..; ADVERT!$.NS ; V ( 7 I JO CENTS A WEEK. ALBANY, OliEGON, SUNDAY, MAY 15 1891 VOL. VI NO. 131 , - ; . -r . k IS LIFE WORTH .LIVING ? IS MONEY WORTH SAVING ? lbs :: Is Sin it si Has? as It able to Throw it Away. See hjvv much you can pave by buying your spring clothing and furnishing goods of T. L. WALLACE & CO., .Albany's leadinnr Clothiers. We will not w tit until the eud begin right now, TO 1)Y. such as B-.Mtitiful styles, beaming bright with the freshness of spring. No old styles. No back numbers. No old moth-eaten goods. Not an ugly or undesirable pattern in the house. SUPERB ! Our lieautiful all new spring stock of Men's, Boys' and Children's Ctai lung hats and furnishing koh1b, is nothing less than par excel lence. Nevei before in ihe history of Albany has any clothing dealer h.i 1 the nerve to import such a grand stock as that which we have now pi u-d upon exhibition. Taik about your $75 suits made to order; "iliKY'KF. NOT IN IT" with those beautiful and richly tailored garment-) which we are selling at the unapproachably low prices of $20, i-J.-V.) ami $2. Nothing new and stylish but what you will tind in our Mammoth New Sj ring and Summer Stock. Suits an I over-oats for the tali, slim and stout man that no tailor on earth can b-at for tit, style, workmanship and general makeup. A ric't an I gorgeous amy of pretty spring suits at $10. New and handsome shades in men's business suits at $10. A full and complete line of Albany Woolen Mills goods for $10 sold by other dealers at $13 and upwar Is, call and inspect for yourselves and see ii what w siy is not reliable; everything else is going at the same projortion, Ltr we are LEAlEKS IN Ol'R LINK. Sp-j Styles in M aiJ Children's Hag. In this department we are complete with the latest styles in children's wear, and niotuers, if you'll t ike the time and look through our massive assortment in boys' clothing, you'll be money in pocket for the trouble. We have sole agenv UAIIAM P. CflU'Q line shoes and carry for the celebrated llHilHn X OUIl U them in allstylesand lasts. We have tie largast btock of Men's and Boya' shoes in town, and the only large stock to be found in the city. T. La. WALLACE & CO , Tiie birthplace of geat and honest bargains, Strahan Block, Albany. days at Sio, Fridays and Saturdays at Albany. Mr. Blumberg is als'oownerof the standard bred trotting horse, Alwood Breeze (No. 2853) who can he seen at the stable of Trites Bros. The get of this horee are larje and tine formed, and only need proper development to show Hjieed. Do Not Pass By ! WE HAVE WINTER GARMENTS That wo REDUCED RATES! FURNISHING COOPS, ! VELVETS. SILK'S, SATINS AND I'LI'SHES. LA PIES' AND MISSES SILK AND KNIT UNDERWEAR, COTTON AND WOOL HOSE, EMBROIDERIES, SILK AND LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS. SCARFS, V EI LINOS, SHAWLS, ETC. al Gc. W. SIMPSON, FIRST STREET, ALBANY, OREGON. of the season to Knife Prices, b they've never been knifed before. but Many of our horsemen have given it as their judgment that Titus, Bliimberg's black perch eron stallion stands at the head in his class. He is in the hands of Mr. C. E. Barrows.an ellicient and experienced horseman who will give his patrons every possible atten tion. TijuS WiimfSke the Peason of '91, Mondays and Tuesdays at Jef ferson, Wednesdays and Thurs A FEW will sel at- REDUCED RATES! The Celebrated French CURE Wanted to -ApaRMJTiNSI.oreZ:y WFORE AFTER the generative organs of either aex whether arising frum the excessive use ot stitnulanta, tobacco or opium, or tiir ui;h ) outlilul inilia cret ion, over indulgence, itc., such as loss of Brain Power, Wakefu'oem, Heaririir Down pains in the Baik, Seminal WVakntus, Hys teria, Ncr 'OU S' ration, Nocturnal Omis sions, Leucorrhoe Dizziness, Weak Memory, Lous of Power ami Imuotonjy which if nci, lecbxl often lead to premature old aire ami insanity. Price it a box; 0 boxe5 fcrli.UO. Sent hy mail on receipt of price. A WKITIKN l AU tVTI.K Is ifiven with every ft order received, to refund the money if a Permanent cure is notctfc(ted. We have thoiisandsof testimonials from old and yomivr, ot both sexes, who have been permanently cured by the use i'f Aphroditiiie Circular free, Ail.lrtub Till: AFIIItO MUHdVK CO. Western Branch, Box, 27. Portland, Oregon. For sale by Koshay & Mason, w ho csale and etail druggist, Albany, Oreicoo. FEELS Filb For Female Ir rt'jfularitit; noth ing iiku them the markut. Never ail. MicceHufullv uscil by prominent lathes monthly. Ouaruntcei t re lieve HUt'prerWoi! meiitriKLtioh. Sure Safe Ccriain Don't be humbui; Ved. Save tunc, Health and money. Take no other. Scut to any ad dregs by maii on receipt of price, $2. 