THE MOBOTNG HERALD: SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 22, I&91 I'AIUY AND W'KEKU- TEK'tld O? SUBSCRIPTION- tiaily I'ul li-rinl ev.-ry morning eicept Monday.) :n:rv.l lit carrier, per ! 0-20 I mail, per yen. .... u 00 I WKKKLT. jruWMiftl every Friday Morning.) n enpv, annum. In Uvaiiee...m.t-2.00 V ncii not laid iii advance....... 2.60 Vails tt the Albany pimtolt'n-e close Fur all oni.-cn north T'te Kmt-rii a alcn Tnc Went si.le And the N iin.w fla t K. R.J or PortU'id and Saoi -vallis and Yaiiiiina fl-,30 a. M, ..11 A. M 12:W P. M .7:0 p. it ) Ejnmtc smith, llie puMollicc will lie clj death evening iroiu six to seven o'clock. Kcifiiitf ml matter lor the ly ninrniiii; tram siii.uld tie mailed belore o clock Uie rcyioiu evening. OKKIIOX PACIFIC TIME TATLE. Arrives Departs r .wenifcr. Fuurht.... n.ripm lieopiii A l'(.in 7.4.'i a ni rut: liEiiRixu sla nurrunt:. A dispatch from Vancouver, II. C. suys that whether the i:eh:in; sea question he ssttled or unsettled makes no apparent dilierence in the preparations for seal catching ilmin the coming season, (ireat activity prevails there ami in other Columbian ports, ami vophcIh anil crews are in great demand. Seven vessels are bring built at Victoria and twelve or thirteen at Vancouver, anil a steamer litis been chartered to ai t an a tender to the sealing schoon ers. , Shi,ovnor3 profess not to care for all the revenue cutters the l.'nitcd States can send into Tich ring sea. They are confident of the intention of Canada, to uphold . thi-ni in their enterprise, and are prepared to assume any risk there may he. They ileclaie that no prize cit-w consisting of one man ill ever bring a Canadian Vessel into an American lutlhor. There seems to he. no secret made of thin, and in . view of its possihle consemienees it is peiti ntmt to ask why the negotiations betweri the United Stales and ireat jl'.iitain with icganl to l".ehrin; sea make no peiceptihlc progress'. liplomacy, it is true, is always slow and tedious, hut in asmuch ai the Cnited States is threatened with Wing put into a imsitioii where to extricate herscli w ithout eitlier war or an absolute surrender of her content in may he ditlirnlt if not impossible, it would seem that Secretary Maine might push matters a littl , so as to read i some clear and definite understanding with Kngl.ind. Unless the Tinted States recedes from it position it must protect ii'.'iii I in pmiiiu ii i:iii.-m 'iiiu i i I he Pv:hn ill the eastern Lalf of r.eli)in sea and seize the scaling II 1 vessel Wliu-li ilisoliey the presi dent's proclamation, jf that is tii he the policy for the coming season, it ought to he declared very fooii. rilH PKESlhKXr.i VISIT. The news which comes from Washington that President Har rison will sjH-nd a part of April anil May on the racilic coast will he gratifying to the people of Ore gon and neighboring states. Xo dates have as yet been decided up on. Secretaries Procter and' Tracy will accompany the president, and perhaps one or two other members f the cabinet, but Secretary Maine will not be of the party. The only President of the Cnited Slates iwl.o ever visited Oregon during lis lei in of office was Presi dent Hayes, who was here in the year lsst. Most of our chief mag istrates have seemingly ignoied the existence of this part of the t'nited States, at least in so far as seeing it is concerned, and Presi dent Harrison will show his wisdom by coming out here and accepting the hospitality which we shall be glad to tender him. Jf public men in the Cnited Stales would visit all parts of the I'nion the result could not fail to he ex cellent in every respect. They would have a keener and more iccur:ite appreciation of the needs of tl.e several sections, and the people would learn to kimw them l.etlr and to understand nioie thoroughly the dilliclllties