. t THE JVlOKNiyG HEKALD: THURSDAY, APKIL9, ISO!. '" " AND WEiiKLV f 1 'AILY ;ri;.Mi f sriisC::PT!"N lailv i hr 'i.i...! imrrinst ULij-r !miuI.v.) ! -i--r I 'A.K LY, M uery Krit:-. St.riifnir.) !':tV ,. r atiMii'i, la atl:ii:t-.. . t...l in ,m ..ticti. ..'J,00 ;- 'T i.Id!1:i ' i ;:;3 v m. ; J : t I'ot L'.iii.i v m H A. an I :.,..:. 1 " r. M r..., t -- i'h. I:;-' m ,i-ti i r:i.itN-r i,r tr:t- ( !y lifminu' tr ho io.;l:.i fn.:ore c-lotk the tKri.wN I'A'. li- IC TIV.K TAI'I.K. K:. vl.: :; 1','tii 7 i .i in rin: .wKi.xr.t.v ;.. Tin: fa i; Mia:. AM Two iin-iit'.s a, as our rea h is will lemeiiil.t i piiccs of some of l.irm products w eif at a low ll;t:re and demands tt"t active. The free tiade oiators of the land s-aw, 'r t'.ioii.'ht they saw a laie hoom ahead tor them, and evuy tariil i r.ui in t hf land was appealing to lie fanners to wake up J.oin this Irtlniy. tear loose- iiotu the party of cut throats w'.io had forced the loohci' tax tariil' on the country and struck !ii'-death hli.-.v to the ULrriciiItinal ii'erests of our fair and free lomain and fall in with the party who w n.i in favor ol free trade the only sure road to liih pi iced w heat for the tanners, and low priced clothiiiji with cheap fair, and mod erate, taxes. When r: ain was. lower than coull he proiiiahly produced at least -i per cent of the reduction was the direct result of the hi;h taiiir. Mi Kinley I'.iil. soannounced f ee trade hooiuei s. As soon as it was ccraincd that the .McKinley liiil could no! K- JeiV iited, hut would si-Hi lei i.iiii- a law i f tin- 'l-i ? i e li'-iq!,. i :lr :lli ' - .cr l;Ui i :e tra.is'oi i. - , iriii'ioviM-il means I , , , , , . , iiiln lo.l k 1 down t t:n ;r greatest . q .'y eiop acr ::i II' leg the liiill.'V ,. , j )iu t ana-la I i.e iro into the rutted Slates to he sold in roir.pt t ii ion w i tit like products of tin- farmers of our own govern ment, h fore tiie yd lit imtal, ar.d j'.isf-, lar;:l' to he inlorced iiy the McKinleV hiil W-uId hecome Opel- .itire. Ciinaihioi lai mi-is full saw lgi.it their neijhh.ifs t-i the south were going to I i tin.- 1 eiie:,ciaiies j iy tin- exua d ity on hailey. J and the pieiit.t iraiket Ki i! ih An.tiie.i had ever had for hi t j . ! ps would soon ! shut out, and the ma: kct rescued for tl. liners . of the f. .tiie So; States. f the I'uitid did not take 1'iee trad urnal c .-ni..iu c of !he.-e. t';Ut oi ;it le.ts! faded to e.l.l Sp-ci.ll il't 'lltioil to the cioiwl id train loads of ;tain that wele he i ng I Mil actos.s the hue. 1. 1 ! so would he hard on theii toieol ihei .in- ai.-i olatant hiiio- liiggrv and iis wheat cid not rapidly alvatice the lice tiadc ila-s of par.c-itc- that never fail to to attach thcinseKfH t ) every Itall horn scheme that holds out a ray of hope for the procurement of an oilice, wept au lihly and hiltirly tot the poor tanner who was heiug wuv'iaiil v. hilc following his plow and swingiiig his faithful 'hoe, and tobhed ot his haul earned !a! oi hv a di'-lioins! tiiiill' tax. It U a little amn.