" '-..tuff if-ass. 7 , 7 ' V'' I V : V-"'. THE MORNING HERALD: THURSDAY, APJtlL 30, 1891 I : I r i I lining gnUucvitlil OX S:I.K. The Daily IIek.uk will be on; Bale each morning at II. J. Jones' book store.w here it( m be pnxure-l ; at 5 cents per copy. JOIT1NU3 A1)"U TOWN. V. K. HawViti is in Portland, j Ladies Flack vests at the Ladies ll.uaar. Mrs. K. K. IUvis is visiiiir in Ilarrisburir. Mis Liliie (till, of Pci-J. is veil ing friends in this city. The Albany brewery will tin;)! out its first beer .May 1. i Mrs. I. I., Power, of P.rjw :is- ; ville, is vifiting in tliis city. ; Trv a pair of those -" nut fast ; black hose at the Ladies Faaar. An endless variety of new jusl received at tt . i. i : ;i:.;m: s. t . ' - 1 ... 11- Tl ..... Firmin Jack Framatie company j jit the onera house. Friday. M.tv 1. : . , ,. ' : Just received a nice line 1 ! Itanan on 3 shoes :u K.vii L'ros. Ladies, the cheapest plae t buy your Oxford lies is at So.uie: shoe store. AV. li. (iraham. the leading- iai or, has just receivid a tii.e line spring M'.itings. A large liiu of I.ndiow's shoes for ladies j.ist an is i d a Sen-Is' shoe stire. License to wed v.a j i sn-1 y. ter.lay to l'ete ?'ett: "i; ;;!. 15erlha M. Vulgnioie. 1'iof. W. J. Uic! ds tl: Firmin Jack Co., in iii: of lllind Tom is great. A big cut in p.-lc lrjngola shoes in alt si next :;0 davs at Klein ati . s 1 n ch-S !-hl-.S la P.. r t! mean business. Don't fail to go and see ti e Fit luin-.Iaek Dramatic con -j-a:iy a the Albany oper-i ho'i-e next In day evening. io to Searls' for yonr low sh-A-s. where you will tind t ,e !;a'.-ri line at prii-es lower than ever ie fore ctl'ered in Albany. Miss Firmin i-t the original ''Miss Mttiton,-' p! -tying that pan throughout its length run in N.-k York under the Daly's ma .age ment. Whether you ivnlemplat-' buy ing or n)t, it will piv vo'i t inspect my spring st-ck of uoi.l - ens, aches, the tad -r. opposite tl;e postotlice. Mr. Julius t iradvv obi n-.-w own a controlling interest in the Al bany opera house budding, havitv purchased tiltv-two hii.n.s .'.' t-tock of N. II. Allen. Mo. 1 screen do.-rs, wired and Stained, .f I r(. Adjusiiiile tcreei: windows, w ired and stained froic 7t)c a. 1 up at Sugar Fine Devi .-..v! 1. umber Co., Albany, Or. A new invoice of gjo.U j i-( reived at the l adies I'.aa tr inc re- ud- ing a full line of ladies inis.-es and Ia riuci! !s. childrens ready ma le corsets, gloves, hosiery goeds. :d fancy No. 1 screen doors, a d w i;:d J. wired and stained, and put on th house complete. Friers ie i.-io i.i Call at the shop oi K. 1'.. Vunk corner of second andl'iny 'ne'. and see samples. J. W. Flain has pureh.i .-v 1 th J. S. Antonvlle piopei ty o.i ! ir-t stieet, now occupied as a can iv store by John lsom Jr., being - feet front on the street, pivii,.' f.j: . the same fI:."Ui. They are not idain' 'ui-- bridge, lw biidge, no bride in the game, but are i'eolirig tii-.-i-time and attention tos. liing t.rst rl iss groceries at the low. t inar ket price at Allen ilr cs. John I.tiper and wife of T.iiigortt were in the' city ye-ti-:d.iy. Mr I. tiper repoi ts crop pi-c-pe. .s lia. in Ids section, and spring H-.-iiii;; Irt-tty well along and v. II! .-..n.i; b lmished if the laoi cca-i - so v.oi i. can be resumed. ' Mr. J. r. Chitwco 1, of Cb it ao . i Ii'ation, Feiiton county, was in the lity last night, the guest i f Mr. A. .. Lamb, lie was on h:s way tome from Mill City, where he had been attending tie iast si -h-lu-ss, death an I b uiU i f hl brother. Mi-s Nellie Call.i.u. Xo. M.r") which drew t'-.e pr,. given by the Singer Sew in; Mac!:!; t Co. It was a bca-itil'.il M-aii for an eastd. The niana.'ci.'ieiit i very thankful to tin: ladles d Al bany for their kind attention. The W. C. T. I. have e!-.-t. ! the follow ing oilic -is toterve tia ensuing year: . r.-. II. F. Sov wa9 re-elected jui-ldviit ; Airs. J. I I. Townsend, ct,rresjo!:.iin sec retary; Mrs. S. A. MeAlister, re cording secretary ; Mrs. Joint .Vil li -use, treasurer. lEeuutif.il (.iioiN for Men 1 Do you wa.it a new suit of clothes that will tit jmi ' W. I.'