TUtt MORNINW HRltALD: Y . DECEMBER Si 181)0. ponunflgaUgfuraM OX SALE. Tha Daily Hebalo will be on aalc each morning al II. J. Jones' book atore.where it in le procured at 5 cents per copy. jomNoa Aknur town. Gold spectacles at French's. Flannels at coat at Searls'. Diaries for 1H!H at II. J. Jones' book stort . Diamond jcwelrv in every design at Will & Stark's. A large line of the most beauti ful diamonds) at Will & stark's. Freh oranges, bananas and other fruits at Parker Bros. The best make of gold pens at French's, at reduced price. A larae line of holiday slippers, prices the lowest, at Searls'. A new assortment of gents' neckties just received at Searls. The school of the city will close from Christmas until New Years. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Sox returned last evening from a trip to The Dalles. Miss Hattio (Uiesney is at Br 'tvnsville visiting during holi day week. S um tSoeU left yesterday for Tacoina, where his brother is dan gerously ill. Parker P.ros. have just received a fidl supply of the finest vegeta bles of the season. Call on them.- Our stock of candv has arrived, and we will give 8ecial rate to churches and sociables. Mueller . A I iarrett. Silver napkin rings 2- cents at the corner ieweler si re. F. M. French not the McKinley bill, the cause of the advance in price. Hoys yon ain't in ii unless yon give your girl a handsome ('hrist mas present, an ! at the Indies h iziar is the place to buy them. Fortmiller A Irving will here after until Christmas kr?e? there furniture store opn each evening in order to accommodate holiday shoppers. When you are out shopping drou in at the Ladies Baaar and ex amine the many handsome and uvi-fnl holiday articles displayed there. Nothing would be more appro priate for a prese.it to a child o: wis than one oi those stylish ready made presses at the Ladies Bazaar. Parties desiring costumes for the New Year's masquerade hall should call upon Will A Link, at their muic store in the opera home building. There was over three hundred boys and girls on the corner of 2nd and Ellsworth street yesterday looking at the big show window lull of candv at Mueller & tiar ret't. J. F. Stubblefield, accompanied by his sister-in-law, Miss Joe Marks of Lebanon, returnad yes terday t Walla Walla. Reinemlier that Dr. (i. W. Cray will do no more dentist wo.ik after thin month, as he turns hig busi ness over to his sue -esor on Jan 1st. U. M. "'troiid, the veteran ex conductor on the U. A C, railroad, is in the city. It is said he is a candidate for the position of rail road commissione. . Messrs. R. N. Morris and Fred Bljnnt have rented the building on First and Baker streets and will open a general feed and com mission business. If you want to make a friend' a ni-f Christmas present, go to Will A Srark's. There you will find jewelry and silverware to suit the most fastidious. Tlii i iatlie season when a lover's thermometer fills a long fait want. A voting man has only to test the warmth of his girl's affection to learn whether she expects a watch and chain or only box of bon bons. Lutheran services will be held on Sunday afternoon at 2 rv m.- at the First I'resbyterian .churcli. Lutherans of Albany and vicinity are cordially invited to attend. Rev. Gust K. Mover oi Alt. Angel, will conduct the services. Regular service at the Kvamreli cal church this morning at II a. ni. Subject of sermon: "The Christi tn Sibbutli, Nistoric.il Ac count, Nature to .Design, Change of Day, eto." Salrhuth .school at 10 a. m. Al! will .be welcome. Church corner Fourth anI Lyons street. Remember the grand masquer ade ball New Ye ir's eve, at the ora house. Masks will not lie ceinnved until midnight. Calcium li'its, mootdiglit diitre and other new aturac-i-ms (till he intro.lti.