i'ii , i III iIM AM-EWe v - - . - - - -MCTO :1 . ) .(. A D VR T!S i k h G F U C. ' 20 CENTS A WEEK. ALBANY, OREGON HAT UK DAY, NOVEMBER 8,1890. VOL. 5NO. 238 ENGOLS rHE- PAINTER. SOME CAN B Most People Can't AM tote to Albany and Buy Men'. and Boy' Clothing, Overcoats or Anything else Worn by Hen or Boys, without First going to see Stock and Get Prices -"FROM L. BLAIN Tie Lsata Sterciint Tailor, Albany, Orep. iSMLTH & SUNDERS It is Strinje to Tell Thit Lots of Stov33 Smith Ssnisrs Soil; Fion Sarlj Mora Till Lit: at ITiht, Th.9 S.oro i3 Pall of Cast onor3 all tothsir ovi Dsliflfit- Iti3 B3cau33 thoyFAY THE on all B 333 331 4. The inrorn Tinte li titer of trli U-h ti I rut i.t a picture, is the only lUise Ifrot ln:j stove that trill burn large rough ch u n h. It will sn i v your wife splitting the wood again th is winter. Holds fliv all nigh We he ve tie only water tU'er in the world. When we say tms we mean what we say. Can be Used t'oi well water or attached direct to the pipes tor family, office or hotel use, and wilJ positively take all bones, fish and bugs out of til? water, and we have the largest stock, best assoitmeut, reliable good Garland, Monitor and Superior, ;s to ves and .ranges, heateis aud pump plumb, iug goods. U T-- Tbe Celebrated French C URE Warranted to -I 1, or mney cure refunded KFCRE AFTER the Kt'nerr.tlve uric&ns of either MS wha'hei arising from the excess e nae ol stimulant tobamo or opium, or tnt u,'h youthful imlit cntioti. over indnlircuce, .., such aslo-ao' Brain Power, A akelu'iie-. Bearing Uowi Pains in the i:w.-k. Seoiiii il W aknwe, Hy teria, Ner out tr ration. Nocturnal Ouii .ions, Leucnrrhue, Disxine", Weak Memory Luaof Pwe and Impntaa fc. which if ma, ec'd often lead to premalM.o old aye arx insanity. Price Si a box; 0 boxeS for S6.ni Scut by mail on receipt of price. S WKirrKt 4ililt.rKE Is give, viih every 46 order received, to refund tn nnney if a Prm-uneM cure is iioteffette. We have thousanUsoI testimonials from oli uid young-, of both sexes, who have beet .wnaanently cured by the use "f Aphroditin circular free. Address rilK PHKU MKDICIJIE C. Western Branch, Box, 27. Portland, Oregon Kor sale hy r'onliay A Mason, who asale an tail nruiccista, Alham. orction w. Gnik feme fl Fur Female Ir regularities; noth ing like them oo the market. Never ifail. Successfully used by promine.it iailies monthly. Guaranteec to re lieve" suppressed nieistruatin. SnreSa& Ceriais Don't be humbug- ecl. save time, lealth and money. me no outer. Bent, to 'any ad dress by mail on receipt of price, (2.00. Ad Irens uuro Medicine ("osnpany IVM Branch Box 27, rarllnnd, r. Bold by Foshay h Hanoi, Albany. Oregex POWDER Absolutely Pure. This.iowder never vanes. A tnarvei f purity,strengtb aid wbolesoraeness Morn economic than the ordinary kiod, and cannot be sold in competi :on with multitude or low test, shorl eigut alum or phosphate nowdVn. Sold only in cms, Royal it aki' Yw. dbb Co , 10ft Wall U N. f Lewis M. JonRSMN A Co., Agents, Portland. I iregnn. C00S3, HEATEES end iWBmVf.'OT I FROM CAL1F0RNI The Republicans Are by Over 13,000, Leading REPUBLICAN LEGISLATURE, OoDgteti ia OTsrwbsiminglT D.maejatio Only Tares Bepnblioans rroi , tbs Hons. - , San Fkascisco, Nov. 7. An lip returns from the elate coma'tt, Maikliaaa'n maj irity over Pond steadily increases. In 14Q,I0 t't OD jltro!llil rtt Wuia It a a w tk v J IVO UUIBIUO vE "OLA A IOM ' ill. . m a a . - - . "k . .viaritnam leatia by over i3,ouu. Lk-atty, np,, for chief justica, Has aliout the baine lead over Man ley. re is a possibility lht llauh, Jem., may t'efeat Haven, rep., 'r the short term of the tupreute court, but thi9 and the figPfjbr ni -res in the first ilistrief!eJtoara Geary, dem., leads Burham, tep.. by a few votes, aie fie only ohi-a tnat are in doubt on the slate ticket. RepubiicaDa liav won all o'her offices. The n?xi legislature will be etrongly re publican. " j New Yokk, Nov. 7. Late and now almost complete returna from