which s often attend then'. We are a loiig distance from the national capital, and we often see- things thmiitdi a medium which ilirtmts tlu iii, and in the same way presi dents and cabinet olliceis and liieinliers of ennsrres often serin-! in-lv invle.1 our intends wl en - " I I lie fault limy really lie an ineorreet uniterstumlini; of llie s-itn.itioii. Tlie Oieuon h ''islaturo before it Mljournd appointed a eoinmitl. e I In airango for i suitable reception Uji the president and bis party on tbelr arrival in Oregon. The legislature lias declined to to appropriate even the miserable pittance of $50,000 to represent Oregon at the-World's Fair. The excuse given is that the terms of the measure makes a lot of officers who would swallow up nearly the whole $")0,000 in salaries. Well whose fault is it that the hi allowed this . The fact is there is no excuse w hatever. If the Ore gon legislature could not have pre pared and passed a suitable bill, they might have copied a bill from some of our nriglilioring states. That excuse is ail balderdash. It was the duty of the legislature, to see to it that the terms of the measure were what was wanted, and if there were objectionable provisions, eliminate them, but not to defeat the whole meas ure. The bouse passed the bill, but the senate violated the wishes of the people of Oregon by defeating it, and theieby disgraced themselves and the state. It will have an excellent moral ellect if the Kothsc liilds are able to bring sufiiciciit pressure on the Czar to force him to soften his measures against the Jews in Russia. The Czar is a perennial borrower, and if lie finds the purse strings of Kuropeau financers tightened he may conclude that bailing the Jews is too costly work. The appropriations of the legis lature, w hich are to be raised by a general tax during the next two years, amount to $1 ,2ir,4:!2.5o. Of this sum eluded in the tion bill. fl,014l0:,2.ri:; is in general appropria- TIIK WOULD KMCICIIKI. The facilities of the present day or the production of everything hat will conduco to the material welfare and comfort of mankind are almost unlimited and when Syrup of Figs wa's first produced the world was enriched with the on ly perfect laxative known, as it is the only remedy which is truly pleasing and refreshing to the taste and prompt andellectual tocleanse the system gently in the Sprin ti me or, in fact, at any time any the better it is known the nioie iopular it becomes. Our stock fif candy has arrived, and we w ill give special rate to churches ami Hocinhles. Mueller A liarrvtt. Any fuit in the lions' for cost for Ihe rest ol this month. New coring goods will arrive thetirst of March. T. T.. Wallace A Co Annual School Alerting. Notice is liereliy iflveli to tne leiral voters of school iliblricl No. l.imi county, Uivuii, Unit llie regular ta mi ll M-liool iiieetilii; of saiil school ilistriet will he held on tilt? lirst Alon. ihiy, b rim.; the'luil tluy of March, 1 sill, ;it the hour of 7 o'clock i- M., of sanl day at tin; court house in the city of Albany, !.iiiu eoiinly. Oregon, in said district, for the purpose, of licurin the reports of the director uml clerk of said district, and to levy a tux f r In) support ol I lie schools for the ell--uinif y-::r. Also for the purpose of levying a lax for I In purpose of pay. iic; interest on the homla of said "i-liool district and the second ilistaK inclil of the piiiicipn of said school lioiids, due and payatde .lime loth, Is'.U, ami for the transaction of any other business that may legally come liefoie the inei-t inif. Ilared this ICIli lay of Kcln-tiary, A I)., ls( . C I J. KtllKIIAIIT, 1H-1 riot Clerk. .1. K. Weatii riikoko, Chairman Hoard of Directors. f ) KVKKK HOCSK, Al.bANlf, OK. CHAS lL PfeifT.T, Prop. Only flrst-et'las house n the city. Uirirc xaniple rooms fur