MORNING HERALD. FllIfJAV, NOVEMBER T. .8!0. A Kire Old Ag. J, II. Hoi and fe, of elcherville, . re, have cele brated their tilth wedding! anniversary, a - t ntill hale and : hearty. The of their long; lifo a ad goo 1 he is that they j correct any uliuh ent prompt ly, and in th it w i avoid serious mcknjst. lake most every one eU, they are morn frequently tro.ibled with eoastipatioa than auv other ft disorder. To correct this t:iey take St. Patrick's I' in p.-ete.-vnce to any other, because, as Mr. Holcouib says, "They are mild iill and, besides keep ll.e while system in good orler. We prize them very ltihly." For sale by Fosbay & Mason. Druggists. KKHIKKIBLK I A TS. Ueirt diseaao usually sup j.jsed to bj iiiMirable, bin vh'ti properly treated .1 large proportion d vases can be cured. Thus Mm. Klnin Hatch, i K.khart, In I., an I Mrs. Alary L. liakjr, of Ovid, Mich., were cured a(tr suffering 2J veirs. S. C. L uburg.T, drum at S.iu Jor, III., says that lr AlHr-V Nj Ibsirt Care, which c.ired the f nn-r, "wjrked win ders ior his wife." Li.'i 1.04m, of Buchana, Mich., who had heart disease for 3J years, siys two bottles raade him "feel like a new man." Dr. M.Us' New Heart Cure is soil and guaranteed by fctanard & Cuskk. Book or won derful testimonials free. Hume Lost. Strayed away from the place of t'n subscriber oa section 1!) in rivwet llomj in L nn county Ore goii, one blick 111 uv, three years oil, amiik on tue left shoulder cou-isting of two round sp-its like u pair ot spectacle.-, the titfht h:nd I. i .tan 1 tiiJ bill front foul wnie. II. . I a halter on when s'le left. Leave word at this ollice or ad dress the und.Tdued. Octob.-r 11, ISitJ. C. Raddatz. Sweet Home Or. J.. brl. ami Wraps. I am now i.-ceivin my fall and wi it.-r slocii f ladies, missis an ! children jackets and wrap which nr.; of the latest style and u-iod value and as cheap as bUud.trd p..l can be -louiht. 1 have a tot i ladies Newmarkets carried oyer from last, which I am at-lliiiji at cost to make for new ar- rivals .1K'EL K. Yol'NU. A ;iod Cuuli Syru.. There la inrthiiig parents should lie so careful about hh sclectiiu. 1 coiign Kj-rup. Befgs theiry cough syiup U meeting' with wo'idcrful s;wee-. The best is none to good . Be sure you j:el Kt-ggp. Ev-iyl'.lleiar.anieu. All Jrrgaists kt-e-j tt The Tnion Pacilic are now run ning to daily trains through t Chicago in three days, carrying all .la-ses oi passengers ou both tiains. having l'u'.lman f!eeK;rs, tourists sleepers and free lia-huing chair cars attached, l'a-sengeis ca:t now leav- l' 7 a. m. and i) y. m. F.r siteping ar its- rvation. etc. ai;'!' ''.- Kaw 1 gs, it of lioa la.'oiu Mu ct. Hopkins Bros. ..ivs set astde 811 t-l. ganl n.cki l l.laied stove whu ri they propose to li-.e to tii. ir cus vmers. Bv trailing a certain amount vou get a ticket 111 tne drawing an I th- lucky ticket, bolder draws the stove. 'o and ecrt tiiem and learn to par ticulars Lsdles rine Shoes. ' I make a cialty of handling 1 ..lies tine sh.v. I carry some t.i th bet brands imide in tine and medium grades in widths from A to KK. All wtrjantcd gootls; no trish, and will repair any pair f thoes of any kind n..ld that wid rip or break. Saruncl L. ..ung Mecliat'lcs Fair. Have you teen to the fair yet? Evervbodv goes there for t h a-ee re ij'n Everv one goes to Muellc ⅈvre:t'9 t'o'get their voeerie und-delicacies; they get what they want. . . . The Tliomaa Kay Woollen Mills of Salem, have appointed G. W . Simpson their agent in Albany. A full line of met! ami loy8 clothing blankets and llaunels and all aitt fles maiiuia; tilled bv the tniil will be keot in to. k. I lies g od a;e the bt-s? ia th r"-'k t an 1 will give entire 8ti!la io Th ll-Bt !ht Found it Last " Little (iiaor School Sho ', the verv U?.