THE iMOllNme llElfALr): SAT UK 1A Y, APIiTL 1, loH. Daily and Weekly TEKMS OF SI"BSCKIPTK'?- DAILY puMlnhcil every mornin? except Monday.) Iivcred bv carrier, per wet-lc. ..... V nail, r yr. ti 00 WKKRI.V. j(Pii!!Ulietl every Friday Mornlm,-.) Ot! copv, i-r annum, in aiian..-i- euo Vncli iml mid in advance... 1..H1 Tin: i ti ix. Vai!s t the Al' uiv p.mto!tiiecl'i-. Kir :i 1 1 otli. c lii ii til Hie Kaati-rii si.iiin 20 A. , The W.vt .Side ( Ami the Nan.n ua m R. R.J J or Portland and Sn-i 11 A. H urvallnt ami Yatlli!ia V r. odke south 7:r. The pmrtotlii.e w ill tie cl-nlca.h cui.iin: irom Bix to seven o'clock. Keirwtereti matter for the Iv niornin:,' tr iM ihd'il.l ! mailed before o clock the revioua evening. OKKtiON PACIFIC Tl.MK TAl'.I.K. Arrives ltjnrti rafNcinrcr Fuik'ht 11 1 ",)im 12.iUii .. :!. Input T l.'i a in Tiik jiertinent i'iery, on the free coinage of silver in this country, i how it U possihle for the jjovern roent to be such iinnienw losers in the transactions, if the presenters of the bullion are simply given lack the results in coined silver, li.'.ss the mint per cent for coinage. Supposing for instance that it could he possible, a.-t has been croaked with unstinted paraphrase and amplitude, that every old ten put in Kurope a as to he sent over here to he coined into dollars, what dillerence would it make it the dollars were :iven them to take back and hoard iti the place of the teapot. The idc.i that the United States treasury would have to pay in jrold for those old tea pots is an outrageous subterfuge created by the goldbngs to frighten oil' the free coinage measure. All there is in the adoption of free coinage of silver is that it would put in circulation a few more dollars that the )eoj ile in general ould get the use of on easier terms than at present, while the single gold standard means restricting the circulation so that gold 1) lga can manipulate it t their own profit and advantage. A I'Ki'i'U ut wise, in the marri age and divorce line, has come up in tin' Knglisli con its, known as the Clitheroe case. Ithim'cs up on the claim of a cert tin man by the name of Jackson to the abso lute ownership of th' pitcsoii of his wife. It seenn that the piir did not exist in per fect, harmony to gether, and tin- w iff, by tin advice of itlatives, left tin" liiisli.unl'. domicile. Ile abducted, and carried her oil', and in the result ing litigation claims aright so to do m the ground of property ownership of her pen-on. The strangest part of the proceeding seems to be that a number o! clergymen are taking up the hus bands sido ol the ((UHMtioii. and trying to laise funds to take the case from the court of appeals, which decided that the husband could not c .erce the w ile into living with him, but that she bad a perfect right to choose her own residence, to the house of lords. They