Daily and Weekly TXBJtB OT8CB3CRIPTKW BAIL ftVkMaf; Bofniuir except Monday. ettseratt t nkt, P w : 00 a mul, par ytat ... , . 00 WKZXLT. jr"'-J avery FriJay Mornlny.) M espy, par annom, Ib sdi rkaa aet paid ia advance .00 turn waiu. tsafeistkeAlbanv puetoflcecloes aitM KvrowQa vt R. R.; J at PuMlsas aaa 8a 11 A. a arWtoaand Yaqninw 12-.S0 r. a, ) eswta 7 JO p. a ajfee aaatoxSce will be ddeach evening waVali ta atw o'clock. Wiatarad aittn tor tba ly morning -uafaabeaMbe Basiled before o clock the OtBQON PACIFIC TIMETABLE. Arrive Departs rNajapocar. . 11.15am1.00pni J fciSmnl .&v a A few days ogt-oan acount war given of a woman in Brooklyn, N. Y., named Esther Hammersmith' who had died of starvation rath- r than part with Iter money for the pnrchaaeof food. The miserable creature, who was a native of Poland, bnt h.id res:d :d here for a number of years, actually had over $12,000 in money at the time of her death, besides jesvelry ot" considerable value, a 'id yet kj strong was her attachment to her "weakh that she wor'd not buy food sufficient or suitable for her support. Economy is certainly a virtue, but niggardliness can make no such claim for itself; and as between lavish and even unwise expenditure, and pinching, gras -ing, soot-chiiliog penuriouaness and miserlinees, the verdict must be ia favor of he former. We cannot live for ourselves alone, and the man who throws bis monev way, si the fashion is to call it, does not throw it away any more than the sower throws away the seed whieh he scatters broadcast. ome may fall on atony places and some may be devoured bv the kites and other birds of prey, but some most surely fall on good ground and spring np and produce a plenteous harvest for the bene fit of others besides the sowers. Ths labor organizations and '" dastril societies, which are organ fzed to advance and foster the interests of the classes that foim their membership, seem always to fritter their strength in frivolous channels and demands that bring them tnto disrepute. For instance a local wage workers aJiiacice ia Washington ask President Harrison to appoint Mrs. Stanton to the vacancy caused by the death of Justice Miller. When it is remembered t let only the most experienced acd eminent juiists of the country are appointed to the supreme beech, tbose 'men who have served, for years ? judicial positions, the puerility of the request of this labor orgn:xat'on become appar ent, and we ci but puinvoe that t be whole matter wrs f:Tiply in tended as a joke. However joking upon such tubjects does not aid the labor orgpi-'ations, and tern's to br"g them ;ito d-eputu if not absolute contempt. The senpalior"' kw in the Englewood IVesbyterkm church in ( k'cago teems to be coming out in the pastor's favor. At a he1 ineet:ng of the ior"'eience com mittees of thn pastor and elders beld recently, papers, answer, petitions aid s'at ?inents were sub mu.ed by he Pas' i-r' C ..n'i; i that vubcI a toxnu. cn, Pa t Williams' arfcer the sp i"c cha ge mide a-v'-'s; h'm.'s a lengthy docunent od n ti'ng a major poi .'on of he a'lecd a ou- sations and farther explaining hs legal giound for his cv." . e. A lomb thnt caust J much cons tei na tion Pnd profound