Zl . , . - '- J i. ' . : . x7 i - i THE MOBNINQ HERALD: SUNDAY, JANUARY 25 1891. ON SALE. The Daily Herald will lie on ate each morning at II. J. Jones' book store.where it i an be procured it 6 cents per copy. JOTTIMHS ARAir TOWN. R L Dorria is in the city. Henry Williams went to Salem yesterday to visit relatives. Mm. Damon Smith of Harris- bur, is visiting friends in this city. A grand masquerade hall will he given at llarrisburg next triuay night, the 30th. Fine comb honey and salmon bellies at Mueller A. Garret's, the leading grocers. The only place yon will find the i celebrated Ludlow shoes is at . Searla' shoe store. Mrs Jaiues-Huiithson, of Albina, is visiting her cousin, Mrs. T. L. Wallace, in this city. Rev. Ijonia Metayer, who has been ill in Salem, has returned to this city and is much improved in health. Mr. B. F. Conrad, representing the Metropolitan Publishing Co., of Portland, is in the city. He ex perts to publish an illustrated pamphlet descriptive oi Albany and surrounding country. Mr. Watt Monteith has returned from Portland, where he went for a dnrk shoot down the Columbia with Judge W bailey. They are toth crack shots and distanced all scores or sportsmen in that region Campbell & Shahan completed their contract on rVilliam Wall's new brewery yesterday. The ma chinery, it is expected, will bo put in immediately and the estab lishment doing business by Man-It 1st. Dr. George Houck, of Olynipia, who is in charge of the field hos pital on the Union Pacific railroad, is visiting his parents at Tangent, as is also his brother, John Houck, book-keeper in the New Zealand Insurance company's office in Portland. Parties in Corvallia who invested in Valentine scrip some time ago and tiled on tide-lands on the Sound, are happy over the pros pects of gaining thesnit pertaining to the matter, now pending before the U. . supreme court at VY asli ington. Advices from the best attorneys in tbe country give them every hope of success. A Soatborn Oregon Hirlug. Judge To! man has a new scheme On hand in the way of an "Kn chanted Spring" on the property he recently bought from Black wood's, about a mile and a half above Wagner's, on the south fork of Emigrant creek. This 'spring has long been known to emit strange gases, which are fatal to the life of such animals, birds and insects as come within its in fluence, but has bad the reputation among the Indians of tnis ' ami adjoining counties of posseshing curative properties of great merit, and man v a sick Indian has been packed there to be cured of various ailments, and with uniform success. Mr. Tolman has suffered severely with rheuuiatifciu, but if now entirely well, ascribing bis cure to the "Enchanted Spring." He is now engaged in building a toad to the place and will erect houses and make other improve ments, and if it is really as great a success medically as it now ap pears, he says be will advertise it as a health resort, and charge for treatment in proportion to the patient's taxable property. The price paid for the 120 acres on which it is located, was $7(KI. Arhlaud Tidings. Petty Thievery. Forest Grove items in the Inde pendent, says, that at about half past nine on Monday night, some thief entered the dwelling of Stephen Blank, of this place, and taking Mr. Blank's watch and twenty eight or nine dollars, tie parted for parts unknown. The light fingered gentleman took the opportunity while the younir lady who is stopping with Mr. Blank was at the lecture, to enter the front room byway of the front door, which was left unlocked. and from there into Mr. Blank's bed room, where he secured a pair of pants and a vest, in which were the watch and money. On takiug his departure he left two doors open. It is an unpleasant feeling to know that we have a gang of burgiars in our otherwise pleasant town. Justice Humphrey, Opinion. The riot in the Evangelical church at Sweet Home baa ex cited considerable comment. Justice Humphrey was interviewed y a Heuald reporter in regard to tbe trouble. He suggested that iu .order to prevent any farther dis turbance the church lie turned over to the Mormons, that Elder Shea be employed as mi lister, and that the church be placed in charge of Wm. Riimbaiigh, YY. It. McKiunon and John Donaca as trustees. He thinks thiswiuV prove satisfactory to all parties and would prevent any more trouble, judge Humphrey would promise to officiate anil to the best of his ability in any and all camp meetings held by the church. Judge George Humphrey was the recipient of a fine gold headed cane yesterday presented to him .by the association of "Connois seurs," of which society he has served aa chief for five yeara. The cane was presented on the occasion of hisaHtb, birthday. The associ ation is very exclusive and its .'