Morning daily herald. (Albany, Or.) 1885-19??, October 11, 1890, Page 1, Image 1

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- . i a
. . I
The Leading Cioibier and Merchant
Tie Celebrated
Warranted to
JH or money
MM riiuouN
t iki uunarJiul airWM of either MX eftl'
ariai u from M exeswiTe w oi ",
lohacco or opiirn. or through J QuMit ul li-H
cretion, over untu'irwioe, etc, euch u low of
Brm Power, Wafcelu'oeai, Bearln Down
u.t . k. fwk Seminal W.-akoew. Hye-
tia. Her -ou Pro ration, Noetanul Uuiia-
That Is What It Is Said Dillon
and O'Brien Did.
Lklat Tawk'd tbe Uoiudautji
Domwtio Iufello'tj-FcMiifm M beloni
-Callfert Dried Frail.
uocorrto.. Di-. wj. ren;, w
Pria 1 hoi: 8 box lor s.w.
! Sent b mall on receipt of pnee.
4 wa-irrr. .i ee u rw
wltb ever- j order received, to refund toe
money if a iernial enro i notenetted.
We have inousanueoi wuiiiuui.
1 and vcunir, of aexM, who have been
: permanently cured by tbe um Af hroditlne
; Circular free, AMrvae
r u.-. unl,oi Kni 47. Portland. Oreiion.
for eale h Koebay & Mason, who ami and
etaJ drUKIiUt, A'ilan),Ur(00. -
Fata;1, dsldas
c va. A
Don't be bumbo
Ked. Save time,
Health and money,
Take no other.
Jier.t to any ad.
h. mill nn mrvlut of nrl.-f. tZ 00. Ad
dren tphro Medicine orupaa?
West Branch Box 27. rortUmU. Or.
3old by Foshay 4 Masoi, Albany. Omjm
nrni.iv. Oct. 10. The case
ajtai nat O'Brien and Dillon charged
with inr-itin tenanU not to py
u unin uiilea av iipuer-
morninz. Aeuner 01 tue
dolen.nts were present. Both
are iui- - "t-v of the committea ap-
poiate'' t a meeting of the Irish
Nationalist a in Dublin to v:it
America for the purpose ot solicit
ini? aid for the national cause. A
rumor la current tfi.ii mey nave
forfeited their hail of 1030 each in
the confirm V case an l that they
sailed yserday houi Q ieenstown
for the Uustea utes.
Mn.l . viitciiiiit urevmleu in
FEHALS Pills fepraz ?r i? ..1
IIM.L v in irii iiu avi""" -
abandoned the defenf e and left the
place. Confirmation ot the rumor
that they hnve left the country is
received. Information thus far
rPtoivia hl.ows tliat they dia not
Guaranteed to re- , by the ordinary channels of
atrrSES?"1 Pa9,aKe. TUir luilmU be paid
kv thM Xn'ionnl leairue.
At trie reor.csi 01 tauufi ui "o
crown, the ctiuri cfruui m ui uwi
annAarance WR9 attached to the
. . , r 11 A'll:
hail ol U.lion anu w trirn
An adjournment was then taken to
pni hle the crown to consider what
8tcp should be tiki n. warrants
have tven l-mied lor llie urrtoi 01
the missing nationalists.
Fur Female Ir
refulaiitiee; noth-
int iike tbfmoo
the market, ikeret
II. succeaafullv
.wed by prominent
ladiea montniy
Sntmi .
vavtk1)A oirl t do eeneral houae
work.' Ai ply m icr litclv at ihi oftVe,
TKAVEUNO INCOGNITO. r n vri;ir. riitrOH can 1 o quick-
1 lvcurdbvShlh'iOure. Woguarantae
Sold oy ro-iiaj a mmw.
Price, Quality Considered
The Uelr Presumptive of tbe Urlt-
ittx Throne la San Franclnco.
Sav Fbascisco. Oct. 10. Prince
George, the "sailor prince," eon ol
iliiiiri V.4uur1 nnrl linlr nrcSUniD-
1 2AISL2Y i ! FI2E, : Jj3) : Pri&UrS Uveofthe throne of England is
jAlkkt ' ' " Uunpose 1 to be a guest at the
Paiace hotel. He is tiavenng in
w gnito under the name of C. II.