d:tn.iy a:i e in the shape of a volournors do u ment , ed by nearly 100 of tne ' id'es of he chiip-h who were f id to bate ,withdrawn br'rause tney were oppose t j the pastor. A C'wNi .strop 'iv Payo that tln "kwet shgr bot't.y w :,l aot help I lie fat iner, br vavv it w M tie pi d to the msnr'ici.irer of lect en -and not to the pnxlu -er of beets, lnis is about rati-n I a it would be to s;iy tit a man does not benefit 'i? pioducer of wheat when he eats bread, Ih cauae be pays the grocery men for bis supply of flour and not tle farmer d;ectly. A sot fa K collision has w cured on the river between Portland and Astoria. Tb's t:me it is the Wil lamette Chitf and Elder. The Chief was considerably damaged. The capture of the two Cali fornia criminals Thorne and Shinn in Chicago was a good bit of detec tive work by Special Officer Hume. Thorne, who was known in state :uj Hjrsey, ought to have been hanged for the murder of Banker Camming, but a senti mental jury fixed bis punishment at life imprisonment, ife ia a confined criminal, whose reforma tion ia hopeless, so that it would have been tar better for the world bad he been removed with a halter. A Mokmon convicted at l'rovo for the second time of unlawful cohabitation remarked cynically that be might as well be in the penitentiary as anywhere else. Ttiis ia a Bipniiicant commentary on President Woodruff s statement that the Mormons were trying to obey the law, and that olyganiy was a dead issue. The succession to the place of Justice Miller is one that occupies considerable portion of the public mind at present. The most prominem tnd ablo jurist who has been sugg"sted to till the position is Judge in esiiain. However his president. I aspirations will probr.o'v .mse 'lim t refu.-u tin place. T m eh'jti' u i i 1 . ma, Wash ington, n w'uch damocrtic p rly iu that s' i' ; ad oased their ho; -s, and had t.kea eeiy means pWible ca..,, wen against tiieui, an 1 ti c icsult stiongly in d fates h'w 'ie r.nte w II &o ;n the general e'ectio i. Tcensm isoni r. the th!n,j that koks bad for our state, but it seems that ihu only recourse s to giin p. td hear it. NEW TO-l)Al S1KANEV Si N IGLfcV, LIVERY, FEED AND SALE SABL!i 4th St., hi'tween Ellsttortti anil Lyoi AM1NV, OREtiO.N. IIor. Imartlcil bv the dw or ironth. Carria-mor Im'ic nt ri:i)i.llr n-tiiu. Drumiuvr trailc u Bpctiiiltj . Albany Opera House, One Night Only, SATURDAY, OC V. 25 First appearance of the eminent Tragedian MR. THOS. W. KEENE, Supported by MR. GEORGE LEAR 0 OK, An 1 a most capab'e coaijiany of Players, pre.-entinj; Shake Bjieare'8 Sublime Tragedy, JR1CII ARD III The members of Company "K" will call upon you with tickets in a day or two and as they share in the proceeds resulting from sale of same, should be liberally patron ized. Albany Opera House, OCT. D and 21, TheMerrill-Abt-Abbott Combination. A Cyclone ot Myatciy, Srienrc, won.hr merit ami rth. Intriiiu:in Remark able 'erFf!l burtiin Sur. pi ist-s. Orirni-il f.Tiit'i'ni. Iknniful Siatiurv, wonde ul nuel 'i' l .11 inc. Art cm ly rnd K ;im rt of 8oi. fiili n. The Johi town I'.(mmI and i. Mw- l'i-sthlijj. itatlon Ff--Kx.