MORNING nERALD: SAT UK DA V, APRIL 18. 1801. M-ti-rr Colli Arc Itniurn I p ' in Mi.i..a. I. I'rjw'hr v.t;;nuc.a,.i:i,:i, ,;.,. , hen ww lui-.l a mediri-.e we Know to possess genuine mer,t' we consider it ;i ihi;y, and we take eonsiaer it a diiiy, and we take jdeaaue in telling the public wliat !t is. Such a medicin-- we found Coamberl tin'd Cough Itemvdy, List w inter, wnen 1 jrm-i,. pri'vaiiing. We are eati-uied tiiat we warded oir several attack tliuM were; threatening lv the use of this syrup, and we liave since reli-vt d. in a few bourn, Severe ! coids, a Id in the course of two ur three days, entirely broken them ; up bv hi ii'-.c as bave several of oiir friends wboin we have recnin lnend it. It is ail ihat it is repre tented to ,- by lie iii.innfactirers. If you have a cough and want to Btop i', Chamberlain's Cough Keiuedv will do the work. 1-or; by Fosii ay .fc Maih For A No. on" sew i n r machine an.l a rook stove can be found at the ri s- ideu::.- of .lames 1. Miller, on l!c coi ner of Seco.i-l :'i 1 I'.-tker sfr' e l.Kii lot: se a ill j in tcli: ue ami -tie (-ove are as g ..1 is ne v, an 1 .:1 be s id very ln-v for ei-ii t he money is n-.-ele 1 bv t ie presei't o'. ii'-rs. jo-1 articles can he t o- cire.l for s very ..v ni e and worlliy peo;il a swte l by tht' act. Tke the I 'n.oii t'acinc railway! for the Kas', iiiiity-tive hour.-,. (ini. ker ta in an . oioer ti .n. - :con - '.I in.-. i-.I-v,,... new dining cars, I'ullii.i.i pal .c.-,;et;.c:,!:ee f.ltndv sh-e.',iu cai.s mil th:oiili to SI.-..V.T. Ot.e.l. .. IN., me. I Koio:.. Ka 's.w fir , St. Iv.ii. a-.t Cj::- -j . iuwliu.s, -itv licKi l R;tt. --l h-.. l.f-'.in wtt.-et. r.i i io.-ii cjtt'.t Ts t'.O ! UaO M! :.i-.f f.M) 1 r ll'l il il il-eii i,..'l" t: Oia'ia. !. I'.i'il, K.oi-as t 'i;-. , t'hit'Ju ', Si. Ii n :;in' .tli ei.oi: j ;' and S on: li. t . v os ti.-s. in . oi IV 'i. , fool t ii.o.i ulhio -tre,-!. vloicv. Hi- !'- - 't. U. lo-lhan. t':e meic'r'lit ta. lor, his j.i I . it 1 1-' I :. i vli-jr tilt line of uei p.!i--i..s lor ir.-ni.e- liicn' eio(h';i. lie has a '.!IV lare li ie to ieet Horn, in Mih'- ius, p..iil .i'l'ii-1, n l a ! I ..; Is "i elothui.'. His .a j i'er.s : not sin pa-:--l i... :r irini'iM- t-i'y. anil ii- li a-- oi t ''.- ..t;.-. ilo'. n to ! in- very e.-i-o:ii. iiiie!- s-o ie' r-n i - i I ' made ! ir iei ior -.' a-.t-i -. ie oie.r a nei;! lii '.' jo ! -ii.- at v-o v I -: cost :ioii:.l a. i an I s ios 1 .li,i.rli- l.ii.,- Hit, I.e. i'i. Am- r.e i ii . i l.v., - i he l.-ad :u ii 1:1 I'to i-n ;oj co ;. , i. ... , i w it 11 I hllia, v co' i d .1 i t ne ,i :, in a:id it, .niiii il '.'ti- '-ill. Mucllei i ' i ,ri f a -- :;,. ii,' the lead i:i the -ioc ly bn-nns-- -f Aln iny. as t :i. ,r ci.-o h .oire-. Jiiea -e very ,,n -. , ..t IN .nil. I 1. C .- -( in ,,; '''i-t'i- i- is just wnat ee'y nj'V -nki advantage ol. ' ir iioo is arc purest c. id p..vvs tie- h-w -m. 1't-ople woo p:i" "ils'i for their jroo Is will ti 'i i' t ' tle-ir a ivan taj;-- 'o niy'of e- ler iV ihcit l: s rash jiroceit From iii.-w uni i! A pi lt y-c: ran b i a p it , I ) ire V Kid h ie- I n ban l s -.v-.l ' liii-erai Si!. Ap-uiiine li aa'.le sole be:-! brand ot sho-- a I and I! liep'.-ri u kid .o Is at a ,' in ii-t nuke spring Mock riviii;; ;.t K bo it a'ld sic and a i il.'ier redl imi. Iiillll ! !" OI inter ,s ui- -!- y ei.-i Ve N lll' l e n f. M r ,1 ii l XI We are the p pic tie1 luoi-t cm; i le Who line of iir' i the w-.'.re, HioVes and raises in vaih V, Matt ' V Wasobnn NeiV . Kl','l'!.ll I' a I co npieie .-.i,e - and eye !.is e- j'l-t re ceive. I at f . .M. i r.