00. Ad dress Aphro tlrll-lne 4 iiiiiinuiy West Branch liox 27, t'ortluiMl, Oi . Sold by Foshay & Mason, Albanv. Orecei BANK OF OREGON, ALBANY, OREGON. H- F. Mtrill, P.es., E- J. Lannitur, V. P . J. W. B a n. Cashier. Tr ttKu tsu jem-ml iKinkitit; litiHi.e-. K h ijc ennui!,; ami hoI1 "ii :ifl th.- i.in eipal i-itiiit nf the l'iiitet Scittt v, :t it Hi if : ri, France .m i Uer:n:iny. e--tm:i! itt all aecessihlu pointa !naii- it t.i oratU trm. fiiten-t ;ul on time k-poiit-J. RED CROWN MILLS I1. LAI; t I'O., 1'iops. NEW I'ROUKSS FLOUR. (Suerior for Family and Uukcr's uxe) Best Siorase Facilities CVHigheHt cash price aid for wbtat frt 4.LBANY - ORF.OJON heItmhonTlbank TRANSACTS A OKNERAL BANKING BUSINESS. PKE.SIDKST L. fUSS. vice i'rksiuknt s. k rr.vso. a -i 1 1 1 k k e. w. i,a: u O.N. 8. E. Yooso, L Flinn L, E. Hlais, K. F. Sox. E. W I. i MO DON Cashier. FOSHAY & MASON Wholesale and Retail isrists Booksellers ALB"" O.'tEGON NEW FEEDSTORE! HAY, OATS AND CHOP FEED Always on hand. A' Li inc. Piaster & Lenient, Coiop to the corner nf Wutcr :md Kcrrv Mtn. for all kind of Feu I. I. W. I'IM', AILanj, Or. BRICKlOR SALE! .1. S. Yorij.in. lia nmvcil hi n-si deuce t his hrick yanl R-iiilhi-a-t ol the city, and those desiring In pur- lia?e hrick will find liim there here after, lie has on hand a iarje lot of flue A 1 hrieV' fur sale. CW. AVKKS, ARCHITKt.T AND S1TKH . intendaut. Olli;r oer First ntil liank'huildinir, All. any. Or. tVrk w li .'- il from all part of the county MONEY TO LOAX- IIOMF. CAi'ITAL ON tfofd real estate aecurity. For :u-tk-u. lara enUire of Ue. iluuiphrcy. Cn. WINN. AOF.NT FOR TIIE I.F.AD intf fire, life and mvi.icnt itiHurani cikii (lanien iVilt SaI.E ij:J0 t.l,00t) worth of honai hold furiiiture in cm Ikiiikl- for improicd realentatc. Knqii'ri'at o:ttce of tire.'ou Kind Company, GOLD RING, J()l.l) I'FNS. (i i:iAl: Ieuii;s, 2 very oo.l handken hii fs, all sent toany atldi-c9 to introduce my ili .nit line of jroodg, for 10 ct. J S. Simmons, Cadiz O WANTED A se.unstreM, one who can cu t and lit. .'iil at corner of fith and Kail roadstrcrfs. Mr. F. A Iturkhart. Land SnrTfylng. Pi a TIM DaaiRIHO 8URV1TI.no DOK1 CAN OH taiu a-.'curate nd prompt work hy calling upon ex-county surveyor , T, T. Fislier. He haacomptete copies of field notes and town, ship plata, and is prepare 1 to do surveying in any part of Linn county. Posiottlee addruM klill.ri Station. Linn cou it) , Oregon. ' O m " m Fabsrs u:li:n NAVAL EXHIBITION. It Is Opened By the Prince of Wales With Great Ceremony,. IT IS INTERESTING AND NOVEL A Mimic Battle Will Be Given By Minia ture Men-of-War-Souie Wonder ful Kodela- Naval Piotnrfa. London, May 2. The naval ex hibition on Cliilsea einbankme t opened to-day with Rrcat ci' inonv. The prince of Wales pre. piileil at the opening ceremonies. He wore the uniform of admiral of the British navy. After open ing the exercises the Princess of Wales turned a switch in front of the minia'tire model of Kddystore lighthouse. There was a flash from the top of the lighthouse, a cannon shot from one of the model men-of-war in the grounds, the hand played '(iod Save the Queen' and the exhibition was formally declared open. It covers an area of over 15 acres. The model of Kddystone lighthou.se is light ed by electricity to the ex tent of half a million caudle pow er. The model is built of a fiame work of iron covered with Ameri can expanded wire over which ce ment i laid. The tower part is used for the exhibit of lighthouse and s:gnalling apparatus, while tha top, w hich is reaehed hy ele vators, all'ords a good observatory. On the lake it is proposed to give each day a mimic naval battle be tween