MOBNE6JG ELBE ALP: SUNOAV, APRIL 5, 1891 For Hale. A No. one sewing marhine and a rook Btuvp can lie found at I lit) n id -u :i? of Junes I. Miller, on th ii ti-T oi Second ami Baker streets. I! tii tti! .-' int! machine and the Move arc as good as ubw, and will lv h i 1 1 very :ow for r-i-li as the inon.-y is needed by tiie present owner, ti-iod articled can be pro cu'ed for a very lo prie.e and worthy cojile assisted by the act. Take the Union Pacific railway for the East, thirty-live hours qultker than any other transcon tinental line. Elegant new dining caw, Pullman palace sleepers, free family sleeping cars run through to Denver, Omaha, Council Bluffs, Kansas Cit", St. Louis and Cbi caro. C. O. Itawlings, city ticket av ill, foot of liro.idalhiu street. T'.ie l.nlou i'acilic. Is the only line running two fast trains daily from 1'ortland to Omaha, St.. Paul, Kansas City, JhicaiiL, St. Louis and all points iiut and South. Bay your tickets of C. it. Rawling, foot of Broad al!in si met, Albany. U . .v'Wf t'oltl Are ttiukeD lp In Muulanu. Fro-o the .rciniaCily, M -lit Midiswian. Vhen wo find a medicir.o we know t posses.- genuine me it' we consider it a du y, and w take pleUMUe in telliug the public what :t is. Such a medicine we found Ciiamberluit's Cdugh Remedy, last winter, when la trrippe was prevailing. We are satislie.l that w warded ell" several attacks that were threatening by the use of this syrup, and we have since relieved, in a few hours, severe tyml. a id in the course of two or t.iree days, entirely brokeo thein up by its use as have several of oar fritmds whom we have recom mend it. It U all that it ia repre sented to be by he manufacturers. If you have a cough and want to stop it, Chatiioerlain's Cough Remedy will do the work. For salt! iy Foshay Sc Masou The Bent Yet. V. It. Graham, the merchant tailor, b is jut opened an elegant lino of new p itterns for gentle men's clothing. He has a very larije line to elect from, in suit ing, pantaloons, and all kinds of t-lothiu.!. Ilis ne.v patterns are not witrpa-wd y any i lung in the iiv. an.l tie has marked his prices down to tn very bottom. lland giiw ui;- ill lie made t) order for and $ir. 1 h e desiring a neat lio.i- i! good sun at verv low coM should . all and s-e tiis ftock. ..meric Taken the Lead. America ivjw takes the lead as an iron pro ttic.iu wintry, united with Chinn, we could d trie wash ing im.l ironing of the world. M!1T ci 1 tnvtt are taking the lend i'l the groe-ry business of Albany, as their cash figure plei'.re every oil''. .:! KCK'lltK. O i- c i.-li sysi. iu ol businea is jtist i vory me is now taking adva:r I'Jte of- Our goods are the parent a-id "iir prices the lowest. Peop'n- who pay cash for their goois will ti..d it t) their ad van tag to bay of Mueller A Garrett 8 ca-di groceres. New and complete stock of spectacle an 1 eye glasses just re ceived at F. M. Fr. u.b's. Every pair litted by Johnston's Patent t-ye-ine'er, every pair fully war ranted to .it. LIUl Oiaotauil Cowries Bro.s. boy?, mUses and child reu's shoes diuVreiit styles all size and widths made solid all riiitoiiiii. I'ry a pair nothing belter medium in price. Every pair warranted. Sami ei. E oino. I.aille r'lne Shoe. I make a specialty of handling la.lies line shoes. I carry some of the best brands made in tine at:d ne Iium grades in w idths from A to EE. All win-anted goods; no tr-ish, and will repair any pair of thoes of any kind sold that will rip or break. Samuel E. Young. House anil Lot t'nr Sale. On Seventh street between Montg m -ry and Railroad streets. For particulars inquire of v C. Cassell. Cornet! Cornets! We make a specialty of lwies and misses line corsets and w (ts. We have a drive in a F f nch sateen corset at 75 cent. Fxtra good value. Samukl E. Ya'so. Fire Kiniilers.' If vou want a good and easy file kind'ler, one hat will kindle your tire easy every time. Call on or come and see me. A. J. iox. Another Car. Of those choice vegetables just received, celery, cauliflower. cal bage, parsnips, turnips, beets, oranges, tigs, golden dates.lenions and an endless variety (A good bfiings. Allot the above nice and fr9h at Mueller & Cm-reU's. The most beautiful wall paper in the city at J. A. Cuuiming a -drug store. .luiius tiradwohl keep at '"is GoLlen Rule Baaar store a arge assortment of fresh Walla Walla garden seeds. They are th best and freshest seeds on the Pacinc coast market. His store is lilleu with the tinest and largest stock in his line in the Willamette Va -ley. The public is invited to call and inspect it. We want the ladies to stop and lojk at our large variety of Oxford ties just received and the latest styles at Klein Bros. Go to the C. B. R. store to get yeut'a furnishing goods at cost. A IH'Srtl.NDs MISTAKE. Husbands toooften permit wives and parents their children, to puller from headache, dizziness, neuralgia, sleeplesshei-s, tits, ner vousness, whe a by the use of Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine such serious results coul.i easily be pre vented. Druggists everywhere say it gives universal satisfaction, and has an immense sale. Wood worth & Co., of Fort Wayne, Ind., Snow A Co., of Syracuse, N. Y., J. C. Wolf, Hillsdale, Mich., and hundreds of others sav "it is the greatest seller they ever knew. It contains no opiates. Trial and tine book on Nervous Diseases, free at Stanard aud Cusick's. M'tn LATIOX DiXUKKOrS. Scarcely a day passes without the news of some larjje failure fl isliini; over the wires -the usual result of speculation in stocks or some equally Uanircroiis venture. The same electric i'U rent carries to dear distant trie-nil the sad tiJimrs of death of loved oue.s too often the result of speculation in patent nostrums. Moore's Revealed Uenieay is no speculation but is sold on positive sruaraiitee. Do not fail to KO to your drusist and ask for your luo'iey if not satislied. We known vou will foand buy another bottle Vor eale bj all .iruirirists. TUKSM IU.I MCCfcsa. StananL'i Ousick druggists, be lieve that the secret of success is erseverencv. l'hereloie they . ei Ast in keepinr the finest line of perfumeries, toiiet articles, cos uietic , drugs and chemicals on the market. They especially in vite ail persons who have palpita tion, short breath, weak or hungry spells, pain in side or shoulder, oppression, nightmare, dry cough, smothering, dropsy or heart dis ease to try Dr. Miles' uneipiuled New Heart, before too late. It has the largest sale of any similar remedy. Fine book on testimonials free. Dr. Miles' Restorative Ner vina is unsurpassed for sleepless ness, headache, tits, etc., and it contains no opiates. U 1111 HOOMttt. Win, Thomas Postmaster of Ida ville, Ind, writes "Electric Bitters has done more for mc than all medi cines combined for that bad feeling arising from Kidney and Liver trjiible," John I.elie. farmer and stockmen, of the same place, sajs: "Find Electric Hitters to tie the best Kidney and Liver medicine, made me feel like a new man." .1. W. (iardner. hardware merchant, same town, says. Electric Hitters is just the thin z for a man who is all run down and don't care if be lives ordics: he found new strength, irood appetite and felt just liKu li-had a new lease on lite. Only 5u cent' n boitlc, at For-hay iV Mason's drujr store. Kt.lliUk Wtl.i: KI M 1 1.. Mrs Michael Cm tain, I'lainiield, III, make the Hatcincnt that she caught cohl, which settled on bcr Itiun ; she was treat- d for a month by her fa.inly pLy.Mcian, hut j;rcw worse. He told her slie was a IiOmcIi ss victim of coin-iimptioti and that no ni' dicine e.iti:d chic her. Hit ill u . irist sn; ue-ted lr. Kini;'.