Morning daily herald. (Albany, Or.) 1885-19??, April 30, 1891, Page 1, Image 1

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    ) C E NTS A WE E K.
1 V5- -tV, .
. ' . r- ,
3ij 18DI VT " vnr, vr-.KH las Vi;:';
cf Us Earn it sa Easy as to fcs able to Throw it Away.
Tiie Celebrated
Warranted to
Hpring clothing
See how much you ran save l.y buying your
ami furnishing goods of
Ylbauy's I.eadino Clothiers.
Ve will not w- .if until the en 1 of the season to KniiV Prices mt
.. i.hi, ii.iw, it, i; vi. u -l. as thev ve never b
Il'lUllI'll StV es. h-lliim r bri d.t .lifl. tl
old styles. No luck
en knifed In-Core.
tresliness of spring. Ni
ugly or mi It-sir ible pittern in tlie house.
numbers No oi l moth-eatm goods. Not
SUPER beautiful all new spring stock of Men's, Pins' an.l Childrer-V
lothing hats Mi l furnishing goods, is nothi.ig less than p-tr excel
lence. Never before in the history of Albany has anv clothin" dealer
hi I the nerve to import such a grand stock as that which we have now
1M M-v-'nllv''irr T;,lkto1" .vuur 75 suits ma.le to order;
ltil-.l Kh N)I IN IT wt'li tho.e beautiful and tailored gar-Ju-its
which!lipattiieunapproi.-hablv low "prices of :!
t . .1.1 i .or.:nn-. new his. I stvlnh l it wli it Vou will lind
ou.- M i-iiniotb N-w Sj ri 14 and Summer Stock.
.-iris an 1 over.-oi'.- i..r the tab. slim and stout man tl
on en in can i.-at i,,r lit, style, workmanship and Leueral
-V nc-i an I .... -oas arr iv or nr.-t I v .en in r ,.,., ..t iin
.in I h irnNoiiie sh 1 les 111 tllr'ii S lilWt lit uiit-i of i Tit
line of Albauv Woolen .Iids ii!s f..r lf aol.l
... I I IT .
cm alio ins peel ror vouist
is going at
sat in tailor
"APasOB Tiflfi w33
the cenemtivc uranii or either sex whether
arwinc from the exeai-.ic use of Htiniuianui,
totace or opium, or thr uati juuthful
eretion.over inciultreiice, itc, such .-Mlnngof
l'.r.tin 1'ower, Wakufu'iiesn, liearini.' Down
pains in the Ifcuk, SeMiinal Weeklies, Hys
teria, Nit ou s rutiim, Nocturnal IMiiis
sions, Leueurrhiw Dizziness, Weak Memory,
L;Wi of Power and lmeoteti whieh if n-
leried"oitoB-lih iTtminiw i'il nirnfjil J
insanity. Pnee $1 a box; C boxei for $5.00 ,
ticni tiy man 1111 reeeiit of pnee.
A tTitllir 1.1 tUt.Mtt is given
witli every j order received, to refund tne
money if a I'rriiinncnt eure ih nctelict tctl.
Ve have thuaiiiisof testimonial from old
and youiu, of Imth sexes, who Jiave heen
periuaneiitly cured by tlie use I Aphroditiut iree, rt.itir hs
ikk a rn 1.0 tiaium:
W. !!"!i l-.raiich, liox, -11. H-irtland, Oreoi-.
Ko: s.:le hi Koshay Mason, who eH-Liean.)
et;l druirs, Alfi-mv'. Orenon
The President Visits Several
ifornia Summer Resorts.
more than $10,000,000 wiil be is
sue x now. ; ., it may not be neces
sary to make any stock now, as
to deceive America's Minister
WAS l'ASr, o.
Tin Party is Royally EntejtamfJ at
Every Slopping Place-At thj ,
Hotel Dtl Monte Restiux.
K'r Kt-male Ir-
ri-?ill:irit n't- itnfh.
&JJtijb&&i . V ke them no
Linintvct ti rt
tyf he-.e
1 lllll .111' I COI-lt
ly otlier de-ah-rs at $1:; and Is
II t.'l..l .1.. .......... . .. I'll
. ... .. ,,,. in him reii-ti.ii ; evel VI lini else
same prop.,1 ;iou, f .1 we are. l.K V I l J US INol'U I. IN
Vl Itnt t hiiitimr
jr 'e Una,
Ih-uIMi uinl moiii'V,
T;ikf no other.