. object ia iudicated by its name. . Tbe presentation speech as made in a nappy manner by Capt. E. J. Lanuing, to which Mr. Humphrey P a 1 ..1 ...... a responded in uia ,iuut chmjucuii OBHSCB NOTICES. j Where, When srd by Whom Servloei Will be Held To-daj. Revival services will he com menced at the Congregational church toe ay, conducted by Rev. Geo. C. Hall and Prof. Shorey.aiul will be continued during the week. Today at the Christian church, Sunday school will be held at 10 a. m. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Subjects for sermons: Morning: The New ami tbe Old. Kvening: Money, Its Value and Limitations. Y. P. S. C. K.,f.::!0 p. u. The public are cordially in vited to attend. Strangers are welcome. Preaching services at the Pres byterian church at 11 a.m. and :.0 v. h. Subject of the morn ing sermon, "Christum Progress How Made. lhe topic ol the evening sermon will lie, ine KikIh Recognition of Privileges. Sabbath school at 12:15 p. m. Y. S. C. K. at 0:45 i m. All will be made welcome to these ser vices. Meetings will be continued at the United Presbyterian during the week. At the morning service memliers will lie received into the church by profession of their faith and those not already baptized will receive tbar sacrament. Rev. W. W. Logan will preach morning and evening. Sabbath schoil tit 2 :"0 p. m., prayer-meeting at 4 p. m. and l unstian r.iv.ieauor ar o :..u p. m. Last evening Rev. Dr. Ir vine gave a forcible sermon on the Difficulties of the Christian Life. There will le several additions to the church this morning. Tbe usual services will be held the M. K. church. Sabbath school will meet at 2:30 p. m. and adjourn on account of the services there at 3 p. m. Kpworth League at 0 :30 p. m. Evaug list Connolly will still have charge of the meetings next week. At II o'clock a. m. and in the evening quarterly meeting ser vices will be held at the AI. K. Church South. The presiding elder, Kev. D. C. McFarland, will conduct theservices. Communion service at the 11 o'clock meeting. The public are cordially invited. At the Baptist church services will be held at 11 a m. and 7:30 p. , m Preaching by Rev. C. M. Hill, of Portland, who has been assist ing tlie pastor in special services. Sunday school at 12:15 p. m. and Mission school on Main street at 3 p. m. Young people's inee'.ing at 0:30 p. m. All are invited. A meeting of the ministers of the city will le held at the study in the Baptist church on Monday at 10:30 a. m. Visiting brethren are invited. T. 11- G. A. NOT Ed. Any man, old r young with a good charar.er may become a member oi th Young Men's Chris tian Association of Albany, Ore gon. Eleven names were received for membership at the last meeting of the association. We hope that each member will consider it a duty, to bring in, at least one nw name for member ship at our next meeting. Please do not forget this. There are many young men in Albany that should become niemheis of tbe association and perhaps would if an invitation was tendered them, so don't fail to talk it up with them make the effort members, it is worthy your time and attention. On Friday evening Jan. 3.1th, we invite all ladies of Albany who are interested in Y. M. C. A., to meet at our rooms for the pur-ose of organizing a ladies auxilary to tbe Young Mens Christian Asso ciation. This is a very inpoitant branch in the Y. AI. C. A., work. And we trust our lady friends will respond to this call in large num bers. Next Sunday Jan. 25th, at 3 p. m., in the Met.todist church Kev. Mr. Conoliy the Methodist Evan gelist will deliver his objects lessons or chemical sermons, to the Y. M. C. A. This address promises