MORNING I1EKALD: THURSiAy, JANUARY 22, 1891. 1 -r r i i Important to Housekeepers. It gives Julius GraJwoh! great satisfaction in selling his tine Uolden Kule teas and baking powder, witli elesjmt prizes or without then), that liN customers ' trho have purcln"'! iuviiubl re turn and say they are well pleased, that tlie tea is Ni. 1. m l the bik ing powder is as good a.i the be;t. All his teaa ami taking powder bears the name of Julius Grad wont's Golden Kule l'.azaar, anl are expessly put up for his busi ness, and he still continues to give . with each pound of tea or baking powder an elegant piece of glass ware. For Sale. A No. one sewing machine and a rook stove can be found at the res idence of James I. Miller, on the corner of Second and Daker streets. .Both the sewing machine and the stove are as good as new, and will be sold very low for cash aa the money .is needed by the present owners. Good articles can be pro cured for a very low priee and worthy eople assisted by the act. To tbe Buyer of Shoes. We are offering some rare bar gains in men's and ladies shoes. We sell you the same shoes that other houses show you made by the same manufacturer in short they are the same goods for much less money. Call and see our prices weguaiantee to save from 2b to 50 per cent on each pair of shoes purchased. These goods are new and first class in every particular. A. I. McIlwain TI1K WOiil.l) K.NKIt IICI). The facilities of tin present day or the production of everything hat will conduce to the material welfare and comfort of mankind are almost unlimited and when Syrup of Tigs wa first produced the world was enriched with the on ly perfect laxative known, as it i the only remedy which is trill pleasing and refreshing to the tast and prompt andeflectual to cleanse the system gently in the Sprii. time "or, in fact, at any time any the better it is known the moie popular it becomes. Take the Union Pacific railway for the East, thirty-five hours quicker than any oilier transcon tinental line. Elegant new dining cars, Pullman palace s-ieepcrs, free family sleeping cars run through to Denver, Omaha, Council l'.!u:U. Kansas City, St. Louis and Chi cago. C. G. Rawlings, city ticket agent, foot of Broadalbin street. The I'nioii racilic Is the only line running two fast trains daily from Portland to Omaha, St. Paul, Kansas City, -Chicago, St. Louis and all points East and South. Buy your tickets of 0. G. Rawlings, ioot ci P.road albin street, Albany. How Severe ( aids Arc IJri.kcu 1 In llontnna. From the ViriniaCicy, Jloiit M.uii--m:in. When we find a meilicir.e we know to possess genuine nieril' we cotiaidorita duty, and we take -pleaaue in telling the public what it is. Such a medicine we found Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, last winter, when la grippe was - prevailing. We are satisfied that we warded off several attacks that were threatening by the use of this syrup, and we have since relieved, in a few hours, severe colds, add in the course of two or three days, entirely broken them up by its use as have several of our friend9 w hom we have recom mend it. It is all that it. is repre sented to bo by he niauufactiuer.s. If you have a cough and want to stop it, Chamberlain's Cough Reined will do the work, l or sale by Foshay & Mason. The Keaou Why. Why is it that Kleiu Bios, can afford to sell boots and shoes so reasonable? Because they arc both practical idioe niakeis and make their expenses by work ing on the shoe bench, and any boot or shoe you buy of them, no matter what kind it is, man, woman or childs. that rip, run over or the sole rips loose, they repair them for you free of charge, and as thev do all the work them selves, they don't charge you -" to 50 cents a pair extra for a warrant to pay some shoemaker to repair them for you. They also make a specialty of repairing rubber boo's. Ladles t'iue Shoea. I make a specialty of handling ladies fine shoes. 