'A -- i " '-.:V-.:s-' J' 1-5 ' ' ' - '- '- " ' - ' - - "J4- ' . L MORNING HERALD,TnURg ,v onrmiMtt 2 " ' " ' t . 1 A Klpo Otil'tse. J. II. Il'jlcome ftiul ' fe, of li!liervill. IVxas. iiave i-ek-1 b'ttu thfir tiitv liith Vfldiiig; i ti i. .1.. i ! anniversary, ami are sun nan- nun j lieartv. 1uj t-eu-ct ol ineir luiijji hie uiil Bk t ueiiilli is that they oirrei-t any sli-'lit auniiini prompt- K- ami in t!i tt way avoi-l eoroui xifkius. Liku mo-t every one .li.i. they arc hum frwiuently tn.:lll'..-.l With C-!l-)tlpatlf.l HllMI anviiilu-r !ivj'.:il ilisi.r-ier T. ...... !,:. t i-v 'nkHSt. i'.itrii k'n i I III 1L1 . vi" - Pi.i.ii.i i u'M'ii- e to ai-y ottier, I nt-canne, us Mr. 11 ji; iinf Bays, j "Tucy are a mil I iiil nl, esi'tes keep "lie whole fyarem i i tux i or ler. We pri.u them very: l.i'ilv." tors.ic by toaltay &i M.uoii. Drn'isl. T!i Iiii.irovetl Jijler aud linker. In tlild lay -if inventive genius many articli-s are Uinsj; mule that are oisu:painrf utility. In th cuUnary line, 'jik- f ih-i mt use iul ot ttuve U A Li:er-t iinpiove.l roa-tvT aii-1 lake-. K-in a v ry useful ainl lc-.ia!!e ar.ido for tverv housewife in the l.ui-l. Mra. A. .ll. rait, t.f this c:'y, i. .s th-atfi-ney for l.i.ui county, and sirea t place nc i'i every well rt-niatetl family. She a!so .lesircs to i-l.ice tbmn in tiie hanlaof io?al j .n'Hiit. in ditfereiit iart9 of the j countv. For particulaM allrenH her at ttii-1 i'y. I'. O. box V7, or call at thia office. llorxn LuU Straye-l away fiom the pla e of til iii)ecriler on bection llJ in Sweet Uoius in Linn county On i'..n. oiip hi irk mare, three y-:irs ,i I, a in.uk on t e left shoiil.ler ron-i-iti"? of lvv. roiui-l rp-'-s like, a .f of aectafl ;-, the itht hint ( t aa I t'i5 l'-it trout foot wlii'e. i Hit a halter on when h'io lift.; Leave word at this otttce or a tln-MS the und-rii-4iied. Octoh.r H, ISii.l. C. Uaddatz. Sweet Home Or. Jacket ami Wraptt. I am now r veivin. my f.!l and winter stock ..f la lies, mil's js and ;:!. ln;n jackets and wraps wh .: ar of tii; latest siyle and ""d value and as cheap as htand ud j'o.ds can b-. -HMU'lit. I hav; a t ..I Li lies Newmarkets carried over ir-iii last year, which l am aellmn at cost to'm.ik.! ro nil for new ar rivals. amckl E. Vol'Ml. A i ! I'nuiili Sjruj.. There is n'tii"mi; parents should 80 careful alioiil a st;Ircli:i! eouli .yriip. Beitas riierry couli ymp i- uieetin'.' with wonderful piuee-. 'i tie Ik-sI is imiie to good. Ue sure ! rel lU-sr. Kverj ImiIIIc is win rallied . ! drnjits kee-; it. Hopkins Bros, havs bet io-i!e an el-. uit nickel phi id stove w :.ii:t lit-v proMse to .'ivs to their cu--otii-jis. By fading a itr am amount you get a ticket in the drawing an l Hie lucky licki t bolder draws tin; fctove. tioand me them n:l ham t'ue par ticulai b. Lailiro l-'lne Sliur. I make a specialty of mndiiiu la.lies tine ii I carry some of the te-t brands nude in line and medium grade in widths irom A t EE. -id W:ir:.uit-.-d goods; no tt-tuli 'in I uilT ri-o lir unv i.iir f .t..oia, . ..... ! J t - tlioes A anv ki'iil sold iiiat will r.por'reik". a-.'iel K. Wui g. li.