-ing to ok-eive how svini'.ilhetic ;i gang of chronic inlice ,-et-ke! : and ai w ii v : Set kers of oilice- tliat pay the highest .-aiaiies ciiu hecoiiae for the wel fare of poor men who have to win a livelihood hy the sweat of their hr.. Sympathisers who were never known to sweat I hem-el ve.v. Sin h men's syitt pat hy i- dei'epl ion and t!ic;r h-.iuha-tie noise i"i i -ases to tv an-wi ree' hy ;t iv I urning i cho. If the M.-Ixiulcy h;i! dest.oved the price of the l irnn-is product.-. when it lirst heca-ne a hiiv , ai they a.-setted at that time, w hen such plodiu ts chanced to he low. how ate these silly scieainers going to iiai.nioni'" the present hiirh pt ;-.-of I he farmers piodiit is w it !i tluit cheap store of empty a-setlioiis. As all kiio.v wheat has ju-.t taken atisi-aialis tiov high r than lot mouths past while the toh'Sci taiii' .-ont : n lies to 1 c a law ot ti e l.tnl. In cio.-ing this at I ic!e we caniio! refrain front quoting tin- sui.joincd parau'i'.ip-1 hike, not iiom politi cal paper, out from a paper siiiet 1 , leyi.!.-d lo t he iu'eie-1 of the far mer and stock grower. The name of litis paper is the Farm and JloUie .11 d is puhlishcd ill Chic Igo, i Illinoi.j anil Siingtii-lil, Mass. lli-a 1 the follow ing i'min ii April it, ami dru v your own i-tmi.-lusioiit. l'licc :trt still advancing for rVrit. whfiit. -juts ami rattle. 1 lie I supply of the cereals is U-B- tl an j f'"' .several years at this juncture, j 1 lie market is more oi less mieni ' -if in.r lint wt tij..ivt tluit Pivrv ! lni.-0.el of wheat still in the far I meis' hands should net him from $1 to 1 .1(1, aei'oidinjr to the condi tion of the spiing wheat crop, ('oiii will also advance, in spile of t ii- opt tiinj; of water transport tioti and lower freight rates. Corn reached 70 cents the day this issue mis to press, anil will touch SO cents hei'ore it is lower. Tin: little war cloud called up iiy the precipitated action of Ktil ni, (he Italian 1'iciuier, hi f) hioiii;ht out i hurst of enthusiastic pat liotisui from dillerent sections of I'nion, that are truly astonish in jr. The Chronicle notes one in s lyiii;,' that liulio, in the heart oi the Colorado desert, is the last place one would sehct as the home of ardent patriotism. It is gener ally hot in lndio, and therefore mixed drinks and straight are in great demand, hut a liheral con sumption tf them is scarcely sutli- eient to account for the outhurst oi indignant nationality that fol lowed the receipt in lndio of the iiewsof It.dv'ti demands on this count i y Nothing outside of a w ild heast show or a dime novel ever equaled the perfoi mancej of the lndio cowhoys. Tin: close ohserver upon the suojectol the Mormon church con ference in Salt l ake recently, will notice that tiie hurden of remarks was the great necessity of keeping up the tithes. That seems to he the foundation of the .Mormon church, and is really the oniy reason ol its existence. It is no wonder tiiat an assofiati m can flourish and grow fat when every man connected with it is ohliged io give a certain propoition or tithe of every cent he earns or comes in posses-ion of to the as