say that good morals demands such a course, bu! under what peculiar reasoning they arrive at the conclusion that a man has actual property in a wife and can make a virtual slave of her it. is dillh-ult to conceive. The virtuous morality of the I'.ng lish clergy seems tainted with many atedeluvian notion. Tut fascination of huntihjj for hidden treasures continues to Hway men, and is occasionally in creased by some one unearthing rare articles. It is said that Prof. Charles Waldstein, the American arth;eologist, lias had further suc cess in his task of excavating hid den treasures from th ruins of Krectia, the city on the island of i I in boa 'Negro Pont l which was tounded before the war of Tro, and hich was destroyed -l!M) P.. ('., by the I'ersians. Professor Waldstein has found the ruins of a . theater, V llllnilier ol gta S, I . . l ... I: 1 . : ..: , I : pit-liuiu niiiMiir.i i-oiibisiiii- j gold, diamonds, jewels; ases, and ! other valuable relics. . . I... ,1 a r is getting to be ptetty tl or- j oughlv undi-rstood that the im- 1 D : niense iron clad naval vessels, ol . .. . 1 1 1 1. 1 . the kiud uptjii which Italy rests her claim for supremacy upon the! ., ' ' seas, are ream 01 110 great ninny and are more for hIhuv than use The extreme displacement, the heavy armor and the recoil of Ihe , monster guns, make the vessel only of use in tdill w ater, and their si a going (polities art highlv problem- ...jl " - The matter of geriytnandering cong. essional districts! seems to , 1 1 . 1 1 .1 1 Lave been adopted btl.edei i talic paily a.i the most sure and fclleetive way to sccuie coutrol of congress. It is saiil tliat they have so manipulated Wirroii'-iii tliat they have fixed Hiire for deiii- ! orr:ttie reiiit'tH-ntativ'-s to hold 1 t'l.tire cutro!. The Chronicle ! thinks the thiiiL' wili he crtectc-.l. I however.atnnearlyday.fortl.erejJiLO VS CF EVERY is a growing demand, which can not long be resisted, that copies should lay down some li-f':iii:e rnhs for districting wh'ch wiil ell'ect'.lally 'never.! gerrymander ing. P.otli parties have been oll'enders in this regnd. I n' it is t t:ie credit of t!ie re) u!;ii a!:s that they have :i!cvi.s advocated a reform, while the d have alw a s opp' sed national leg islation which would stop the evil. Tue Italian nation are building, for the United State", a, a far moM' rapid rate and permanent manner than they have any idea ol. O! course, the ijUe-tion of foreign immigration into !hi count ry has. been before the pen- pie, an 1 disc.utr-ed pro and ion but it needed just the rude awaken ing that the Italian nut i; has seen lit to mete out to us, to bring out the full til the matter. Now, without doubt just as soon as possible, measures will be taken that will ell'ectively close the United Slates to the pauper and vicious hordes that have been reaching