-n i. s. r.w ... pair litti.d by .lohiton's i'..t.-..' eye-nie'er, e.i ry pair liiiiy t;-.:-lai ted to lit. L!;tl li unit :iinl Vu !.' I'.ros. iiis, mi-sis and clnid rcn's shoe--diiiere it sly L-s I Sizes I'.tl i ttid'i.S M UiK sol.II) Al l. th col on. i'rv I'liir notli!l:4 better me hum iiair Wiiri'iuied. pric. l.Veiy S vMl 1 I. F. Y'-i so. l.llilil-H I-'. Hi: Slii.r. I make a spci i.:l'y nf ii indlin lad t'S line sie,J. I cai r solno ol the best brands made in line and medium grades in widths from A to F.M. All winanted .oiN; no trash, and w .li u p iir any pair id thoes of ii-iy kind sold that will rip or breus.. Sa'ue.el K. Youi. Ili.ll-H. Ktul I. il I'nr ;ili-. tin Seveiitii street b, Mi)iit: mv-ry aii'i Railr-.-'d -For p irticuiais i i ; '.' ;'' ' .' ' Corxet! "iiri-l! We make a specialty ot 1 and misses line corset- an-' ' ts vv.. I,.ieu drive 111 11 I' nc.'i , . its. Kxtra ateell Corset Rt i .) re! gooil value. .Mi. " .lulius tiiadwohl keep" ill hi (lol len Rule l'.a:ur stoie a laiue I i. vv .. ' 1.. W'.i II i ! assortmeiit ol iresn " ao. .., KJiden seeds. 'Ihey are tin' best iind fresln-t se-l-- on the I aeilie mast m irk-t. 1 1 is st liiled ! I ,;e l" ,i rsre.-t )! ::".:r.;.. n hi- line in the lil.iiiict'.e ai- i ev. 'l i e piibiic is invited to caH .uni inspect it. It lind inspei A mt In-r ( nr. Of those choice vegetables receiveil. celery, caulitlower. e.ih Idii;.. I'iirsnips, tut nips, beets, or illes, li's, ooldetl d;ltes,le:il 'HH, and "an endh hs variety of ood things. Allot the above nice and fresh at Muellers (in rett'a. The most beautiful wall paper in the city at J. A. Gumming e vlniir Btore. T'K I'i 1.11 1 AMtMW.t, Kt-v. 1'. M. Hiirout, Pa'or I'nited ilffhreii Church. Uiue Mound. I Kan., says: "I feel it in v dutv to! j tell what wonders Dr. Kind's New ! Discovery has dine for imp. Mv ! Discovery lia.s done for hip. Mv I Lungs were badlv diseased, arid uiv parishioners thonyht 1 could live onlv a few week-. I took live I hot ties of lr. King's New I liscoverv a-ul am j-oind and wrll. gaining Si p s. in wei.'bt.'' Arthur Love. Mamu'-r Lov's i'umy Folks Combination, writes : "Alter a thorough trail :;nd em vi icing evid. nee, 1 am confident Dr. Kind's New i ieovei v for Con- sumption,' heats 'em all. and cures when everything else fails. Hie greatest kiudnt s.-j I can do my in .in v thousand friends is to uge th-M to try it.' Free trial b.iites at I'oshay Mason. I 'rui: Store. IC-gulur si.eso lc. and $ 0t. in t.iliui 1 1 nr i. i:. I )o vo'i know that Moore's 11 j wab'd it-une iv is theoiilv patei t j uiedriire in the world ttmt dm? ! not co:il:r :i a diop o alcohol ; lh: t i he mo !e of prepai - it is k:Kc. h i oi.Iy to ihsiMVcier ; tii it it i- a l i u i v' i :ic,' ; l ! lie cienc i ! medicii; e ! with .nt a parallel in t ie n ' in:- I i teent century ; that its prol'iietol i ! I o.i'er t o f.i t.-it fl 'iH.1 f-ir a:;v car"! oi d s; eps i it v. ill not cu M'l.Cm.V t'KliS. , n. --''!, ; ..ot.bled, Neura.m ; ml ima'istt.. his Momai-n tan; ! '-'r ;ere !. In w.ii ::!U- '"! !. N w ( 'jwi i, Wis. : to :i:"l a ar:ii-t:' c-ree. :i..- l ; 1 : ;'- 1 w .s J.-.ii'-ly i.- ' '-'ici 1 in Ie" o a n j s: i ep ii. Ti.P-e !'tieoi i. .,!.. ,,.,is c l ! ei !, I !:'.n i.-b il', ' ? '.Ul.h l'. i' it ii of le.ieUie I'et'e s Kd ,v ml !i -., ha-i :t -i i 1 1 ; 1 ';r ''' .. .. oo ..: ,,i ihieK,e , -. ;-n 1 his h.' !- sound ) .h.h.i S .eaker, f il.l A !. . :i i v ' ha l :i-v ! Ie.-. ,1 ,1.. I h: i..-tl! .'! I eve!- -,,. - oil !ll- - til he w i : n : . ! li 1" I h: t.. tl ! i: eel r e !.:"ei J ..Ie i " 1 ' ' 1' i, ! 