. (iraham, tha leading men h.mt tailor, has just received the hm si . line cf spiing and summer suit ings ever brought to Alb 'iiy, in-: eluding diagonals, rheviots and' Iai(!s. He has also a beautiful ; line of pants goods in an stvle 1 desired, in fact he con suit the i most fastidious. Call an ! see hi - j elegant line, there is no d..i,!it hut i that yot aid h- more than; ,p!easei. Mr. (iraha.tn keeps' abreast with Ihe times .-r:d guar ! antees a li', ! Klneil f.ir ii-liirliii a .llei-iin- The young men mentioiead yes terday meruit. g as h iving disimb en a religious meeting on the other side oi the liver, were anvstt j taken lielore a jus. ice and put on trial, resulting in a fine of ' each and costs. Iirl iif .Mii v. ('hilwood, who was J. with his daughter in Mill Ciiv.die.l on .ion.i.iy irom appopiexv, ai er short illness. He was a few d..vs over b'J years of age. GREAT EXCITEMENT, IV. .1 Ac3:d?at c:w. at Mill I Wt. ) lav whi'e it tiuiiintr from i the i'liieral of .1. Chitwood, m ; Cirv. tour -vu:- men. named ! rvsp.-r'ivcly I'.r.o, Ludlow, Lice law that he himself was instru aml Mr.-pherd. were crossing in j niei'.tal in fran.in. ihe li'iai a'-iove the dam, alter the I On the l-"th of this mouth Faker i-:m,-had hi en taken, when t 'ie ! swor- out a wairant in .lu-liee ii(-:ti in nunc n.a!.ie. r drifted away j Wood's court I't the aire.-t of M. ;r ;in the rope bv which it is I Abidanalo. a iniikmiu r imaged in ir:-.: n li viii one s:il to Pie oilier : St th river by pulling hand over : liasM. The b-.ys saw that tln-y were ' bo::n 1 to ).'() over the dam. and j two of t!. fin, I'.nvs and Ludlow, i jumped lor a !.)'. Ludlow leached it a:al crawii-it out, Put Haws missed it an. I went over the dam. I ::iuir.': his shou! Icr on tlie pio- , tir.ding brush as he went over, but not n 1 1 1 r 1 1 1 li him. I I !' man. ted to keep on the silr mIs ! fact -until he reached the bod of i a drift wmd tree, around an ex-1 iding liin!) or knot of which he tind In- arms and clung for dear 1 v ! i.te. n,inl livery swell of the water state show ed that each of tne de rsed him and the Iree to I fendant's cows had but 2'.i.V.. cubic v. hicii be clung. As foon as pos - nl'le a lopj wa' procured and the lend of iutiirownto him, and he j wrap. -fd it securely around his I aim, an ! then ioi.-s -ntd his hold : o:i the t-co, and those on the i bank pulled in the rope. I aws o.l ' d K''.inrt anotlier n.iail i I a:it the'bvitar.ders seeing t'-iat he was r i j i I ' v Using treiigrli one t he: n .;: a!..iti.d t! : . ullel on s out and assisted him j .md l.e was hastily ore nioie iiea.i man i ; I . vt -.: w it :i nit anv seriotH m-1 d all : i.ht in a few hours, J v'.i'e the hoat with theloods, Ur.lik-s and mcil:cines, Mt b ivs went over the ! passt d by the. slate legislature !.i! r g'.it i ie np. and i dm ing the session of lsss-JS'.t, and !o'.h.r t ! !.::,:. hi ; -trkit.g t lie b ink in a s it I below j in- oa. n. the b ; s jumped to the . i'.no'tt even welling their ; i-e. i he ii!) it v, eiit tui ilown the !:i.cr. er the falls at the mill, and !o II-- I in some drift wood t- bei. iw tl raiboad bridge. Ihe ! cideiit caus.d great ex-1 l lit. Ill- lit , a I Tidracui is th.it it is simply my of the boys e-.-alu with their i h Daws. Iim-s, especi- - - A'l'itir. A liii-kii s e-'.'.-tra light station was .he .- j,-ri o! no! en !v one, hut a s ..f sho- kit g incidents on lay t-venlnr, last. About S ck p. in., a i irty of lil'een or j t -m my t iv.mps, ; woopeel iiown on i;, tl-.e manau'cr, and had he been lilore they would, no d jt; -t . have ma le short w ork of iiim. With the aid of his as-istant, Mr. AchiM.n, he defended hinisell v ioroiisly, and whet: he ha I rrf- i.eje.l ipiui the liivt shock of the .is ;t : i ! t , h" discovered that the alli en or t Aenly la 'ies and gentle men who had posse-sion of the 'a'.ioi'., were u-ailv his friends. ha l l ist lr .ed in iO see ii wt s telling ins llglit slime i a I attending to Ins tegular duties. s soon is he took in the situation oe a.