Morning daily herald. (Albany, Or.) 1885-19??, April 12, 1891, Page 4, Image 4

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glowing gaily gcraltl
The Daily Herald Mill be on
sale each morning at li. J. Jones'
book store, where it tin be procured
at 5 cents per copy.
Andy limit went to Iklsey
New stvle neckwear at
I.atief Uaaar.
Hun. II- 15. Mi.l.r, of Cranls
1'ass, in in the city.
Key. J. F. Stewart went to Mon
mouth yesterday.
C. J. Stuart returneil yesterday
from Southern Oregon.
I lartisburg is talking
ol organ- a tire department.
A. Seal has returned
trip to Southern Oregon.
lr. V. II. Odell. of Sodavi'.l
was in the city yesterday.
A line line of ladies dancing
slippers at Searls" shoe store.
Win. A. Humphrey and W. 1 .
Jester went to I'oitlaud yesterday.
Fresh bread, cakes and pies
every tnoriiingat l.Ioilgett v: .-on s.
Albany should have a rousing
Fourth of July celebration tnis
Mr. M. Wygant. of Sibley, Iowa,
is in the city, and expects to locate
lioto Searls" and see bis line
display of shoes, all the latest
A new line of children's 'w hite
aurons just received at the l.idics
McFadden"s l'avilioii lonble
I 'ncle Tom's Cabin show next
Choi.'e vegetables fresh from the
hot house every day ut .Mueller A.
Mrs. I.. T. Hrock went to Port
land, yesterday where she will in
future reside.
$10,000 still left to l"an on .mi1
farm security, immediately by S.
N. Steele A L'o.
F. W. Voile, of l'alotise, Wash.,
is spending a few ilavs with o!.l
iriends in this city.
-Mis. C. J. Koyal, of Salem, i
visitii g at the residence of K. A.
McAlister in this city.
A ladies gold fclove "lUttonei
found on the street yesterday
awaits an owner at this ollice.
llev. K. M. Messic, of Mon
nioutti, and Mr. Stewart, of t ! i
c ty Hill exchange pulpits to-day.
Buy your millinery at Hie
Indies I'.a.aar. They have the
1 irgest s.ock, latest styles ami low
est prices.
The ti nest and best assort meiit
ot ladies Oxford's and slippers ev
er brought to Albany at Searls'
a toe store.
Charles .Mueller returned yes
terday from San Jose, California,
where lie went for the hem-lit ot
his health. He is much better.
A successful and t-njuyahle
s icial dance was given by 1'iof. II.
J. Hopkins at his ilanciiii: school
at the opera house last evening.
Kev. Joseph Alter and family
stationed at the Warm Spring In
diau reservation, are in the citv
fie guests of M r. and Mrs. S. F
Iionot miss the great Pavilion
I'ncle Tom's Cabin show next
Tuesday. They have a line hand
and will give a giant street
The dedication the Knights o!
Pythias hall on the loth inst..
irouiis:-s lo be a grand al'air. Tin
I. lilies Aid Society will furnish lh
l:iiiiiet at the armory.
II. P. Hyde has .-elded a line o!
l mlei taking to his furniture et
labhshiiieiit and has received a
l:ire stock of Collins, caskets audi
all kinds of undertaking gcunls.
Julius (iradwold ha- opened at
hislioldeu Pule Ltazaa- stole a
line of finely tinished hois' sai'et v
bicycles, which will be sold much
cheaper than they can be j ur
i based elsewhere.
I'.lodgett it Son have removed
their stock of groceiies into the
building formerly occupied by
P.lackburn A: Piroui, uud have
added a bakery depailment, and
are now prepared to furnish tbeii
customers with fresh bread, pies
and cakes of all kinds.
Services will be held today tit
the Presbyterian church at II a
m. Sabbath school at 1l' i-. v.,
Y. P. S. C. K., prayer meeting at
':-.- e. m. Subject of the sermon.