to be especially interest ing, for by the use of chemicals Mr. Conoliy shows the po.ver of Christ blood to cleanse from sin etc. Everybody is invited to this service. Fathers' bring your boys. Mothers' bring your girls. The AjKillo club w ill assist in the music and a short song service will pre ceed the addresa. Remember time and place. Tbe pastor of the Methodist church recognizing the fact, that our lie 11 was inadequate to accommodate a large audience kindly tendered us the use of the M.E. ehurcb, for which we wish to express our thanks. E. W. Young. Secretary. MULTNOMAH TAX. Burning of tbe unitarian Church In Fortland. Portland, Ore., Jan. 24. Total tax on ttie property of Multnomah county, as extended from the as sessment roll is 108,444 ; of this $171, '.ft? is state tax. The Unitarian church on Seventh ami Yamhill streets, was almost totally destroyed by lire this after noon. The lire started in the steeple, and is supose I to have been set by tramps, who were sleeping in the building. The loss is about f 10,000. Odtrers elected The Green Basin Lumbering Co. has elected the following officers : president, J. D. Hiatt; vice-president, W. H. Hiatt; secretary, S. W. Reese; treasurer. P.. F. Tabler. The other director is W. R. Hiatt. Fire Klnritars. If you want a good and easy fire kindler, one 'hat will kindle your lire easy every time. Call on or come and see me. A. J. Fox. JEFF MYEKS' BILL. For an Appropriation of $3,000 for the Soda SpriEg3 at SoJayille- Following is the full text of the bill introduced by Hon Jetf Myers, for an act to appropriate money for the improvement of a Public Soda Spring in Sodaville, Linn County, Oregon. Be it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of Ore gon: Section 1. That there be and hereby is appropriated- out of any money in the State treasury, not otherwise appropriated, the sum of three thousand dollais ($3,000) for the improvement of the Public Soda Springs and grounds situated in block (8) eight in the citv of Sodiville, in Linn county, Oregon. Section 2. The Secretary of the State shall draw a warrant on the State Treasurer in favor of the county treasurer of Linn county, Oregon, for the sum of ($3,000) three thousand dollars, which shall be expended under tiie direc tion and supervision of a board of three trustees, who shall be appo inted by the Governor of the Mate of Oregon, end who shall be resi dents ' and taxpayers of Linn county, Oregon. Section 3. Each of said trustees shall recieve, out of the money appropriated by this Act, for each day's service while actually employed, the sum of four dollars Per day. Section4. Saidounty treasurer in 1 ereby authorized to pay all orders, not exceeding the sum of three thousand dollars in the aggregate, pioperly signed by the board of trustees, for said improvement; and if any balance should be left in tbe county treasurers care after the improvements are completed, it shall be paid to the treasurer of the city of Sodaville, in Linn county, Oregon, to beexpended by the city council of the city of Soda ville for the purpose of keeping said improvements in repair. Section 5. That because of the great demand of the public for the water of said springs, and because of its great medicinal, qualities, this Act shall take effect from and after its approval by the Governor. The bill is a meritorious one, and ought to pass. SEARLE & DKAXF.'S VERDICT, They Will Kecelve but a Small of the Sum Sued For. Part Portland, Jan. 24. The trial of Searle & Deane's suit against the Oregon Pacilic Railway company, for over f 60,000. was brought to a close yesterday. The jury render ed a verdict for $0481 51. which was acknowledged due by the de fendants, and fijbo 02 for extra work, with interest on lxth sums since Jan. 1!), 1880. The couit charged the jury that no greater decree could be made under the evidence. The plaintiffs claim to have lost a large amcunt of money in their transactions with the company. Klcll Kind of lloraz. I lie Ashland tidings says: When Hon. A. H. Crook, repre sentative from Curry county, came to Sale n the other day he brought witti nun a large nugget, and a very beautiful sample, too, of the borax now being mined in the vi cinity of