m d -' CENTS A WEKIv. ALKANY, OREGON, SUNDAY, A1MSIL iM 18IM VOL. VI JStO. 125 IS LIFE WORTH LIVING ? IS MONEY WORTH SAVING ? Nans if lis Earn it 23 Easy as to In able ti Throw it Away. The Celebrated French C U RK Warranted to cure P:e how much v m ran save ly buying your ami furnishing goods of spring clothing T. L. WALLACE & GO. -Albany's leadino- Clothiers. We will not w.iir un'il the en 1 of the season to Knife Prices, but beg:n right now, TO I VY. su.-h as they've never been knifed before. H.Mtitifu! styes, bamin.r bright with the freshness of spring. No ol 1 styles. No hick numbers No oi l moth-eaten goods. Not an ugly or uu lesir.ible p.ittern in the house. ;supeeb Our beautiful all new spring stock of Men': Roys' Clothing hats knd furnishing goo Is. is noihi.ig less t lenee. Never before in the in-im-v f H. i,.i ..r... and Children' tl.fln nir uvn.il. nee. .Never bclore in the in-toi-v f H. i,.i ..r... ..i.u.;... i.,..i... h.i i the nerve to import mi.1i a grand stock as that w hich we have now l. rTrv'.'m' n''11''11- T.t.k al out your 7" suits made to order; ' ' ' KL N ) T IN I 1"' w-rh tho-e beauiiful and richlv tailored gar-ln-vit-i wiin-i we arc selling at the unappro ichablv low prices of $20 ?--. ( an 1 .2t. Xoihiri.; new nd stvli-d, hut whit vou will find in our M-viuiioth New S; ri rg and Summer Stock. Sun an 1 ..vcr.-oi's, lor the tab, siitn ami stout in in that tin tailor ou e.irru cam -at for tit, style, workmanship and general makeup. A i n- i an I forg- us airiy of pretty soiing suits at $10. New an 1 li in is.,:iie sh i.l. s in men's business Hiiits at $10. A lull and e tmplpt- line of Albany Woolen Mills gxids for $10 sold hy olh -r dealers at. si;; and u;.w.ir Is, c til and inspect for yourselves hiM see it what w. - ,y is not reli.ibl,. ; everything else is gin" at the same pr.ipoi ti on, I ,i .ve ar LKADKUs IN OCR I. INK ?!t3 VT '-UK- rfW :fore 5.5 AFTER the ifcncr:tivo organs of either wx whether arising from the uxcctfn e use of ftitmilHtits, io)acco or opium, or thr tuirh outltful imiis- cretioii,over inUnltrtiiice, ito.t mioh aslot&of Brain Power. Wakefu'new. Hearing Down pains in the Hack, Stmiinal W.-aknww, Hys teria. Ner ou a ration. Nocturnal OmiH sioiis, Leucorrhoe Divine, Wesik Memory, Loesof Power and Impoten y whi:h if neg lected often lead to iTOJiianire j aije and insanity. Price 1 box; 6 boxed xcr JtM) Sent by mail on receipt of price. A fell iKAVrt.K 18 given with every $b order received, to refund tne money if a Prrmnnnl cure is notcfTt teil. We have thoiisaiutHof U8tifiiorii;il from old and yountf, of hoth Hexes, who h.we lcei: permanently cunsl liy the use pf Aphroditim Circular free. Address rHK AniKa nrinnvi . WeMtt-rn Branch, lio, i7. Port hind, Oregon For Hale by Kfwhav & Mason, who male and etait driitfidL-i, A!biiv, or m Fabers uoldsn 7 Xxi fi;:ale m For Female Jr rcjiiliiritit"; noth ii'tf iike them on thenmrktt. vci tail. MUMt.-sftiil. nwii . itr.iii;nciit j i a 1 1 it's month! . vtuiti aiiiici m ii )iee HUfprciSHix, nniiftru:itiri . Sure Safo C::;ii: Uun't lie hnmhtii;. l:tl. Save time, ifoAttlian.l ntoiH'3'. Take no .. tlicr. Sent to atij :ul .Iress by niaii on receipt fit price, ?J 0. Ail ilrem hru Mollrliir onit:iny Weat Ilrain h liox ".'7, 1'iirilnlitl, Or. Sold by Fosbay Si Mason. Albany. Ors-t priiil Styles i,i Bjjj'iii! Cites CIolliP JnM.is dcpirt nent wr are cj nple'e w th the latest styles in e:u ilren s we.ir, and m t ler.s, if you'll tike the time and look t irou.'li our m issive as ji rm-,it in bovs' clothing, vu'U be money in p jcket for the trouble. We have for the relebr lasts e li.ivetiiel.irg,st bt .ckot Wen's and Bjvs' shoes in town, and the only large