MORNING I1EKALD: THURSDAY, -APRIL 23, 181)1. How fcrvire folils Are Broken I p in tloiil.tnii. From the V.r.;iniaL'ity, Mont. M i.lis mian. VVheu we find a medicine we know to i ossess genuine mer.t' we consider it a !u!v, and we lake lieasue in telling the jmblio what ; is. Such a medicine we found ' C:i.ii:i'ieil lin'a Cou'ii Kemedy, ! iranklyii .Miles is doubtful, llus las? winter, when la rrippe was Jl,!it what the American people prevailing. We are satisfied that 'ed to cure their excessive ncr it warded oi! several attacks that ' voiisness, dyspepsia, headache, wer ihrcatenitig bv the use 0f , l:zM,sf, sleeplei-sness, nenraliria, y .ur evra:, ami we have since j nervous debility, dullness, coti-leli.-vi'd. in a few hours, severe ; fusion of mind. etc. It acts like a coids, a id in the course of two or charm. Trial bottlesand fine book t:nee days, entirely broken them j on "Nervous and Heart liseiv-es,' i:; hv its itbe as have Reveral ot our friends whom we have recom mend it. It is all that it id repre sented to bo by he nianufacturers. If vou have a coah and want to stop it, Chamberlain's Cough K-iiiedv will do the work. For aU; ly Fosiiay & Mason I fur :!. A No. one sewing inacbine and a i-ix.k stove cm be found at I he rea-idem-i-of .fames 1. Miller, on the iruer of Second and I'.aker streets, i ;. i: j i tne -'e.v:u.: uiichtiie and ihe MhVl' are .IS ' Ji 'S llfW, all I Will ! s ).d vriy ! fr c.i-ii as the money is neede 1 by toe present o. tiers. ii'Ki:l articles can he pro cured for a very lov priie and woii:iy people assisted by the act. Take the 1'inon Pacific railway for Fast, thirty-live hours H-iu-ker than any oilier transcon tinental line. Fh-gaut new dining cars, i'ulhnau pal.iee sleepers, free family sleeping cars run through to i.-";ver, Omaha, Council Bluffs, Kansas Chy, St. Louis and Chi-t-L'-. . i. UawlingH, city ticket acut, fo-.tuf f'.roadaluin street. Tlie I nt'iii I'at'ltir. Is the " ly biio running two fat ! r:ii u da' y from i'orilar.d to 0 a li.a, st. Paul, Kansas City, 'liir.n; , i. ii"iiis and all iiiile and S-mMi. liny your tickets 01 . ti. U.i !;: gs. foot of llroad-ail.-u r-.ti.-et, Al' Xliv l'.!Ht Yet. V,'. il. 'irabani, the merchant t or, has ju-t opened an elegant line oi in- v p .tivina f jr gentle men's cl.rbing. He has a very laru'c line . "let iroui, in suil in.'.s, pantaloons, and ad kinds of fdothiiu. II. s ne .v patterns ate not surpassed ty any hing in the ciiv. and he h is m irked his prices d... u to the. very iiotlom. Ilaiid-sj-iie s'ii' -. a i I : made t jr.ler j.,r 'f'J- " an I I h se desiring a i.-al sit'i- g ,--d sua at very low fi.;t -i.o i.d ail ai: I s e ids .t'Kk. V i. 'IK 4 '" k-H ll l.fUll. : rj ii v takes the lead a- n (.;o i'ic:ni co-mtry, uui ed v'hlna. .e coii.d d tne .va.di and no, nag ol the Arld. ler ,f t i ar. tt are tailing the A an w i : in ; Mi. lead in Alnany the grue l . us their cash ligures pi e.i -e every one. iii-sllll.-.. lii of Iiiisiness l !i- C i IS j l-t w 1 It e i . a ;v.iu'..'- o'.'. pilie.-i a'l i on; IVopif W ii 1 go Is will ti . tag to -:iy .1 cash groevres. is now taKi. g ; r goods are ihe ces the lowest. cash tor their I t i their a Ivan I :ler iarretl's j I '. P i i 1.1: from ii a, until Anril 1st you can i iv a p i:r o: fl.oO Imperial 1 1 ,i.-v kid hoes f .r s:l. A genuine ba.ifs-w.-d I 0 if viable sole slM.