Hornby, oi juington, r.nKiiu.
H;s friend and traveling compan- i
ion, whose identity is well esiao I
c Lord ix
II its,
II lt,
, ULOrillN'ii,
Vnr nil kinds of ffreen or diy
fruit boxes call at the Suar Pine
Door & Lumbei Conipaiy'i ware
house, Albany, Or.
Matthews & Washburn, the en-
r.,risim htrdwaie ana ruve
. ,-. rj . . . i
OVERCOATS, OVERCOATS, lea'.ers. rece.vea wr
wv 1, v u.iwa.-. TSebr.u.d family remedies ag0. and have been visiting point:
nrunmi r: nWRf'OJ'K iecry wnirc.
1.11'. 1 i, V . M V w - " '
liaheil in VVi'lmia F. D. Smith
New rolled.'. Oxford, son of W.
U. H. Smith, first lord ot tne ua
mirslty, leader of the houe 01
coramoiH, and at the heal of the
news trade in tnlan 1. ine young
gentlemen arrived here) a ween
ail ltaU njc druKKlst
Quench your thirst at the new
xhIh fountain.
1 lr tn aee rrnr f'Jid JlljOeS for
ladies atE. C dearie.
FreHh cranberries ; d l iikeled
cod bbh at Mueller 4Utf
of interest in this vicinity, min
morning they started for a ween
tour OI I ne lOfeamc urj.
A California Ur Sulna; tjr k I)!-
Tore in New Vork.
Xeir Yomk,Oct. 10. Judge in-
eraham. - ia the eupremVLcourt
arjecial term, is engaged Tntbt
trial of a suit of Louise J.
daughter of at wealthy Caliiorn:
f..r a Unutea oivorce iroin tjuuion
O. SmKh' laric of Wells, Fargo &
Co , to wham she a marriel De
cember 12,. J385. She charges
drunkenness, cruelty and aban-
donmear. On, one occasion, she
sars. wliea tt complained of his
. ' l 1 .: 1 1. 1.1
oaa oauii iuii buci iuv uuiu
tell his fathef if ho did not slop,
ha called Iter naiws and choked
her. Ir the latter pari ol 1688 he
alvled-wr te Tiiit her parents in
Lot Angolea and be would go on
in the eummer and bring her
hoaie. .'i-went, but be did not
come, an I la wciouer, isaw, sue
returned retiy ana louna uiai
he was living in their flat, part of
which wai- o-cupiea oy a wiuovr,
hia sub-tenant. Mrs. &ru:th says
she foun I the widow's clothes and
her - hudhaud s mixed up in a
bureau. Sbe complained and he
called heiTV' perfect fiend.", bhe
consulted nfir aunt ahoui tne mat
ter, and Qnaliv there wea a con
ference lietween her husbjind, his
father and- the widow, bmitti
wauled her to retract whatsiie
hAd saiil atout the idow but she
refused and he thn atened suit for
separation. A Subsequent meet
ing of th cuuole before thir
I asUr for tlie purpose of effecting
a reconciliation was uiumuui.
Thii dHieiire is that Mrs. Smith
abandoned the defendant. The
case is still on.
Hoard of Foreign Jllaeloue.
Minneapolis, Oct. 10. The
Mmerii-an iniard of commissioners
for foreign missions tins morning
listened to the r-p oi wie com
mittee of thirteen on organization.
rhi frtmtnuiee lias been at worn
three year., trying to get at the
opinion of the Co:!g!Og dional
churches at larae as ;o whether a
change inthe form of bwrds of
organization go as to make it more
democratic and representative,
o.u. aKimVi'.e. The committee,
wl.i!e admi'.ting its efforts in this
directum were somewhat un-au
fn...,rt. rt-commt-n led that no
cha'ige tciuade. Adopted.
Btroofc With Paralyala.
Washi.ston. O t. 10 J
Mlll, f the lln.te.l Mates ru
.Mnu .-rtmt was nt i Lken witn
paralyei this afterr.o -n.