-t ccl.ioi sh-cs in the market, Every parent kno vshoa hard children are on sh .es. We have maiie it a stuiiy 10 tin I the . bet-t hool shoe in the inirtset, and think ai can give t' t' you when we give ll "L ttle tiiitnt." W ask you o call ami let ua .-lio-.v how ti e shot- is i-v td There i nothing like solid ItV' r to l'opalar prievs. Samuel K. Young. The I nto" l"cllic. Is the only line running two fast trains lailv bom Portland to Omaha, St. Taul, Kan-at City, Chicago, "St. lajuis and all points East and South. Buy your tickets of 0. li. Kaw li tigs, foot of Brottu albin street, Albany. Oradwohl's fine teas, with the cut-glassware that goes with t hem, forms quite an attraction and goes very rapidly. The only waler filterer t'.iat gives perfect satisfaction are for sale by Matthews & Washburn. Cheap rastare. l'ersons desiring pasture, near thi- city can obtain the same by calling on Fred W. Blumberg. who has the west half of what is known a Montei h's pasture lor rent at 1 1 0 per month per head. Beggs liver pills are a nifld l""1'?? nJactdi.ectty titu liver and ki- as weil ai 1 10 bowels. All drug- iels. Homu'i Discovery "Another wonderful discovery has been niutle and that too by a lady in this county. Disease fastened it clutches up jn her and foi seven years she withstood . its severest tests, but ber vital organs were undermined and death seemed Imminent. For three months she coughed incessantly and could pot sleep, She bought of us a bottle of Dr. King's New Dicovery for Consumption and was so much re icved on taking; first dose that she slept all night and with one bottle has been miraculously cured. Her name is Mrs. Luther LuU." Thus write W. (. Hamrick As Co.. of Shelby, N. C Get a free trial bottle at Foshay A Masou's Drug Store riles! riles! rilea! Dr William's Indian Pile Ointment la the only sure cure for blind, bleed lng or itchiug piles ever discovered It never fails to cure old cases of long standiug. Judge Coons, Maysville, Ky, says; 'Dr William's Iudiau File Ointment cw-d me after years of suffering." J udge t'otllnburr, Cleveland, O, says "I uave ouud by experience that Dr. Will a . .i.uiui Pile Ointment gives 1 .. 1 in.-. ril 1 ermaiient relief." We haye hundreds of such testi monials, D not suffer an instant toiler. Sold by druggists at 50c aud I per box. Sold by Fosbay & Mason Albany, Oregon. 1 be rrlde of Waauaa. A clear pearly and transparent akin la always a aio of pure blood, and ill persons troubled with dark, greasy, yellow or blotched skin caa rest assured that their blood is out of trder. A few loses of BEOOS BLOOD PURIFlOft and BLOOD MAKER will remove the cause and she akiu will become clear and trans pareut. Try it, and if satisfaction it lot given it wili cost you nothing, (t is fully warranted, G. L. Biauk u.tu, drui.'iat. Sut a t'alirurnla Bear. Anybody can catch a cold this kind 1 weather, Tne trouble is to let go, like the mail who caught the bear. We advise our readers to purchtse of Foshav X Mi" son bottle of Santa tie, tbeCa fnrnii KingofConsuinp ou. Asthma, Bronchitis, Coughs and Croup Cures, and keep it bandy. Tis (leasing to the tuste and deulb to the above complaints. Sold at tl 00 a ottle or H lor $3 50. California Cat It Cure gives im