1 carry some of the best brands made in fine and medium grades in widths from A to EE. All warranted goods; no trash, and will repair any pair of thoes of any kind 6old that will rip or break. Samuel E. Yi ung. House and Lot For Sale, On Seventh street tatween Montgomery and Railroad streets. For particular inquire of vv C. Cassell. Corset! Cornet! We make a specialty of lu.ie8 and misses line corsets and wi'tts. We have a drive in a Ffnch sateen corset at 75 cents. Fxtra good value. Samuel E. Yo: xg. Best quality of raisins, citron, orange and lemon jeel, zinte currants, dates -nd figs, and many other good things at Kenton's cash grocery store near the P. O. Messrs'. Price & Robson have re moved their stock of hardware into their elegant quarters in the new Baltimore block. A nasal injector free with ach bottle of Shiloh's Catarrh Kemedy. Price 50 cents. For sale at Foshay & Mason's. r Our stock of candy baa arrived, and'we will give special rate to churches and sociables. Mueller 4 Garrett. THE I'll.riT AMI ST.UiK, Rev. F. M. Sh rout, Pastor I'nited Brethren Church, Blue Mound. Kan., says: "I feel it my duty to ted what wonders Dr. Kind's New Discovery has done for inc. My Lungs were badly diseased, and my parishioners thought I could live only a few week". I took live bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery and am sound and well, gaining lbs. in weight." Arthur Love, Manager Love's Funny Folks Combination, w rites : "After a thorough and con vincing evidence, I am ontident Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption, beats "em all, and cures w hen everything else fails. The greatest kindness I can do my many thousand friends is to uge them to try it.' Free trial bottes at Foshay k Mason, Drug Store. Regular sizes 5:)c. and $1 HO. S II. Clifford, New Cassel. Wis., was troubled with Neuralgia i.tid and Rheumatism, his Stomach vas disordered, his Liver was allected to and alarming degree, appetite i fell away, ami be was terrihlv re duced in flesh and st reiinth. Three bottles of Electt ic Bitters cjred him. ivlward Shepherd, llarrisbtrg, III., had a running sore on his lvp of eight years' standing. L'sed three bottles of Electric Bit'e;s and faeven boxs of Buckleii's Salve, and his leg is sound uid well. John Sneaker, Catawbf.; 0., bail five large Fever sores on his leg, d-jctors said he was iucural le. n; tiottle Electric Bitters and cue box Bueklen's Arnica Salve cu ed him entirely. Sold by Foshav it Mason, Drug store. A .'IIMIKV t VI'l. UM II The paers contain freq 'ur-.t notices of rich, pretty ande m. i'3l girls eloping with negroes, trj and coachmen. The well kn :wn specialist, Dr. Franklyn Mj s' says all such girls are more r ??s hysterical, nervous, very in: nl sive, unbalanced; usually suljt, jet to headac!;f, neuralgia, "sleepl -!3-ness, immoderate crying or lai ing. These show a weak ner is system lor wnscti tiiere is 10 remedy equal to Kestorative 21k vine. Trial bottles and a :e lok, containii g many maivel :s cures, tree at Manard & Cusi i, wti-) also sell, and guarantee i r. Miles' celebr.ited New Heart Cu ?, the tinest of heart tonics. Cu. 3s l!uttct'iug, short breath, etc. Ill l(. Ill III' ( ICII LI V. Nervous women seldom recei-3 the symia!hy they deserve. Wh s often the pictures of health, th aro constantly ailing. To wit ". hold sympathy from