-Mimed the position of "mine !iot" and exhibittil his museum of curiosities with that alacrity and giace of manners that assured he vwito s a cordial wc'.ceme. - -;p 1 all' su.'Le-ted to hi iiiends that if they Woiil-1 join i.a Is an t circle rouu 1 the room, it would ;i Id to the be.iu:y of the j i ::e, ati.l aid him In 1 1 a k i 1 1 -o'lii- experiments. '1 hey iiino- lenllv ac .-ceded to his l-.'!est, .ii.-::he -eut a slo ik oi forked ijhtning tii:-.'i-:h theiu all. A n-- -lack followed another they I. --i i. d he w as in,ist"r of the situ- ,ii ion an t waj competent to make .i '.j.-d dai cin' master. A gc.ieral inspection of the -taiio.i Ijlioneil Tne extent oi ; a- i .up love I iii. i hi net y w as a sur- ,i!-i; to id!. With steoii and .a.'.-r i ..n r, an aecidi ut can it.t .'.iv d prive tl'e ci'y of light, l'.ie tr.iiois we"it away with the iica-i.t tii.iv our electiic light t.i.ion has the best and most im -.rove i dv.-at tios, tit.it it is ruiiipt- licit, iiriiiiautly li.hteiland reiuciel. Albany may be ci in sveieiu of electric .veil c ooi: I L'ht- Ni-arty Kinpty. -.va:e!io-a.sa at Mutiker's is - e:.i ty, I u: a little mon leioaiuin; in it. The new in that vicinity, however, s-.s to l. II i; to the utmost teat harvest for llay look Mr. Ah.i-.keis, l'ie pr tprie tl.e place, is one of the tariiii-is who nas wheat on to s-a'I alter the prices have Th -. . a :.c - t 1 ! . tor oi an k y :.:fn i ha'.ce Most oi the larmers e advance. Will Mi. hi Veil I p. Djn't be afraid to put your eiice posts dow n below the frost inc. An arte-ian well in ier nany ii i; lii-eii bored to the depth il tjo. 'tl it-. I. and t he di ills have not ,et reached the lower crust of the :r'h. There's a solid foundation or evtn a to man to pianeel .....ltd on. Itriiuiitti Ht fulMirt;;. , ... j .. , i i . .i At ( ..urg ou Saturday las , the uit.e s n.;.;n lis -o d el. Id of Air. j nl .Mrs. t handler met Its deal I by drowning. In the yard is a pond oi water two feet deep, and .vhiie playing around this the liltie one fell in and perished. S.,me children noticed it struggling in the water but failed to call for assistance. rn-nli tcrl.-tn Sm-inlile, An observation sociable will be I given the memheis ot tlie 1 res- - i hvtcrian ciiurcb, ut the residence . lof.I. AI. Irving, on Friday evening. .May I. .Ml are cordially iiivileil to ai tend and participate 31 uinpH attil .llca-R'i ( ) ir !!eih!ioi ing citv d Tangent I has i." en iiaviug a tun on ine i mumis and measles, neally every- dv is alllicted. There is said .") or ;;'o cases of men des in that vi- cii.ity now. I BiKER'S TOOD LAW 18 DEFECTIVE. Thi Omission of One Word M.iks It Impossible to Stcurs a C-.Lviction. State F.,d Commissioner W. I YV. P.aker may have to sutler the , humili.iti. n of beiin beaten hv a j the !a;i bi'.sii.et-s on tin White I louse cbar.e road, near Fulton, on a : crooks, who never miss an oppor of iolalin-' the law to pre- tunitv to huiglari.e, and who vent tiie pro hi tiou and sale o! j un .v h-.-iesome f- ods. Faker claim-j eil t:ta' 1 lie lelt lioatll no noi -nu , each of his cows ni t cut ic Pet ol air. and that rtuisctiii"iil Iv the n,i!k he oil'ereil for sale couid not bo wholesome. Abplanalp was arrested a few days a'ter the complaint was sworn out, l.ut thei ase, I--r various reasons, w as cont iutied from time to time and tinally it was set for hearing yes.terilay. When" the case ctune up, the 1 feet of air; that the stable had but j very little ventilation, and that ! the temperature in the stable was (very hiizh. j The defendant's defense was the j identical law under w hich he was ; bei'K' prosecuted. lie admitted every proposition ciaimeu oy me state, and oilered no testimony in nbuttal. The law under which Abolanalp was being prosecuted was section ' of an act entitled 'an act to prevent tne proiiuc-iion ami and sale ot unwholesome tooos, j and tj regu'a'e sales of adulterated appto.vd by the governor relmi aiy !'", ls'.i. This law repeal. ch;pter XXXVI of Hill's annotat ed code, an I the section r.ferred to reads as follows: "When cows are kept by any per.