Juai -e Md!er is nJNa in
condition, 1 hough res
at lv and his nuniw'
was retornini frortt
court nxiin and w?
Tin Day Spent la Handshaking
and Speechmaking.
Talki A;mt tk P.c'So Ctait P.oa-erg-
Qneit of 8ec or Iagalli at Topeka
A Prosettiaa StrUwad.
of bis r sulence wsL ,
o-er and' ml . . -WW S9
A Colli Blooded Mtirrterer Moea
State 1'riaon for Lite
Ik'TTB. Mnt., Oct. 10. At Deer
Lodge, this morning, the jury in
the case of the et.ite vs. Steve
Mattler, for the murder of Augmv
Turner, at Harrison, on August 7,
returned a verlii:t of murder in
tl.e second decree, and fixed the
punishment at imprisonment for
life. Tbe murder was unprovoked
and was over 60 cents. Turner
was a hotel clerk. Mattler and
two companions partook of break
fast at the h' tei, anu oiiereu i i.i
payment for three oneaK Upo
Turner's deinind ne 50 tents ad
ditional Mattler Dulled a cun an I
.4hot Turner, ir flictine a mortcl
O 8180-
:. who
klv trot him home.
c-. ' ....... r - , , . . ,
or.,1 Hn.Hr Cook and Lincol
were toon in attendance. 'Ibey
f..,..i io the led side of the ius-
IIIUUU .iiw. - - . - . . .
alvzed. but he is f till
able to recojitdz i bose alnmt him.
iin t Dr.'n has jus!
left Justice Miller, lie eajs me
justice's condition is not nearly so
tavorao'.e n mi
and tbe case now is very serious.
Cold Weather Ob Hand.
Sax Francisco, Oct. 10. The
signal service reports wwj
howea verycoKi ei: -
rvrn-nn and Nevada, with
snow and a prosct of more m the
latter state.
It Wae alHeavy Exploaion.
iv,.uiTns. O.t. 10. Frag
m-nts of bo-hes of victims i itc
Anvder ex plosion have been picked
;p mues away num --
Ponnlation of New York.
Axrnisov Kas.. Oct. 10. The
president arose early this morning,
and when bt. Joseph was ap-
nroached he and his party na-i
onlv time "to hastily take a run
coffee lajfore entering the city. At
the- union depot an immense
crowd was assembled. Conspu-u
ous in the asscmbl ine was Custer
post of the Grand Army oi trie
Beouble, wbieh, drawn up in line
r tl.n ..., I
made passage way ior ic y;
dent, and acted as their escor
... .
unt.l a neignpormg uv.iei
reached, whre a public rece
wa held. As the preside.
Secretary Tracy appeared
hulconv in tiont oi ii
Pnlnnel A. C Dawes. K0
senger agent of the lianninai
St. Joseph railroad, int reduced
them in a short speech, w hu u was
received with cheere Dy me
crowds. .....
The president thansea me
crowd for its cordial welcome. In
the course of his remarks he said :
Many years ago I read of St.
Joseph. I knew something of its
history, when, instead of be:ng a
railroa 1 city, it was a place for
outfitting th se slow and toilsome
troina that bore eiulv pioneers
towards Califomi.t and the far
West. Those davs were days not
to be despised. Tlnse means of
communication were slow, but
thev bore men and omen full ol
courage and pa'iem-e t. d fjr us
K ljrifii coas'. ana in tne
great West, the work ot peaceful
c inquest that has added greatly
to the jilorv an i irwjn;i i
country. We are here as Ameri-
i-au cifir.ens, not as partizans. e
are here as comrades of the war .or
if there are inoso woo. uuuci
the nther banner foiiiht for what
seen ed to them rinht, we are here
to sav one and all that toa Knew
what was best for this conntrt
hen he eaat. th issue in lavor oi
thel'ulon and tm constitution.
AppVinse and cheers J
At the conclusion of the presi
dent's remarks the party returned
to the rotunda ol the iep..t. wnei
the president shook namis wnn
the ciowd as they tiled thtouifh.
