The Thomas Kay Woollen Mills of Salem, have appointed G. W. Simpson their agent in Albany. A full line of men and boys clothing blankets and flannels and all arti cles manufactured by the mill will be kept in stock. These goods are the best in the market and will give entire satisfaction. OH. MAMMA DO YOU COUGH? now that a little cough is a dangerous I re you aware that it often fartensJ uiigHaud far too often runs into Con-; on and ends in Death ? People nutter- m Asthma, Uroncl litis. Pneumonia : usumptiou will all tell you that I STARTED WITH A COLD"! you alTbrd to neglect it Y Can you! with so serious u matter? Are you e that ; . NCLISH REMEDY for Coughs, Colds and Consumption is beyond question the greatest of i ; all Modern Remedies ? It will stop a Cough in one night. It will check f i a Cold in a dar. It will prevent Croup, relieve Asthma and cure Con S sumption if taken In time. " You can't afford to be without it." A 25c. 1 ..4-Al A 1 tt T . r 1 1 . 1 - . A m. LKJiuu niiijr Buvwyouiw iu uociora vum may save your me i jxukz .yourdruggistforit.orwriteforbookto 4, -BHrS2iw.?, n,..? . ll i.iiiili .4 ALBANY IRUN WORKS, Manufacture steam engine, grlat and saw mil. machinery, iron fronts and all kinds of heavy and light work in iron and brass castings. Special atten tion paid to repairing all kinds of machinery. Patt erna made on short notice A COSTEL, President. P LINO RAN, Secretary, JOHN HOLM AN, Sup Just Received. I have just received my spring stock of Biazer jackets, Rufees accord ian plaited caeB and beaded capes in the latest styles, Ladies will do well to examine my stock before purchasing elsewhere. O. W. Simpson. inoitfj mj" n t V itio'sT tsjr We ' ForvS ale . Every re One Half Dollar Reduction on every pairof Lud lows FineShoea. A goodline of thorn at Samuel . Young's. If you want a durable monu ment go to E. W. Achison, w i are handling nothing but the best grades. Have you seen those beautiful cement walls in the cemeter es, put up by E. W. Achison, at all the cost of stone. Whether you contemplate buy ing or not, it will pay you to inspect my spring stock of wool ens, aches, the tailor, opposite the postoflice. Wall paper at Cumming's drug store. Red School house shoes at Klein's. v "Have you seen those lovely lounges at Brink's? They are the prettiest in town, and all his new furni ture is simply elegant." They all say so, and an in spection will prore it. Prices always the lowest. TOCK OF NICE FURNITURE. - - OPPOSITE OPERA H0US N T ED n and Children to buy goods of FROM AN miosM morters and Dealers in all kinds o nd ammunition fishing ackle of ev script'on, cutlery and base ball goods, hammocks and camp chairs. The t stock south of Portland. Come one 1. Mo trouble to show goods. Quicr .nd small profits is our motto. Also a shop connected with store and first rorkmen to do all kinds of work. Ei ,a Q ''rases uiM) s slims '52 s 855 II" It S atqil IS 5 Caw a SAN WA has removed h I laundry to the iron nou tbe vomer ot Saonil ami Ljon streets. If yon want TUB BEST, buy ALLEN'S NORTHKKN KOWN SEEDS. If the Merchant you deal with doe not keep them send to ALLEN direct, He pajs the postage. Beautiful catalOie sent free," Address, K W ALLEN, 71 Second street, Portland, Or Notice to lH-btor. All those indsbted to the late firm of Thompson & Overman are requested to call at once and settle the same. FRESH SALMOVt the Albany Fish Mar ket, next door to the postottice. Leave your order for Friday as the salmon law ex piree on that day. Also erch, flounders sturgeon and trout in season, liame and poultry dressed to or ler and delivered free in the city. M. llvim, l'rop, LOST A lady's silver watch, with a go)a chain, lost in this city on Mondav. 