Morning daily herald. (Albany, Or.) 1885-19??, December 04, 1890, Page 4, Image 4

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Tfc-Daily Huuld will b
ala Mck BMrmins at II. J. J on
boost oT,wherc iti n b procured
st caata par -copy.
jmmi amui town.
Jgtejph Wtbber went to Portland
Until Batardav for a drew at
coat at Searla.
lira. Dr. W. C. Nesua.of Leb
anon, ia viiiting in thia city.
J(n, Damon Smith, of Harria-
burf, if viaitiny friends in Albany
Only three dave more to gat i
drac at coat at . C. Searla.
Call and jet a year's apply of
linen that E. C. Searla U Belling at
H. J. Jona has te largt lin
of beaatirat Chriatnae cards in
the city.
Nice candies, note, etc. at Powell
A Ce'a, cheaper than any place in
took oat for Klein Bros, adver
tisnmrnt in to-morrow morning'
lira. Ida Roberta-Bennett, of
Lebanon, ia viaiting her parent
in Harrisjburg-
Klein Bros, will talk to their
patrtos in an advertisement in
or colons to-morrow.
1, P. Miller, of Portland, was a
passenger f rom Eugene home on
yesterday 'a noon train.
Tea kindergarten entertainment
at the opera boos Friday nigh
wiJoe an enjoyable affair.
Gentlemen go to Searla, and buy
your wife a dress for a Christmas
present before Saturday evening.
.Floor matting of the very be
caalily and at reasonable rates cat
Oytyind at FortUler A Irving's.n
Nothing ia nicer ibr a Chriatma?
present than one of those beaut i
f j1 books at H. J. Jones'.
As nice a stock of photograph
albnaas can be seen at H. J. Jones'
aa one could desire.
You can get a fine dress at E. C
Searla for 60 cents per yard, former
price 75 to 85 cents per yard.
I am ahowing the finest line of
boots and shoes ever shown ii
Albany. Prices the loweat. E. C
Mr, Wm. Schuldt, one of th
Oregonjan's swift typo's, and Mr.
Ed. Brown came np from Portland
)at night. !
At -H. J. Jonea yon will' find
owe of the neatest bibles yon
. . sver saw. Nothing nicer could b
found for a preseit.
I have sold my entire stock of
dress goods, but will continue un
til Saturday evening to sell them
at coat. E. C. Searla.
A nice dress pattern ia on- of
the nicest Christmas presents t
make a lady, only three days more
to get one at coat at E. C. Searla.
Hctioles baking powder in th
best '" in the market, and i
is 10 rants cneaper per can than
any other. Powell A Co. keep it.
All the good thinga of life to
tickle: your palate at Mneller A
Garrett', the only place in thr
c ty where yon can get everything
yen want.
The -kindergarten entertainment
at the opera house Friday evening
will commence at 7 :S0 p. m., so a
to get through in time for the i
A.M. sociable.
The facet Una .of candies, nntp,
i ilaana. atr . ia the city for Chriat
mae at Mueller & (iarrett'a, au i
we guarantee to sell cheaper than
any thee noose in the city.
- You are not "in H" nnleaa yon
boy your grcceriee of Parker Bro.
Thsy keep the best goons to r
found anywhere, and are always
reasonable in their prices.
vsiifBas LOCALS.
. Flench keeps lailroad time.
Clocka at Will A Stark's.
Hulin A Dawson, druggi
Silk umbrella's at yTrench'e
jewelry store.
Fresh bread every day at Fai
ker Bros.
Choice bleached celery at Muel
ler, Oarrett'a.
A full line of trusses ft r sale at
Caauning'a drag atore.
a 'Spectacle for every one at
breach's lewelry store.
Fnrnisbed rooms to - it near
by. Inquire at this office
Viereck will shave you or cut
your hair in the moat approved
8. N. Steel A Co., cm get you a
loaa from $300 to $30,000 on good
real estate eternity without delay.
Go to Conn A Hendricaoii for
your fancy and staple groceries.
They always keep the best and sell
cheap for cash.
Have you aeen those beautiful
cement walls in the cemeteries,
pat np by Egan A Acaison, at half
the coat of stone.