"Soiisbip."' No evening service,
the congregation will unite in tin
union services he'd at the opera
li jtise.
Miouliltr Itmkt-ii,
Mr. John Moigan. living noai
Shedd, started for Albary Friday
with a four-horse load of grain".
The hoises became frightened and
ran away. Mr. Morgan was thrown
to the glolllld and his shoiildel
was broken. The horses ran about
four miles before they were tin
ally stopped and the oats w as
strewn along the road. Mr. Mor
gan was injured in a iuniwa
accident a few months ao, and
his injury was the re-break ing ol
ihe shoulder fiactuied at that
It I'axt In Hi bave.
The convict who doesn't walk
straight stands in his ow n IL'ht
very much. He can make two
months oil' of one year, eiyht oil' of
three, fourteen oil' of live, and so
on. The mechanic w ho could get
a year's nay for ten months' work
would consider that he had a
4u Lie llUlor&l nl.
At the I'ue Friday night. Charlee
Scott, son of Sherill' M. Scott, fi 1!
from a ladderilislocaliughisanklc.
The injury was quite severe and
the limb was set the next morning
by Dr. Maston.
Mure Kvitlcure uf the 1'ieseiice of
Fire ling in t lie City -The le.
part iiielit l'rliletl.
At S o'clock last evening (he crv
of lire was again heard, and the
alarm called out the department
and citizens on the double iplick.
The lire was disco veied to have
again been started in a barn. This
time it was a barn owned by the
Oregon Pacific llaihoad Co. back
of the liuss House, and used by (J.
Ilouck. When tirst seen the tire
was well advanced, and it spread
,so rapidly that none of the con
tents could "he saved.
A cow was burned to death, also
a dozen chickens and a quantity
of feed, a cart, w :imii i um .!l..r
artieles were burned.
There was no insurance on the
contents, and it is thought there
was none on the barn. The loss
will probably be if HK'O.
There is no doubt that the lire
was of incendiary t.rigin. Imme
diately alter the lire w as discovered
two persons were seen running
dow n the railroad track away from
the ham.
This lire emphasizes the cer
tain fact that Albany is iiillict
ed with the piescnce of
some lire bug, or bugs, w ho have
a particular delight in set
ling barns on lire. The
lire which destroyed three barns
Friday night was of incendiary
origin, as have been several other
small lire recently. A few even
ings ago Mr. J. P. Patterson saw a
small blaze in his barn, and has
tening out found a pde of hay
burning brightly. He extinguish
ed it without trouble. This in
ceinliary whoever he is. if found,
will tindil a very chilly spring.
The police are keeping a vigi
ant watch, and these villains aie
sure to lie caught if they continue
their nefarious work.
To make matters worse, the lire
uepai inieni is just now in a crip-
piC'i cumin ion, engine .No.
being disable ! and out of service.
F.iigme No. 1 worked badly last
night and the evening iiefore.
hast night Ixith eugineeis wen
with Kiigine No. I, but the ma
chine seemed to lie, on a tear and
worked very badly.
This state of things ought to be
promptly remedied, and the police
force kept especially alert to pre
vent a lire possibly more destiuc
tive. tiii: si:w i:h i. so.
Patch. '1 he police had reasons
to snspt ct that a lot of boys, call
ing themselves "the s.-wer gang,
or the dirty dozen,'' were the in
cendiaries, and late hist night one
of tbeii number. Roy Pentley, was
locked up by Chief of Police Hotl
maii and questioned closely. The
boy, who is about l." years old,
denied any knowledge of ihe ori
gin of the lire. He admitted that
the gang had stolen chickens and
committed petty thefts, but denied
anv conmc'i.u with this or any
previous tires, au-1 he was re
leased. This gang is regularly organized
and it is said take a terrible black
oath on becoming memljcis. It is
composed of youugsteis ranging in
age from 1J to ." years, w ho yearn
to be pirates bold, or brigands of
the worst stripe. Marly correc
tion would he wholesome treat
ment lor them.