miniature ironc!:id men-of-war, including torpei! . attacks, submarine mining, tiii- orks, etc. In the arena sailors v id give an exhibition of drills a ! the hand ling of naval machiiu ;iins will he shown. The main exhibition building is divided into nine gal leries, each named after some cel ebrated sailor. J'here are inter esting collections of old naval relics and relies of various arctic expedi tions, and the art section contains the linest collection of naval pic tures ever brought together. There :ire hundreds of models of old and new warships and innum erable charts, aneient and modern hung on the walls. THE LAST KECKI'TION. ISi'Hiitiful Floral Eiubleuial'resent 1 Waiummikffr ami Kujlc, Sax Francisco, May 2. Presi dent Harrison was given a recep tion at the Union League club in tnis city to-night. About 000 tmesis were present. The floral decorations were very beautiful and banks of roses were to be seen everywhere. Postmaster Gen eral Wannamaker was presented witii a lloral letter and Secretary KuskwitlialIoi.il plow. The of ficers of the National (Juardwere present by sneeial invitation. At the close of the reception at the Union league club to-night President Harrison was presented with a solid plate fac simile of the card (d invitation, beautifully en amelled with a crest of the seal of California and the tlag of the union. In accepting it, the presi dent said : "California is full of ambuscades, not of the hostile sort, but with all the embarrass ment that attend a surprise. In a hasty drive this afternoon, when I tlioughtl was to visit! lakland Iwas suddenly diawn up in front of a college and asked to make an ad dress, and a moment afterwards was before an asylum for deaf, dumb and blind, the character of w hich I did not know un.il the carriage stopped in front of it. All this taxes the ingenuity, as your kindness moves the heart of one who is making a hurried journey through Calforiiia. I do not need such souvenirs as this to keep fresh in my heart this visit to your state. It will be pleasant, however, to show to others who have not participated In this en joyment, this record of a trip that bus been very eventful and one of perpetual sunshine and happiness. I do not think I could have en dured the labor and toil of travel unless I had been borne up by the iuspirating and hearty good will of your people. 1 do not know what collapse is in store for me when it is withdrawn. 1 fear I shall need a vigorous tonic to keep up to the high level of enjoyment and in spiration whi' h your kind treat ment has given me. I thank you for this pleasant social enjoyment and this souvenir of it." .IOIIN I.. ON A SI'P.KE. Talk About Fighting When He is Irnuk. St. Loi is. May 2. The thought that a natch would be made be tween Sullivan and Slavin must have been born of the wish that such a great pugilistic event might be brought about. Such an event is entirely outside the range of probability for the present or near future. The stones that have found their way inta print are based, if they had any foJiidation at all, on the'simple fact fiat John L. has been drinking and has said some foolish things, lie entered a Market street saloon late Wed nesday night, and after ordering the drinks for the house and mak ing a great racket, drew a roll ol bills, which he declared to be something like $2,000. Throwing the money on the floor, he put his foot on it, exclaiming that any man who could get up a good enough tight to mate him budge from the spot could have the money. No one accepted the proposition, but the fact that he had made such a display of his money was seized upon and tor tur.d into an expression of willing nsa and sven eagerness to fight. However, in view of recent pub lication, 1 made t uother call on him this afternoon at the South ern hotel. Sullivan was going through a bracing. Upon being told what was wanted, lie simply said: "I have told you, and I thought you fully understood me, that! am out of the ring. I will uot tight Slavin or anybody else now or ever." Mr. Sullivan said he could not possibly fight for at least eighteen months, and that the younaer men could do the lighting in the