1 1 ' - 1I1V.1 S.ilvi' ie.:v-l tiiin nt I. .y . Sold by loh.: ,i . u nj st re. - ; tmoil or i.:jj niinoi s -l io o reeei . i v i. : (hi v ,li --rvi. W'h . ...,.'., ,. ,,;.! i.r. s".. I lu-tl'li. Ill :y o:i.;.nt!y i.iiint;. To wit '.- h..: i s .;n;i il h V il .en I hese n:if. .- t h .;j.;lt oi cni-lt i li, v li .i we ik marl, e.msii s'io;!n: - of breath. Ilul-eril :, piihi i i s.d", '.vm'k and lioi'v; ;' si'i.'i '. .oi l i'ca,; v -vel:in-.' :l :iii!,.v , ,i. oppi. rhokin : i '. j.i -1 tl i.i. F r ! I e-i r re :i.!.i !., weal- n. s s , 'alive Nervh.i- i t;.ie-.r i-.i t: . n-m -'. 1 ....a! !. l i- e u.-.irs .. i. i i i -. rt a' d ,rvoii i - ase.- '! Iea'- oils o s ni s !,';: i I an : r-u:ii.l- e.l by .-! ;e,;ii i j iitll.Ct I t't I lh- p ioe1. ' c juliiiti fren ": ,-r.t , v ,t ! e- o: ; h.i iWlvni'ih- .u. j I : ;u'i- i ..i;ii; Mi:, i iievr !-, ; r.. ;is and o , '!;,:, u. 'l'i.i ..e l kli ,-. n Sj-eei I'r. i'laitklMi M. : ;' - .. i - all see!: l ; is !:.o: c or -S hv.-f :r i ,-. ...eir el V iv . i':i"a! tii- e l ; usuaily .-ill: i t to ii. nia. ;,.'-, in urac il, r'.eepl 3-tii..-.-. imnioder tte cry uic or la; . : imr. I I'ese show a weak iht .s -y.-!em for whicli ti. ve is . ) i-'nie.:-. i-.p;.'.! lo Rt. -tot at i e n - Trial b.uies and a iin' k, I'l'iiLiinii:'.' iii:iiiy luiiniv :s e ues, ire. ai Manaid t':i.-i i. a li i also sell, and .laiantee .-' c debr.iti d New lleait ' he ti.'ii-.-t ot heart tonirs. t'u. ,r il'iu.-i iiij., short breath, etc. till.". M ;ti .1 un i: Mii Act o:i a new piine:pli reiila li, the, stomach an lbowelj thn.ii '. fhe nerves. A new bi eovery. Hr. Miles- Tills speedil, eiii'. biiioiisues. had ti-sle. totpi 1 ii .er. pilt s, i on-tip.itionr l.'n eo il for nu n, women, cbildreii. u'.ioes; , lo .l !e-;t , sure-1 ! j-i d isc :!' L'-i -ta .ar cent-. ! .V thi ll'. 4i:mi i lli. in tie.- urn i.l for i 'e .. i !ci-!'-, S.i't iCiiertc, tier. CllMifeil Ihlli, . 'I I.r i;. -! -.rt,' '.I'll!-.- -. S i. v. ii!i'! :, 'I: I'h;:i ,' n-, .ii, 'I -i.iti l-'nii'tion. , u-ri Pi!, -, or -. o f . : i -,-is ir'i o .in!, i'rl t Liv ni'tiori. or in ee li -;' i - . t j er !m. i r y ,v !.:-,.ti llV- J !. I! - , t i -1" fi. :,,! . I" i !::mi;o III llilniiit1. j From .Ian. 1st, ls;il, we wil change our business to a strict !j jc.i-h s;.ftem, Mn-tcby en;ii.ilin' m j 10 -.-i, 101 i i . 1 1 alio iei wil or ! counts, wherehv we can, and will i eivi- our cistouii-rs the benetit. Our M. ('. II. Mueller, while east oi ide art; nu'emi-ti's to buy ;:)odi direct li'o-'i tin' ncinuiaetuter-; at the low e-'1 e ?.: j.i ires, ;md we will ?'.:!! ici'e u' o.i - a; the lowest ' c-h linrcs. I'.elievin that the people vill app eciate a store w here they '-ii tiiods at cash tiirures. We re- main, ' b'es,ectfnlly Yours, Mi Ot. ti tiau.i r. It. McAlis'.er has relumed to Albany and will receive patients at ,js residence, coiner of Ferry and v I . . i u Ui m n-i i.-. ;imiIh ami Sliin-H, rurchasers id Loots and Shoes benr in mind tiiat bi advertise- ;di;:;mWb.'iii.-;.!..,tsando,!ers of discounts ... - - - do n-t a ways mean best va.ues You will have to pay some one a ...-. Q .!,, i.,wi,,0ea . ('lllll' II" out. .v -..w. u-i t limit exnense. The 0ile.-'.t;o!l is who ("in sell you the best goods for the least money. S.imi kl I". Young. One Half lOoIar Redti. tion on every pairof Lud lowd Fine Shoes. A good line of them at Samuel K. Y'oung's. Ruy gaoline stoves from Mat thews iv Washburn. ALLEN BROTHERS, Wholesale and CIUAKS, TlJACCO AND CHOICE FRUITS OF ALL KINDS IIST SBASOIT. flv.-nX i:m)ck. 4 r T W y 0'j- O I 7 1- .L L J 1. A V J. A. WilKKT.RR, (Vi:lN(inf-.f.I.) PHOJ'HIhTOR. j rT hi... v i i r.l -i ii.t ..Hie., on li , .