our shores fiom foreign tountries for a number of years. I r is proposed to exhibit the original .Mo'inon temple at the Chicago woild's fair, removing it from Kirkiand, Ohio, for that pur pose, but the Chronicle thinks that a more drawing car l, which would have more vital interest would be a specimen .Mormon family of Utah, with the head ol" it taking the oa'h that he is not living in polygamy, and the var ious households that he supports, including a nnrs-iy ol young children. HUMPHREYS' ln. Humi iii:k s Sum ii'i- - art i nf ill v :unl r.irclull pM'i'uivtl H'im'i ip tons; 11 j a lor iii-inv iti piiv.-.ii- i :i-T u li rt s, ui nl for over tttiir vi'.'irs it I li lh ) hi. j ilt. '. cry i 'i 4 1 ,f .f. ili-- in :i iinv im tin list' itc 1 1 : 1 1 1 1 -. ! . 'I !: ilit-s t-'irc it!i tut 'Iru: -.i't--, Uir;iii-,' nr i -i t iln- ;'M'. :i'i-t .ti-- in la. t :i;i1 (. ! tin- xnUT. i.r:i ft iti - nf tin- a or 1.1. I.l-T OK (KIM tU L ' n. t M:K-. It. H IS. I Ki-M-r, ( 'irt'i ii-ti, ijill.:liiin:! I'll - " V'i 'his v tirtn if. r, unrnt ' . . . . i; r iii 'ili-, ni t'-'-llun-: f in! uiM . . I I M.irr!' t i. nl liil.hs fi -r :iiiiiit, 'J i l si iin rv . iini'ini:, liitli'Mi-i V't.K- '! li ('holrra .Mori.U". v. niitin,' ' T rouuli colli-, t r;t' hi'n..... i v V. uiuL'i.i, Iii h-, f ui f-Uf tl'-u tii. lir. hi.-k ht.ul" li-, vrrri.; It) I 'IHJMjla. iiitlinll !-t Ml':fll 1 1 S.ij.ifjrii or Ttiuiiil ('ci.Li I'i U l.lti-S, tO' trntll-f n.iniH i:; rru!.i, con-r, liilt -nit I.r. it hiii.: !! .).ilt IOk Mm. c t "itpt I f. 1 1 uj't :m,s . f'i l:ht ii-':i'i-in. i' 1 1' 1 1 1 ii.i t ii ' Hkin-1 '. I I '', Kcv- r :inl ;i-ti", clut N in . . . . ; ; I'll--, ) liu.l .r l.l...lnii,' i ' ;m '.if un li. in II ii. ti i, tl. in t In- i, of . o V W h .o.irt?r Oui'ii, i"l-iil i .iiU fi o I iicii. .!. hi!if, .isu;il wc.1,1.. s .o .'7 Kiihn iii-:.M- . . . . u NcMuih il.-lii!t1 . 1 (" .'.ii I rilturv We i "-. 1 1 m i t il is-:i4i ! Ilic Iu:il'f, i.ilit:tti..n I i'ti li U-'i-t'S nr j.i.-t. (;.l on t -i(if i, ,ri c. 1 tf. 1 1 1 1 : 1 1 1 1 1 r i - t' M.t'iUiil, ( II I pec- ni 1.1 Iftuu i in . 1 1 .ii nl -j 1 1 -I, !u;u I .-.1 Ml Ml lli:KS .MM). V i , 111 II.: Wthi.ui. Sr . .. -i...!., sTe'cTfTcT". It jr.iu want '': buy ALLEN'S MIIITII KK I.I.UVV N SEEDS. Kill" Ii il wi'll -I'll Ii"t ki-. p Ih-lu si-n.l in AI.I.KN iiii.- t, II.- p.oi Tlit pel i: . I'.i-I'll :lill i-.lttl'.-j in-ii-lll let-. VI. In-.", K W Vl.t.l-.N, 71 Si-i'iiiiil Mtn-i t, I'nrrlitiul, .r WY WKAK MAN Vt,.i is milVtiin tithe- in ii i tit I or ImI , f i -in tin in .. j'lrift'w r w.:il,fiiin',' riT.'i t-j p i nf Ins t.vwt iunir;itit tolhr-j. iiiiti-klx :itiil i'i-i.i:iitirii Iv DR-COLE Purthiuii. Or. I hin ulil tli . tor li:it li.itl ..I) Jt .1 ' -ii -i i 'i ti n' i in i i r . i -; l'ri:ite, I.' 1. Ni'rvriiiM :uni .SUill li-i-:iviH VNri'.f 1(1, l i . llrii ilijc rtw il ailtln-nH. .i-iit prtvti-i t.i any .Notice lor I'll ! I i I I iiiti-ii Sl.iti-K l.ail'l OIIi.