block to bj found in the fit v. ' ed HANAfJ & SON'S !ten'te:to T. L. WALLACE & CO , The birthplace of great and honest bargains, Strahan Ulock. Albanv. Manvofour horsemen have given i! aa their judgment that Titus, Blnmberg's black perch eron stallion stands at the head in bis class. He is in the hands of .Mr. C. K. Barrows.an etlicient and experienced horseman who will give his patrons every possible atten tion. TituS Will make the season of '01. Mondays and Tuesdays at Jef ferson. Weilnesilava and TIiith- days at Corvalis, Fridays and Saturdays at Albany. Mr. Blumberg is als ooivneroi the standard bred trotting horse, Alvvood Breeze (No. 285.1) w ho can hi seen at the stable of Trites Bros. The get of this horse are larwe and line formed, and only need proper development to show S(eed. Do Not Pass By ! ! BANK OF OREGON, ALBANY, oi::;;on. H- r. KviiM, P E. J. Liuoir.;.-, Y. J- W. B a n. Cashier. rriri- i. ! ,t fc" iiT;iI l.;uiki'iif lti t.- Km b ...-i o n,ht .imI mjI.I . i. ..I lh ripil i'it-s ..i tltr t niird Static, ..1-,., Jirtt.Kii, Fi:L.iti .01. i many. C"l c t? -T! at all .ive-iht; puiti'H li.J fa r.ii-;. t- rn.M. lul'.-rt p.iit "!i ti;:i; tUp i-.it IIKI) GROWN MILLS 'FRISCO'S RECEPTION. The President and Party a'ly Welcomed. Hoy- IN C'AI.I I'OKM 'S MKTll)l'LIS An Elab rata Dsir.onstation- Military an.! Marine Dirpl.iyQi.arteraJ at the Palace ILU. lot, l.tMMi A ( II., I' r.i.- NK'.V !'UuOP:St ll.OuK. (Siijwnor for t.uuil an. I li ter's uJe) fiest Siorase Facilities t"Ilistiost cuah pricf A.LBANV TRANSACTS A for wheat M ORF.uON SAL BANK ge: ?.:i:L hanking PKHSIDKNT L. FLI.N'N. VlCK PKKSIIlKNT S. V Vi.fN'iI. SillKK B. W. I. V. (i ION. S. E. Vopso, L, 'K. liLAI.V, Funs I-'. Si.x. Cashier, MA SOW Kt.-iil WE 1 1 A V K A Fi: W VVlXTMlIill IN T il ) 1 UAKMENTS Th.it wo will sel at- REDUCED HATb,l REDUCED RATES! FURNISHING COOPS, . VFl.VF.rs. SILKS, SATINS AND I'l.l'SHKS. T.ADIKS' AN I ) MHSKS SU.K AND KNIT ITN1FRVKA R. CorfON' AND W Ml.llOSE, F, M B R OI DF. R IKS. Mf,K A N D LINKS MANPKKRCIIIFFS. SCARFS. FOSHAY & Wholesale t! NEW FEEDSTORE ! HAY, OATS AND CHOP FEED Alw;is ..11 li.niii. A's) Lime. Piastrt'& ( vmeat. San FitANrisro, April L'5. I'ivs 1. lent Harrison was Aeicoiuod to Sun Fiaiici.co to niiiht by a, great snow oi enthuj-iasm. The preM dentiul train arrived at Oakland abutit 7 o'clock, and the party wre mtt by lhe reception coni- 11 111 tee . 1 ciuzeiH, i leneial linger and stall of t lie regular army, ien ernl Dimond and stall' of the state troop, and was escorted to the large ferry tt.-ain. r Piedmont. The presi.lt.nt .ccipi"d a pu-ution on the upper deck, w heie he ob tained a Kill view of the magtdti vnt display made in his honor. The l'ie.ltiiiji.t sUamed around the hay sloAiy to enable the president towitiic!--' the brilliant iihiiiiiiia tiuiis on the b sy, on the hills and in the city. The marine display was cue f the most Unking 'fut ures ol t he i.eca -ion. The president passed between two lung lines of vessels from Oak land to an Francisco, includiiii; ihe cruiser t'h .ilesion. All of these ve-sela were brilliantlv il luminated by red tire ami electric lights, v. hich displaved their dec- orations of ilajs and buntin Sa lutes Aver,- li red from shore and a num'ier ot ves-els as the nr-s dent ipproachel au Fiaucisco. The I'ieiliuiin: arrived at the foot of .M.tik. t street at S o'clock, and the ciowd which had collected there was immcmc. 'I be president was uelc.imed bv Mayer .-aiiders..n, and the party at once entered cirri iges ,iinl pre puel for the march up .Market stn-et to the Mi-i haiiic's aviIliou. Nearly everv buiidingon .Market stieet. Ir uu the ferry tn the pavil !i .11, was d-.-orated vith i I 1 -.