congressional ditrcls add to the overwhelming defeat of the re publicans. Ihe demociatic ma jority in the next house will be equal to almost one-half of the entire membership, and eighteen states. will be without a single re publican representative. Several heretofore strong republican states, including Nebraska, New Hampshire and Rhode' Island, are left entirely without a republican representative and there are but three republicans elected front" the outh. In the third Nebraska dis trict, the farmers' alliance candi date is elected against both re publican and democratic candi dates by a plurality of about 1KM00. This district composed 47 counties. Two more democrats have been added to the New York column during the day and the delegation now stands 23 demo crats and 11 republicans. Mixneaiou8, Nov. 7. Returns from 7i out of 79 coun'ies give Mcirlaui, rep., for governor, 1200 umraliiy. An oihcial count will probably be necessary. W ixt HKSTEB, Ky.. Nov. 7. Re turns from mountain! chow that the tenth district elects Hill, rep., to congress. Kso.wii.i.e, Nov. 7 In the first congressional distiict Taylor, rep., is elected; second, Hank, rep. St. Pacl. Nov. 7. AVith all but thre counties reported in Minr.c sota, and most of ihem oitic:al, .he vote on gov. rnort-tauds : Merriam, rep.. 82,22 i ; Wilson, dem., 80,663; Owen, alliance, 52,440. Merriam V plurality is l,55o. in South Dakota, the independents haw conceded the election of the re publican state ticket and the later returns seem to indicate the elec tion f a republics l mainitv in the legislature, and inuiini; tie re elecion of enatoi Mo-kIv. Pierre ha won the permnnent capit. l from by 8,fXKi to io.OuO ma jority, although Huron does not yet co;iceie iue fact. Late to-dav Chairman P. miller, of the demo cratii: c-mni'ttf. conce les the el- cti -n of both the republican conKi'csiuen aiid m -stof the state. but C'ai" c.l the govvrnor and nough of the legislature to give a majoiity to the alliance an-l deuio ci'.its. Mimvaikkk, Wix., Nov. 7- OiTici.il r. turns fr .in the first dis-t.-iet to day hliow the election of B.ibbitt, democrat, over t'oojier republicni. Tiiis leaves only one reptib ican congressman iu Wiscon sin, Mauen, in the eighth district, nho has about l.iKiO majority. The republican eufi'er the lift loss ot six c jngressmen, besides the legislature, whii-li will probably elect ex secretary Vilas to second Senator Snootier, although o'her candidates are epri lining up. Peck lemocratic for (Jovernor, has a majority of 30.000. Fatal SliGotliia;. This morning Chas. Chandler shot at Jack Williams, but wounded Jno. Collins ThH i-t the third shooting ailray during the past three weeks. Citizens will organ ize and drive rono-hs. who iiavp congregated here, out of the city. HLFW HIS UK AO OFF, I'romlneut Tacuma Bnsiness Man Commits Suicide. Ttco.Mt. Nov. 7. ColonelJas. D. Smiili.one of the best known rr-al estate dealers in this citv. com milted suicide at noon today. lie arose irom the lunch table. went up stairs without a word nto Ins bed-room and blew the top of his head off with a re volver. No caute for the act is known yet. Colonel Smith came to Tacoma about three years ago from Victs- bur, Miss., and enctged in the real estate business here at the hea 1 of the old established firm of Smith, Rout & Jordan. The Irish Delegates, PHILADELPHIA. Nov. 7. Irish fully as entr usiastic as last nigbt. O ver l,OC0 has already beencol- VOSTAL CLEKK gllsl-GNDED. A Son of Senator Quay Saya II Was Insulted. Washington, Nov- 7. PostmaB-ter-General Wanamaker directed Postmaster Sherwood, of the wasnmgton postoffl e, to suspend Mrs. Margaret S. Watkins, clerk at the general delivery wiodow, 'or using olfensive language toward Richard Quay, son of Sen ator Quay, of Pennsylvania. The circulated account of the the affair has it that young Quay asked for his father's mail at the delivery wii.dow, and some one standing near remarked, "He's d-ad ; it goes to the dead letter