these unfor tunates is the height ofcruelt7. They have a weak heart, causii. siiortness of breath, tlutterir f, pain in side, weak and hung y spells, and finally swelling f a::kk-s, oppn-ssion. cliokin t, smothering and dropsy. B". .tii-s' New I h-ai t Cure is just tl u thing for them. For Ihcir ne -voiiriiiess, liead.ich', weaklier 1, etc., bis Restorative Nervine is uneqiialel. Fine treatise c.i ''Heart ai:d Ni-rvom Diseases' ane luai ve'oiis tes'itnonia's fr s sold and guaranteed by Stanard k Cusick. loi.omt nun. tu. Do you know that Moore's K-'-vealed Kemeily is the only patei.t melii-ine in tlie world that dots not contain a drop of alco! ol ; thi t the lno-le of preparing it is known only to its discoverer; that it is an advance in the science of medicine without a parallel in the nine teenth century ; that iNpropriit ii s oiler to forfeit !T.M)0 for any rasa of dyspepsia it will not cure".' UMULVVS AKMI i ll.. The ticst salve in tie; wmM fur Cuts, r.ruiso,, Fleers. Salt Kheiur, Fever Mirc a, Tetter, Chapped Ham'., Cliilhlaiiis. Coi ns, ami skin Kruption: , :u;il pus tivoly cures Pile.-, or 1.0 pay rcipiiri il. It is guaranteed to T-'crlVct satisfaction, or money n -fuelled, Price J cents i r hux. Fu; sal": hy Ku.-ln:y i: Ma.-uii MIIAS M KIKA I It l i: I'll L. Act on a new principle regula ting the liver, stomach and bowel 3' through the nerves. A new dis covery. Dr. Miles' Pills speedily cure biliousnes?, bad taste, torpid, liver, piles, constipatioiir L'n equaled for men, women. children. Smallest, mildest, surest ! bOdose 1 for 2." ceuts. Samples ee, a: Stanard A Cusick. From Jan. 1st, 1H'.1, we wit change our business to a strictlj cash system, thereby enabling uj to buy for cash and get our dis counts, whereby we can, and will, give our customers the benefit. Our M. C. II. Mueller, while east, made arrangements to buygjodj direct from the manufacturers at the lowest cash prices, and we will sell pure goods at the lowest cash figures. Believing that the people will appreciate a store where they ran gcods at cash figures. We re main, Respectfully Yours, iVc G.m;i. i 1. liOod Kt'HIllt. Our cash system of business is just what every one is now taking advantage of. " Our goods are the purest and our prices the lowest. People who pay cash for their goods will find it to their advan tage to buy of Mueller & Garrett's cash grocercs. Wood for Sale. lii-ir tir wood delivered til nnv I part of the city at 00 per cord", i Leave orders ai me 1001 01 l errv street lit P. W. Spink's lumber yard. Dr. II. A. I.eininger has charge of Dr. Gray's old ojiice, and will be glad to have all his old patrons and as many new ones as wish, to call. t r w :l .1 1 1. . xi iicuA ooea 1101 maue a pic ture that pleases you, you need lvit mi fnrllinr NEW TO-BAY. nill lll'.NT.-Two neatly fnriifotittl r ins roui. cio-e to I iiim.-s part of town, lor jarticu'ars ui.iiii e t th'n oihi-e. i !' (5 hi- nml li in. 1 show ea-jes fr sale ut r M French's j.-welry store. H'OOI) kiwi- 1 on short n-.tA-e. Le:ive or- p..-rs at Ulcdsctt .V Sjii's sto'e, corner First mi.l I t-rry streets. 1 inn hon the toriier of Second anil Lyon streets. Carakrii cckkii, health ami aueet breath se-areil hviShioti Catarrh Kcmedv. Price .'