Y- M. 0. A hOi i: i.
The h at the Y. M. C. A.
ball this aiieinoon at 4 o'clock will
be of an interesting chaia.ter.
Subject lor consideration, "Watch
man, what of the night '.'' Leader,
Mr. Fred Port miller. The music
it I he sei v'n-es will be great ly added
to by 1 be use of cornets.
The anniver-'ary exercises of the
Young Men's Christian Associa
tion of Albany, will be held in the
opera house this evening at 7:110
o'clock. I'y consent of 1 1 it- various
churches this will lie a union ser
vice, and an invitation is extended
lo all to attend. Avery interest,
ing programme will be rendered
consisting of music by Ihe Appol
ios, remai ks by president of
Ihe association. Prof. W. H. Lee,
and an address upon the subject ol
''Young Men in Religion," by
Pn.f. II. A. Hiorey, of Portland.
Programme will be distributee at
the door. Let every one bring
their li'ispcl Hymns No. .".
ISnuril if Trade Meeting.
The board of trade wdl hold a
meeting Monday evening at. the
city council chambers lo consider
t he question of sending an ener
getic man lo Portland to direct
immigrants towards Albany. It
is proposed to employ a man to
represent t he interests of the city
and country at the metropolis for
l telin ol three months. The
board w ill also take some action to
secure pi iuted matter advertising
the eifv.
Ilai rivliti ri;'! Hotel,
The Copia hotel at llauisbiirg,
saj s the Courier, is no more. When
ihe new piop ieleess, Mrs. M. ,1.
Moi iisoii took charge of the house
last Monday she rp-chrislehftl it
the "l.yndel Home, " nor is this
the only change that is being made,
the liiri ituie throughout is to be
replaced by new, and the building
will be remodeled, rcpai'.cd anil
repainted inside and out. Mis.
Morrison is an experienced and
pleasant hostess; she will make
the l.yndel a lirst-class house.
Theie will be services at the
Congregational this moeuiugat II
o'clock as mnal. Subject foe the
discourse. "The obscurity of
Chi ists life." No services in the
evening at this church, on account
of the Y. M. C. A. exercises in
Ihe opera house.
Wbt Society Has Been Doing During
the Week. !
The longest (!: is in June they sa ; i
The shortest in Dei-ember.
They ill J not c.mie to no- lliat w..v: J
Tin- slinrtest I renii-iiiher " jf
You came a day Willi me to stav,
.-inu iini-u my ue.ri w iui A' sHjr-
Tire longest day- von were hi:iv
I'l . . . -o-
llll- ICiy l.l-Xl lMy iiller.
The Misses llattie and Li.ia
Cialbraith gave a most delightful
whist jiariy ut th-ir rosid.'nce
Wednesday evening. The sjiacions
liarlors were tasteiullv diHorated
with evergreens. Whi.-t was
played by those present in the
early part of the evcnii., after
which daiicing was imiulgid in to
ihe s teet tones of the violin and
guitar. About 11 o'clock an ele
gant lunch was sei ved.alter which
dancing was resumed. Mim Min
nie an Horn sang, "A Curl from
Pa by 'a Head" in her usual
pleasing manner, and some very
pretty music was
rendered. Those present were:
Miss Pertha F.llis, Miss Tina Moii
teith, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Moii
teith, Mr. and Mrs. II. .1. Hopkins.
Mr. and Mrs. i:. K. (ioll', Mr. and ,
Mrs. Will McCulloch, Miss Loia;
Vance, Miss Lee feather, Mr. and !
Mrs. K. C Searls, Misses Ai.l a '
and Sophia Houek, Miss Pea.--! i
Vance, .Miss Sarah Owenby, .Miss'
Lillian Hackleman, .Messrs". .1. A. I
( umming. Robert Strong. J.
Wilson, Alex Rennie, K.
Lorillard. (ieorge Mooiehoiise,
m. i.arge, Arthur 1'eaciK-k.
