li ( ... AL1SANY, OUEOON, WlSUN ESDAV, OUTOJJELi 2L 1890. 20 CENTS A WEEK. VOL. -!NO. 2!I(J V.- i i' I 1 l 4 1 ENGOLS THE- -PAINTER. L. R. BLAIN Tile kill IVdiier II THE STOCK OF MENS' -AM)- THE J'riees, Qualify t-LOTIflKU,' CLOTIIINU, JL) H.i.G, CLOTKINd, CLOTUiNO, C'l.OTIUNU, I its, CaJH, II itf, Hats Hits, Caps' Caps, Caps SMITH & SENDERS It is Strange to Toll Lot3 of Stovos Smith Seniors Soil ; From Early Mora Till Lito at Night, Tho S.cro is Pell o 1 Ccstoners all to their owa Dalijht A "KTT) WHY ? It ia Because they PAY TILE FREIGHT on all CCCSS, EEATESS and BARGES sold. The i antra Hose h t atrr of trh irh th i t rat i a ptctart; is t h e ov I ! liatte lifct fiiff ntove that trill ham tarfe loaah t h aahn. It irtll .tar. if oar wife nrfittlnff th iroui I atjaia thin iriatfr. Jlohls fi e all nig ht. Wtvlif ve tlie mily :iter fil'-r in the wurld. When we .iy tlii.s w mean what we aay. Can he iiattl furwril water vr attarlmi ilireet to th - pip-is tor faintly, ili; or lintel line, aul vil positively take all Imnes f ami Imgs out f the water. mil we have the laig. st stock lu st jiSMjtnieiit, reliali! gooil-j, iarlan I, Alouito? and iSujperior stoes and ranges, heateis .'ind puaipn plumh ing t;uo..l. and Mdiaiit Tailor A K BIG AND HOI'S' GOODS LOW Comtitlercd ! OVF:ilt' A IS, OVKKCOATS, VEKCOATS, OVKIIf-'DAlN OVEItCOA IS, )V EIIC !T.s', OVKIiroATS, OVEKCOJ I'.V. ISoots 1'oots, UtK.tS Slices, Shoe SilOf'S Shoes jiOUIfjVU CUKE Warranted to if IjBrlf.'Wf nr money taiie ftitOtWVUUItf " K'.FUr;Z .taS AFTER 0ir- .nrr irxn .irviso' rithcr set In?hi-i trthitK the t-xi-sioitc mho of ftinmiatit-n, ilami or opium, or tt. "i;h jonlhtill iixliH-cr-!iiii, nv-.-r iiniiili'eiiiv, t n.-h Alo.)of Bonn i'our, 'A tikvlu . lit, Hytrin-; INwu I'ttiiix in the lfcw:k. Seme. I Wt-aknnr, Hys teria, tivr oils frusirHthiH. Nocturnal Ouiia HOiMta Leucorrhue, IHiiiii--, VVenk Mciiinry, Iwnl Power ami Iiiiti:i v thich if ni-i,-k-teil olten Iriul tu prcumr t m old fere a:id itiMiiuiu. I'rn:i-la Ihm; tl -v-5 fcrjj.iiO nt iv ftri mii rccviit ot pri-v. WtUMT.M .l;KIli:K i ivin uni.ii evert oitler m:e:vl, to rrmnl trie nioM.'t if u rrruuinritt i-ure is iinti lfntt. We h-hVe tlmimuiiHOl testimoniriit Irom old xr.'i youii;.', of tMith mi-x( tvfm have heeti piTiiillicntly cured by the uie f Ai'lnolitiiii ''irt'lllur free. AtlreM iiik iiii;u M:u ivr. . Hi-it rn liraurh, iux,'27. Hi.rlhui.l, (irevrn. Kur sle hv Kitnlnty & Mason, who eAtleaiiit eLkil driiiiifi, Ailnitt,iiriion. rSXAU Fill; n-t-til tritu.rt; itoth iiivC iikc them tlie mark tt. Ncvir VM. SuH.-eKnhillv iirj() by proiiiiiient t'Ml'f" HHHltlily. (juar:Uiteu t re lie o Btl'i tw nii.fitniat;iiii. h&lrn Csrhin i Don't be humbug tfcil. .Save time. Health ami money. 'J'&ke no other, fit-lit to but ad- d'ertH iy iniiii mi receipt of priei, S2.(KI. Ad d'-M ihi-i Helli'inr 'uuiinny tVest li llox 27, I'lirll.ilMl, air. 3old by I'aehny & Mason, AlbEsy. dregim I'll AT IIAf HI SO ril(:!l ,nr Irtr, :iii,li I Iv iMin d hv Shii.