-eil. Spectators' reerved seat at Will : A Link's music s'ore. , We have received a new Mock of organs this week which we will I ohVr at sjiecial hy low prices until j Dec. ioth. Avail voursli oi the opportunity ; buy one and please vour family lor ten years to come, if it cannot he an organ, come and buy a sewing machine. Will .v Link. Mr. Charles Mueller and mother ! returned home from an extended visit in New York. ..Wheu. they left there was alaindant sleighing and skating. On their way here they stoptied at Omaha, where thev visited Mr. Pieitler, of the Fret I Press, a brother of Charles Pfefler of this city. They had a moat enjoyable trip. Congregational church services ! to dav will be as follows: At 1 1 . a. m. "the third sermon on the sub-' " ject. "Character Building," by ocer Eirtd. Prof. II. A. Shorev. Sanbafii t t'us regular meeting of Ben school at I-M-i. . P. S. C. V.. (!, Kebecca legree lodge No. S5, 7:Jr. m. in the lecture room, ()- 0. F., held Fridav evening, topic. 'Some reaon why Const he following officers were elected: cane? to the earth." Evening sub- j Mr8 jj., Carter, N. G. ; Mrs. Ela ject will be "Tlie Iligh Rock.": Hendricson, V. U. ; Mr. J. L. Dn We extend a cordial invi ation h .Jerwooil, R. H. ; Mrs. S. Par all who have no church home toj ker) Treae; Miss V. Conn, P. H. , aud worship with us. ' THE B1VE BOATS. Hut ars All l latditesi ta Ramas Itaflo sb tie Upper WilUmette. The recent rains Wave .rauedJ the river to rise sufficiently that) the Itoats have all lieen put in , ri-aUuicss to resume tranie on llie Willamette. Just as shii as tha hoats can run freelv thev will all be started Those of the regon Pacific coia pany will be three in ntuu'ier. the Wm. M. Uoag, N S. Bentley and Three Sisters. They have been put in good repair, their boilers have just been snbj clion to in spection, and they are ready to leave Conallis any day. The compauv expects to have them on the route this week if the rains continue. The Union Pac'iie will have three hosts on the upper river this xeason. It is the purpose of this company to put their lion's on ihe upper river just as soon as there is water enough to permit of their successful running. The three boats teady for . the service are the Modoc, Champion ; and Chief. The Orient is out of ser vice, having recently been con- lemued. hut it is -probable she will be rebuilt at once, giving Ihe company foiw boats The Salem, owned by Woed bnrn parties, will be on the upper river ami is expected to start up very Boon. Kvery indication is that by the middle or last of the week the v.s-cls will bj plying the open t ighway to the sea.. , ' Tha Committee Report.' At Portland the committee in charge of the Annit Ab'.ot exhi i:ion made the following report: AVe, the nnoVrsigned, were present last evening to witness, test ami investigate . the phenomenal power of force'' claimed for Mrs. Abbott, "The Little Georgia Won ier." We are constrained, as a ciiuple act of justice to the man agement and to the little lady, as "ell as information to our friends tay that we put. this little i nety einht pounds of femininity .. rough the must crucial and t'.., rough leafs that our intellige.. and pidgment could suggest, .i d that t-veiy privilege and o. .irtunity i r investigation was afV..ded us. We unbtsitating'y voucli fur Mr. Al.li at as being the