(, ,.,.. A Wii. ,'1,-r, Abeiny Manager. t i v i i j lunib'T not ex- ciie, ! in ipiality, and facilit ies not Rurnassed r ,h . ..r,,,.u,i .,,,.1 satisfaetnrv tiiliie' of oideis. 1 resnectfilMv Holicit a lure oi the trad? . " PEE D-::STORE I li KNEI1AI, riiOUUCE MARKKT. v N li:i) SI'KfIA I.LY- liny, r..i!s Mil j . r. ?t . s. t. ii!j MCin. I :: tii.; : ',i!i l'ai-i;;i; llnlr-ei l cw"iifciiin and mv iu.'ri a-iii' Ihuih: trade J i o- I s, I! in nuaiit'tit's to suit the piirelmsi i ". Store in Str.ilian Click, : i lid st:-eet T?. T KORKRTSoN. OIES ,f)U Sfa-tL f L , The City Liquor Store ,V. llAUMGART, Proprietor. t-y.-wjt it nr to thu 0l.l Fellows' cmp'c, Alliaio, Oregon (ti .-ojih!' on h'inil the fliioit imwirte'i ami ilotniajtic wines, liijunrs, ciare an r.- i ii Oi.h f.rst i:i Ma liquor store in the city SPECIAL ATTENTI.1N PAID T0 ORDERS FROM THE COUNTRY? ! Special Notice. ! Ladies or gentlemen who con- template buying gold watches will i li ml il to their advantage to ("ill at I ! I l-roiii'le iave.'lrv Hti,ri tii,- fore Diirehafeiiiir. as there has been I unite a reduction in in ices. The Corner ievtelry store. ! Ni'iv Sfirinc li N. ! I am now receiving tny first in j voices of spring novelties in wash ; l'moiN. prints. t'ln'hain seersuckers, i etc., also just received a new line of all wool Himmer plaids and beiges. .mi i:i, 1.. i ot'Mi. Sni ike ths celebrafi'd Havana filled o-cent iit'lrs, jniinnfaetureil at. .Inihis .(os di'rt iar factory. I i li von ' the ire,-.- wan i anyUiiiv,' choice in L'l v lim- ir-i to Mueller A: 1 1 : . ., .! ,.i.. ..i.,..,. ; ii.., ' l,U I III l, lll'T ,11111 joi'i- 1,1 I'" ity w here yo!i can get everything cou want. Some ol tne latent stvlea of ele-1 ijant bed lounges can' be seen at Foitmilli-r i& lrvinn'H, as they have just received a lare invoice. Money I Kinc is a irue siiyinsr and This is a Irue saying and r? the reason that Mueller .V (iarreit are doim: sucii a rustling business. Their neli liuurcs are taking the lead and their M ek is the best. You do not bave to pay for any long credit by trailing with them as they do biiMiieHS on a strict c-.cdi principle. r.xi 'iir.HCU run high in this city over System I'.uildcr ns every body is usin it for Catarrh of the Stomach, Iiyspepsia Constijiation, Iminire blood and to build up their system. Try it and tell your friends about it, as it must possess wonderful merit win n all speak well f it. New ,,'oijiI of the latest patterns sold at Matthews and Wash burns is why they will sell over four In ds of stoves and ranges this year, they lave their lirst carload of Jewel Stoves and ranges now on the road to arrive Feb 1st. A tine line of gents furnishings at Searls', all the latest styles. If you would like to see some thing truly beautiful, go to J. A. Cuiuniing's drug store and see his elegant patterns in wall paper. Ludlow's shoes all sizes and widths at Searls' shoe stiiie. Retai Grocers. ALT. ANY, OR T rN Ml C haWlTll 1J Vl VV o. x.A. A.J OREWON. . iilr.m.1 b.l w. in Foil rt h fi n.l Fifth A. W 1 1 Klj.KU. '. L Dons as 2nn S3 ."HCOni ?