At 7 :S1 the tr .in pulled out of 8t
Joseph, amid the cheering f the
crowds. The run to Aiem-.on a
made without incident, beyond
the cheers of crowds at the depotE
as the train went b Atch:son
was reached at 8 .40, where a larKt
crow d had assembled.
Toi'rka, Kaa. U t. to. Aiiaionj:
. rmite from AUbison the presi
lent wae gree'e lry crowds at the
depots. At this point tlie par.
was rec-i'i ty aenaior ingans,
escorted to the hotel by the gov
ernor and staff, and reviewed an
immense procosion. Mter mncu
they went to t!e fair grounds
where tne pre-'i.iein. mauo
sieech. .
inn difficuHv :n securit'g back pay
due him from tbegoverument.
The Rome correspondent of the
Catholic News cables that the
vicarite apostolic of briush Col
umbia hasbe en mad a a diocese,
with Right Rev. Paul Tenrlen as
Tommy LaFlesh, aged 15, went
out to sh-jot a hawk near Henley,
Cn'., Wednesday eveniiisr, but did
not nlui i. Aftcrhnnting hiin all
night, he was Sound at 7 the next
morning, dead. He had a 22 cali
bre rin?, and accidentally 6hot
himself through the heart while
climbing a bank.
Luke E. Donnelly, a well-known
merchant and business man of
San Francisco, died at tbe Occi
dental hotel yesterday morning:
He has been ill but a snort time.
Ignatius Donnelly, of Minnesota,
author (A the celebrated "Crypto
gram," is a cousin of the deceased.
Domeilv leaves property valued
The trestle bridge over Puwi
creek, two miles south Of JJav
vill'.CuI., was d stroyed by fi
iate Wednesday night. The hre
was no doubt ir cendiary, and
seems to be the work of-paities
who have heretofore made several
attempts to wreck the Oregon
train, which has a very heavv
travel. The burned bridge was
over 80 feet long. Telegraphic
com nunication was badly inter
rupted, as o:h the wires of the
Western Union and Pacific Postal
companies were all destroyed ; bat
to day they are being rapidly re
It Couauinee the Bualnesa I'art of a
Ton n
Castboyille Station, Cal., Oct
ii Cast rvill a was vieited by a
! .coir. n j fir. TIimsilMV mi. mine.
Irtiis tn sll their share cfidcstroviu in tbe neiuliorhood ct
Oct. 10. The nop-
uation of the state of New York is
custou-M's ar.j invited: to conic
and set their owd price.time and
amoint of -good Aianted as long
a3 our scl; lasts.
twenty-five thousand dollars wort:i
ol property. The only insurance
it on th s Odd Fellows' building,
b ich carried iji 1 nOO. The propet -
Buy your tickets to the ea via
the Canadian l'acinc raiiroa i
best railway service in exi.t ti
R to klO rheauer than a
t.r transcontinenUl I n T
finest scenery in the woi.u is ionn
Odr lu)cr hr i :t
n iu a i;iuh .!:: in
nnd t' gft ut we
have irot tu maKe vs v
-'os in ice nn
. . 'I ...
SlOVfS. AW" 1111.111
lock ftnd wo are
to unload it
I " ,. -i, ...:r. :i i
i I li i.n.m.io9 i.r..-l llief ;anauian r( inmiiunu.
rlrtv on the mam etreet. The member you can save 5 on a
nf the t;ie in attributed to
v. - - , .
some tiamps sating me w ft oarn
i .1 . if
Argaai &sd Saeri
cr Sauj53. Cooks
tail Ho iters, Uxl'
vie wlCutlo.y:
I tnmz I i
; .
Slavtn and Mo VullSTo Committed
T.oNr.o.v. Oct. 10. The caso of
Fiank Slavin and Joe McAuliS
pngilisU, ha-gt d with taking part
in a t.rize fiitht at the OrciOnde
Club, came u; in the Gambcfa
nnlicH conrt to-da-. The court
1 ...... r " . r 1 .
coininittea tnem .or inai uireupj
iag in a common, prizefight.