most inexpli ca'ne and myster ous phenomenon ne ever saw"; presenting all the in credib'e fents advertised and much nine, in iK-t. M. C. George. II. 1". S.ik-dxf. K T Winter Har-i-. A. J n'alli.g, Cleveland Rockwell. Tti.iiii .f A. Jordan, ex-t-lisriff, Rr. I 1-'. Habersham, J. P. Mrshall, c-isnier Ainswortb bank; Dr. Marv A. Thompson, Mrs. Dr. F. M. Murray, L B. P.ayley, M. D. Mra.gAlthntt. This marvelous phriiomeuou will appear at the opera house is t lis city on Christmas night. I : very seat ithoiild be taken. Nothing like it bus ever been seen here. Prices within reach of all. "Two large and powerful micii men failed to lift her off her feet," Days the Boston Herald. A iimn er of other tests were made, aud the visitors were astonished at the results. Neither the management nor Mrs. Abbott attempt to ac count for the results produced. They do not claim that the force rmploved is spiritiMl, mechanical, muscular, electrical oi odic. They iipply s iy that they do not know bow th feats are performed; They give the exh'bition in full view of the audience, without the nms of a cabinet or darkened stxge, with no appliances save ordinary articles of furniture. The Chicken Promptly Kx,irerf. An embryo poultry raiser oi t his city made ari amus,ng blunder the t her uay,-which rcsulteo n t!ie death ot a dozen of u iest chickens. Someone had tM him to give hisfowl8 plentv of lime. ! I Ie proceeded to do so, throwing out to them a quantity ot tne un iaked quality. The chickens soon began to want water and quickly afterward expired. lie ays the effect wa.4 surprising, being as fatal as dried apples and .tutr. The Oretjonian Kail way. The Oregonian railway is now negotiating for reliable sites al.c-g its roiu--io put in side tracks. Warehouse will pr.ibibly 'ns erected and the shipment of guin raised in that section will be greatly facilitated. The trains are compelled to move slowly, as the old iron is yt in use. A break down occurs ' nearly every d ly The new heavy rails ureiooked for Hiiy time.' It is reiwltcl that "the track from Wood hum to St. IV u! will lie taken up, but this is it. t credited. r n mater. llalett. the pilgrim printer, has i.u.-e mote arrived in Salem on his rounds of the west, lie has tiainped from Maine to California ami lr. mi the lakes to the gull. lie is at home in a printing office but never tarries long in one place lie is oi'a rovinsr disposition fiid lives the lift of a nomad. The Salem Statesman remarks that it "'ay be taken for granted the Miing- winter will bean open one, as he is now winging his uight northward. rharch Service, There will lie service at the M. K. church south, Sunday morninu and evening as usual, Rev. IL S I bangle, w ho has been assisting "i a protracted meeting at Oak vine, naving leiurneuio uie citv. . THE KEAL ESTATE OUTLOOT. , Their Is a Firmieii IndihaUi a Healthy fatare Butieit. There is little change in tlie real estate market. The Commercial Review of Portland says of r-itua- tion in Oregon : it is very but hardly a shade less tlrm iuiet than With 1 t licen for months past. the heavv demand for money and the tightness which is an acknow ledged fact, the situation is an en couraging oue. Were there any unce.tainly as to real property . an almost immediate decline iu prices might be lo iked for under exiting conditions in the money market. The firmness is, therefore, an ex cellent sign, ami when in in a few weeks' lime the bulk of the money is aain in circulation, much activity i nreal estate msy be con tideiitly expected. For the present then the condition of the market is quiet and healthy. To attempt to torce business w ill be useless, and a boom at the present is out of the question. Some business is, of course being done and there will never be a stagnation. The ssles in this city for the past week have been as follows ; W F Read to E E Montague, parcel near Albany $ 200 John N Combs to WE Kelly. 