sociation. Tin-foundation of that chllleh is piet ly Solid. Tin: chief of police of I ctril has had t ) siep do, vn and out. I le al lowed the repoiters upon the daily ......... i.. .!:.:. I .1... I..,., i i'.ii'i-iri'ini.iiiivii.iiiiiiiiii i.i'iiii 1 ' , . , I for an ahdiicted man, and the ie atioii was cliillleieil .... SiM was that lie liail to give wav r :1 V let I'st ! U In VI :W U 1 1 1 1 III' tl. . . . V a ' accept niloi m.i: ion irom jtny .UM 1 . . ... - every so nee. ami also will to irive information. The jealousy he Ucn the olice and the news paper repot ters is uncalled for and usiialiy results iu the police loin irioiind. Tin Trench artists are a prudent -ft it seem-', as tiiev hae ex- pn-s-ed .'. decided disinclination to l il.jr pictures to this country f,,r exhihition at the world's fair f,,,-f,.;n i ha! t hey will he injured r de: troed. They do not K-em lo have much faith in the integrity of t he American pet. pie. I'rohahly t hey w ill change t heir minds he f ire the hig show comes oil'. HUMPHREYS' j !:. I!' nttii:K vhiMMism- n-it nttli- :.! it'Mi!l n hirt t prf.v ri.ti"H; UHi-d j In in iliv c:tr- ill nair r:i 1 1 e Willi Ml. I tu t f.n owt tltirtv vr Mff I ! the titf -llM 4 II Itll tl . I Iu-h,- -j t , titi-s i nit- wirlioiii Wrnii;itiut jtniii- i-r i in in I In- txttciu. :unl ;irt- in t.i'-t ;in.l 'i ' il l In- sou'i ri-n ri-iuedii t f tin- i.l- i nr I i; i n i if vi, Ni t. I i:ks. mih k. 1 h u-rM, "U-i st inn, ititlniiLiiKttion . . Vf'it i-, wriu lirr, worm t-olu ... 'i ". i v iti t'olii , ni ttvthinir nf ihtitt-1. . 4 luirt i, oi litliiri ii ur alu!t-t ." I tiiN r , (irifiKv:, llillioiis O'lii ..... - Mio!t u ,1'rl.u. (iiutiii; l' i 7 '(i ' oli". Itriiiu lnTis J' . :u. Irtu. t Iir, K:i4-ta-h ' II. :i.t i i,f, si, k ti- aii i Iu. vertigo.. . . t"' 10 I p- a. I'iilum? foin.n Ii 1 1 S'lju -n -' ( or I'.itnTtil 1'crioN ''." 1-' H t.i s, too jilne M,iMl '.: I ; t'roti, t oir.'h, (ittf! nit brr.ithin l'.'i M S.i!t Kl.. tint. t:(M l;tH. -rut! :oit. , .'" t;iiCH'li:itlMll. rli itlliatir pUlll ' ',' Kt vt-r ;unt', ' Mil It Mi liaria ." IT I'll. . Llm-i .r t.Icdin-.' "-i I'M :iT:in h. il.ll l. tl i, .l ill f iv h.Hl .0 'u h-'tijiin-r tii'.'it. viilfiit oui:lis ..o 'lOmr.tl .li-nihfv, hsic:il wtukinhis .')() Knliifv ilii-UM" ;'.J N'-ivO'i- .iol.ilitv 1 mi , ui (tint; In-il trt, (ulpitution.,.. 1 I S.'l.lNv 1 1 -n it r -nt poHtpu'nl on re i cipt ol )' v ih. Hu:iihrt'vV .M.itiii:U, (1 11 pi 't-) rt l.K li")iiti ii. clotli .ml i;oll, m:iil r.l fni-, IIL'U III:S MKl,C , III a 1 1 ! W illt. in, St , New V-.ik, SPECIFICS If jou want 'I'HK hkst. buy ALLEYS NOKTII KKN tiiion n SKEDS ll Ml.- Vrl.liH t Vl'tl tl ll Willi iM.t l.i tin III H'l til AI. I.K.N .linvt. Hi tin .V. t.l'. I'-i .eltitlll -..t:lli'V'tti-Ht-Tll llrr. A..lr.-i, K W AI.I.KS, 71 Si . iiti'l ttii-t, rurtUttil, Or W'ICAIv MAX W'liit i sutliTini.', t'ltln in uuikI or l.4nl. (rum the in- j iriotw or WLakctiiii": ilT.-. t v 7 '.At ..v.ii i '. r.r.T- i.A'... :i''tti; ;ti.( t' fNi-H villi Ik: 4 iinl. r:tp'ri frit- i-4-ulrL UK- UULt Prtlaml, Or. :ir e t ri-nt i in 4:nnnv: ri.