.tl cents. N:ual Injector frt'e. For Sale ly Kushav .V M.lion. For lame l).v-k, side or clir-st, use .Shiloh's Colons I'lastcr- ri-i--e 2.1 ctnn ; rosna x M ison. i:ulldlii mid l.iiau. Ten shares in the m cund ncries forsle Ia.iiire at the Hank of Orej;ii, V OTICE All Persona havini; claims 1 au' iinst the Ja!e L. S. Mead, deceasid, will i:ease present tlieui to L. II. Jlnntamc, at nis oilic , or to meat Allianv, Orciron. WALLACE F. MEAD. Tl Df) 1 1 J Has an elegant li. D II lrii stock of ladies' and gent's rockers, nothing better. tico to Kloctric Light Co us inner Owing to the great loss in "Burn Outs" of incandescent lamps on the Westinghouso circuits, it becomes necessary for the Klectric I.iglit Com pany to eillier charge for lamps so hiuued out or advance the rate. Therefore, Consumers will take notice that alter January 1st, 101, the rate on li'i cp lamps burned until "0 p. 111. will he charged -1 per month as a hasis rate, in place of M) cents as heie iofore, for each lump, and larger lamps in proportion; mid lamps burned a later hour than '.l::'0 will he charged fl.'y) for a l'io'clock light and si for all night, same as the present price; and consumers contracting and paying for 11 ;:Ti light and letting their lamp hum all night or a later hour than contracted for, will he charged accordingly without further notice. Ei.ixtuic I.iciit Co, Alhaliv, Dec -0, I SMI. Health is Wealth ! Dr. K. 9. ' nervo aI ! treatment t hysteria, JizirefW. titc. taa'lK iur wua jTOfjtra'ion l) l.f'.C I lit t f-i O K In A 11 tt 1 ju ( o it lU I .1 i; f 1 ll.ill km .'. it it it 1 : i :i : Ml 1: t it it 1 trv. iltiav nvA loss of power in either K'aoil hox cti tains one n 'iith's trentnieiit, One dol lar a Imx, ir x h es tr ' dollai-?. sciit 1-y iiitiil re iail on receipt ( price, CnaraMtttt is-njft rn! t.v J. A. rurmniii's, tlriii"t wilt nirei't, AHu ny, Orei5"iu i. )00 REWARD We will pay the ahnve re war 1 fornny cev i iiver cr.i.iphti..' ilyapeuhiti, Mi.'k heaiia:he, i:i'liiretioh, enn"tiatiin or eo'tie!ie,i we etntntL euro with West's liver pilU, when t tliret tion are strietly complied with. 1 hey :;re purely veijt-Uihh! ami iieer fail to ic H.-.tisi;u tion. l-ar hor, coiitaininu pills, "2: eetit.s. J he -tMinine m:umfaeture nn!v hy the .h.hii I. Went eotiiany, Uhieauo liiinoi-f, SiM hy J. A. Olimhiuji, lr:i-.'it Allatiy, lre'on ake i 'Liver Regulator One Dose ioo' Dollars Drar S. L. U: I consider one doo im mons Liver Regulator worth IfiliHl waf constiftatcil, hal IIadachcf could cat oth ine with tfitifaction or arf otitc ha the ttlurs, aiul felt altogether out of has. 1 re b rted to Blue Mass, Ca'omel, uinin , and every remedy euiftrcftcd, hut only ol-Piined tempomrv relief. One dose of S L R did in more irofnl than $100 worth of doers an dutoriiur. Rep'yf J C Martin. 1 have hcen a teacher for twenty vcars, and durin&r that time have had ieeated attwksof ' headarhe, ppMluced hy torpid Liver, and have hcen entirely cu cd hy Simmons Liver Keinilator. I fonn t to he of s mild character in its action n not to interfere, in the IciiMt with my duti tin the prhool room. To those simi . situ: U and suhjeet tohc same, I cannot 3 hir rccommcud Sim mons Liver i!eziiiator. E, K, f'liKK ' atiiphelNviJle Kt HENRY F. M1LUR iJS flail Co Vose k Sons' the liest fa vorite and ijood midium jriied pianos at Will Link's. AUo line traiia and small iii-trtmienti and the Itest be win; machines. HANK OF OREGON, ALKAN V,'OTiE(.iON. 8".MMI I'rrsidnil . y ll Itltll L tire IVr I. . . I M. i-''r .Hi w. iii. A ceiipral bmikiiiR l.usim-si trants-ncti-d. FOR SALE. A Iarr splendid work horc, six years old wltl work im;lc .r doul.Ie, tine and stad to pull. Further paiti-.