A JSnit t ail
:liti8 '., m:iii on rem yX of prijc, $J.Cf. A!
.Ir. s.s 4iliro Yliliriu 4 niiinn
West Hrani-h IU -J7, laulliHl, l?r.
3otd by FofhRT St MaBon, Alhanv. Ori;pL
Spnfli Styles id !!y.uil Hiililreo's Clollik
wi! aro coiilee with the latest stvi-s
111 Mns depart nent
t-onure.i d aw, ami mothers, it t ike the time and look
t'lrouli our m issive a):ii ut in liovs.' clothing, you'll
be money in p jc-ket for the trouble
We hue so,,- U Ail AM O. CnSJ'? '""- Blioes and carry
for the celebrate, HHiU them in all styles ami
lasts He hive luelaruMst ttjck of Wen's and IJovs' shoeri in town
an-1 the only large stoi k to be found in the citv.
The birthphi-e of .'eat and honest bargains, Stiaban Klock, Alhanv.
.Manx-of our horsemen have
given i! a their judgment that
1 if us, Illumberg's black perch
eioii Mailion stands at the
head in hi i class. I l-r is in tln
h tinls of Mr. (!. I',.
tiliciei,; and -xerienced
horseman vlio will give his
patrons every possible atten
tion. TituS
Will make the aaoti of ".ll.
Mondays and Tuesdays at Jef
ferson. Wi-ilnosiluvs Hinl Tlir.rr-
davs at Corvalis, Fridays and Saturdays at Albany. Mr. "lJluinberg is
itlsoowhcrof tin- standard bred trotting horse, Alwood lireeze (No. L'85:!,
who ran be seen at the stable 01 Trites liros. The get of this horse
.".re larfe ari'l tine loninvl, an 1 only need proper development to
show speed.
Do Not Pass By !
-That wo will sol tit-
i. ha ny, oiiKCd.v.
n- r.
a. rill.
P e., i;. J. I,iuu:di'
W. B ,i n, (Jathicr.
l)l i, u:i
i.'..; .
f i.or .t.
i- i-j r-n. r il l.:iitk in I.ihi
ii- e i. Mieii; ii'id sold . i :. I t rt
i. ..I the t nit. .1 .-S-a'i"., ,.K..,
Kr..n.-(. '.ii J o.-niKtm .
tli'.. ,C a'l je e.H.iil.:! iiu;:i-s n.:i
e t'-rn.s.
.? l-.n l !, fir. i l.-!.?.;r-:.
Mknxo, Cat, April
Hie president and Mrs. Ilaifon
and party left San Francisco it 9
o'clock this morning for I'alof vjto
on a special train, ancnmnan: "V
V'ayor Sanderson and a conn: U
Of ' SarrFraiujiseo -itwoi!s.. .'
stops were made at San Mateo and
Keilwood City, where large and
enthusiastic crowds had gathered.
The president briefly addressed
them. At Belmont, the cadets of
the Keid school and pupils of
public school.! were drawn tin.
The train did not s!on. but. tin-
president, from the rear end of the
platlorm, bowed his a knowledge
na-nt ot their cheers. Menlo 1'ark
was readied at ten minutes afte
Ut o clock. Senator and Mrs
Stanford, S-nalor Feltjn, Cover
nor and Mis. Maikliam, and
lunyui irienns were wailing at
the station with carriages. The
president, accompanied bv the
otneis, then v.sited the l'alo Alto
stock larm and examined the
i.l ooded horses in the stables, iip
eluding the famous shillimw
mofit ami Kledi ieitv, and after
ward paid a visit to Stanford I'ni
vers-it v.
Sax Josk, Ca!., April Tin
piesKienuai party arrived line at
1 o clock this attel iioon. A nation.
salute was a laive ,-r.iwil
gatherrd at the station and cheered
ustily. I he visitors were escorted
... tl... 1...1..I A . 7
i. me noiei eniioine, where an
address ot welcome was made bv
t ... I... i ..