-l- ) I' Cify, ir.-,'.-li, .Ian. t"-!l. .No'l'll K i.s In ri-tv L'ai'ii lh:it in i-iinipii;iiii-t-jiifh rlu- i.rnv i-.iftii' el I ti- art of i.ui-n-i ot.inin- ". . niitii-.i, "An ;.. i i .r itn- I el TikllOt r'ii 111 on- .-i ii.-t -ii i iiii'.i in... On -.'oil, Ni':iil:i :iii.l W.i'l.ii ut-.n l.intiiry. Mu -l;lt iil--niii-r, nf S:m r r.Ct. iwo, rrnmly oi S:if Kruii.-i-li:i., St il.' i'f .':iiii"riil!i, Il is ttns .hu lili'il in thU iilli.e I. i.s svM.rii stiiti-nn-nt .Nil. -J .l'.l, I.T tin- p'ir. ti:isi- 01 It'f S. W. j 1. 1 Sit. Nn. ::ti, in Tow nulilp N... Ill So Ith, i In- lantl Ka-!, an. I ill Dlf.-r t..U- III it l.t i.ii.i-i. v.ihi .lilt- nn s tun. ! r nr -toi..- linn .rn -uttnrul pnii-i-.i, :i!'l --.t:il.:i-li liti . laiiii Ii. Kii-1 lanil li.-tort- tin le--i-ter uti.I ''" l'"'-'"' C.-.-.-i iir of tliisnll:ic ;it On-t'..ii on I ll. -.ila , tin- .".;h ol M i;:n.-in: .1 m 11. nn. c. rha'.iiii, iniirai.! all. I .1. K. I'osy, all .. San l-'i' 1111 i-i.'. ., I aliloi liia. Anv ant' all ..r .,,.,,,.,,,,.,., ,i ai.,.-.1,1 n.1,,1 l:"1'1'' '"i '"1 '. liL- iin-ir iialnii m tlimntti;.- ...ii.i in lure wi. Mil ilav ol .M o, ivii. T- At'i'i:i:sov. 11, t. r, - ol I Oi il i itl. ini nl. tlcit the llllilel'siolieil ll.'H lili'il llH lillll uei'iillllt jus administrator oi the estate 1.1 r1'"' A K't'ii.-lt deceased and tla- cnllllty enlllt "t I.lllll iMlllltv, ( lieo.m, li;ls is,.,t .Mn,iayi ti. .lay ..; April, 1-v.H at one o'clock i m. nl caid day at tin' ''..iirt h.nne in All.aiiy. j t Ir.-giiii tor the hearing nl objections j tli -i. to and tlie settleiin ii. tli. reof. ; hated this sth, .lay nt ' Keb. Is 'l. I .1.11 v I 1 on ' Atliiinnitratnr. (lf ,.,t;lte . f .la... A. Itnhnctt. Pel. ; -has. j.;. j Atty. pLOl'.i PLOWS Staves- & NK'.V MAHKKT I) LOCK. - - Ar head.iuai teis in JAY ETiTS SS SULKY I.ITTI.K (ilAN r WAI.KlNii t targ Plow s. Triumph Three Wheeled Suiky Plo.vs, Wo. d andiron i'raiue I !.;i r.-ws. I.' id! ii" :in. I W.dkiii" Cu'ii- vators, a: id e el ! h it u' 'vj ed by tie.' i:u no r for tilling f the soil. All dealers and !':iiiii ;s ii,l tind il to their advantage to write to us : for terms ;ind pi iees beio'e .ii!eha.-it:g elseu here, as we can make it .n ' object lor them to deal nidi u-. w hile yiving ii lai'ir'T and more varied' stock to select ironi than anv other wi: capuy Tin-: r. i: ;t:sr am TIIK PACIl-lU IvIacMncry and Vehicles i oi: i A i ii.i iiii'i Y. C;. I )AVIS A LISA X Y. - The men of this vicinitv need not be jealous because their w ives talk so'y about Mat'hews' and Washburn. Its not t heir gijod , looks the ladies are talking about, it is the irood olialitcsof t he eook and lit at ing stoves t hey sell. Kvery one seems to lie le'liguteil wlrcii tluy buy from M. and W. Our stock oi