$I75 t-.,1 oil.,. i- iii,i,, j for 1 li.ll. "mi BQYS th inen, Ladies, I'.tc, are uar $1 i'1'. I" slampcd on bot- 7 1.75 ton.. A.ldiess W. 1.. l'UFii- 1f l.A, Ihocknm, ?.lass. t-v A Li'.AN Y, ORIK.ON. CITY D1IUIJ STORE STANARD & CUSIt'K, Props., I'KKIKKKIt III.OCK, - - ALBANY, Ileal, -r" in DRUCS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, FANCY aim! ToiUt .'irtifi-s, SiMmircfl, HuhIm-m, I'trfunnTV, S-liool lltifjk, Ar-t-st s Siiip)if. XSnriiyaiciau's prescript i on 8 carefully coniiounltHl. ONKY To LOAN-. In lart'e "f mnal 1L aiiiuiltifu, from mx ineiitlm to ton yi-nrfl on Allianv, ami I, inn eonnty real -Htiif i'lllimor aililriHH W. K. ! I'Iiitmoii, teal esi;ite l,r.'iker, 0ip0Mite llu.s house I..1111I for Sale. f-. li, J0, 10, SO aeri-H, ea-,y ternm, install- Tni nt plan i-lii-ap an,! iil-.rli-r'rirt.'il. AIho a ii w eitj lota all owiieil lij H. liryanl. ST ARRETT'S (iar(len Seeds. The Itest Jlevausc -:-A I trays ltd lable. Established 1W74. pecial prices to market i gardeners. Send for catalogue for I Sill. Address, (!ko. Stahkktt, Walla Walla, Wash. KOSK AND SINGLE COMli Biwii Leghorn Roosters KOK SALK AT $ 1 .50 EACH Also some fine Langshang, Ply moth Rock and Wyairlottes, same price. Mits. L. .1. Hoick, Tangent, Or. BOYS Here'ii a ehanre to make Homo pn, ket limney: Xl'e Allianv Klertri,: l.lulit Co. wishes to r 11 rehase a iiiantity of eli-an white or colore.l eotton rai.-, for wip inir maeliinery. Iieliver theni at the toin pain's otttec anil jjetyonr inh Viereck will shave you or cut four hair in the most approved stvle. The Thomas Kay Woollen Mills of Salem, have appointed G. W. Simpson their agent in Albany. A full line of men and boys clothing blankets and flannels and all arti cles manufactured by the mill will be kept in stock. These goods are the beet in the market and will give entire satisfaction. OH. MAMMA HE CARRIES A FULL STOCK OF NICE REMEMBER T IE PLACE, - - W A. N T JST3 Ten thousand Men Women and Children to buv (roods of DEVOE & I'HOMAN 15U.)S.," CO" I" " 1 WHY Vtjg& tl"u" Ai- Mm ."' "lun - ?l-fi;;, 5;::,,; ;ml ii 1 t :m yoii C o , - o-I i t ri " P-i fr- i j ? i 5 M CSC ?r -i. . . f- - m 5 u - ' s 7 : as tig u n2cri i 1- it 4 5 2oh- i, Wl. j BE- ACKERS EKCL1SH REMEDY jforCouKlis, Colds andConsniniitioii isbevoinlipii-d'on thereatistof 5 liiUMiKlcrnUeniedies? Itwill.stup aCou-h in one ni'eht. It will chock I Ja Cold in a day. It w ill prevent Croup, relieve Asthma and cure Con-! . sumption if taken in time. " You can't alTord to bo without it." A2.jc.: j bottle may nave yoii$t(0 in Doctor's bills mavsavn vonr life ! Ask I your di ue;Kistf(irit,or w rite for lniok to . V 'l iioiiKr it a co.. ? aBaB VI rl. Itriiml 11 ny. Nrw 'orlr.3 ALBANY IR Manufacture steam engines, griat aril mw mil. ni.ioliiin ry, irrn frrmts ami all kinds of heavy and light work in iron and brass criHtiney. Sjucial atten tion paid to repairing all kinds of machinery. Patterns on shmt notice, A OASTEL, President. P LIXGKAX, Seerotarv, JD1IX JfOL.MAX, Supt, If you want a durable monu ment go to E. W. Aehison, who are handling nothing but the best grades. Have you seen those beautiful cement walls in the cemeteries, put up by K. XV. Aehison, at half the cost of stone. From now until April 1st we will sell all of our rubber j.nods at cost for the cash only, ('all early while the assortment, is still large at Klein llros. EGGS FOR SALE. 1 will sell full blood lA'jrhorn e(.'us, both siiiLde and rose comb, for $1 50 per l:!. also dotted YVyan dotts, laht Prahmas, l.anghan and l'lymoiilli liocks at the Fame juice. I. !. lli.icK, Tangent, r. Noli ie Jnr riili!ii-;illon. United .States Lind Hie) y.u.j Orecon City, Or., Jan, 12, PS'.M XOT1CK is hereby even that compliance with the provisions the act of congress of June I!, IS7S, entitled, "An act tor tiie sale of tim ber lands in tin: states of California, Oregon, Xuvaila.aml Wa-diiiiytoii Ter- ritnry, " J I n urti J, O'Xeil.of Ihiyv.anls, i county of Alameda, scate of California, lias this day tiled in tiiisolliue his sworn statement