-h'j 'me. Vti,uaraiitut -r. Si Id lit Kiwhat At SiuHCP. mST :ft :riS3L : Jab : Faaiss FLIB3 BLOCK 03. Our ri-.8t roHVi's aiv llu' brat in the market. Try t lit-m iiril lie c-nv mrMl. . (iruuntl to onli r free ; ul'i'liar;e. r.i.oniKir it Son. 4 inlrar:r anI ISulliler. nO. HIIKI.L IM. VI HMKII PLANS, HrKCmCA m tiiiim and detai'g fur al kind cf huiid inu and arehitHi-ture. All work promptlY d'mc ttud irua:;iutee'.l to lie fimt-eiaiH. rlDti-iiuU-m turni-vlied "ii shoit notiee lor hi.ek Imi'tiin. reidetieed, Mthhc liuildinfes hriii'es, etc. FAINTS AND OILS, ZZ l.tifr. iie, etc S! KWAU I SUX, . BUGGIES AND yAGTS, 'Ve have 1 uie line on I1.IIIU iiu e vn i von L'f .rVe. TKWAili ,v fvX. filli.le.1 Ijr3p fill (p THE WORLD'S PAIR. A" The Commission is Criticised itiels fivflr ni.T S.ilaiirs." --a -. li. Til IS 1EI)I.V OIL Oan. Chilera on The Jewiil cnea Canied Out la Ratal 1 FeUl Mistake. A i-yf- Cii-rAfio. Oct. 21. A lnat Da cer nililiHlio8 an Hlrsfrant'liliiftel lettfr lfi-i'ivPil lv 1'rf HulOTrf JlfeU ;ier-M.lM-National wbrul's Tair foinni:f"iin, front the "tw'retarv of ihrt Tn"inrv iiiuoiii, relating to lh' '.i.i' i-f8 of to cominifHion, ami w-vi li was reml at tf-lav'8 nnotiii of th' xocntive roniniit- toe. Tin HMrretary tirsi Htales that "I he l,.r).'MVO(((l apuropriatml. i-1 C(M) tiuint b. ns(l in tin; ron- str :. ti-.n of the novt rniuent Imilil iiiy. Kor 111; lineal y-ar ending .liint ,'0, '!lt llit-rt! in airopriatel jointly $2'H),iMl: fur the ex ienxen of l.h i'oiiiiiiis"io'i anil iisch of the i;overiim"nt larl of control I'lit; Hcrrctary f'trtlu-r says that he Iiuh ht'Kitsilcii an vh!lhor to a irov of i In; rt'solut iniH of tlieconi niission lix'i'L' the salaries of its ollice'-!'. Aiihiiik tlieno are ike pri'iiiilcnt'H cuimni-Hion, $12,0K! per annum; secretary $10,000; director pneial, $15,000; vict chairinan of executive committee, !j-.S 0'; einl-iyes in the ollices of the Hee.rvtarv anil diret-tor general, $10,000. '"If I were to give an individual opinion, tmiutitiHiii-ed by the ac's ot your cominidsi'iii," Bays lu2 secretary, I should not LeBitj: to decide that the amount uamed hy your coiumifson for salaries for its priui-ipal olliivra ia greater than that as probably contemplated by congress, in estimating the amount necessary to carry out the provision.- uf the act. Your salary list for the years of 'ill, '02 and 'H3 tviil, without a further increase of employes, amount to $105,000. I tmve grave doubts, in view of the facts .n here'ti sfatel, whether I or.irlit not to return the rea-'luiions uiimitted by your commission for revii n a to the ainount ol com-jnr-i ti. iirt t be piid yourofticers. I th'Tcfore reluctantly approve the ni 15 and 10 of your hy-lawB. I beji leave to augsieBf, in thia con nection, that great care be exer cised in authorizing further expen ditures. (il.ADSTO.NK SI'KAKS. Ho Kloquoiitly Itrvlfw I lie I'rea--nt Iilsli CuoKtlon. Loxnox, Oct. 21. Ciladstone ad dreshed an audience of 5000 per ions in the corn exchange at Kdinburgh thifa evening. Ireland, lie mi id, continued to eclipse all other subjects. The country now fu ly rerognized that the Irish iiueKtiora miift be etttled. (ilad- sKiiu! referred to the Tipperaiy iliuir. It was gross'y illegal, said he, to cli-so the ooors of the court Ijonse auain-! the people. Theap vintni"nt of .Mag;trate Shanntn lo try t lie case was a gross Hcan- lal. Jt six-li tricks were piaycl in Knul.iud by wautonuetss of no'.ver, a vety short way would be found to rem-: ilv euch abuse. Vfier the exanipli-s of police mis ondiic nt Mite!, :!!!rttown and Tip- iN-r tti!" i.