A large niiinbi r wee present at
the W. C. T. P. hall Friday even
ing, the occasion being a shot
social given by the ladies of the
Christian church. The chiel
feature of tha evening was eating
lunch out of a slipper, which was
novel to say the least. A very en
joyable evening was spent.
SlKllI asiiiiv's siui-kisk.
A few friends of Miss Sarah
Ashley assembled at her residence
Wednesday evening and her
a most delightful surprise. The
evening was pleasantly spent in
social conversation and music.
The social given Friday evening
at the residence of W. L. Vance,
was as lieaiitilul as it was unique.
The parlors were decorated beauti
fully with different colored colds,
running in all directions, making
a striking imitation of spid r webs,
and was truly as enticing as the
parlor into which the II y of old i
was allured. Beginning at one
end the victims, w ho seemed far
from loth to being caight, would
follow the co:d in its mysterious
wanderings until the end was
reached, w hen the article there j
attached was the property of the j
lucky ones. An elegant luiuhwasj
A very pleasant card party was
given W eunesilay evening at the
residence of T. J. Stiles. A few
friends were present and a very
enjoyable evening passed.
I-'AKKW lit. i. i-ahi v.
At the residence of Mrs. C I
Hoiick Monday evening a farewell!
party was given Mrs. r. K. L. j
Irvine, previous to her ilepartme !
tor her lioni'- in Portland. The I
evening was very enjovahlv !
passetl in social coiiveisatiou audi
laying whist and kindred games.
Some very beautiful music wasj
rei dereil. Following were pres j
ent : Mi. and Mrs. Thomas Alim- i
leith, Mrs. .1. L. Cowan, Miss Lee
Prat her, M isses A una and Sopbi i
Hoiii-k,.). A. ( 'umining, M. II.
Phillips,.l. A. Wilson.
At the residence of Miss l.ora
Vance on Sixth street, Tuesday
evening a few lrii nd-j fpent Hie
evening playing whist ami kindreil
games. The all'air w is a e y
pleasant one. A inU'-n of the
evi-niiif- w m . . .( , . I to vocal and
instrumental music, alter which
light refreshments were si rved.
Kint-il for Treiqun.
I'epnty Sherill' MeClain of
I lai i isburg went down to llai.-ey
Satnnl.iv with a warrant for the
arrest ol Justine Wigie, son of J.
L. Wigle, charged with tresspass
ing on the land of a Mr. Slierly
ol station. Owing to Mr.
Wigle's inability to seeiiie an
attorney the trial was put oil' unti!
Monday morning, when .1. P.
Wjalt, appeared for plainlill', and
('has. Wolverton, also of Albany
took charge of (In-defense. It was
late in the evening when the jury
brought ill the vcrdiit of guilty
and Justice Houglas, before whom
the case was liied, lined the
prisoner ten dollars anil costs,
w hich amounted to .fi!.'!.
Ihry Want A .Mull lioiile.
Since the announcement that
the mail route had luen ili-contm-ed,
lietwccu Turner ami Mehama
by the way of SI ay ton aud Aums
ville, a vigorous ell'ort is being
made, both by '.he people along
the line and in this city. The
discontinuance of that mail and
stage route will virtually dis
connect all that put ct Marion
from Salem. A petition has been
circulated in Salem and has I e -n
forwarded lo Congressman Her
mann asking him to urge the re
establishmeiil of that important
route. Salem Journal.
Aniiiteintiry .Meeting.
The anniversary meeting of the
Woman's Christian I'nioii A ill be
held on Friday evening next, April
17th, at their hall, at which Line
Mrs. Fmily Pitts Stevens of Cali
fornia, an able speaker and nation
al oignnizer will lecture. Mis.
Stevens is a very entertaining
speaker, and coining feoiu a sister
state should be cordially welcomed
in Albany. On Friday afternoon
at :: o'clock she will give an ad
dress, to which all ladies, whether
members of the union or not, are
cordially yiviled.
r II.
