THE MOlffllSfG HEKALD: TIIUBSDAY, JANUARY 22, daily, and Weekly TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION- DAILY f uMIted 'every morning except Monday .) altered by carrier, per week..,,,,..,.... 0"2U . OiMi, per yr:u. 6 00 I WBKKLT. (Published every Friday Morning.) ne copy, per annum. In adruice....t00 M'ltrn nol iid in advance, THE MAIL. Malls t the Albany postotflce close rural I omrea north The Kutern states ' i c-,io A. M, Til eat Side Aud the Narrow Ga art R. RJ ) or Portland and Sum 11 A. H . (.rvallia and Yaipiina ..V2;:tO r. m oBlce "" I,,, aMaaat 7SM) r. n The postollice will be el d each evening . rota six to seven o'clock. Hetftaered matter for the ly mominp train should be mailed before o clock thi reyioua eveninr. ORKQON PACIFIC TIMETABLE. Arrives Departt .ill.lSpm'liiOpin l 3.40pu7.4.r a ru Passenger, fit fens The exact ami equitable justice of any decision rendered ly liuman beings, is very liable to be warned by the preconceived ideas and deep seated prejudices imbibed and cultivated by lontr years oS 1 1 libit attendant upon avocation. This is natural even if ii is deplor able. Perhaps there is no place where these warped ideas prevail more emphatically than they do among nava' officers, whose realm is bounded by thier ships limits, and the Chronicle truthfully ob served in speaking of the I!ar:nn dia muddle, if the honorable sec retary of the navy needed am stronger arguments than those oi the piess to convince him that il would be a dangerous tiling to in tru it to naval ollicera the determi nation of international tit stiiim the attitude of CotnmandirReitter on the question of his treatment o ight to fill the gap. Commander Kietter is dot exceptional in hold ing that he is not subject of repri mand by the civil authorities, lit is common w ith id', other nava' officers, considers himself as be' longing to a class whose member.- in 1st settle their own little dilli cutties. Jit other words. Com manner jtemer acfcnow le.lijcs nt authority other than that of court-martial composed of bit fellows. It is true, if hecniiiniilted a crime which brought him within t te jurisdiction of the civil author itv he woi:ld submit to its sentence, but he would always feel that he was outraged. It is fair to assumr that men whose views have been so narrowed will not Leapt to consider questions from any olhei standpoint than a naval one. In other words there would Ie little oi no diplomacy used when naval ullicers were called Uon to inter fere in cases w lit re the protection of our Hag was sought. Theofllcer . in most instances would Mm ply In gveruedby his feelings. Some times be might consider the ques tion more broodly and ark liimsell whether he could with immediati safety extend protection, but that he would carefully consider the possible coiifequences to t h: viat ioi li his action is doubtful. The I'nited States will be win.