coiu mercial men. No Chinamen employed in the ititcheii. General stave orlii Uorvallis. ranU-ii Two roout fiiinished or mi- (urnixhi-cl lor li"ht keeninif must be near the Imiincwi part of town, tin -lnlilren. Address this nlce. VVlSrtl,K-j.r'KitoS,(ii)Owortli nf houiie Jj hold Inrnitiire in exrhanirv for imnroviil real itate Knuierc at ullice ol Ori-'uii Land rniiiian.v. i.kM IIKS OK L.ND- All fit f..r cnlti M)U vation, anil un ler lente, for Kile at lilo .t acre. Within l't milin fmiu railroad tori in and M inihn I ruin Albany. Apply at tin nllice. .olirr oft'lna Mrlllriiirul. No I'H'K Li hi-ri by eiven that the nndtr Hn;mil havir tileil tlii-ir Anal account as ail liiiliixtratiint id the entatr Ol J. W. Fletcher Inreastil, and the ruiinty ironrt of Linn oiiiitv. ri-ciii, has llxe'i the 7lh day ul Ur. h, IMM, at (.. I. k r u. of said day at Hie inuit Imiii-i- in Alluny. On-,-on, for the hiviiii; cl uljt. lions llu ri toand the setllr-iin-iit I hiTf ii'. Iatid this lib day id Krhrnarv, 1S91. K. .1. KLrrrioiR. Li i v C. KLP.iciir.s, AdiiiiiiiiitratorK. llrniTr i Imisr. Ait ys. ntirr fur I'uMlraliiin. I'liit.'il Slate l.aud (llliee, 1 0!-e;,'oii t'ity, it-., Jan. IS'.II. ) N'OTIl'K is heieby (Jvcn lht in coiiipliance uith the provisions ol the act oil (pu;'ir. of .1 nne ::, 1TS, entitl ed "An act fr. the Pale of tiiaber land- in the stales of Califoinia. t)re- ' Ne:nl;i and WashiiiiTlou Terri- lot i," .lohu Van Horn, of San Krnu eico, roiiiity or ,n I'rancisco, stale of California, has this dav lileil in Ibis olliee his sworn stuti-iiiriit Ni. J41'i. I'.r the piircha-e of the N W )i if Sei tion No. Jil, in p. Xo, IS South, Kan-e No. :' K-t, and will Oiler proof to hou thai the land sought is more v.iliiabie for its timlier or stone than taldi - u his laim to said land lieforn "-''t an.l lireeiveo of il.N of- llle Ml I ll-ft'llll I'll I 1...MMI ..I. TllU. ai ii in i ill ai minioes- Hiiii in pk. uav, llie .'Mill dayi.f April, 1'.U. lie names as uitne8ses, .1, Toeeue iiiiii, '. ( hatain, R. .lean. M. Unlttird . all of San Kraiiciseo. California. Any K SZK lile their el.iliim in tins otlice on or tie line sitttl Mli day of April. IS'.II. J.T. AtTERSOX. Eflster, Do Not Pass By ! VF. HAVE A FEW: liiWmTEE That we REDUCED BATESI FURNISHING COODSj VELVETS, SIJ.KS, SATINS AND PLUSHES. LA DIES' AND MIOSES SILK AND KNIT UNDERWEAR, COTTON AND WOOL HOSE, EMBROIDERIES, SILK AND LINE.V HANDKERCHIEFS. SCARFS, VEILINGS, SHAWLS, ETC. . BUCK AND COLORED DRESS cjr. w. simipsoist, FIRST STREET, ALBANY, OREGON. WANTED Ten thousand Men Women DEYOB & FROMAN 15UO.S., KunS-and tents, jartrest and all. run high in this city over System Builder as every body is using it for Catarrh of the Stomach, Dyspepsia Constipation, Impure blood and to but la up their system. Try it and tell your friends about it, as it must possess wonderful merit when all speak well of it. . ... Mousy la King. This is a true saying and is tte reaeon that Mueller & (J arret t are doing snob a rustling business. Their cash figures are taking the lead and their stock is 'the best. You Uo not have to pay for any long credit by trading with them as they do business on a strict cash principle. Catarrh cured, health and sweet breath secured, by Hhiloh's Cat arrah remedy, price 50 cents. Nasal injector free, sold by Foshay & Mason. Children wili freely take Dr. J. II. .M.iLean s Tar Wine Lung Halm; unlike' cough syrups, it contains no opium, will soothe and heal any disease of the throat or lungs ijuieter than any other remedy. it you want a durable monu ment go to Egan A Achison, who are handling nothing but the best graileg. I'liynieians prescribe Dr. J. II. Mclean's Tar Wise Lung Halm; in it they linil no trace of opium or morphia, while its etlicacy in cur ing all throat or lung diseases is won:leriul. Sleepless nights, made