Ellensburg, Or. more pro- iierly speaking, borate of lime, is found in paving quantities about fifteen miles south of Ellensburg, it comes in pockets, and the nug gets found weigh from a lew pounds to a half tot.. Generally speaking, it is lound in balls, a bard white substance enclosing the borate, which resembles chalk and such it was thought to be for many years. The case is of borax and the drippings are very beauti ful and of spotless white, while the crust itself in color is very much like that of a hornet's nest. The property on which this borax is found belongs to San Francisco parties and they are developing it, working from twenty-five to forty men all the time. Last year they shipped 400 tons of borax, sending it to San Francisco, where it finds reads sale at nine cents per pound. Mines of this kind are scarce, there being only one extensive one in the world, so far as known, it being in Europe. A 1'leasant Tarty. A pleasant social party was giv en at the residence of Thos. Mon teith Friday evening. A number of yourg folks enjoyed themselves immensely until a late hour, danc ing and in social conversation. Following were present : Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hopkins; Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Searls; Mr. and Mre. J. V. Pipe; Mr. and Mrs. George McKnight. Misses Lilly Hackle man, Hattie Galbraith, Anna Houck, Jennie Malm, Sophia Houck, Emma Pfeiffer, Lida Gal braith, Yelle Irving, Lee Prather, Eva Cowan. Messrs J. A. Wilson, Robt. Strong, Chas.Cnsick, W. H. Cowan, Claiie Vunk, H. Walden. An elegant lunch was served. Sesator Fn.Li rson of Roseburg, has introduced a bill embodying a strengthening of the present ben law, that is essentially in the favor ami interest of the laborer and the material producer, and will put a stop to losses through the negli gence or malfeasance of contractors or sub-contractors. Tiik charge of the existence of a silver pool among the members of congress, which grew wealthy out of the rise in the price of the white metal, resulting Irom tbe legisla tion they helped to pass, appears to have fallen to the ground, not having a single prop to sustain it. Good ltesult. Our cash system of business is just what every one is now taking advantage of. Our goods are the purest and our prices the lowest. People who nay cash for their goods will tind it to their advan tage to buy of Mueller & Garrett's cash groceres. IMPBOvINQ IBE WILLAMETTE The Biver Should Be Kept Open Navigation the Year Round. for At the meeting held in Portland Sept. 20th, 18U0, to organize a State Board of Commerce, among other matters-of business, resolu tions were presented, asking con gress to make an appropriation for the improvement of the bars on the upper Willam ette, notably the one just below Salem, one near Wheatland, one near Independence and the so-called Half Moon bend between Al bany and Corvallis. The resolu tions were referred to the executive committee. At the meeting of the State Board of Commerce bald in Salem Jan. 15th, the resoutions were adopted. Mr. J. II. Albert moved that a special committee of three, F. M. Waite, of Salem ; J. H. Nich olas, of Coivallis; and Mr, Robert son of Independence, be appointed to wait on Major Hanbury, U. S. engineer, to secure a portion of tbe last appropriation for the upper Willaniatte. The committee visited Major Hanbury and were informed that while a portion of the appropria tion referred to had been expended be would leave Portland in a few days with a company of men to improve the upper river, to far as the appropriation will go. There is no reason why the river should not be kept open for navi gation between, Albany and Port land the year round. A just ex penditure of the funds appropriated for this purpose would accomplish it. STOrriNU A LI. IK. A Remarkable Story Winch Halls From Buffalo, There were half a dozen of ns waiting in Buffalo for a midnight train to go, and by and by one of toe crowd started oil with : "It was iustsuch a night as this, and mst about this hour, when 1 went through the Undue at fort Iavton, la., and was the only one in the car to escape alive. All the others were drowned." "The car went into the water, eh?" asked a man wearing a soiled linen duster. "Yes, sir." "Car went in the water ! It was at Fort Dayton, la.? What river, olease?" "The Mo Moline," choked the drummer, and it was plain to see that he had only made a stab at it? "Moline river, eh! wiiat was thie?" "In 1SS3." "What month?" "August." "What date?" "The 17th." "Thank you. Let ua eco Here is my note book. Let me turn to the date. Ah ! 