-n. o.-sib!e to respcel the p ilii-e or fie :i I niniBtration of la.v iy t:i'in. inn government vain. ted il lf on peace in Ireland, yet kept six time more policemen ihere than in KngL-nd and Scot- and. I'.iiti'-li tax pa era paid over a iiiiiiini .via a nan poiiniin tiatlv lo the Irish police, simply to :i.-.-.t-t to -.'li"-t r.-nls lot land lords. (ii;i.l aoiut declared if the v'overnment. would grant a general lection, the sla'e of public opinion won ill prove that the country was won over to home rule. No Kill r Ilrallh. Tout TotvNSKNi., Oct. 21. The I'ritish bark Kothmav arrived tcHlerday 5s) days from Shanghai. YV hen luanleil hy the health oth- cer. Captain J. Hayes acknowl edged he had no bill of health. When iiessed stiil further the skipper Ktid one ol the crew had been removed front the vessel to the hospital at Shanghai ltel'ore I lie vct-sel s.-ili'l and that be died of ch-.dera within eiirht hours. I he bark has been quarantined. Tl Deadly Oil Can. Sk.uti.i:, Oct. 21. Lida S. Col era, the live y ar .ild nau.'hter of a id.w, livng in tin- northern part ot tlie cilv, died to-ni-'lit from bur.i.- H'ie "eceived this morning in t'ie iio:-i-n coal oil. Th child poi.i-L'il coal oil on the fire to make tt. burn moie rapidly, when the II .tines sprang up, exploding the can aud scattering tito burning oil wvt r her. Fnt i,l Ctt'llftlon. .Tou t. 111-! , Oct. 21. A collision oi cuTtil on i!,e Kliiin. Jolict fc Kas-teMi raiiroad, between a freight i!!ii c instnic'ion train. Thoinas I. itvler. (oK-inan the construc tion eaiiv', a.i kill, d and eight O iier injureil. lentli of Oei:. Salllvan. I S .s Vn txciftco, (let. 21. Gen. j.l. O. iiiiUivan, who co.nmanded a i 1 vi i a under Ros crane, and wno j fought in the hat'.lc of luka, died at. u.tkiann this aiternoon from the results of hemorrhage. A STOKM-TOSSKD VE4SKI.. ICouch Eserlncu of tlm Mli-nn-.l,l Mhidola ou the Allanlie. New York, Oct. 21. On of th storin-tcssed Bteamera made iMrt to-day in a battered condition. It was the steamship Mineola. Iter port rails were all torn away. )ne big lifeboat was smashed and several were sadly battered. Iler decks were swept, even to the fix turcH and everything movable TI19 Mineola li ft Dundee October 5, and got in the track of the storm October IK. For more than eighteen hours the storm con tinued, and the monster waves to terrifying to the. otticeis and crew that they rushed to the bridge deck. During the bight of theetoiin, the Mineola was several times on her beam ends. Annual Report. Washington', O . t. 21. The an nual reMnt of Inspector (ieneral Duinont. of the steamboat inspec tion service, shows the total num ber ot vessels inspected dunmr the year. 7065; total net tonnage of vesd8 inspect!, 39,0:W,l55. Total number of otticers licensed, J,5!.i7. During the year then were 34 accidents, resulting in the loss of 254 lives, a decrease of 50 compared with the preceding year. One-half of the accidents resulted from collisions, and fully 500,000, 000 passengers were carried on t-teaui vessels during the lineal year. Drstructlre Fire. Sjattlr, Oct. 21. A Falls City, Wash., 8ecial to the Post-Intelli gencer says: 1 he largest and iiest equipped store in this place, owned by Stark 15 roe., ttas entire ly destroyed by f re at o'clock this morning. The jvist office was in the building and all the records and mail were burned. The loss is estimated at 0r90 or $7000. Partly insured. The bucket bri gade saved the adjoining buildings. Ocean Grrvhound. 