..i.iyoi iuicKer and responded to
ny the president. Die street par
ad lollowed, and visits were made
to i lie High school, Normal school,
Notre I Mine convent and other
ediii-a'i mal institutions.
Momki:i:v, April L"t .- The pres
idential party arrived at the Del
Monte hotel shortly after 7 o'clock
I.;. . . -i
l" iiuix. .i me reoilest ol
with the issue Union Pacific credit
is improving rapidly. We ought The Fmnprnr rf ridnn Pufoo.-
f jthoI; Kirnnmln ,k rw. v. mini. ouju
utheae bo-ids. We cannet. under
ing law, mortgage the mam line to
Omaha, but the new bonds will
cover the Kansas Pacific line to
Kansas City, as we!!;-j the Kansas
Pacific system and DeiA-er Pacific.
It will ultimately become a first
toortg ge on the Kansas Pacific
lriain line. It w ill also be secured
by the Union Pacific, the Denver
& Gulf consolidated five per cent
by - the Oreiron Sliort Line and
Utah Isorthern jconsofic'atd five
per cents and the collateral trust
five per cent bonds, as well as by
otuer bona m our assets.
Seoretary Blaine Beqests Mr. Blair to
. Eetnrn to Washington-He la la
the Dark.
Washington-. April l't. Repre
sentatives of the Associated Press
this morning called at the Chine.-e
legation here and bad an inter-
yflviow with Minister Yen in-rigiird
course I siioi take some 0f th4r.'3,,'e.aeclm",on, of ,1,s Pvern-
. . -
A Tin I'late Cuiiililnatimi
bonds. TrWriot know ot betterl?e,,t 10 rfceve benator lilaic-as
secnrltvW" ". vfh, accredited renriesentativa of
American Industry,
ade. They met after a separation
of twenty-six years. The - Fjrst
ortti Laroiina, ana feoatb iJaro-
IS Jeff,rU? i;TThJeibb Everything Was Emblematic of
legion compofed the brigade. Ad
dresses were delivered by Generals
Hampton, Wheeler, Butler,
Young, Maior, Basker and Major
t;utier, ol the Lnited btates
arsenal. The memorial address
was delivered by Pliasant A.
Siovedall, editor of the Augusta
Chronicle. All business was sus
pended, and the dav was observed
as a holiday.
The fext FreeUs&tial lcHeft.WUl B
Toight on the Issue of PiottfjfcoY
. PrUe for McKinlejrv-
into Jivs-i
(.Sujw.-rior fur Kmnity and Il.ik.r's use)
illihoMt tash
price aiu
f jt wheat 6t
. BL'biA'KS-.
-I:i:.-I1)KNT L. FI.I.VN.
AiiiKit 'i. w. i.v: o o.-;.
S. E. Yot-xo,
Li, 1 1"-. ULAIN,
K. W I.AVIiniN
K. Sox.
i hmn Plaster & tcimnt.
'oiii t' ihi- enrnt r
for ail kniit- ot rV
FURNISHING GOODS, silks, satins and i'i.i suks.ladiks' and
f W:il. r and l-'i rr st
I'. W. SI-INK,
AILauv, or.
J.S. V.irgun Inis niiived ni.
ili.-m-e ilo iiis luii'k yard s-) of
the city, ji'nl Heme desirinir n j.ur
i hiisu liriek w i'l timl liiin there here
idler, lb- lin mi I a lnr-u lot of
Mm- A I ln 'u l fur sale.
CW. AVK1IS, ARi-tllTK.-r ANI sl l'Hi
. innndant. oil, e o, r First Natu.iial
hank huildinsr, AH anv, Or. Vn.rk srli, in, I
from all iarlsil the
tlie pit siilent bis arrival at ll
.Monte was devoid of ivrpmnnv in
order that .Mrs. Harrison and'other
ladies of tho party, be allowed
tune for rest and preparation for
to-morrow's programme. The
Hotel Del Monte, w here the partv
pent the night, is beavf.ifu'dy dec
orated .vith Mowers and bunting.
The president was inl' this
evening that the Chinese emperor
had notified his minister at Wash
ington of his unwillingness to re-
.cue. ui. niair, me newly ap
pointed American minister, to
China. The president said it was
news to him, leu. made no other
1 h St-rrctary i.r tl. Interim- lie
eiiles an Important Oiieition.