I On iiei Tuesday evming the
i people of Albany will be given an
opportunity of w itnessing Mcl'ad
I den's Pavilhon I'ncle T im's Cabin
j Co. ThiMMiupany is now traveling
i for the -Joth. seasju and Ihrmgh
j its lirst-class performances it has
never failed of success. There are
iniiiy-inrce people in the com
pany, a car load or more of fine
scenery especially made for the
play, donkeys, ponies. blood
hounds, and in fact everything
necessaiy to produce the great
play of ' I'ncle Tom's Cabin" in
the manner that it should be. In
order to have plenty of room for
the proper production of the piece,
it is given under a lame canvas
which will be stretched on the
square in front of the court house.
A grand parade will be "iven at
W. A. Kimsey, by !eome Hum
phrey tefeiee, to .1. II. IVelV,
."i'.i.'.Mi acres, 1 1 w. 1, .fldll.
Same to 1 1 . C. Courtney, lots 4
and .", block L', Sodavillc, f 100.
Same to P. ), Smith, hlock 12,
Wassom's addition, Lebanon,:?:.'.')!).
W. P. Iviik lo North i:ions
ville, 2 pieces of land, .!.
Kllie .f. Haack to James Ven
ters, 77. SI acres 10 w li, .-f 105ii.
Foot Cut Nearly Oil;
A son of JesepS Hei ker, living
across Ihe liver in P-enton county,
was cutting wood t i nlay w hen the
axe slipped and struck him across
Ihe right foot, nearly severing it
at Ihe instep. I'r. J. L. Hill was
called and dressed the wcund.
The foot will probably not have to
be amputated.
Catarrh cured, health and sweet
breath secured, by Shiloh's Cat
arrah remedy, price oi) cents.
Nasal injector free, sold by Foshay
ci Mason.
Look Out r,
Evry Count; in the State Asked tj Join
in a Meeting on Jane 16.
The committee of the State
sjiirii ol Agriculture, consis;tinir
ob.i. l. apperson, an n. veiasn-
mtt, 1). S. K. Buick and W. F.
Matlock, have issued the following
w hrfch is self-explanatory :
the umlersigntd, a special
comirwttee appointed by the State
llounR of Agriculture lo prepare
the isue a call, whereby at an
early dAy1 we could secure, if possi
ble, thts co-oeration of all the
people in haviiigOregon's material
interests properly represented at j
the Wends Columbian Lx posi
tion to be held at Chicago in 18!Kl,
and believing it to be impoitant
; that Oregon should take some
action wherein we could unite and
secure necessary means to furnish
ami plan, whereby said exhibit
could be made creditable to the
state, we respectf illy request the
j county courts of the respective
! counties of this state to designate
J and secure, if possible, the atteiid
j ance of one or more delegates to
repieseiit said county at a meeting
to be held at the Chamberof Com
merce in the city of Portland, on
June Kith, at 1 1 o'clock a. m., no
county being entitled to more than
live delegates. We would most
earnestly urge upon Ihe Isiards of
trade in each county and all good
citizens to co-ojierate with and act
in conjunction with each other in
securing the proper representation
i to attend said meeting, so that
leach section of the state may
assist in determining the best
j means to secure the object and
purpose of this call. We are of
l the opinion that this is a matter
' of vast importance to all classes ol
: cur population and we feel assured
that if we can secure a meeting of
I the representative men of each
j county in the state that they will
i he able to agree ujion some method
j whereupon the people of the sta e
I can unite for accomplishment ol
j the object and purpose of this call,
j 1. remains lor your repiesentatives
I when assembled to determine the
cost of, and manner of accom
plishing the gteal object in view,
and we confidently expect the co
operation and assistance of everv
citizen of the state, including tie
public pre-s.
The people of Oicgon must move
in this matter if they wish to keep
pace with the procession o! other
Pacific coast states. We respect
fully icqiiest the press of the state
to give publicity to the above call,
so that w e w ill not be under the
nece-sity of w riting personal letters
to any one m this connection.