- if thej avoid following the dubious example of another great nation which has made if sell a terror t small countries by its bnllvinj; methods. This country dees not wish to inspire fear. Its aim hhould be to comir.and resjieet by fairly treating weaker nations, ami by demanding justice from stivnger ones. Tue famous death valley ir Colorado is to be made the objec tive point of two exploring parties. The beat in this valley is said t be so intense thsrt the carcasses of aneuials do not decay and water is un cnown. The modus operandi by which exploring parties will exist is difficult to understand, but the idea has In-come extent that gold exists there, and man will therefore manage to net there somehow, a: d w ill contint.e to go as long as there is a belief in that direction, no matter if the entire riad is lined with human 1hh-.cs. Thf. New York doctor who litis caiefully read Koch's revelation of the constituents of the lymph pu li the thing in a nutshell w hen he fays that no chemist fmui tin description can manufacture the remedy. This was precisely the result di sired by Dr. Koch, for in all his experiments w ith the new rented he has show n the shrewd ness of a Yankee in securing the largest amount of free ndverti:e mentfor thesmalleit eiuiva!ent. A.MONti the recommendations of Governor Pennoyer, is one in reference to the board of rete.its of the Agricultural College. As thi law now stands the governor anujints tne memliers of that board villi the exception of Urn. e himself, the secretary of the state and the master of the State Grange and (lovetnor Pcnnoyei very sensibly recommends that the governor and secretary of state be omitted from the board, aud that none be appointed but practi cal farmers or business men Certainly everybody will agree to that, but a pertinent query would be why when he was strongly petitioned to appoint the lirt named class of men to the place of regent, be declined so to do, on the formation of that present board? The memo'y cf very many will substantiate that fact. TiiK Washington legislature is indulging in a disgraceful row over the election ' of U. S. senator. The new states have a puerile fashion of ei gaging in all so: I of outlandish squabbles. When these states get oMei they will probably do better. They should emulate the example of Oregon's legislators, who go about their business in a quiet, dignified manner and accomplish what they have to do without any tiresome and disgraceful personal conflict.-. The new State of Washington Eeems to be inflicted w ilb a body of legislators that are extremely belligerent, or at least noisy and peculiar in their method". The recent prawls over the elec'ion of United States senator are a dis grace to the common weal th and to the whole country. Apparently the swaddling clothes were re moved to soon even if the new census gives the dimensions of an overgrown body. New good of the latest patterns sold at .Matthews and Wash burns is why th'-y will sell over four lo ds of stoves aud ranges this year, they lave their iitst carload of Jewel Stoves and ranges now on the road to arrive Feb 1st. lift Absolutely Purs, Ho rev.v5"r never v amp. A :r. i.rvc !'puri:y,stren .r'h and wholes, mien ess more eootioi-iieal ;han the oniiiiarj kind, and i-aiii'ot lie t-olit in conqieti. ami with multitude of low te:!, short eilit alum ot phosphate nov.V.ern Sold only in cms, Kovai, Bauiv 'ow OER Co . 100 Walt ;t.. N. V. Lewi M, Joiixsov .C- Co., Atr-nts I'orttaci!, Oi-Rifon, A 20.000 ill p!c 15,000 li). died lli. iii(i!ii:r CASH i uu;k vVILL WE PAID 15 Y TIIK CO. Tlie Celeliratod Ffonoli c u k rc 'Varmitfd to cure .'A V KF0RE oa5 the tft'iientne oijaitS of oil her sex whether irisim; trom the cxtnc iwc of Htitntiiuntrj, olace. or ojmi.iii, or tlir )-;h j;hlui inIis retitift, over imi?!i.i iht, ttj., mu h aIsfof ruin row r, i-.ktsu'new?, r.utrtn lown ains in the l'-it k, St tithtal Wtr.lsritss, ilva eria, Xer oi l'n.f r:iti'n, NV'-inrf.