-4l', liUioti, Ntrvo.i :uni M; in l'iw;ifi. Writ lo-Uav. Il. li .o.. r.ii.i !.- k4 i.t r.vrvt.' any rrwt. ' - , PLOWS PLOWS Staver & NK'.V M.VlvKKT lll.oCK. Are headquarters in PLOWS OF, EVERY DESCRIPTION JAY EYE SEE SULKY I.ITTI.K t ; I A NT W.M.KINC ( iarg I'low s, Triumph Three Wheeled Sulky l'lows, Wo, ..I and Iron Frame Harrows. Hiding and Walking Culti vators, and everything need ed by the fainter for tilling the soil. All dealers ami farmers w ill lind it to their advantage to write to us lor terms ami prices before purchasing elsew here, as we can make it an object forilieni to deal w ith u, while giving a larger ami more varied stoih. .o seieci itont titan anv other linn on the l'acilic Coast. ,,Tf,.m.T , I ' r WI. CAI.ia Illl. I.AUiiKSr AM) MOST CO.Mri.KTK STOCK ON TIIK PACIFIC Macainery and Vehicles SI.M) Jl 't! CM AI. otil i: Y. C. I )A V l S ALBANY, tVr The men of t hit) vicinity need not. he jealous because their wives talk so constantly about Matthews and Washburn. Its not their irood : looks the ladies art? talking about,! it is the good tiualites of the - ook ami heating rftoves t hey sell. Kvery one seems to be delighted w hen tlit y buy from M. ami W. Our stock of candy has ami we will give special churches ami tiociables. .t tiarrett. arrived. .i.. .'. ,r l,e.I, .Mueller Julius ( Iradwohl, (troprietor ol IheUoldeil Uule lia.itiir, iiiloims us that he will add to his already large business a complete line ol shelf hardware and family groceries. The sales of hisdoldcu Utile teas and baking powder is steadily increasing, lies' ill keep-! up the elegant prizes willttltee gi tods. ooil fur K:tl. I'rv tir wood delivered to tn v .rd. part of the city at. if:; (10 per Leave orders street tit 1', van I. at the foot of Ferry W. Spink's himhei n n 1 1ULU The public is mense FOR THE 2 l i iu.. IIh m trt n-m h hi.-r-r th.i-i variety antl pricen. The Iiiglicsl Market Price Paid for PLOWS! Walker - roiiTl.ANI), ORKtiOX. the Xorthwest for Comprising J. I. CAS I- Wood Beam Com l'lows, Stiilthle l'lows, Hazel riow (iiuh l'lows, Timber I lows, Uoai r (Irading l'lows, Side Hill l'lows, Steel r.cam Walking l'lows. AND GANG . PLOWS, COAST OF of Every Description. ami i-Kit i: i is r. t CO OKKCOX. ALBANY niale .,.., ! nLtSHN I, OREGON i ls!n A Et!ll ihiii IfipS CI IhtlUCtOlS. sot titk. literarv. e nimi rcia Clr.ssi.al, I -""I ""al cla Courses of study ur- ranged to meet Ibe needs of all grades of stu.i.tntH. si.iui iitdiieements offi-rcl to ; ,t:i,iciits from abroad. Tuition ranges from .'...-.0 Ki SI -'.SO I'er l.-rni. ' liistrtitiii-tital instruetion in music wi iveu b Miss l.atlr.i Ooltra. I li'.ar.i in private families at low rates, ami I rictus I'nr -.elf hoardiiit: at small expense. , ran Ml sittn-rv ision cxen'ised over pup ' nvav fr.iln bt.lniT. For ..in ni irs tiiid full particulars, addre tin- pr.