For nice fresh pies, cakea dough
auta and every thing in the baking
line yon cannot do better than to
call oa Parker Bros.
Please call and see if yon care to
cbamte your order on heating
stoves, our stock is complete attain.
IIattmkw A Washburn.
Some of tna latest styles of ele
ut bed lounges can be seen at
- Fortmiller ii lrving's, aa they have
jnat received a large invoice.
BaJojaMa SsjcfaMe.
Last evening a large conccurse
of citizens gathered at O. W.
Hocnstedlsr'a elegant residence,
spending a very happy evening,
with social converse, songs anil
amusement. The occasion was
una Ion to be remembered and
resulted in quite a huge auiu being
raiaed to procure music bwoka for
the M. church.
liogi of to Dtctmbtr
Uual BilU Allowed
In the matter of the resignan
of J. K. Wyatt aa luatjie of
peace in West Albany precinct, (.
P. Coshow was appointed.
The following bills ere allowed :
A B Fitzwater, aid for poor 8 00
C D Montague, aid Kitts
family..,.. l hi
O P Coshow, aid Hail fami
ly 10 00
(J C Cooley, aid Mrs Clark . 0 00
Cox A Failev, aid Hender
son family 10 00
Hamilton A Andrews, aid
Orchard family 10 00
G F Crawford, aid Mrs
Roberts 8 00
Ladies Aid Society, aid
Lorn family 10 00
D Hart, keeping poor 55 00
W E Cut 1, salary 83 33
G k Russell, salarv 55 40
Dtp Maston and Davis, ex
aminine insane 10 00
N P Payne, ex. insane 4 Oil
Trites Bros, livery hire ... 3 00
Max Fiiendlv, acct roads . . 75 50
Thos A Yost, account roads 26 28
HarrisSurx Lumbering Co. 289 28
ETT Fisher, surveyor 4i 50
John Usher, janitor 17 50
J C Morgan, account roads 33 20
Jennings A Vo, acct reals o
P W Spinks, account roads 103 00
Albanv Electric Co 17 50
C Schlaeel, account roads. . .15 00
Fortmiller A Irving, acct
paupers 15 00
M Scott, fees 14 55
Mrs Anna Murray, keening
inrors 6 50
Ed Meeker account roads. . 4 14
O P Coehow, teachers ex . . 22 50
(i F Rivsell, teachers ex.. . 22 50
T J Stiles, teachers ex 22 59
If M Stone, building Owl
bridge 200 00
titate J E Berry sy ho
Henry Freerksen, acct road lo 00
A. J. Hodges et ux to J. L.
Hill, interest in lotso
and 6, section 10, township
11 south, range 4 went $ 10
Nancy Coon to school district
No. 67, one acre, donation
land claim of James and
Nancy Coon 1
Vu. Brewster to Constant
Ouerne,161 acres, township
11 south, range 1 and 2 west 2080
R. Notheger et ux to i?am-
S'uel Notheger et al, 20 acres
section 2g, township 13
foutli, range 1 east 200
F. O. Mn li h I et ux to T. Y.
MrVr . t n.x . 257 acrfcp.seo
tin 1" ! 14. township
14 BOiitW'a'we 3 west 2585
A.J. HoUno. irustee, to C.
E. Sutton, lot 5, block 10,
Fairdale addit ion 1 25
f. W. Miller et ux to J. II.
Rohb, lots 3 and 4, Block
2. in Shelburn 65
Josie Mackey et al to Artie
Mackey et al.l 'i acres near
Brownsville 1
J. M. Jones to F. M. Henline,
lot 5. lection 15. township
9 south, range 1 west 52
Martha Pierce to J. M. fierce,
120 acres, section 4. town-
shio 15 south, range 3 west 1200
J. M. Beard to Maggie DeAr
uiond. undivided half of
lot 10. block 4. Beard's ad
dition. TaitKent 100
The frightful Porcupine.