candv has airived, and we will irive siiecial rate to churches and Sociables. Mueller .V ( iarre! t. Julius (iradttohl, vi ;iri(-hir Ine Ooldeii liule P.a.aar, inlorius US that he will add to his ahead V I ,, ,,, u , i - ", laige bnsiiiesH acomoiele hneoi shell hardware n-t family groceries. The a'es oi his t ioideii ii. .1 , ii i - , Utile eas and baking -. iwder is steadil V increasing, lie t-!..l K--es u,. the elegant pri,-:s wi.l,,he,e ' W.....1 r..r Sale. Dry lir woo l delivered to anv i;ii i of the cit v al i n n r e .id. L'-ave order-a' the loot ol I'errv street nl p. W. Sjciik's Ituubei vaiii. 11 THE NEW YORK C.B. R. nam Closi MS The public is invited to inspect the im mense stock of Dry Goods it t A His i-Hi.t nii! ii !) .';; tiiti 'ai iety and price0. The llilifst .Market Tiii'i; l';iiJ fur KOWSj PLOWS! Walker . - l'OKTI.AND, ORi; IQX. the Northwest for DESCRIPTION. Uoiupi icing .1. I. CA!i Wood lUam Corn 1'lows, Stubble Plows, Hazel Plows, (irub Plows, Timber 1 lows, llond or ( iiad'ng Mows. Side lliil Mows. Steel Ilea in Walking Mows. A1TD GANG PLOWS, liru- m the Pacilic Coast. must cumpi i.t;; stik'K on COAST OF ci - : ami nun i: i im. t CO. OKKtiON. I . li A N V . , , 4. k, ! ' i onf.(m iMn ; i isno A E;l! It ips .,! !, ''ib:fi ' 1 CI:l-;;lira! Hi i' Iiii -, lilrKli.V, i. 11. lilt -i.-ia I'l I-i.riliil! rt:.M -i. lii.lif-rt-.. ..f r;t II' t al :t'j t :o in-.-r tin no-is i.f nil oi . .tuti;-i.Y-'from..l.r-a.l. ' V.i.-.iiin 'uS' Iron i 'l-l.l' I'l.i. sj, it.-i'i.-i-i'M-ely i'IIi -n -i I ti is.",.r.i "r- f ..,"ii l'ir Iitiii lii-struiii.-ni-il iij-o-i'-'iii-.n ii; 1.1:; iv - u .M :si 1..1IHM l l-.i. i;..:.m in nnv:t)-(..iiulies it I r-.tin. aim ruf, for i 1 1' lK-.irilii.!; at -mail i--vti'ii A'. 1 s' rnr, the iu-t mule t" sitaml tin .--iivl.ii en;!,-,-', ision c-.i-i.-i.-xvi cot piiy -lii'ialc thi.i i-. nt, cm lie- suiti-tl liyi-i 1m: : M,,.. ,,.., 1 " ; ,t tt. K. ii:un the ii-.v..i, i'. -ii ui -iw unl full p.ii-i;:ars, ail,!n. : tfaip! , Kin inruct. Tiic l:iU-it vo-.U and tin.- ii-i-si-wj-.t, ' .jtinmiiital untii.: k .t fur .:'. A!s4. tl.. l-'I'V KI.I;liir COVilT ' i tri-t :iyorttr.t.iil nf st.-iinpiliir patt.Ttm I.. ; "- ":itt,X. : - " t fnm, n.i. .-( TrJ: l,. .n-en in pcuiit:-:)- n.l i-inhn in. r . h, r CROWDEU JHtOS ZlXX.''"' Contractu! s and Builders. )ilire Oil Mist Street wilh W.ll- i Nimkci v. ' " e it Cii' iek, reul estate agenta, .Messrs. I lyman P.rowneii r.n- i.lliaiiy, Oregon, listimates given prepared in iheir nur-jery to fur- n ail k iuds o! bil il lingsor carpen- !:ish all kii'ds of stock, and thor er work. Ail work intrusted to intending to jilant shr.uldca.l! upon s wdl ii ; r.