-sident, KKV. KI.i:KKTN. CON HIT, Altiany, Oregon, i CMiovT)Eir "iiitbs ' Contractois and Builders. )tlice on First street with Wal nowst lace ot j iisick, reai estate agents, i .Messrs. Jiyntan vV lirow neli are , litany, Oregon. Kstitnates given j prepared in "their nursery to f'ir n ail kinds oi buildingsor carpen- I nish all kinds of stock, and those ;er woi'k. All work intrusted to intending to plant should call upon w ill i or tin t'.lv n ; : in 1 . them. i MM 1L1 invited to inspect the im stock of Dry SPRING OF w n ewr h-fo.-e, an 1 Iu is prepare I Star Bakery ..A FULL STOCK OF.. tStapIo Groceries Crockery. Glassware. The best quality of teas, ioffei-8, caiMlim nuts, etc. FRESH BARED BREAD EVERY DAY. At this olil reliable house 'S also to Le found a complete assortment of fresli famil groceries, to wliiel is coui-tantlv beintr aildut ill the seasonable lines of uroteties and pro visions, suuli aa Cranberries, Fine Pickles, Dried Seef Chipped to order Anchovy Mustard, Candies and Nuts, tastetn Buckwheat Flour, Cannea Goods of All Kinds, Bohemian Glassware, Etc, These goods were all homrlit when priecs . ere low and the benefit of the margin will lie '.viven to Ins customers. Kemeniber tbe;cc. Ttiiu old comer on First and.- Uroalaihiu SCh. Conrad Mter. Jimrc i) DKAlKKlS IS j ! STOVES, TINWARE. H0USE5FUKNISHINCL" i Manufacturers of galvanized iron omice. I'huubing a specialty. Jive ns a call. DR. W. C. NEGUS, ' '.Uraduate of the Royal College of London, Knglattd, also of the JJcllo- vue Medical College. The Dr. has spent a lifetime of ttudy and practice and makes a spe I :ia!ty of chronic diseases, removes i lancers, scrofula enlargements, tumore mil wens, witliout pain or the kiute. lie also makes a hpccialty of treat- mint with electricity. Has practii ed i n the German French and F'.uglish ; lospitaU. Calls promptly attended ! lav uiiht. His motto is t ",.(JD WILL TO ALL." ! ivii-. . ... i it.. L'. Oflice a ml residence Ferry street, i tetween 1 htrd and hourth. PIA.TNTO . IillOSE WISIUMiA KIIWTCLASS 1N 8r jipent, the btnt made t st:in l tiie dituate f tiiis co.ujt, can Uv snitcHl U t-x 'Ima it Mm. i. K. Hyinan'rj, opsite the M;utonic rt:uijt First strevt. The lutt-t vocal ami instrumental music kept for sale. Also the largest atuortint-nt of Hlainpinjf tatternn to eit-:t from this Hide of 'Knso. Lrcs.i.-. iveii in iaintinif and emrintidon at her audio over Linn County hank. hvi lour or-ler and vou will itv pienatd. N ursry. Messrs. Uvinan & Krowni'll Goods 1891 AT to siUsfy cmtcmera in quality Country Produce. G. ttMiM Prescriptions Carefully Comnounded. Also carries the finest lines of Pianos & Organs IX Till: WILLAMETTE VALLEY. CALF, AND EXAMINE HIS STOCK. ODD l'KI.I.OWS TKMI'I.I-, ALBANY, 0KKO0X. IE. O. N. B. 1 wi!l continue to sell my dry goods at cost until they are all gone. FIRST STRIiKT, Al.P.AN Y, OREGON. CTTJLI'CTS CTOS BF."H:, Manufacturer of Choice Cigars AND Mi IMPORTED M KEY WEST I'iirms l!uu and Sim.totiir Tottai-eo, Veerselttnini and Briar Pipes, & faii lin o' Smokers' Articles. - o '. pit"tllef'B citmlv store, Altmnv. Oreeott. iJO IP 3L & ake "immons Liver Regulator One Dose WOATB 100 Dollars Drar S. L. R: I consi(I'r one .o niorm Livor IUiulatnr uorth )ft0. const. iatl, bal llt-ailat-hc, cmll