-a' and l!ie Kst brand of i :.i:-ri ii kid md ail other winter goo Is ;:l a Ilk - red n 'i n, as we our largf dai'.v ar- m int make room 101 spring stock, w hie! is riving .it i n llros." bo t and sh h: -t re. exctusive i . . We are the people! Who carry tie- niof.t compb te line of bard ware. ii!cis and ranges in the al.- v, Malt:i--w? Washburn. New and complete oiock of an 1 eye glas es just re- l acle .t K l French s. Every ; pair lifted bv Johnston's Patent I liver, piles, constipationr I il-eve-ne'er every pair fullv war-: eq uiled for men. women, children, r "uit'-d to i't. " ' i Smallest, mildest, surest! ,'!)dosej . . " - j for 2) cents. Samples ee, a-, :.iitl ilant nil Cowle' i",ro:. bovs. misses and child I'.-n" slioes ilitlerem mj lea u - .... . ..i ii sizes and widths mie soi.ii all iiiiioi on. fry a pair nothing belter medium in price. Every p a;r wai rumen .M I El. E Yoi'Mi. l .i.lie Finu Mioea. 1 make a specialty oi handling ladies line shoes. 1 cai ry some of the be-t br inds made in tinu and medium grades in w idths from A t j I.E. All w vrranted n-.)ods;no trash, and wdi repair any pair of th-es oi any kind sold that will rip or break. Samuel E. Young. liirift! IwrxetHl V.'e in ike a specialty of Ivies ami misses hue corsets and w '"j- We have a ll"vf. ,!1 " V ' sateen corset al iioc:is. ' g Kid value. , nollicr fur. Of t!iose choice vc'etabl'-s ju.t received, celery, cauliflower r b'i'e parsnips, ttunip-, beets, oranges, figs, golden dates. lemons and an endless variety of good thin '. All ol the above nice and fresirat Mueller A (i.i.Tett's. The n o.-t beautiful wall paper iiy ti.e euy at J. A. Ouuiuiiiigs di'ug store. .lulins Oradwohl keeps at his ( lol leu Rede liaza ir store a large assortment of liesh Walla Walla garden seeds. They are th best and fresle vt ccd- n the Pacific coast market. His store is fillei. with the fine-t and largest stock in bis line in the Willamette Val lev. The public is invited to call and inspect it. Fine comb honey and salmon bellies at Mueller iV Oarret's, the leading grocers. Buy gasoline stoves from Mat thews A Washburn. a Mi :nit MEvr. The holding of t lie World's Fair in a rity scarcely fifty years oll will tie a remarkable oven?, but whether it will realty bcnelit this nation as much as thediscoverv "I j "1U Restorative Nervine bylr. j " 11,1 une.piuicii le-sumom-iin na- a Stanard iVCusick's. It is warranted to contain no'opiuin, morphine or dangerous drugs. m.n utiii:Li: i tn. Heart disease is usually sup posed to be incurable, tint when properly treated a large pioportioi; of cases can he cured. Thus Mrs. F.lmira 1 lati h. of Flkharl. hid., and Mrs. I.. Maker, of Ovid, i Mich., were cured after suffering :.'() vears. S. C. lnluirger, druggist at San .bjse. 111., lays tint lr. .Miles' Heart Cure, which cured the iormer, "worked wonders for Ids wife.'' Levi Foan, of ( I'.uchauaii, Mu ll., who had heart disease fir ."It years, says two Injttles made him "feel like a new man." lr. Miles' New I lent Cure is sold ami guaranteed by tanard & Cusick. Hook oi won derful testimonials free. IV lour ll M:ilvr. Few eople appreciate how much their impressions, their wldms and impules, and in fact all their mental energy depends on the harmonious action of all the vital organs. A poo. ly digested dinner may mukt; one ipiarrel wirh a fri-nd. A coigested liver may hring imaginary Ldoom and trouble into thesunnie.-tday. A rheumatu: pain may keen y.tu from business or work and entirely coange some marked out policy. A few doses of Moore's Hevealed Kerned will nive tone to every fuuetitui and make you enj v your friends and your wick. rroitoiiiii t il IIiijm'Ii .. 