-on for dairv purposes, either for butter or cheese, or for the pro- j duciMin of milk or cream for sale, anl are coniineit ui st.ioies, su;n cows so i-.inliiied shall be allowed at least . SOD cubic feet of air, and ! such cow s so stabled shall not be I c , iii-iie,! hicim. each other, unles.- I , tliere shall bean air tiitht partition between such cows at least tour feet in height, and all stables w nere such cows are kept shall he well ventilated and kept in a good healthy healthful; condition." The intent of this law no doubt is g;od, but the loophole is so pal panle that it is seen at a glance, tnd it is doubtful whether it can ever be ued for convicting a per sox amity of violating its intent. Had the word "each'" been insert- ed after the words "such cows so conlined shall be allowed at least SiMl cubic feet of air" the law would be all right, hut without thi it is vague and m all probabilily will prove entirely inoperative. ! i'he state itself showed that Alt plaualp's cows had .".0 ill cubic feel of air, and as this is considerable lucre than the SO I required by law there was clearly no cause for ue tion. When this defeat in the law was pointed out Mr. Il.iker was as sur prised as he was nonplussed. Ik claimed to be the lather of th? law, and thought it was as perfect as any such law could well be made, for in framing it he incor oorated tin? best features of the dillerelit laws bearing on this sub ject on the statute books of I'iast- i I'll hll'.teS. The c.ise, however, was not de cided, for Justice Wood wants to lookup other authotitics beiore passing judgment. It is the first ease that has been tried under the ne,v law, and consnler.tble interest is attached to il in cois-e.p-lence. The penalty for a v.o!fiti,u of ihe 'cubic air" section is a ibie not less than ''o nor mo.e than .fbid, or imprisonment in the ;unty jail for a period not Icsm ihan ilnriy daysncr more than six mouihs. If judged by the intent of ihe law there is noipiestion as to Ah plaiiidp's guilt, but if judged by the let'eis ol the law. no case nasi been made out against him. Ore goniaii. M.irt liiiimtcM tr the Alum. The Salem Statesman notes that Alary Floiirnoy, of Douglas county, committed to tie; asylum for the insane yesterday, having been brought .down by Deputy Sheiiil' F. W. Diilard. Her age is 'Si yours and t he cause of her ins.mity is tniki.tow a. She refuses to rat, sleep, or drink, swears violeitily at eveiybody and everything. It ieciiires a close watch over her hoth day and night. Chas. J. Cowniah, (ilencoe, Washington county, was the second arrival. He is a f inner by occupation and is oil years old. Alcoholism is the direct cause at his mind becoming deranged, and his excessive use of aleohlie drinks was brought on by love. He lias curious hallucina tions. At times he thinks he Ins bet u ci niiiiissioned to con.pier n. a-gt neial ( iiant negli cled Oreg 'o do it; agaoi he wanted to whip eveivbo.lv in the town of Ilills- iioto:aiicl he c. aims lie is .leans. ;J (ll.i,nt. lItv St)(.rj,. J.,,-. l he eiainis he is Jesus. ed him to Dr. lame'.- big building. Theie are no.v iiniortunates incaicerated in this institution. This Will lit- :i (oi.el Fruit Season. That the Willammette Valley w ill be blessed with an abundance of li u t t his season is very potent to the observing. Tho cherry trees are loaded with blo.-soins, and it is the same with all kinds oi ,.ailvfruit. strawberry growers i..;,.. il... r,...,.,.! udl insure a large crop of that variety of fruit. i i I veil. The remains of the child of T. j F. Hackleman, that died some months ago in Foilland, arrived nere lor nuai liuerineni vesieroav. Fine comb honey and salmon bellies at Mueller .v Carrel's, the leading groceis. CCAST NOTES. A fifteen year-old Tillamook girl was so deierininded last week to i U'-"t married in spite of her father's opposition that .