Morning daily herald. (Albany, Or.) 1885-19??, February 20, 1891, Page 4, Image 4

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potuing gaily mU
The Daily Herald will be on
sale each morning at H. J. Jones'
book Btore.where it tan be procured
at 5 cents per copy.
LaVe Porris of Corvallis, is in
the city.
The Boston Opera Co. Friday
and Saturday eyeuings.
Clark's Diphtheria Preventative.
Ilulin A Pawaonsole agents.
George Humphrey and J. It.
Wvatt were in Saleni yesterday.
V. K. Chandler has returned!
from a tiip to Silver ton and Salem.
For choice groceries at bed rock
prices go to Mueller t Garrett's,
the leading grocers.
The Albany College will give an
entertainment at the opera bonne
cm Friday evening Feb. 24th.
The P.uilding and l-oan Associa
tion will meet Friday evening at
the parlors of the Bank of Oregon.
Secure vonr peats early for the
great Boston Uaiety Opera Com
pany rulay ana .aluniay even
Boenicke has received his
- randies, and they are the tinest
that have ever been solo in the
A pai r of fast black ladies' hose
free with every pair oi ianes
. shoes, costing $.'! or more, at Searls'
shoe store.
Some permanent developments
are looked for in the coal mines of
I. inn county during the next
twelve months.
Keep the d'phtheria from yonr
houses by using ('lark's Diphtheria
Preventative. For sale by Ilulin
i Dawson only.
Children's all wool dresses made
in the latest style can le
had for less than cost of material
at the Indies Bazaar.
The "beautiful snow'' begun
falling last night, and although a
trifle late in the season promises
to afford a touch of genuine winter.
Conductor Shannon Conscr, who
lias been ill in Portland from iu
. juries received at the Lake l-aliiuli
disaster, passed through this city
yesterday enroute to Kugene.
It is learned that Maior W. O.
Cassell has contracted with Judge
L. FJinn to erect two neat resi
dences on Fifth street below Kail
road street.
N. Southard of South Dakota, is
visiting his daughter, Mrs. S. N.
Sleete, in this city, lie is irreatly
pleased with Oregon, and may lo
cate here.
Dr. J. L. Hill of this city de
livered an oration at the celebra
tion of the twenty-seventh anni
versary of the Knights of Pythias
in Salem last night.
Fred Senders on returning home
v last evening found a full grown
Chinese pheasant Betting in the
gateway. ' The bird Hew away,
pursued by a dog, a boy and a gun,
but it escaped,
There are only two prisoners in
the county jail awaiting trial at
the March term of circuit court.
One is B. O. Fellows, charged with
rape; and the other is a tiamp ar
Tested for jetty larceny at Shedd.
A party of San Francisco cap
italists have been looking about
.Astoria with a view of establish
ing a large tin manufactory at that
poifVt. They do not ask for a
bonus, but will make contracts
with the cannerymen.
The Boston Gaiety opera com
pany, which lias been playing to
crowoeo houses in aaleni, passcil
through this city yesterday, en
route to t;orvallis, where they
ulaved last evening. Thev will
appear at the Albany oiera house
in I. a Mascotte this evening.
On Friday evening, Feb. 'J7lt,
Prof. Lorillard assisted by Miss
Leona Willis of Salem, Prof. Fal-
lenius of Portland, and some of
,' Albany's best talent, will give an
enjoyable concert. It will be re
' memlered t hat Miss Willis took
' part in the "Peak Sisters" enter
tainment, an I through tier sweet
and cultured voice, won the hearts
of her audience. Prof. Fallenius
always delights his bearers with
ins masteriy skill, on the i-rciicii
horn. Prof, f.orillard is well ami
favorably known as a pianist, ami
as somo of his choice selections
will le rendered on the occasion,
the music loving people of Albany
may expect a rare treat.
Not Yet FviiikI.
The latest news concerning the
unfortunate young hunterfucker,
who was lust in the mountains
' above Gatesville, is that the only
trace yet found, is where some one
had apparently used a gun foi a
walking -ane in the snow. I.itile
hojtes are now entertained of his
Wing foil tul. The recent snows in
the mountains have obliterated all
the tracks that were once found.