1 saiil. From a letter written by Mrs Ada F. I I'ir. . ol (irolon. S. . we quote: "Was taken with a bat cold which settled on mv l.uug. cough set in and linally iTininated into Coiisumptioii. Four doctors g.ivp use up sa ing 1 eoul'l live but a shoit time. I nave myself up to my Saviour, deter miih d ii 1 could not stav w ith my inends on eai lb, 1 would meet my ahsei.t ones above. Mv l:us!ai'd I ..- id 1 II .r .1 I )' lvi.:.tM i i-cov-ry lor Consumption, coitgns and cold-. I gave it a trial, t.'ok in all eight b.-ttles; it hascuiid bu-imss of'"1'' I'ltfiiK ' '" 1 am now a well an l leaitv woman. iriai j iMittles at Fosbay Mason's i drug-tore, regular m.c, Till.- and I."JI. i lijn .l. lhi.- is what y m ought to have, in fact, you : ; . i j -i r have i;, tu fullv enj-v hie. I ii niai ds are search ing for it d id;. , and iii 'iu niiig be cause they find it ii"t. Ihoiisands upon t housa ii' is oi dollars are spent ai:nu illy by our people in the bote that tln-v mav altain this boon An. I vet it m iv be lial liy all. We guarantee that Electric bitters, if used according to direr tions and the use persisted in, will bring you good I igi sti'Ui and oust the di-iiem hyspepsia and install instead Fnpcpsv. We n conn lend Electric Litters tor I lyspei sia and a.1 disea-es of Liver, Stomach and Kidneys. Sold at one and ?l.t'U per bo' tie by Fo-hay V Mason, Ihuggists. iilis iit:.v iivi itrins. Act on a new pi inciple regula ting the liver, stomach andboweh through the nerves. A new dij- rnvcrv. lr. .vines fills speeunv cure niliotisness, nan uisie, 101 pi i Stanard it Cusick. KK kl-KV ltU Slhl. Tl.e host sa!ve in till world for 1'ntv Bruises,, fleers, Ilhenir, Kever Mire, Tetter, Cluippeil llant , Cliillihiin-'. foriis. and skin Kruptioti:, anil pos lively cures Piles, or l.o pay reqiiireil. It is guaraiiteeil to giv- iierfeet satishiction. or in-ni' y flllul 'cl. Priced") tents per box. sale ls Ko-lo:v Mason Ki C'liuiiKe in llusiiifHH. From Jan. 1st, IS'JI, we wil change our business to a strictlj rash system, thereby enabling in to 'my for cash and get our dis counts, whereby we can, anil will give our customers the benefit. Our M. C. II. Mueller, while east made arrangements to buy g-iodt j direct from the manufacturers ut : I he lowest cash prices, and w e w ill Lell pure goods at the lowest rash figures. I',el:-ving that the people will appreciate, a store where they can good.-, at cash figures. We re main, Uesn'ctfully Yours, Mi ki.i.kk i't (i.uiii:rr. limits and Shoes. Purchasers of Hoots and Shoes bear in "mind that big advertise ments and oilers of big discounts do not always mean best values. You will have to pay some one a profit as no one can do business without expense. The quest:on is who can sell you the best goods for the least money. Sam i' el E. Yrx. Fire Kind ler. If you w ant a good and easy liie kindler, one that will kindle your tire easy every time. Call on or come and see me. A. J. Fox. A larse invoice of Ludlow's, just : received at Searls". New sprirg novelties in dress goods and dress silks, in colors and black in great variety at Samuel F. Young's. ALLEN BROTHERS 1171 J L J iio ana CIGAUS, TOIJACCO AND CHOICE FltUITS -OF ALL I INT SEASOIT. FLYrsX I5LOCK. Springfield Sawmill A. W1IKKLER, (SrRIX(iFIlJ.) PROPRIETOR. sLiiiN(;riKi.i "Aliiany yard and office on Railroad, between Fourth and Fifth treets, A. Win eler, Alhany Manager. Having lumber not excelled in quality, and facilities not surpassed or the prompt and satisfactory filling of orders, I respectfully solicit a hare of the trade. " A. W11KKLER. FEED -:- STORE AD (3EKERAL PRODUCE MARKET. WAN PKI) SPF.CIA Id.Y- Hay. oiits ! ii.l lot.