-in. I 1 iiting. an I long i-treauiers and Lionels were stretched across the street at sh.ilt inteivals. The patty, a . o;nj.,tn:ed by a militarv ls -.ill, arrive I at the Mechanic's I ivi lion at 0 o'clock. Thousands .1 people I ad assembled in front of t he pa illioii and weie kept in 01 li ir by a guard of police and sol diers. The immense biii.ilin', A. hi h hoi Is i 0,0' I people, M, l cor.ite t w:tli liiiulii s.ightly roended the edges. The l T f in vo rv lAVjrv blank was', dropped in a milling UALiLdU,0 J JIUiLl mactiine, ana wiien it came out a second or two later the run was Hat and the edges of the rim were The Country's Financial Condi raised a httie above the level of '. . tion Is Growing B.tte-. SHIVS EAST 1K TIIK KOCK1US An Important Lasd Rnllnr, Involving Many T&on.and Lntrifs -"Jack the E:ppei" Located, the si.les. i.The verb 'milling' used in this connection is this raising of the rim i a blank piece of mon ey, and tb.-'-noun 'milling" is this plain raiseirim without reference to any Orrugations anvwhere. The purpose of the milling is to protect tin surface of the sides from wears The milled blank was dropped into a stamping machine, from which it dropped a perfect dollar. While in the machine the piece dropped into a corrugated collar and the piece expanding under great pressure the rim was forced into the 'rusrations and became stmtlaiiy covrugateu, lhesa par allel notches or corrusratione, gen erally called the milling, consti tute the 'reeding.' The term is adapted from its architectural use to express a sm.iil convex molding especially when such moldings are erty which the government owns U AsiiixtiioN, April 25 Director of the mint Lvnch, speaking of unancidl matteis to-dav, said the amount of money in tl treasury 01 ine 1 mted ."Sates on the hrst of tlm month was 751. 000,WO, of which J IKS, 000,000 was trust money,' held for redempt ion 01 goi.i, silver ami curreiicv cer'.ilicate-', and the balance of '.'.j(.,0 )0,000 belonged to the treas ury just as absolutely as any prop muhip!i"d, parallel to each other, rn;iiT with ;H!i:r;i;s. Desitcrat liattle With Cliitlau N. 4.tnK of Arw.t.v, Alt.. Aoril lo. Last night a gang oi live robbers broke open .-everal stores. Alter com muting robbery they lied, pursued 1 y a posse of ollu'crs and citizens. Halt a mile trom town they stop ped an I tlehed their pursuers. A pitched hat tie with shotguns and revolvers followed. .1. S. Wilson. iilderiuan, was falallv shot, and William Hentlev, on of the rob- icrs, is :ving. Ail I lie tanwere arretted t-xcept two. It is believed they nr.? Hie persons who caused liie railway w uck near Springlield recent iv u 11 11 '11 fill! ill I 1111 --. 1 r it,. 1 . 1 . . t - II 31 A 1 IjM) I A UAK wyina ol iuler. s. to th people 01 ine coiinirv it will lie readily seen that the mouevs in the treasury have been put to good IIoiv there can bj anv nossibilitv ol the government failing to ne-el obligations with t hi.-immense sum oi absolutely free cash on hand is d Ihcint to conceive. That the oecietary siionid consider it Wise to convert all his assets into the most avaiuble monev. and 10 this end convert a Iare amount of sub- sidary silver coin into lawful money, ami that lu should draw in from national bank dc positoriet money winch may he needed by the government, seeins eminentlv pioper and should excite no con cern. Mncj the a lv-nt of tins administration, 25 inouihs, 210, 00.:,!I0J of the interest bearin. ooiids at cos , and including inter est and premium of Jf2O7.750.SSI has been p:: c'. : :i- I r tired. wen we con.-n . r 1 1 . in, u- 11-1; amount of inteie-i b. ir i,i- ..t and . It ctrie liht li.