Mlianv's Wheat .'Market.
Referring to Altiany 's shipping
facili'ies Ths Halles Times-Mountaineer
sas: "the benelits of an
open river can be appreciated
when it. is known that wheat
brings 72 cents in Albany, nearly
as distant from Portland as The
Halles, and only (I21.. cents in thi:
city. The reason for this ie the
cheapness of tranportatien because
of the river being free to pro
ducers." It is not only the Wil
lamette river, but a railroad direct
to the sea, and another competing
line to Portland, together with
competing boats that enables Al
bany to pay more for w heat than
tow ns either to the north or south
of us. V. heat is to-day worth SO
cent-, instead of 72 as quoted by
the'neer. The Al
bany wheat market has been
several cents in advance of neigh
boring tow ns since the advent oi
the Oregon Pacific railroad to this
I binvkf l'he a-ant Kkk. i
J.jIiii Prig's of this city is in j
ri ceipt ot a h-fter from New York
lately asking for t iunese pheas nt
. egns. .ir. I.riggs desires to
m- i..;.. . .i..:
; purchase a few dozen to ship to
; .New oi k lorliatelung. I he price I
. of Chinese pheasant eggs is about i
L'.o'i per tlon.
j Croup, whooping couh and
I hrom-hitis immediately relived by
j hiloh'sCure. For sale by Foshay
j A Mason.
Try our elegant teas and coffees,
1 the linesi in the city. Once used
always used. Mueller it (iarrett.
j That hacking cough can be so
quickly cured by Shiloh's (..'lire.
W'e guaran'te it. Sold by Foshay
A Mason.
No need to take those big cat
hartic pils ; one of I'r. J. II. Mc
lean's l.iveraild Kidney 1'illeN is
quite sullicient ami more agreeable.
Shiloh's Cure and consumption
cure is sold by is on a guarantee.
It cures coneuinptioii. For sale
by Foshay it Mason.
When nature falters and
requires help, recruit her en
feebled energies with lr. J. II.
McLean's Strengthening Cordial
and P.Iood Purtier. $1.00 per
Pimples, blotches, scaly skin,
ugly spots, sores and ulcers, ab
scesses and tumors, uiilteallhv
discharges, such as catarrh,
eczema, ringworm, and other foriin
ol SKin diseases, are symptom s
of blood impurity. Take I'r. J. II.
McLean's Sarsaparilhi.
I had a severe attack of catarrh
and became so deaf I could not
hear common conversation. I
sull'ered terribly from roaring in
my head. I procured a bottle of
I'.U-'h ISalm. and in three
w eeks could hear as well as 1 ever
couiti, ami now i can say 10 an
,i i ... t . . . . iiiiui lite i u i er in me in
who are alllicted with the worst of
diseases, catarrh, take s Cream .
Palm and e cured It is worth
Sl ,000 to anv man, woman or child j
siltl'ering from catarrh. A. K.
New man, Grayling, Mich.
' "
ollei- In llebloo.
All th i- iiidt-htiil to the la'c firm of
Thomson ,v overman are re.)iu-..te.l to fall
at onee ami settle the same
e .o.t t..v- .....o - 7 j ,ile their c'aims in tin ollk-e on or he
look at our large variety of Oxford fore f.lid ,,stb dav of April ,s.ii.
ties just received and the latest I J, T, AI'I'F.RSON,
slyl t-s at Klein Pros. j ' ' He-inter.
r, ...nni il,n ...I ..a 1a ft
IJulin A Dawson, druggists.
French keeps railroad time.
(Jo to Vierecks for a good shave
Wall paper at Cumining's drug
Just received, our new line of
sunshades and parasols. Ladies
For lame back, side or chest,
use Shiloh's porous plaster. Price
25 cents at Foshay it Mason.
Sleepless nights, made miserable
by that terrible cough, Shiloh's
Cure is the remedy for you. F'or
sale by Foshay it Mason.