1 he finder will please leave the same at this office. A pair of fast black hose free with every pair of ladies shoes, costing $3 or more, at Searls shoe store. Just like finding money to buy your groceries from Mueller A Gar rett. Their cash prkes talk. A line of the latest style lace shoes for ladies at Klein's. Fresh bread, cakes and pies every morningat Blodgettife Son's. Go to Searls' and see his fine display of shoes, all the latest styles. Julius Gradwobl has opened at his Golden Rule Bazaar store a line of finely finished boys' safety bicycles, which will be sold much cheaper than they can be j ur chased elsewhere. New sprirg novelties in dress goods and dress silks, in colors and black in great variety at Samuel E. Young's. Blodgett & Son have removed their stock of groceries into the building formerly occupied by Blackburn & Pironi, and have added a bakery department, and are now prepared to furnish their customers with fresh bread, pies and cakes of all kinds. A large line of Ludlow's $3.00 shoes for ladies just arrived at Sends' shoe store. i I'HY8HIAS WH. DAVIS, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND suieon. Can he found at his office room to Stratum's block, First street. AUany Oregon- r C. KELLY, PHYSICIAN ANl il"R- J. geon Alnanv, Oregon, omce n fierce new block. Office hours, from S A. a. toj r. H. A J. KOSSITER, VETERINARY SUR- XV. geon, graduate or Ontario veterinary college and mei ber of the Ontario veterin ary medical society, is prepared to treat the diseases of all uomcticaleu animals on scientific principles. Oifice at Ans Marshall's livery Btabla Residence 4th and Caiaooia streets, Albany, Oregon. CU. UAMIiERLIN, M. l)., Homflenathic Physician, office at l)r, Wallaces old stand, llroadalbin ttrect. Office hours, 7 to 9 a. h.; 1 to 3 and (i to b P. M. DRO. A. WHirXEY, PHYSICIAN AM surgeon. Graduate of liellwue Hospi tal Medical College. New York City. Disease of women a specially. Office iu Foster block ATTORSCY p EO. W. WRIGHT, ATTOKNEY-AT LAW VT and Notary Public, Will practice in all tbe courts of this state, Office, trout rooms over bank of Oregon, Albany, Oregon. W, T. BURNKY. J. W DRAI-Kk BURNSY & URAPER, ATTORNEYS at law, Oiegou Citv, Oregon. Twen ty years experience aa register of thj U. S. Land Office at Oregon City and iu the laud practice recommends us in our SH.-ciaity business before the Land Office or the courts and involving the practice in thu general Land Office. H C. WATSON, attomey-at-law, Albany , Oregon. Office in Strahan block JN. DUNCAN - ATTORNEY-AT LAW . and notary' public Olice iu the Strahan block, rooms No. 1 and 2. WOLVERTON CHARLES E. ATTORNEY at Law, Albany, Or. Office in rooms li and 14 los er's Block, over L. E. islaio't Itote, T K. WEATHFRFORD, ATTCR.NEY AT tr . law, ai uany, Oregon. Oit in the Flinn Block. Will practice o all tht court of theatate, and give specia. atteuticr to an ousiness. JAMES P. MEAD, ATTORN EY-AT-LAW and title examiner, Albany, Or. Will practice in all the courts of the state. Ab stracts of title furnished on short notice. Teu years experience. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUOOIKTS. 'Hiikim m.mtlia flfrn I'liaEuil . tiox of Dr. J. P. yiU' Catarrh (Jure for my own Hi?e. but tiuding my tiepln-w. V. A, McMaliuu. needing filch .nidi t iiu-, I let him have my box of int-di fine. He now Bends for tlm-e uiort Ixixef, :iyiui; it is the hest thinir for catarrh ever tried ty him and hit fiit-uds. 1 eot another box to use in my case. Mid cheerfully recommend it toothers. (Signed), JOHN MrMAHAN, Ex-County Commissioner I.ane Co. Oregon. Springfielil, bane county, Oregon. Prof J, VY, J.iliu-'on, pn-sident of the Slate university, says itemed him ol a cougli after two oilu r prescriptions liiil failed. Likewise two of hi little girls use! it toenre their coughs. Mr Mark i-tailey, wife of prof. Hailey, sent it to Prof, .lolinson, and reeoin meiids it to all who sillier from colds and coughs. For (-ought it acts like acliariu, and can hi inti iled into the .dpes or i:usa-cs, where uo otln:r cough cures ?au reach. A FEW DOSES K Moore's Revealed Remedy Will brace you up, put the bloom in your cheek and the sparkle in your eye Strictly non-alcoholic, its effect upon persons suffering from liquor habit is wonderful. Wm. Rossen, of Portland, Oregon, writes : "Moore's Revealed Remedy cured me of drunkenness and made a new man of me. All who are oursed with the liquor habit should take it. A. B. Case, of Monterey, Cal., says : "It entirely destroyed my taste for spirituous liquors." Try it once. Sold by all druggists, or fctewart-IIolmes Drug Co., Seattle, Wash. GENTLEMEN -Oct yoiirliucii laundriid at the City laundry, First street. The ln-st systeiuof polishing known used. Notice to Stockholder. NOTK'E IS HEREIiY GIVEN THAT THE annual uieetiiiK of the fto:-kh(i!drrs of the Albany r'armcis t will lie held at Hie ortiee of wiid company i . Alhanv, Orciron, on May llUIi. lv.'l, at I oVlo :k,'r. t said day. for the pir(c i.f electing cien (7) directors to serve the cnsuiinr year, and the traiiHutiou of such other business ils m..v profwrlv come liefore the lueetlni: Done by the order of Hie Imard of directors. II. II. Wii.ns, A",-,,t: l'rebi.lent. I'KKs. IS. Marshall, Secretary. SITUATION WANTED, At any cmplov luent. ollu-e, Htore, mill or r.