-ulari impiire at this oilae. If you want anvtliin clioice hi the j-'rorery line no to Mueller St (iarn-ttV, tlie only place in tin ity where you can everything cou want. 1 mk 1R P Simmons rilYsM -IAS8 W' 11. DAVIS, M. D. VHYStCIAN AND gu.eon. C:tn Le !nml at Ins oiiiee room in Sirahan'shloi k, First stn .t. A'banj I Orcvon- r V. KELLY, PHYSICIAN AND dUK J. icon Albanv, Onv-m. o :c n Pierce' new block. O'liee l"ir8, from B A. M. to. ?. st A J. ROSSITEIt, VfcTERINAKV SUR gcon, jrra.Juate of Ontario veterinary college anil nic i bcr of the Cntario vctarin arv medical society, is prepared to treat the diseases of all tlomcticated anirnal on seientilic principles, ori'iee at Ans Marshall's livery stable Resilience 4th and Cdapooia streets, Albany, Grcjcon. Cf. HAMBKKMX. M. l., Hoimethlc I'hvsic-an, filtii-e at Or. Wallace's old stand,' liroadalbin street. 0:fii-c hours, 7 to A. v.; 1 to 8 and 6 to S r. M. DUO. A. WHirjiF.Y, PHYSICIAN AND surgeon. Graduate of Bollcvue Hospi tal Medical College, New York City. Diseases of women a specialty, Oillce in Foster block ATTOKM'.VS. W. T. m-RXKT. h. T. RMtIN-, J. W llRArKR 1)Lrn.-:y, r.AitiN & dkapkk, atior ) uevsatlaw, OicaoiiCily, Orcon. Twen tv vear's experience as re(;iHtero( thi U. S. Land Oltlcc at Oreiton City anil ill tnc land practice recomnitiids us in our specialty business before the Laml Of Hire or the courts and involving the practice in tiie general lud Office. JI C. WATSON', aUorney-at-law, All) any . Oregon. Otlice in btralian block. JN. DUNCAN ATTORNKY-AT LAW . and notary public. Olice in tbe btrahan iIn;A,rooiJ8 po. I anq t. D. K. K. ULACKBURS. O. V. RIlillT. 1ILACKBI KN, u WHICHT ATIOHNKY AT ) Law, Albany Oregon; Oltice in OiM : cllow 6 Temple, n ill practice in all courts at tbe state, and give special attention to all business. w rOLVERTO.N CliAKLKSE. AfTO'lNKY at Law, Allianv, Or. OilU-c in roon s IS and Is Fos er's Ub'-JK, over L. E. Ltoiu'b Store, T K. WEATHKItFOUI)." ATTCKNKY AT J . law, Albany, Oregon. Ott in the rluin lacck. nill practice n an int- courtH of tbestato, and give specia. attention to all business. TAMES P. MEAD, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW ami title examiner, Alliany, Or. Will practice in all the courts of tlie suite. Ab stract of title furnished Ou ebcrt uclice. Ten years experience. SKCKET SOCIKTIKS. A. O. II, W. Safety Loilgo No, 13; meet everv Monilay eveninir at tli (1. A. K. bail on Kei-ry street, between Second and I hird. Allianv, Ore','011. stramri rs in tla- cite and transient brethren cordially invited toattei.d. M. l'hfMon !-st No. A. H. SUtcJ meetin at the 0, A. It Halt on ttie Beeoml ami Fotirtn t'riil ay eeninirs cf ea-h tnotuh. i ransient (Joniraitiy are cur-ii hivitiO t'i ueet with us .i. f. wmn.v.;. D. F., Conm.Aiith r A'ljulunt, liunl Surveying. )ART!KA lKSIRIS( HIJRVKYINO WrSRfAN 1 L titiii aceumte ml prompt wnrk hy ealliic Uon ex-county Hurvejoi T. T. KLsher. Ii li;iMcomplete eopitp of lielil uotei) ami town ship phts, ami in prepare I tclo 8iirve imr in any part Linn county. I'ostotliee aMreM, Millers Staticu. Linn cou Uy,Orei;oii. CW, AVKKS, AKCUITKCT AND SH'I H . intendaiiU Otlije owr First MatioiuJ hanK.Iuililiiur, Albany, (r. Wuik solicit 1 troin all parts of the county are O.N'EY TO LOAN HOME CAPITAL ON nil real otate srruritv. For partk-ti. lars empiire of Gw.. Humphrey. REVERE HOUSE, ALLAN V, OR.-CHAS I'leilTcr, Prop. Only lirst-eelaxti house u the city. Larc sample rooms f'-r com m'-rcial m n. No Chinamen employed in tbe kitcbt u. General stave otlic Corvallis. (1 II. WINN, AGENT FOR THE LEAD J A Uiu, life and acvident insurance com panies. l MHO,. In th Circuit Coml of tbi Kt.Hi' of Oii ;'ii'i, for tbe eounlv o? t.iun. Icnnie St. t.eriiiaiii.l'Iaiiititl.J ( i'r:i:k St. (;.rmain, To Krmk St, titniiai'i th'o ;i'.ve n:inu d dt- leudarit- IX lllh XAMK OF lilK STATF. OK 1 Oregon, you are herein requind t aji pear and aiiowt-r the complaint tiled ;t-,'ain-t ou in the ahove entitled court and t.uit v. it hin