-IittiieV Fair. Have yoii i-een to the fiir Jet? I". veryixjdv g s ihere for the name ii asoii. Every one goes to Mueller iV ia'rt:Tt's to ;el their H'Ocetie aid d-licaeies; ibey git what they want. The Union Pacitic are no v run nngtwodadv ttauis through to (.'nicago in three day?, carrying all ri issed oi pa.seiigvrs in boiii ti lins. having Pul.man steep rs, to.irists sleepera and free rcd.nin i i air cars attached. Pa-seugcis c -'i now leave Pordand at . m. u id'Jf. M. For sleeping car try t ivation. etc. apply 'o C l.w 1 gs, loot of llioadalhiu l ei t. Sick headache is th ! bane of many lives; to cure and pMve'it this annoying complaint use Dr. J. II. Mclean's l.ivei an I Kidney pillelp. I'liey are igleeaidc t0lal.e and genii ' 111 lin-ii aclion. There aie many accidents and ' diseases wbicii allccl sbx-k anil: cause iiicvnveiiiini e and loss to : th f:irm-r in his work, which may ' remedied ly the u- D . .1. ll. -McLean's Volcani : t.I l.inoi.i ui. 1 Th Thomas Kay 'A'oo'len Mills of ."aleui, have appointed W. S inpsoii tSeir agent in Albany. A mil line of men and hoys clotbior blankets and llamiels an l nil aiti-i-les manuf.ii-tured by the mill will b-- kept in stock. These g sls aie t'ie hes' in the market and will! i:ive entire s in.-l.'eii .ii. Buy your lit kets to the ea v'a t the Canadian I'aciric la boa l .- i best railway service in exi.t e! fiom o to $lt) cheat er tl. tu i other traiiseoi liiunt I Im , T liliest M-enrry in the worUI is :ou tbet'anadian I'aeilic mil load. Ke inenilier you can save o on a c nnd class ticket and flu on a ti r cl.its tick t l v piiieliaMi ir ui l:ekeISOM-r tins line. lor map mill tickets. tt- ,cali e-n F.A.I ar. k-j bait, ollice opposite tt.c Fiu.t j ...... ..i i ....i. ii. ... ,. i . i mionai t.iiifv. .11.11'j, i'i I 'I ho l iili.n I'aeilic. Ii the only lin runniui; tw-'ij fast trains! daily Irom lor' land to O naba, St. Paul, Kan-;is City, j Chicago, St. Loui." and ail iiitt? j East and S-'ii'b. Buy y. nr tickets of C. ti. Raw lings, ijt o: Broad-j albin street, Albany. Secure your railroad, steamship and sleeping ear tickefs to all . point .ort:i, olltll and .hast via ' the Union l'ucitic riiilwaj', and save ti'ne and money. Ticket offiue on Bro:id.!lbin t. . ! I I I . - - BHaBHMMaMaM iimffl k Maiita At a Vonn nn mi n! brink dUOfl im sbwap, if. ii '( i in i iiiiiiiiiii i 1 1 1 1 1 1 i i i ii i in f ji.ii i ii ruiiiriiii i i liiiiiii i w. iiii i uviuiuu nvvuu i t; i tv Keens a l m assoi-tiiwt r ' " i rut y i kjl i it !. ! IB I II If 1 rfMsVsaa . . - l'rn:.rti-tiir .-if 1 I IB 'IIIIBMF. i s & r m m i !. i . r m -jtw - - i w H v v HAVE 0 H .ND y f "iJfMaaiP ' i ' ! Oregon Dsvelonment Oo.'s Gffiii I fifl iklmrom: I A Hairnifipint Arrav of Pwiils 125 JEfiSSiRTi .-JakLiJffi 4 . llllVnUUIUUilt 1JI llll.l Ul A 1 UlLDl 1 "it IHMI '! ll I I . -'i .