- i-iowi m.is Kepi oin-i ie pres dent had entered lion, uhcu thous 111.U. by the stand rison stood, ciieering and handkercb i.-fs slant; s it w.'-j tvei greens I he oct.l the tie- pavil- pta in by pas-e, I le y a-ked s the cio.vd here I':c d.lent I I ir there was constant waving..!' hats and I 11 !. r the eircum-inuirs-iliie lor the large crowd lion, Ft tn. speech. Tin til 1! o'clock and p.ii ; v , aee horel and to re: nam in the favil- cs:.l n' m.id 110 ( pi ,ori l.,-teil un-i-u the president Iriveii to t!:e i'al ire.l for the ni-'bt. 1 1 .- , . ..n;.- unci - 01 people were able to ,in a 1 tn i . t .1 , . 1,, (!,,. viilioti in the time spe. i;ied the reeep! ion. Dulling the iVa horns tint president wat at the pavilion lea-l llility tlioti-aud Ji.'o before him, and nearlv more were unable to ol trance to the building. uu IUS1A AMI Tl KKKY A IS E AT . III XI,E. The St..UKt of Ihe KushIuu Steiiin- flil.H at llariliii.elleH the ( aiihe .r the Tronlile. . . ... - . .... v o.-i t. 1 inoim.k. April o. 1 lie note ot Russian Ambassador Neid ortl'iu regard to the detention bv toe Oitoin in authoi ities, April 13. in the Dai l.melles, of a steamship '(longing tome liussiau volunteer lleet, which vessel was being used under the meichantile Hag as a transport formilitarv workmen has caused gieat alarm in Turkish olhci.il circles. The Russian am bassador declared the embassy ,....,1.1 I....,.....-..-. 1. i. 11.1 I r .. .......... ... .:, ... .uriv.iin ..ir cuuijieiievi 10 1 01 tt patent until dispi. 1 the an independent, measure to have been pending assure the passage ol Kussian mer chant vessels through Dardanelles The porte in replying to Neildoru" said that should the Russian em bassador's remarks be carried out, other powers might feel called up on to t ike the matter into eonsi.l elation. Diplomatic circles throughout Constantinople are much excited over the event, which, it is thought, nmv result in more set ions complications. I .i:llll S STKIKEKa. the at t pas.-ed as m inx in en- 110: i;:.iii;im. s ;.. II. t'oni to the e-n iier ' for all kin. Is of Ke. .1. f W.-iter :in. r.-rr s I'. W. MM Mi". AM.iinv. Or. BRICK FOR SALE! J. S, Morg.in h;n moved his rcsj deuce to liis hrick yard soiitlit'.ist ol the city, mid tlu.se desh-bur to jmr cliase l.nek will tiud liim l!iere here after, lie inis on hand a lare lot of line A 1 brick for sale. CW. A VF.KS, ARl lllTKCT AND Me Hi . inten.lant. OIF. ;e over First Na'i. i.r.t l.ank htiil.linir, All.anj, Or. Wi.rli m.!i. H...I from all partH .if the n.imtr z in no- t i-e 2 i.t:i..i. , i ... Next A utiiinii. W .... i . -i " , .-pi" -o. i tie stij.r-Miie court lias pos:pos..,J n hearing in the Say wood and lot tery cases until October 10. The mi. ;s on hoth sides in t he Saywood case, invoU ing j'liisdiction" over l.t-hiing sea, are very voluminous. iliey must he divided in two parts first, the legal iirgiiineut involving uu; ugnt to Dung the c.tse beloie the court in the lather unusual form of a writ of prohibition and sfcoiid.the politico legal argument involving the relations between the depart meiils of government. JIOKE IMIICTM KNTS. sun New Oilcans Justice. MONKY TO t.OAX-IK'Mr: CAPITA I. ON irKl real e-tatc Bernritv. Kor (M.ti. u. lare enquire ol lie-,. Iluiiipiirey. n . J inn WINN, AGKNT KOK TIIK I.KAtl itiK liru, life an. I a.-ei1t i.t iiiaur.iTi.-e c.,ni- parnim VKII.IXfiS. SHAWLS. FTC. BUCK AND COLORED DRESS GOODS G . W. FIRST STREKT ALCANY, OREGON. L'vmsAi,E-s:.iHit.,;ji.(norli1 ,,f )louSl.. X ii-.l.l f.irniture iii .-t-li:, f..r ; ...i realesUite. tiLpereat ..;ijee ol Ore.-..ii Un.l Company, '01.U II1M1, Miiu.it I'KNS. ti ( VT H.-li.-i!s. J erv eoo.1 l.ti.lL-.-r.