mean time. At the expiration of his contracts, if Slavin still had the championship ambition, and had still as good a reputation as at present, ne saio he would probably give him a go. HONOlt A HI.E MENTION, Army OlHcera Wlio Hare Iiliii Cu lulled Theiuaelve Specially. Washington, May 2. The major general commanding lias puoi lsneu the names of the following oflieers and enlisted men w ho during lS8;i distinguished themselves for "specially meritorious acts or con duct in service:" Major Henry Carroll, first cavalry, then captain of .tli cavalry ; Captain Ktnmet Crawford, ::d cavalry; James Mackay. :!1 cavalry ; Cnarles P. Gatewood, t.th cavalry ; First Ser geant (ietgensen, Sergeaut Chap man and Saddler Frank, now out of service, but formerly of troop K, 4th cavalry. STEAM EK W ELLINGTON. riB of Her Crew IMcked 1 by III Walla Walla. San Francisco, May 2. The steamer Walla Walla arrived from Puget sound ports this morning. While passing through the Straits of Juan de Fuca, Captain Wallace spoke a ship's boat with live men in it. Thev said they were from the Pritish steamer Wellington and had left her w ith her propeller gone. Captain Wallace searched for the missing steamer, bt t did not sight her at any stage of the voyage. ,li sr II EK LICK. The Wheat Crop in Kansas Is Again Counted a Failure, Kansas Citv, May 2. Reports from sixteen of the principal wheat growing counties of Kansas say that the wheat is turning yel low from some unknown cause and the counties will not yield more than one-half to two-thirds crops. Kena county reports much damage from the Hessian tly. A new bug appears in several coun ties. Foster's 1'rlTat Secretary. Washington, May 2. Secretary Foster has decided to appoint as his private secretary to succeed Charles M. Hendley, Robert J. Wynn, until recently a member of the Cincinnati Commercial-Gazette's Washington staff. Mr. Hendley gees to Baltimore as an assistant to ex-Senator Henry G. Davis and Stephen B. Elkins in their railroad enterprise. Mr. Wvnn has for several years de voted much time to reporting treasury operations for financial journals and is therefore something of an expert in the workings oi the departments. Suit AgaiiiHt Cleveland, CincA(io..Mav 2. In the district court today ix-President Grover Cleveland w as called iu a suit of the Folsom heirs, ol which Mrs. Cleveland is one, for partition of the estate. The bailitl announced that Mr. Cleveland could not be found and he was declated in de fault. a His Deathbed. Cincinnati, May 2. A ppecial from Washington to the Commer cial Gazefe says that Solicitor General Taft was to-day summoned front Washington to J.os Angeles, Cal., to the deathbed of his father, Hon. Alplmn le Taft, ex-secretary of war and ex-minister to Austria and Russia. They Will Not Work. BufssEis, May 2. In ?pite of the manifesto issued by the coun cil of the workingmens party, urg ing the men not to go out on a strike pending the decision in tlie chamber, 30,000 miners and 4,000 iron workers in Charlerai district have struck to-day. Murder In the Second Degree. Napa, Cal.. May 2. J. Murphy, who shot and killed John Holmes and dangerously wounded Matt Vand jlver some months ago was to-ila? convicted of murder in the second degree. I'ortland Is After th Tenant. Seatti.k, May 2. Portland 7, Seattle 2. Tacoma, May 2. Tacoma 10, Spokane 3. Suffering from Iufluenra, London, May 2. The inlluenza is spreading rapidly in England. In London many barrister, offi cials of the law, courts, members of lords and commons are suffering. FOREIGN POLITICS What Bismarck Will Do in the German Reichstag:. WILL STAND BY THE EMl'EKOIt The Greatest Danger to tU I'atboiUnJ Is Not from the OutsiJe Tl Prince's Effoct. (Copyright 1S!U hy X. Y. Aso iat-J Press) Hkhiin, May 2. the prospect of Bismarck's early re-appearance in the reichstag has given an im petus to the government's plan for the conciliation of various par ties, so as to render them ready to work in the government s inter est. Bismarck's victory is modi fied by the fact that he polled 200U fewer votes than did his national liberal predecessor. The socialist ballot was reinforced by over 1000 Guelphists