2.5) acres, tp 13. S R 2 w 2100 P ft Kelly lo Alberline M Whiting, S E qr see 8tpl2 SRIw 300 J A Millaid et nx te Zula Winn, lots 1, 2, 3,4,5,11 8.. in South Albany oaO E W and II Tyrcn to Marv Couch, S '.: lot 4. W 17 H'b -3rd A 40(1 J R Douglas et ux to Marv Crouch, S '.. lot 3, bl 17 IPs 3rd A. .. , 800 Dell Redman to ItC Redman 4i7 acien in tp 10, S R S w. Oregonian Railroad Co to O & V railroad compauv." 1 J 1, McCume lo J II Wilson, 35 acres sees 2ti, 27. tp 12 S R4w 1060 II (treen etux to J Edwards, 2 acres sec 22, tp 15, 8 R W 25 J'R Kirkpatrick to trustees Ib Cong C P church, lot 7, bl 4, K'sA, Lebanon.. f 1 Frank Wallace and wife to John Wallace, lot 1, bl 5 and part of lot 2, It's 3rd A, Albany 17U W B Smith to Henrv Moore 2.17.4S acres, tp 14, 8 R 2 W 5800 Ashbv Pearce to P P Don lev,' lot ii, bl 20, H e 2nd A.Albanv 000 0 Howell etux to J N Gulliford, lot 4, bl 2 in S W and S S Hayes add to Halsey 350 U S to Conrad Miller, 152.2i) acres sec 4 tp 10 S R 3 E Patent C W Crowder etux t 8 W Crowder bl 15 Woodles' Riverside add to Albany. 1300 Joseph Nixon etux to Jos Buhl lot bl 12, RaJston'a add to Lebanon 1700 L A and 8 A Allen to J C Powell, 56 acres in tp 10 S, R 4 w 150.) S A and L A Allen to S C Vanllorn, 56 acres in tp 10, S R4w 1500. I' S to John Smith et ux, 273 acres in to 12 S, R4 w patent. Smnnel Wilson et ux to Mar garet Wilson, parcel in North Brownsville 1 T L Wallace et ux to i.iz.ie Ells, lot 3, blll.W's River side A, Albany 22 T L Wallace et tlx to Saiah Hedges, lot 2, bl II, W's Riverside A 250 W S Reese to P C McFarlane ot al, half iut in S E qr sec 0, tp 12 S, R 2 E 23S II T Wilson to M E Wilson, lots 1, ', bl 0, in North Brownsville 1 U S to C A Belt, N K acres, sec 33, tp 9 S,R 4 E. patent 1 larriet J Maple to M Hnfli k 175 acres, tp 11 S, R 4 w. . . 3S.IK Holt to Ella Mendenhall, M.H.5 acres tp 15 8, R 4. w WOO E and J F Grose to Werts. lot 2, bl 1 S's A Sodaville 50 C Hausuun to -A SMc A Donald and F C Stanaid.bl 2, IPs 2d A, North Browns ville 420 A Condra to K N Tandy. 5 acres, tp 15 S, R 4 w . 25 J B Rodgcre et ux to E N Tandy, 5 acres, se : 5, tp II j SK4w J M Flaugbei to Willie Flaugner. N E qr sec .".2. tp . If S, Rl E Alhany Cem AsVn to Joseph Sage, lot 317, bl 22 in said cemetery.! G II Durham, master, to S S M vers, 377.77 acres, tp 12 .-. i; 4 w C A Bills etux toC II Ksin. N E t.r aec 3.tp ! S, R 4 E Nom e In Electric l.lxl't Conmnir ointo the great. loss iu "Burn Outs" of incinde-t-i-nt !inin on llm Wi'.tiHiflio'.ise circuiU. it b-i-nui rs ncceosirv f-r tlie Electric l.i-rht Co:u pauy t't cI:Iut diarw for lamps to liiiriH-l out .r aJviince tbe rate. Tlit-n-r.irt-. -ciii.-i.iiit-rs will tkn notice that -.n'ter .Jaimnry lt. Is, tlie- rite j in I I iiiii iirii'-a iniiii :i .vi . til. t ill In- cb.o.-J 1 H-r int:itli .i a liii'is rate, in p'acr ol so ciilns lieie-.i.tiin-. for e li lamp, mid Urer lamps in priiiorlioii: and lamps l.iirueil a later Imtir IIihii !'::U) will he clmrtreit I (or a TidVlni k light ami I i for all iillil, same as the present price; anil c-oiiiomiers cmtractingaixl p vinx for a U:30 ) i if tit and IcKIds their larrip linrn all nilit or a later hour llian'yCoulractKl . for, will t -clir!jet accordingly without further aotlce. Albany F.i.cctric Lic.st Co. Albanv, Dee. 