-he started to California. Then the father re- leiitea, anil she wetU.eU tne man of her choice Seattle recently tired out a couple hundred gamblers and toughs. A majoity of the gang have taken up temporary quarters here. They should be made ''move on." Among the lot is a half doen would steal a saucer of milk Iiom a cat. Astoria, IVn,l elon s nil btin c iiiinanv :s growing and much interest is taken by its members, there being a good attendance at drills. The company is now lifty-three strong, several new members being lately admitted. La (iranil iazette : La irande is to be congratulated on the aci'iiisition of ex-State Treasurer Webb and his wife as permanent I residents. Mr Webb concluded the purchase last, week of Henry Kinehart.'s place in liradv's addi tion and will lake possession of the sane by the first of next month. .Mr. Webb is now in Salem look ing a'ter some business matters and will return to La (irande in a few days. The experiment of boring for artesian water at Harney is still continued, the well being now about IklO feet deep. If it proves a success it will be of incalculable benetit to the valley. The farmers in the vicinity of Frairie City, (irant county, have subscribed a $:5,000 lionus for a roller flouring mill and it is now in jinx ess of erection. It will have a capacity of fifty barrels. Shad have coi imence I to come into the Columbia ; they are caught in seines ; a few are found in the traps; they run from three to five pounds in weight. The are equal intlivorto the famous Delaware shad. John Harlan, of As'oria. killed a large gray eagle on the corner of Main street and Klaskanine avenue in that city the other day. The proud bird of freedom was sitting on the apex of a blasted tir when Harlan's ritle brought him down. He me mured seven feet seven inches from tip to tip. He will be stnil'ed and would make a g wd companion for the elk that goes to Louisville tiext month. Wheat is now growing rapidly as is seen from a sample fourteen inches in height brought in from Stage (iiiich Umatilla county, (train nexer looked better in that in ighlioi hood, in w hich a light crop has been raised for several seasons past, and unless appear ances are deceitful the harvest out thtre, and in the entire county, will he exceptionally heavy. With such an evidence of what a rainy season w ill do for grain the failure of the fanners to take no more interest ihan they do in the irrigation project now on foot ig beyond comprehension. With plenty of water when needed, grain-raihing would no longer he an uncertainly. A big yield yearly would be assured. Mast Ore gonian. I.i ri t l! LIST. The following is a list of letters remaning in the post ollice at Al bany Or. April L'iid ISill, uncalled for: W. S. I'.allard, Mrs. W. II. Foher, Mrs. Feter (iourley, Mrs. F. M. (iivenz, Nicholas L. Iluettl, Win. LaAIott, Mable lieul, J. K. Kobertson, C. N. Wosswick. W liat (lit; l.onth Itrinj;. As Albany is going into the bond business, it might be an item of interest to know how that kind of article stands in the market. The Oregon ian says the committee on wiivs an I means yesterday opened bid's for the $"ii,r0() of l'ortiand city bonds ollered for sale. Tl e bonds bear ." per cent, and run for ten jears. Only two bids were submitted. The Security Savings and Trust company, of this city, ollered '7 cents on the dollar, or .Vt,.S05 for the lot. The Rollins Investment company, ot Denver, hid f)L,:;00 for the lot. A capital ist remarked that he was surprised tl at so much was bid for 5 per cent bonds, now that there were so many Fortland bonds to be put on the market and insurance com panies were allowed to deposit mortgages as security instead of bonds. Another capitalist said that notw ithstanding the security was all that could be desired, the fact that Fortland bonds w ere to he plentiful had the ellect of re ducing them in pri:e. Hume-Made Stained (ilans. Imitation stained glass, which may be turned to good account for (lower or landscape tablets to be hung before windews, to add, in addition to any attraction of the design, color vivacity to a loom, may I e executed by covering