-l.i ililniCi";; the t rlnilieils t.t Ni.n Oimkans, April 25. The New Orleans grand jury returned indictmtnts for attempted jurv bribing against Ferdinani Ar mand, attorney f..r Charles For tino, one of the eight prisoners v. ho escaped mass u re in jail, and against Charles i ranger, who is said to be iu the employ of the l.ouisiona iotttry company. i;ki.ii vt. a inn i. .'Millions of IVrpIo In DiiikiiesR A I. out It. Sei KmiieU-'O t l.i -I. .; What is the 'miliinv' on to Two 1'h.iiiHHii.l i.f Them Itesort A i.il. nee In Aliehlean. Dkiuoit, Ajuil 25. The em ploves iu tiie Michigan car works, to the number of 2500 struik for mi:.' hours' work witii ten hours' pay. As they passed out of the woiks a vol.ev o; sbtnes was thrown and nearly everv window in ll... 1 .,, I. li.... I,.- .I-".... 'II.,. strikers proceeded to the works of compliah the purpos Die Detroit .-tec! Spring Co. and called on the men to strike. The special police ol the concern drove the strikers out, whereupon they li:"ed a shower of bricks and stones through the windows, injuring one man. IUt'OKTANT I.AMI lit I.INIS. An Oi.iiiii.li liy Secretaiv N.tl.le Ti.al Inlciests t Asiii.; ion, .prii s.). ecre- tary .Noule to-day commuuicAted to Commissioner Carter bis vi 'ws ;ts to the proper construction to be placed upon the p)o is:on in Sec tion i 111 tile. r. peal ol the timber culture ad. the .:,i;:ioli is ol r. a iinpoi taiee t,, ihe t.a'ilie and states, inasmuch as p. .let. v. unci the 'pi.-Mioii as i t u hut time Ihe words, ''When there shall be no pending contest or pro test, against the validity oi Mich entry," apply, v. hetiierthet.c.iitest or protest to prevent the issuance vof must fore the lapse of two years ir.iin the date ol issuance of the receiver's re ceipt upon final entrv, iu casts existing, and where two tears bad elapsid before the act oi March :;d took eil'ect . as wi ll as in those afterwsuds. Many t!i...Ufau 1 homesteads, desert land', pre emi -tion antl timber culture' entries are involved in the opinion. Ihe secretary s.ivs m nart : ''li the statute of .March :: l was to be construed to invalidate ail contests or protects not filed within t.vo yers after final receipt and before this statuto took oiled, the result would be many thous and fraudulent claims would go to patent without further ipiestioii being possiole although the contests or protests were legally pending at the date of the act, and with great loss to manv citizens. H id the jonimit tee on public lands desired to ac claimed bv some tins act doei accom:li-b. as it reads, they shouid.an.l doubt less would have use I language too plain to require construct. on. On HUNT'S SLAYERS. Ryine8 to-night made a statement to a reKrter to the eil'ect that while the police have not yet ar rested the murderer, thev know who be is, and hope to have him The Lynching Epidemic Needs a iu cusiouv ueiore loug. ine mur derer is supposed to be a cousin of rrenchy, or rrancois Algieron, who was arrested last night. THE rKEIIENT'8 VISIT. Arrangement for II U Reception In I'ortland About Completed. Portland, April 25. Arrange ments for the reception of Presi dent Harrison are about complet ed. The exposition building, where the reception is to be held in the evening is already receiving decorations. It is proposed to have the route from the Hotel I'oitlandto the exposition build ing tastelully decorated and illum inated. The committee having in charge matters of transportation will make an elfort to have fares ou all railroad and steamboat lines entering Portland reduced lor three days beginning May 4. They will undoubtedly be successful. Stopped 11 y the l'ollee. P.osToN. Mass.. April 25. The light between Ike Weir and John tiritiin, for the feather-weight