4 London. Oct. 21. The White Star line steamer Teutonic, which cletred the Iwr at New York at 7 :J4 on October 15, for Liverpool, was signaled off Brow head at 7 :27 this morning, 'the Inman line steamer, City of New York, which Failed from Liverpool the saute day and crossed the bar four min utes at end of her, wa signa'ed otf the same point at 1 1 :M a. m. to day. American Thieve In London. London, Oct. 21. An Ametican named Wiigbt, and two women named Con ley a-nd Corvine, were arraigned in.thn police court to day, charged with rohbinu a jew eler at Cheapide, of a diamond brooch, valued at C550. It is be lieved the prisoners are implicated in other recent jewelry robbericp. They were remanded. Iteed Speak . ClIAMl'AHiN. 111.. Oct. 21 Speaker Keed spoke here, b-ing intrruliirpil bv (oncn-Msiiiun l':m- f"; rf . .... istrict this city is in. Mr. Heed spoke at length on tar ill', election question and work of present congress. ' Lowered the Itecord. Caaiiikukik Cii f, Ind., Oct. 21. The stallion, Nelson, to-dav lowered bis record, making a mile in2:l0?4. HIS SINS TOO OUK.VT. Why a Western Youth I'loved an I'muccetsfttl Lover. 'I know I am utterly unworthy of you," said the Western youth. who bad migrated to noston; 1 am addicted to most all of he small vices, and I am anything but well stocked with knowledge." Thn nroud Dortthester maiden looked him straight in the eye, and the expression on her face plainly said : "Dens est qui regit omnia. "Your mind may not lie so be nighted as you thiti k. Have vou acquired involuntary tendencies to j utilize tohacco and alcoholic ad mixtures for personal sensuous gratification?" II i understand yon, I think 1 have," sorrowfully said the youth. A look of pity beamed through I ho fair girl's glasses as she said : ''Habit- is but voluntary, and yu shall Iks cured. To change our subject, do you think that Ibsen is the paragon of the generation.?" "I don't think I ever heard his music." The pained expression on the fair brow of the maid was but tran sitory. ''Dwen is a writer." 4Oh. yes, be wrote th "Doll's 'X we." or 'Doll's Hose,' or some tiling like that." liar soul was in a-onv as (die said: "The lull's House;" but she forvave him. "What a pretty vise that is with tii flowers in" it," exclaimed the reckless youth "Vase I vasel to call a jardin ieeavase! Oh, Minerva! ex claimed the wracked maiden. "Out of my sight! Begone! Let not my eyes fall upon thy benight ed self; out of my sight 1" And she sank exhausted upon the rug?, while he pasaed out into the night and his heart grew sick: as he view ed the light of subsequent events. , Aiueiicao Stationer. HILL'S TIRADE He Accuses The Republican Patty of Many Sins. OKIOIN.II. I'ACK A(1K SALOONS France IndaatrUl Cznasiti.-.n at Ljcpe Nw ngiot-Tbe Qovnrnor of Oliin Finds Uo Casaot Kald the Sonata. Canton, Ohio, Oct. 21. Gover nor Hill was greeted on' his atiTJ val liere to-ilay by a Jargo throng. 