-in aiiiii?. ai. L!i, PPI.VClIE-l, lK.tt APi'LKS, PLUMS, GRAPES. Choice Famliy groceries, Fruit, Vegetables, Canned Gooda, Provisions. eFRFSFI GOODS : FU.VN BLOCK. FiRST STREET. VLBANY PARKER BROS., KKEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND- '.'CAKES 'FOR'. '..WKIiIUNtJs- vFliFSII FRUITS BER-V KI I f- AND VEGETABLES choice TaLlo Delicacies and a Full Li t: r taucy and Staple Groceries and Pro visions, Canned Goods, Nuts, Candies, Etc, Etc Fill Ijiue of Import Fail Announcemen IS NOW RECEIVING THE LARGEST AS WELL AS THE BEST SELECTED STOCK OF FURNISHING GOODS, GENTS' NECKWEAR, HOSIERY, GLOVES, Ladies ai CLOCKS: 30SSIMERS & I Ever broug'it to the town of Albany. We invite comparison. We j U:i tw we cm please. Good Inmost goo . low prices mid coui teou iiviii.iieiit. i.Vspecl fully, W. TO Iff Ml C. 1 1 - FCR BARGAINS Not selling at cost, but at prices that defy competition. Call and gi tpnces . Oiir motto is "!.ve and let live, quick sales and sinal' prol.ls. rD..i.'l forget the place, AlcFarland Ulock. Resp'y ALBANY IRON WORKS, 7n '""-re steam engines, grist and saw mil. machinery,"iron fronU and V' k;llU8 of '1;avy "d light work in noaand brass castiugs. Specia'. atten ,ljn P u PnK H kiuds of machinery. Patterns made on stort notice A. COSTEL, i'residoat. P LING KAN, WeUry, JOHN UOL1IAN, Sup'i arm irr mi rn,it nrmiSiiniiaanj jqnniai v - 1 and 'JwWrV-. TT j 22 Hours Less Time , ummt riLO) by aiiy oiher.rjuie: J MELOXS, AND ALL TROPICAL FRUITS, Table Delicacies and all kinds of "REASO-VABLE PRICES BAKERY. PROPRIETORS. FRESH P KEI .'.'. BREAD.. il anil Domcntic Cigar BEAD: DRY GOODS, FANCY GOODS, LADIES' HOSIERY, CHILDREN'S HOSIERY, UMBfELIoAS, F. READ. Mras iUYS RIG THE- NEW YOBS C. S. B. STOBE. I I i : x xw vvii --rr?- - f j i ui. r i i (OREGON PACIFIC KAILROAD JfesOagL Ml f Ii i ! HI ;.,...,... i - - i mi m HHHi wi rmm lira iki hi i . . . i j i i i ; i r i -1 ; i : i i : 11 I oteamslilp Lino j ggiCJCSnWlfTSn i jik! .ui.iM ir!s-, iMiii'ii.i, an-i L ' w "ow i"-iiriii ArcomodAtion. uniiirpaffseil for comfort an lety. Karon im? freiirlits via Yaiuiua an ibe Oregon love opmcnt conuianya ibirn, much lwt that lr nay Wlmr route een all points to the ni!llanetrr Val did San Frnci;'. 8AILINO DATES, re.oH TAqmiia. Willamette Valley ..Oct. 4t.t. WV uh Willajiette Valley a J FROM BAS rRAXCiat'O Wratlon C'cMStli illauielte Valley.. ZM WUiauielte Valley . The wniiiy reserve the ri-ht to chaiic teamera or tailinif date.. C. II. 11 iwkll, Jr., lieu V. & P. Aeut. Moutrfuinery Btret '., San FroociM, C'al Remember the Omnm Paeilie ivim. In Huimuer excursions. Low rat. ex ur?ioD tickets are on Bale ever W e IiiksiIuviIIiI Salllrrl'iv from U.-i C-.r.-allis and Pbilooiulh to V.tiUin. mid for ti e reluru trips until Sei.t.-iu berin. OMIT PAXIIIIIIRR TR4IN8. Kxceit aumt.ejB.) b va(iir a 7 :u a l.v Albany 12:20 r vurvauii in:a a oorvall l-M pi Ar Ainany :, I Ar Vaiijiia 4'2 r. O. S.t.. Cai-iif .purest at Ailuli imu i W. M. IToao, C. HOttrn, General Miiiaifui Acting O. K A P. wui !rvilll. o on EAST SOUTH VIA PACIFIC SOUTHERN ROUTE THE-MOUNT SHASTA '"Oim Cilif.rni:i expredi train ruu daily sul'rii j I MOKTH ..I'.irtlaiiJ ....Ar.. 9.36 aD ..Albany Lr.. 6: IS hi, .. S. Francisco. Lv.. 9 00 in 6.-O0pin..Lv... tf.sTa p iu..Lv. . 1:46 a m..Ar... Loeal I1 '. Train bally- (Ex. Sunda. 8i0a m..Lv.. ...Portland . . . .Alliany..., JlOHehurir. . , ..Ar. .Lv. ..Lv. 4:00 n 12:00 an . tiOao 12:20 pm..Lv.. b:40 p mAr.... Leuauou Kraut-h. l:50pLv.. 2:.l p m Ai . . . a iu..L .Albany... . Leuauou. , Alliany...., Lebanon... ...Ar.. ... Ar.. ...Lv.. 9:26 pn. 8:40 an 4. JO pn !t4ii pii 8.22aiu..Ar . ALBANY LOfAI,, UAIAV (KXCf t Suilda) .to r M..Lv....I,orlluiid....Ar....QOi i !