ciiampionsinp 01 America and a purse of $1000, was stopped in the fourth round by the police earlv this morning. Oritiin undoubtedly had the best of it at the tim?. An ittempt was made to resume the light at Cohasset, but the police again interfered and stopped it. l liilliaii Warshipx Reported Sunk. Madiui), April 25. It is re-af- lirmed here that the insurgent .'hiiian ironclad Illanco FncaTada has been sunk as the result of an attack made upon her by torpedos, ;ind mat the loss ot the vessel was l tended bp great losi of life. JAItlMSOX" TUB MAN. DEI'ElV KAVS UK WILL HAVE A W1I.K.OVEK IN !. Will I'.e No Opposllluu lu the Next Kepulilieau National Conven tion The New Mouth. Vigorous Check. EXCITEMENT STILL INTENSE, Tiia 8oldiers Plotting to Kill Policemen and Otherg-The Secretary of War Appealed To. Walla Walla, April 25. Great excitement still prevails in this city over the lynching of Hunt last night by soldiers. Superior Judge Upton has called on Col. Compton, commanding Fort Walla Walla, for aid in ferreting out the guilty parties and bringing them to justice. Col. Compton said lie would lend all the aid in his power, ant' that only a mis conception of the gravity of the situation on his part prevented his taking more active feteps to pre vent the trouble. Col. Compton stigmatized the action of the mob as a disgrace to himself, Lis ofli cers, bis troops and the entire army. A grand jury has been sum moned, to set Wednesday next, to inquire into the tragedy. The prosecuting attorney to-day tele graphed to the secretary of war the details of the tragedy with a statement that the authorities are unable to protect themselves against the lawless soldiers, ami asked that immediate action be taken. This evening the sherit! and prosecuting attorney received what they regard as authentic in formation that a plot has been laid by the soldiers to kill Police men Ames ami Moise, Gamblers T. J. Holbrook and IViijamin Taylor, and to demolish the gam bling houses. When the facts were communicated to Col. Comp ton be issued an order that no on listed men would be allowed out of the ost until further orders, and that a check roll call would be made every hour throughout the night until the danger of further mob violence lias passed. Over 100 special guards are on duty to night, ready to repel any attack by the soldiers. Ill V sent t.. my i.l.lr.. to iiitr.sl,ue line ..f i-,, ls. fr in .-! J . Simmons, tVliz .:n.is K ill I ell ;.. O i dollar or other coin '.' Probably not one person in 5oo would answer this i simple .piestioii curiectiv. There is a popmar belie! that the gaiions on the run ol a tlollai are the milling. A Chronicle reporter thought so too until the point hap pened ro arise in a conversation with C. M. Gorhain, coiner at the Mint, the other day. .Mr. lorhatn went into the coin-1 Uu. Kt'ihlej liolnii..'i,,.r !. i..i - - i - - - - - - """r w i'h. Lie. ing-rooiii and picked un a 'blank.' ! mont race track. Re ahip put, ami prepare 1 toio suriewiu; i,i j a ri-"1"d piece of pj.iin silver cut J here, burned this morning, and Mtn. r. "."" a-wre. " o ., ,,;lr. h nad gone nine va uahle trot in.' horses through one m.ic!iii:e. which had ished. ANTED- aml Ik, r..;ul utreets. A se -uiLstreas, one who can eut t ill at erii, r ot .'.th ai., ; el -Mrs. F A llurlilurl. Land Surveying. PARTIKI! DKSIR1SO HI RVKTINO XHlNH CAS (-B tain .ctirate n.l prompt rk l.v eailin upon e-co;uity survetoi r, r. T Fisher lit- . eupnt: oi rem notes anil town, i Miliars Station. Linn ecu tt , Or.-on. Fares to the Kant to He Raised. Cm;.;o. April 25. The com missioner of the Western Trallic Association has issued an order advat.cing second-class passenger ra'es from Pacific coast points to Ivistern teim rials on transconti nental hues. The second-class rate will be $5 and the excursion rates if 10 higher. The advance will take t l!'