I Ie iliinhtlesa novr in .1 snnu v
Cane 1'rr.rntatlon.
A pleasant surprise pa-ty was
tendered Mr. I.. F.. P.Iain, Wednes
day evening, by the clerks in his
clothing store, the occasion being
Mr. Plain's iutU birthday. Kev.
. S. ii. Irvine, who was one of the
guests, on behalf of the clerks,
presented their employer with a
handsome gold headed cane. A
pleasant evening was sent. The
entire party was tendered a sere
nade by four young male voices
during the evening.
ltutilupn Kemoval.
Expecting to occupy in a few
days the Strahan brick on Second
street, between I. yon and I'.road
albin streets, I have added to my
usual stock of feed, consisting in
part of hay, oats, chop feed, mill
feed, oil cake, meal, one car of
assorted weights salt and a large
invoice of lime, cement and plas
ter, all of which I am prepared to
sell at wholesale or retail at lied
rpek prices for cash only.
Th. Absconding J. M. lUdhon Waa
Dealer in Oonf derate Money,
A correspondent from Lyons to
the Salem Journal contains t he
following additional chapter to the
sensation published a few days
ago in the IIekai i:
A little less than two months
ago, Mr. J. M. Madison was sent
to Lyons, to take charge of the
telegraph and Wells Farro offices,
lie occupied the osition of tele
graph operator for live weeks, dur
ing which time, he with his wife
stayed at Smith's hotel, in
Mehama, lie hi-d not lieen here
long when he took J. W. Van
Order into Ins commence ami
showed him a scheme where he
could take in money hand over
fist, it was nothing more nor less
than to be an agent for "green
goods." Mr. Van Ordner did not
care to engage in the business and
spoke of it to a friend who advised
secrecy, as the telegraph oiK-rator
was probably a detective and was
working up some such case, o' on
the track of the counterfeit money
now being circulated. So they
held their peace and awaited de
velopments, which were soon
forthcoming. Mr. Madison soon
resigned and his place was occu
pied lv Mr. Post. Atailison was
(piite friendly to Mr. Post and told
Inm that the company was rotleu
and he had better resign, and
further, he could show luiu some
tliinir with much better financial
returns, at the same time asking
him to look at some greenbacks
which be hid, some of them were
new while others had a worn and
greasy look. lie told Mr,' Post
that these would pass anywhere
all right, but were spurious, lie
told him how to take the new hills,
place them in cotl'ee. rub thecotl'ee
thoroughly on them, and then fold
up so a to counterfeit long use.
Mr. Madison left Mr. Post to
think it over while he went to Al
bany, where he purchased some
articles, among them a grip, pair
of shoes and a hat. On his return
he showed them to Mr. Post, say
ing that the shoes only cost him
IK) cents, though the clerk tlmught
he was charging him $( all right,
lie said he had passed $14 of his
counterfeit money in one stove
alone, and again urg'd Mr. Post
to play sickness, as he had done,
or to band in his resignation and
go with him to New York, at
which place they would embark in
the business at little risk and
gieat prolit. Some of Mr. Madi
son's corresjKjndence from Albany
is interesting. As an inducement,
to Mr. Post to resign, he tells him
that the company are going to
"fix him, they have beard that he
is not a c uupetent operator."
From four or five letters which
your correspondent read, the tenor
is: ''We will make things lly."
"You're a made man, it you ac
cept my proposal." "No 'danger
whatever, as the jdates are the
i rue thing and were stolen from
the U. S. treasury department."
Mr. Madison, as shown by the
Wells Fargo books, of this place,
sent $-iH cash to the following ad
dress: "W. II. Tread well, Fifth
Avenue Hotel, New York City, X.