-. New DScoverv lor Coiiiinilioii ; fie hon.'lit a bottle ard t; her dcll.'hl found It -iself bene litlcd from the iiit oo-.-. rlu: con- tinned ils ii-i- an I :.f er t Aim; ten boti le-, found herse.f sourd anil well. now I'oes her bon-cwoi k mid is as well as he was. Free, trial bottle of this irreal Discovery at ro-liHy A M ison's l)ru Store, lare bottles 50e, and 1 00- MILv.t NKltlKA LIX.UriLl.S. Act on a new principle regulu ting the liver, stomach and bowels through the nerves. A new dii rovery. Dr. Miles' Pills speedily cur biliousness, bad taste, torpii liver, piles, eonstipationr Un eipialed for men, women, children, smallest, mildest, surest. ! oOdosei for 25 cents. Samples ee, at Stanard A Cusick. KICKLIA'S tKMt l HL1K. The best sa!ve in tbrj world for Cu'j. Bruises,, L' leers. Salt Hlieuin, Fever sores Teller, Chapped Hand, Chilblains. Corns, and skin Eruption:, and pos lively cures Piles, cr i.o pay required. It is ruaranteed to t;ivj rcifcct satisfaction, or money re funded, Price ir cents per box. Fir sale by Foslmy A Mason Change la Business. From Jan. 1st, LS'.il, we wit change our business to a strictlj Msh system, thereby enabling u to buy for cash and get our dis count's, whereby we can, and will, give our customers the benefit. Our M. C. H. Mueller, while east made arrangements to buy gxxli direct from the manufacturers at the lowest cash pri'-es, and we will sell pure goods at the lowest eash titrnres. Believing that the people will appreciate a store where they can goods at cash figures. We re main, Resectfully Yours, Mueller A Garrett. Hoots aud Shoes. Purchasers of Boots and Shoes bear in mind that big advertise ments and offers of big discounts do not always mean best values. You will have to pay some one a profit as no one can do business without expense. The quest on is who can sell you the best goods for the least money. Samuel E. Younq. One Half IoIlar Reduction on every pairof Lud -low s Fine Shoes. A good line of them at Samuel E. Young's. From now until April 1st you can buy a pair of $3.50 Imperial Dorey kid shoes for A genuine hand sewed fi.cO tlexiable sole shoe at $4 and the best brand of Imperial kid, and all other winter goods at a like reduction, as we must make room for our large spring stock, which is dailv ar riving at Klein Bros.' exclusive boot and shoe store. Catarrh cured, health and sweet breath secured, by Shiloh's Cat arrah remedy, price 50 cents. Nasal injector free, sold by Foshay A Mason. WeTre the people! Who carry the most complete line of hard ware, stoves and ranges in the valley, Matthews A Washburn. ALLEN BROTHERS Wholesale and CIGARS, TOBACCO OF ALL IS OS SMA.TCL QUANTITIES, IZST SEASOIT. tfTiYNr.LOCK. Springfield. Sawmill A. WHEELER. (SPRINC.FIfil.D,) PROPRIETOR. PItlNGFiELJJ, tf"Albany yard and office on Railroad, between Fourth and Fifth etreets, A. Wheeler, Albany Manager. Having lumber not excelled in quality, and facilities not surpassed or the prompt and satisfactory filling of orders, I respectfully solicit a hareofthetradt. A. WHEELER. FEED -:- STORE AD GENERAL PRODUCE MARKET. WANTED SPECIA LLY- Hay, l ate unri votatrcc, to mjply t u f.1 twit cc the Oregon PaciSc Railroad extension ami my inereaeiog home trade here I sell in quantities to suit the purchasers. "Store in Strahan Brick, Second street W. RORRRTSoN. Vaiiw 9k fviivj' anv li.ron The City Liquor Store M. BAUMGAIIT, Proprietor. tTSext door to th OJd