.;ct on a dato to be fixed by the chairman of the transcontinei.tal association. .More Fighting In Africa. Simla, At-iil 25 Dispatches state that the P.ritish forces ad vancing on Manipur met ami en gaged a force of about 100.1 Mani- puris on the 2.'id instant. The latter opened fire on the P.ritiidi, who replied w ith artillery, and the enemy lied in disorder. The in surgents then sent messengers to the Rritish, asking for peace. The Markets. the contrary thepresf-nt participle in this clause says: ''When theie shall be no pending contest or protest,"' meaning thereby clearly, I think, pending then, presently at Ihe date of the act, as it was not intended to be limited to contests pending within two vears after the date of the final receipt, w hen a case h id arisen before the pres ent act took eil'ect and two vears had elapsed. The statute thus liecomes one of limitation as to the future without overthrowing the pending contests or protests. When the two years li i not ter minate before the date t t" the act. contest or pioiest to be valid must be tiled within two years. No new cases can rise under the timber culture or preemption laws, but it was necessary tliat this act should notice them to cover the w bote ground. MACK TIIE llll'I'l i:." Cincinnati, April 25. In an in terview here, Cbauncev Denew aid, referring to President Harri- on s tnii : Harrison's Southern speeches prove that the caricatures eo uni versally accepted, of a man who uis rattled around ir. a great ollice ive slandered a president who mentally and morally had the tai nt and couraga to worthily ad nimi.-ter Che ofhoe of chief magistrate, and the result wid be he triumph of the republicans in next year's cinvass and the re nomination and election of Preei- lent Harrison. Indeed. I don't link there will be any opposition ) him in the natio laf convention, he reception accorded the presi- ent in the South shows that the men of the ou!h are le-oniing ationalized, and will care less for ie doct ine of state's rights than e .North. When vou come to liink about it the South is the nly part of our country which is purely typically American. It has not been invaded bv the immi grant." Ml!. KK.GANOF TEXAS. He Resign as l". S. Henntor to Be come a Railroad Commissioner. Sr. Lor is, April 25. A special from Waco, Texas, savs : A letter received to-day from Senator John I Swedish minister and during the H.Regan, dat'd Palestine. Tex.. I evening was verv animated. to Senator Cokp. who resides here, I Later while playing his evening VON MOLTKE'S UK M il. The tu.peror a Visitor at the Dead tieneral'a Home, tt-'npj riyht lSidhyN. V. AwoeiateJ Pre) Berlin, April 25. Emperor William arrived in lierlin this afternoon,- having interrupted his visit to Saxe-Wiemar. as soon as he hearj of the deatu of Von Moltke. The empress and Chan cellor Capnvi met his majesty at the railroad station and they drove direct to Von Moltke's residence. A. consultation was held at the dead general's house in regard to the funeral arrangements, and the suggestion that the body be taken on Tuesday to the Von Moltke family estate for burial, in accord ance with ttie wish expressed by the count, was approved. Details regarding the count's demise disclose the fact that dur ing the last few davs he worked with his wonted regularity. He had nearly completed the plan for the fortiiications of Heligoland and had sent a report on the sub ject to Kmperor William on Tues day last. Work that had passed out of his hands showed no trace of any