mediate relief. The Cat r t. mI virus is soon displaced by U lie:diiitr and penetrating nature, liive it a trial. Six months treatment 1 IK) tillivm id $1 10 To the lluyera of Shoes. Ve are oQeriug some rare bar gains in men's and ladies shoes. We sell you the same shoes that other houses show you made bv the same manufacturer in short they are the same goods for much less money. Call and see our prices we guarantee to save from ' to W per cent ou each pair of shoes purchased. These goodf are new and first class in evry particular. A. B. McIlwaim What a Fortune Is a good, healthy, pearly, skin. Few are aware ol the short time 1 tkes a disordered liver to cause b't .cs on the fiice and a dark greasy o..o One bottle of Iieggs blood purifier and M'hxI inuki.r will lctore this organ to its natural and healthy state and cieau'tea the blond of all impurities. It U meeting with wondeiful success. Try it. it is guaranteed. All drug gists keep it. Uisgolved Partnership. The firm of S. N. Steele & Com pany have this day dissoved part nership. Cal. Burkhart retiring from the iiriii. The business will be continued by S. X. Steele at the old pla. e of business. S. N. Steele, Cm.. BfitKiisp'" Albany, October 13, 18iW. J elTer Hon Mill. Coins & Thomas, run the Jefferson Flour Mill, and have II jar and feed of ad description on hand. Send in your orders. Dried Fruit. I am prepared to pay the high est market price, in trade or cash' or choice dried fruits of all kinds. Samuel K. Youno. Corset! Coraetal We make a specialty of lacies and mifsos hne corsets and witli. We have a drive in a F c neb sateen corset at 75 cents. 1 ztra good value. Samuel E. Yo- no. 11CS1NES9 LOCALS. Clocks at Will & Stark's. F.-lt slippets at Klein Bros. C'imiuiiigs for choice soda wa ter. Pig bargains in ladies and gerts troiil and .o'd tilled watches at F .l. Fr. -itch's. I'.. C. Searls. has thi finest lailii-s' h es at tin- lowest prices t. m fiiinil 111 t he vuliev. i. W. Simpson has rrccivfl his fall Pt-x k ..f pto -K netie snd seaVt ' jacket nd three quarter s- alet cloaks, aii.t liave a complete assort ment of all the latext style. Thoe anticipating buying a tvue n riter shonhl see the Smith Premier machine, which has snperi-jr points above all others. Apply to Prof. II. M. AIcKee of the college . We are sole agents in this city for the best Hour on the market. The Benton Full Roller, Corvallis new flouring mill. It is the best and cheapest at $1.10 per sack, Blackburn & Pironi. Sick headache is the bane of many lives; to cure and prevent this annoying complaint use Dr. J. H. McLean's Liver and Kidney pillets. They are agreeable to take and gentle in their action. Buy vour tickets to the ea t via the Canadian Pacific railroad, he best railwav service in existen e from $5 to $10 cheaper than a other transcontinental lin . The finest scenery in the world is alon the Canadian Pacific railroad. Re member you can save $6 on a ec .1iqq lii-ket and 210 on a first closs ticket by purchasing your tickets over this line. For maps and tickets, etc.,call on F.A.Burk hart, office opposite the First National bank. Altny, Or. Tames F Powell & Co. -HAVE OX m A Magnificent Array of Fris, PEACHES, PEAR3, APPLES, PLUMS, GRAPES, MELONS, AND ALL TROPICAL FRUITS, Choice Famliy groceries, Fruit, Vegetables, Canned Goods, Provisions. IFRESH GOODS : FUNN BLOCK, FiRST STREET, Fall AnriQuncemen IS NOW RECEIVING THE LARGEST AS WELL AS THE BEST SELECTED STOCK OF FURNISHING GOODS, GENTS' NECKWEAR, HOSIERY, GLOVES, GOSSIMERS & JDS am Ever brought to the fown of Albany. We invite comparison. AVe kn w we can please. Good honest goods low prices and courteous treatment. Respectfully, W. TO CIS FCR BARGAINS Not Belling at cost, but at prices that defy competition. Call and get pric. s. Our luuito is "live an 1 let live, quick sacs and small pruuto. flrDon't forget the place, McFarland Block. Resp'y, NEW C. B. E- ST0&S. ALBANY RON Manufacture steam engines, grist all kinda of heavy and light work in tion paid to repairing all kinds nf machinery. Patterns msdeon atortnotiot frtSTPT. fMiln( PT lVfittiM u i lrtnu nni.Miw a.. ITEBiD -AND- GENERAL PRODUCE MARKET. WANTED SPECIALLY Hay, oats and potatoes, to supply snstomer nn tka Cirann Psfii!e RsilrosA Ttinsinn snii mv insreasinff Toms tfadl wheref sell in quantities to suit the HAXD A- Table Delicacies and 11 kinds of -REASONABLE PRICES i DRY GOODS, FANCY GOODS, LADIES' HOSIERY, CHILDREN'S HOSIERY, Gin's UMBRELLAS, F. EEAD. THE and saw roil, machinery, iron fronts am iron and brass castines. Special atteD STOIiJE purchasers. Offices foot of Ferry atree RNET. 1 IIS, THK- lapina Roufo ! OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD T. K. HOOG, itecelver. LSI DregQii DeveiapmBnt Co.'? Steamsaliip Line no ini A3J 1 .1 'AND Hours Less Time Than by suy other.routo: 22 Aceomodsttooa uosurpaased tor raiuturt au atfety. Fares and trsigbts via Ya-iutna an OtM hrnann rtv Anmnt. mmimiii-'. hips, Dtnch less that by any other route wutm sii ihjuu ls in toe nujifib.t-ire vsj 1 a r. : uu am r nuicisoo. Sailing dates. raOM TA40WS. nilsmetta Vsllev Km- I at W V inn. Willamette Valley 20th Willamette Valley soth mox HAM raAHlISOb WrsUnn Oct 27 th Willamette Vslley.. Nov. Mh VilliniHto Vallev Nov. 15tli Wilkunettr Vulle 2th The couipsjiy reserve Ibe rlUt V cliaiij tjaiuers or aallluK dstcs. Oailt rsssKHSKR tkaiss Kxcept SumUys.) L Ysqatu 7.H 1 K I Lr Albany 12:20 r Corvsllit 10:3 sal" Corvallis l:i iff Ar Albany ::Jo a m I Ar Yquina 4 3S r. O i.C. (taiiie joDPt'Ct st Al!M ami v'i Wa. M Hn.i, C, 0. IIoous, Ocueral alanaicei. O. t P. arui - Corvsllls. O os EAST 1 SOUTH -VIA- SOUTHERN PACIFIC ROUTE. THE MM'NT SHST.A "OUll Cilif.iroia etpre-n tri'i run lail socru I NORTH 6:00 1) m..Lv Portland .. Ar.. tf:3.Saii 9 24 p m... Lr Alliany ....Lv :4Sam..Ar. ... 8. r'ra'icisco.Lv. . K:1A an 9'jI" pn Local las. 1 rain Daily- Ki. Sunda iiuo MlliiOouUnJIlli 8O0am..Lv.....p.rtInd....Ar.. 4:00 1 12:20 p m. .Lv. Albany .....Lv.. 12:00 an. 5:40 p mAr Rpiwhuix Lv.. .2')au. IielMiuan Braacta. 1:50 p a. .Lv Albany Ar.. 9:26 pm 2:36pm Ai Lebanon..... Lv . M:40aa 7;S0 a ni..L ' Albany Ar.. 4.26 pu 8.22am..Ar Lebanon ...... Lv.. S'40 pm albant local, daiay (Except Sunday)! 5.00 r a.. Lv.... Portland Ar ...9.00 am 0.00... Ar....Albiuy......Lv....5.00 a a PULLMAN BUFFETSLEEPERS. TOURIST. SLEEPING CARS, For accommodation of Second-Class Pa scalers attached to Express Trains, West aide Divlaloa. Between Poitland and Corvallis . Wall Train Dally -Except Sunday 730 a m . . Lv. ... Po.tlanJ ,.A.