miserable by that terrible cough, Sliiloh's Cure is the remedy for you. For sale by Foshay & Mason. Have yon seen those beautiful cement walls in the cemeteries, put up by Kgan a Achison, at half the cost ol stone. Many sufler from irritation of the kidneys and bladder without knowing what is the matter with them. Dr. J. II. Mclean's Liver and Kidney fiahn will give relief. Sliiloh's Cure and consumption cure is sold by us on a guarantee. It cures coneiiinption. For sale by Foshay A Mason. Although our line cf underwear is somewhat broken, still we have a few nice suits left which will lie sold at a bargain. T. L. Wallace A Co. Viereck will shave you or cut your hair in the most approved stvle, We are sole agents for llanan & Sous fine shoes, carry them in every size and width, every pair warranted, try them. T. L. Wallace & Co. New goods of tbe latest patterns ( nwm nn i.anbhiicno ouu it Wll- I bums is why tbey will sell over four loiids of stoves and ranges this year, they I ave their first carload of Jewel Stoves and ranges now on the road to arrive Feb 1st. Tbe men of this vicinitv need not be jealous because their wives talk so constantly about Matthews and Washburn. Its not their good looks the ladies are talking about, it is the good qualites of the cook and heating stoves they sell. Every one seems to le delighted when the y buy from M. and W. If you want feed go, to Morris & I'.loiint. Coi. 1st, and Baker streets, their prices are reasonable and they deliver to all parts of tbe city without extra cost, Custom chopping a specialty. The finest line of groceries ever brought to this city can be found at Allen Bros. Fine comb honey and salmon bellies at Mueller & Garret's, the leading grocers. A larjje stock of fresh groceries just received at I'arkerHros. All kinds of canned goods at Parker Bros. Egan & Achison are selling mon uments at Portland prices. ' GAEMENTS will sell at- " REDUCED RATESI ! and Children to buy goods of mm 'Imortera and Dealers in all kinds o ammunition fisUinx ackle of ey ery description, cutlery and base ball noods. hammocks and camp chairs. : The ihk buuu. m ruriumu. tome one No trouble to show foods. - Quic sales and small profits is our motto. Also s repair shop connected with store and first- Class woriueu w uo ii hdui oi wotk. VMntgisVCm , Am4 AIL FAIN. at aW,Mll,Ul FOR BALK BY ALL DSCGOIBTS. come raoni.ns ko i Tjurcbaaed bsiof Dr. J. P. QiU's Catarrh Cure for mf own u8e. but finding my Mphew, O. A. McMahan. needing aUCb medl! cine j lei Dim nave iny box of meat. I steUMstifBss cine, lie bow sends for three more n all kinds of buudingsor carpen tKiiee, saylnr it is the bt thinir for I r wnrlr All wnrk intrusted to b sz& sir .o my case, and cheerfully recommend it roomers, (Slrned). JOHN McMA HAN, ElJoutltv Commissioner tne Cn vreon, I Prof J. W. johnaon. nrpKirlent nf the Bnrlncfleld. l.ane pnnnt nin State university, eayg It cured him Of a cough after two other prescriptions had failed. I.ikewice iwn nf I. la llttln girts used it tocure their oonKli. Mrs Uv u.n.. -en u-n I sent it to Prnf. .fnhnmin an.1 nnm. mends It to all who suffer from colds and coughs. For cough tt acta like .... . " I a charm, andean b inhaled into the jipes or passages, where no other couen cares can reach. CO' lVTrtrtrA'e T? avoq "cr wemeay.1 Astounding in its effects in the cure of Rheumatism, Asthma, Mala ria, liilliousness or any other di sease arising from deranzed Liv er, Stomach or If idneys it drivee all impurities from the blood. A. Russell, who is favorably known throughout the Northwest, writes "For fifteen years I was a con stant sufferer from Asthma with out any relief, except that obtained by constant change of locality. Two years ago I tried Moore'b Rk vealed Remedy and the benefits received from it were the most gratifying. It gave me relief