rat inif with flrtisf;u'tion ur anp-titc ha Mum, aiil felt altoirt-ther out f ("trtt. snrtvtl to Blue Mum, 'a'rn I. tuinin every remedy surest eI, but only ohlninc i temorarv relief. hie ilfw of S L R did m more xoh than $100 worth f ditrtoni an dxtorintf. Kwm'y, J C Marti.v. I have l'oen a teacher f-r twenty vearn, and dtirinvr that titnch.ne had teiatttl attacks of headache, pntdiii-ed by torpid Liver, and have been entirely en wi by Siminoim I.ivci Reirnl-iftr. I foun t to I of fn mild n vhara:ter in its a tim g not to interfere, tn the least with my duti t in the school room. To those similar i situ: d and subject the ftame, I cannot 5 hit recouiiuend Sim mons Liver Regulator. L. Blackmar, OKAl.KU IX Druos, Faiiils,' Oils, Perfumery AND TOILET ARTICLES, Ami a full line of Books, Stationery, Periodicals. Sea-rls. Leader in p.opular prices iu HOOTS & SHOIiS ami Gents r I KMMIIXti (iOODS. Sole agency for the Ludlow 1 me Shoe. DEALER IN- FOUND AT LAST! THE WATERPROOF OIL BLACKING, ' luti-L'V t !, pritcnt leathtr, etc.. CANNOT BE EQUALED j in titiiiti.1 rs of c-iou ttialit!Mt. The fo t luuttik' arc a Ii a- tf it qualitit-tf: lt. It is lastinj; and durable. I I'd. It does not rub off on the , hands or clothes. ul.lt is perfectly waterproof. -4th. Jt softens the leather to its i natural wtate. ! "Hit. It :ives the leather a new and glossy appearance. (ith. ft contains not one ingre ! dient that is injurious to either the i ici-ther or stitctting, but is a pre- server of litem. 7lh. It can he used on the finest lioots and shoes and not prevent t lie use of the common boot-blacking, hut will soften and keep theui from cracking. Now, my friends, if such an oil as this would suit you, go to the drug store of Hulin Dawson, where you can get it for 5(1 cents per hex. One box will oil more than one set of harness. Receipt for niakieg the oil is sold only for individual use. .1. U. DEVINE, Manufacturer and Agent, Albany, Oregon. "Ileallh FWralllf! !r K. C. West' nerve and brain treatment, a guar intecd 8ieeitic fir listeria, tfizzincw liH, headache, ncr vtius proatrati(n ciicd bj the ute of aledioI or tobacco, noftemn? of brain resulun,; io insanity and bi' I in to tii'ii cry, decay and low of pow'er in either sex Each box con tains one month's treatment. One dob lar a box, or six box es for flv dollars, ftetit by mail pre paid on receipt of price, G uarai 1 tecs loaucdonly ' J. A. Cumminirp druirgist stde aent, Albany, Oregon. N will pay the aho e reward for any case of liver complair.t dfetia, uok headache, indicestion, ronstipatioii or costiveness we cannot cure with Wi-st's liver pills, when tb direction are strictly complied with. The) are pm ely vegetable and never fail to (fire satisfaction. Lame boxes, contaiiiiujr 30 pills, 2" cents. The genuine manufactured only by the John ?. West company, Chicago Illinois. Sold by -V A. Cummiufrs, druafist Alb&n, Oregon -THE- iapoa Rite OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD T. E. nOGG, Iteerlver. ANC Oregon Development Do.'s Steamship Line : nr minim II In (AND Hours Less Tlm TliQ by any other cout: 22 AcconicnlationeuDiiurpftMed forccnifc.rt d safety. Y ares and IreitLUi tia )atuitia an the Oregon Ileve opmeut coiti.at 3 'a hipa, much leas that by any oilier route ween all points io the M illlsiutt'r al and San Francisco, Sailing dates, raon TAQcma. Willamette Valley.... . W V Willamette Valley -.Mar. 8th th ....... 