-nlroad, !.urve,ir by profemion, stiUr, steadv, in dustrious. : hhI nferences. Ail.lm-n box act Albany Oregon. Just received, at Searls' shoe store, the latest styles in ladies cloth top shoes, lace shoes and Oxfords of all kinds. Fire Kinfllrra. If you want a good and easy fiie kindler, one that will kindle your lire easy every time. Call o'n or come and see me. A. J. Fox. Reliable Men Wanted as traveling salesmen fot n first-:Iass Cigar Company. Must give good references. F. O. B. CIGAR CO.. Salem, N. C. HEWITT & IRVINE, ATTORN EYS-AT Law. Will practice In all the courra o 'the state Vtr.ce lu Flinus block, Fin treit. do to. waki :m imi ? If so call on I. BEAM He delivers bis goods to any part of the city free of charge. Fresh vegetables every day. 'Nothing but the best kept at I. BEAU'S, 2d st., cor. Jackson and Jefferson. ANTED To contract with partita to bank 300.000 ft. of Ion or mora to bo completed by June 20, 1(981. For farther luioriuation eaii personally at toe company camps, mouth of the Santiam. Vt ILL1HKTTS Pl'LT & Pari CO. I I. GREGG, & Men's and Boys' clothing made to ardsr or clcviicd and repaired on short notice and rcasouablo rates. shop on the street car line, between Third and t-'ourfh streets. (iood dry fir wood at $3.00 per cord, also grub oak and ash wood at $4.tKJ per cord. I c live red in any part of tbe city. Orders left at the real estate office of llulburt & Writs man will re ceive prompt attention. 1'EfER RlLKY. Albany Nurseries. WE HAVE ON HAND AT OUR nursery on the Corvallis road, one half mile from town, as fine a lot of Fruit Trees of all kinds aa can be found anywhere on the coast. I i you contemplate planting trees, it will pay to see our stock and get our prices and catalogue free. 1IYMAN & BKOWNELL. p F.VEKK HOUSE, ALBANY, OR.-CELA1 It Pfeitfcr, l'r..p. Only ttrat-srla bona ii the city. Largo sample rooms lur eaaaj mercial uicii. No Chinamen employed hi tba kiU-hcii. Otneral (taure utile CorvaUla. 1 AA''l(r-S f LAND- All fit for eolti 1 at i. hi, and unier fenos, lor aal at 3lU iera. ro. Wirtiin 1 J niilirs from raUroW tati m and 10 miles from Albany. Apply at this office. TAKE TIIE CAB FROM RATES; To any part of the city, 60 cent For calling, first hour $1.60, each subsequent hourt 1. SKCKET SOCIETIES. McPheraon Post No. 6, O. A. R. Stated meetinira at the O, A . ft. Hall on tne aeoond and rourta. Friibvy evenintrs of each duwb. Transient Comrade ai grdl. y invited to meet with as J. K. WUITI.NO, B. F. TABLaa, Conupaidtr Adjutant. A, O. U, W.-Safcty Lodj. No, 15; aiatta every Monday evening at th O. A. ak . hall on Kerry street, between Sesoa4 assy I bird. Albany, Oregon. Strancwa ta tha city aud transient brethren ordially tavttad to attci.d. JOHN SCHMEER'S Livery. Feed k Sale stabs Corner Second and EKsvorth 8t . ALBANY. - . OREOOS TTouks Boiaon by ths day ot moaUk. Cat a-xnairea or oujones on raaagoaM Vtel T?KESH MILCH COW KOR 8 ALK.-BAS A JL nciter calf and M a good milch cow. ply to K. N. CondiU Ap- The Latest Alarm. One of the latest styles of fire alarms is now on tnal at No. I s engine house in this city, hot thia is nothing compared with the alauningly low prices to be founJ at Mueller & Garrett's. The last steamer came loaded down with a large quantity of the best table delicacies, to be sold at the lowest cash tlgtirea. lUiths, well sunlight rooms at Vierecks. Call early and secure the best pantaloons to order - at coat, aches, the tailor, opposite post ollice. Just received, a new invoice of children's ready-made dresses and aprons at the Ladies Bazaar, w hich are being sold for less than you can make them up. Suits to order thia week at cost, aches, the tailor, opposite post ollice. Buy gasoline stoves from Mat thews & Washburn. II! Repairing lor Sale. SCUMEER'S STAB