1'o-night after a laig-s ton h light procession of democratic eliihs. In- spke to a crowd of three thousand leople at the rink. Canton. Ohio. Oct. 21. Gover nor Hill said in pait: "An im portant campaign is that upon which the country ha en tered. The question presented to our voters is not whether the next bouse of representatives lie repub lican or democratic, but whether the nature of the federal vein- mentis to be radicallv i..,.iiicl and the integrity of our institutions successfully threatened. Theaical istue n the record of the republi can party in its hnel control of congress. No paity ha more lecklessly defied the residents, more flagrantly disregarded princi ples, more boastfully overturnei traditions, more seriously invaded private rights, more arbitrarily en croached upon prerogatives of states, or more lyraiiically urcd tne power ot a paili.-!an majority. I he animating motives ol its arts seems toba,ve i-eeno-dv perpetuat ing its owu power. I lie pmty li;s increased its majority in theimuse of representatives by arbitrarily ejecting demociats from their seats, stolen the representation of one state admitted to the uriion of states whose onlv claim to admis sion U that they will h--lp s.tell the repuohcan majoii y, leuied representation to deiuocra'ic ter ritories lnueli better -qualllied for sl-itehool in point of population and re.-ource-t, ignored the rig' ts jl the majority by.tyranL-al ineth- (XHuml ruling ol tne i-ieaker of the housi, squaiideied the treas ury surplus by exiravataiit apj!o piiatious to c-jncilii'.te party inter ests, eutcted a tariif bill' which will frupply corruption lundsfori the election, conduct-1 a census which ir- denounced every wheie as worthless and manipulated for counting the repub'ican popul.ttion up and tlie ueniocrut c iHipuuti -n down, aud ba thnbttned the en actment of a force bid ttlil-h will ",""? " ." put an en , "V I ,"," " it ill fedoial ilei-tioiis cettiticatiou and make congress not a r-preeei - tative o: the people, but a -n-ituie of whatever the iedeial oflii i-ils may choose to count in. This is the record that confronts the peo ple." After discussing tlie tanll k l .r is it relates to the inleres:s of t u- farmers, the governor contiuu.-d: But not only has the republican congress stooped lo sharp tricks to hoodwink tne American tanner :r. the mutter of l.ui.'lb on his pro duct-, but it has made his living more ex (tensive than it hitheitr has been." The governor mentioned several articles of luxtiiy on which tin tarilflias lie'ii reductd and ahled and the M-ole are lo be taxed $00,000 000 for ten years in order' that a few ni leiiluvtuivia may cx pcrimeut with the tin pl.ito in dustry. If you think this is a partisan statement, read what a member of Harrison s cabinet, s.tys about it m a recent advertisement: 1 in ware is advancing in 'lie cost and very soon manufacturers will hate their own way and you and 1 will to pay very much mure. "In view of this sta e of things a large purchase of kitchen tin ware, at what was low pri. es tlu n and what would be far lower now in the face of two advances in the makers' price lists." Signed, John Wannainaker. All over the country the effort of such legislation has been to in crease prices of dry gxitls and ol her household nece-i-ies. Not all of litis increase is perhaps justifiable but shop m-chants have been quirk to take advantage of the opiMiitmiitv, which Jlc- Ktuley offered litem, and thu i-oi-r consumer is the victim whether j.'