Washington-, April 2:1. The
secretary of the interior .leeiiled
that the recent act .'mendiinr the
statutes as to si h ..,,1 indeiiinitv
lands applies to North Dakota',
-ouiii Dakota, Montana and
VNaslun-jton, and t lUes the l.laee
ot the provisions rel.itimr t.itliw
matter in the enablin-' act. The.-
states are therefore entitled to iu-
lemiuty tor sections lii and :'i
when these sections were settled
upon prior to sui vev. or me f,-
tional or wanting m township for
any cause. In regard to the in
structions issued some time as.") bv
the commissioner of Indian ail'airs
in ordering a removal ol" the in
truders from the C h-kasaw nation
it was to-day stated at the Indian
bureau that these (it Hid people
never had a shadow ,,f title
claim to the land they occupy, and
as early as July. iS'.iO, were
warned to leave the territory be-
lore the followiiiL' November
I'hose who remained have dime so
it their own risk and their iv-
moval will be insisted upon.
Nov Yoitic, April 2;!. Represen
tatives of the cbi'-f tin plate manu
facturing firms of the country to
dav perfected an orgoni.ation of
'lie tin plate uianufi rimers ot the
United Mates. The object being
to promote the manufacture of tin
plate in the United States It is
stated that several mills are al
ready wot king and as soon :.s
otheis are built they would pro
duce fill, (UK) net lons'cf tin plate
pL-r annum.
rortliiml Win. Another (iaiue.
Skatm i:, April L".i. l'ortland, (i ;
Seattle, .".
Taom. April. L':'. Sj.tik.ilie, S;
Taconia, ;!.
on Multkc l aid Anay.
Kiikisvi. .Ajdil LVt. The re
mains of Vmi Moltke were iu-
(ened luff to-dav.
A I.Hhtsli C'li-ie.
I'nHI'MNIl, April Tiie case
of .1. I'.. Rank, who sues the
Si utherii Pacific company for $l.,-
OiH for injuries received in the Labish accident, was to-dav
set ior May - in the United States
circuit court.
had receivetl a cablegram from the
t. iiniei e loreigu o:uc. w li ch I.e
was instructed to lay before Seer.',
tary P!a:ne widiout delay, c.v
presstiis the unw iilin-.'iie-s of tin
em:er.rto reciive Plair. Other
than this, i en had received no in
strut-lions, written or otherwise
New Yokk; AdiiI 2y.-Flve fcun- :
died guests to-night attendwj tlie .. -
banquet o Ihe Americas'. protect- .
ive tai-itf league at Madunaura -
garden. Everythiug r-abput ta'-1 ' '.'
affair was embleinaticof'AmericanVv5-'i
industry.' dishes, cntlurv. tAble. - " ,
if ever vou come within five.milee I cloths, nankins, winerr c'srara an.l
of my cabin I want you to' stay I even the trn mtB.PCrd9 were "of ,A
thre." On the face vl this looke Ainencaa mrMifatrtre." TJia K&. r V - i
Feruliar ConuiKlroiu.
A Walla Walla editor is mental
ly bothered. Ireland's Kxnress
sas that Col. Frank J Parker is
mentally calculating what RnVild
chum meant by saying: ''Frank,
TP! iWt n f-.nij ... Mianked j of toasts was 4-lenh iine.v Cor-"
govcrnn.e!;t on lie sub
from his
v iiit Ai.o, .p:u -'i. i-.x-i-t-rsa; ir
'lair, tin- new minister to China,
arrived here this morning ami was
iUestioned reg-irding tlie rep in
that the Chinese government ha I
submitted (o the st it,-department
a formal protest against his being
sent to t hiu.i. ''I have l---ived
no ollicial not ice of such protest,"
sai.l Mr. Rlair. -'All Ihal I know
shout it is what I have seen in the
io-night Mr. I:!-rr
telegiaiii Iroiu ;-'.- i. I n
Plaine It i'i..'-t :l " I :
to Washington. . ii
totitaiiied no o Ii. i ,
and Mr. I'.lair will ; . i.
morrow. I le sai l he let 1 ;
cial iiotitical ion of any
and knew iiotleng of
It ceivi il
v -,i St
t . l.-t 1:
ll.ii .;
.'.IKS. UK. i. r. TfCKKIt, A
Slip Whs I'IhIiIiic and l id llu r mi
Kinliiiiikiiu-iit, Sfrikinir Mir
lli-Hil i. ll It Kni-k.