the glass with a thin film of turpentine and painting on this in varnish colors Ktmewiiat thin. The glass is to be placed in a warm, dry place for a few days. The design may be placed beneath the glass or outlined on its face by means of transfer paper and a tracer. The Ladies Home Journal. Will Make Koine Huvvl. The spring season being so late in opening up, and being over stocked in ladies Oxford ties we will for the next oO days, sell them at greatly reduced prices. We mean just what we say. Call and get prices. We have over :0 ditlerent stles to select from, at Klein llios. exclusive shoe store. To Meet the I'realdent. Kvery man, woman and child should go to meet the president and nartv: ves. be eure and I bring grandma with you, and on your way home leave your orders ior ever" thing that's good to eat at Mueller & (Jarrett's. CULLED NOTES The Willamette valley has been considered a grain and fruit grow ing country, and little devoted to stock raising. F.ut the fact of l!i" 1'cense to keep stallions having been issued in Marion county (lur ing the two years the law has been in force, proves that this part of Oregon is adapted to stock raising. A woman belonging to the Fres by terian church at Far Uockway, N. Y. has been exconimunicate l, because, among other indiscretions she wore a bathing suit which was too diminutive for propriety. Watterson ediloiially gives notice to New Yotk democrats that hereafter they will have to keep their hands oil' of the demo crats of the West and South, for they "do not mean to stand any more 'd n nonsense.'' A sow belonging to a farmer of Westtown. Chester county, Fa. died a few days ago, leaving six orphans. Upon the death of their parent the farmer tilled her place by a big milk bottle with six little ho33 attachments. After all, ministers are rather a healthy class of men, notwith standing the disajiointsmeiits (f small collections. The average age of eighty-four Congr gational ministers who died last year is given at 71. Tuis is above the allotted three suoie and ten years. The (iarfield Knterpris. states that because of the increased de mand made by Kastern brcweis for Washington barley a larger acreage of this grain has been sow n this season than ever before. Farmers generally expect a better price for this commodity this fall than they have ever before received. Having finished the new and handsome court lioue. citizens of Colfax aie looking about to s. j how they may add still further to the appearance of their town, and have decided that the thing most needjd now is a new school build ing. The plan proposed is to bond the city for it.'M.OUU for tiiis pur pose. Near Ocala, Fla., a few night ago an engine struck a cow which got a tangled up in thecowcati her and before the train ctuli be stopped she. was dragged o'Hi yards. When extrica'ed she walked oli and s )jii began to bite grass as if nothing hat1, happened. The ()ueeu ol Faistonga has sent letters oi thanks to New Zealand Alliance and other tem perance bod it s in that colony for their assistance in repelling the attempt to get a repeal of the law of her island prohibiting tin.' im portation Hinl sale of iutoxica'iiu drinks. An unusual application for par don was recently presont-d to the governor of ieorg.a from a woman begging for t be leh-ae of C. C. Weeks, who killed her Iris band. Weeks is her brother and committed the crime w hile he and her husband were both drunk. Since he was imprisoned his sister has been caring for his children. Two now cities have sprung up in the Northwest dining the past week. One is on the route of the (ireat Northern in Flathead valley three miles from Demaisville. Sixty lots were sold the lirst day, as high as $lL'W being pxid. The other town is located at the mouth of the Co-ur d'Alene river, and has been named Harrison, in honor of the president. The rush to tie' Co-ur d'Alenj re-crvalion s ill continues. -. T1IK WOIil.lt KMC It II KD. The facilities of the present day or the production of everything hat will conduce to the material welfare