-.tne, 1o ujily fi.Mcnu .k tlie OrL"m Paeifii! ll; fxtei.sinii ninl my increasing hoiuc trade 1 ri; I tell in quantities to suit the purchasers. Store in Struliaii I iriek, Second street W. TVT ROBERTSON. Vila C m .11 I 1 T .BBciSk iSk---"- The City Liquor Store . liAUJIGAJtT, Proprietor. ITS--.M -loor to tho Odd Fellows' e:uplo, Alhany, Oregon M K-:i'i con-iraiiily on hand the Bncst imported and d'imistic wines, linuers, cigars ao tc' i 4 only lint elan li'ii"r store in the city SPECIAL AlWl.iN PAID '0 ORDERS FROM THE COUNTRY' Spec I ii I Notice. Ladies or gentlemen w ho con template buying gold watches will find it to their advantage to call at F. M. French's jeweby store be fore purchaking, as there has been piite a reduction in juices. The Corner iewelry ttore. New Sirine (.ihhI. I am now receiving my first In voices of spring novelties in wash goods, prints, gingham seersuckers, etc., also just received a new line of all wool summer plaids and beiges. Sami i:l E. Yoi'Si;. Smoke tli6 celebrated Havana idled 5-cent igtrs, manufactured o Julius Joss ih"s cigar factory. If you want anything choice in the grocery line" go to Mueller & (i.nreti's, "the only place in the ity w here you can get everything con want. Some of tne latest styles of ele gant bed lounges ran be seen at Fortmiller t lrving's, as they have just received a large invoice. Money Is Kin;;. This is a true saying and is the reason that Mueller A: (iarrett are doing such a rustling business. Their cash figures are taking the lead and their stock is the best. You do not have to pay for any long credit by trading w ith them as they do business on a strict cash principle. KIIIKMKM run high in this city over System liuilder as every body is using it for Catarrh of the Stomach, Dyspepsia Constipation, Impure blood and to build up their system. Try it and tell your friends about it, as it must possess wonderful merit when all speak w ell of it. New goods of the latest patterns sold at Matthews and Wash burns is w hy they will sell over four lo ds of stoves and ranges this year, they I ave their first carload of Jewel Stoves and ranges now on the road to arrive Feb 1st. A fine line of gents furnishings at Searls', all the latest styles. If vnu would like to see some thing truly beautiful, go to J. A. Cumming's drug store and see bis elegant patterns in wall paper. Ludlow's shoes all sizes and w idthB at Searls' shoe store. Mai Grocers KINDS ALJJANY, OR OUE(iO. HOE And other specialties for (len tlenien, Ladies, Etc., are war ranted, and so stamped on bot tom. Address W. L. DOFC I.AS, I'.rocklon, Mas:-. Sold by BLAIN, dm '.ANY, OK EC, OX. STANARD & CUSICK, Prona., I'KKIKFKK BLOCK, - - ALB.N'V, Dealer! ai DRUCS- MEDICINES. CHEMICALS, FANCY and Toilet artiries, Sponijes, Urnstu-H, Terfuiiiery, Sehool hookii, and Ar tist's Supplies tJmW Physician's preBcri j t i o n a carefully compounded. fyNKY TO LOAN In Inrife or siiml ilL aineniitn, from Hiv nnmth9 to the years on All.any, and Linn county real estate. I 'alienor address W. E. Mel'iierson, real estate broker, opposite Hnss house I.iinil for Snle. I 5. in. 20, -10, SO acres, easy terms, install. ' t,...i.t i.Imii f.l.i.'