abatement in constructing genius and mast.'iy of detail. He walked to his home yesterday after he had finished his labors at the reichstag. He dined with the nys: "I have been induced to accept a position on the Texas railroad commission, and have notified Gov. Hogg of my resigna tion as senator." At sTis-, Tex., April 25. Gover nor Hogg has announced that be would appoint Horace Chilton, of Tyler, to succeed Regan in the I mted States senate. Sa Fuanc isco, Apiil 25. Wheat, $1.751.77'... per cental for fair to good shipping grades. New Youk, April 25. Monevon i orru-U'all easy, closed ollered .'!; prime mercantile paper SfftC1... ; steiling exchange steady, sixty'dav pills, lSo'4 ; demand 4SS'.,. Vulu.-ihle, Trotters Iturned. Philadelphia. April 25. One on per- lar!nc Error. Madison Square How careless the proof-readers are on these newspapers. Now here is a glar ing error. Mrs. Madison Spiare What's that, Madison? Madison Square Why, this re port reads, "the oliceman, think game oi whist at nouie, he was attacked with a slight asthmatic spasm and rose from the table and left the room. It was supposed by others present that he would return in a shoit time, but as he did not come back his nephew went after him. Major Moltke found his uncle in a sitting position, gasping for breath. On seeing his nephew, the count attempted to lise and for a moment appeared to have mastered his wickedness. He got up, and then fell in his nephew's arms, seeming to faint. In a few moments he breathed his last. The cause of his death was leison ol tne heart. He is not known to bave suU'ered from any pronounced ing there would be notrouble, had ,?,aflai; V0!1 01e,- 1,ie clockwork left."' You'd think even theofliee of '' Bimply run down. devil would have enough sense to leave out that "no." A W 1 TT T MINISTER. How He Replied to a Millionaire. I'roiiiiiient Two Suspects Arrested In Nftv Vork City. New Youk, April 25. Two men are under arrest in connection with the murder of Carrie I'.rown iu the hotel Thursday night. A pair of trousers supposed to Ixdong tc either "Frenchy" or the other m n arrested, were brought to the station this morning. Spots on them may be blood stains. They answer the description of the trousers worn by the; woman's slaver, and were found in a l',ow ery lodging house, w here thev ha 1 been left yesterday. The deputy coroner concluded the autopsy on the remains of the woman murdered by "Jack the Kipper this afternoon. Inspector leading grocers Hanged for .Murder. . HkiiMVS. Mo' April 25 V1.. ster Jackson, who murdered a... I The lender spot and onen nurse robbed Alexander McVicker at llat John D. Rockefeller, the mil- i.tibadie in ISM., was hanged this , - i morning in this place. I.ietitr ljant Casey's Murderer. Si.u v Falls, S. ).. April 25. "Hear That Lavs Down," uncle of "Plenty Horse" testified to-dav that the latter was the murderer of Lieutenant Casey. The l urliangealile. Parnnm is dead, but the circus, Possessed of an undying fame, lu the glory and" beauty of springtime, Will come everv vear. insf iho - j i j - - same. l ine comb honey and salmon liellies at Mueller A Garret's, the lionaire oil king, alwavs has for religious and t haaitabie projects, osiH'cidlly if they are connected with the Baptist faith, keens a swarm of beggintt ministers at bis dcors nios of the day. A witty Methodist minisUr called upon the millionaire Friday insm, ami, auer expiaiumg bis visit, said iu a seductive way: "Now, how much mav"l put vour name down for. Rir" in thia worthy cause?" "But," said the rich man, "I not of your church.'" "That doesn't matter "eaitl the minister, "your mo'-' Ia orthodox. ThetU "'la. SEATTIfc'ril2"''-ttl II; i