office now." Mis. Watkins. who was on duty at the window, Aoughtlfly repeated -tter' mark. Quay, it seemed, regard the matter as a joke at the time, and walked away smiling. Postmaster-General Wanamaker says Quay told him that the clerk at ;he de'ivery window said his father w.s dead, and his mail went to the dead letter office. He immediately ordered the ausoen- iou of the cleik until an invtsti-g-ition could be made. 8upt. Bell, of the city delivery, admits that he made the remark which ill s. Watkins repeated. DASTARDLY TRAIN ROBBERS. Wreck a Passenger Train on .the Missouri Pacific, Sedalia, Nov. 7. A train on the Missouri Pacific was wrecked by train robbers near Otterville, this morning. The train consisted of seven coaches, including the mail, express and baggage cars. The ronDers removed the spikes from the fish-plates and placed crowbars under the rails so they would spread. The engine, tender, bag gage aud express cars were wrecked. Engineer John Boyd and four postal clerks were injured but not fatally. A smoking car full of passengers turned upside down but none of the passengers were seriously butt. Two chair cars jumped the track, but did not turn over. Sedalia special says: "A sig nificent fact in connection witn the wreck, is that detectives Hutt and Barret of the Mis souri Pacific secret service and several witnesses noted the case. Otterville train robbers were on the train en route to Otter ville to testify in the case. Hughes and 1 In Oman were arrested for the robbery, whose trial commenced to-day. It is thought possible that accom plices of the piisoners wrecke i the train in oraer to put the these witnesses out of lb 3 wav. AMONG THE JOKERS. The tirothat is mon- y must be time and again. Marriage is a lottery thit the law is powerless to handle. Binx a la bis doctor his hi ogra.iher, for the reason that he knows that it is to hive to 'stir one's Humps." A summ-r at the sea ohore- chang- white hares in to brown btres. "Mamma, let me hold the baby, will vou?" 'No, dear: mother is afraid you might let him fal. on Fido." The crank s the fellow who is always trying to put a balance wheel on Rom-tbing else. Si-ter Bertie Ah, there is H-tr- rv; l fear him at tn door. Young Wife Dear me I didn't think it was so late as that. Mrs. Bunting What dose vour husband think ot the warm wea'her? Mrs. I.arkin He often applies a heated term to it. In man who .tyB he is going to get there, and don't you forget it, makes more noise about it than the man who is actually there. "1 he world's fair directors have overlooked one of the very best sites of all." "What one is it?" "Foresight, my dear, foresight " ; great manv ot our would-be reform?. s are like the man who stays up all night trying to get people to go to bed. Missionary What do vou think of the French scheme of building a rauroaa acresa the Sahara V wall Street Sahara, eh? It'll stanu a lot of watering, won't it? A popular soprano is said to have a voice of line timbre, a willowy figure, cherry lips, chestnut hair and hazel eyes. She muet have bejn raised in the luaider region. I am vprv liclit. on mv foot rhere is no danger of mv falling down," said Cbollie. "No "I should Hank you would be in danger of lanmg up," said Cynicus. Old Million Mv dear Miss Youngthing, if you'd onlv marry me I should die happy. Miss Youngthing Why.Mr. Millton, if ) mi were dying I'd marry you in a minute. Servant There's a gentleman downstairs, ma'ma. Mistress Show him up to the parlor. Servant But he came to clean the chimney. His Busy Day: Constant Reader What did the editor say when you gave hint my card, sonny? Office Boy Can't tell, sir ; we ain't allowed to swear. Bill Co.lector Now, then, sir, look sharp, if you please. I've called again for Misfit's account, mid time is money with me. Dude-son Ah !U it? Well, then, I'll pay you in time. Klegant Lotion render- the skin soft and beautiful. THE WORLD'S FAIR. The Commissioners Recommend State Organization For It. FRANCE WANTS FREE TRADE. Tbs Harper's Skipped Obloazo Bocdls Two False B amors Denl.d F.r eign Csnntrlrs B Joice- Chicago, Nov. 7. Director General Davis and Secretary Dick enson, of the world s Columbian exposition, have issued a circular I . . . . L. ." . I . letter j uwuiueis ui mo utuunai i commission iff TefftemMrtJ't lie Uri lzens in the various states and territories, organizing for the pur Mseof securing proper represen tation at the world's fair, uiakiiig arrangements for their exhibits, raising funds and getting proper measures tnrougn the legislature.