Y," for which he was to receive
$.",000 in green goods. In a private
talk, Madison was lamenting the
loss of his first consort, who
"got mad ami left" so he had to
"rustle a new girl" so that his
"wife" is merely a decoy also. It
is time such rascals came to the
end of their rope, and in hopes
tiiat no innocent persons may
sutler from his roguery this is
w ritten. Mr. Post s an excellent
young man, recently from Ne
braska, and wants to see his pred
ecessor meet his just reward,
which should be a long tern in
the stale's prison.
Cieueml V. T. Sherinitu.
McPhersoti Post No. .ri,i. A. Ti.
Department of Oregon, will meet
at their hall in Albany Saturday
afternoon at 2 o'clock, in com
memoration of the many services
rendered our country in times of
need mid during the dark days of
the rehcllion, by one of the three
great generals of the late war,
(ieneial William Tecnmseh Sher
man, whose body, on that day,
will be laid in its final resting
place at St. Louis, Mo., by the
side of his wife and child. It is
hoped every comrade and old
soldiers will be present, ami a
cordial invitation is extended to
the W. H. C., Sons of Veterans
and all citizens who desire to take
part in the exercises, which will
consist chiefly in song and short
reminiscences of the general's life.
A meeting for arrangements will
be held by the Post and W. It. C,
this Friday evening at 7 o'clock in
their hall.
J.F. WtiiriNo.
P.. F.
Southern I'su-ilic Kallromil Work.
From twenty to fifty cars of
gravel are daily being unloaded as
ballast on the Woodburn-Spring-liehl
branch of the Southern
Pacific. When this work is com
pleted, a new schedule will be pre
pared providing faster time as
uood, in fact, as is made upon the
Kat Side division. Work isgoim;
forward on the bridge over the
McKenxie, and it is supposed that
when it is finished through con
nection with Springfield will le
made. The new Cow creek road
bed was completed none too soon,
for since it has been used the old
grade has been entirely washed
out. The American ship Peaper
is discharging old tons of the
Huntington steel rails for the Port-land-Silyerton
extension. These
will lay about three and a half
TUey Can Weil Now.
Licenses granting permission to
join in the bonds of matrimony
were granted yesterd iv by the
Linn county's representative of
the fickle god of love: John F.
Wilson and Ksther S. Miland,
(ieorge L. Huston, aeed IS, and
Clara M. Ptigh, nged 17.
wha. It Co8tl t RnB th, 0nat 8tale
, .,
of Oregon-
The general appropriation, bill
passed by the Oregon legislature.
promises to appropriate $l,00.'i.7.'i-.-
ul, as already published in the
Hkkalu's dispatches. Tlie general
appropriation bill oi two years ago
appropriated some $7(i7,87fMio.
1 he detailed items are as fol
lows. Executive fund
Saiary of governor, $3,000. '
Private secretary to governor,
Secretary of state, $3,000.
Clerical assistance in office of
secretary of state, $.'5 0 .0.
State treasurer, $1,000.
Clerk to state treasurer, $.'5,(101.
Sii)erinteiidcnt of public instruc
tion, $:5,ti00.
Stale librarian, $2,000.
Prison inspector, $1,0011
General fund
Pilot commissioners, $1,200.
Clerk to pilot commissioners,
$1 ,200.
Health ollieers, $4,400.
Janitor and assistant, $3,240.
Traveling extenses of siierin
tendent of public instruction,
Nightwatchman at state capitol,
Postage and expenses of the
state library, $500.
Teachers anil expenses of Oregon
school for leaf Mutes, including
improvements, f
Teachers and expenses of Blind
sch ol, including improvements
and industrial department, $10,000.
Clerical aid in office of superin
tendent public instruction, $2,400.
Additional clerical -service in
office secretary of state, $7,200.
Printing and furnishing uniform
blanks for public schools by the
board of education, $5,100. .
State board of agriculture, $10,
000. Salary and expenses state food
commissioner, $3,000.
Insurance and maintenance of
pilot schooner, $3,000.
Railroad commissioners and
clerk, $20,000.
Fish commission, $M,000.
Lighting public buildings, $10,
000. Advertising sfate warrants, etc.,
For purchase of OX) copies of
volumes 10, 20 and 21, Oregon
supreme court reports, $7,200.