-.6Sp. m 12:10pm. .Ax. Conaiiis.. L.12.6Sp. m At Albany and Corvallis connect with trains ot Oregon PaciflcKailroad. Express Train Dally (Enipt Sundaj :40 p m. .Lv rortbnd .. Ar..tS:20jta 7:25 p m.. Ar MMinnnlle.I.v..; 6.45m- TIOUCaH TICKETS to All Pointa EAST AND SOUTH tfTat tickets aud full Information re garding ratrs maps, etc., call on company's attentat Albanv. B. KOKHLER, E. 1. ROGErUt, Manager Asst. O. F. A P. A TTCKET Canada acd Eu rope PULLMAN PALACE CAR SIEEFEF.S. Frss Oolonln 81asnlsr0ari Bob Tlrargh on Ei Tftt Train OMAHA, COUNCIL BLUFFM KANSAS CITY CHICAGO ND ST. LOUIS. Flrsant DlHlna fr V li 'hai r, TloM) Oonnect.l"n at Portland tnr n Fai cincn anil riiwrv a -unn poinui. &rRntm Imvp the OnmpsnW wharf, a th foot of Rriai1h!n atree. nn Tutdav an PHrlav of a-h wwik C fl RAWI.INRS. fiti ticket and FreUrht irent ' . vl . ivrral TralBr Manatrr, T. W. Lt.K, THE MAEKETS. AI.BANT QCOTAT IOKA Wheat-2 OaU 38c Flour 4.25 per bbl PoUtoes 50c Eggs 22c Butter 2025c Lard 10l2jc Hams 1415c. Shoulders 6(35 8c Bacon 10012c Hops 20c Hay Timothy, $16, oats and cLeal, 12. App ea Green, 40 .50 oer bu. Pfu n Dried, 43c per lb. App'rs dried bleached 9c sundried a 8 c. Chickens 4.505 00 Hides Bef bides, green, 4 c 10 c : deer skins, 20c; sheep pelts, 10 75c, according to wool. Reef 22Wc gross. Mutton 3 00 per head. Koga 5fic, dressed. Lard Ke-ri, or 5 gailoa tins, llo, palls li- THOS. 13 ' Aud w.,at you can't find at other houses, I have it. In fact ever -thing tha in kept in a first-class house ., FOR SALK BY ALL DKl'UOISTS. "Sonie'tnonllis so 1 nun liKsed a b- of Dr. J. P. Sill's Catarrh Cure for in-, own una tut tinJinij my nephew, C. 1 McMalian. Deeding h uiL'li cine 1 let bim have my box of medi cine. 11c now sends for three more boxes, tuyiu It is the best thinjr far catarrh ever tricl ly him I'rl'his friends. 1 rot another box - use in my case, and cheerfully reco.utucud it toothers. (Signed;. JOHN McMAfTAX, kx-County Commissluncr Lam Co. Oregon, SprlnKfleld, Lane county, Oregon. Prof J, W .lolinson, prcsiiJent of the Statu university, says it cured liim ol acoinrh after two other prescriptions li id failed. Likewise two of his little iriria use J it to cure their eougus. Mrs Mark Bailey, wife of Prof, liaiicy, sent it to Prof. Johnson, and recom mends it to all who sulVcr from colds and counhs. For cough- i: acts like a chut in, and cm hi inhilcd into the jipes or iasu,es, wheie no other cough cures ?au reach. ALBANY Mkmk ALBANY, IBlltotP, 0REC0X IHS8 ISS-.I A Eull Coips of I II St I M. IMS. Classical, scientific, literan', r, mmcreia. and normal classes. Cnnrse f Ftudy ar ranecd to meet the needs of all cnl, nl dtudents. SjeJal indnccn:riits offered to students from abroad. Tuition miitfcs from 5..' lo 81i.50 Ter leua.. fubtruuur.Uu iiistnu-ticti i;i u.Ut(v- w; (iven by Miss Laura (loitra. Board in priate fanitliea at low ra'cs, and rootna for K- lf txiar.linir at small expense. A careful suervuMu!i exercised over pup . iway from home. For circulars and full particulars, address ibe president. KfcV ELL1KHT N. CONIilT, Alnany, Viegcu, BANK OF OREGON, ! ' ALBANY, OREGON. K PITA 1... $50,000 President...... l ice I'rrs Cashier II. t:lt INT .11. r. M! KKII.f.. ...J.ll IV. ICI ifx. directors:! II. Brtast, .1. ., tiBO. H CM 111 RET, t ' II, StF.WAIU, E. J. La.nnino, II, K. ME.iim.u i Grand Oyster hm AT THE DELMOJSTICO. ! Oysteis kr sale in Ijvjre or etnall quantities. fjBT'E&'ixeru and Coat oysters. FIRST NATIOIULBARE IWANSACTS A Chi i.!tAL LA.NK1M; . IlLbiAKi!:. PUKSIDENT L. KLtNN . Vl'K PRES1KE.NT S. " YOCNO. AsniKu b. w. LA:r-os S. HL Yorxo, L. Flpss L. E. KuaiN, F. F. Sox. K. W. La.nodon Cashier, . CITY RESTAURANT. Hariiij; lie, n entirely remo 'tW, this old and popular restaurant wiil lie made tirst-elans in ccry rsct, Tli- j'nhlic will he I'lven good nneals t .,!l hi'iira f -r lv 25 eents. Every thing neat and attractive. Ovstert ,r ..v.rv vie W A NMiHPK MIL'S I KVi:A lit KK I'ILL. Act on a new principle regula ting the liver, stomach and bowels thtougli the nerves A now d's covery. Dr. Miles' Fills speedily cure biliousness, bad taste, torpid liver, pilep, constipationr Cn equaled for men. women, children. Smallest. mildest, surest! 