-00 Ar Albany l.v K.mi a PU LLM AN BUFFETSLEEPERS. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS For accommodation of Second -i:Iuh p. aenKora attached tu Fxprean i rani. Heal llt l vision. Between I'oiUand and Corralli Mall Train Itnily-Except Sunday 70 a m . . Lv. . . . po.t Ian 1 " . . Ar . S 30 n 12U0 pin. .Ar t:rrauig.. L 12.&.,i(. At Albany and Corvillia train of Oregon PariflcKailroad. Cxprran Train Hull-(Except Sunda. 4:40 p m..Lv.. 7:26 p m . Ar.. ..Portland ... Ar.. ..MeUinnville.Lv.. 8:20 an k 5.45 an THROUGH TICKETS lo All Point EAST AND SOUTH larKor tlckcu and full information re jrardinir ratea luapg, etc.. call on coiniwm'n agent at Alhanv. ' R. KOEULKR, E. P. ROGERS, Man mrer Atot. G. F. & P. A TICKET o and Ironi prin ilm' points in th. t'uit.d Statu,, (.'ana .'a and Eu rope PULLMAN PALACE CAR SLEEPERS ' Fin Oolonist EleenlnpiOajs Bob Through ot Ex tsu Trains OMAHA. COUNCIL BLUFFS KANSAS CITY, CHICAGO AND ST. LOUIS. Clrtcanl aew lllulns t'ars Mil Cliflfizr, Close Connection at Portland for San Frai cweo and Puet Sound points. (Boats leave the Cnmpanv's wharf, a' the foot of Broadall.in street, on Tuesiliv an ' Priday of each week. C. U. RAWLI NOS, City ticket and Freight Alrciit C.. MILLK. Ceairral Trafllr Manager. T. W. LKE. ti. f. A. THE MARKETS. Sl.n ANT DICTATIONS. Wheal Oats :c flour 4.24 per l.bl Potatoe Slc Eggs 'ile , Butter 'MdcfiT Lard lOOTIJc. Hams Mai i.V. Shoulders- H(Sc. Bacon lutgl-Jc Hops 'JOe. Hay Timothy, P5, oats and cleat, 113. App es-'Jreen. 4"a .50 uer bu. Phi dt Dried, &(a,v. per H. App'es dried bleached Dc sundricd Chickens 4.505 00 Hides Be-f bides, gresp, 4 c, 10 c : deer skins, 20c; sheep pelt. 10 7ac, according to wool. Beef 222Jfc gross. Mutton '2 00 per bead. Hogs 5&6C, dressed. Lard -Kegs, or 5 gullca tins, lb , pails 15c And v thin-' tha at you can't find at other liouscs.I have it In faa every -lb Kept in a first-class hous. Grand Oyster Oneu'iur AT THE UELMOAICO. Oysters for pale in l.irgj or small quantities. S?"Ea-.teju and Coa-t oyeters. f'lKST BAl'luHiLBiJIK rKANSACTS A UUSiWKSb. I'RKSIDKNT L. FL1N.N. Vr K PKKSIOF..NT S. F VOUSO. CASIIItK E. W. La". ION. S. E. Yorecs, L. Flins I. twx. E. W. Lancton C'asl'iur. iA.N A lias removed "l laundry t the O ir-iu house on llic co. ier ol Sei-oud nod l.you ettceU. ICKCOOLBEE.'IOV DRAUGHT, DRAW fr.nii the cellar, at M. I5au mgart's. CITY RESTAURANT. Having been entirely remo kit. I, thia old and popular rettauraotv.il! be ma Ic tirt.t-e.laa8 in every n pi ct. The pnlilic will lie given good nieais t all hours for oulv 25 cents. Every tiling neat aud attractive. Ovetcrs in -very style. W. A. M;hkk. BANK OF OREGON, ALBANY, OREGON. CAPITAL. SO,0m Prealtlrnl... lee rTta... Cashier II. IHt tT .11. v. utitimi. ...JAI . ULll.t. DIKGCTOKS:! H. Bhtaxt. .1. W. Di.ais. tiBi. Hcm iiKET, t;- H. Stewakt, E.J. Lannixo, U. F.Meukilu ALBANY fflstidik ALBANY, 0RLG0H MM.. ...iHsn A Eull Corps of IcMructois. Classical, sdentiflr. litorarv. mnmrr.ii Dd normal flames. Courseo ol ntudy ar ranired to m.