Kellown' einplo, AUkiii), Oregon M KeflfW constantly on hand the finest Imported and domcatic wiueo, liquors, cigars t te'. :- Only first claaa liquor store in the city SPECIAL ATTFUTinN PAID T0 ORDERS FROM THE COUNTRV Special Notice. Ladies or gentlemen who con template buying gold watches will find it to their advantage to call at F. M. French's jewelry store be fore purchasing, as there has been piite a reduction in prict'S. The Corner iewelry store. New Spring Good. I am now receiving my first In voices of spring novelties in wash goods, priuts.gingham seersuckers, etc., also just received a new line of all wool summer plaids and beigeB. Samtkl E. Yorsti. Smoke ths celebrated Havana filled 5-cent ignrs, manufactured at Julius Jos hH eiear factory. If you want anything choice in the grocery line go to Mueller A Garrett's, the only place in the ity where you can get everything con want. Some of tne latest styles of ele gant bed lounges can be seen at Fortmiller & Irvimr's, as they have just received a large invoice. Money 1 KiiiR. This is a true saying and is tLe reason that Mueller & Uarrett are doing such a rustliiri business. Their cash figures are taking the lead and their stock is the best. You do not have to pay for any long credit by trading w ith them as they do business on a strict cash principle. run high in this city over System p.nil, W .is everv bodv is usine it for Catarrh of the Stomach, Dyspepsia j Constipation, impure oioou anu 10 build up their system. Try it and tell your friends about it, as it must possess wonderful merit when all speak well of it. New goods of the latest patterns sold at Matthews and Wash burns is why tbey will sell over four lo ds of stoves and ranges this year, they have their first carload of Jewel Stoves and ranges now on the road to arrive Feb 1st. If you would like to see some thing truly beautiful, go to J. A. Cumming's drug store and see his elegant patterns in wall paper. A fine line of gents furnishings at Searls', all the latest styles. Ludlow's shoes all sizes and widths at Searls' shoe store. broce 18, AKD CHOICE FRUITS KIND8- ALBANY, OI? OREUOJN, spW. L Doudas OR DIES 75 Anil rillifr nr.ri.iHiofi fnr I Iill- BOYS tlomen. Ladies, Etc., are war ranted, ana so siumpuu on ooi tom. Address W. L. DOI'U LAS. Brockton. Mass. Sold bv SEs ALBANY, ORECiOX. CITY DRUG STORE STANARD & CU3IK, Props., PKKIKKKK Itl.OI'K, - - ALBV.NV, f)e'T In DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, FANCY anil Toilet artirit-s, Sponges, liniHheH, I'trdimcry, S. honl li.okn, and Ar t'st's Su)i.iii at'Physician's prescription s carefully comjiounded. "1 TONKY TO I.OAX-I11 lart'ii or smal amomitH, from si month to five year on Albany, and Linn conntv tea' estate. Call on or address W. K. .NK'l'iicreon, real j ei:ue nroKer, opposite huh3 nouse j Land fur Kale. I 5. 10, 20, 10, 80 acres, easy terms, install : ment plan eheap and hii;h-prieed. Also a few city lots all owned by H. Ilnant. 1 I STARRETTS (Tarden Seeds. The Best Because Always Reliable. Established 18t4. jlJsWT'Special prices to market gardeners. Senil for catalogue for 181)1. Address, Gko. Stakrett, Walla Walla, Wash. ROSB AND SINGLE COMB BrownLeghorn Roosters FOR SALE AT $1.50 EACH Also some fine Langshang, Ply moth Rock and Wyandottes, same price. Mrs. L. J. Houck, Tangent, Or. BOYS Here's a chance to make some pocket money: The Albany Klectric Light Co. wishes to" purchase a quantity of clean white or colored cotton rairs, for wip ing machinery. Deliver them at the com panys oftlce and net your rash Viereck will shave you or cut your hair in the most approved stvle The Thomas Kay Woollen Mills of Salem, have appointed G. W. Simpson