-. Attention is called to the com meudaole promptness with which the people of the s'ate of Califor- iia held their state conveo in to inaugurate the matter uu-l the legislature of Iowa for appropri ating $50,000 for the preliminary expenses, with another appropria tion to be made next year, ihe state convention of citizens is commended as one of the best plans, and a permanent organiza tion should be fleeted to carry on the work in the different states and territories. The commission ers will be requested to visit the legislatures this winters and use their best endeavors to see that a plan of organization is adopted. The Speakership, Lexington, Ky., Nov. 7. In the course of an interview to-day regarding the speakership of the next house, Congressman Brecken ridge said the elections next fall in New York, Ohio, Illinois and other states will demonstrate whether this revolution is perma nent or whether there is danger ol a reaction aud until these elections are over the democratic party will not have proper information as to what may be most wi-e lor the house to do. He is not, therefore, now a candidate for the speaker ship aud does not think he will be until after the next election. (Secret Marriage Bureau. Tacoma, Nov. 7. Washington recret marriage bureau wan incor porated to-day, with laeoma as the principtl place of bus iifi-s Its object is to aid ai.d assist in honorable manner persons desiring to marry, in i-ecuring a ent n-h husband or wife and t aid ai d encourage ioical 'ntercourse and rorrespoudi'nce Ik-twee - partier who have m.itr mouy in viw, for Ai.ico a rca.-onable compensation will ne charged. THEY SKIPPED OUT. Aud Oidu'l Have Time to ray Their UebU. New Yobe, N v. 7. Thomas II irper. pr?sid--nt and treasurer ol tiaru r Hio-. Co . mauuiacturere oi decorated lamps ami s hides in his cnv, and Win. Harper, mana ger of the factory at Van Wert, Westchester couutv. have disap peared, leaving debts reported at irom $25,000 to !fdi,!0i. execu tions against the company for nearly $500 ) are in tne hands of the sheriff, but there is nothing to at ta b. Foreign Countries Rejoice. Paris, Nov. 7. The papers here nail with satisfaction the victory of the democracy in the late elections, l'hey say they hope that America Mill now adopt free trade and a wwer economical policy. Notable Death. Montgomery, Ala., Nov. 7 Kx Governor General K. A. Oneal, of Alabaiujt, died this morning. The Best Shoe Found at Last Little Giant School Shoes, the very best school shees in the market. Every parent knows how hard children are on shoes. We have made it a study to find the best school shoe in the market, and think we can give it to you when we give you the "Little Giant." We ask you to call and let us show how the shoe if made. There is nothing liice solid leather to wear. Popular prices. Samuel K. Young. Secure your railroad, steamship aud sleeping car tickets to all points North, South and East via the Union Pacific railway, and save time and money. Ticket office on Broadalbin street. Just received the extra length and evening shades in gloves, also lace handkerchiefs and fans at the Ladies Bazaar. Have you seen those beautiful cement walls in the cemeteries, put up by Egan & Achison, at half the cost of stone. Be ford i urcbasing your Artists materials examine the new stock just opened at the drug store of J. A. Cumruing, successor toll. O Hubbard. WANTED