The Halsev News says: A few
nisbts aifo the dog of Mr. If. L
Rodd, at Peoria, run some kind of
an animal down, witn which it
as liavinit a tierce fight, when
Mr. Rudd, who ia now 70 years of
age, went to his assistance itli a
Kun in hand, lie fired at the ani
mal in the dark and killtd it the
first shot. It proved t. ! a large
porcupine, weighing eiiteen
Dounds without a lary number
of quills, which it lesfui the dog's
head It took twas pers" several
l.ours to reliewe the of
wij Band Incorporate
e Halsev Ultimatum bund ha
en formed ami articlts of iror
portion have been riled with the
secretary ot state incorporating it,
John Mandish, I. A. Phelps, T. A,
Powell and R. Bam ford are the in
corporators and directors llalsey
is the place for the principal office
and $1500 is the capital stock. Its
object is to cultivate and advance
:he musical talent 01 its meniiers
Two More
Two more couple are refuted as
being made nappy yesterday.
They were Mr. fNewton 11. Cum
ming and Miss Maggie Bossermau
of Halsev ; and Mr. Chas. Denny
of Corvallta, and Miss Rose Wat
son of this county, the ceremony
of marriage for the latter couple
being performed at the residence
of the bride's father near OakviMe
by Rev. S. O. Irvine.
A Costly I'alntiDK
One of the oil paintings which
caused so much commotion at the
recent exposition in Portland,
under the topic of the "Nude in
Art." has licen purchased iy Air,
Watt Monteith, of this city, and
now occupies the walls of Ins sa
loou. It is valued at $2000, and
was purchased of Uunst, of Port
Card of Thanks.
To those who tendered their
kindest sympathy and assistance
during the recent fatal illness of
our little daughter, our heartfelt
thanks are hereby returned. May
the same kind care and attention
be given them in their hour of
Mi. and Mas. E. LaFokrest,
Mas. C. O. Barnes.
The following letters remain in
the postofli e at Albany. Or., Dec.
2, 1800, uncalled for : J. W. Coch
ran; J. 11. Croin; Mrs. Eliza J.
Miller; Miss Lizzie Kennie; John
N. Rice : Jack RMey.
Rcri?s Thompson, P. M.
I Praosred
T. M . 0. A. VOTES.
Account receipt derived from
Bishop Becker's lectures $30.00.
Not at home to-day the general
secretary cleaning house.
The number of visifeus at our
looms is on the increase.
Investigate, investigate the
workings of our association.
Our membership is increasing.
There will be a meeting of the
Board of Directors of the Y. M. C.
A., op Fridav evening December
5th 1800 at 7.30 A full attend
ence is desired on account of im
portant business to transact.
This week fin Is the association
in possession by gift, of a very gne
and elaborately framed oil paint
ing of Mt. Desert. The painting
is 22x30, and represents the rolling
waves of the ocean beating against
its rock-ribbed shore which arises
Mt. Det-ert. To say the least, it
shows that the artist who is no
other than Grace Trumbull, of
Albany, Oregon ia one of no little
skill, tor the art displayed in thin
picture is simply hue. In behalf
of the Y. M. C. A., of Albany,
Oregon. I. II. W. oung, general
secrctaiy of the association do
hereby exteud the heartfelt thanks
of the Association to Miss Grace
Trumbull the giver of this beauti
ful picture, with assurance that it
will be kept as a memento of one
who deeply appreciates the en
deavors of the Young Men's
Christian Association to extend
he cause of hrist.
An Oregon Pioneer.
C. J. Hills, one of Lane county's
oldest pioneers, killed a fine elk
while out hunting with two ot
his sons ou Fall creek. Mr.
Hills ia 72 years old. He
crocked the plains fi at in'47
coming by way of Goose lake over
what was then caned tnenouinern
route to Oregon, coming through
the big canyon of Dougblas county
before there was even a road
blazed, crossing the Canyon creek
fifty-seven times and following the
channel half the time for a road.
He has crossed the plains thiee
times' driving a team each time.
The last time, in 1851, he brought
with him a young wife to share
the hardships oi a life in the
wilderness. He located the first
road in Lane County, following
the trails of the red man. Here
on the banks of the beautiful
Willamette he and his wife located
a home, reared a family of three
daughters and five sons. Mr.