.ti nit.) l.!.lt.nri.i.l Alut n lew city lots all owned by II. Bryant. ST ARRE1TS (Tarden Seeds. The Best Because -;-Always lleliable. Established 1874. jHSpecial prices to market gardeners. Sena for catalogue for 1S!U. Address, (Jko., Walla Walla, Wash. KOSE AND SINGLE C0MII Brown Leghorn Roosters FoK SALK AT $1.50 EACH Also some fine Langsbang, Ply moth Kock and WyanJottes, same price. Mus. L. J. Hoi ck, Tangent, Or. BOVS Here's a chance to make sonic pocket money: The Albany Electric Llaht I'o. wishes to purchase a iuantity o( clean white or colored cotton ras, for wip ing nia.-hiucry. Iicliver them at the com pany 's otltee and get y our cash . Yiereck your hair stvle, will shave you or cut in the most approved The Thomas Kay Woollen Mills of Salem, have appointed G. W. Simpson their agent in Albany. A full line of men and boys clothing blankets and flannels and all arti cles manufactured by the mill will be kept in stock. These goods are the beet in the market and will give euf ire satisfaction. OH, MAMMA i . 1 r l HE CARRIES A FULL STOCK OF NICE FURNITURE. REMEMBER T.lE PLACE, -- - OPPOSITE OPERA .'10US WANT EU Ten thousand Men Women and Childicn to buv g x .Is of DEYOE & TIIOMAX Uii )S., .1sf i mo guns ait'l t-rv ilescl : : :Ti s v I.'ii von !;in". -m 1 nil 2 GC Z---- - i - - - ir 5 2 ; ssp a c it I J:z uJ?7 e !-T; I Id''''." ' Al.' X.Ml tnvtiie Ili.-i! it of ten f.i-iti-is 3ii . "ii : hi' "-.;md i'.ii to. . ..('ti n runs iiitoCoti-; . s.--rf . i oih;. i n, .i:id '-lid - i'l 1 1. ;i! I; 1 'e. -i -iiH'i : FiiiV tie.; in :ii 5s- . -d l j DR. ACKER'S EH n a.' .... arc. forConp;lis, Colds and Consnnipl ion i-, beyond ji:e.-t ion iln- :i"":de-t oi'; Jail Moilernlieinedies? It will. stop a Cotili in tur; liiulit. It w ill cin t k Za Cold in a day. It will prevent Croup, relieve Asthma mid ( uivCoii 2 sumption if taken in 1 inn;. " Yon can't afford to he without it." A U'oc. ; bottle may save yon $100 in Doctor'a bills niaysnvo your lifi'- f Ak; !j'onrdruL'e;istforit,orwi'itel'orbook to V"r ",.LI,"0,i,Kh " i "V , ! ' 1t col. I; ruin! ;i . vv nrt, j Oil Manufacture steam engines, crist and all kinds of heavy and light work in tion paid to repamng all kinds of macoiui ry. I'alterns mtuie mi slimt m.ttee A COSTKU rrcsid. nt. T LINCKAN", . ecr-tr.ry, JOHN i i( d.M AN, snpt .1 list Here I ed. I have just received my Ppring stock of I'.iazer jackets, Knfos-.s accordian plaited capes and beaded capes in the latest styles, I.adie'J will do well to examine my stok before pntvhasing elsewhere. I i. V. Simpso.v. 0X CAKi 1 aru Juqes consider s7 h a- r If fJAoKAog Tithes it most Jvesir&lile ft' carry intlje. pocKti. FOR SALE dyAI L DEAL! R5. One lltiK Hollar Kediiction on every pairof I.nd lowa Fine Shoes. A goodlinc of them at Samuel E. Yoting's. If yon want a durable monu ment go to K. W. Achison, w ; ) are handling nothing but the best ' grades. Have yon seen those beautiful j cement walls in the cemetei en. j put up by h. V. Acluson, at au the cost of stone. From now until April 1st we will sell all of our rubber goods at cost for the cash only. Call early while the assortment is still large at Klein llros. Wall paper at Cinnming's drug store. Red Rthool honie shoes at Klein's. "nave "-you seen those lovely lomie-s at Urinfc's? They are tW pivttie.-t in town, ami all his new lurni t'.ire is sin: ply -!-;-a!i t." 'I hey all say so, and an in- ppection wiil jnov if. I'lics always the low -sf. - u rs ami I'caieis u: :i i ki;i :s i ammutii! ii'ii liiilie: nek ie id e- ipl on. cutlery ainl n.i--e li:ul gooiia tt nls, hammocks and camp i-baits. The largest Htocl; soul 1. of PoKl.uid. t ome one and all. No trouble to sh..v ifrods. Iiiicr pales and small piolits is our motto. Ai.