. it. o
k 1 1-
i otli
lane any
rumors that be is to be sent to
lajian or Persia. Uidd the it
ceiit of the message he was m-l
aware that he was not lo continue
nis j uriiev to l tiina. Ni tar as
uliieial know'eilge he is still tin
accredited minister to thai
him accordingr'Ttrnt-ft-t
In- began to wonder if the old fellow
didn t mean something else, and
it Iris worried him to think that
eihaps after all it was onlv his
way of telling Frank not to come
within live miles of him.
Tiik Dti t,i:s, April 2! I. Mrs. A.
Tucker, wife of Dr. Tucker, of this
city, was accidentally killed last
eiiing on iWill creek, seven
miles from this city. Mrs. Tucker
mil her husband were fishing
along ine stream, w hen the lady
fell over an embankment, striking
her head against a rock. Dr.
Tucker heard the splash and im
mediately went to his wife's
rescue. After being taken from
the water she gased twice and
expired. Mrs. Tucker was aged
od years, ami leaves two children.
I ler parents live in lirowiisville,
Linn county, Oregon.
Has Viiii(lti-i'l lunv rinil
Tliiiii;l.t l- l: 't:ty.
lilt too. April l.i iot :e ia a
very panicky it-elii g in the gi.,iu
its this morning, .lulv
opened sfl.tM'1., " 41.' -I -:;
I.lMi5,, at clo-e yestesday.
vanced toil.d.'iV., and m.
"t f ONKY T'
JM k'.Hiil real e late
eurile t.,r 1...1;....
lars em (iiire of Ge .. 11 !mi.hrej .
p It. WIN V, AtiKNT roll TIIK I.f Al
j ing tire, life and ,... i.lent insnra-iee e..:n.
P'!i S.Al.K-$, i wortl, ..f house
J. le.ld furniture i.i , el,an,e I .r
real rlate. Lu.pi-reat nihee of Orn.- .!,,.
CiOI.O lil.Nti
I n-,ni', 1
sent t.
In,, id
t;;oi.i i-K.Ns. i; t-.:iij
o r.v COO.I hainlker, l.i. f.- ti
ni auurt'M to HltriHllKr tuy ch
i; i-i, ior ,u its.
ami tit.
ad stree.'s.
i'uli o
A se.iintresj,i,i,e h eai, eut
td at i i.rn. rof, and ltatl.
Mrs. K. A llurkl.r.
Land Stirirylns.
tain accurate ml wi.rk I.v ealla,..
uoii cx-county gurvryoi F, r. T. Finher Ik
haseoniplete eopit of field notes an.l town
ehiu plats, and is prepare I to do survevin in
any part of Linn county. 1'ost.ilti -e address Linn eou lly .Oregon.
S.mih hif.r wiift i. u
nliat ufa Manlpulutiir.
C vn i Ti-A, April 2(1. Mrs.Ciim-
wood, wife of the late political
:ent at Mamnier. w ho was mnr.
lered with Commissioner Ouinton
Hid others, airivetl here ami sacs
mac the disaster was due to the
lasnnessol Ouinton in rttiising to
listen to sensible advice given him
in rcganl to negotiations with the
native chiefs. He endeavored to
entrap the Scnaiu:ty (Inother ol
thede)osed .Maharajah) with the
intention of placing him under
arrest, but Senaiiutiy It ariiim.' this
not on y fa i led
planned" a trap
Lritish w ere caug
.M I K S l-.Ki si ll K K.
Tin- i'rinisi-,l New Cnl lateral Trust
Annual I lei tin,,.