Hillsstill holds to his pioneer prin
ciples and is at present contempla
ting a p'an to file on a homestead,
a day's journey back into the wild
woods of Fall creek, where deer
and elk roam as in tl e days
of the; red man, whose signal
tire is no more to be seen on the
hill tops.
Credit The Indian.
A Washington Correspondent
says : "What queer things occur
sometimes to all of us. The other
night after talking for quite awhile
with an old army officer about the
deviltry of the Indians and the
possibilities and probabilities of a
war with them, I was persuaded
by a cold-water friend to attend
the quarter centennial celebra
tion of the Good Temlars, and 1
hadn't been there long then a
broad-shouldered bronze laced six
footer, with a black frok coat
tightly buttoned around his stal
wart form was introduced as the
second highest officer of the order
in America. His name is Dr.
Oronhyateka, and his present ulai-e
of residence is Toronto, Canada.
He is a full blooded Mohawk
Indian, and he almost made me
ashamed to leing Indian, for the
Indians practiced lotal abs'inence
principles up to the time their
white brethren introduced whiskey
among them." Thus, you see
within an hour I heard an army
officer denounce the Indian us
everything that was bad, anil then
heard an Indian as reason for
of the Indians vices. Queer
asn'tit? If you feel like moraliz-
here ea text, go ahead.
iiiporlant to Housekeepers.
It gives Julius Gradwohl great
satisfaction in seeing his tine
Golden Rule teas and baking
ponder, with elegant prizes or
without them, that his customers
who have purchased invalubly re
turn and say they are well pleased,
that the tea is No. 1. and the bak
ing powder is as good as the tiest.
All his teas and baking powder
bears the name of Julius Grad
wold's Golden Rule Bazaar, and
are expressly put up for his busi
Shoald Sea the Wotdtrfol Array at the
Ooldes Rule Bazaar
Mr. Julius Gradwohl, the enei
geticand enterprixing proprietor
of the Golden Rule Bazaar in this
city, whose store contains the
largest and best nelected stock o
crockery, glass ami oilier wares for
domestic use, lathe valley, us well
as fancy wares, toys and beautiful
holiday goods, has returned from a
several months trip to San Fran
cisco, where he combined business
with pleasure. He has replenished
and enlarged his entire siock and
now has a store that is a credit to
himself and an ornament to the
city. His shelves, counters and
every available space are filled
with the choicest and most varied
slot k of of goods ever seen in this
valley, including a mammoth dis
play of holiday goods. lie has
I added a new line which consists
I of a beautiful assortment of rolled
gold jewelry warranted to wear as
good as gold and costing one-tenth
as much money, diamond cut pins
ring, fine umbrellas for holiday
presents and novelties. His stock
is now in and holiday shoppers
should lose no time n seeing his
wonderful array which ia not
surpassed by any on the coast
either in elegance or prices.
00A8T H0TES.
Hswij Itemi f Reported by Exchanges
Throughout tho Northwest.
Farmers of Oregon are eninvino-
a welcome rain.
J. R. N. Bell hail itnr)iaBoil Va
City Hotel at Independence and it
is also reported he has bought an
imerett in the west Side.
According to the report of Sec
retary Noble the total numlmr nt
acres f j.nblic land in Oregon is
38.273,228. Of this amount
14,894,247 is unsurveyed,
A "new paper" for Portland is
again to be established. This
time it is to be an evening paper,
and will make its appearance
about January 1st next. It is re
ported that W. W. Cop-land is
interested in it.
The S. P. Railroad company in
tends to be secure - against snow
blockades in the Siskiyou this
coming season, having already
procured a new style rotary Cy
clone enowplow, ready for instant
use when wanted.
Oliver lelger, the Corvallismau
who, while drunk, ran with ' his
wagon into Mr. and Mrs. Boeh
ringer, fatally -njuring them, has
been held to await the action of
the grand jury. He is charged
with assault with intent to kill
At the Newport city election the
following officers were elected:
President of the council, Ean est
Warren ; recorder, VV. B. Stout ;
treasurer, Geo. I -and ret h ; mar
shal, Chas. M. Winant ; council
men, O. E. Leet, Geo. F. Sylves
er, Geo. Landis, and Robert
From parties from the Helix
neighborhood the Walla Walla
Union learns that at Warren
station, on the O.A W. T., there
is piled up 250,000 bushe's of
wheat, and at the rate the com
pany has been moving it lately it
will take five years to haul 'the
wheat away. At Yantcycle there
is over 150,000 bushels of wheat
awaiting . shipment, the greater
portion of the grain at both places
being still unsold.