F.aslern Oreuon ag icultural
societies, $0,000.
Southern Oregon board of agri
culture, $3,00.0.
State boa d of horticulture,
Boatman at Astoria, $1,000.
Oregon domestic animal com
mission, $15,000.
Books for sfate library, $.1,000.
For purchase of land for insane
asylum, $0,000.
Children's home at Portland,
Orphan's home at Saleni, $3,000.
Orphan's home at Albany,
Refuge home at Portland, $5,000.
Furniture for capitol purchased
in December, 1S00, $401.80.
Washbasins ami sinks and addi
tional sanitary plumbing in capitol
building, $1,302.10.
Repairs of State University
building, $5,5000.
Printing," Resources of Southern
Oregon," $1,383.25.
Rewards for arrests, $1,200.
Fencing insane asylum farm,
Water supply for cottages for
asylum farm, $3,750.
Searching records, copying and
other expenses insupprrt of claims
against the general government,
and for compiling records of In
dian wars as authorized by present
legislative assembly, $1,500.
Office rent, board pilot commis
sioners, $210. v
Repayment to Clatsop county
for care of non-resident poor,
Reform school fund, 2K,flO:.
Judicial fund, $'.10,000.
Legislative fund including pay
of members, $45,000.
Incidental fund, $25,000.
Insane fund, $210,000.
Conveying insane, $22,000.
Convict fund $10,000.
Arrest and return of fugitives $5,
740 !5.
Printing fund, $45,000.
Indigent fund, $12,845.74
Penitentiary fund, $100,010.
.Minor repairs and improve
ments to state capitol and improve
ment of capiiol grounds. $4.0 0.
New roof for capitol, $2,000.
Officers and general expenses of
insane asylum, $22,078.41
Deficiencies in former appropria
tions for insane asylum, $ 14,080.50.
State penitentiary. deficiency,$5
520.07. Conveying insane to asylum,
deficiency ,$2(o.2.
Incidental expenses deficiency,
Advertising, deficiency, $270.15.
Expenses of deaf mute school,
deficiency. $1,848.22.
Reform school buildings and im
provements, $17,000.
Public printing deficiency, $12,
077 41.
Additional pay of W. II. Holmes
as clerk of supreme court for 18S7"
and 1888, $715,00.
Clerical aid in office of secretary
of state deficiency, $.'!7S).50.
Incidental exensesof the rail
road conimi'-sion, deficiency, $102,
10. Salaries of health officers, de
ficiency, $303.53.
W. P. (iray for services to arrest
a fugitive from justice, $185 (K).
Sam Simmons, for services to
arrest C. C. Rodney. $207.23.
J. F. Morey, for similar service!.
J. F. Johnson, similar services,
Repayment to I. L. Kmapien
of interest paid on notes given for
purchase price of land to which
the state could not give title, $0.07.
Repayment to Gilliam county
lor expenses for case of non-resident
poor, $170.45.
T. J. Harris, for conveying con
victs and insane in 1888, $58.00.
J G. Birdsey, for conveying
insane patient from Jacksonville
to Willbur, $73,00.
J. M. SI jan. for conveying in
sane, 1888, $57.S8.
1. S. Henshaw, for conveying
insane persons from Baker City to
Hood river, $02.02.
Oregon domestic animal com
mission deficiency, $12,000.
One hundred and fifty sets . of
Hill's Code for co inty officers ami
the legislative assembly, $1,377.
Repayment to Porthnd Cham
ber of Commerce of cost of repairs
on pilot schooner Governor
Moody, $508.85.
Ballot paper aad printing paper
deficiencies of 1800, $2,103.34.
Ballot paper bought in lSS-J and
used in 1889 aud 1800, $335,45.
Expenses of senate committee of
of 1880, on assessment and taxa
tion, and its clerk, appointed un
der senate resolution No. 38, of
1880. $1,002.55.
Repayment to clerk of board of
school land commissioners,$534.11.