60doses for 2" ceuta. Samples free, at Stanard & Cusick. FOSHAY & MASON Whslesale and RcUU Druggists Booksellers ALBANY, OREGON DT. WVUAS hasrentfw the Pacific Mil ual Li'e and Accident Insuranc Co. al so agent for Fire Insurance Co., Albany Or- SAN WA has removed h s laundry to the iron house ou the comer of Seeond and Lyon streets. CECOOL bEK. ON DRAUGHT, DRAWN iroin the cellar, at si, Baumgart BRINK Keeps a fine assortment of Fine parlor suites, bed-room suites, window shades, tied and single lounges, book cases, and cupl'os!.'." t xten jion and tables, curled hair and wool niatticsccs, wove wire mattresses, wieker it chairs, Lo'.hteads.both great aud sinill chairs of nil kinds, aud the t Wiineler & Wilson sewing machines. Ail goods jiald at bedrock prices. .A FULL STOCKJOF- Staple Groceries Crockery. Glassware. Hie lt quality cf teas, coffees, car dick uuta, tc. FRESH BAMJD BREAD EVERT DAY. At this old reliable house Is also to t e found a complete assortment of fresh faml'j oceriei, to which is comttantly belMrsdd)) all the scasonaide liaes of groceries and pro visions, such as Cranberries, Fine Pickles, Dried Beef Chipped to order Anchovy Mustard, Candies and Nuts, t astern Buckwheat Flour, Cannsa Goods of All Kinds, Bohemian Glassware, Eic, ! These K.vids were all bo'urht when price ere low and the bencilt ol He niarpn will U ' Ui 1,19 cuiUiuiers. Keinci:i!K-r the place. ' at the old corner nn Kirsla-id liro.tlJlnn bts. j Conrad 3?r. DR. VV. C. NEGUS, (Iraduate of the Royal Cclluge oi London, England, also of the Kelle vue Medical College. The Dr. has spent a lifetime of study and practice and makes a spe cialty of cl'.ronio diseases, removes cancers, serofcla enlargements, turr.ore itid wens, without paiu or tlio kiiife. lie iil.-o makes a specialty of treat n.ent with e'ectricity. Has practi. -d in the German French and English hospital's. Calls promptly atteuded day or His inulto ia "HOOD WILL TO ALL." ryOlfiec and residence Ferry street, Swtwwn Tli-td and Fruirth. FTl.XTO. Milium.'' tlL'KlTlVfl & I'IDUV fM AUG 'P1IOSE a first-class in 1 s'rjireiit, the best made to stand the cliroitc "i this coasr, can be suited byoa'Iin? it M s. li K. .. uian's, op,Nisite the .Masouii 'tim.ili, Kl;uta;ret. The latest vocal and music kept for sale. Alse th largest assortment of otinpim; patterns selo t from thid side of "''riaexj. i;ivi-;i in pAiiitiii aud eniDroiticr at her tu-!:o over l.i:ia County Uank. Oive hei yom order and you wili be leascl. mm : & : FI2H, : Job : Frintsrs ! FUHM BLOCK AL3ANY 03. F0S BON DAT. A fine pheasant, Sweet potat(x-8, celery, j C iiuunower, l arrots, ! A fat hen, ! Cranbcnit'8, turnips, ! A l ine Fry, French peat. asfarasua, MuHlirooms, Frcticli In-ans, A fat goo.