and Freissinige voters, whose hatred of the prince ex ceeded their dislike to the social ists. The prince iu an interview on the eve of the re ballot de claied if he went to the reichstag he never would attack any policy directly initiated by the emperor, and that his line of conduct woi'M be the same as that followed by him since he left Berlin. He w;u convinced that the greatest danger to the fatherland was not from without but within. He would not refrain from exposing it, but he certainly would never say any thing to give his opponents reason to charge him w ith attacking the emperor from personal motives. These sort of assurances promised lively times in the icicle t ig. lfci AM A I tl'i ll.ot I I K. Au Attempt I Iti-ini; M;nle to lie! Hlui Iteliiud I'rNoii lt;ii. Meadvii.i.e, May 2. The proposition of I'elaiuatcr At Co. to settle with creditors at a 50 cent basis has fallen through. Ex Senator Delamatcr to day stated that the mis of the proposition had not been complied with, and his friends who had proposed to assist him in making the lirst pay ment would not consent to have the time for securing the signa tures extended. The members oi the tiim of Helamater A Co. were arrested on complaint of small de positors this evening and bail fur nished in the sum of taeh. It is rumored an attempt will be .nade by repeated ariests to ex haust the bail and linally get the Fenatur into jail. ATITHE KUI.E S MIZZLE. A Color War That Is no Itoy's I'lay In Kausts, Kansas Citv, May 2. News late to-night from the two seats of war in Indian Tei ritorv where full bloods are making a campaign against negn settlers state that at Goose Neck bend the negroes still hold the fort at the muzzies ol Winchester ri ties and a brass cannon. The Cherokees up to this evening had not attacked them. The reported Cherokee government w ill call for volunteers to drive the negroes off or tight them. Theditlictilty.it Tanapah, it is feared, w ill result in a serious outbreak. The negroes are still in possession of the town but ihe sheriff left Tallequah to-day w ith a post e to reinforce. befoi:k his wife's evkh, A Young Man (iort l the Itottoiu of Lake I'nion. Skatti.e, May 2. U. S. Hughes, a plasterer, w ho lives on Lake Un ion boulevard near Fremont, was drowned in Lake Union this even ing before the eyes of his young wife. In reaching his home from the electric car trestle Hughes had to walk over a :!0-foot stretch of water on two planks that Fervid as a bridge. The planks slipped and went in the water, carrying Hughes with them. He could not swim and was soon chilled and dtowneu. F'orest Fires. Caklisi.k, Pa., May 2. Another serious mountain tire is sweeping up the southwest and doing great damage. Several hundred men are lighting the tires in Lehigh. May Lanoinu, X. .1., May 2. Tlirpp frtrtKt. firoti htm t-tl.nno- in thiu vicinity yet. Several thousand acres of the linest pines in New Jersey, stretching over eighteen miles to the Atlantic coast, have been destroyed. The residents of a smaU hamlet and charcoal colo ny in the midst of these pines fled for their lives, losing all their pro perty. All the tires in thn vieinitv of Mileville are out, alter doing damage of about $100,000. Flooring Mills Itmnrd, Aii.LVii.i.E, Mo., May 2. The flouring mills here were destroyed to-day by fire resulting from stroke of lightning. Lota $ "0,000 no insurance. The Markets. San Francisco. Mav 1 WI.mI $1.72,la(1.75 per cental, is aboat as near the o uot able shipping wheat as can be given. Trouble In Itasehall circles. ........ . .