The following patents have been
granted to inventors in the Pacific
States during the past week.
E. S. Bonelli, San Francisco.
! Exercising device for musicians ;
K. b. Chapman, San rrancisco,
hose reel ; A. W. Coffin, San Fran
cisco, ticket punch ; A. A. Dickie,
Suisun, Cal., nut lock; T. A.
Evans. San Francisco, machine
for c!eanins and polishing knives ;
v. it. oarlock, aattle, lever lor
moving locomotives and cars; G.
If. Haines, Stockton, travelling
thresher and cleaner; II. O. Hoop
er, San Francisco, lock ; J. Korbel,
San Francisco, gurad for gang
edgers ; .1. T. McKean. Santa Cruz,
device for securing extra leaves in
books ; D. Mindeleff, San Francisco
explosive; A L. Munson. Oakland
Cal., treating coal far; G. Risch
muller, San Francisco, safe guard
for cable and horse cars. C. P. Ta
tro, Spokane, mail-bag; C. W.
Thompson, Tomales, Cal., auto
mate wagon gate; J. V. Wickman,
San Francisco, stencil cutler ;G. B.
Williams, Portland, releasing at
tachment for air brakes.
A Hemarkaule Autumn.
1 he most remarkable feature of
the weather for th inonlh, east
is the extraordinary deliciency
of rainfall. It is a deticienc
which affects the entire. Pacific
CVa-.t from Mexico to Brititdi
Columbia. The proximate canst
for this de ficiency ai cording to the
U S Signal Service reports ia foiled
iu the high latitude of the easterly
movement of cyclonic atea-t from
the PaciO ' '.Van. In spite of the
fact ifft i e e were a large iium
ber f ..te areae only one of them
!i-.d south of the i.oitliern
! .-.tiudary of the United States,
j t his area gave i to a peculiar
secondary cyclonic effect, which
passed southward into Nevada and
j gave rise to the sudden and rather
heavy rains in western Arizona
and southern California. This
secondary area was forced south
ward by the rapid formation of a
high baiometer in Washington
and Oregon. A weather record for
San Francisco eiubiacing a period
of 42 years shows that never be
fore within that time has the
month of November been bo defi
cient in rainfall. The smallest
amounta previously recorded are
0.15 inches in iKt;2, 0.25 in 1870
and 0.20 in 1884. A chart with
the storm tracks for November
1884 shows but three cyclonic
areas, two of which passed east
ward north of Washington, and
the third through the northern
portion of that state. This slight
deflection to the southward of one
of those area for November 1800
have bean peculiar, not only for
their high latitude, but also for
their rapidly of movement, which
has tended to increase their num
ber, that is unusually large for the
month. Tli's inpidity of move
also explains the I rge numlier of
days on which light showers fell
in Washington and Oregon (nearly
two-thirds of the month) and the
small total of precipitation.
If you want anything in tne
grocery line Parker Bros, is the
place where you will find it.
HOLMES DAVIS Atllie res dunce
of the bride's parents in thia city on
Wednesday Dec-ember 3, 181)0, by
Kcv. S. O. Irvine. Mr. Frank W.
Holmes of Butte, Montana and M ss
Lillie A. Davis.
The groom is a successfnl young
business in au of Butte, and formerly
resided here. The happy couple will
he the recipient of the beat wishes of
their many friends.
WANTED- A good girl to do efii
housework. Applj at lite rtstusnee
ot at Baumgart, e rnor 3d mix Lyon Sta.
WOOD saa-6'1 on short oot'ee Letve or
pero at Bicdicett & aou'a stu'e. conur
I First and ferry etnets.
Halsev. Dec. 3.
Many webfoot faces are glad
dened by the rains that are fall
ing. The diphtheria is subsiding.
There has been seven cases in Mr.