Vrlce of California Dried Fm
Xew York.. Oi-f. 10. It Is
ond-class ticket and 10 on a fl
clis ticket ty purcnasing jo
tickets over thta line, tor map
..mi ticket?. etc. .can on jj.a.uuik
hart, otnee opiKKue ine rirei
National bank. Alt any. Or.
Sueceesful Artealan Well.
The last artesian well drilled at
Pullman is a gusher. It is thus
described bv a special correspond
ent of tbe S't-okano Falls Review :
"One must stand by a pheno
menon like I his to fully compre
hend its novelty. It is difficult
to im-ipir.t!. bv reading of it. what
a quanty f water is implied by
tbo ftatement that this hole,
through which tbe wa'er literally
rushes, is six inches in tiiamever,
and that it is a solid column, beiny
forced more than eighty let t to
ihe BUrf:c. and, after reaching
thri runlet of its confinement, it
rises three feet in a beauii;ul bite
fountain. The Crawford wed,
near this, being confined to a three
inch pipe, rose twenty-three feet
above the eurf ;ce, and this well,
beinit .-tronger. will no doubt d.
better. The drill in the Johnson
i well, near this, penetrated a vein
of coal at about 110 feet. At eighty
feet in the new well large chip,
and blocks of lignite :n. a num
ber of specimei e of good coal were
thro t n o. it by the water."
Try a glass of Celery .diosphste
at Cuinuing's diuj fcloro.
A fine line of library lamps on
sale at C. K. Ilrownell'e.
J nst received a new stock of Y.
I. F. Loiiery at W. F. Read's.
Miners: go to F. M. French,
or your in.ijj-ii lying giass.
A full line of trusses fur eale at
Justice Mider Is Stricken Witb
A 0liroxnl Towa Bbm4 Smew tai Oola
- Diith of Aa ed Oraad Amy Maa
-Hew Tsrk'i roftlatloa.
Chicago, Oct. 10. Engineer
and firemen on the Northwestern
system want the classification aya-
J- ..... . . . - i a
rem sbDlisneu, ana utatxr aeouou
is not gran'ed, a atiilte it aunong
the probabilities. This means the
ieing up of G0.X) miles of road.
The claKSification works against
both engineers and-firemen, and
indVr it the firemen who have
orked und-jr it from three to five
years is given an engine and
classed as a second rate engineer
nd receives two cents ' mile.
s- cond year bis wages are f.'
sod ne cent a mile, and sfJei - -
several years nanaiing u rugiao
ie has lull pay. Engineers claim
they aie to a. large extent sup
planted by nw men by whose
service the company saves an
nually thousands ot dollars in
aaes. Durinz the dull seasons
recruits are given the preference
over full pav men. who are extra, -often
earning less than "30 per
nontn. It is thought that the
road will rather corse to terms
ban risk a strike.
A voting man named O'P.rien
was fined $51 at Victoria, Wcdncs
! .v. fur attempting to suiuugw in
a set of Chambers' Encyclopedia.
A Indon fire occurred yester
day in the bi-tOMC Bius viav
.M'.ntt ; Westminster. The
CTV III0 a . . Via
flames were extinguistiea ueiurv;
much dimage was done.
An official Russian new sparer
says German v has advised Austria
fr ibe nrcsent to abandon her dc-
i ire to obtain recognition ior rnnce
Ferdinand as ruler ot Bulgaria.
Hon. Lewis Parker, one of the
m.Tt prominent men in the state
if tin. was knocked down oy a
Cumming's drug store
A fine line of Artists raaterisls
iuft opened at J. A. Cum-.uiug'r
tlrug store.
?weet Del.-waie gra; es for eat
ing fresh every mornic at C E.
Tan colored b'iocs need a dress
ing, if not a blacking" Go Vj Ivlein
Knis. for an articie of that nature
"D.?m close ob yoh'n looks pilt' j
new : how d've get 'em ?" "P.y de
yadd, seine's an' one el.-e.
"Iitini"! Sposes you mean dt
back yahq, dian yer? '
Tbe shortairo in the Cordova
bank of the Argentine Republic is
onl $11, 000,00.. And tln-re isn't
a solitary Aigei.tine Republi;-an in
Canaan, eitner."