Repayment to the secretaiy
of state of attorneys' fee in the
case of Briggs vs. McBride, $500.
Pay ofD. B. Monteith and H.C.
Wood for rewards under section
2107 of Hill's code, vouchers on
ti'e, $000.
Pay of W. W. Page for attorney's
feesallowed by supreme court $200.
Pay of John Mullan state's at
torney for collection of Indian war
claims of 1877 and 1S78, $3,810.23.
For the revised edition of "The
Resources of Oregon," $6,000.00.
For wnter sys'ein and system of
protection against iire for 6tate
capitol, $8,000.00,
tor purchase of additional in
struments for Oregon state weather
bureau aud lor clerical aid. $2,000.
Construction and furnishing of
cottages, barns and other buildings
at insane asylum farm,$24,0OO.OO
Additional buildings, improve
ments and repairsatand about the
insane asylum, $,h,000.00.
Refitting and furnishing rooms
of supreme court clerk and secre
tary of state, and for book cases
for state library, $2,500.00.
The I'ruaUllH Reservation.
The Umatilla Indians do not
seem to be jut satisfied in-the mat
ter of givi ig up their reservation.
The lvist-Oregouian says that
the Indians a e holding a big
council at the agency lo-diy to
"waw-waw" over the reservation
laud question. The council was
set for Monday, but the Indians
did not assemble on aeount of the
unfavorable weather, and post
poned their talk until to-day.
They are disatistied over some
thing, the nature of their griev
ance not yet being definitely
known. It is said that one source
of dissatisfaction, however, is that
the surplus land will be sold before
the allotment is made, although
what difference this makes is hard
to discover. Doubtless the true
facts are that poor Ixj, finding that
the day is near at hand when he
must relinquish his pasture land
and hunting grounds, sever his
tribal relations and follow the
plow, is sad at heart, and is dispos
ed to grumble at the action of the
white father. The result of the
council will be known to-morrow.
Coming; Oregon ward.
Under this heading an Oregon
ian reporter writes in glowing
terms of immigration to Oregon.
Hear him: Within the past week
a seore of large families have regis
tered at the down-town hotels from
points throughout the middle West,
all of whom intend to become Ore
gonians. They are the advance
guard of the immigration that i?
going to pour into Oregon in the
spring, and are, for the most part,
industrious people and well
equipped to begin life anew in this
favored section. If the remainder
of the inllotv of population are as
well supplied with the rising gen
eration as are the first of these im
migrants, it will only be a question
of a few years before Oregon will
be overcrowded with humanity,
for, while trese iieople have not
made a flattering success in the
East in the matterofraisingcrops,
they have certainlv done remark
ably well in the way of producing
large families.
l.a Mancotte at Victoria.
The Boston Gaiety Comic Opera
company had an immense bouse at
The Victoria, last night, to w hose
great delight they presented, with
numerous alteration and amenda
tions, the well-known favorite
opera of "La Mascotte." The
audien:e roared with laughter at
many of the local and Pacilic Coast
"improvements" upon the original
"libretto" as prepared byAudran.
Miss Harvey who impersonated the
Mascotte was unquestionably the
Mascotte of the company. She
sang with effect as also did Messrs,
Louis Monico, (Pippo); George
A'hiteman, (Rocco) and 'Mr.
Waldo, (FYederic.) Some of the
characters weie very satisfactorily
rendered, and all present seemed to
thoroughly enjoy the progi amine.
The stage appearance was worthy
of praise: ana the spectacular rarts
were well set. Victoria News.
A Doctor Insane.
Dr. W. H. O'Dell of Sodayille,
was brought to this oity yesterday,
and at his ovyn request was exam
ined as to "Bis sanit.v hpfo-p the
county court and a board of physi
cians. He was committed 10 "the
asylum for treatment. He is a
wen euucaieu anu successtul prac
ticioner. hut is n victim i,f
strong drnk, which caused his
dovnfill. He seemed almost ra
tional, and he will doubtless recov
ei under the treatment at the asy
lum, having heen treated there
before when crazed in the same
Damages Suits Settled.