-il onlia ionn, l eucorrhoe, ll.zii:vs Wrak M tnor,-, L.of i'owera'H. lut(' titi jy Mhteh if iu !e:tetl ofu-n Iciwl t- (rcij?!!.c- t'itl iv'C ami intuiitv. lTiv-e. .1 h.x: 0 I'OXcj for 5,iO Sent i v msU n rti-O't't m j trice. ilh ver .":i -nier n-i-eive!, ta refuud tne noney if a I'rnniiflrM ure is ncti tfettol. A'e hae thiu-i'tinm:f leMtiri'.oni.iU from old wit I youni;, of Hee, Urt liavc Ieeii .HTiit'tentiy nirnt iv the Urte -f AhroJitint ClrMii:ir rret. At.lre'iJ Western liruch, l', "is. I'mi !:inl, i)re.'3n. For sate 1. Ko'.Jir.x .li Si au, Uo sa!e an: tail ilr'iist', , lrtva ?"Vr' mm a t a Tor rvm.iie Ir-rcLrii!vriM-'; noth-Hi- iikv ttu-111 ! f!if 111.11 hLL Nt .IT Vfc.1l ' ladies ' in.uitl.l. -, Jf' tiitr.rantmr,' t re ri 7 licve siiMf.n sstsi Arl nici.Mini.itiMfi. V IVirtt.p hu-i.l.iii. t.-.I. Sue tinic. lit .r; monev. - I' .L . .n ...I.... li' "t ' . a.l dress 'jy uiaii on mvlpt nf pri v, iif. Ad-dn-M 4bru Hnllrinr I ompiiiiy West nramh llox i7, Pwrllnrm. r: Sold by & k'sc, Albnj. Orege ill ' 'AKIN6 lUUU, $Mj 1!:?.? 1 AFTER Do Not Pass By ! v. have a i-f.w WIITER That we REDUCED HATES! BLACK AND MED DM3S GOODS ! VI'I.VKrs. SILKS', SATIN'S ANT) Md'SIIFS, LADIES' AND Ml-.-KS SILK AND KNIT am V( m if, iiosi:, I'.Mr.uoi DKi; i i:s. si mc and i d n i : . i i a n d k; 1-: k r i i i i-: fs . s a i ; i . sn.wvL'-i. r:iv. Gc. W. SIMPSON, FillfiT STUFF, T, A LIU NY, OUFtiON. WANTED -Ten thoupand Men 'Women and Children to buy grinds of DKVOI3 & TKOMAN !if)S., pales and repair "V I I fy. fes. I will continue to sell my dry goods at cost tiiitil they are ail gone. FIUST STRLLT. TOaI IMtlCES. Come ami see us at our store Prompt service and polite attentiou to everybody. .MATTHEWS fe WASHBURN. M A mm Wfd GATARBH keumattem, Neuralgia, Com HEADACHE. And ALL PAIN. Ths Oallfsrt PosttiTS asi rTfg&t'.Ts LKCTRIC COUQH CUR .. colds, exour, coHSL'Kfrion. U j ill DrsM-;ii. Eci a5o, 60s 4 1 aUsr a C . Prsp's. Los ArgVss, C iaki: the -KKO.V CA IJ 1IJS KATES: To any :u t ot tlie ''ity, f0 cent For calliui;. iirst i:.vrr $ 1 .50, each subsequent bo'iii I. Sliiloh's Citie will iiiiiiiedialely AVhoopimr cotijrii relieve t'ruun. and'ichitis. lor sale hv Fosbavit Mason. GAEMENTS will sell at- REDUCED RATES! UNDKRWKAK COTTON W g"wImoitera and Deaic-rs in a!l kinds o guns and ammunition lisliiti"; ackie of ev ery tK'Fcript:on, cutlery and bare lall goods, tents, hammocks and camp chairs. The largest stock foul I. of Portland. Come one and nil. No trouble to show ecods. (juicV email pioiits is our motto. Also p shop connected w it li store and liret- class workmen to do all kinds of work. Li ader in popn'ar pric lHloTs SlIuFS and (Jents i i i:nisiiini; t;oois. Sijle a'encv for the Lu How s Fine Sh ALI'.AXY, OUKCON. L Iflas $3 SHOE And o-her specialties for (ien iietiien, Liidies, Kte., nre war-v.-iii ed, and Pfstanped on lt t' tii. Address W'. L. DOl'C- LA, Frockton, Mass. Sold by . E. BLAIM, ALF.ANY, . ORFCON. Tltf rtstilt .li:irros i- nlniof ot licavy t lnvaruv- My tli.aslrou.s to (lio fcl 1 V w ho d jos the. heavy chai''rniLr. 