-e 't.it, A . o.hl the world in e'rhty niimit . A Oti-mt, W -! ti' W, Kleiful Ex hlliitiou Wliii-h ''inuMtiS.tr lli lliimnn Itfllrf. Tim Only Iis-. Nw. elty Urenni- Traveling IflRhVHt Knroin luinit of that I'rrvi r'rum Kant to W-t. A Novelty Kntertaininent Pon Kcnor. t'loler nv nemeht 0' FI1EI) T. MERRILL Will a n - in Alany Mon l.i) an. I in tlay evenings OCT. 20 and SI. At' MISSION Fifty iTiirn. It rved -ioats without extra clare at W' I .V l;nk'. tOR SALEtilKAP (iood l.oise. Ca'h or X installment. Appl to . U. Gilxo,,, (llliL WAN"! KD Tnilo ,fii(.nl hoiiwork I No elnhlre.i. In.iiire nt ilim olKit or fcudica Setter to F. W. Kuiehait, Shtdd. Or MOXrY TO LOAN We hue plenty of money to loin on lual Kt le Security uu to to ilve ejn time Call 011 un ul cur ot c: iprOilteth lievrre Houne. illKkUAKT a: Kit.vsnv. O- W SIIIVLFSOILT -If AS A FINE SEALETTE He also makes p specialty ot Ladies' and Mens' fine shoes, You can find -DEALER IN Exclusive Agsncv for tht Ludlow Fine Sliooa BlAKliiUllli JSLOCK The City Liquor Store HI. HA D3IGA HT. Proprietor. tlTSext door to the OJd r"ullia' o.nple, Albany, Oreifon vj Ketps constantly on hn I tlin Hnet im virtcl .m l domCTtic wines, liquor, cin an loi a rxi Only first cIum liijuor store in the city ON PAID TO ORDERS FROM THE COUNTRY Manufacturer of -AND DEALER IN- FINE IMPORTED AND KEY WEST Cigars, Plug and Smoking Tobaccos, Meerschaum and Briar Pipes,." full line 01 Smokers' Articles. Also dealer In Neit ooot to Pffeitfer'i candy store, Albany, Oregon, WANTED Ten thousand Men Women and Children to buy goods of DEYOE & FROM AN J5HOS.. faTTTTAIJ w- I Donelaa Shoes ar liAU 1 1UI1 warranted, and every pair haa his name and price stamaed an bottaaa. H ! W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE GENTLEMEN. Fine t'nlf and Laced Waterproof Grnin. I'he excellence and wearing qualities of this shoe ennnot lit-letter shown than nv the strong endorse ments of its thousands of constant wearers. Sf.00 leanine Iland-aewed, an elegant and 9 Htvllsli lross Shoe which cnmmenls Itself. Jt XM Hand-sowed Writ. A One call Khoa unequalled for style and durability. SQ40 Goodyear Welt Is the standard dress O Shoe, at a popular price. SO. BO Polirrmnn's Shoe is especially adapted for railroad men, formers, etc All made In Congress. Ilutton and lx.ee. $3 & $2 SHOES lad) Us. have been most favorably received since Introduced and the recent improvements make them superior to any shoes sold at these prices. Ask your Dealer, and If he cannot supply 700 send direct to fuctorv enclosing advertised price, or a postal for order blanks. VV. t DOVUt.Am, Bracktaa, Xaaa. O G2 N I rJ LINE OF- JACKETS ! what want. SEARLS Jjj. Br? Goods, Notions LADIES AND GENTS FUR MSHINU8. BOOTS and SHOES My Shoe Pepartmpnt ii? now complete with the latest styles ami hnest gootls at tht lowest prxes also Choice Cigars fJET Jmorters and Deairrs in a I kinds 0 guns and ammunition fishing tackle of ev ery descript:on, cutlery and base ball goods, tents, hammocks and camp chairs. The largest stock south of Portland. Come on and all. No trouble to show gcods. Quid sales and small profits is our motto. Also r repair shop connected with store and - first class workmen to do all kinds of work. 1 rnvsitiAvs M B. ELLIS. (BTS1CIAX