Jno. Wigle's family here, his little
five year old boy died Sunday
night, making the second death in
the family from the same cause in
a little more than a week. There
are no other cages in the vicinity.
In the absence of public funds i
the school district commonly
known aa the Keeney dihtrict, a
private school is being carried on
at the residence of Win. Robnett
under the efficient management of
his son James If. Robnett.
For some time past a cayote has
been making widespread depreda
tions in the flocks of the farmers
living along the Calapooia near
this place. Mr. N. H. Uateman
purchased a fine blooded sheep
and the second night after he took
him home he was killed by the
niurdere.. Finally some days ago
a party of men and dogs was
ol lee ted and a chae instituted.
After an all day chase the cayote
was finally killed, and the flocks
were allowed to lie down in peace.
This is the first case of the kind in
these parts for many years.
Mr. John Deal of Colfax, "ash.,
formerly of this place ia visiting
friends here after an absence of
twelve years.
The public school of Ibis place
has recommenced after an inter
mission of two weeks caused by
the appearance of diphthei in in
the school.
Kindergarten Entertainment.
The little folks of tho Kinder
garten school of Misses Helen
Crawford and Sarah Wheeler will
participate in au ntertainment
to be given at the opera house on
the evening of Dec. 5. The pro
gramme w ill consist of choruses,
recitations, gift songs. Kindergar
ten games, melodies from Mother
Goose, with a procession in cos
tume and a floral operatta. It
promises to be an interesting
affair. The price of tickets will
be 25 cents, and 10 cents for
Wedding; Bells.
Mr. Geo. M. McKnight, one of
Linn county's popular young
men, and Miss Helen Lisell. the
accomplished daughter of Mr. II.
L. Lasell, were united in marriage
last evening at the residence of the
bride's parents seven miles south
east of this city. Kev. K. R,
I'ric'iard officiating. It was quiet
wedding the intimate f r ends and
relatives of the contracting parties
only being present. The happy
couple have a widt? circle of friend.
who will join in extending to
thum hearty congratulations.
Husbands too often permit their
wives, and parents their children,
to suffer from headache, dizziness,
neuralgia, bleeplc-sness, lit,
nervou-ness, when by the use of
Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine
such serious results could easily
le prevented. Dru'gistM every
where sav it t-'ives univeisal satis
faction, and has an immense sale.
Wood worth & Co , of Fort Wayne,
I ml. ; Snow t Co.. of Syracuse, N.
Y.;.?.C. Wolf, llilldale, Mich.,
and hundreds of others say "it is
the greatestsellrr they ever knew."
It contains no opiates. Trial
bottles a"d fine hook on Nervous
Diseases, free 1 1 Stanurd it( 'usick.
Attention, Karmem!
We will pay the highest cash
prii-e for apples, otatoi-s and all
kinds of farm produce. Call and
see us .i.s. F Powki.i. & Co.
-Messrs. llyniun & l'.rownell are
prepared in their nursery to fur
nish all kinds of st-ck, and those
intending to plant should call upon
A complete assortment of 1847
Rogers Hros., knives, forks and
spoons, at lowest prices at F. M.
French's jewelry store. War
ranted goods.
Who pays the freight why
Matthews & Washburn, they have
paid the freight on two carloads of
stoves and ranges since September
1st. 1800 and have another "arload
on the way.
Befor urchasiug your Artists
materials examine the new stock
just ope lieu at me uiug moit vi .
A. dimming, successor to H. C
To our patrons: Our second
stock of heating stoves are here
and if you will call we are better
able to please you than ever before
MattiikwsA Washbiun.
G. W. Simpson has just received
a fine line of scalette jackets in nil
All kinds of fresh fruits at
Powell A Co's.
- Smoke the celebrated Havana
filled 5-cent - igrs, manufactured
at Julius Joss ih's cigar factory.
Stanaid A Cusick druggists,
believe that the secret of success
in perseverance. Therefore they
persist in keeping the finest line of
perfumeries, toilet articles, cos
metics, drugs and chemicals on
the market. They esecciary in
vite all persons who have palpita
tion, short breath, weak or hun
gry spells, pain in side or shoulder
oppression, nightmare, dry cough,
smothering, dro sy or heart dis
ease to try Dr. Miles' uuequaled
New Heart Cure, tefoie it is too
late. It has the largest eale of any
similar remedy. F"ine book of
testimonials free. Dr. Miles'
Restorative Nervine is unsurpass
ed for sleeplessness, headache, tils,
etc, and it contains no opiates.