-et the needn of all irradm ol student. Siccini inducements etfercl to students from abroad. Tdition ranees froo' 1 5.M I 913.M Per Trrm. Instrumental instruction in music i ivrn by Mts ltura Goltra. Hoard in private families at low rate, ans rooms for self hoarding at small exnenae. A careful supcrvimon exercised over .duo away from home. forcirciUarsaud full particulars. mMrm. the president. REV. ELBERT N. C0ND1T, Allny, Orefron, ... parent. T ry it, and if sitisfaelioii i FOB SALE BV AIX DRUGGISTS. j oot pVf.Q jt , C;Jat you IK,1,.1;, "Some months oeto I nnrehased a j It is fully warranted, G. L. Black boy of Dr. J. P. 3i IV Catarrh Cure for man. druggist. in. own use. out finding ray nephew. - C. v . McMahan. needing such nir.-Ji- j cine I let bim hive my box of modi- i To the Ituyers of Shoes, cine. He now sends for three more, We are olTerio.. um,. r..rr. ),., boxes, lying it is the best thine ror i ;c1'1t"" rare bar- cntsrriicver tried by him and his ft.1118 1 ulc" , B aud I,l'lie3 6ho!S friends. 1 got another box to use in ! sell you the same shoes that my case, nnd cheerfully recommend it looiiiers. (Signed), JOHN MeMAfTAN. Kx-County ComniissioniT Lane Co. Oregon. Sprintrfleld. Lane county, Oregon. Prof .1, W, fohnson. president of the I State university, says it cured him of a cousrn atier i wo other prcseriptinns i are new ana nrst cutas m everv lud failed. Likewise two of his little '. particular. A. B. .McIi.wain rirls lise.1 It to cure their eoinrlis. Mrs Mark Bailey, wife iif Prof. Builey, " sent it to Prof. Johnson, and recom mends it to all who antler from colds ! Corset! Corset! anil coitus ro.- eoug , , aeis like liurin. it tin Ciin Ik mhaliwl intA fl... ' jipes or p:isai', wlune cough cures oan reach. no other FOSHAY & MASON Wholesale and .Retail A LB AN V ORB ON DT. WVMAS isairent f ir the Pacific Mu 'tiol Life and Ac.-i.leut lnsAiranc Co. n!. ao ajf.-ut for Eire ln-.raoc Co., Albany Or. Hello there? Do you know Jester is th only man in Albany that can sell you eastern tijke Those anticipating buying a type writer should see the Smith Premier machine, which has superior points above all others. Apply to Prof. II. M. McKee of the college. Drwis's l ine l ai i-T ; in iiiv'.-iiHiin Rliitcf, uii..!iiw tli:i,l-, l.i.ii iinl .-intle liiiinjef-, linol; o n.s jikI eiiilM ir!s-, I'Meii 'inn a'l'l 1li1.il y taliii s, eiirlui' liair.tre; vieol mnItiet-M , wove wtf iiia'iiecaii, wi-ker ciiai.-n, 1 cnsleiulb l ill j;it.il:iu.l m ,i chairs el nii Uiini, an l in Wheeler A U ile.ni M:vin. Uia:liiia"s. Ail "'' ial.l a bedrock prices. riles! Pilei.: I'lle: lr William's Indian Pile 'Mntinon. is the only Mire cure lnr Idii il. M 1 1 or iteii'iiir piles ever liiseoveie. It never fails lo cure old caces of lo:u standing. Judri! Coons, Maysville, Ky, nv? "Dr William's Indian Pi:e lul -nei.. cured nie after years of suCeriii." J udgc ColMniitirv. Cleci-laTid (). - iys "I UHVe ouiid liy evperienee :!ia! IN Will 11 . I ..ill Pile Oill'IilUIlt 'ie: 11 . .in re t -r:-i .tieiit lelief." We liave hliiuhei's of eueh lesti moiiials. Do not sutler an iii!"t;iii longer. Sold by drugtrists ut um' I per box. Soll Ly Kosliay Mi-.soi Albany, (Jregon. Tliat a I oil 11 lie Is a eood, be.iltby, pearly .fb in . Few are aware 01 ue hlie.i