P.oMox, April2:. Tho follow ing
ollicers were elected to-day bv tlie
Union I'acilie railway tlireelors :
President, Hilnev Ihilion; vite
presitlent, S. 11. II. Clark: second
vice-president, O. M. Lane; comp
troller. Oliver W. Mink; treasurer
O. Ilairis; secretary, Alex Miller.
Jay Could, in an interview, said
the proposed new- collateral
of live per cent mortgages, will be
limited to $7",(lilit.i!O0, but n,,
Oiiarter f a .Million Dollar Fire I I
at Chattanooga.
CiiATi ANootiA, Tenn., April 20.
The fire w hich started in Campbell
cV Company 'a furniture factory on
King street early this morning
was gotten under control at 7
o'clock, after destroying property
covering twenty acres. . Tho loss is
$2;ii,(i0ii on which the insurance is
over $ IMi.'HKI. The heaviest losers
are: F. C. IVllow s : A. T. Uplett,
furniture factory, loss .7o,(Hhi, in
surance $".11,(110: Ivi't Tennessee,
Virginia .'c ieoigia railroad freight
tlepot and contents, and seventy
live car loads of freight, loss, $125,
000 ; insurance not known. A
large tjnantity oi itimber in the
vicinity an I a number of buildings
were burned, bringing the loss u;
to thrt total given. While thU lire
was in prog-ess a second broke out
in another part of ti e city, doing
tlaur.ige to t lit; amuiint of it'-'VHM. to lio K vlemli'il.
Jai ksonvii.i.i:, Or.. April 2i).
The managers of the R. R. V. R.
R., are arranging for the extension
of the road to I agle Point sroing
on thuS. P. line tnun Medfonl io
Central Poi;it. and building from
there to hagle Point, twelve miles
distant. A meeting of the ciliciis
of the xa'.iey was hel l at Central
Point yestertl.iv and tin; proposetl
enterprise will no doubt be carrietl
The .Mai Lets.
San Fhanciso, Apiil 2:.
Wheat, shipping, .fl.7l'.. tor
product well up, standard grade.
l'or a choice article probably
1.7l"... would be paid, while stock
a little below the standard could
likely be placed at if 1. 71' per cental.
Milling, ifl.Sili.i LSI"., per cental.
Livkui-ooi., April I'd. Wheat,
supply gootl; Kansas w inter hard.
s. 7d ; steady.
it ad
to the
ciote, fluctuated between that and
J1.04'.,. Corn was also lower at
opening, followed by a rally. The
break in prices was caused bv
rumors that I!. P. Iliitchin-on.the
veteran speculator, was in finan
cial trouble. No facts in evidence
are given by those who talked of
the matter, though it was reported
that be bad lost heavily of both
wheat and corn on the recent
heavy advance, ami on tiie Mtbse
tiuent break. Hutthiuson could
not be found upon the lloor of the
exchange and nothing cou'd be
. i . . . . .
teamen as io me real situation l
lis ail'airs. The earlv rmror.-
died, but later it is stid" Hutchin
son was iiiysii-nousiy misin.
Inquiry at the office of the Coin
Exchange Naiiona! bank brought
out a continuation of the rumors.
ice President Hainniill. of tl
bank, s:iid his family had not seen
him since yesterday arernooti
when the boa id closed. It is sup
posed among lluichinson's friemls
that he wandered away in a lit of
temporary aberration.' Theai tual
condition of 1 1 utch-s .ei's a:!'.::is ate
not Known, tiioiinti it is ntnlcr-
stood nearly all of hi- tr.tti.-s b:-.ti
been closed out. and a piiva'e dis
patch from Millwaukee s.ys
his deals there had been closed.
Whatever is his financial condition
it is not believed any one will -e
anything through liiin.
A gen! leiuan, w ho is a m ar re
lative of Mr. Hutchinson's, said
his family had seen for some time
that his mind w as ali'ected, and
had been considering whethei it
would not be better to take some
measures of restraint. The trades
made by hi::i are found to be few
in number. They are being set
tled now, ami there are ample
funds to meet all his liabilities.
His s n while saying bethought
his father's mind wa-t unbalanced
and that he had wandered away
ditl not think he was insolvent.
He is confident everything will be
paid il dollar for dollar. New
York brokers believe that Hutch-!
instill has simply gone away on a J
long projeet-eil vacation and wid
pretend treat surprise w hen he J
hears ol the sensation. A dispatt
notn r.vausvine, I mi., s tys he v
seen there this alternoou andTelit
Foiith tin the Louisville T.ash
ville road, lie a;i'eaun very ne.-
Killed (hor a Miio'ntr t laiiu.