from the first, and prevented the terri ble distress peculiar to the disease that made life almost unbearable. Any one who has ever had asthma can understand the gratitude I feel toward this remedy. Believing it haei added pleasant years to my life I have not hesitated to recom mend it to all like sufferers, and always with the same happy re suits. fisaTo be had of all drmrriatn. or send to Stewart-Holmes Drug Co., Seattle, Wash. On the Threshold of the The public is invited to inspect the im mense stock of Dry Goods F0RI89IAT His assort nant is bigger I variety and prices The Highest Market Price Paid for ALBANY i i i ALBANY, I OREGON 1S. 1891 A Eull Ctrps of Instructors. Classical. acl tlflc literary, oonuaercia. and vorsaal elapses. Courses of study ar nagsd to soeet the oeeus of all irradM of staAenta. Sperisi twlnooaeaU offeml to atwIsDtalroiDabruad. YalUoa ranicas from S.S ! 1SJ Fcr Terns. InstraBiental lnstractioo In music wl fiTen by Miaa Laura Ooltrm. I Board in private families at lo rates, and toons for self boardiiur at small epeue. A I canfal supervisioa exercised aver pup sway from bosse. for circulars and tull particulars, address the president,' Albany, Oregon, CR0WDER BROS Contractor and Builders. . "iBirm whii ,,ce & Cusick, real esUte agents, tun a . . a ' il. Tl 1 JJny, uregon. r.euuutbCB giveu wiu ba ?rv ecated NOTICE All penions having claims against the late L. 8. Uead, deceaseil. aiilnlease n resent them to L. H. Montanve. ul umc , ur to urm aiimiiv, vnn$vu. BAbb,r. r. smu. S"1 OLD RING, e GOLD PENS. 6 CEDAR VX penci!, 2 very good handkerchiefs, all sent to anr address to introduce my ch.-ap m " c uunv. r,i, 0 J o. SIM WON I, Cadiz O s. . . 1 I L , I . V. QA w h iXonSliS!! n a nas remoTeu n launnry vt inc I iron hou the comer of Second and Lyon streets. CimAMH ci'RSD. health and- saeet breath secured by Shioh's Catarrh Hemedv. Price do oenta. Haul injector tree, r or sale oy Eoshajr ft UaaoD. WANTED-A seamstress, one who can cut and fit. O-iil at corner of 6th and Rail road streets, lira. K. A. Burkhart. a full stock or. Staple Groceries Crockery. Glassware. . Tbe heat quality of teas, coffees, candles aula, etc FRESH BAILED BREAD EVERT DAY. AI thla oM reliable Bouse is aw n am fFZZSZ fu un usawnsMi Hn-i - r and prc rtalorjA, such a Cranberries, fin Pickles, Dried Beef Chipped to order Anchovy Mustard, Candie ana nuts, tastein Buckwheat Flour, Cannea Goods of All Kinds, Bohemian Glassware, Etc, The foods were all bourbt when price ' i ih. hanafli ( tli martin will be riven to hi cuatomars. Remember the iplace, St the old oumer oo First and Broalalbin Bts. Conrad Juyer, . Jinrcery. Mooara. TTvman & Brownell are prdpared in their nursery to fur nish all kinds of stock, and those intending to plant Bhould call upon thtm.' 7 Star "sTV Hake ever bjfore, aal he is prepare! - : Tl TV-V"N ' r'v - - .j i S " I TOM PRICES. Come m I M MTV. LVompt service and polite attention to everybody. MATTHEWS & WASHBURN. O.QO I.o sff 3C k KNOW r - If be r; ad X , Wbb 1 DO frighten you, but it is true. These are the sure symptoms of this terrible disease. There is one thing which will check 'it and that is Dr. ACKER'S ENGLISH REMEDY It I recommended by the best phyidrlans in Europe and America. x SS reals reats aad yrr Battle. d IT. H. HOOKER & CO.. 46 West Broadway, 2Tw TorLv 0! Manufacture steam engines, grist and saw mil. machinery, iron fronts a all kinds of heavy and light work in iron and brass casting. Special attnd tion paid to repairing all kinds of machinery. Patterns made on short not n- COSTEL, President. P L1NOBAN, Pemtary, JOHN BPLMAN. Sj New Year to satisfy customers in quality Country Produce. Smith Premier. Compact Xeat and Durable. Do not fail to ex amine the "Premier" tZ before buying. II. M. McKEE, Agent. t3T This machine may be seen at the Wes'ern Union Telsxraph Office n this city. The result of he&vy ;arSes M almost liivana blr disastrous to the fel i-ho does the heavy charging. This is as trae of prices as it is ot deadly nrearms. 