t iiinr ! t:ikes a disordered liver to eaue 1 O'e .es on the face and a dark greet; .1 liottie of bejirs blood iuiiiier aii blood maker will ictore. this ur'un le its naUiral and heallliy state and ei-jiinses 1 lie blond of nil impurities 7t is mcctii'g with woutieifui meoet Try it. It i guaranteed. All drug gists keep it. DR. W. C. NEGUS, Gia.biato of the Royal Colli-.;.; o: Lindoc, England, alaoof tiie ilelle vue Medical Coiiegr. The Dr. lias aMut a liletiie.o ..) study and practice and m.-kes u tpe cialty rd ehrnnio diseases, rcmovtt caucers, bcrnii'ia eularcen ciiis,Uiinrr ind wens, without pain or the knife lie abo makes a speci:.!ty d treji: inent with electrici' v. Has prtctn 1 in the Ger.nan lreii.:!i aini Ki.jjisl, hospitals. Cails promptly attuudu.i lav or night. Mis n hois "GOOD WILL Tl ALL." C90:Iiu. aud iesi.4m.n- I-ei 1 y st.rHO. l-flw-wn l h'-.l Knitttie LADIES' UNDERWEAR Oriillrmcii h Ahlils, hllilieu I lolh 1 11, ami All Ladles Ciiirmenis mud tu order 11 1 I lie JapatieSeBazaarsitore r.Rieiw vitRT low. KWONG ft'tiKSECO. Stoie 01. First Street next tc Sjne;r ii l!lae!l.urn . I tVuiiian s Itlsruvqry. "Anolhi-r wonderful discovery ha beeu made nnd that too by a lady in this county. Disease fastened itt clutcbes upn her aud foi seven year she withstood its severest teste, bal her vital organs were undermined and death seemed imminent. For three uionlhs rlic coughed iuees:iutly am) could not sleep, She bought of u s bnltleof Dr. King's New Ii--eover for ('ciisiiiiiptidii and was so much re ieved on takinz lirst dose Unit she slept all night and with one bottle ha": j 'K-en luiracuiousiv cureii. :ier name . is Mis. Luther Liits." Thus write W. C. llami iek V Co. of Shelby. N. C tiet a flee trial bottle at Io.--ii.iy .v Mason's Drug Store TAKE TIIE CAK rno.M iVi u. iV)i RATES: To any part ot the city, 5i cents. For calling, lirst bom f i.ft), can subserjuont hour$ 1. I lie I'rlde of ttomaii. A clear peaily and ti-.-iusp.ii. i.t sl-.ie Is always a sij;n of pure bi,..l, an.: til persons tumbled wit'u d.n-k, greasy, yellow or blotched hkin can re.st absured that their blood is out ot jnler. A few -b.i-ea of Ul-'HiS KI.O01) PUlUFUlit an-l PLOtll' ii.iM-.n win remove t!.e cause ana I ; the skiu will liecume clear and trans- I other bouses show you made bv the same manufacturer in sbott they are the same goods for much less money. Call and see our prices we guarantee' to save from '20 to 50 per cent on each pair of j shoes purchased. These goods I We make a specialty J of li i'pp ! I and misses fine corsets and w i ts. i e nave a sateen corset drive in a at 75 cents. ' licb xtra good value. Samitki. E. Y NO. .Vol a alirornla Itenr. Anybody can euteh a cold this kind Of Weather, 1 lie Iroiible is -,o let go, iikc ine 111 u 11 who caiiiit iiie bear, advise our readers to purehise of i roshav & Mssou botlle of Santa A ell lie, the Ca fortiu KingofCnnsuii.p. i tl Flhmi Bronchitis Ti: ',., 1, , .! n;. r,.I": '.i i .' - , 'UiUl '..J : on Croup pleasing to the taste and death to the i f . . ?! -""s"ctM o uanuy. 