I.Ki:it C i i v, Ajiril 2:L At the
Cold Hill mine, eleven miles from
here, yesterday, 11. K. Dell was
shot and kiiled by S. .1. Fore. The
trouble arose over a milling claim
which Fore had taken
w hich I ell hail jumped.
i i . . i .
is sun i . claimed io nave heen a
desperado and delighted in relat
inu ins ex pericnces. l ore, w ho is
still at large, is said tohavealwavs
borne a good reputation.
Wreck on the Noilhrrn.
Paimi:i:. Wash, April !".. A
west bound freight on the North
i n was w recked this morning near
l iable Hor;,-, four miles e; st of
here. Four cars are oil" and the
eastboiiud trains are delayed six
or eight hours. A broken axle
caused the wreck. No one was
injured. Wrecking trains have
gone to clear the track.
IMll.M.'S l.- TIIK STAB-
-.INi ATiUCSTI'tlltT,
I'.nlli Mill Were I ntux lealt-il Mc-
IhIunIi Iteei-ii cil IS W'ountN
Krom Cupel. iihI'h Kuif..
.atohi, i in; si. i- uriht-r par-
lic.iiais ol th staobmg tit J. ;
Mcli.t-jsh by Copt-land at West port
yesterday show that, both men had
been thinking ami got into a tiuar-
n I Mcintosh asxe 1 Cvpeland to
assist in carrying an intoxi
cated friend to camp. Copelam!
vas pitying cards an.l said he
woiilil go as soon as be plaed hi
hand. Mcintosh in the meautiine
tiok htm by the collar and tried
to drag him out of his chair
I opcland shook him oil and sat
down again and after the gaum
was finished laid down on his
bunk. Mcintosh Continued talking
io In in and abusing him ami he
lid call hip all the names von
want to, but don't lay your band:
on me or I will kill vou. Mcln
tosh ditl not heed the warning ami
took bold of him to pull him out
oi bed. when he suddenly spiang
upon him furiously. The men
present did not knov that Cone
laud had a knife until Mcintosh
cried : "Take iiltu oil' he is cutting
me to death." The men were im
mediately separated but Mcintosh
was literally hacked io prieces, re
ceiving eighteen wounds.
4ii lihs. fir elided.. ReefesX ':
"the president." Bliss proiibfieOf J- .
the health of "ice-Pres:
lent .Morton, who thanked
Pie assembly and was
loudly apph-uded. Major McKin-
ley was then introduced as the
next governor ol Ohio and the
cheering did not subside for live
minutes. He made a brief sjieech
in which he said: "We will have
tariil'so long as we 1 ave govern
ment. Senator Aldnch sjwjke to
up and I the text, "maiutenence of thepro-
I'eil, it lecuve svsiem indispensable to
profitable commerce." Senator
Jones of Nevada, sent a letter in
w Inch be said a ( I.inese wall ot
protection was precisely what was
needed in this country to keep out
Ihe sipialor and distiess that at
tend low wages abroad. The op-
niar government rests upon the
atlectioiiH of the people, and men
can have no all'ection for a govern
ment under which they starve.
Senator IMpli of Orot'on, re-
pMjnded to the toast, "protection
is it allecls the presiientv ol the
people and the development of the
Pacific coast." The republicans
of the Pacific coast, he said, do not
believe that the tanll is a local is
sue ; they hold that protection is
national : that all the industries ot
the nation are so inseparably con
nected that one cannot sutler
without injury to the whole. The
growth and prosperity of commerce
iii tin; Pacific coast is dependent
largely on the protection policy.
ihe Mekmlev tanli act was
what was demanded, what
the party promised, a measure
to protect the interests of Amer
ica. The issue uikjii which the
next presidential election will be
fought will be precisely the issue
upon which President Harrison
was elected and Cleveiaad de
feated. I am eonlitleut that when
the issue is agr in squarely put be
fore the people w ith ample, oppor
tunity to discuss as well as refute
misrepresentations from free trade
sources, when the last taritf legis
lation has had time to vindicate,
itself, I am confident the result
will bean increased majority for
protection. (Applause.)