The facilities of the present day
for the production of everything
that will conduce to the material
welfare and coinfoit of mankind
are almost unlimited and when
Syrup of Figs was first produced
the world was enriched with the on
ly perfect laxative known, as it is
the only remedy which is truly
pleasing and refreshing io the taste
and prompt and effectual to cleanse
the system gently in the Sj.rii g
time or, in fact, at any tin.e and
the better it is known the more
popular it. becomes. "
A 8 ur,e Cure far the Whisky Halilt
Dr. Livingston's Andidote for
Drunkenness will cure any case of
the liquor haoit in from ten to
thirty days, from the moderate to
the d'unkard. The antidote can
be given in a cup of coffee without
the knowledge of the per-on tak
ing it. The Antidote will not in
jure the health in any way. Man
ufactured by the Livingston
Chemical Co., Portland, Oregon,
or from J. A. Cumining, Druggist,
sole agent.
French Tansy Wafers.
These wafers are a sure and safe
specific for all kinds of female
troubles and will remove all ob
structions to the monthly periods,
no matter w hat the cause. They
are just what every woman needs,
and can be used safely. For sale
by the Livingstone Medical Co.,
manufacturers, Portland, Oregon,
also from our sole agent, J. A.
Cumming, druggist, Bluniherg
block, Albany, Oregon.
Act on a new principle regula
ting the liver, stomach and bowels
through the nerves. A new dis
covery. Dr. Miles' Pills speedily
cure biliousness, bad taste, torpid
liver, piles, . constipationr Un
equaled for men, women, children.
Smallest, mildest, surest! 50 doses
for 25 ceuts. Samples ;ee, at
Stanard & Cusick.
DK. GEO. W GKAV hvinK sold his
chutist business, to give possession
January 1, l9l, Qtupt earnestly requests his
many friends, who wish him to put their
teeth in groil repsir befor retiring to call
ear!y. All who Bnd tbeuwlvoi indebted to
him, are expected to call and settle soon.
NOTICE ia hereby given, that 1, oi my
Deputy, will meet the Tan-payers of
Linn County, Oregon, at ft o'clock A . M.,and
remsiii until 4 o'clock P. V., at their respeit
ive places of voting in the several prrciucts,
at the following times and for Uie rnr
pose of collectint; the Taxes for the year ot
Kc- k Creek, Mondsv, Nov U, 1810
Kox Valmv. Tuesday, " 2-'. "
Soio, Wednesday, " at. "
Krankli.i Unite. Thursday. " 27. "
Santiaiu, Friday, " SS, "
lt-lnuion, Saturday. " 29, "
Waterloo, Monday. le. 1, .
Liberty. 'luesday, " ,2. "
Sweet Home, Wednesday, " S, '
Brmh Creek. Thursday, " 4, "
Crawfordiuill-, Kriday. " 5.
Brownsville, Saturday, " o, "
Center. Monday, . "
Syracuse, Tuesday, " , '
Harris!. ur,', Wednesday, " 1", "
Halsev, Thunclay; " 11, "
Shedd'-, Friday, " 12, "
rnent. Saturday. " 18, "
Orleans. Monday, 15. '
Heom, 'lus.Uy, ' li, "
Kast Albany, Wednesday, " IT, "
West Albany, Thursday, Is, "
Albany, Friday, " 19,
I'roinpt payment will l required. Pay
your taxes and save costs
Sheriff and tax Uollectoi
PaU-d Ni.veiuhrr, 3, 1SW.
D A I MTV A Mil fill C Come and sr.
I nillld fUlU U1LO us when you
want paint, oil, brushes, coal ml, lubricating.
oils, axle grease, etc. si r.WAKI
all ttie time embracing hood, urol snd
canopy U, and i angina: in price from $3 to
940, There isu I s nicer loi or "uiairiiuoui
fruit I askets" in the valley. We also have
wj that we rent. STEWART & SOX.