.stiy or not. Te McKniley bill has defined sh irply issue u,..n which two panics divided. In its i-u u-tmeut the republican party has dcinoill rated more ctMi-y t ban ever Ihat lite symp.uiii.M .i its leaders are not. with the great ma.-ta of peO'-ile but witii ejit.ui; favored c'asts. Kcouomic li:tiino, whi.h tin- party now supMjit, is one it would have repudia'.ed 10 years ago a-, which s me of its grcil men, hi. Bl.tine, are evidently desi.-ing to repudiate i.oa. In conclusion Gov. 11 ill i-poke of the contest of this (I'Jth) connres- sional district, U'gin every demo crat to vote lor Warwick, the dem ocratic candidate. For Mc Kin ley personally, he said, he had the highest respect, but there never had been a partisan outrage at tempted agaiiiHt the democratic party that McKinley bad not supported. See our novelty dress patterns. They are cheap and of the latest styles. G. W. Simpeou. The Lyons ImluMrinl Inhibition, Washington, Oct. 21. The de partment of the state is officially notilied ol the industrial exhibi tion lo be held at ."-yons, France, 18112, iu which departments of silk ana iecltl;nty will be open to exhibitors from all nations. A coiuiai invitation is extended to American exhibitors. Tim Citrriiiir i,nii..l lli t;ito. Com .Mist s, Ohio, Oct. 21. Gov vm.ii v ;i:ii.!n ii s message was read in the senate this attetnoon and lefened. The f-enate nassci a bill providing that .Mayor Mosby shall have the appointinent of the -meuiljprs iif ther ncw"?5MTfl and the election lo be held in Ai.rd The hill is non-partisan in charac ter an-i uitniisiK'S the jiiosenl tinard. Knine Have Arrived. Z- Wasiiinotov, Oct. 21. l-nifi'd tati'.s Coiisul Gieeinan, at Jeru salem, re oris to th-! department of state that three American loco motives made in Philadelphia, and intended lor the new railway bom Jeiusalem to .l-tila have airfved. Opening Original l'ai-lis'e Saloons Siorx Citv, Iowa, ct. 21. Original packaue sahxnis have! Icen tipeued here under the re- vnl d.-cisiou in !C iii:is and I es M.iii.t-s. A uiiit. d inovi' to open ii'i'.'iual package boue-" mi all the principal tow us and satc: is Ieini; made. South Ihtkobt'x ropiilalion. Wasiiincton, Oct. 21. The rensiia bureau to-dav anuounct-d the ixipiilation of the s'ate of South lako!a;S27,8J8. IU SINKSS LOCALS. Ca pes aiid jackets at V. Sea l is. I'lnsh and astrachan cajirs at E. C Searls. See Burkhart ,t Kccney when you want to go east. Oysters in every style at John I som's. Lace curtains rom $1.50 per pair lp at K. C. Pearls. Silk umbrella's at French's jewelry store. A line line f library 'amps on sale at C 11. Itrowneirs. All the 1 it-st in cloaks and jacket at W. F. Mead's. Black silk warp Henrietta :rom $1.25 per yard up. K. C. Searls. Furnished rooms to rent near college. Inquire at this office. Fresli cranberre-s and nickeled cod fish at Mueller ,v I iarrett's. A fine line of Artists materials just opened at J. A. dimming druistoM ... . G. W . Sunppon h i!i-d received a line line of seaiette j trkels in nil styles. Use Ii"2"' Dandelion tnt'.ers for n iireMioii, lys.i:i ia aa.l -all k' lisi-t-:. We make a specialty of tine cakes for parties and weddings, j Blackburn A: l'iioni. A ycry large assortment , u,-v prints, ginghams, strong cl"th, etc., at W. F. Bead's. Oail and see the l.iie styU-s in b--uly veiling and liaudkeichiefs tt the I. idles Iaaar. N'ovtltivs in wa-h dress fabrics. The largest slock in the city at Samuel v.. i omig a. (io to Cumiiiing's drug store Bhim'ierg l.ha-k, for vour artist's supplies. I$e- liver pill are a mfl 1 laxative i ml act ilireelly .ii tiie im-r ainl Ki.l- neys as well as the Imtvi in. All eiaitr Siistv T ike the Northern Pacific' road for all points east, twelve iumrs the ipiickest route. Tickets for sale Burkhait Keenev. Fottmill-T & Irving have a larae line of lac; cuttains, renaissatico, Madras and cheneiile t ible covers, which they are selling very encap Befors I urcliasing your Artists, materials examine the new slock just opened at Ihe drug store of J. A. Ciimming, successor to II. O Hubbard. G. W. Simpson has receive-' his fall stock of sio-kiiu-tle and sen'et jackets iiiid three quarter scalel clonks, and ha ve a complete assort ment of all the latest stvi. s. Messrs. Will & Sbu k have just received a new Iin ot ,beaulib;l silverware, solid gold wa'ci es, rings and jewelry ot .11 km:is. ('ail and ee theii tine select itius. Ilae if the- gratid-t cvei.ts of the sea-on is the cooiinsr piano re (t:il of Mis-s Neaily .vt -vein, using .in aiti.sts' gr.nd piano. Bucr-.Vii seaKs at u uai prices at i;l V Link's miisit; store. Don't fail o visit tin Ladies' iJaaar when y-m g.-t iv.tdy In l".!y your n-w t ill hat or bonnet. Tbetr leg mi-s vie-" and sup-.o i i qual-ty ;.f gsHls, loe'h 'r witii the low prices, are tbc won l -r ot ttietown. Miss N'eaily Stevens is to tin on of 'he be-t American pi.:u-s:es and the pijno foite slie will ns;i on the o'Jtu of OctohT i fr m tin aclo'v of II. F. Mil'er ti Sons, o! . , , boston. 1 tsesc pianos liAVe nei-n , usel nine years in s accession by the National .Music Tea hers Association, and have received the highest honors to be obiaine.l, lie sure and hear Miis arti-r and artist's grand piano. ltVsetved seats at Will fc Link's st-:re. Floor mating of the very best quality and at reasonable rates can be found at Fortmiller & In iag's. i0T SUCCESSFUL D:sEtTurts to Carry -Ourrcn-noyor's Plans Not Successful. riusr .u.ii:i:iAVi? was ntll. Funeral Diicctom ClEien tied From ILe Cifec'.s cf Pui:on rreoatmie jpecint to the I1krai.ii. . - Malkx; Or Oct. 21 -In ti ctr- ' en it cum to day in the matter of W. II. Bigs, rclaleer.VS. .1. P. r-.iiil, et al., ci iitiiniauce was bad lorsertice. Th a virtual! v knocks the case out of court, n.r before the next term tin- board will lie out of existence, as the coming Iegila uire will t l.t t one, if the law is not chaivj-d. This is the case in which Big-s, of the governor's railroad commis-ion, s.-ugbt to Hist th lejii-laliw board of -om-niissiouers from office. fJontiou ance was had bcau-- Ihe service A the papers in Ihe tint had i.ot Iciu-th of time on all the members of the legislative commis-ion. Faul is the man not served. In court to-day in tlie trial, .Mary Ilickm.tii or Mar "ret Bauer, for polygamy , sh-i w..: l -ased, tne jury after tteing out a few min utes, having returned a ver-'iict of 'not guilty." The woman's de fense was that after living a wlrle w ith Bauei she made the discovery