to loan Iti Urge or small lots, from six months to five sn ou Albany and Li'.n county real estate call on or ad dress W. K. McPherson, real estate broker, opposite Buss house. tf ARMOUR DENIES. Be Says There ia Not Money Enough in England to Buy Rim Chicago, Nov. 7. The local papers says the meeting of the Chicago beef and ork packers was held this afternoon to discuss a scheme to form a combination of packers to sell out to an English syndicate. After the meeting one ot the gentleman admitted to a reporter that negotiations had been in progress some time ami the deal is practically consum mated. The packing houses will probably he combined into pract c.illy one big concern, which will form the largest packing interest in the world. The buMness will lie run with English capital, but f ft he Act ual management will remain in American ha..dv. lVlr-Anoonr for himself and Mesrs Swift, Mor ris and Libbv by their attorney denied that they were interested in the deal. Armour said there was not enough money in England to buy him out. Portland's Garbage. Portland, Or.. N07. 7. The committee on health and police contracted for the taking care of city garbage, and it is to be cover ed with fresh earth so that no foal odors shall emanate from it. K. E. Case, one of the proprietors of the Oregon hotel, was arrested hy Constable Thomas this evening on warrants, charging him with the larceny ot $8o.7o. The com plaint was made by H. D. Rich mond, who also charges Case with obtaining the sum of $266 on a fraudulent bill of sale. Case furnished bonds. A False Rumor. San Francisco, Nov. 7. There is no foundation for the rumor in Portland that the steamer Oregon is over due. The Oregan arrived here on Wednesday lat, and will leave to-morrow on her regular time to Astoria and Poitland. BUSINESS LOCALS. French keeps railroad time. Go to Yierecks for a good shave Go to Parker Bros, for fresh bread. For a nice dress shoe go to E. C. Searls. New stock of gold headed canes At F. M. French's. Try a glass of Celery phosphate Quench vour thirst at the new oda fountain. Go to Wile x A Conn for photo graphs. If y u want a good c'ock, call o i Will & Stark. Go to .las. F. Powell & Co's foi fresh grocern.8. See those stylish stockinette lacket' at Read's. A fine line of gentlemen's shoer- atE C.Searls'. All kinds cf canned goods at Parker Bros. Fiet-h butter at the Willamette Packing t'o.N lace eunains :rom f l.&t' pet pair ip at E. C. .-earls. Silk umbrella's at French's jewelry store. A large line of docks just re ceived at Will & Stark's. A full line ol trusses for sale at Cuiuming's drug store. Sj-ectacles for every one at French's jewelry tore. A fine line of library lamps on sale at C. E. Browuell's. All the latst iu cloaks and jackets at W. F. Read's. Egan & Achison are selling mon uments at Portland prices. Capes aud jackets at the lowest prices at E. C. Sear's'. Furnished rooms to rent near college. Inquire at this office. Note the prices iu E.C. Seat Is new add., in another column. Plush and Astrakhan capes $5 60 reduced from $6 00 at E. C. Searls. A large invoice of childreus shoes just received at E. C. Searls. Finest cakes and pies in the city kept on iiand constantly at Parker Bros. Go to Cumniing'ri drug store Blum'ierg block, for your artist'e supplies. Use lleggs Dandelion bitte.rs tor noitresUon, dyspepsia and nil kiudrod t'lscnAe. Floor matting of the very best uality aud at reasonable rates can 'ft found at Fortiller & Irving's. Gradwohl's fine teas, with the cut-glassware that goes with them, forms quite an attraction and goes very rapidly. Carpenters and contractors of Albany are hereby invited to meet upstairs over Anslyn's cirriage shop on Saturday evening, Novem ber 8th, at 7 o'clock sharp for the purpose of considering the practic ability of introducing the nine hours system next year. P. Macdonald. C. Howland. Remember the sociable to be given this Friday evening at Geo. E. Chamberlain's by the ladies of the 1st