ten days fnnu the date of the n r ift. of the summons upon yen, if servtd witliiti this County ,or,if ervcd in any t ther oun y of thtsstnte, then within twenty d;ys tr.m the date of the Service of this -unrninns upon you, or if served upon jou hy puhlitation, then you are required to answer s-iid eonilaiirt n tl-t tirt-t day of the nevt term of Kiat eonrt, att'r ix Aeekr pntdicatton of this Mimmons, to--ivit: On Monday the ninth day ol M:n h A. I. l0,audtf yon fai so to answer r wait hereof, the plaiuliif will apply to the court for the relief praed for in said complaint, to-wit; For a decicc i!is.lin' the bond of niitrinony no.v existing hi twven the plaintitT and you, and for a just pottioti of the common property, ;md for the rieht to resume her maiden n:ime, .lennie Murray, and to he permitt' il to ha e reaonahle an-ef-to the minor eliiul nf sud marriii s;-, mid hr tiie costs and disbursements of Uhm suit, ai d for stteh fur; her and other relief a may t jtiht and eipiitanle in tne premise s. You are further notified that the summons in this tuit is served upon j u hy publica tion pursuant to the ordiT oi the lluiioiahit K. I Boise, .ludye of sail I co'irt made in ( h'luihcrs the 10th day cf January A, 1. 1311. latrd at the city of Sale in in Marion coin tv, Oregon; this l.'ith dav of Jannarv A. U. John A. Oarsons Attorney for the I'laintilf, mm SQHflEEB'S Livery, Feeds Sale stable Corner Second and EUworih Sts ALBANY, OREGOb Hor.J)Wf hoarded liy the day or month Car nnv'-aot tut'irica on reasonalile terms vent If I UU suite, T. II. Uiink has them from $-10 to $11)0. The Thomas Kay Woollen Mills of Salem, have appointed G. V. Simpson their agent in Alhany. A full line of men and boys clothing hlankets and llannela and all arti cles manufactured hy the mill will he kept in stock. 'J heae goods are the liest in the market and will give entire satisfaction. Wilcox will not let any but first-class pictures leave his studio. jWM:f If. yjtZZsi- frt&Sf&j Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. Also canies the finest liiie of- Pianos & Organs IX THE WILLAMETTE VALLEY. CALL AND EXAtlXE II IS STOCK 01d FELLOWS TKMPLK, ALB.1. XY, ORKiiON. 1 Matif.f;: icture cn ini 3, ur; st an 1 saw in m:i and nit:liiticry. :.N .ct-crc' a!! kinds t Ion paiil i COST of hcl y and !i to rcpasiin all !X, 1'rcii.lcnt, t'lit work ..f . -.v DO ;ff WHAT KNOWlC frighten you, hut it is true. TIiom; are the sure svmptoms of this terrible disease. There is one thing which will check 'it ami that is Or. ACKER'S EOLBSH REMEDY It is rccomnieiuit i! hy tin l. f physicians In Kuropn and America, , ?. cctil, :0 et ui nml iI,M jut Ilottle. 71. H. HOOKER & CO., 4S West. Broadway, New York RED CROWN MILLS IS.O.U. L.irtMXti A I O Props, NEW PROCESS FLOUR. (Sujierior (or Family and Diilter's tuo) Best Siorage Facilities, fg"llili-t cash price aid for wht-.iIT't 4.LBANY - ORF.GON TRANSACTS A GKJ- EitAL PAXKIXO ISU.SiNi-oi. PKESIPKST I.. FI.I.N.N. VICK PKKSIDKST S. K YOfNtl. a-uciku k. w. La:-5o. S. R. Yorno, L Fukm Li IK. Blaim, K. K. box. E. W. t ASODON Cashier, V.'c vviiv.kl advise all lovers' of a fine horse to ce TITUS. 5934, y I'lnniheru's I'.lack Imported l'ercheroii Ktallion before breeding this sprinj;. G.'L.Blackmai?, -iiKAI.I.K IN AMU) TOILET AKTICLESj And a full line of Stationery, Periodicals is brass iitt ia;ii!n-ry, ir n fr.ints ami ;ied-il att-u- slun t ii' tiee" MAN. Stipt', casting-. S nis maile on ary, JOHN liOL v.