-e, Grapcf, bananas, Oraiit;cs, Ictione, Swir-s cliccs1, Cream cheese, Alul all tl.' U'kj I things of iife, nice ;unl lrt-h :it Mueller vV t.iat- rttt'e, the leading grocers. Take the Union 1'aciiie railway i for the East, ihi ty-five hours ' quicker than anv ether trant-con-; tincntHl line. Decant new dining : cars, l'ullman palace sleepers, free j family sleeping cars run throuah j to Denver, Otoaha, Council Itlufle, j Kansas City, St. Louis and Chi : cago. C. ti. Hawiins, city ticket ; atient, foot of Hroa lulhin ptreet. I'usture. t j Mr. John Ccllan has the east hall of the Monteith pasture lying : on tli" o ist side of the ditch, "and ! will take stock to pasture, l'er j sons wihiiig pasture for animals ! will apply personally to him at his ! residence. Price for pasture one UDiiar er niontn. Notes of Albany Cigar Factor;-. If vou want a real choice tinoke try our 10 center. Why euioke a Chinese made cii'ar now that you can get a far superior one at J. Joseph's cigar actory, made by -white labor? Try our celebrated 5 cent Havana filled white labor cigars. We mase a specialty of selling cigars of our own make by the box at factory prices. Fine Meerschaum and Briar pipes and a full assortment of smokers articles. Viereck will shave you or cut your hair in the most approved stvle, .For all kinds of green or diy fruit boxes call at the Sugar Pine Door & Lumber Company's ware house, Albany, Or. Thos. Kay Woolen Mill blankets and flannels for sale by G. V. Simpson, agent at Albanv. Oreran. K.est Value, ever Drought to tbjs 1 City. i i star Me REAL ESTATE - and Loan Broker Large list of good farm and ctj property for stile. Loans money ou real estate ia Linn and adjoining counties. Insurance written up in reliable companies. Notary Public aud conveyancera Call on or write me. S. IT. STEELE ft CO. ALBANY, - - OREGON OKAUCRS IX stoves,:tihware, house mtuusHitss Manufacturers of galvaniaed iron cornice. Plumbing a specialty. (Jive us a call. THE STATE li I it it a MiMIITllTMl I'AllnffA I s OPENS SEPTEMBER 12, JsW. A Course of study arranged ex preesly to meet tne needs of tue farming and mechanical interests of the state. Large, commodious and wel ventilated buildings. Tbe colle ie a located in a cultivated an I Christian community ,and one of die healthiest in the state. Military training. Expenses need not exceed $150 for the entire session. Two or more free scholarships from every Oregon county. Write for catalogue to B. L. IRKOLD, Pres. Corvallis, Oregon. riie People's Bakery1 Frsi Srd Fia id Cabs DAILY. Fine Cakes a Specialty. BLACKBURNT A PIRONI, i) i: GROCERS AND BAKERS HOPKINS 1 ,1ft nuiiuuiiuioj warn RED CROWN MILLS . lSOM, LA.lti t lrips NEW PROCESS FLOUR. -(Superior for Family and Baker's use) Best SiQrane Facilities, 3I!heet'cash prior aid for wfccaAVa LBANY - OREGON I. A. CROWDEB. C. W. CBOWDBB CROWDER BROS Contractois and Builders. JiHce on First street with Wal 1 ce & Cusick, real estate agents, Jbany, Oregon. Estimates given n ail kinds of buildings or car pen or work. All work intrusted to s will bd promptly executed. JOHN SCHr.!EEiTS Li?erj. Feed Sale ssabie Corner Settmd and EtUtsn'Ji 8U y, - vRfcuon IT wsrK soaaDw l.y the Uay moth. Oar Llriaosor buirtcs n reasoaabls tsnw r6ol SIKAXEY t.XAULtl, LIVERY. FEED AND SALE STABLE; 4th St , bctw jen Elkvorth and L;oo, ALllAXy.OKEOO.S. tlorses tiartrtl by the day or Boatb. C'irrUvc4or buiuun' at reason bis terM Ur .e. t raiie s specialty . AiMny - Bath Home AND HAIR DRESSING SALOON, JOSEPH WEUBEK, PROPRIETOR; ."""Ladlef and cliiidteD'a hair dreaa. ii h bpccialtr. DntUe MLUsfavtios iiaranttwd ; A New Repair Has just been opened on First street, opposite the Rubs House, where you can get all kinds ol broken articles mended. Clocks, guns and locks repaired, key fit ted, etc. Work from the country promptly attended to. :FINE DRESSED CHICKFN8: AND GEESE -AT i MUELLER A GARRETT'S : TAKE THE CAB FROM RATES: Shop mm STABLES I To any part ot the city, fl . h ot calling, first hoar tlXO.ea nbsequent hour 1.