AND SUKr . eon, Albany Oregon. WE DAVIS, M. U PHYSICIAN AJfU Oieon. Can tie fouLj at his oihce room in Strhan' block, First atreet. Albany Oregon- r C. KELLY, PHYSICIAN AND oLR- J. (teon Albany, Oregon, olllco n Pierce new block. Odicc hours, from 6 i. v. tuj p. II 4 J. ROSSITER. VETERINARY SUR college and tne t ber of the OnUrio veteriu ary medical soc.ely. Is prepared to treat thi disease of all domesticated anitnais 01 scientific principles. Office at Ana V-wnhalU livery (table Kmidence 4th and Oolapooii. streets, Albany, Oregon. DR. E. A. MCA LISTER HOMKOPAII1IO TU sician and sunreon Has rei.iuved hi ofBce into Crawford' block. All calls prompt ly attended to. DRO. A. WHITNEY, PHYSICIAN AN I surgeon. Uradnate of Bellcvue Hosoi tal Medical College, New York City. Disease of women a specialty. Oiflce in at residence on 7th street between Calapooia and Vine, Albany Oregon. DR.M. J. PATTON, PUYSIC1AN NU Surgeon, Blumberg's Block, Albany, Or Female diseases a Siecialty. Consult .t on free. CU. CHAMUERL1N, M. D., Hnmrcmlhi. l'hysic'an, office at Dr. Wallaces old stand, Broadalbin ttreet. Office hours, 7 to 9 A. .; 1 to 3 and U to 8 r. su ATTOBSEYH, W, T. SI'R.XKT. b. T. SARIS, 1. W DRAT-ltR BUR.VY, BARIN St DRAPER, AT TOR neys at law, Oregon City, Oregon. Twen ty years experience as register of thi U. S. Land Office t Oregon City and in the land C met ice recommends us in our specialty usiness before the Land Office or the courts and involving the practice in the gviieral Land Office. H C. WATSON, attorney-at-law. Albaio .. Oregon. Office in Stralian block. JN. DUNCAN ATTORNEY-T LAW . and notary public. OUce in the Stratum block, rooms No. 1 and i D. R. H. Blackburn. a. w. wkiout. BLACKBURN, & WRIGHT ATTORNEY AT Law. Albany Oregon. Olhce in Odd r chow's Temple. ill practice in all courts 01 tne state, anu give special attention to all business. lirOLVERTON CHARLES E. ATTORNEY 1? at Law, Albany, Or. Omce in roont IS and 14 Foster's Block, over L. E. Ulain't (tore. K. WEATHr RKORD, ATltKNEY AT . law, Albany, Oregon. in tn Flinn Block. Will practi a n all tin courts of thestate, and give spe;ia. atteutioo to all business TAMES P. MEAD, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW and title examiner, Albany, Or. W.'i practice in all the courts of the sut.;. Ah stracts of title furnished on short notice. Ten years experience. SKCKET BOCIKTIKS. , O. U, W. Safety Lodge No, 13; mcctp C. every iior.uay evening at tne u. A. It hall on Ferry street, between Seeond and Third. Al iany. Oregon. Strangers in thi city and transient brethren cordially invitee to aneiia. M l'her)n Post No. B, O. A. I". Stated meetings at the U, A. K. Hall 011 tno seond and Fourlb Frid )' evenings cf each niourh. Transient Comraiies are coidi y invited to meet with ns S. V. KKKUE, B. F. Tablkr, Commuiden Aduu:it. Land Sarvylng. PARTIRS BRSIRINO WRVRTINS DON! OAR 01 tain accurate nd prompt work by calling upon ex-county surveyor . T. T. Fisher. He liascomplete cupieMOf neld notca and town ship plats, and is prepare I to do surveying in any part of Linn comity. PostofHce address. Millers Station. Linn con lty, Oregon. GW. AYERS, ARCHITECT AND SIII'EK- intendaiit. Otfi. over