Money Market.
New Yokk. April 20. Monov on
call easy: closed oll'ered at 2'..:
nrime mprcantiln naier :ifi.i
sterling exchange, steady, GO
hills'.. ; demand. 4..!.
I vet Wins a Game.
Cnu-Atio, April 2:. A chauim-
onship billiard game between
Carter ami Ires to-night was won
by tne I titer, ",0J to 47S.
M iiiing Sale.
liie i.akert. uy I'emocrat men
tions the following sale of a mine
in that locality: The necessary
papers were yesterday executed,
cou ve : - g a one-half interest in
the Moiiiana mine, situated in the
Cr.-en horn district to K. I.
itiroiix,oi tins city, ihe mine
was discovered several years ago
byj. I, llun-;aker, who still, re
tains the other one-half intereft.
Considerable development work
has heen done on the property and
it has indications of developing
into a first class mine, it is the
intention of the owners to prose
cute development all summer and
prove! hat the Montana is all that
is claimed for it, one of the finest
properties in tiie district. The
vein is of a good niillin-' made
ind the ore is free milling, assay
ing s, in gold and lb, in Oliver
per ton. The consideration of t'le
A Nameless Crave. C
Among the saddest life that ran 7
be written, can be numbered the
following found by a reporter on
the Seattle Post-Intelligencer: A
woman known as "Mamie Doe." is
lyina almost dead at the police
headquarters in that part of the
jail assigned to women. She ia
not over ..0 vears of aire, but vcars
of drink and dissipation make her
look a great deal older. In her
discolored and distorted features
can be seen traces of former bean.
ty, but now the is a veritable u-n-
man of the slums. She was ar
icsted Sunday afternoon near Lake
I mi in by Olluer Rrvant. ami u i
locked ii on a charge of drunken
ness. During Sunday night eha
had an attack of delirium tremiow
and City Physician Sparling was
called iijion to attend her. Yester
day evening she was prostrated
try appoplcxy and it is thought
sue will not recover. No nn
knows who she is or where she
lives, and it is very probable that,
if she dies, she w ill be another
unfortunate to fill a nameless pau
per s grave.
'ost of the t.arlielil Monument,
I'itlst.urj t hr.mi, le Tel. s'rapli.
Mr. Altlrich, managing etlilor o
Ihe Cleveland Plain Dealer, writes:
o-l-l. . . . . .
i oe entire amount expended on
the Cat-(icld monument, including
grading soddinir. tla-'L'iiiir ami iren-
eral improvements about the site,
was tlod.SlHi. Subscriptions
amounted to if I IM. 755, but the
interest swelled it to the required
. . . . i . .
:..m. v-ontraci, was leu uciooer 0i Augusta, gave an ovation Mon
. iss.,; construction began spring" dav to Oeiicral Wade Hamilton
.f issi.; tletlicatctl May ::0, 1S!M." and the survivors of his ,,, .ri'-
AlarrlaKO at .lueksoiiv ille.
.Iacksonmi.i i:, Apiil 2:i. P. I;.
Dunn, iiiaiiiijer of Slaver V
Walker's business at Walla Walla,
and Mi.-s 1'iniua, daughter of
Postmaster Pape. were manied
this evening, and left to-night for
Walla Wada, where they will re
side. An Ovation to W utle Hampton.
AitiisiA, Ca., April 2'.'. The
Confederate Survivors' association
An DIil Orleans Custom.
Con. ",ku, deuce Cj. hniond Kisptt-.h.
slf Vou have plenty of time to
ItTland observe everything that
passAbefore your gaze, vou will
notice onv.every post in tbe Freneh
quailers tliMe are little hand bills
tacke I tiji and bearing the head
ing "Dc-t ede." however, in French.
Those are death notices, which
seemed to he used instead of tha
newspapers, to announce the
invincible hand of alra Morr.
They stat a the hour of the funeral
etc , and the name of thedeceaisd- -
As a general thing these notices'
are tacked up all over the French
section in an hour after the person
has died. 1 noticed several upon
which the printer's ink had
s-arcely dried, and which
announced the demise of some un
foitunate which had taken place
only a few minutes In-fore.