No, 'J4'J'.I, for the purchise of the , K, i of section Xo, 0, in Township Xo, 1.' south, range No. 3 east, and will otfer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said lands before the Register and Receiver of this oliloeat Oregon City, Oregon, on Thursday the 7th day of May, IS'.M. lie names as witnesses: II, L, Mann, T. K, Xorris. W, J. Kaiuage, and C, Prow se, all of llaj wards. California, Any ami all jiersons claiming adversely the above leseribeil lands are re'iiested to tile their claims in this othee on or before said 7lU day of May, Sid . J, 'J', APPKIISOX. Register, I ust llocrlveil. I have just received my spring stock of I' jackets, Uufess aecordian plaited eais and beaded capes in the latest styles. Ladies will do well to examine my stoi:k before purchasing elsewhere. 1. W. Simpson. i.. I seen those at 15 rink's? piettifst in town, and all Ins new lunn tun; is simply elegant." They all say so, and an in spection will prove it. Prices always the lowest. - OPPOSITE 0PER4 HOUSE "Have? -you lovely lounges They .are the iinoriers anu weaiers in a i ksuiis o (;uns and ammunition lishin-.; .T kle ,f ev ery (le-M-ripe'on, cutlery and ba.-e bail psods, tents, hiuninocks and" cflino chairs. 'I he laijreft Stock south of Pi-rtiai.d. I'cme and all. No trouble to film w cods. t'uicV pales and Finall j.uofits is our motto. Aio r repair shop connected m ith ptore and first 1 lass workmen to do all kinds of work. DO YOU COUGH?! inn aware it often la.-ten-: s.'iiid farliiiioM, n runs int. Om.: a: nd- in ll. -a 1 li 'f Penplesiilii 1-; iiii.i. I'.i-...-hitis. I'lieum.jii.i inijiticii will ;i!l tell vou r STARTED WITH II COLD"! :i!i,,nl t.i in-;:leet. it ? Can v,,ii! irille uiili mi serious ;i mutter' Ar :iv.a:e tlm! you ; AN WA hai renoveii h q .imti irv to the ni S-'- oeil anil O in. 11 hon tin- corn-: I. on Htre.'tw If yon want UIK IIKST, lay ALLEN'S noi:tim:i: (,i;iiii SEEDS. li lh,- .Vi iih int ,.,-, tht-in -nil to .h .I .! A i.l.KN i, 11. i.., i llt fne M.I.I N, n i.ii:-l, ,'ri - M-,si IU," 1 ,.t. i -ri. , WEAK MAX Who K silli'-riiu', tithe- ill iii iii, 1 or l.o,l , f n .in the in- j'lriniiN ,,r ueaki'iiin itT. i ti of hh own i'iioryiit foHti-n, ahnc uiiil ix.-i'-i-m e:m lie iiii.k'v ami )ierni:iinnilv euri il. I'.iers fri i- iieahl. DR. COLE Ihis ohI 1I01 ti.r has hail :. years evnni iiie in eurini; I'riOlte, lilianl, Nrrvuus :unl SKiii l)ise:isi-i. rite to iiav. sei.l imati.!y to any DELMONICO ,f- nery ii. i'liiiinihi.'rt Urni; turi1. Fresh Homo Made Bread daily, Pies, Cakes, lite. Special rates made for baking fur parties and weddings. ulir- In Hi l.(nl. All th is, in,li,t,.,l to the Lite Tht,iup4on Overinnn are rhitivt, at i. nee anil settle the same. firm .1 to 1 Fi KM I SALMON ut the Allum Kih ket, li'-t iio..r to the lnwliilj i.e. La-ati- j'.iir or.ler I,.r ln, iv an the Kilinnn law e pires mi that ilavl A No eri h, flniinl. rs sliirion ami rout in,n. liainr ami poultry ilressi ,1 toor In ami ih lin-i, ,J irw in inei iiy. 31. IIm.k, I' r..i. IOST-A lily's sili. r wat.-Ii, J chain, lo-t in this dtv 1 he Under will leave the office. with a o'ii on Mon,l:iv. s.eii,. at this A pair of fat black hose free with every pair of ladies shoes. j costing $:! or more, a! Searlu' shoe siore. Jiiht like finding money to bny jour groceries from Mueller,. Gar-1 ren. i neir cash prices talk. iilfmOi th i iY j nr2 KctiaMc rrnicitMS , J a.i(ln H. ilvibi'Vivi'!! riivsKiiti 11 OAVIS. SI. 1. PHYSICIAN AMI w roor V su.i-.n. Can he foun, at h,8 oiix-e room in STahan 3 block, Hrst street, AM-any dt-.uon- 0. C. KKI.LY, PHYSICIAN AND oUK- ireon AI!'an. Orcsron. of.i-e n Pierce new floYk. hours, from b A. a. to, J. KOSSITKIl. VKTEK1XAKY SL'B V . Keon, irra.lnate of Ontario veterinary eollt'e ami uie 1 l,er of the Ontario veterin- :ir liietlieal frK-iety, U prepared to treat the ilii:is, A nf all diijielii atetl animals on si ieiitilic prineiploi. llrticr at Ans V.arshaU'g livery tjtalile liesi.lenee 4th and Catapooia "trec'ii, Alvanv, Onvon. 