1 have it. , August 10, 1883. Well, sir, I tind that on that date the Moline river was just 130 miles from Fort Dayton, and that Fort Dayton had neither a bridge nor a railroad. You must have made a mistake, sir. Wasn't it a cider mill or a cheese factory on the Wabaeh river in Indiana you escaped from?" The liar pulled off his coat and offered to fight any man in the c;owd, but it was no use. The man in the duster had already knocked the stuffing out of him, few York Sun. It K A Li ESTATK SALES. F L Bavne et al to J L Lamar and R M Lamar, 80 acres, 13 w 4 $3000 E N Tandv to J F McCartney lot 10 and 11, bl 4, McCul- ly's A, llarrisburg 300 J A Millard to Isabel Gray, lot 4, tl 11, southern A, Al bany 125 S 1 Brock to S E Young, 33 acres, 13 w 3 0C0 A C Hausman to LucyMackey lots 1, 2, bl 0. H-s2nd A to North Brownsville 00 Lebanon cemetery to Fink, lot o Alonzo Ames to J N Gal braith, 54.03 acres, 14 El. . 700 E Huston to George Buhl, lots 1, 2, bl 0, C'a A to Leb anon 225 John Boyce to H A Thomas ami (i W Watt 100 acres t) El 2000 America Takes the Lead. America now takes the lead as an iron producing country, united with Chin, we could do the wash ing and ironing of the world. Mueller & Garrett are taking the lead iu the grocery business of Albany, as their cash figures please every one. EU'ITEMEST run high in this city over System Builder as every body ia using it for Catarrh of the Stomach, Dyspepsia Constipation, Impure blood and to build up their system. Try it and tell your friends about it, as it must possess wonderful merit when all ppeak well of it. Little Glatitand Cowled' Bros, boys, misses and child ren's shoes different styles all sizes and widths madb solid all TiiKoi'Gii. Try a pair nothing belter medium in price. Every pair warranted. Sami el E. Y'oing. Wood for Sale. Dry fir wood delivered to any part of the city at $3 00 per cord. Leave orders at the foot of Ferry street tit P. W. Spink's lumber yard. MARRIED. SMlTIi-ARTIIUR9.-On Suuday Jan. IStli, 1U, at the residence of the bride's parents, eight miles east of Albany, Mr. James Smith and Miss lone Arthurs, Kev, A. Yost, officiat ing. WORTH-YOUSG.-Jan. 21, 1S91. in ilulsey, at -the residence of the groom, by Rev. M. M. Marliu, Mr. Wallaee Worth and Mrs. sarah Young both of Halsey, BUSINESS LOCALS, Hulin & Dawson, druggists. Gold spectacles at French's. French keeps railroad time. Mince meat atF. L. Kenton's. Sauer Kraut, C. E. Brownell'a. Go to Yierecks for a good shave Choice fresh groceries at Parker Bros. Golden drip ayrup at Parker Bros. All kinda of canned eooda at Parker Bros. A great reduction sale of um brellas at Searls. Finest lot of cigars in the city at G. L. B'ackman'a. If you want a fine pocket knife call on J. A. Cumming. Etran & Achison are selling mon uments at Portland prices. The best make of srold pens at French '8, at reduced price. A choice lot of cranberries just received by C E. Brownell. , Choice perfumery at Hulin A Dawson's, French's corner. Choice fresh butter at C. E. BroAnell'a at OScents per roll. A large stock of the Lest brands of canned goods at Parker Bros. Wilcox has the combination.and is making splendid photographs. 300 bushels of Red wheat wanted immediately at Morris & Blount's. Boenicke delivers those fine seedless oranges to any part of the city. Golden drip syrup at Parker Bros. It is very fine for break fast. Prescriptions compounded with care at Hulin & Dawson's drug store. Viereck will shave you or cut your hair in the most approved stvle, Sponges, tablets and pencils for all at Hulin & Dawson's, French's corner. Town talk, the quantity of stoves Matthews and Washburn are sellling. Fine chow chow and salmon bellies in bulk at Mueller & Garrett's. Be sure and get a pair of blan kets that Searls is selling for less than cost. Wilcox is doing an immense