their agent in Albany. A full line of men and boys clothing blankets and flannels and all arti cles manufactured by the mill will be kept in stock. These goods are the best in the market and will give entire satisfaction. OPT MAMMA HE CARRIES A FULL STOCK OF NICE FURNITURE. REMEMBER hlE PUCE, OPPOSITE OPERA HOUSE. Do Not Pass By ! :WU HAVE A FEWi--- WINTER -That we REDUCED RATES! FURNISHING GOODS VELVETS, SILKS, SATINS AND PLUSHES, LA PIES' AND MIOSES SILK AND KNIT UNDERWEAR, COTTON AND WOOL HOSE, EMBROIDERIES, SILK AND LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS. SCARFS. VEILINGS. SHAWLS, ETC. BLACK AND COLORED DRESS GOODS ! !Gh W. .SIMPSON, FIRST STREET, W A. N T ED Ten thousand Men Women and Children to buy goods of- DEYOE & F ROMAN 15Rf)SM guns and e e 0) Ul u EZ O UJ a. s) B lilt- 2 C3 t-A Br an ' b a 3U05 . ? e ; & t S . tZ'aaZZ2 est. gti ......................... vvv..........v.....................- sumption j DEL- ACKER'S ENGLISH REMEDY j ' for Coughs, Colds and Consumption is beyond question the greatest of : all Modern Remedies ? It will stop a Cough in one night. It will check j : a Cold in a day. It will prevent Croup, relieve Asthma and cure Con-; ".sumption if taken in time. " Youcantanoraiorjewimouiit. azoc.; ! bottle may save you $100 in Doctor's bills mav save your life I Ask : ;Aii1mif.mjf ftr if nfWTlll f Aflvinlr j JUU1 UlUggUVlUl V,v . .w.v& ALBANY IRON WORKS, Manufacture steam engine, grist and saw mil. machinery, iron fronts and all kinds of heavy and light work in iron and brass castings. Special atten tion paid to repairing all kinds of machinery. Patterns made on short notice, A COSTEL, President. P LLNGRAN, Secretary, JOHN HOLMAN, Supt, If you want a durable monu ment go to E. W. Achison, who are handling nothing but the best grades. Have you seen those beautiful cement walls in the cemeteries, put up by E. W. Achison, at half the cost of stone. A pair of fast black hose free with every pair of ladies shoes, costing !f3 or more, at Searls' shoe store. "Have you seen these lovely lounges at Brink's? They .are the prettiest in town, and all his new furui ture is simply elegant." They all say so, and an in spection will prove it. Prices always the lc lowest. GARMENTS will sel at- REDUCED RATES! J ALBANY, OREGON. "Imorters and Dealers in all kinds o ammunition lishing arkie of ev ery description, cuiiery ami oase uan goons, tents, hammocks and camp chairs. The largest stock poutl. of Portland. Come oni and all. No trouble to show treods. Ouic) sales and small profits is our motto. Also repair shop connected with store and first class workmen to do all kinds of work. ee ee CO N H P5 Pi Se lf. ' 2 I slS J 52 ' a " " o srss 1 i "SI . WHY DO i QU COUGH?! Do you knowtliatalittleroughisadangerous! tiling? Are you aware that it of ten fastens! on the liiiiKsaud far too often runs into Con- and i-nds in Death ? People suffer-; mg from Asthma, Bronchitis. Pneumonia: and Consumption will all tell you that ' "IT STARTED WITH A COLD"! Can you afford to neglect it 1 Can you irino wiiii no wMuua u 11iii1w.1t Are jouj aware that ; w fg Wt tA It. " V H. f. H Vet Broadwaj New VorV. SAN WA has remored h s laundry to the iron hou the comer of Second aud Lyon streets. Just like finding money to buy your groceries from Mueller, & Gar rett. Their cash prices talk. From now until April 1st we will sell all of our rubber goods at cost for the cash only. Call early while the assortment is still large at Klein Bros. lfIYI IA WE DAVIS, M. P. PHVSJC1AS AND BUi'con. Can be found at his office room us S:rahau'e blcxk, Kirst strict. AHiaiiy Oregon- C.' KELLY," I IIYSICIAN "aNDI R- W. coon Aloany. orctfon, nmi"e n ricr.