1 V. ilAMIth.ltl.IX, M. I. Hoinir)allii.' 1 n nu-:ui, otiu-e at Or. iah:uvil oil I'.roail.illiin .triK.t. ):Ilee li.iiirn, 7 to a I to i ami (i to S r. M. jyto. I ' Bur A. WHl'VKV, PHYSICIAN AXll iirv-in. Grulnate if Iti lli vue Ilc-ni tal M.ili il Cllei-e, New York Citv. ,f women a Siei-ially, Ottifc in Festei l,:,cl attoi:i:v G1 i:o. W, WHKHT. ATTOKNKY AT LAW ami .Nitirv I'ui, j,- Will i,ra. ti in all Hie ee.irts of tni -t;,i,.. oilue, front roeni f v ir lat:k nt i ir,-i;oiip A! , ( in ir-in. -. T. til K.NKV. J. w DHAl-lil. L)IUN.-:Y .t I.IUPEU, ATl'OKNEYS I at law, Oietron Cii, Oreiron. Iweii l eai experienje an Tcgliiter ot theU. b La;:.i oiM-.-e i Oregon City anil in the iaun l.ra. liL-c reu-oiniiK-nilH us in our jcci i1' ,i.-:r es- ti, fnre the Lanii Ottiee or the courtc an.l im in the practice in the ert-ra: LjinU titllee. I f C. WATSON, attornei-at law, Albanj 1 I. Orcein. Uill'.-e in Strahan block J. X. DUNCAN ATI'OKNKY-M LAW e:,l imtary lmlilic. O lie in the Strahai: , romiis No. I .mil 2. 'J. U. N. I.LAi'KBl'kN. a. W. RillllT, L)nACM,t 4; WRIOHTAri'OK.NLV A'l Law, Albany Oresien. Ottiee in Odu e!io-' Tcni).!)-. .Vili practice in all court if the p'tate, ai.ii ;ee ffH.-cial attention tea!' .r.rt'.neito. rOLVK'i'r X OHAKI.KSK. AlTOKNK t f at l-iw. A:l,aiiy, 1 ir. Oiticc in rooitiH li a. ! II loir's Lbi-.-k, over L. K. Li.'iu, jton-i K. M 1'ATl' KliKOHO, ATTtllNKY AI law, Albany, Oregon. oit in the .11 ill. , k. Will iraeti n all th j i-il!.tl j ..Mir! b ,.f Uni! ite, ami rivc B(.c. a. altentiou teije:ntMM. 10 ad IV MKA!, ATTOKNKY AT LAW ft air I t til U t-.unuK-r. All-aiiV, or. Wil- j.r.i' -i i. all tiit f.iirtrt of t,v Uttr. Ab 'i;i.'f;f tt!t furtiinli(-i Oil short Ootiiv. Ftii --irs tjM-r;t.iii::. G '3 rive?-, nfj QATAR HH aintisn, 'euraigit, Cr MtACAOHf., An ALL PAIN. n CaHftrti rltlT and 5slW tnrJTaio coco it cub i-r"c" cpi. CHtur. eoNSiHtwu. FOR SAI.C BY ALL DRrGGISTS. "t'oTiie moii'lis !iro" I tnireliiifi-d t f. i nf lr. J. V. Gil:"-. Catarrh Cure foi my own ne. but tiinliiur my nephew. ( '. A, MeMaluin. noeilinir sucli .nrdi cine, I let liim luive iny box of inedi cine, lie now sends for three mnrf Imxcf, i;iyiiiir it is the bert tliinir foi catarrh ever trie'J by him and hit friend. I irot anotlier lm to use ii, my case. i.nii cheerfuliy recoinmetid it t'lothe i , iSi -md.i. .ToIIN McMAfTAX, I'x-County Comniif sinner Co ' ireon, Spri'uifieUl, I.nne county, Orecon. Prof . I, W, Johnson, president of the State university, says it cured him ol a rouirli after two oilier prescriptiuiif Ind failed. I.ikcwUe two of his little L'irl. u-e.1 it tucure their roughs. .Mrs Mark rlailey, wife of Prof, ltailev, sent it to Prof. Johnson, and recom mends it to ali who sutb r from celds and coughs. For eoimhs it acts like a i liaini, and can hi inhaled into the .lii e-i or jiassavcs, where no other i i-o'.'.eh "yes van reach. TOO MUCH LOAD On the liver will break down aV. the energies of life, and unlit you for Work, P.usiness or Pleasure. Indigestion, (Constipation, Sleej -lessnes, P.illiousness, aie the first 1 alarms nature sounds to warn yon i.l danger. Moore's Revealed Remedy Is King of the Blood, Liucr and Stomach It lias never failed. Ilundiedsof testimonials like this : J. K. Miller, Astoria, Or., wriles: ''It 1 u red me of a severe Liver and P.lood trouble." gSf-'ohl by all druggists. Fine comb honey and salmon; bellies at Mueller & Garret's, thel leading grocers. j Reliable Men W ax.