-v Ill ) Comjt'fi f, Xeaf nmJ y Durable. J)o not fail to cx aniine tlie "Pi'i'inier1" liefore liiing. JI. JI. ?IeKEI Afcnf. &ri Tlni inai'li'ii max lie M-cn at tlie WiVi r-i I iii-jti Ti!.;r.i)'h Ollin n till!" n: . mi feel t ired Do you know -what it nieansi You arc nervous 'Why? You cough in the morn ing Do you realize the cause ? Your appetite is poor "What makes it so? You seem likea changed person to your friends J o you know what is the matter or has the change !cen gradual it lias escaped your notice? YOU ? You Have Consumption! "Wi An tmf Knv tlii frt CITY RESTAURANT Having been entirely remodeled, this old aod popular restaurant will be made first-class in every respect. The pnblic will bo given good meals at all hours for only 23 cents. Every thing neat and attractive. Oysters ii very style. W. A. McGhkk, FOSHAY & MASON Wholt-salc and Kctail A ' n f i-ii 1 1 r. vir 1 III' ' a A LHA V OREGON' cod h wine Dim go to 1 un n liiuu iiuu Thoa. II. Ihink's. Jiurncry. .Messrs. Ilynian vt Erownell are prepared in their nursery to fur nisti all kinds of stock, and those intending to plant should call ujon them. ALLEN and CUi A US, T )J JACCO OF ALL Wholesale I1T LAHQE 0P SMALL QUANTITIES, FLYjn X J LOCK. : ALBANY, OR m ID FOR THE Fine shoes, from $2 00 to $0 SO per pair. line slipptiis, all prices, Elcirunt l'liish and the favorite, st vies and shades. Toe slippers, plain and headeil. Oxfords and Ties for home and street wear. A. holme's Kelt Shoes a id flippers tbe best made juettlie thing for comfort, winter evenings. rFhe Siioes - FOli JJOYS, M ISSES - FOR THE GENTLEMEN: Slippers in I'lur-b and Velvet, Old GoM, Brown,? Olive and other Shades, bound with Elegant Colored Leathei. GOAT, KID AND IATi:NT-LEATlIF.ll OXFORD TIES. wear, for lit and for looks our foot-wear connot be excelled in tlie State. SAMUEL llTij im About the biggest returns ever made on a small in iV 1 1 J I vestment is that reported by John Alexander, of Mariposa, II I in 1 Cal. He writes: "The best investment 1 ever made in my life was one of $1.25. It brought me health, wealth and happiness. The investment I made was the purchase of one bottle of Moore's Revealed Remedy." Thousands of other people have had equally as good retutns from the purchase of this sovereign remedy. It cured Richard Williams, of Newcastle, of asthma, in a week. It did the same thing for Jhhn Hewitt. of this city. R. C. Oats 0 I i)'and Captain AI. Taylor, of Seattle.over their own signatures I say that it cured their rheu iiiatiBin in a marvelously i-diort v l 1 time. J. M. Jones and W. 1". Johnson, of Seattle, attest its efficacy in curing liver and heart troubles. Thousands of reputable citizens from one end of the Pacific coast to the other write its praise. If you are ill, what better invest ment can vou m ike than than the purchase of a bottle of Moore's Re vealed Reiuedv ? If you feel bad every morning on arising, it you are tortured by rheumatism, if mankind, invest in Moore 8 Keveaied Kemedy, aod see 11 it will not give your relief. For sale by all druggists. Springfield Sawmill A. WHEELER, (SPRINGFIELD,) PROPRIETOR. SPRINGFIELD, gP Albany yard and office on Railroadbetween Fourth and Fifth streets, A. Wheeler, Albany Manager. . Having lumber not excelled in quality, and facilities not surpassed for the prompt ami satisfactory filling of orders, 1 respectfully solicit a share of the tradt. A.WHEELER. FEE D -:- -AsiD- GENERAL PI10DUCE MARKET; WANTED SPECTA LLY- Hay, eatscfl potatoes, to mr-ply tnstrire on the Orgon Pacific Railroad extension and my increasing -home - trade rl.erc I sell in quantities to suit the purchasers. Offices foot of Ferry', street R. M. ROBBRTSoN. BOTHERS, Mail Grocers. AND CIIOICE FRTTITS KISDS- LADIES : - AND - CHILDREN 1 YOUNG. you have any of the ills of OREGON. STOR i ! d Slippers ) - l -