-v ec. cret meeting of the Californi base ball league directors was held to night in regard to the trouble wmi me raciuc Aortuwest lea-ue. It could not be learned what ct ion had been taken, as the mem bers refused to talk. Third base man Van Zant, who is claimed by both leagues, to-day received the following telegraphic message from X. E. Young, chairman of the board of control: "You must go back to Tacoma." Manager Har ris told Van Zcnt to remain in 'Fiisco. Harris foraarded a lot of documents, including affidavits to Young to-day. The papers go to show that an .ant was not legal ly reserved by the Tacoma club. RAILWAY ACCIDENT, A Brakeuian Falls Under the Cars and Is Bun Over. Tacoma, May 2 J. B. Wright, hrakeman in the Northern Pacific arils, was thrown from the top of a box car this morning and crushed between the brake beams and ties. The train was running ten miles an hour, when the en gineer, to avoid collision, applied the air-brakes. The sudden stop threw Wright under the cars and he was dangerously injured, but may recover. The Transfer Can he Made. Wasiiinoton, May 2. Assistant Secretary Spaulding telegraphed the collector a. Wilmington, Cal., that there is no reason for interference m the matter of trans fer of certain arms and ammu nition from the American schooner 'Robert and Minnie"' to trans port for resliipment to South America. "It is not in violation, adds Assistant Secretary Spaul ding, of "the neutrality laws." The telegram of the collector ask ing the advice of the treasury de iu the matter is no way explicit as to where the arms came from or lor w bat Mrts intended, but it is supposed they are for the Chileon ;'o ei niiieiil or insurgents in Chili. They Flayed With Dynamite. Wiu:i:i.iNi. W. Va., May 2. At Martin's Fciry to day an unknow n miscreant gave three boys, James and Milton Turney and Chas. Wilson a dynamite cartridge. The boys played with it until it ex ploded, frightfully mingling them. Two will die and the third will be biiud. A Bare at Hillahoro. Poitri.AND, Or., May 2. The match ratre at Hillsboro to-day be tween Macauley's "Tillie Mack"' and I leLashmutt'a " Vannuish " was won by the former. Time 1 :28 Fast Time Across the Continent, Monthkai., May 2. A Canadian special train cart ying the steamer Empress of India's passengers, arrived here this evening from Vancouver, having made the run in '.)) hours. Swept By Fire. Mason Citv, la., May 2 -The business portion of Lyle, Minn., was wiped out by fire to-day. TLe aggregate loss is heavy. America Takes the Lead. America now takes the lead as an iron producing country, united ith China, we could do the wash ing amt ironing oi tne woria. Mueller & Garrett are taking the lead in the grocery business ot Aibany. as their cash figures please every one. tiood ltesults. Our cash system of business is just what every one is now taking advantage of. Our goods are the purest and our prices the lowest. People who pay cash for their goods will find it to their advan tage to buy of Mueller A Garrett's cash groceres. They Are In It. It u-ill itiv vi, n u-ll tnr:ill fit the corner of Second and Ells worth streets, at Mueller A Gar- rott'a u liprt. vmi o:Tl find fl splendid variety of groceries, veg- i . ... ... t etaoies, poultry, etc., lor jour Sunday dinner. Call early and avoid the tush. Little :iaulaud Conies' Bros, boys, misses and child ren s shoes iliuereni styles an sizes and widths made solid all riiuoroii. Try a pair nothing better medium in price. Every pair warranted. Samcei. E. Yoi no. Ladies Flue Shoe. I make a specialty of handling ladies line shoes. I carry some ol the lest brands made in line and medium grades in widths from A to EE. All warranted goods; no trash, and will repair any pair of tboes of any kind sold that will rip or break. Samuel K. Young Take Warning. To thos-o who are (puck-tempered, it will be weli to have your hair shingled close to the head, when arguing about the bridge; then go to Mueller A Garrett's and older something good tj eat for your Sunday dinner. Cornell Corsctsl We make a specialty of Ivies and misses line corsets and wi Fts. We have a drive iu a F rnch sateen corset at 75 cents. I-xtra good value. Samcki. E. Yo1 no. Another Car. Of those choice vegetables just received, celery, cauliflower, cab bage, parsnips, tin nips, beets, oranges, figs, golden dates, lemons, and an endless variety of good things. All ol the above nice and fresh at Mueller A Garrett's. STRUNG UP TO A TREE Hanged Twice and Yet He Is Among the Living. VEBY NEAK DEATH'S DOOK. RrJ Marks Around Bit Heck tjoggest tfa Torture He Received at tb Haudi of tie Angry Miners. Seattle, May 2. Arthur Ar chumbatilt, a young man whom the Germain coal miners suspected ot being the person who fired the Germain hotel at that place, and who on Friday morning about I :'M o'clock was tw i.