1 is . i auu.c eoiupiuillis. OOIU St fl Oil a bottle or 3 for 2 60. California Cat-K-Cure gives immediate relief. The Catarrhal virus is soou d:placcd by its healing snd penetrating nature Give it a trial. Six months treatment 1 00 ntbvraail I Cumujing's for choice soda wa ter. Wilcox & Conn's photograph gallery. to furnish choice, ra.l.-, c.'it;!.till:?ol I'tirv- s-tn k. iwirc! flavor. tMvl eaiidies. -'t;i -i.ii i, and eli il t.- er.tmm. fanc niive l, ei... I.,), .ml a ,i...nl ajvrliueiit if 11 v eaiid.e. If !. !'.-!'. IJ!C I'll til. "11 e. lip --.1...i!.-ri vron.ptly at i- ' -t-iiy 0 1 Kirl street. r ii-der 'ended ' ALBANY ORE(;o5 j'llosi: Wlsili.MiA l'il:si'f..ss -I.N 1 .V e. elll, liiC le.-t Midi: to ft ilid the chin II .; I c..a.-, van l e m: ud 1... . a liiii; at Mi It I., ii '. man'.-, ej..u-itc liic Ai:olili liuiik-, I 1.4 Ku"i. ioe lutest to..:daiid iurtiunKiii.tlii.usie Uipt lor Bale. A!ge lb lari:ct assortment of blaiiii'iir paUcn.a select fr-)::i tins tide ol "Krtsi-... aiven in pointing and euii.i..i.!er at hei tu.iio o.er L.jii. C.uiity !;ank. "oive hei your Older and ou will be please-1. s) S r? I To Itanhrrs ami le reliant. I Tiie Tvfer Desk Co., of St. Ixiuis Mo., have jti-1 publisin-d, incolois a greAt work of art on Bank coun ters, Fine Desks n-id U.hct! Furni ture generally, Bit: nut in prices, with increased cash discounts' Tiie banker's Catalogue. 1-10 page in colors, free, postage 15e. Catalogue of dk and of'.ice fur uure lUO pages, free, p stagelOc. q t aifilMM til 4l. For Female Ir revuliritiui; 110th ' iike them on tiir luatket. 2tevcr rr : j v.va--"ir Sueccsstilll-. N y nscl , - .r..Ulillci.t VC-V la,!'--1 moiitl.lv. tj" GuarantinM to ri- r aV ,wxe "in 1 p CfX. n.eiit.truali..n. S SaiftSzS Cc:i:is y' j Pou'tbe hunibu.' f hl. Save tunc, nua.tn aria money. Take 110 other. V tK bent to any ad dress '. maii f .11 reel ipt of price, 82 00. Ad dieM Vptiro ti-lleii.e 4 uuipiiiiy West Uraneli !S.x 27, I'orlluuil, Or. Sold by Fothay L Kasan, Albany. OreRen Color, I sell tin- be.-t hiii'bcr in this coun try, ced at Pests, shm-ie.?, lath, door .Ti'l wiiiimw, i:i.,uldnig, etc. Price from ." to $2- per thousand. Yard (it Larson, on the Ki tow Camv Swe mo before piirclia.siii elsewhere W. V. KA WKORD. IV-itiiili-je a l.lress, 'j'alluian, Oregon. tA'i i on I las just been opened on First street, opposite the R:ie llo'ise, where you can get all kinds of broken a nicies mended. Clocks, guns and I n ks repaired, kovs fit tod, etc. Wo-!; from the country promptly at tended to. Cs: tt'oltiV. STAN it 1 1 V -l-nol'IiJtTORS OK OiTY DM bTORB. Dealers iu Diajs, Medioincs, Chem icals, Fancy and Toilet Articles. Sponges, Brushes, IVrfumcry, School a-id Altiats' Supplies. Pliysiciao'a t.reson.tiiin8 carefuhy coinN)naded. First Street. Alhanv, Oregon. Tiie Celebrate! Frscli C U K K r-:.F0RE the irt'iieratKc ..rirans of either nrx whtl.. r ; ansinij from the- ewssiv e stiiiiulaii:, ; loha'-cn "r oi.iiim. or thr mult jouthful iudin i cr. licn.mer initulc nee, He., mich anlosnof linun I'ov.r. Wake'11'iiens, licai-in? In-vn ; l'a;i ii. Il.e i ai V, .'. i.ii.iii W.-aknss, ll. 1 V-ria. Ver is -r..s raia-.n, No..-tuni ii oiiiis- I SIOI.S, lrf.lisirr!.ie. piizine-.s. WnL M.....r. I Limsnf l'ocr .,),! lu.potcii ;v which if m-' I ! lecteil ..!tn Ic-el to 1 r-n.atiiic old aup an.1 Insanay. I'ri.:e ii a U.x; 6 boxci fcr s.v. "v"' " '' rtcvipt of price. .