PKK-II SALMON' i.t lliu Alhaicy Fish Mar
r ki-t, n-xr. iloor to the pouloilico. Leave
jour oritur for Fridjy an t! t naliiioii law ex
pirus tin that day. Also .crcli, Houii.Iith
BiurKiMii ami trout in season, ;iue anil
ionltr ilressi.l toorki and (l.liven-il free
in the city. J. Hvi-K, I'rop,
McFaddcn's Mammoth Pavil
ion Double Uncle Tom's Cabin
Co. will appear under canvas
on the court house square,
with a company of players
carefully selected for their ar
tistic ability to till the require
ments of the play.
2 Toiisvs,
2 M irks,
2 I onkevs,
2 Mules,
4 I'.l.'od Hounds.
2 .-hetlaud Ponies,
12 Musicians,'nilee Siu-.'ers,
1") Performers.
2 cars of special scenirv, a com
pany of people, a pm m
of laiiiihter and tears eu
dorsed by pulpit, pre s
and public.
at 12 o'clock, rain or
Kememlier the datj and place
Court house square, Tiles lav,
April 11th.
p. I'll ut in Irnj; SttrT
Fresh Home Made Ilivad
Pies, Cakes, Ktc.
Special rates made for baking
for parties and weddings.
Notiee of Stut'Miolilerx .Meeting.
Xi HtoekholiliTH iiiei-tiiitf tif the At
liativ Mininij and .MiHiinr C 'oinpany ol
Albany will be lie'ul ht the ollii.; of
the seerclarv iu rooms -.'."i ami 2'i. in
I the Sf. ilir'li-l'-.-iiree bu'i'ilinir oil Kilt
I i-trt-el, Altiuiy, r . on the JTtli l;iv,
j the same In the l.i-t loml;iv i!
jAiiril, 1VI1, at t tie hour i( 111 'lour
oVhiek r. M.. fur the puipose of elect.
! 1 1 m" seeii ihreet'i: t-i mim- lor the
ensuing j-e.ii-. (i v. 'r. Vareli Pi. l;il.
I. 11 M,.NrMc,
decretal v.
trry a lurp- stock
printers statimiory, well as-
sorted. mjrht linrt from the
niaiuifai-tiirers at a low tigtire,
ami can :ive the best of work
I 1111 (
in all Kiinl ol iii iiiUn
l'.r the
i ,.ast niuin v. Try us.
r.ii.i-:v A-
in ire for riililli-.-itliui.
Oreu-on I il, Or-L'"ii, J.m, 1-.', i
Noi h 10 is )i--rel.v L'ieti th;it in fOiii.liuee
with t ir,. iyi-ins ef tin-:u-t of i; nrt'Ha ..I
.Inn l;s, t-iititVI "An a-rt lortbe n;il- of
timber IumiIh in thft Pt;itn of t'alltornia,
Oftfoii, Ni-va.hi an.l Wa-hiMiit'-n Teiritory,"
1'harJf-n rrottM-, ol ll:i u-;iriN, eoilnty of
Ahmit-ila. tate of l 'aliloi nia, )i:u thin .Ja
ti!i-.l in thi- othre hij Huorii t.tatiin:itt No.
-.'IJT. for i In- )iiir. liv-ii ot the S. ol X. K. J
anill'.ts 1 ami -J of Set- ion No. li. in toun-i-liiii
No. : South Kanue Ne. :i i-.-i-i ami will
otl.T r.-.l to ihov tin- l iml Nought is.
more vamablt for ii tnniiur or toim tlian
ariinltnia MirN.8n, ail lo esta'.hsh tun
t'laini to -taiil lainl ln:lor.: tin: hi-u-is'er and
llci'eixer of this oth.-i- at ln--,'i.ii t'ir . Or on.
on Thurs la the 7th ilaj of V iv, I Vi
lb-h:iim-ii ai witneH,-n. II I. 1'rt-st-iii, .1.