1 hats why wa have chalked OUK bOOODS down to BOT and see us at our store aej. U sK e a. & Mm K UK- cu S3 n. 1111 AT "Jl'",l't'r?'--Io5'on Vf 1 1 14 I Know what it means? You are nerTous Why7 You cough in the morn ing Do vou realize the cause ? Your appetite is poor What ruakesitso? You seem like a changed person to your friends J o you know what is the. tcr or has the chance AILS lrn so gradual it has ccicaiiwi your notice l Yd II 9 m CnMnrI I UU "VV drt tint: wiv fhia a -THE- fapiia We ! .OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD T. B. HOGG, Receiver. ATXt Oregon DeTelopmiiit Co.'s Steamship Lino 22olinisiORTEn .AND 22 Hours Less Time Than by any other route: Accomodations unsurpassed forcrnifort sa safety. Fares snd freight via Vaquii.a an the Oregon Deve opnient com pan ships, much lea Uiat by any other route ween all point in the Willln-et'e l and San Francisco. Sailing dates. roi TAQciaa. Willamette v'iey , .,., pt iota W v .. .. iwh Willamette Valley lth , raoa aaa raasuaoo , Wratkin Dee. ttk Willamette Valley " 16th Willamette Valley Nor, 2tB The eomrany hderve the right to efcaif teamen tr Bulina-daiea. daily raimaKon Tunis, hxeept Sundays.) L Ya;alna7:00 A M I Lv Albany 12:20 f Corvallii 10:3f a " Corvallis ll r Ar Alhany llfja a u I Ar Y equina 4 3S r. O It C. tiains connect at Aitan and CM Wh. if Ho, C, . lloors, General Maoaire. O. F tP. cent CorvaJUa, O oa EAST SOUTH VIA SOUTHERN PACIFIC ROUTE. THE MOUNT SHSTA FCCTE California rrcs trains run daily vm j hoftb 7.-00pm..Lv Portland ....Ar.. 9:Si aai 10:tapm..Lr... Albany L.. :2i am 10:15 a m..Ar S. Francisco. Lr.. S-v0 pes Lal raaa. Train Dally- Ex. Sunday SA0am..LT Portland ....Ar.. (Mta 12:20 p m..L.... Albany .Lr..UM a 5:40 p mAr.... .Kottouiy tr.. 8:2 am ltMtaii Srascfc. . 236 pLv..... Albany Ar.. 3DfB !3pa Ar Lebanon Lv . i:40 am 7:10 a m..L Allxuiy Ar.. 4.28 pa 8.22am..Ar Lebanoa.Lv.. S'SO pas alsaxt local, dailt (Except 8unday) ' 5.00 r a. Lr....PortUod....ArM...00 a 9.0 Ar. ..Albany L....6.W a m PULLSIAN BUFFETSLEEPER8. TOURIST KLEEFIKG CARS, For aceommoaation of Seoond-Claai a enirers attached to Kxpress IrainaT Went Side DlTlslea. Between l'oitland and Corrallis Mall Train Dally - Except Sunday 7a0am..Lv ...Po.-tlanJTnAr7580pr lglO p m..Ar. Conaiua. . L-.12.66p. a At Albany and Corrallis couneut srlLk trains of Oregon PaciflcRailroad. Espreaa Train Irally (Exctpt Sunday 4:40 pm..Lv.. 7.-26 p m.. Ar.. .Portland... Ar.. 8:20 am .1rlionville.LT..6.4ja THROUGH TICKETS lo All Point EAST AND SOUTH tWfot ticket and full 'information ra. (rardinit rates nisps, etc., call ea coaipany'a agent at Albanr. K. KOF.1ILER, Manairer E. P. ROGERS, Asst. 0. F. A P, A TIOETS T6ANKFR0MTHE PRIKCIPl POINTS IN THE UNITED STATFS. CANADA AND EUROPE. PULLMAN PALACE CAR SLEEPERS. Fret Oolonist 81eenlnc Can Eu Throtf t as x mi Traisi OMAHA, KAN CITY, CHICAGO AND ST. DCIS. Elrsant New INalac 4ai Wit ' siaae- Close Connections at Portland for San Fiaa ciaco ana rujret sound point. 0 WBoaU leave tha C the foot of Rmadalhin street, on Ttieaday aaj v.MJMf j w;ii wn-K. V. . KA LiktiS. fttv tickrt and frek-ht aimi c. a. in.i.r:.. Vrarral Traflc Manaarr. T. T. I tX. ii. r. A, THE MARKETS. ALBA1.T QUOTATIORa Teat-ti8'a' Oats 60c Flour $4.25 per bbl Potatoes Bjrjra 22c T Butter- 3035c Lard lOQiac. Hams 14gl5c. Shoulders 8c. Bacon 10 12c Hops aoc -1y-Timo"'y, $10, oatAud cteai, Appes-JBreen, fri .T3 nor bnl Plu.-Dried,9cperlb. Apr, rs dried-bleached 9c eundried v5 e. Chickens $4.5035 00 Hides-Beef hidea, Kreer, 4 c, c ; deer skins, 20c; sheep pelt 10a c, according to wool. Beef 282Kc Rross. Mutton 2 00 per head. Hags .4rjc. dretsec.