-e new block. OtEco hoim, from 8 . a. to, r. a. J. ROSSITER, VKTKRINARY SLR . freon, graduate of Ontario veterinary college and men berof the Ontario eterin ary medical society, is prepared to treat the dibcuscs of all domesticated animals on scientific principles. Office at Ans Marshall's livery stable Resilience 4th and Calapooia streets, Albanr, Oregon. CV. HAMUEKLIX, M. l., Uom.iioithic Hhysic'aii, ottice at lr. Wallace's old stand, Broadalhin ctrcct. OiHee hours, 7 to 9 A. 1 to 3 and 6 to 8 r. . DRO. A. WIIirXKY, PHYSICIAN' AND surir'on. Gradiiate of Ifi lU vue IIopi tal Mmii'l College, New York city. Di-i-asif ofw.jmcii a specialty, Oiticc in Kns'trbliKk ATTOKMV GEO. W. WltlUHT, ATTORNEY AT LAW and Notary Puhic, Will practice in all the courts of tl. is otate, Otiiie, front rO"ii. 0tr tfatik of Oregon, Albany, Oregon. W, T. SI'aNKT. 1. W llKAeKR BURSiY & DRAPER, ATfOKNEYS at law, Oiexon Citv, Ore011. leu ty years experience as rcKiotur of thj L . .S. Land Ottice at Ore;ou City aud in tne land practice recommends us in our specialty business before the Land Ottice or the couns aud involving the practice in the ger.erul Land Office. a C.WATSON, attorney-at-law, Albany . Oregon. Oilice iu Strahan block. JN. KUNCAN ATTORNEY-AT LAW . and Dotary public. Ofice in the strahm block, rooms No. 1 and 2. D. a. K. Blackburn. o. w. kioiit, BLACKLLRN, a WRIGHT ATK-RNLV AT Law, Albany Orison, ottue in Od I eKow's Temple. Will practice in all eour.i jf tlio state, and give special atie:.'." iji.l busiuees IITOLVERTON CHARLES E. An'OR.VEY IV at Law, Albany, Or. Oilice in rooir l.i and 14 Foscer's Block, over L. E. ISh-iu etorei TK. WEATHERFORD, ATTCRXEY AT . law, Albany, Oregon. ort in the Klinn Block. Will practice n all th? courts of thestate, and give specia. attention to all business. JAMES P. MEAD, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW and title examiner, Albany, Or. V:!i practice in all the courts of tne state. Ab stracts of title furnished on short notice. Ten years experience. mm L3 Wfinri OATARRK Veumiitisni, Keurat-Ii, Cerc MEASAOHK. And AU. TAIN. f CaMfcrmk fcKftir ut lfrW IECTRIO CODOH CUT, ttLf. tP.tVf. OOMiHMiQ. Jiy til Tt5Viw Uc, tint w'naiM' U.. Prv'. La rt-e, Oi Wt FOR SALE BY ALL DRCGGifiT8. "Some montbs iso' I niirotiased a box of Dr. J. P. Gill's Catarrh Cure for my own Hi?e. but finding my, C. A, McMshan. needinir sin h .ntdi cine, I let bim have iny'boi of niedi eine. He now sends for three more boxee, faying it is the bcrt tliintr for catarrli ever tried by liitu :md li's friends. I trot another box to use ir. my ease, and cheerfully recotnnieiid il toothers. (Hiitn-d), JOHN Mi MA HAN", Kx-County Couimitf ioner (''. Oregon, Springfield. Lane eounty. Oregon. Prof . I. W, Johnson, president of tin State 'jniversity. ays it c ured him ot a coiurli after two other prescript ions had failed. Likewise two of Lis little 1,'irls usei it toeiire their eoiitis. Mrs Mark Hitiley, wife of Prof. Huiley, sent it to Prof. Johnson, and re. om uiends it to all who sutler from euldi and eouehs. For coturho it nets like a eliarm, and can bj irh iled into Hie jij es or passages, when.- no o!h :r couirli cures cat, reuth. MOOfttS v-.-iv 7X1 9im WOMAN'S FBIEh'D So successful and delightful have been the effects of 'Moore's Re vealed Remedy" upon the delicate ailments of womankind, that this wonderful remedy has been called "Woman's Friend." Woore's, Revealed Remedy In a few doses bliowa woman kind its peculiar virtues for their ailments. Its effects are gentle, soothing and uniformly successful. Hundreds of testimonials from ladies all over the coast bear wit ness to its success. Sold by all druggists. Fine comb honey and salmon bellies at Mueller St Garret's, the leading grocers. sA m nK-re a as. r rm 'n v p- 0 ET ETMEDY I 1 1 " i -f li - I I I IjrriBjLiByuvwjJ V A rvmA Reliable Men Wanted as traveling salesmen for a first-lass Ciiar f'ouiDanv. MuBt ! give gool references. r . J. J. LJtiAK CO., Salem, N. C HEUTTT k IRVINE, ATTORN EYS-AT-Ijiw. Will pra.