-o repair nhop connected w it h stole mid firht class workmen lo do all kinds of work. ! V3 3 t J . . lo z 4 i-i f-i o uu : DO YQU COUGH? - 1 littt ti eoii.oli is a (l;mrerons! A;-. I 'iiti. iui-.ii.iip :i.n v. nrlii! i .. 1 i one . .'. ; il !i-li Von I !i;:t i XPi? s Sit k) "8TTmEBW17HeOLD"i Cjiii V.H tid'-ld 1!' Lti.-i ! I! ? ( i:l ':'; fliMe Wl'll o se.i.e.l-i a'. if Aio . . I I GUSH RGriD saw mil. nuiLt'iio-rv, io n freiits aed iinnaitd hr:i"s e&-1ini5. Sjneitil atteii- , SAX WA !its ri'in-ivid hs !.,i.ndr. t.i ir. '!! Illl lite i Oi:.' ! o. S : i Lion st n i If y u want TIM': hit. lai- AIJ.ENS Not: rti : iin SEEDS. It tlie V.I. lent del Milii 'l.i l"it kc. p Hi. tu i. ml to "M.I.KX .Iil. I. !! the post lu''. It. lilt i ml i .tt 1 1' '! lit ti... A.l lr.-s, K W A I.I.I A , 71 S .-iti-l lt . t. I'.-rt' it:-:. !" DKLMOMCO ijiikytx-JuiiftcliDiifiy li. ii I ii in i ii -l; ' i III nt; Store. Itv'sIi IlomcJIailcllivad dai'y, l'ies, (.'t'.ki -s, l"(e. Sjiecial rates made for baking for parties and we.ldimzs. li;-r In llelilni'o. Ail itlil. i.te.l t.l tin late tinil o: Ihi tcp-oii Ovi rniati arc t (iii -t..! to c:iti al one., anil -it'e ihe ?. .in-. P'.tl'.dl S.M.MnS'ai the Altitun l-i-!i Mir J1 kit. n-t ilo-T ti tlie pi.-toilii-c. l.-.M your or.lcr fm I riii as the ?:linoii I u i pires on that ite . Ao pi r. Ii. tl iu;tdi is saireon anil trout in ti:ion, l-:ttnc ami poultry i1icsmiI to oi lei ami iH!iiHd tri e in the city . M. IIm i., i'mp, IoST-A lady's --iUer i.ith, with a -'ieii J chriiu, lo-t in tliis eltl ol. Mnn.l.ii. 'i lie tinder ill pV.i-c W uc the .i it t' is Oili.e. A pair of fast black hose fice with every pair of ladies siioes, costing -f.! or more, a' Seatl.-,' slne store. Ju.-t like findin' in tnev to buy your groceries fioiu Mueliei vV; iar- ; rett. Their cash ptiies talk. A line of the latest siy'e l.u c shoes lor ladies at Klein's. Fresh bread, cakes and pies every morningat lilodgelt.v son's. io to Seails' niitl see Itis tine display of shoes, all (he Litest styles. Julius tiradwold litis opened at his iolden Utile J'.azaa- Htoie a line of finely finished bovs' safety bicycles, which will be sold mm ii cheajier than they can be ur-cha-ed clsew heie. iifi no ml i Hi il rtUlmO, I'll YM I AS U'. iiavis, M. i. l'livsiciAX "i IT m.'e..n. C;.n l.e found at his niL-ee i oi., ii. s:r;.un' Hod:, Kirs-, street, Albany 1 C. KKl.LY, I'llYslCIAN AND eCR - V'. fc'con All aiiv, i 'rci'un. oiti.-e n I len-e ii-A l.lo. k. Otlice hours, from 8 A. u. to, A, .1. KOSSITKI!, VKTKLISAKY SIK ircon, graduate of Ontario veterinary cotle,. anl n.e i Ixt of tie Ontario vt tenn in ii: !:. al H( it ty, is prepared to treat tne .lecas. s of ail tioioc-tit al d animals on ici.iitic prim ii!rs. ortice at Ans Man-hall's !n cy st.i'.le Hc-ideiice 4'h a:.d Caipooia urctts, Al'in , oreirou. I V. .1 AIl;i:i!l.tN. M. p., Iloin.iiatliic ) I'tn!. oilii-e at lr. W a!l:n e's oi l !-T:iiel, liroatlall-iii ,tr.-t. Olicc lioins, 7 t- ' a. m.; 1 to and ; to r. m. hltu.A. WlirNKV. I'll YSIUIAN AM) ivr;;..,.,,. (ir i hl ;tc . if I'rll. vue IlOS'li- l".l:. al l ollccc. .New York City. Di.-a-i-' ofwon.en a speci illy. Otli.v in 1-..H. i l.iock A I1VKM V i i:o. w. w i : i -; i it. A'rriui;v at law an. i .N..t .i rnl.ii. Will pr:i'iic in all I'"' . ...Ul-i oi ti, -I il. , on H. I I'ai l. ! Ole.x:, Alltlllv t it--, o.'li- c, tioni rt.oiu- A1I..IO, or. -..:i. J. W liKAl'Ki. AT I'o i:l-.Ys III. -j. .11. 