The cases of P, B. Becklev, A.
Huff. E. L. Hendee and f T .
Sloan airainat the Southern Pa
cific have been settled by compro
mise. The settlements eO'ected
give Becklev. $5,000; Huff $1,800;
ioan, i,tw) ana iiendce, $2,000.
Becklev's claim was for $38,250;
Huff's $8,000; Hendee's $7,000 and
Sloan $0,500.
The Boat on Gafety Opera Compvnj Will
' ; r, Present It Ag a Matin,' J , ? f
' , . - i ' , ' :
This popular old-time opera vl!f
be presented as a matinee at the
opera house Saturday afternoon
instead of Olivette, - the cliange
being made by a jopular demand
by theater goers. The Oregonian
savs of its rendition rhy. this ex
cellent company :
The Boston Gaiety Opera Com
pany produced Gilbert & SullLvan's
tuneful operatic satire "Pinafore,"
last night at tiie Park theater to a
much pleased audience, and the
familiar strains of the amusing
and melodious work were warmly
greeted. There is a charm about
ibis hackneyed opera that custom
cannot stale. It is a "chestnut"
decidedly, but the musical genius
of the composer of the score , and
the' keen, satirical ;witf of' the
author of the libretto have never
received better illustration in any
of their latei works. There is a
bree.iness about the theme and an
attractiveness, about tlve treatment
of it, both from a musical ami lit
erary point of view, that will
always make. the opera aur.iciivd
to the public.
As presented by the company at
the Park last evening, "Pinafore"
was received with every manifes
tation of pleasure. There were
occasional evidences oi the luck of
rehearsal, and many of the cho
ruses iand concerted numbers
lacked the smoothness that should
have "'eharacteriy.ed 'them. Tliig,
however, will doubtless be ;reane
died ere the close of the week.
Tlie individual work of several of
the cast was highly commendable.
Mr. Jerry Slatttry made a most
pompous and highly amusing .-ir
Joseph Porter. The Captain Cor
coran of Wiiliam II. Newborough
was cleverly acted an J sung; anil
Ralph Kacketraw was .adinirnh'.y
snngand acted' by 'Mr; Herman
Waldo, although he was evidently
suffering from hoarsene.-s. (ieorge
II. Whitman made an acceptab.e
Hick Deadeye, and Louis Monico,
as the boatswain, was excellent.
He sang "He is an Englishman"
with fine effect, and received an j
encore on it. j
Pauline Harvey as the captain's !
daughter, Josephine, was an at-r
tractive personality, and sang the :
score in a manner to evoke a good j
share of applause. I'essie German
acted the purt of Butterct.p spit n j
didly, and her voice is entirely:
suitable to its requirements. Jessie
Terry made a pretty lleoe, Susie j
ISarton, in her (Quaker costume;
was a quaint and taking autit, and.;
the sisiers and cousins were well!
presented by the pretty lady mem-;
bers of the chorus. j
Money Going to Minuix.
Some very pertinent remarks on
the mining situation are found in
a recent issue of the Mining ni.d
Scientific Review: "The minii'g
outlook for 1801 seems especially
favorable, and we may look lor a
great increase in the production of
our mines. If we consider the
prospects for remunerative invest
ments, there is 'none which pays
better than a judiciously managed
mine. In almost every other line
of business eompefitiou is very
great. . Old established nieivhr.n
tile houses that did a business of
a million dollars a year ten years
ago, now find that they, have to
do double that to make the sau.e
prolit. .The sannj is true of . every
kind of occupation, except'niining.
Four or 5 percent, nupdnow satis
fy investors who a decade ago
thought not hing short of 7 per cent
worth having. In view 'of ;tuese
facts, a great amount of money
must seek employment in our
mining interests, where the risks
are no greater than, in other pur
sii its, and the chances for l ir jo re
turns infinitely better."'
Accident on the Oregon 1'ucific.