-mi ;ii!y ext!i: it,;d. liil-m. Out at Cost! L" iiraiimr kk- V J STORE, M FARLAND BLOCK, ALBANY, OREGON. anmjncem:i over b-'f.ire, an 1 h.' is prepare 1 Star Bakery ! A FL'LL STOCK OF StajIe Groceries Crockery Tticlicst iiiu!ity tt ti-ap, ccfli-t", cnudicB r.uta, t tc. FJiKSn BAKED PdiEAD EVERY DAY. At this nW rethiWe honw ' M'-o to f foilml :i )inpli-t- :isnirtiiH"it "t 'p '"ti family i-rini-rli-a, tu wlii- l ii roiiMtui'-. I. l. ii.t a-iJol ill the sciMin.i'ili- lines of KriM-i-rn.H :.ii.l pro visions, such :H Cranberries. Fine Pickles, Dried Seef Chipped to crcler Anciouy Mustard, Candies and Nuts, tastetn Buckwheat Flour, Cannea foods of All Kinds, Bohemiun Glassware, Etc, I Tin!-'? k"1 '-M ivrt" r.'l ho'i'j'ltt when ,'rs j vrv l'-.v ami tt.u l;cm lit nf tl e liin.viil wit' In- ! n ti. , in r;Wt-imvrt. I'.tini'imHir t!icVui:'j. 1 .! tin.- A-i (oitu r nn I'irsi :i'ni liro:;l!l'i ftU. Conrad JI xcr. i l I 11 -in. M.;:t'.s in ST3VES. TIN.VARE, HOUSE FURHIGHiKCS1 Miimifr.ct-urers of galvanized iroit :ruic.e. Mumbitig a Ki-Haaity. live us a call. XV. C. NKGUS,'c of the Royal Cnll-gc i Liuiilon, Kiiglai'd, Uiu;f '.he Jk-lle-vtie Meili-j.-d College. The i'r. iias silent a lirctinie of iict v. i jini.tice and mcikes a Mpe iaity oi ciiroirii: tiiscase, reiimvi-8 :ani.'rs. scrofi la eidurgvinentfi.tuin. ;ul i;iis, :!!. ic.t p un or t'.ie n:!r. ic a'.M; in-ikex a sneciuPy u" .rrat iient wit'i elt.'cti icily. Has iir.ioti' ed ntlie (ivrmnii I'riinch ami Jingli h nippilali. Calls ijri:iij illy! lay I li.s in it to is HI) WILL TO ALL." tcTOilic i j . I re.-iilence Ferrv ftrr -t, l',vl'n Timd an I K-mrttt "llil'i.'-'K WISillMiA Kll;sT-i.' -. irtf Days I KinrTitjr to satisfy cupt. niei':.! in 'pialili Cotinlrv 'IVudiife. 1 ' .... . . i-i, iv wi -..I,.-....-.- Bl Also' carries the ianos & Organs JL .V Tin: WILLAMETTE VALLEY. ci a, and i:xArixE ins stock. 0i 1 KLI.GWS TK.MPI.i;, A LB.'. NY, OIIKliON. rm.--iji.7,Tj.v;--ij fh N B.--! will continue to sell my dry goods at cost until they area!! gone. l iK-r sn:i:i;r. ip,nv, o:k;ox. cttjijI-cts jos raTa:, Manufactr.rct of. Choice Cigars ami rrAL?-K ix ''.ll-5 l ill,' 111!'. v.- !:( n S - ;j Ki l"i-iiit'. ra n ake "immons Regulator One Dose ion Dollar S. L. K: I i. it; i,!t r our i!i-t; im nirirc- Liver lU-juInt "r worth ?SM. wt fOMHtiiaicil, hrnl llr.ithii-hr, r.uli( cut otli iu-j w'.iU fi!ti7if;i'tinii r aiy Xiv li;i t!r. iilurc. Hint feit alto-jt hor nui if 7iriH. 1 ro H"irtcI to lihic M-i-s :i; 'HH-l, Otiiniti , a'd fvi-ry r.-nicily B'lu'tMlv'i, 1;it olitrtim.-' v.'aiiiori.rv ri-Ii-f. Oip ilof of S l I! !it tn more L'ifrt than S t ft:l w-fih i-f ,i..ti.rM an ! tl.vt -rit tr. Kip'Vi J Martin. ! 'lurirnr ih.. h.wt li.-t ti-'a' ') ull& ksof ! I li.uliu-lie, prtwitiet-l hv Torj M Liver, R'ii liiivc tn"'n (nurt;v 'ii tti uy Mntnnnd ijvci IN'f.'ii';vir. I foiui t t 1 o of ho niltl t L-har-irter in itn a titn snot to interfere, m the lea-it with my l;iti nn Hi1 s lioo! room. To the ijinii mini tl ami suhjeet' tohe ini'e, I cannot 5 hi-t reooiauiend Sim n to r ib Liver rUyrnatnr. Live) G. L. Blackmai?, AND TOILET AKU-i-r.a, And a full line of Stationery, IVnwlicak Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. finest lines of- iJBf WWWU nl ii ay 1 :r. iM.,',!'"