!.,.. We V a nice iineo
A M M U H 1 1 1 U N ot powder, loadnl shell.
rtridges, etc.. and will sell at rea-onabie
figures, tKjn'l frgi-t us heu you clue to
lay in your winter supply of unition to
protect vour rancn iron o me inruau, oi tnai
riog-neck-d emigrant.
rimnxio We ke,!P ""thing but, the
IH UK No, famous laurel churn. Thereto
nothing so good, and do one can beat us on
prices. STEWART A SOX.
ors or anyone wanting anything i- the bard
ware line will do well to call on Stewart A
Sox before purchasing els-where. They
keep nearly everything in ths line of build
era hardware, anil a magnificent sunk fuofl
Dried zrtXSFXS:
Farmers go to Stewart A Sc, and buy an
apple paring machine and save your fruit.
foi the new Wheeler & Wilson, No, 9.
WASHING iNES vinde.hdt,c
give you something you will like, Brln
your '.better naif around and see what w
an do ior you. STEWART & SOX.
a ld :n this marke'. We carry none i-ut pure
manilla, and can gire you any i.e from 1-4
to 1.1-2. All size of chain frcm U It) to 3 4.
er &U
Vose & Sons puiiiMj moaning tbe best fa
vorite and good medium priced pianos at
Will & Urik'i. Also fine crgaus and small
instruments and the best sewing machines.
MONEY TO LOAN In large or small
amounts, from six mmths to five ara
on Albany and Li.iu county real ertate
Call on or address W. E. M Phersou, real
estate broker, opposite Russ house. tf
Dissolution Notice.
NOTICE is herebv given that the eoput
nrrhit herstof. re existing betweeM A.
li. Mnessenger and Chas. Metzjt r, under the
flrui name ( Moesaeuger a Metxger, is this
day dissolved by mutual consent.
A. L. MosasKsaaa,
Cilia. Mitiuk.
' Albany, Nov. 2)th, 1S90.
Notice or Dissolution of Partnership
existing bstwseu F. A. Burkhart and J.
F.. rullivan in the real estate, loan and
insurance business, under(tHe Bnn name of
F. A. Uurchart & Co. in Albaur, Linn Co.,
Oregon, isthisdav dissolved. I. A . Burk
hart gives notice to all persons that he will
not be responsible for any rnatracta male,
or hereafter mad e .y aaid J. F. autllivan in
the name of r. A. Burkhart k IV.. or other-
I ,nB,wiu iiim He lias wiwiiy I'issuiveu all
i relations aith aaid J. F. Sullivan.
Iiated this Nov. 29th, 1890.
I F.A BcRMiar,
Of Bcantlrul Goods fur the Approach,
lug Holiday Season.
rouaistinir o' toilet case, p!'fh Slid
1; atl.rr album?, tlegant perfume stands,
manicure art and jfold pens, a' so a floe
line .f art work, and uoveltiea suitab!e
for old sou young. Our prices this year
on all Kinds if holiday tooos Is surpris
ingly low and the pulilie is Invited to call
and w-c the IwauUlul holiday presents.
We take pleasure in alio win? our goods
whether yu wish to purchaee or not,
$TANAfD& 3U$I3K0
FIRST STREET, Near Revere House. ALBANY, OR.
1000 FEET
PulLW Redwood and White Pine Coooters
arc. Groautng Under Weight
lVEa,ny Bargains
ClolhiDg, Boots, Shoes and Furaishing Goods,
S i 1 ve rwa re
i a ava
fill, AD ilimn
Ft a Nile
I am closing tit my Jy trootU Vt tustk room for a laige o
nooia ana ttiioeu ana gvnt lurniauiing. e m-iuw ine lines that aro
(toiug at coat.
Dreea OotUb, t lak,
FlannelH. Caiei,
(mIIu, Table Linen,
Napkins, Bla ik. ta.
Self si", Corseta,
Camlirio, Towel
I Julie's Unl"-ear, (iosaiiiera.
Call early while the aaaortnient ia still gioU.
IS. C. Searles,
Have th
Finest Line in Tows,
llnoilo liui ilm Tiling