; As the Oregon Pacific train was
passing aronnd ' a' curve beyond
Lyons, Tuesday, two hand cars,
laden with Chinamen, tools, etc.,
was observed on the track after it
was too late 'to stop the train. The
engine struck the cars, knocking j
in ;in now n an cmnanKmcut. l wo
Chinamen were slightly hint, but
none were killed.- I.
' Tanclirr KxamiiiKtion.
Notice is hereby given that the
regular public examination of
teachers, for Linn couuty, will
take place in Albany, commencing
on Wednesday, Feb. 25th at 1
o'clock v. si., and continue until
Friday noon, Feb. 27th. All
teachers must positively be present
at the time of commencement, as
no one will be admitted to the ex
amination who is not so present.
G. F. Rcsski.l, .
County School Superintendent.
A Card.
Realizing the worth of a' rtlia
ble preventitive for ihe dreaded
disease of diptheria, we beg to in
form the public that we are thy,
sole agentH for'Clark'aI;phtheria
Preventative," the- moat thorough;
preventative known. Price oniy
50 cents per bottle.
Hi'UN & IiAuso.s, Drnggv-t.
- Woort for Sale. ' t
' Dry fir wood delivered Li any
part of the city at $3 00 per cord.
Leave orders at the foot of Ferry
street nt 1. W. .Spink's lumber
Boston Gaiety Comic Opera
Company opene 1 last evening st
the Park Theatre to a jammed
bouee in La Mascotte and is one
of the best comic Opera "Companies.
ever seen here. Portland Oicgon
The Daily News, Vancouver,
British ColuruSia, says : 1 1 is tiie
best attraction ever seen in the
Imperial Opera House.
This excellent company will
play at the Albany opera house
Friday and Saturday evening-?,
with a .Saturday afternoon matinee
Secure your seats early at Will tt
Link's music store.
Parker Bros.j grocers. - f
Ilulin & pawson.fcjifiiggifits.
French keepa railroad time.
' Go to Scads for a iiew necktie.
Go to Vierecks for a good shave
Choice fresh groceries at Parker
Golden drip syrup at Parker
Bros, r . r.
FresV celery ami cauliflower at
Parker Bros.
; A fine line of- house slippers at
Searls' shoe store.
For fine coffee and teas go to
Mueller A Garrett.1
Ludlow's shoes all sizes and
w idths at Searls' shoe store.
' Choice fresh butter at 0. E.
Bro vnell's at Gocerits per roll.
A large stock of the beet brands
of canned goods at-Parker Bros.
I Jol den drip syrup' at Parker
Bros. It is very fine for break
fast. Fine ciiow chow and salmon
bellies in bulk at Mueller &
Garrett's. ' -
For lame back, eide or chest,
useShiloh'e porous p aster. Price
25 cents at r'oshay & Mason.
If you want anything in toe
grocery line Parker Bros, is the
place where you will find it.
Sauer kraut and salmon bellie&N
in quanties to suit, at Mueller &
Garrett's, the lcadii g grocers.
(ias piven lor painless extraction
of . teeth. J. O. Littler, Dentist.
Kooip 13 Tweedale Block.
That hacking couch' can be so
quickly .soured by Sbiloh's Cure.
We guaran'ee it. Sold by Foshay
& Mason.
A few heavy winter overcoats
left which we will close 3iit at 25
psr cent discount.
T. L. VVau.ack & Co.
Cioo, 'whooping.? cough and
bronchitis immediately relived by
STiilob's Cure. For sale by Foshay
& Mason. -
Our stock of candy has arrived,
and we will give special rate to
churches and sociables. Mueller
fc Garrett.
Any suit in the r house for cost
for the rest ol this ' month'. New
spring goods w ill arrive the first of
T. L. Wai i.u k etc..
"KnutprUlt. Wfvl.T- l:ie retm illljcr,
Mttktdrtusj- life's little !,,' " .
Take to ttirt in Swirl's sIi-h;
Then .lull ":tn nod comfort
liMC ('ill tiwav "
WrANTKP-Ihe nn-lcrsinol wishc 10
? ir.iv a good frch inii. lt cow. Inruire
at 'In' Perot lmu.1 it Alusuy,, .1. K. t;no.