Are you retle?s at night and
harassed by a bad cowgh? Use
Dr. J. H. McLean's Tar Wine Limit
P.ilm. it will secure yon sound
Wanta Heary Datnagas froam a
Prominent FoMUcUaw
Buffalo, N. Y., Oct. lO.-Dr. '
RayV. Pierce, ex state senator,
-x-congreesman, millionaire and
proprietor of a LimoHS patent med
icine, has been eued by William
-. Wve, of New York, for alien
ating" the affections oi Mrs. Wyee.
the tummona . o o-ujui
were served on Pierce in May but
be fact did not leak out until
vesterday: Wys was connected
ih Harpers Weekly when Tierce
met him fifteen years ago. Wyse
aasacbumof Grow Clevelanr'
and when he came here to attend
the rtces with the latter, ne usta
todtop in on Pierce. They be
came fir.n friends and Wyte con
fi led to the doctw that he wai
having t. ouble with his wife. She
went abroad and then -made bin
:i e her a deed to all her property
before she would retnrn.
"When she got every cent be
had." said Dr. Pierce to-dy,
"she came back, I met them
in San Francis.o in 18S8. They
had a quarrel there, and Wyse
told mi that she threw him -ana
bis baggage out .of bis. roost at a
hti:l. I wnt hack to Buffalo,
and Wyse afterward went to New
York and begun t '.it against his
ifa to get. back his money, lie
.bsTged her with immorality.
Wyse aod I were good frieiiU un
til" May, when be treatt-d me with
this blackmailing scheme. I have
received intimation that a com
promise will be acceptable, but I.
shall fight it out. I an iunoceat. .
and I believe my character Ibos
the possibility oi harm irgm rats
Btory." . - - '
Let! of the XrtaosTaJ.
Sav Fbavcisco,- Oct. l By
the steamer Bclgic which arrived
from Hong Kong and Yokohama
this ' morning' particulars of the
lo-sof the Tmkish frigate Ertou
gfoul, Captain Alibey, off the
coast of Japan, on tbe 16th ult..
are receive!. An accident hat
nenodlo her boilers, and the thip
tiecotning unmanageable, drifted
on the io-.kB, fifty miles from Yo
kohama where toe" boilers burst.
In five minutes the vessel found
ered. There were 630 officers and
men aboard, and the sea was full
o; men fuhiing for life- ani:d the
ttnatinif dehria. MaCV. it 18 Said.
went mad, threw up their hands
' horse at Banisor vester- cWu. and effect a promiit and rad- and sauk. Osman i'asha, the an-
iv morniPK. apd died the same hCal cure. niiral, whi!
Take the Xorthern.Tatdfic Rail
roa to all p"ints East, shortest
ti:he of auv road hast. JN
change of cars, best accomodations
and the most pleasant route la
travel. Tickets for said over this
road to my and all points east at
the lowest rates by Burkhart A
licenev who are the authorized
A Stvraul & Duluth Ireighi ran
into a Soithern Pacific f-hort Line
pa-snger Thursday mining nar
Duluth. To coaches full of pas
seng rs were ditched. Nobody
A big cushion billiard tourna
ment has been ai ranged to take
We are sole agents in this city
for the best flour on tie market.
The Benton Full Roller, Corvsllis
new flouriug mill. It is the oeet
and cheapest at $1.10 per Back,
Blackburn & Pironi.
An amplication to the court of
session for h-ave to disentail the
historic estate of Yair Selkirkshire
potted by the Commercial Bulletin 1 1 aafats' of this company at Albany
that the eeneral average pnce oi i o8ii on them for tickets and
I'alifoi hia diied peaches here is a ; p lt ti,-nlnrs
SiUle lower,, and there is aJii'v
Iiesture to make sales.
j G. W. Si-.npson has received his
' i l stuck of stockinette and sea'.et
vtaitsns the BatUeflelda. s-u-Vr-ts nd three quarter soalet
RicnsioND, Va., Oct. 10. Th
morning the Comte de Pans ar.d
nnrtv left on liorseliHck fof a V.tlt
to the bat lelields of Mchanic? j it the Trotti c Meeting. "I
ville. Ga ns Mills. Cold Harbo r mi.d the first race. Billy : was it
none?" "well I Bhonia I, and nave a complete ihiii-
us-.nt ot all the latest style.
and Seven Pine?,
Iron andSteel Inatltute.
riTTsnt liG,- Oct." 10. Tho fin it
se8ion of the J ron and Steel 1 n
sti:ue was called to onler this
morning. A number of papers
w-Pi read, alter which
; Whv.