'I vle.i 1 n i.n .v ,v i-i:.ri.i: IJ :tt I i,'., on j.-n en. t . . . r:. ri . :is ri tfi-l.-r Ihs V. S. !iu i i :tl. .- iii tie-on i ,r aol in tne lanu I r i li- 1.-....IT.III. n. U lis in our K-.-ialt ! i.-ii.. Im l lie liu.l oili.-e or th.- cnuriV .-.-1 ne. .iv;n- It..: r.u!...e in tlie ici-i:-a. 1. -ii l i. j I I'. W Al.soS. attnrie ,-at, Al'.aii il.or. .Mi. iiiln-e in strahan I. lock f N. I'l'N'L'AN ATl'oKNKY tl . a :.t notary p;il!tc. O lice in the VT LAW Strahai. . rooMis Nil. I an.i 2. i-il.VKKToN' ClIAI.I.KSK. A fToUNKV i at Law. Ailiam, Dr. Otticc in roon. 11 H..1 II los er's Mock, over L. E. lilaiu't stor-'i I K. WE.V! IIKKKoldi, ATI! l:KY Al Al' i-i.y, i If .-on. ll!t in ti,t '' ! 11.. Will practice n all tin .... tt-, ..i :i. -at-, anu i, s.-c-ia. atn-i.tioi. f V'lK.s 1'. MKAli, Al loCNKY AI'-LAW .! re le c.oi!!wr, A;, tir. Wil ii '..i in all '.he courts of ti.- slate. Ai ti I- 't.tie f'.im-h,,! .j,; i-i.jrt n. ti.-e ' .. ..: , i ri c. Sf S smk i:v Alt. netr.i;(sr. "Si.-.n- in. ii t!i ;i:'i I t'lir.i.i'-t il t l'o !r..l. i". ;ii!:V Citai ;ti I'nre foi nil nv. n 'e-e. I'til l.ndiii l' in v l'.cil:ew ' . A. M.-M.ihnii. ne dinu' s":i- h on Ii I let l.tlll li.lVe ll.yl'HV id t Ii ii... II. n.itV !-itii'.. f..r ti.r.e ninn l"e, ;! is the !n-t tliilitf fnl :i1 ar,!i t'-.i-r tried ly tie. I t:i-friiiid-. I i 'T t...- In ti ir i.iy e-i-e. cl.i cltel.y . i.. 11,1 r.d i '.-'' il'. .li'ilN M. M H , r itr'y !.! .'--iniii i i..i',c (Vi i . o -' " ' ;:: ' !. T.;... , -.; '.(. :;ci. !'r..' .'. ' .ii i ..:.,!-e'-i.!ef! ..f Hi. St; ' i'. :-''y. .o-i : i :-. 1 lriri o .. e..;.-i :il -r t'.wi . !!n-r !e-.r'.'t . n- '; . i ; it. I.' U - iv.o - httu . .;, ., ,. .. it tnv.ii.-ire.itt-tir. Mr, '!.., ; ..- -il' i'io. Il.i'iey i .it i! i' f- .Li!:'. -on, tin.! lecm ' , i i? to ;il! wh.i sutler from e"!d ' i l-'nr i niij'i- it in !s liki 1 i-!:.i: I'l, .tin! i. Ill It.- illl' l!rd into tin .':. r-i .n p'.-i-a. "'., wiicje lio o'lict -i.ii.-li i'! . vaii reaeli. r: rZ-ttvy-'Es TOO MUCH LOAD in the liver w ill bre.ik down ali j the energies of life, and unlit ! i von fur Work I'.usiness or I''.ie. In.l' estion, Conslipalioll, Sleej".-les-ni -s , I'illiousites'J, ate the first alarms nalure sounds to warn you if dan.'j'T. PiOore's Revealed Remedy Is King of the Blood, Liver and Stomach It has never Jailed. 1 1 undtcds of test iii loni.i Is like thi.- : J. I-i. Miiler, Astoria, Or., w rites : ''It cured me of a severe Liver and l'.looil trouble." G"Sold by all drng-i ils. i I.N TI.KMKS - li.t lourliueii I .ejn.l'i. d at I He- City '.aimiiry, Kirst street, ihe lu-t .stem of p-'lnhii." known ii"e.. Niilieo to Stiiekliiilders. V'o! r. IS MKKKI'.V t;l'K. Til AT Till". t aiuni.d im ctinn of the Mo.-kholders of toe Al.-any Karmcs l'o will be held at Ihe rti'v ot eti'l c.iiiip.iny i A'liany. OrcL-on. on M.y I 'th. IsU, tu 1 ii . !o k. V. M.. of said dr., ..r t ue f clietini: si-eitir) ilirc-. t'-rs to .iin' the cn-iiinu ar, .on! the tran-aetion ot sti-h otlicr l.u-im-ss a- in iv ir'iji--rlc cinie I'oforc the ni'-ctiiii; tiouc to tfcc order ..I the l-card ..1 dtn i tors. M. 11. Wi: I-. Atte.t: rrcii.l.iit. 1'iit -. Ii. Mm -tl m.i., Sicri-tiii . Srn.'ATloS W AM'I.l'. At any ciupioy. tn.-iit, otlice, store, mill or railroad, .lu-tri"iis. Il led r. ti n ines. Add tut. AILany Ori i,''-n, .nru.'