'J'his is as true -1 of prices as it is ot deadly firearn's. X hat s Avliy drive - chalked OUK liJOODS down. to BOT- livs for s.u.k nv all DaraoiRTS. ''Sonic'moiitlis oo I riiinlmfcd t l"u of I'r. J. V. '.Jill's Catarrh Cure foi mi own lio. but timiin my nephew. (.'. Mc.Maliiin. needing sucli intdi. cine I let liiin have my box of niedi. cine, lie now semis for three more lioxof, lyins: il is the liest thintr fm ratarrli ever tried liy hint and hit friends. 1 rot aiiotlii r liox to use ir. my case, snd cliccrfuiiy recommend it toothers, (Signed), JOHN McMAfTAN', Kx-County Commissioner Lane Co. Oregon, Springfield, Lane countr, Oresroji. Vrof J, W, Johnson, prcsiilent"'of the Statu university, says it cured him ot a eouirli after two other prescription!! li id failed. Likewise two of his little, irirls use J It toeuretheir couirhs, Mrs Mark jlailcy, wife of Prof, l'.ailev, Sent it to t'rof. Jolinsou, and reenni memts it to all who sillier from cold? and coughs. For couirhs it acts liki a charm, and can i lied into the or passares, where no ethei coui:li cures ?an reach. ALBANY Collegiate Hfate. ALBANY, OREGON isro ism A Eull C( rps of Instructors. G&ssi'jal, scie title, literary, crmmcri-ia. and normal clat-ses. Courses of study ar ranged to meet the nmis of all grades of students. Special inducements offered to students from abroad. Tuition ranges from $5.30 lo 912.50 Ier Trrnt, Instrumental instruction in music Ki given by Miss laurs Ooltra. Hoard in private families at low rates, and rooms for self hoarding ut mall expense. A cartful sucrvL"!On exercised over pup Away from liome. For circulrs and full particulars, address the prrai-.lcnt, liEV. ELBHRTN. COXfUT, AUny, Oregon, CROWDER BROS ' Contractor and Builders. Jflice on First street with Wal- i lace & Cusick, real estate agents, .Ibany, Oregon. Kstimates given n ail kinds of buildingsorcarpen er work. All work intrusted to s will b.i promptly execute I. Grand Oyster Owi AT THE ' UELMOXICO. Oysters for sale in large or t-nall quantities. S5T"East(!rn and Coast oyfiters. -DliALKKS IN STOVES, TINWARE, HOUSE FURNISHINGS Manufacturers of galvanized iron cornice. Plumbing a specialty, t-iive us a call. jPI -A.-TSTO. TMiOSE WISHING A FIHSTCLASS "1N s'lJieent, the best made to stand the eliiii.t .f ttiis coast, can he fiuite! liy i-a'lin nt Mi. i'. K. Hunan!, rppoite the Masonic Teaipl;, First street. The latest vocal ai.d ixiKiUiucittal mnsic kept for sale. Alsc th InrcMt a-iwrtineiit tf stamping p:d:enisj K-lf -t Until tliis 8iJe of 'r-'ris'.-o. i;iv-n in painting and embroidery at her ruvlio ec-r l.inn County tktnk. Give hei your or K-r and you will be please 1, I Star ...A FLI.L STOCK OF. Staple Groceries HAi r. It I -.HI VV It ' Tlie hest CUtt ' t:. quality of teas, c ffecs, candies FRESU BARED BREAD EVERY DAY. At this oM reliable house ' aino tone founil a eoinpkte annortnient c-f fresh fainil ijroeei :es, to wtiii-h is eonstantly tH' a'Iilel all the si-aronalilu Hiice of ifrocerivs ami pro liiond, bucli as Cranberries, Fine Pickles, Dried Beef Chipped to order Anchovy Mustard, Handles and Nuts, Eastern Buckwheat Flour, Cannea Goods of All Kinds, Bohemian Glassware, Etc, These koIs were all hoiiL'tit when prii e en-lew and tliclienetitof the margin will he tfiven to his customer. Kenifinlx-r the place, u the Old eniner on First and ltroalallin Sts. Conrad Jtlter. DR. W. C. NEGUS, firail'.iato of the Royal ColU-frc of J.onitun, i',nj.'l;iiil, also of tlie JJellc vue Medical College. The Ir. has Kiicnt a lifetime of study and practice and makes a spe cialty ot chronic diseases, remove cancers, scrofula enlargements. tumor! 