-kd as traveling salesmen for a Lrst-:lass Cigar Company. Must yive good references. F. 0. B. CIGAR CO., Salem, N. C. 1 rum it & IKVINK. ATTORNEYSAT- 11 b Ijiw. Will iirai-tice in all the courts of the Hale. OH'.ce in Fliim'a block. Firat street. DELrOXICO RKSTAUMT, FINEST IX TIIE CITY, MEALS AT ALL HOURS. Tables supplied with every thing the market affords. Regular Dinner, 25ots. 4af"Kastern and coast oysters cn hand. Sam Goetz, Prop. TCU MM THIS FRESH ? If so call on I. BEAM lie delivers Lis goods to aur pert of the city free of charge. Fresh vegetables every day. "Xothing but the Left kept at - I. BEAM'S, 2d st. , cor. Jackson and Jefferson. 1 Iliy, Onts ami chop fr sato at tit tun h aitd in qtiantitiea to suit, mil jtrut-i to suit the times. Krte liincrv in si. It the city lituiu. Ktrintrs, hrific us your wheat. ami hay. Highest cash price r.ti'1 i t:stni clioppiiiff a r pecial -y. Plviitv of chtt-ken fi, MORRIS & BLODNT, for, Firt KakTtU. Alhany. Or. liood dry fir wood at J3.00 per cp rd, also grub oak and ash wood at H.K per cord. I 'elivered in any part of the city. ( Irders left at the real estate office .if Hulburt fe Writs man will re-et-ive prompt sttention. Pkikr Ku.bY. IiNtiiutJ.ii of I'artnemliip. V Ol H'E i hereb driven that the coirt 11 nt-rhip heretofere cxipting betweu D ee'ox, W A Cox and C H Uobiy. in tk ,.la mill liibtiiiew, at Alhanv, Orece. undtr the linn name of Cox Bro K tlo, tt thi il iy ilM-i,lveil l,y mutual coneent, tiie ai,i C 11 ll'ilK-r having purchaned the mi lire riL-lit. title anil interest ot the Mid i 6 Cox ami W A Cox therein. C H Hoberg wsuii eall the ohliations of the lale firm ami all notes and aceoume due said lira are payahle to luin. i'ated Ailanv, 0rK0n. Mareh II, lWl, i c cox, W A COX, C II HOKfeKG. Alliany Nurseries. WE HAVE OX HAND AT OUR nursery on the Corvallis road, one half mile from town, as fine a lot of Fruit Trees of all kinds as can he found anywhere on the coast. I f you contemplate plantirg trees, it will pay to seo our stock and get our prices and catalogue free. HYMAX & EK0WNELL. r KVEHK HOUSE, ALbAXY, 0II.-CHAS t I'feilfer, Prop. Only dret-eelaa hoiun 11 the city, l-aoro sample room for com niereial n,en. No Chinamen employed in the kitehen. Oeneral stare ottir Conallis. 1 (' A A KES OF LAX&- All fit for enlti I Ol' vation, and un ler fence, for sale at tlu ier a re. Within 1J miku from railroad tati in and M miles from Alhanv. Apply at thin ottiee. TAKE TILE CAB PROM on RATES: To any part of the city, 50 cent tor calling, firbt hour $1.50, each subsequent Lour, 1. HKCKET HOCIETIES. MePherson Pout No. 5, O. A. R. Statod DieetinCT at the O, A. K. Hall on the second and Kourtn t ri,lay evenini.-s cf eeh nionih. Transient comrades are cordi y invited to meet with iw J. r. WillTIMJ, B. F. Tarlkr, Commander Adjutant, O. U. W. S.fety Lodte No. 13: meeU cverv Monday cieninir at tiie O. A. K. h.ill on Kerry nireet, lietweeti Sceood and I hinl. Alliany , tin-iron, btranirers in the lily and transient brethren cordially invited 10 attend. JOHN SCHMEER'S Livery. Feed 4 Sale stable Corner Second and EUtworth 8ft ALBANY. . ORKGOS HOIMR wia.. 'h. ,i '.r : .,:i; o, rtolf "r ..-u. : r w3..'.,!, tr:r ' Khe tVu V" UA mm Mom Oioppio food for Sale. TIER'S STABLES ply to K. N. Con, lit. ' r 1CJ