that be had a wife li.'in-'. fr.m whom be. was not divorced. At this slie ieft him, the marriage ing null, and afterwards she wedded Di-. km in in good faith. DIED FKO.U IUUS4JN. It W'n Aci-i.lentally Taken Ten Ago. Asm.Axn, Or., Oct. 21. Mrs. foli ii Gri-ldlev died this evening from what is supposed to bavo been poison in food eaten by her self and childicn about ten days ago. The family, consisting of !ierelf and fonr small children, were in lest'tu!e circumstances, having 1- -ill dtt'scrted by the hus ;and ) ..I fa le-r several mo'.ths ago, :-...d ha is supposed to be now in !".-terr Cregon. A pin si ian . s called when the fanrly was taken sick more than ten days ago, who found symptoms of poisoning and on being qnes- tioiied Airs. Gri Idlev said that so ut'tliiiu in a paer fro n a shelf .;ia .: had tlroppcd ia I he flour chest, vvldch srie did no re.novj when uiaki.'g breat after ards, and i' is ii'iw pretty certain that it was a package of blue vitriol, hav ing Ix-cii in lit! bouse when the ' moved in. ACtoicDiNU to iiik coin;. inn French Stat-Minen Kiel, I a Ilnt-1 With the- I glial ITcult. P.mcis, Oct. 21. Tin du. l be tween I'a.ll Dcioiiledeaud Keiiiai-b growing out of a .lelnte in ibn ii.iiiiber ol" d !pufies, yesterday, relative to the aetioii ol tin: gov ernment ag: inst the Boulaugi-t-, in conise ol wlncli D-riu!ede m ridted K -inacli by d--scribit.g him as "thai lackey of all administra tions," took iihi'-e this morning. I be weapons u sed were pistol", rweii'v-tive paces were maiked oif by the seconds, and the principals look their weapons. At tlie wont Kc.nach tired, I nt the shot tler ui.le of thcmuik. Dcreiilcde did not. lire, lo-in.u li a s-c. urns then proposed that the iluvl be con- liiiii"-l. Derouleile declined to ac cede to the piojiosal. I: ualei l:tU r Ofllcer. 1u:tlvni, i let. 21 . At the ses sion of the uoitliMeslei n funeral directors association to-tlav, the lulinw ing oliicer-i w-re electe for the ensuing year: President, F. B. Fellows, McMiiinville ; hint ti.-e president, u. n. Harlan, Tacoma; vice president, K. M. Dav, l-.ngcne ; secietarv, C. J. (.Iraud.iii. The 1'a.l. s; trea-urer. Win. Mi. beil. The Dalles; direc tors, K-1 ward Ilolmau,.!. Hughes, M. Cooke, G. II. liiver,' i.irge Dunning, Henry Barber, John Garnold. The l"yallu :oinutlinlon. Washington. Oct. 21. "Judje Drake, of tins city, Jidge. K'n eaid,. i i. iitucky, ' .linige tl.i'i:ii:i' U ol Ind. ana, cotnorii-ing ruy.iilup ii iliau c- uiihi-s;oii bad a lin.d cent- rem c with I! e he it taiy if the iiileri.-r bul.iy, and received th liual instruction. Tne commission w ill ut o-ce pr cecsl to I a dim and en.Vr" iioii Ib-ir hil es. " .f Kjcpremt Co.' Mii.wai ki.!:. Vt. 21. A rumor w!i b, if cornet, means the most gigan ic express deal that ever oc curred in ibis couury and means t ie cons -I'd ti ion of the UinU-! S:ates and Ad tins express coiu- t..j.,.ua I, it... U'uc fl. ...n. ...c-i. .tint iic .'. i ! , t..i.:.. . . .... i i.-tna mc i ie-iiiK looitiii, iu toe. I .i, ..... ..;i.:: f corporations. l atal I'reniature Explonioh. Salt Lake, Oct. 21. Iufonn.i li.m was rectived to-lay liiat four miners were killed at Colling. on last t'liursd ty by a premature ex plosion of a po .vder blast. Try a glass of Celery phosphate I el fi I