..r liv liruteS. Oil. H.'I'IT. -n. i, b. J 6 3 -! Reliable Men Wantkd as traveling salesmen for .. . , . , T j a lirst-:lass Cigar Company. Must i five cood references. ' F. O. D. CIGAR CO., Salem, N. C. UKWIIT .V IKYINE, ATTOKXEYS-AV-Law. W ill practice ill all the courts of "die. state. otV.ce m Flam's block, r'irt tni t. IiESTAUIIiANT, FINEST IN THE CITY, MEALS AT ALL HOURS. Tallies supplied with every thing the market atlords. Dinner, cGctti. JS-Faste-rn and coast oysfers on Land. Sam (ioetz, l'rop. SO m WAST THEM FRESH ? If eo call on LBEAM He delivers Lid oods to any part of the city free of charge, l-'resh vegetables every day. Nothin but the t kept at J. IlKAM'S, 2d .st., cor. .lack son and Jeilerson. li iv, i ut and i Imp fur ssle at ei titiu-H atnl in quantities to suit, oi-l prices to unit the limbs. Ere 1 11. cry iiii.le Hie city limits. K.irnit-is, linm.' ns your ubeat. -it- and h.i. Highest cash price i'ai'l. i'n-toni i-hoppiii; a gptual t , I'lclity of chicken iced, MORRIS & BLOUNT, or. Fir.-t & llakcri-ts. Albanj,Or. Wood for Sale. ;ood dry lir wood at $3.00 per lird, also grub oak and Ash wood at f J.tid per cold. 1 i. livered in any part of the city. ' iiiters left at the real estate office f & Wiitsuian will re ceive prompt attention. l'Kl'I.Il KlI.EY. I)i--..lulioii of l'artii-rliii. ' ii ill K i- lnii liv itivi :i that the copan t h.p licntofire existmi: tietucwu U .c'.,. W A l'o and c II llotrr, in trie ,i!.l itib' miil tili-ints, at Altianv. Ureifoq, ei.ii r lite linn name of Cox liros Cu, in p..-, il.y .i!s-ol.,.il liy m-jliml consent, tli'ii ll'itt-t- havinir purchased tint vu : ut- riittit . tine and iutt-rt-si uf the ftitid l C Co-v atnl W A i'o tlicrcin. C FI Hotir-; i-iui ca'.l the olilii;.itioris of the late firm ici all note and accmnts due said tirm ar pilaoic lo litlll. i'.;tv l Ailiam , tri;on. March 14, lfc'1, ii : 101, W A CO.V.trE".- -I' II lloUfcKG. Albany Nurseries. wi-: ii avi: ox hand at our nursery on the Cjrvallis road,ono half mile from town, as fine a lot of Fruit Trees of all kinds as can be found anywhete on the coast. 1 f you contemplate planting trees, it will pay to see our btock and get our prices and catalogue free. 1 1 Y.MAX - HUOWNELL. rl:"KI!K llol'SE, AI.KASV, OR. CIIAS V I'lciiler I'rop. Onlv tlrsl-eclax house j the city. Lare-c sample rooms for com ! k.t.-iicii. Cieneral BtAire otlic CorvaUis. ii'ir.-i'it men Va tt.lti. iiimi 0n..i.t..i'.M4 In 1 "I1KS OK LXD- Ail fit for cnlti- J liv" i at ion, ami tinier fence, for saU at tl" iht a.-rc. W ithin 1A luiti-s fnioi ratlroail stati hi and -JO miles from Alhany. Apply at this ot'ice. TAKE THE CAJ5 lltOM Lli RATES: To any part ol the city, 50 cent For calling, tirst hour $1.50, each subsequent Lourl 1. HKCKKT fSOtlKTIES. M.-1' I'.nt No. R, ft. A. K. St.ite.1 meetinirs at tlie G, A. h. Hall on tne second and r'ourtn Friday cveninirs ef each month. Transient Comrade mo cordi y ituitcd to meet with us J. K. W IIITINO, 13. F., ComtnamliTf Auiut-ant, V, O. I", W. -Safety Lo.l(cc Xo. 13; nicoM eiery Monday t-ienmc at the O. A. It. h ill on Kerry- street, between Second and I'hir.l. Albany, Oreiron. Stramrere in thn uty and liaiintciit brethren cordially invited to at'.i i.d. JOHK SCHMEER'S Livsry.FeedSJale stable Cyrrur Second and EZneorth St ALBANY. - OREGON H iR ml iioariiKD by the day or month Cat n&Kca or buttcics on ruisonable terms ' v6al 11IIKSI1 MILCH COW KOK SALE. HAS A . heii. r call and is a I'oed uiilch cow. Ap ply tu K. N. C'ondit. (iisloio lilioppioe