V ' tcs to art ill the ea:ieif of tfU'flo
'rupher itit a l.'ovwr or tm4incK man for
practice only. Notuiiary. Address "Z" rare
of I'KtU.D OlllCf.' ', ,? N ; 2
1 will sell from this date until
sold the stock of groceries and fix
tures ponainiiig to thegrocery and
bakery departments now remain
ing in the store formerly occupied
by Messrs. Blackburn & Pironi AT
COS l All parties knowing them
selves Indebted to tire late firm of
r.lackbuin & Pironi wiH "please
call and settle the same at once
and avoid cost.
;.F, M. RLDFIELD, Assignee'.
Albany, Ifeb. IS,, mi IJ
February "Oth amfetsf.
FRIDAY, 20th Andran's Favo
urete Opera,
dran's Masterpiece,
' Fatiir3aj'V:venirrg;
mi.r?i I '. i O '1
MATINF.E-Childrenr.c. Adults
50c. Seats now on cale at Will
it Link's music store. ..
MtySRf V LOAN-lil' lurgo or-1" ntiall
aiiuni:rtH, from nix 'tftn-ali to Htc
earl on Allany, ami Linti crrtiity tea1 etaU-.
..lii. nor addrcsi W. K. Slel'hcrnon, rcul
ttte broker, opposite Huss hou '
1 1 vo-rwrtnerkhip hetctolorc exiirtins I-
I iMee'i .Smith & Senilcni in Albany, Oregon,
is tl. the 11th Jiy of rebruary, I ml. ilin
noIvkI by luutuiil consent. A, Senilem retir
ins from said film. All billH .iluc Niid firm
will be eolle ted anil all oblii;atioiiH paid by
1. W. smith. All aitie knowiio' lhm be indebted to mi I linn will kindly
o Ws mo by calhinr and )ai imr the aani!,
t.. , n i ii.
Alb.nv, Or, Feb, 11, IK'1,
F.ailillne Bud I-n Anociatlua.
nHK ASSl'AU MliETISfl of Uie AlUuy
1 Uuililii.lf ,V Loan Association will be
I eld in the liuik o( Orea-on parlor on Fri
day eveninr February tth,- f 1S11: Thi
n-ctliiK i for the pnrpoae. of clactiDK
ii in tor. to serve for the eiisuinp year, and
her the inul rap3rM ot the office'
every atookholder (hould be present, either
ou person or by proxy. ' ' '
j j
ijuiiiio'u icrra.
To make
Our new Bpring
Full line of Albany Woolen IbUi faoooi ju
Keceivea. rine.""
line oi snoes m w
t -.
L. E. BLAIN, Tie
Wholesale and
' ' OF ALL KINDS -" .
izsr s:B.iscasr
UM i ...
mwml vj--" i-II roil
.um u. lima
Spring field. Sawmill
Springfield, - - : oregoic.
Alluiny yard and ollice on
streets, A. Wheeler, Albany Manager.
Having lumber not excelled in quality, and facilities not surpassed
for the prompt and satisfactory tilling ol orders, I respectfully eolieit a
share ol the trade. A. WHELLEK.
WANTED SPECTA LLY- Hay, oati dcV rotator t, to i ) i h tcric it e
it: the Oregon PaciSc Railroad extension and my insreariDg borne trade
here I sell in quantities to suit the purchaser. 'Offices foot of Ft-rry street
The City Liquor Store
M. BA VMGA ItTf Proprietor.
fCNt door to th Odd Fellowi ample. Ubu. Oragoa 1
TM nMurintln m kaiui tka Hiua4 MMUJ S J .1 ,
room for
stock, now arriving.
Leading GIotMer.
And other specialties for Gen
tlemen; Ladies, Etc., arc war
ranted, and ho stamped on bot
tom. Address Wv L. DOUG
LAi, Brockton, Mass. .Sold by
Railroad,'lctween Fourth and Fifth