'iu, IS90. HORN. VAXTIS Yanti -To the wife of XV. at Shedd or. Dec 17 W. p; a aon. IIPLAIN In thiaeity, Dec. M. to the wKe of 8. A. Hill n . girl, weigh nine pounds. 1 IIKAWFORO At Liwien on Ihe. Ui, 190, to the wife of W. W. Crawfor.J, a son. CALLAHAN On Saturday Dec. 2'. I.i, near ihis city, tne y-u'otaa old child of E. N. Callalis 1, of pata Ijll. T. M. C. A. MOTES. Tba Pro pot d Haw Boildin of tbe 0rgu ' iiatioA- Latter. From, tba Becratarr. - I T THE I IHtuB-or TIIK liKHtLD, The attendance at gospel ser vice last Sabbath was 42; atten lance at the reading rooms for the past week was 145, an increase of 40 over that of last. Mr, . E. N. Bloduett will lead the meeting at the Y. M. C. A. hall Sunday Dec. 21 at 4 p. m. As already staled by the. papers, the V. M, C. A. lias purchased for a building sitn 72. feet on fhe cor ner of 2d Ferry street, aud in tak ing this step we feel that we have scored a victory, one that -is com mendable to every one who i8 in terested in the welfare of human souls, ve look Uion the Christian institutions of our beloved city of Albany to-day and we see them in a state of tnritt and rapid growth. There is scarcely a chur. h .but what is, or has been, expending hundreds, and some of them thou sands of dollars, for the purpose' Of making mora pleasant and com mo dious their places of worship. The W. C.T. V., the Ladie's Aid Sa ciety and other nocieties that are battling hand .- to hand for the welfare oi our community are meeting with success-. Why, then should not the .Young ' Men's Christian Association thrive and keep pace with other, institutions whose aims are tne same? Why sii Mild not this association take active and decisive pleasures in tne way of bc.urirg a home' ai.d property, lest in the tide of modern advancement aud fall to the rer and grovel in the sands of stands still-ism? . - Such must not be the "raw, and we believe it will not.' Why? be cause in calling the loll of tlie Youti Men's Christian Associa tion, of Alhany, we take from our banks, your fluhool-roouiB, your stores, your machine-shops, your printing-offices, etc., young men who aro keeping ; your hooks, 1 handling your . money, teaching your children, doing your printing, electing your ; bnUdfBgs. -Young men who are jiibi'stafthrg in lite and have future to make not' a iast that is aheady made and who are filled with all the energies and ambitions that come to every honest young man. Our list calls for young men who are walking your stieets day alter day doing your commerce and do ing it satisfactory to their employ era. Our membership roll is com posed of young men viio are doing some of your most active and im portant church work. You see them in your congregations Sab bath morning, in your Sunday school room in your weekly prayer meeting, and if you will step into tlie Y. M. C. A. hall at, 4 r. m. you will find them there. Is it then probable, if possf b'.e, that we shall fail in this our firet step towards building us an association home? .Ve realize that we are taking upon our shoulders a -b'Tf" th. for 9 while will be bard to carry. We realize that at present the money market is close, and that it will take a united effort on our part lo' meet the requirements of the pur cllase, but utile.