and comfort of mankind are almost unlimited and when Syrup of Figs was lirst produced the world was enriched w it h the on ly perfect laxative know n, as it is the only remedy w hich is truly pleasing and refreshing to the tate and prompt and ellectua! tocleanse the system gently in the Sprii. time or, in fact, at any time any the better it is known the moie popular it becomes. The I. litest A limit. One of the latest styles of li-e alarms is now- on trial at No. l's engine house in this city, but this is nothing tompared with the alaimingly low prices to he found at Mueller A (Jarrett's. The last steamer came loaded down with a large (juantity of the best table delicacies, to be sold at Ihe lowest cash figures. They Are lit It. It will pay you well to call at the corner of Second and Flis worth streets, at .Mueller it iar rett's, where you can find a splendid variety of groceries, veg etables, poultry, eic, for your Sunday dinner. Call eaily and avoid the rush. Mettle I p. All knowing themselves indehted to the old ti nil of Conn linn, or to the linn of Conn it Hendrickson, are requested to call and settle i m mediately. The linest and best assort ment ot ladies Oxford's and slippers ev er brought to Albany at Searls' ehoe store. I will make special prices to clubs ordering suits or pantaloons. Guarantee perfect fits and tirst-clas-j workmanship. Zachas, the tailor, opposite the postollice. Catarrh cured, health and sweet breath secured, by Shiloh's Cat arrah remedy, juice oil cent-. N'asal injector free, sold by Fosliay i& .Mason. Fains in 'he small of the hack indicate a diseased condition of the liver or kidneys, which liiay be easily removed by th' use of Dr. J. H. .McLean's Liver and Kidney Halm. $1.00 per bottle. For lame back, side or chest, use Shiloh's orous piaster, l'riec cents at Foshav .Mason. Call eiirly and secure the best pantaloons to order at cost, aches, the tailor, opposite postotlice. I51SIXES3 LOCALS, Klein's $1! shoenoxem all. Ilulin ci Dawson, druggists. French keeps railroad time. One or Dr. J. 1 1. McLean's Little Liver and Kidney Fillets, taken at night before ging to bed, will move the bowels ; the ellect w ill astonish you. Cioup, whooping cough and bronchitis immediately relived by Shiloh'sCure. For sale by Fosliay Ac .Mason. Sleepless nights, made miserable by tiiat terrible cough, Shiloh's Cure is the remedy for you. For sale by Fosliay it Mason. Shiloh's Cure and consumption cure is sold by us on a guarantee. It cures coneiimption. For Bale by Fosliay it Mason. I'aths, well sunlight rooms at Vierecks. Just received, a new invoice of children's ready-made dresses and aprons at the Ladies Fa.aar, which are being sold for less than you can make them up. A free and easy expecloration is produced by a few doses of Dr. J. H. McLean's Tar Wine Lung i'.a'm, in all caces of hoarsriiicnt, sore thioat or dilliculty of breath ing Allow me to add ny tribute to the el!icaey of ly's Cream F.alni. 1 was suH'ering from a severe at tack of influenza and catarrh and was induced to try your remedy. The 'result was marvelous. I could hardly articulate, and in less than twenty-four hours the catarrhal symptoms and my hoarseness dis appeared and I was able to sing a heavy role in (ir.ind Opera with voice unimpaired. I strongly recomui"iid it t all singers. Win. II. Hamilton, Leading l'.tsso ol the C. D. Hess iratid Opera 'o. M.llililKII. H'M.tXE Tl'hXKK-ln Sweet Heme. .Api-1 -y, l-'.U, liy Utv 'Cionais Ya.-t .1. A. .iom.c ami Jaiia , Turner. XKli' JO' HA V. w 1 7 AN I'M To n-nt, 4 lit t. five - r nt 'in -ot!.ti.'i ci'iitrally lo.-at i. i,.- Ii:ri at .iit o:Imt. -j f 1 i: r ta pa y kkks -1: V (r!tT or the t-irHity riiui'i I an tlirtvi'tl t-t fop c th-.- iClliction u. all laVi-M MtubduiK U!l!'.-i I Oil 1 Iif .'lM-lllrht 1 !!-. of tliw .t.iinty. It mi Ii t.ii-s :.re ;iot ;iil iimiuiiiatoly I (iM-e-i! ti Wvy iiM.n aud si-ll th pr -in rt i tl Ijiu'-ms to make cjMictiou. 