-e strung to a tree until he was unconscious, was given a hearing before Justice Neagle to-day on a charge of at tempted arson and was discharged. There was not the slightest evi dence against him. The miners in attempting to lynch the young man endeavored to force a confet" sion out of him. Two ugly look ing rims of red around the young fellow's neck, whe.e the skin is rubbed off" suggested the story of his torture by the angry miners. AN I Nil KG r: N'T SCHEME, A rlah to Capture President Bal naceda aud 111 Cabinet. Xtw York. May 2. A letter from Santiago, Chili, says an in surgent scheme to capture Presi dent Balmaceda and his entire cabinet has just been exposed. A ship and transports, containing a large force, w as to proceed to Val paraiso, where an officer was to be sent with a tlag of truce to the mayor of Valparaiso. He was di rected to say he and his followers had resolved to leave the rebels and had come to surrender to the government and the troops on board the transports would bo lauded and distributed at Valpa i.tiso. The cruiser, it was expect ed, would lie sent north to tight the rebels. As the rebels would have landed between 2000 and :!000 men from the ship, the cruis er was safe to proceed northward, i'almaceda was exjected to arrive at Valparaiso February 23, and it was then that the i was to be surprised. The pLi,, howaver, had been frustrated by t lie capture of important mails on board the steamer Yaldiva. The documenus named the regiments of the garri son that would be most likelv to revolt, as well as their officers. News has just been received that the city of Coquimbo has surren dered to the insurgents. How many people have been killed, ia not stated, but it is supposed that the loss has been great, as the rebels have made up their minds to show- no quarter to the govern ment lorces. THE SEAL F18HERIE9. Secretaries Blaine and Foster Talk the Matter Over. Washington. Mav 2. fWrafarir Blaine and Foster had a nntr mn. ference to-day on the subject of fisheries. Secretary Foster ub mitted a rough draft of the instruc tions prepared for the guidance of the a?int at Kenl lalnml mnA far the revenue cjtter Rush the com ing eeason. lie declined this eve- nintr to state the nature of tha instructions in either case, but said the matter was such a dAliaia one that the utmost pains will be taken in nreoarintr the instrurtinna so as not to trench on the treaty rignts oi me government. Affairs In En rope. Pi HIS Afuv PllrfllA rm.llnit. uiuiw MHUVU- lars of the labor riot at Fonrniea vesterdav cn to n!inw ttiar thr people were killed outright by the fire of the soldiers and a number of others wounded, four of whom have since died. The soldiers, acting under their officers' instruc tions, in order to avoid taking life, -tired low. with the result that many limbs of the rioters have been amputated. N.INTKS. Mav 2. ViffMn nsr. ' - - ------- sons were arreste.l )ir aa manlt of labor disturbances yesterday. Komk, May 2. Two hundred - e: sons have Ix-pii iilaetxi nnir ' arrest in connection with labor disorders here. ihe gendarme wounded yesterday while quelliog t he rint died thifl mornintr frsin the effects of the injuries. About tlie Election of Bisaaai :k. Loniion, Mav 2. A Berlin a- palch says that the electic jf tiisuiarck has overshadowed M-v day as a general topic of discui s'.oh. The prince received the news of bis election with oncon- cealed satisfaction. As soon as he recovers from a slight indisposi tion, he will take his seat in the reichstag, and his friends in Berlin profess to have his assurance that he w ill 8eak his views plainly aud clearly upon the policy ol the government. The Berlin rocial ists do not express disappoint ment at their candidate's deteat ; they are satisfied with the vote cast as showing the strength ot their party and are not, evident ly, sorry to see one of their princi pal antagonists in a position to fight their enemy, the government. For this reason the election of Bis marck is gratifying to the social ists alinojrt' without exception so far as their opinions can be paft)- ereJ.