4iU wens, without patu or the knife lie also makes a specialty oi treat incnt with electricity. Has practii ed in the Ocrman French and Eddish hospitals, fails promptly attended day tiiuht. J I is motto is ".OD WILL TO ALL." 5"Otliee and residence Ferry street, between Third and Fourth. Albany Nurseries. AVE HAVE ON HAND AT OUR nursery on the Corvallis road, one half mile from town, as fine a lot of Fruit Trees of all kimls as can be fouii'l anywhere on the coast. If you contemplate planting trees, tt will pay to see our stock and get our prices ami catalogue free. IIYMAN & BROWNELL. Stockliolilers' Annual Meeting;. ATOTICE IS IIERKIiY G1VKN THAT ll the annual mectinirof the sloekhnMors of tbc trcn llasin Luiulrinif Co. M ill be held at the otticc of tlieeonipa i.v in Halsteil, Ortiton, on the 22:1 of JaniKiry. Isyl, at the hour of t o'clock r. M fur the purpose o Icctiiur directors ef saiil company, ai.d all--. i other efficcrs ot the company. Icceniler i:. lv0. ,1. 1). MONTGOMERY, Secretary. nin Villi Fee those wicker UIJ IUU wood baskets at T. II. Brink's. oni in nnpfirnDT wicker OULIU UUIfll Ull I Hoc Rockers at Brink's FOR The nicest and best Red Lounges go to T. II . Brink's. He hps them. - ITTanten Two rooms furnished or un it furnished for liirht keeping mtit lie nearthe biiHini-KS iart of town. So t liililrcn; AiMrc-s Ibis ollice. Bakery Crockery BEMOVAL rr Are now removing their entire new onarters in the new Raltimore ie Albany icent line of newest patterns in lied-room ami parlor sets antl all k,.ms of fine furniture, ami will have one of the finest furniture establish ments in the citv. Their prices will be found very reasonable. A line line of carpets bought before the raise w ill be sold at low figures. fifCa!! and see them in their new store. ; 1 liliOCK l . HYDE, JDLIOSGEADWOHL'S GOLDEN I1ULE BAZAAlt. THE LKAD1NJ CROCKERY, FANCY GOODS AND TOY STORE OF A LI! AN Y. THE ONLY GENUINE ROGERS BROS SIL VER WARE, FRENCH CHINA ND GLASSWARE, COY'S WAGONS r A BY AND DOlL CAR, RIAGES. AND A Gcncrai Assortacat of Fancy Goods. Specialty in the finest Teas, Coffees and Family Groceries, for net cash and carries the largest stock in the Valley. fi?"Irjsurance,'agent for Fire and Mti ine. V. F. minim for FornishiDg Goods llrc have iii Stock now Hie Best 'as well & (lie Land Assortment of DliY' (JOODS, NOTIONS, FANCY (JOO 1) AND FUIN1SII1N(J GOODS Kvery shown in All)auy. We know that Ave can please you. Coniinciicino; December Our cloaks at cost. Come w hile really the greatest drive ever offered in Albany. On account of the warm fall we lind we are overstocked in tient's Heavy Underwear and for the next thirty days shall give extra bargains. e can ana wilj save you money. to show good. Manufacturer of -AND DEALER IN- FINE IMPORTED AND KEY Cigars Plug and Smoking Tobaccoe, full lin. aI Q n Ne dor to rileuTer's candy shatkof furniture into their elegant brick. They have aileil a magnif Proprietors He buys READ 1st We will Mark the assortment is eond. Thia i Call and net ' ices. A nh-aKuro .RESPECTFULLY, - W. F. READ Choice Cigars Meerschaum and Briar Fires ai a 1. . . , . store, Albany, Oregon, THE- OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD 1. K. IIO;:, Iteeclver. ANC Oregon Development Co.'s Steamship Line 01 iAND Hours Less Titrn Than by any other route: 22 Accomodations unBurpasBcd for mmfort sn Safety, l arcx and ln ii;hl vi Vijt.iii so the Orcfoii lcvc opiiKnt unrppanj's hi, much less that ly any other route ween all oints in Its Mllim.t' al and San Franciscoa Sailing dates. r0 TA9CIKA. Willamette Valley.... W V . Willamette Valley .. -re. Irtth l!Hh . . sasth fkom sax raaNtiscci Wrallon Dec 6th Willamette Vallcy...... ....... " lsth Willamette Vallvv , , , Vpy. 24th The con ran; reserve the right to chaig tcanicrs i r h ulintr daurs. DAILY rAHhXAOKK TRAINS, hxcept bundays.) L Yar,iina7:00 A M I I,t Albany 12:20 H Corvallis lu:3S A u I Corvallis 143 ri Ar Albany ;tisAr Yaquina 4'3S r. M. O. & C. tiaiiit uut-ct at Altan and Cor War. M Hoao, C, 4 IIogiti, General UanaKeit O. F ft P. agent Corvallis, O on EAST SOUTH VIA SOUTHERN PACIFIC ROUTE. THE MOUNT SHASTA E0DTB California express trains run daily en ru 7:00 pm..Lv.. lo:2a p m..Lv.. 10:15am..Ar. Kosra ..Portland ....Ar.. 9:3i am ..Albany Ly.. 6rK am .. 8. Francisco. Lv.. 9-00 pm Loral ram. Train laUy- Ex. Sunday H$0 a m..I.T... Portland .. 12:20 p m .. Lv. .. . Albany 5:40 p mAr. .... Roxenuiy . . . . -Ar. . 40 pm -Lv.. 12.-00 am .Ly.. 6:20am sbanoa Kraarsi. 2:3C pLv.. S:Sft p m Ar . 7:TO a nu.Lr :':' m..Ar ..Albany Ar.. 9:26 pm ..Jx:baiion.....Lv .. S:40am Albany Ar.. 4.26 pm l-ebanon L.T.. J-' pm Albany local, dailt (Kxoept Sumlav) S.W r. I.v.... Portland. ...r....9.00 A 11 .'v.mAr . ..AIbAn I.v I ULLMAH BUFFETSLEEl'ERS. TOURIST KLEEFIKG CARS, For accominooatif.n of Sccond-CIasa Ta scngersatUched to Express 1 rain M ost Sldf! ljrli.lon. Between Portland and Corvallia-- Mall Train la I ly - Except Sunday 7:3nm..Lv "...PoklaruT.7Ar".B SO riTm At Ainany and Gorvallia coanoct 'iUi """ "nynn i acuicllailroad. Kxprrxs Train Dally-(Exctpt Sunday 4:40 pm..I.v., 7:25 p m.. Ar.. .. Portland ... Ar., ..HcMinnvillc.Lr'. 8:20 am 6.45 am THROUGH TICKETS Jo All Point EAST AND SOUTH aSTFor tickets and full fin formation r 5 ? I-W tc..cJIon avent at Alhanv. K. KOEIILER, ldanaf;cr K P. ROGERS, Asst O.F. AP.A TICBTS t0and.tk0mthe prikcipupoihts in; tke.iunj.ted stattstcanada and europe. rULLMAN PALACE CAR SlIlTLTS. rrse Coloni.t SIeeoio Crs Bon Throosh a Ex rssi Trains OMAHA, tJOUCIL HLITB KANfr CHICAGO AND ST. CITY, Wll ElesMtil Sew IMalng Cai 1 nance. Close Connections at Portland for San Fraa Cisco and fujret Sound potnta. flT Boats leave the Comuanv'a mharf. a the foot ot liroadalhin street, on Tueariay anJ Friilay of earn week. C. G. RAW LINGS. rity ticket and Freight Agent 8. Ml .!:. Cenrral Traffic lana(ter. n. r. a. THE MARKETS. ALBAST QCOTATIOH8. Wheat OaU 5c Flour 14.25 rer bbl Potatoes 50c Epsrs 4Jc Butter 20a 25c! Lard 1012c. Hams Hgl.V. Shoulders 06 sc. Bacon t0lc, Hons 20c. Hay Tiuiothv. lfi. nt-r,a ... til. A paes-Oreen, 4 .50 per bn. PiuJBj-Dncd,4c.perlb. " dric'dbIcathe1 c sundried Chickens t.r)0g5 00 Hides-Beef les, jrreep, 4 c, c : deer ekms, 20c; sheep peiu lfja c, accrdinK to wooL ' r9 Beef S2Xc progs. V Muttoa-a 00 per head. Hops SCc. aressec 22a MILES SHORTER jj,"" M"i & kUob Uo;