-tice in all the courts of the state. O.'Cce in 1'linn's block, First street. DELMONICO HESTAUBAN.T, FINEST IN THE CITY, MEALS AT ALL HOURS. Tables supplied with every thing the maiket aiTords. Regular Dinner, 35cta J!yEastern and coast oyster! en hand. Sam Goetz, Prop. I. BEiOtf DKALER FN Groceries aud Produce, -THE BEST CANNED GOODS, Vegetables in Season. He Las some fine Mackinaw trout, mackeral, white fish and herring that w ill be sold at a very low ngure, FRESH BREADEVERY DAY. Xone but first-class goods han dled. If you would be well served patroni.e I. BEAM, "d tit., cor. Jackson and Jefferson. 'Custom Cliopg. w Hay, Oats and ( hop fur sal at U times and in quantities to suit, iiid prices to suit the times. Frse delivery inside the city limits, K.irmers, hrinir' us your wheat, its and hay. Highest cash price I'aiif. 'ustum chopping a special ty, riinty of chicken feeii, MORRIS t BLOB ST, Cor," First & Baker its. Altctiiy, Or. ilood dry tir wood at $3.00 per curd, also grub oak and atdi wood at $4.(10 per cord. I Mi vered iu any part of tlte city, t rders left at the real estate otfioe of 1 1 ulburt & Writsiuan will re ceive prompt attention. I'trall RlLKY. lllHlutioii of I'artnersfalp. VJ 01 'ICE is hcrehv jriven that the copart XM ncrhip heretofi re exist ion between l Cl'i.v. W A l oi and V 1! llxberg, in the (la iiu mill tiiiMiit'ss, at Alhanv, creiroa, imiU r the :irni iiuim- ..f Cok liroe & Co, M t!us hiy liis-nliert hy inutual conssut, the mud t: li ll'iti-r havuii; purchased tbe o lircriL'l t. title and iuti rokt of the said 1) C C'o and W A o therein. C 11 Hoberf assiin call tl.e "litigations of the lai firm :iiid all notes and accounts aus said Him ars pjllc to him. iiattslAllianv, Oregon, March 14, MM, i t: cox, w A COT, ' II llOUEKO. Albany Nurseries. W E IIAVK OX HAND AT OUR nursery on the Corvallis rod,one half mile from town, as fine a let of Fruit Trees of all kinds as can be found anywhere on the eoaat. If you contemplate planting trees, it will pay to see our stock and get o;;r prices and catalogue free. 11YMAX & BKOWXELL. I prvH-.E HOL'SE, ALbAXT, OR. CRAB I It If enter, I'r.ip. Only first -eclass bousa i ii the city, l ar-c sample rooms for com n crc.i.1 u.n. No Chinamen employed in Uvs k:t'.l.cii. General stee ottie Con-allit. kCKKS OK LAND- All fit for eulM- tMf vat ion, and unler fvnee, for sale at ! -r :-re. Within li miles from ralroa4 I i m and 20 miles from Albany. Apply a TAKE TILE CAB -FROM i'f 1! i RATES: ; To any part ol the city. 50 cent I For calling, first hor"$1.50, each . HuWijuent hourj 1. SKCKET SOCIETIES. McPherson I'ust No. 5, O. A. K. Stated mcctiiiin at the O, A. R. Hall on the second and Fourth Friday evenimrs cf each monrh. iraosient Comrades are oordi y invited to meet with us I. r. WHITIXJ, Ii. F. TasLKk, Commandar Adiutant, A. O. U, W. Safety Lodffe No, 13; meet every SI on' lav evening at the G. A. K. l.ail on i'crry street, between Seeond arrft I fiird. Altiany, Oregon. Stransrers In th .11, and transient hrcthreo cordially invited toattctid. mm SCHMEER'S Livery, Feed &Sal8 stable Corner Scrond and ElitKorth S4t . ALBANY. 0RBQ0S H oRara soakdsd hy the day or month. Cm naves or cuftriea on reasonable Urms rOnl iKKSll MILCH COW KOK SALE. HAS A hcifor call and is a ,jood nihVh sow. Ap ply lo K. N. Ciin-fit. for Sale. rirninr i7ci jlio olADLlJo