!:ir.,'!i,:(:f:!': POill'.- i SIRUPS and lieiitf- Sol" agetK v for the I.u Jlow I i ne Shoe. i'r iar P:'.ieK. t! - ..'..I. . AriU'l'.s. v stn-e, A i;u,r FOUMD jT LAST! I TIIK WATKUPROOr GSL BLACKING, frff linnet, tw- t: , hlrnvS. ttl i;iift ai.U : C A N N O r B F. EQUALED I in H'Mii'. m of utul qualities. Hie to' ; iov. m- ire a it v i.f its miAlitics: 1 1st. Il is lasting and durable. L'.i. It iloes not rub otl" on tlit Lands or clothes, ol. It is perfect'v waterproof. Itii. It soiteiis the leather to iU natural state. Mli. It iiives the leather a new and glossv appearance. I'th. It conutins not one ingre dient that is injurious to either the n:.t iici 01 stitelung, out is a pre server ol' .hem. 7!h. Jt-can lie used on the linest boots and shoes ami not prevent she use ol the common hoot-black ing. but. wili soften and keep then. I rum cracking. Now, my friends, if Rich an oil as ! his would suit vou, go to the drug store of Hulin. iV Dawson, w here yon can get it for "it) cents per hex. One box wid oil more than one set of harners. l.'eceipt lor maki; ti I be oil is srld only lot imli idual use. .1. c. dkvini:, Manufacturer and Agent, Albany, Oregon. Ilrnllli is Wcalih I ire atiH hnin. treatment, a ii;r ill --ri K( ct Hie f.r lt i j'.-i ttt". hi :nlachc, tier ii. pioKtrti'.n i-ms-'il h the uv ol ln'h'i ttr tohatvo, wfteniii of hrain iv'iltiii;; ia inbanit iitul Ie:t'liii4 to n.ih- ry, (ieiy ar.fl Iop t'f jKiwer in titlitr hi x Kach Imix om t:tiiifl one in tith tr ;itnu iit. One lol !.it a Im'V, urcix h vh tor f dollarh. M-nt liy tn:ul irc on reeeit t prn e, Cnarnntet!? only t.y J. A. Ctininiinir. t!niLvi"t f-k- ;iuentt All'any, $500 REWARD VA wilt p:iv tin- alKive r.'Manl foranveac of ij-.-er i-oiiipl-iir t lspi'iia, iv,k, i:i.iit-tinnl .Tr.stipal io.l or covtiveness U( ciinnot cure witli Wi-Hl'rt liver liill.-i, when tl iliri'.-tion are strit tly I'olnplieil with. Thej are pin ely vegetable mnl never fail to pie H:iti.f:.rtion. Iirue boxes, coi.tainin a-i pills, 2.i eentR. The trcnuine manufactured only liy the John ('. West company. Chicago lllihoiB. SoM bv .1. A. Cunimiii(;, dnipkait Allnj , Oreiron H 1 aI THE' Yaouina II OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD T. K. HOGC, i:ec'lirer. ANT Oregon Developnieiit Dc.'s Steamship I-Irie ' I L If I I Lit 22 Hours Less Time Tlian by any other route: Accon:odationfl unhurpusied for mi f. x mi lately. r arcs and treu.l'ln ia i.i:Litu au the Oregon lvc opn..:.;t cc!nji.'b atiipx, Diueh let tiiat liy any rci:te ween ail lointa ill tbe iltau..-tit al in J San Francisco. Sailing daths, KkOM TAyll.NA. Willamette Valley.... -.. Mar. s.h w v mil Willamette Valley ................... .'