- (his step is taken by some one Albany will never have a Young Men's Christian Association building and without it she would be incomplete. Why should not. then, -the burden of starting, fall upon us as well as the association of tlie future? It h:i falreu, and with a tremen dous force and to-day finds the Young Men's Christian Association of Albany, starting at the foot of the ladder bearing tirnily in hand the banner upon which is stamped in letters oi go'd ' Vic'ory." We do not expect to tight this battle alone, "The Lord of hosts is with w," sn I if we do our part we shall c une oil' more than conquer ors in -iid. We ask every miti'xt r oi the gospel and one pro-f--i g the name of Christ to re ..ember the Y. M. C. A. in their H-titions to the everlivinn God, and that we may succeed in this step towards laying the foundation of beautilul hildiug for the use of the Young Men's Christian. Asso ciation ami that ere loiiif we may sec before us a city rilled with lieautiful Iteavenwaid nointim; church spires and a prosperous and successtul city in every legitimate branch of trade. II. W. Youno. i ieneral Secretary. "To Mia Kajrars of Shoaa. We are otlcriug some rare bar gains iu men's ami ladies shoes. We sell you the same shoes that other houses show you made by Ihe same manufacturer iu short they are the same goods for much less money. Call and see our prices we guarantee to save from 2-) to 50 per cent on each pair of shoes purchased. These goods are new And that clam in every, particular. A.J. ucilwain ! Alhany Qh -to)ise, ! . One Night Only, TrlUHSDA Y DEO. 25 of A ppearance IMfflT The Little Georgia Magnet. The Enigma of Ihe 1'Jtlncentury. .-, , - . ' .- No man Man -ho fan umbrella over her head. 8hi -ati lift eight men piled on two separate chairs, and do many other feats equally aa astounding. aCflrAdmission, 50 cents; gal lery, 25 cents. Reserved seats at Will & Link's without extra charge. . Stochholdcra' Aanual Maelinp. KOTtCE IS HK6I.BV tilVEN THAT - ihi anuual niUniof tbe iitocklioMcfa. of tl-e ar.en Baxin l.iiroh-rn.K Co will be he'd at the office of tlie compa.iv in Ha'ate.1. Oreffon, on the ii I of l'ebriiar'. leai, at tbe kour of t o'clock r a for the purpose of elctin director ol aa d coaipaiiv. and Lo otOer ortlcf r of the c. iii tnv. alleceuiter 10, lt!0. J. 1. WvMcOMEBV, sktary. Ill 1 IM awerre I'a'IAa Are Brokrn Ip ta Mnatana. From the Virginia City, Mont.. Mfeijiaaan. I i When we find a medicine we anow to possess genuine merit' we consider it a duty, and we take pleasue in telling flic public what 'tis. Such a ihedicine we found Chamberlain's Couch Itemed v. last w inter, when la vripiio was prevailing, u e ate satisfied that I we warded on several attacks that were threatening by the use of this syrup, and we have since relieved, in a few hours, severe coins, auu in tne course of two- or three days, entirely brokeu them up hy its use as have' several of our friends whom we have recom mend it. It i" all that it is repns- wukii io oe uy up manmactu'er-. It you have a cough and want to f stop it, Charnljerlain's Coug'i j Remedy will do the work. Foi 1 sale by Fosfiay & Mason. i Tha Itaaaon Why. Why is it that Klein Bros, can afford to sell boots and shoes ft teaaooaoie i itecause ttiey are both practical shoe makers and' make , their expenses bv work-i iik on iiie Biioe oeucii, ..ami any boot or shoe you buy of them, no matter what kind it is, man, woman or childs, that rip, run over or the sole rips loose, they repair them for you free of charge, and as they do all the work them selves, they don't charge you 25 to 50 cents a pair extra for a w arrant to pay some shoemaker to repair them for you. 1 hey also make a pcialty of repairing rubber tioos. fclltla Olaataud Cow lea' Bros, hoys, misses and child ren'B shoes different styles alt sine and widths made hoi.ii am. tiikocoii. : Try a pair nothing better medium in price. Every pair warranted. Sii fci. E. Yoi'nu. rlaiMiaa aae) Laaa. Ten ebares iu tia wonO atriaa for ), ftkprira at the Hank ut Orrgua, . HlnMilatlaa r rartarrkbla. . . By uiitul tHaeit tbeteratuiorti mUUiw tliiu ui Zohreft Sou hata thi.Uv .liM.Jvt.1 , rturrhlp,-Juu. B Zw-baa. tha UDiM uUk lr retirii.H. 