First National bank 'building, Allmny, Or. Work soiieiled from all parts of I he county I'onlrarfor and ICnllilrr rMlE UNDERSIGNED HAVI.VU LOCATE I JL in Albany solicits patronage from city and country. Will contract to build bridges hams, and all manner of dwelling houses, including Queen Anne, Easttake and Eliza bethian strlei of buildiugi. Will furnish plans, andsptcificatinns iree of charges. Sati. faction guarantee' W. C CASSKU. WILL YOU SUFFER with Dypeia and Liver Compldintf Shiloh's Vital izer is nara nteed to cure you. For sale by Foahay Mason. TX)R lame back, side or chest, use Shllob's Jl Porous Plaster. Sold by Foshay & Mason. SLEEPLESS NIGH I S made miserable b that, crrible cough. Shiloh's Cure remedy for you. For sale by Foshay MONEY TO LOAN HOME CAPITAL ON good real entote security. For particu lars enquire ot Ce". Humphrey. REVERE HOUSE, ALbANY, OR.- CHAS Pfeiffcr, Prop. Only flrst-eclass house 11 the city. Largo sample rooms for com mercial men. No Chinamen employed in the kitchen. General stage offir Corvallis. FINE STOCK FOR SALE. Keep your EYE on Dr. George W. uray s sale of registered nn! high gTade short horn cattle. Well bred trotting and draft hordes. Thoroughbred small Vorkshire pig. iiigh grade Sliropsiiire Cotswold sheep, etc. .sale to be on his farm near Oakville Church, Linp county, Oregon, November 7, 1800. Terms of sale: All sums under ten dollars, cash ; over ten dollars, one year's time without interest with bankable notes or 10 per cent, discount for cash. S Callfor-U tat -B-larr . The only gup anteed cure for catarr cold in tbe lit i, hay fever, rose cold rataribul dentr ;os and sore eyes. Re ft ore the tense 3f taste and unplesan bri :itli, resultit r from cHtarrli. Kas and pleasant t ic. Follow direction and a cure is vt -rarjUd, Ly all diug gists. Send fc circular to Ablrtin Medical Conn ly, tlroyillc, Cil. Six months' t -eat mat for $1; stnt hy mail. $1 10, F ;: sale by Foshay & Mason, 20,000 -k dried ap ples ,ip)!k(Iieil Mitt HKHIEST CASH PRICK WILL BE PAID BY THE mmm mm: ca mil III U1U1II CP .TArtjrticvJracgUCr!x' DAr.P.t l?ATTlAfllf:C KIN 0SiSllMPTI(8f it, -nrnncn lw.,io' aL u 5 os -So. Gu!isf - i - r"ri r -1 s rr vs? alJewel Heaters, if you How's btisiiiess? 'J'liatJ 8 bye! Br r r click. SPRINGFIELD SAWMILL A. WHEELER, SrRINCFIELD, PROPRIETOR. SPUING FIELD J Albany yard and lfice on Kuilroad, between 4th . Wbi'pler, Albany Manager. .-laiiir liismhi-r not v&rellcd in qnality, unci farPitiea not snrpaxd forth iiroiiij.l and sulisfHt'lnry till.tu- or ordt is. I ri'six-rtriillv Milicil u slirt of II.. a. WllEKI.EK JULIUS GEADWOHL'S GOLDEN RULE BAZAAR. THE LEAPING CROCKELY, FANCY GOODS AND TOY 8TORI OF ALBANY. THE ONLY GEM"! ROGERS BROS SIL VER WARE, FRENCH CHINA 5D GLASSWARE, BOY'S WAGONS "ABY AND DOlX CAR, . I: I AGES, AND A Gonoral Assortnsnt cf Fancy Goods. Specialty n the finest Teas, Cotfces and Family Groceriea. direct for net cash and carries the I. truest stock in the Valley. Insurance agent for 1-ire and FOR PURE DRUGS TOILEl' AND GO -ALSO Tlie Finest Line of Pianos and Organs in the Willamette Valley, CALL AND EXAM P.E IL r -AND- GENERAL PRODUCE MARKET. WA N1EI SPFCIAI LY- Hay, oats toil lotatrns. U- iijily tuitrn c on the Or'i'on IV ife lsilr-ad (xtirinn rid m -ic !)