1 im aii itn-.s. M. SCoTT. Sbciiffof IJim (.'ouiitv. Ma: Tw" Jnnulrrtl aiitl twenty-fiw am! all wli iiiitT-'..!, I t.", iit irrain nml a fine prcH'ct oi a uoo'i rntji and !o acrcw in pasture Iixm cll. Ijtr.e l-urri newly lni'lt, hiwh' oichard, two kM fpriii". Tin atiove div ribeil hirni, L'ntin atnl ijtruiiit inii)itiifiiU for Male fr Ka- teriKS. f or fu-ther artiMl;rs a'l 011 cr write to V. J. T.iriiruJv.f, Lcioiii t, .i:in C'Hiiitt Orcnn. HAYK YOU AN Y KUllNI I'UKK THAT nei'N variii-liiny; or i-aintiritf to be il. ''. l't furiitruie made to look an kxh m w. lfoti-cn, feiiet h and all kinds of paint ing tioite pr"iiitly ;;ttd at re.i.-ionaM alert l.t ave or Ut- ai K. M. Komrt: oil's feed store. t''.'0lDi Stfei t. U. K. MdltT.RY. roT.. Hu t!.e h 11H , a ccket took J iiit:iiiiiiij: s .0, Th- tinder will receive i-'-turd o railing on owner at reside nc f Mr. K-iU-rtMHi, Kisurtli street lutweeii 7th and "tii street-, o." P. O. t-o, l:;&. H. J. J li'.MI'soN, Onera House, W.irncr & Crajor, Lessees & Manageic. Friday, .Hay I, 1.891, ONI MCI IT ONLY! A"NNIK FIliMIN, JOIIX.JACK AND COMPANY, In a hill oMtgitimiledrama, ('aisic comedy and clean farce. LAT1IST St N' is OF TIIK DAY, Horn Ned Harrigan's Xew York Theatre : "Hielev's 4'MK" ".Magaie Murphy's Home,' lakmgin I lie town," "l.aadubach," i-l ICT'' 1 .1 ll II tll." V " l!y Fiof. W. J. Kichards. (iilhert's MUholojiical play G A L A TEA, (ialatea, the Statue, Annie Firmin Fyg.nalion, ( j . j k Ciirsos, an art jtatron Foucicault's pathetic comedy, LAWYER AND FACTORY CIRL- FUN ON A RANCH, A musical farce comedy. Reserved seats, 75c. ; general ad mission, o'le. Box i dan now open at Will A Link's. Ur.NTKH-To eon'r.ii-t with parties to l.iiiik :ii.'i(W ft. ol Ions or more to lie ci.iii.:eii-l 1..V June -i', lvil. Kor further iiifi-rin ili-.n -all K-rona'lv at the eoniiian.v's -:i:nls, iiidith ..I the'Sanliuiii Wii.i.kttk l'i la- it Pai-kr Co. II. GKEGG, nv inn ' lnoini dil HI I. a' Mi-i.-H ami Hots' ilotliini; ma.le to ordr or i-i-:.iii-.l mill rt-pairc.l on fliort ncticc an.l nl.niia!lo r:ltti. sit.iji on the street car line, lietween Tliinl a'lil rnmltl Btreets. rtfANTKI), TJ THAVrL FOK MKItiClNK ('mKinv, a ceiitieitiati With mall capi- til. lit: pav f..r riifttt party. A.l.lrcwt H. .1, 'Hi jiiipn't, A'baiiy, Or., V. O llox l:iS. Nutloe to C(intractor. N.ilK-e is hereliy Riven that bids ui'l do rfccived for the erection of a hrirk I mi Id hi!,' on First street, Albany, ilr-,, for C'lnts. E. J'feillcr until May 10, 1'.'l. The owner reserves the relit to reject any and all bids. Eor further iiil(iniiali.'H apply to I. C. Stliell, architect. .1 . n ii ..1a.-...m It I V . ii -i iii ti op i ii i minim' i i ii no i in 1 1 ii i I III IV. I Highest of all in Leavening Power. 1 1 x ABSOLUTELY PURE L. EX Blain, The Lcadinsr Clothier. F TIIE FUOGREr'SIYK to see a line of goods variety, the linest and conservative fashionable fe itures of the day, combined with a complete assort ment of staples, all made and flushed in the very high est standard of excellence, and placed on the market at p. p'llar prices, our exhibit for the coming spring and summer season will surely command his attention. A FINE ASSORTMENT OF NEW PAT- - . :.;;Z."ZZZzZ:fZITERNS FOR SUITINCS AND TROUSERS CLOTHING MADE Fit guaranteed in his Prices Auwavs iiijijjilililillllHIlllliillilllli The Albany A FULL LINE "In Spring the young man's fancy Lightly turns to thoughts of love!" n 1 r. The w ise young man, the old man, the thrifty housewife, all wil turn their steps, when searching for fresh table delicacies, choice butter, fresh laid eggs, staple and iancy groceries of all kinds, to the grocery store of C. E. JBrownelL Once "VVe wish to remind you that we car ry the most Complete Line of Hard ware. Stoves and Eanes in the Val IeV MATTHEWS & WASHBURN. Latest U. S. Gov't Food Rcpoit Baking Powder PUKCIIASER DESIRES that embodies in its immense TO ORDER AND A tailoring department. Reasonable. Furniture Co. OF UNDERTAKING. it -tr r it ir ir ir It also loins to !l)0DS!ltSOf it I it it it ir ir lliff 00(1 lo ir ir ir e it - U, as well. Ao-ain 1 (' ;'. T--' f i i . lj K , -. ;': I