amount of enlarging. Call and be convinced. Tbe finest line of groceries ever brought to this city can be found at Allen Bros. Aa nice a stock of photograph albums can be seen at II. J. Jones' as one could desire. I have a few more blankets that I will sell for less than cost to close. E. C. Searls. Immense bargains in childrens and misnca shoes are to be found on Searls' bargin table. Gaa given lor painless extraction of teeth. J. C. Littler, Dentist. Room 13 Tweedale Block. If you want anything in the grocery line Parker Bros, is the place where you will find it. For a superior quality of silk umbrellas with gold and silver handles, go to Will & Stark's. Smoke th celebrated Havana filled 5-cent igra, manufactured at Julius Jos hrs cigar factory. I have a few albums and glove boxes that I will sell for less than cost to close E. C. Searla. "Hackmetack," a lasting and fragrant perfume, cents. For sale Mason. Price 25 and 50 by Fo8hay & 11 you want a durable monu ment so to Egan & Achison, who are handling nothing but the best grades. Go to Mueller & Garrett's cash store for your choice groceries at bedrock pricea. Call and see our leaders. Have you seen those beautiful cement walla in the cemeteries, put up by Egan & Achison, at half the coat of stone. Every family should have one of those fine atel engravings of the Declaration 'of Independence for sale by J. A. Cumming. Some of tne latest styles of ele gant bed lounges can be seen at Fortmiller & lrving'a, aa they have just received a large invoice. The very best stock of tooth brushes, clothes brushes, solid back hair brushes and whisk brooms at Hulin & Dawson's drug store. You can get fresh Columbia river smelt and silver salmon at the Albany fish market next door to the postoflice. M. Hyde, pro prietor. Eat good things and enjoy your self while you live for you will be a long time dead. If you buy your groceries of Parker Bros, you can not be otherwise than happy. Those anticipating buying a type writer should see the Siuith Premier machine, which baa superior points above all others. Apply to Prof. H. M. McKee of the college If yon want feed go to Morris & Blount. Coi. let, and Baker streets, their pricea are reasonable and they deliver to all parts of the city without- extra coat, Custom chopping a specialty. Sick headache ia the bane of many lives ; to cure and prevent this annoying complaint use Dr. J. H. McLean's Liver and Kidney pillets. They are agreeable to take and gentle in their action. New goods of the latest patterns sold at Matthews and Wash burns is why they will sell over four lojds of stoves and ranges this year, they lave their first carload of Jewel Stoves and ranges now on the road to arrive Feb 1st. The men of this vicinity need not be jealous because their wives talk so constantly about Matthews and Washburn. Its not their good looks the ladies are talking about, it is the good qualites of tbe cook and heating rftoves they sell. Every 'one seems to be delighted when tbey buy from M. and W. shoes, all sizes and styles, at Klein Bros. FIR SALE-,iOO to $1,000 worth nl house hold furniture in evrhallfrA for imnml real estate, fcnqirre at office of Oregon Land Company. CI DOT quality men's gum boots IIIIU I for f 2.56 at Klein Bros. I wo i in mis city rrirtay a purse con mj uuuinir sio in itolcl. a lock of hair and a receipt for monev. The ffnifar ill be lauie to suitably rewarded by returning the the Herald office. A NICE line of Ludlow's misses school shoes at Klein Bros. 1 AAORES OF LAND- All fit for culti J l)U vation, and under fence, for sale at til) per aire. Within 1) miles from railroad statun and 20 miles from Allwny. Apply at this office. JOST. In this city, about Jan 6, a steel J button hook with h buck-horn handle, lhe finder will please return to this office. EIDCT quality men's gum boots NilO I for $2.50 at Klein Bros. MONEY TO LOAN In large or small amounts, from six ui-mtht to five years oil Albany ami Linn county real ertate Call on or address W. E. Mcl'heraou, rca estate broker, opposite Hum house. tf mUK parties who took a four horse whip X from the barn of Dr. t. N. Weodle, are requested to return the same. Thev are known, but if the whip is returned no