25th fROat SAM nuSCUOb Wrallon ... Ifar. Srd Willamette Vn-y jjth Willamette Valley 80, lb The company reserve the right to ha-ig teamers or SAiJinir Uates. DAILY PAS6IMJEE TUiTSf , Kxcept Sundays.) L Ya;ilna 7:00 A I I.v Albany 12-20 p. ConallM lo: a ai I " Corvaliis l3f Ar Albany i a m At Yaiuina 4'3S r. O. & C. tiaiiut jotiDcct at Ailo and t'01 W. U Hoas, t, . Boots, General Macak-ei. O.F A P. agent Corrallis, O no EAST S SOUTH VIA SOUTHERN PACIFIL ROUTE. THE MOUNT SHASTA KODTL California express trains run daily socru 1 I NORTH 7:00pm..Lv Portland ....Ar.. 9:36 an 10:2s p ni..Lv. Albany Lv.. ear. am 10:15am..Ar S. l-'rancisco.Lv.. H-00 pm Loral P. Train llallj-Ei. bundaj 8.-00am..Lv Pirtd ....Ar.. 4:00pm 12:20 p m..Lv.. Albauy....Lv.. 12:00 am 6:40 p mAr Rowinur,: Lv.. 6:20 ant Lrbauuat Urancb. 2.36 paiLv..... Albany Ar.. 8:6 pm 2:35 pm Ar ....Lebanon..... Lv . h:4o ta 7:10am..L AJtny Ar.. 4.-n S.2J a m . . Ar Lebanon...... Lv.. S'An pm ALBANY LOCAL, daily (Except Sundiy) 5.00 r ..Lv.... Portland Ar....9 00 A M .W Ar. ..AIlauy..Lv....5.00 A at PULLMAN BUFFETSLEEPliKP. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS, For accommodation of Soconu-Clas. Pa senders attached to txpixee 'lrains, W-Ht hide IMtUlon. Between l'oitland and Coi-vallifl Mall Train Unlly-Except Sunday 7'm..b- ...Fo.tlan.1 ...Ar.6.30p. m 12:10 pm..Ar. conauin.. L. 12 fcip. m At Albany and Corvaliis couiix;t iU trains ot Orrgon Patifii Katlroad. Express Tmin Dally tiit.pt bunday 4:40 p m. . Lv 1 orl laiidT7TAr7 6:S0 am 7:24 p m . . Ar.. .. il il insn tile . L . .15.46 jm THROUGH TICKETS lo All Point EAST AND SOUTH Of For fit kcts and full 'Information re tarding raus tuajw, ett.. call on company's agent at Albani. ' K. KuKIII.r.K, E. P. ROGERS, Alaiiatfer Aunt. G. F. A P. A TICKETS TO ANOiTROM THE PRINCIPL POINTS IN THE UNITED STATES 'CANADA ANO EUROPE. PULLMAN PALACE CAR SLEEPERS.' Frt Colonist Sleeoinff Can Bob Ihrosgb ts z 'reti Traini OMAHA, KAXJ CITY, CHICAGO AND ST. DCIS. Elegant New INnlne Cat -fTU t nangr. Close Connections at Portland for San Fran Cisco and Pticct Sound points. tTIWit leave the Company's wharf, at the 1t of CroadalhtD street, on Tuesday and ritui) oi tatn v. u. tuinLIAUo. ( ity ticket and Freiifht Afient C. 8. MII.Lt. Ccarral Traffic Maaacrr. T. W. LEE, S. r. A. THE MARKETS. AI.BANT OTTOTATIO-VS. Wheal 70i I Oats 60C Flour $4.25 pet ibbl Potatoes -Uc Eckr lie Butter 'Jii&Xie Lard 10(2 12Kc Hams H 15c. 8hottlder8 OOlSc Bacon 100 Vic. Hops 20c.C Hay Timothv. 16. oat and rtA(t 112. ' App ts Green. $1 per V.n. Plujii Dried, tc. per lb. App'cs dried bleached 9c sundries & ; c Chickens f 5 00 "i.50 Beer ::!Kc eross. Mutton ;jQ.f 50per head. Hoes Kkc ares&er. Veal ('KttiCi'jc.