.ih ruuM max raa.N(icu Wrallmi W laamette Valley............ . Wliliiinette Valley . Unr rl " 3d. ta Tin. company rerve the riyht to el a ij teamen im uiinir uates. PaII. PAPhiOtiSR TRAIHI!, Kxcept Si.iiui.ys.) L Yar,.ilr. T;i a w j Lv Aloany 12:20 C'ori.alii'i m:3ft m " Curvallis l:Vi ri Ar Alt'any , ::Jt a u I Ar Yaouina 4-ai r. m O & C. Iiaois ..niiect t Aitn anilt 'oi '. M IL -AO, C, . IioocE, General lai 0. F & P. Afct!.r Corvallis, O on EAST SOUTH VIA SOUTHERN PACIFIC ROUTE. THE EG INT ill .ST A ECU I California i xpribs train., ri.n lily sotnii " 71 II Inoktii' 7:0upuj..Lv IVrtiand Ar.. 9:X aid lu:i'!) p iu..l.v Ainany .Lv.. f.'L am ln:l! a iu..Ar...... S. Iraii'-isco.Lv.. J-tjn j u lmh. Train IIhIIj- (K. Mm.laj b.-OO a m.X p. rtla id Ar. . i: ft ; m l-':u i in. .Lv. ... A tUrny .... i.i . . ii'.iv m i'.W p inAr ....,: I. . . ;.n lA.-Mtin Krani li. onto 2.ui p ..Lv.....Alhany... Ar.. w:-..- .. t::,:pm Ar . . . . U-i.anon Lv k-4 , .u, ':W a lll..l,r Alltiy. Ar.. 4.K. j-iu s.:!'iam..Ar Lc-liauon Lv.. 3-40 pui AuhAW LOIAL, IJAILV (Except Sui.d.n) :.C(i PM..I.V lortiand A y Ar. ..Alt.AM L 1.U0 A M rULLMAN BUF1 El'.SLJiKl iUlV. , toui:it sj.Lr!:;i cars, For . nation of teii n.i-t u,ta im ser.ycro attaihed to r ipute ri.;i..s, VTfKt Sltle Illvlslon. Between l'ortiaud and Corvall;t- Mall train Ilally - Kx.epi J-un.iay 7M-a lu..Le ...I'o.tian 1 ...Ar.5S0p. tn p ru..Ar Ccrxaiiis.. L-.l2.fip. tn At A:t;a:;y and Corvallis couiieet with truiiicf urH I'atifichaiiroad. I ilei. Train Dally (Fxexpt tu .iiy 4:4n .ni..Lv I'ortian!... Ar.. raaiu 7:25 p ru.. Ar.... Jl. lmiiiile.I.v..'.'..;,jui THROUGH TICKFTS Jo Alt l'oint EAST AND SOUTH rPTor i t. t ai .1 full 'mforii ntion rc irurdini: rai.s ui:.p, tt.-., call en ei mpanx' 'icni at Ait..:i. U. hu.'.llI.r.R, K. P. Ii(rt;l.ns, 13 IP TO ANDIFRCM THE PniKCIPL POINTS IN THE UNITED STATFS.ICANADA AND EUROPE. PULLMAN PALACE CAP! SLEEPEF?." Free GoloLint Sleeatnir Ccrj Eco Ihrongli on 1 reu Ttaint OMAHA, COUNCIL V.LVt KAN!r CHICAGO AND ST. CITY, DUIS. Klrgunt .Nr w lllnlnc ai Clone Connection" at rortland for Sn Kiao cisi.-o and Iii'f Sound Ktiuts. aT'lioatH leave iiio iVjinpany'n wharf, at III- foot nf 1'rii.nis.llnn Afr....r i.n'l i'iv.1.. t... I r'rnlav ol ea. li -rk. t. C. itAWi.lM;s. I'-ifv tlcVel anil t'r.-icl.t A... 1.1 4.rrral 1 raOle Manager. T. W. I .E, I'. A. THE MARKET P. LBNr CtTf.TATIOVS. Wheat ;'; I Outs Flour 4.i1 pet'. t hi l'dtatoefl -10c Et'irs 12c Butter "5(3 :!oc Lard Klf(tI',Vr. I lams 14S.rM-. Shoulders i;(S!Sc. Baeon lOltic. Hons 3()c. HayTTimotlij-, tf, oate'.Rnd cLeat, tl At).! cs Grepn. ft I nor 1 rt ritiJit Dried, '.Hdc. per Jb. Aiip'cs dried bleaehed c eundried ii ! c. Chickens 5 00 .-,.50 Beef :;:'"c cross. Mutton t:g? .Miper head. Hoe-s S'-..e orepwe. Veal Vtfr.ia-e.