arrest will be made and no questions asked. IIT ANTED A (rood girl to dc hnuswork. If Cull at the residence of D. R. N. Blackburn on Calapooia street, between Third and Fourth streets. ITORK TO RENT Central location -n First street, mom 22x!H) feet. Buitabl fo. any business- Apply to J. V. Fie, NOTICE All persons haWngr claims aiMinst the late L. S. Mead, deceased. will please present them to L, II. Montanyc, at his oltic , or to me at Albativ, Oregon. W ALL AC't r. MEAD. I. BEAM DEALER IN P.rMArips anil PmiIupa THE BEST CANNED COODS, Vegetables in Season. He has some fine Mackinaw trout, mackeral, white fish and herring that will be sold at a very low figure. FRESH BREAD EVERY DAY. Xone but first-class goods han dled. If you would be well served patronize I. BKAM, 2d St., cor. Jackson and Jellereon. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN ! -A Grocery Bakery IN ALB NY. Will sell either tbe merchandise and fixtures in the grocery depart ment, or the fixtures pertaining to the bakery separate if desired. A splendid opportunity in a live town for any one wishing to en l age in business. . F. M. REDFIELI), Assignee for Blackburn & Pironi. Stockholder's Meeting. NOTICE is hereby given that the annual meeting of the stockholders of the Albany Bnildinp; and Loan Associ ation will be held on Friday.February 20, 1891, at the hour of 7:30 r m of said day in the Bank of Oregon in Al bany, Linn county, Oregon, for the pmpose of electing nine director) and th.ee auditors, to serve fo -the term of one year next ensuing; from said meetiuir, and until their successors are elected and qualified, and tc transact such other business as may come before the association. Done by order of said association this 10th day of January, IbVl. W C Cassell, Jay W Blain, President, Secretary, DR. PATTON, SPECIAL 1ST, Blambsrg Block. Albany, Oregon, By the most modern and approved meth ods, cures diseases of women and children and all private diseases of either sex. Con sultation is free, and everything strictly con fidential. Office hours, 10 to 12, S to 4 and 7 o S, Residence, cor, Thi rd and Lyon sta. AS SURE As two and two make four, I have laid in the choicest and most com plete stock of groceries to be found in town, comprising all kinds of staples, such as bacon, lard, pigs feet, sauerkraut, white fish, Hol land herring, salmon, mince meat, apple butter, also a fine line of bottled delicacies. People tell me it is as quiet AS DEATH Around town in the different lines of trade. I never was busier. Trade is as steady as the tick, tick, tick of a regulator.' I place the goods at your door free of charge, AND TAXES You less for them than any com petitor in the city. Each cash purchaser of $40 worth of goods re ceives Webster's large dictionary ; of $30 worth, one of Rtnd & Mc Nally's new and comple atlas of the world. Reflect and yoa will not reject the offer. C. E. BROWNELL, HAHAII s lverware Silk Umbrellas, With gold or silver heads ; also a beautiful line of Diamond Rings and Watches. GRANDl CLEARANCE SALE! THE ENTIRE BALANCE OF OUR SUPERB Fall i Winter Stock -OF- Men s, Boys' & Children's Clothing MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE. DON'T TAKE OUR WORD FOR IT But come and convince yourselves that the" greatest bargains on earth await you here during January and February. ALL WOOLEN SHIRTS AND UNDERWEAR AT COST. I MBBKLLAS AND RUBBER We are compelled to have make room for our mammoth stock of spring and summer good to arrive here the firet of March. Sole agents for II AN AN & SONS' -Fine Shoes. Yours for Business, T. L. WALLACE & CO., The birthplace of g.eat and honest bargains. Clearance Sale. L. E. BLAIN -Will Close out Wm I 1. During January at a Big Reduction, in Fact a Sacrifice Iv. BLAIN Tie Leading merchant Tailor, Albany, Oropi, The City Liquor Store M. BAVMGART, Proprietor, TNext door to the Odd fellows- aapla, Albany, OftgoftY Keep constantly on hand tb Boast Imported and domestic wtasa. fcnaawu sWms toUrx) Onlj lrtt-dass liquor stors la tbs city SPECIAL ATTDmQJI MlflTQ CS2EIS K3 TKE CSZTH WILL & STARK Have tbfe ins. Line id Towd. Also SOME VERY ELEGANT GOODS GREATLY REDUCED. this great clearance sale in order to Ul UiajAxlaJ&M I MM