(. line lit J vi l:i re I tell iu quanlitirfc to mittl.e j lire hserf. ftlna frot if Fertv slfae W. M KOBKRT t'CIS'. 1 so T i n g-a-1 i n g a l in p Hello!' Hello, Central! Yes, Say, Give me Mat thews A2 "Washburn -What! Hello, Matthews fe Washburn!. Br r r r c Uk? IIclln,lle!o! That you? Al right. Send me up one of l)i-e .'M Koy. leasf All rloht Cat h it. i!0 hi. ?!0 S a. 4 m.ne. Cioou OK EC? OX d 5th etreetif He bnv ! trine. FANCY GOODS TO G. L BLACKM1N Ump, Paint, Oils TatsaksTsBsBBBbaasBBa M AaaaTlaasm - alaa Ml Omm af aooaa an tatraajarr. MtoaVala, etc. tjT fraiartaali - earafeK. a C3 mim mm CARRIES IN E HIS STOCK STORE I BrSISESS NOTICES. The laTat sneet music- at Vrt H)iasB. No. 1 Star lomfciovs au J all kinds of fresh canned erod at a very low fijrure at Con rnd Meyer's. Mexican Cactus Bitters is the best remedy in tbe world for liver and kid aay disease, indigestion, etc. Fur sale atM Baiunfcart's, A new line of fine wall-papers with border ito match have been opened at Fortini & Irvine's. They are new and ele- nt designs. Call and see them. Absolutely Pure. TliisDOwaernaver vanes. A marvel of iuritytrens;th and wholesouienesa. More econouiieui man ine oruinary kind, und cauuot le sold in coiiiK ti i:on with multitude of low test, Hhort ii;ht alum or phosphate powders & Id uuly t" cms, iUhai. Bakl ow OKH 1 O , Wall M.. N. K. L.HWIS M. Johnson & Co., Aentit, I'lirtlatd, Oregon. Take Simmons Liver Regulator One Dose woa.hu 100 Dollars Dia S. L. U: 1 consider one Am ol Sim mons Liver ReiMUIr.r worth 9IM. I was coiratirnt4yl. had llrsilarhe, cild eat noth bis; with si'is'a :ii.n ai.pefite- hxd the ll!ucs, aixl f t aitOL'frt hermit nf inrli I n sortvd to Blue Mv, Ca'omel. Quinine, and every rcmeilv auirveteil, but only obtain'd ttnipomrv relief. me dose of B t R did m -nore i-ood than lillea worth of tlnrVrs an dxtorinir. Resp'y, J c lATni. t have Isvn a teahi-r for tm-ntv raara. and ilurini; tht tiuw have ruul ic-pcated attacks of Inailavhe. .r.liic,t lvtoi,-il Liver, and liavebet n cnlirciv -u al hy Simmons Lives Hiyi'U'.ir. I foun it to he of so solid a jln.raeter in iu action mot to Interfere, in he least m ith my duti 1 in the school room, lo those simi r situ d mil mil.u ttk. me, 1 canmitt o hit recoo.nieod Sim- b--us tdt-er Regulator. K. r.. ht n rt. 1 1 rHi-mr K. Au Absalaiie lore The Original Abicttne Oinimr-nt la oniy pat up in Jarsre two-ounce tin boxes, and is an absolute cure for old ores, burns, wounds, chapped hands and all sktn eruptions, will positive. It enra all kinds of nilt-s. Atk tor th Original Ahietine Ointment, fold by K osbgy A Mason at 25 cents r-r box by mail 80 cents. Ca WINN, AGENT KOR TOE I.EA: ing fire, life and accident Insurance com pan iea. CALIFORNIA CATARRH aswuuatifni, Neuralgia, Corn HEADACHE, Anal ALL PAIN. Tl OaiHtraW Fsthive aad Itjativs LEOTKIC COUOH CUR ttmm ool, nwr, coMumnm. MtyaUlrc(isto. Eaaa 86o, 60s 4 1 aashnar AC. Prwp's. Laa Angalaa. Ot SHILOH'S V1TALI1FR is what voo need for Constipation, loss of Appetl D'rxj. peM. and all S)-mitims of OyapTia Price Mt tod 75 cents per bottle. Foe sals br ForteykSUaoo. ' '7 1 i