II. ClliiH, T. KNorii an.l K. II. Oati , a!:
of Ila, i 'alih.rnia Any and al!
t-taiiuinc the ai ox c-ib s-rilit.l I ml .
are r?iilest. d to file their f-lainit ill llii
otiko on or bel'.-e sai-l 7tli dav of Mav. I:i.
Niilii-o til Final !flllriiicnt,
NOTICF if licretiv (,'ivi-n that the umler-sint-d
adniiniMtratrix of tin estate wf J. .1
Dorris, dei-oaHil. has filed tier final account
an Haid ailtnini-itratriv of Haid est.-.te, ami
tatbvordr of the tounty iiniit of l.ini.
eouiitx . Oregon-, on the '.ith day of May at
10 A. M , of ...ti.l day ban bet ii IimhI b tlu-i-ourt
at 'lie time for hearini; and Hettlin
Siii.l an ount.
Mits. M K. Iionui-.
A diiimint rator.
ollet- mr I'nblleiil Ion.
L' States l.anil O.'lii e, i
Oregon City, Or., Jan. ."i, lVI. I
NoTIt.K is heieliy niven tliiil in
compliance with the provisions of the
act of Congress of .lime ', entitl
ed "An net f,t Ihe sale of tii:ihiT
lands in the sUites of Ciilifnniiu. Ore-i
ton, Neviuhi anil M'ar-hingtou Terii
ton ," John Van Jlorn, of San Kran- i
ciseo, eoiinty of San Kraoeisio, state)
of California, has this day lib d in this ;
''""'V lus K",onl """''"""J. V'
-1 1 '!. I
lor llie inn itriM' in llie .
, .. , ., .... Vj. ... c;.T,,i. :
KilIlire y;: ,'', iii',,Her pr...'.! I
to show Hint the land sought is more !
valuable for its timber or stmie than
for agricultural purposes, uiul to e..
thlish li s claim to said land befure
'he K.-gister and lb ceiveo of ;lii? of-
lice al'iregon Citv, Oregon, on lues
day, the 2Mti day of April, JVM.
lie names as w itnesses, .1. Toegue
niin, C. Cliatain, E. Jean. M. Dullard,
all of Sun Kruueiseo, California. Any
and all persons claiming adversely the
aooTC tiei-ei men laiius air i eouesieu io
Bakery ffiloBietliODtii
Highest of all in Leavening Power.
L. EX 13 LAIN,
The Loading Clothier.
to see a line of uoods
variety, the finest ami conservative fashionable
features of the day, ombincJ with a complete assort
ment of staples, all made and tinished in the very high
est standard of excellence, and placed on the market at
pcpular prices, our exhibit for the coming spring and
summer season w ill surely command his attention.
Fit guaranteed in his
I'kicks Always Reasonable.
I The Alhanv
II. I lyde having purchased the interest of L. T. Brock in the J
,i business, invites the attention of the public to his elegant stock -ct
r of fmniture in his new uuarters in the Baltimore brick. He
$ has added a uiaemficent line of
r and parlor sets and all kinds of fine furniture, and has one of
J the (inert furniture establishments in the citv. Prices will be
found very reasonable. A fine
ir before the raise will be sold at
"In Spring tlie voting man's fancy
Ligl itly turns to tl louglus of love !"
T The wise young man, Ihe old man, the thrifty housewife, all w ill
lurn their steps, when searching for fresh table delicacies, choice
butter, fresh laid eggs, staple and fancy groceries of all kinds, to llie
grocery s lore of
AVo wish to remind you that we car
ry the most Complete Line of Hard
ware, Stoves and Ranges in the "Val-
Latest U. S. Gov't Food Report.
that embodies in its immense
tailoring department.
Furniture Co. I
newest patterns in bed room
line of carpets and rugs bonghl
low figures. &
r -Cr
II also tunis to 1
its oi some
lliu good
Eat, as well.
.Brown ell.