'All liabiHtiea auil umcI Will he rarriKil by Jn-. at-hta.. llatcJ 1j. 17, lku .l- o It. ZnN. "BOOT AjStU HHOK Holiday :: : A nnoun ceincnl ! FOR THE Fine shoes, from $2 00 to $0 50 er pair. Hue "Uppers, all prices, Elegant Plush and Velvet.inthe favoiile, styles and shades. Toe slippers, plain and beaded. Oxfords and Tie for home aud street wear. A. Dolge's Felt Shoes aid Slippers the best made just the thing for comfort, winter evenings. -Tn Siloes -foi:- 1SOVS, - MISSES - FOR THE GENTLEMEN: Slippers in Plush aud Velvet, Old Go'.d, P.rown, Olive and otiier Shades. Ixnind with Elegant Colored Iathei. GOAT, KID AND PATENT-LEATHER OX FORD Tl F.8. fjOTVot wear, for tit and for looks our foot-wear connot be excelled in the State. : Samuel m aoiJi ALLEN Wholesale and t'ipi. jol) ui Lane, or titles, jo F1-Y.SNN blqck. Cliristnias "Vum Yuins." Fine French Candies. Plain Mixed, ,' Fancy Mixed, Fiench Mixed. Assoit'd Sticks, Fine ' . ' Assortment of Fresh Nats. i gat -Turkey, j j Citron, Imon ami Orange Peel, i Iuqiorted Sptghetti, Fat Chickens, j Seedless Raisins, Zante Currants, j Layer Raisins. Mince Meat j Fresh Eastern Oysters. j Vtmore'B Mince Meat, Olives, J Peisian Dates, Smyrna Figs, Chow Clio v, Catsups Horse radish 'Fat Ducks, Celerv, Cauliflower, "ranlerries, Mushrooms. French Peal, Asparagus, French Beans, Pop Corn, Prize Gum MUELLER A GARRETT, The Leading Grocers. for,:; ie incest ami liest Bed .oungesgotoT. II. Brink's. as them. If Vflll Want a .fine parlor IT I.UU anite, T. II. Brink has them from W to (13-). FOR A MICE RUG iO to Thoa. 11. Brink'a. T U R DIM If "suele?ant I a lla Ullllin stock ot lailies' and gent ' rockers, nothing belter. DID YOU II. Hi ink's. See those wicker Monl b .ekets Mt T. SOLID COMFORT, V tit III ink' LADIES': ami Slippers AND - CHILDREN e. young. keisj 1C I I 1 ! BROTHERS, Retail mm. Choice hi of All (ton IS T",!otrUNr'A,vili:Y 1 j 1r 'ir f UmiiIIhiI 'Jii'id-i r-r t'l-i ;;r I I -f inn lllil-y Haan, 1 j - - Wttiral'liif-n'. ljf-i p-rf-jtm st:t id. I '' 1 manicure snts un I !ril-t pens a s tin 1 line i.f art v.-o.-k, an! ii-v-tii- nit I'i'e I 1 i (1 for old nu vo-insr. t-- .ric r-s this year 7 ( :1 O'lah Kil4s f hol'ul iv '. U irjjr'K- I D I tnrlj "'' aid the pu'ilic 'nvit "l to c iM 1 j '.. n't! ti.t ti voi'i 'il luii'liv pre-woit. 1 1 'e lake plua-ure in slinvin r our-roiD l j! ll whether you wish to purchase or isol, j STANAID GU,SIGK FIRST STI.TKT, Near Revere Il..u-e. ALBANY, Ok. Sill cker " II R I SM A Is Cos i . i i 1 -IIUV. Magnificent D, Holiday Goods. Santa Glaus Headquarters. "VLnnni Holiday shoppers are invita I moth stock of plush gocd, art supplies ai ! novolt! s. X trouhlo t show gonils. Our li(4ul,iy Ptxxtk is n arl.v I dou n to astonishingly low prices for the season of lS'.KMil For tie -A Fine Diamonds, An t-lati! imsnrt iin"it liiiiliiv!l.i- and (io'il llfjt Aillhlat'st uovfltifH H. EWART'S, THE LKA1UNU JEWELER. tar Hand ARE H3W hie mm fir iHfll s j A a r ; i'I ill lok t'ir rMi'i our :Hir Holidays Line .i- silver iiMryijiv ; w i : l f i i i i Mi) f (J.il 1 Mini Si iv. in ;iiit li tl f.-llH in j AT A'rlry f 4 ii i s-.v.m n