- "' K tl lKIMKR i wiiii eierj a order received, to refund tne le I h. ' .V rrn,!'"?nt cnn noteffc-.ten. c. h" xc "'"""""'"O'lestinionials from old : .vcimj, 01 b.,tU sexes, who have been - nieu ei.;,y cnrcl l.y the use I Apiiroditine In- Circular f. Address IIIK A-: MI: ltF. r. Western llraiu h. l:or, -j7. Portland, lre-.-on. for sale b, r'tmlitv a .: w.u, ho eale and etail (lrm;Kjsis Ail-oiv.ore.in. Conlraciar and Itulldrr. DC. SIIS'.L WII.I, ITKNISU HI.AV, SmrtriCA i . t ens and detai's fur all kinds of huild ini; and airl.itrcture. All work prenmtlv done and i:urtntif.i to be Hrst-clsiw. Iti j mates luruudtrd on short notice for brick . buildiiiK. residences, public buildings, j bridges, etc n--,; 2trw iS'SSV. l't-l ii mm jmmm OS b J? Lumber up I Wan anted to 1 f CPf'T" o I cure mfll'.UU.I-a le AFTER i I ami L-nri I!rj!cer. Lu gelit of goo.1 farm aud propei ty for sale. Loans inoiiev 0:1 rt-al estate iiiin aiil adjoiiiip.g oountif. Insurance wiitten up in ieli.ible coinpaniep. Notary I'liLHc and conveyancer. Call on or write me. S. IT. STEELS & CO. . ALBANY. - . OREGON ! I) diUVti. J IriWARt. HOUSE FURNISHIX,TJ rr -ffn ........ "d:inr.fa-tiuv;s of galvanized iron ronace. lii:mbi:nr a P.i-ih.. O 1 -".T Colte 1 11 1 OPENS SEPTEMBER 12, Cour.se of studv .irnuiifvl ov. pieesiy to meet the needs of the tanning and mechanical interest of the Mate. Laig, commodioua and wel ventilated buildir.Rs. The colle e b located in a cultivated an l Christian community .and one o' ibe bealtbiei-t in the btate. Military training. Expenses need not exceed f 150 for the entire session. Two or more free scholan-hipa from every Oregon countv. Write for catalogue to U.Ij. ARNOLD, Ties. Lorvalhs, Oregon. WJiis"" a- c w S" O X tr so M i tne-i . s e o-. S o o .Is jn Q ! so (B RED CROWN MILLS IWOW, LA.VMIC 4 C rrapj NEW TROCESS "FLOUR. (Suierior for Family and Baker's use) Best Siorase Facilities. (Highest cash price paid for wheattl ALBANY - OREGON Tiie People's Mm Sread Pies and Cabs daily. Fine Cakes a Specialty. BLACKBURN & PIRONI, LEADING CnOCIRS AND BAKERS. U. A. CKOWREK. W. CBOWfJSa BROS CROW'DER Contractus and Builders. Jffice on First street with W,.i. ce A Cusick, real estate agents," .ljan v, Oregon. Estimates given n ail kinds of buildings or car neu- er worn. All work intrusted to s will be promptly execnted. JOHN SCHMEER'S Livery. Feed A Sale stable Corrur Servnd and KUsvcorth St ALBANY, . . tWKOOS Hoksss soARDRS by the day or month. ixw naeor butfirio ou rtaaooilse terum Vtilil AiijanBaftJoase HAIR DRESSING SALOON. ffp WEBBER. PROPRIETOR i-t lidie and i-hiid en's hair dress, ut; a specially, bntiae satisfaction gutrauteed .fine ::ki:ssed chickens: and geese ": at ; : MUELLER it GARRETT'S j Take the Union Pacific railway lor the East, thirty-five hours qutcker th m anv other transcon tinental line. Elegant new dining car Pullman palace Eleepers, free family sleeping cars run tbrougti to lie iver, Omaha, Council Bluffs. Kansas Citv, St. Imia and Chit ago. C. G. Raw lings, city ticke auent, foot of Broadalhin street. Secure a good picture at Wilcox AConu'e. nm niio