Presbyterian church. An interesting, but short musical pro gramme, consisting of soles, duetts and quartetts will be rendered by some of the best musical talent of the city, interspersed with games, etc. A most enjoyable evening is assured to those who attend. Come one, come all. VILLAGE DESTROIED k Whole Town Wiped Existence. Out of HIE IRISH DELEGATES. A Fatal Skostiag at FalrUvss, Waak- ngtoB-Hotabla Deat Cm for Dasertloa. Petebsbcho, Ind. Nov. 7. Ter rible conflagration occurred In A'ins.nw, Pike county, this morn ing. The whole town was wiped out of existence. The houses were -trHratae rtriM tuxes and the fire -rot. a ri an ranlrllv stnrl aw BMttalv. th tt ali the efforts f the people to extinguish it, proved unavailing. Vot a houe was left standing. KVinr lmmlrpd neraons are left lomeless. There is no fire depart ment and no provision was mm for the sudden coming of such a alamity. how t ne nre originate--. a nnt ncMwtairMul. hut ia auDDOsed to have been caused by a defective flue. There will be much suffering among the people Chicago Boodle. Nov. 7. A short time go ex-Alderman Wheelan was shot and killed by a man named Hathaway, it was a mawer u common notoriety in political circles that Wheelan was ago- b 'tween or clearing bouse tor bribe money passing between cor porations wanting franchises and purchasable members oi (ne cuy ouncil. An alternoon paper that shortly before his death Wheelan deposited $30,000 in a hank in this city as steps toward the transfer from a certain elevated railroad in t Via neenl of franchise. aid certain aldermen desirous of -ealizing the financial value ol their votes in granting it. Wheelan's death leaves this tidy 3um in peculiar situation. Though in Wheelan's name it does not belong to his estate, railroad people dare not take action to recover it, and the aldermen have no claim on it, and dare not inforce it if thev had. INDIAN TROUBLE. O tvernor of Nevada Ashed fer Guns and Ammunition. Reno. Nov. 7. An Aaetfn special tays : Parties an ivicgiiete f-om the Upper B-w Rirr Valley, report that the Indians are t ou'de- me in 'hat Secii'-n, n1 the (M-ople have c led upon Gov. Bell to forward guns and t nmun tion, so as to be prep red u . a-e "l bostiliti s. Volm teers will go fiom here if needed. wn ftsccErat. This is the great problem of life whicn few satisfactorily eolve. Some fall because of poor health, others want of luck, but the majority from deficient grit -want f nerve. They are nerous, irres- lute, changeable, easily get the blues and "take the pmhi down to keep the spirits np," thus wasting money, time opportunity a nd nerve force. There is nothing like the Restorative Nervine, dis covered by the great specialist Dr. Miles, to cure all nervous diseases as headache, the blues, nervous prostration, sleeplessness, neu ralgia, St. Vitus dance, fits, and hysteria. Trial bottle and fine biok of testimonials free at Stanard A Cusick. A Fine Lino of Carpels. Fortmiller & Irving have ju4 received one oi the finest, as well as the largest stock "of carpets ever brought to this city. Those desir ing anything in the line will find it to their interest to call and see their stock, which being bought in large quantities, at a reduction, the) can give their customers great bargains. L Cheap I'aaturo. Persons desiring pasture nfar this city an obtain the same by c tiling on Kred W. Blumberg, who has the west half of w hat is known a Monteith's pasture for rent at 1 0i p-r mmth head. Down Went" the Pollaaaa Car. ' Dulutu, Minn., Nov. 7, A pnl! man eleeper on the train from Minneapolis, jumped the track on a trestle this morning at.d falling a number of feet landed in the river. Twenty persons went down ith it, and a1! more or lees bruis ed, but not seriously injured. Dying of Apoplexy. Cleveland. Nov. 7. Tolin n Ruchtel. founder of - Rnihll nrJ. lege. Akron. Ohio.cunrala.arr-lr-. of apoplexy ou Tuesday and is I FINE DRESSED PHEAS : ANTS AND CHICKENS AT : MUELLER & GARRETT'S.