1 hai.
IDcIiv una iww a. - - ...w- - - . .
place after the Christmas holiday, has been refused, iair is de-
ni New York, Shaeffer, Slosson, gcribed by Sir Waltir Scott in the
Carter and Ives being amorg the introduc ion to canto II of Mar-
ire were eiht
say so.
it ad-
fjiit received a fresh lot of Rue
sit ft 0 mi dressing for tan colored
&5i.e.- at KLiti Brus.
A yery large assortment of new
prints, ginghams, strong cloth,
etc., at W. F. Read's.
T. 11 arid pre the l.i'e styles in
n'ltv veiling and handkerchiefs
t:.c Ladies Bazaar.
New gooes at Reed's.
The first joint session of the
British Iron and Steel ln-tiiute
..,1 tUa American 60citte8 Of
engineers and iron and 6tecl man
ufacturers was held at 1'itit.burg
yesterday morning.
Ttrivands on tl.e Iwer Epirws
recently carried off an Italian g.u-!
tleman. A raisom of $1000 wa-
demanded for his release, and
after cuttimz off a portion of one
of his ears, he was set at liberty
for $500.
ThA Italian committer on the
Chicago world's fair exhibits has
been dissolved. The reason given
is that few Italian houses care to
send dianlavs to America in the
face of the high duties imposed by
the McKinley tariff bill.
John T. Carey, who recently re
signed his position as district
attorney for the northern district
I of California, gives as his reasons
that the office is not sufficiently
I remunerative, ad that he is hav-
A passenger elevator to the sum
mit of Mount Blacc id proposed by
an American minim! endneer.
The sliaf: is to le t-f eight compart
ments, each eix tec-t Fquate, in
tended to carry a triple decked
elevator for t!7 passengers.
Take the Union Pacific railway
for t!.e East, thitty-live hours
quicker thsn any other transcon
tinental line, tiegani new uining
cars. Pullman palace sleepers, free
family sleeping cars run through
to Denver, Omaha, Council Bluffs,
Kansas Citv, St. Louis and Chi
cago. C. G. Rawlinge, city ticket
agent, foot of Broadalbin street.
Runs high in Albany over iys'
c swimming toward the
shore, wai struck by a spar ana
drowned. - Only six. officers and
fifty-five men reached land, and
many of them were 'maimed and
bruised by being dashed against
the rocks.
Epidemic la Loadoa.
London, Oct. 10. The publica
tion of statistics iy . ine neaun
authorities, showing .that there
have been 849 rases of scarlet
fever and 350 of diphtheria in
London during the past fortnight,
has caused a decided sensation.
Considerable alarm -8 felt lest the
diseases become epidemic and un
usual precautions have betu en
Advance la Price.
Pittsburg. Oct. 9. At - a meet
in of the Flint and Lime Glass
Manufacturers' Association yester
day, an advance of not quite 5 per
cent, was made in prices.
French Tauev.Warera.
These wafers are a sure and safe
specific for all kinds of female
troubles and will remove alt ob
structions to the monthly periods,
nn matter what the cause. They
tem Builder, as evervb xly is using are just what every woman needs.
it for CaUrrh ol tne btomacn, i and can ne use, saieiy. or
Dyspepsia, Constipation and Im-jby the Livingstone MemcalCo.,
pure Blood. Try it and tell your I manufacturers, Portland, Oregon,
friends about it, as it must posseBJ also from oar sole agent, J.A.
wonderful merits when all ejeak. Camming, druggist, Blambers;
well of it. t block, Albany, Oregon.