Morning daily herald. (Albany, Or.) 1885-19??, October 02, 1890, Page 4, Image 4

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The Daily Herald will be on
sale each morning ai H. J. Jones'
book store.where it in be procured
at 6 cents per copy.
Fresh oysters at John I sow's.
Ovsters in every style at Jonn
S. G. Guiss was in the city yes
terday. I-adies and children's union suit
at the Ladies' Bazaar.
Ask to see u i" $''.-"0 shoes for
ladies at E. C. ? arls.
I. S. Busey, of I lar.-isburg, was
in the city yesterday .
A pony for sale chcip, for par
ticulars inquire at this ollice.
Late style gossamers and u.n
brellaa at the toadies Bazaar.
Lookout for T. L. Wallace A
Co'a. errand opening Saturday.
All kinds of fresh iruits received
daily at Jas. F. Powell A Co.'s.
When you want a stylisi man s
or boy's hat go to t . W. Simpson
Get your hats at the Indies
Bazaar. A first class trimmer in
A new invoice
children's winter
Ladies Bazaar.
of misses and
dresses at the
Call and the late styles in
beauty veiling and handkerchiefs
at the Ladies Bazaar.
A yery large assortment of new
prints, ginghams, strong cloth,
etc., at W. P. Read's.
Just received a choice lot of tine
maple syrup at Mueller A Gar
Try a can of baking powder and
get a wash bowl and pitcher at
Hlackbuan A Piroui's.
Just received a fresh lot of Rus
set Cream dressing for tan colore I
8 hoes at Klein Bros.
Prof. Gentry's Canine and
Equine Paradox this evenii g
at the opera house.
Tan colored shoes need a dress
ing, if not a blacking Go to Klei i
Bros, for an article of that natur -.
The citizens of Walla Walla an
organizing to maintain a perm
ne .t industrial exhibition in th: '
Ladies and misses jockey cap
infants raps and bonnets, and .1
full line of infants' wear at G. V. .
Stop and get a tine l l
candy at the .Monogram op(. si:.
the Russ house.
A. Boenirke Prop.
Special bargains in all wool
suitings just received at 30 and 4 :
cents, the best value ever show.i
in Albany. Call and see them ut
W. F. Read's.
Prof. Gentry's dogs and ponies
will be at the car at the foot f
Ferry street to-day, and thoe
desiring to see them are cordially
invited to call.
C. G. Rawlings is still city ticket
agent for the Onion Pacific rail
road at the wharf at the foot - t
Broadalbin street, and the otlice
there will be continued.
Messrs. Will A Stark have just
received a new line of lieautiiui
Bilverware, solid gold watches,
rings and jewelry of ill kind.-:.
Call and fee their tine selections.
Geo. Anderson, at the VI ban
fish market, next door to the post
office, has fresh oysters bv the
pint, quart, bushel or any quantity
desired, in the dressed or un
dressed. We are sole agents in this city
for the best flour on the market.
The Benton Full Roller, Corvallis
new flouriug mill. It is the bent
and cheapest at $1.10 per sack,
Blackburn A Pironi.
The celebiated American
pianiste Miss Neally Stevens is
making a tour on this coast and
will prnbably appear before the
Albany public during next month.
This would le the hest musical
treat Albany ever had.
F. L. Kenton continues to re
ceive tubscriptioi.s for all the
leading newspapers and magazines
at the cash grocerv store near the
poetothce. All orders left with
him will be forwarded without de
lay, saving the subscriber the
trouble and expense of forwarding
the same to the publisher.
The '"Mar of Bethleham" is now
visible in the northwest. It is
very bright and can be seen at its
1 best at about 8 r. m. The news
papers were full of the discovery
about a year ago. It is seen from
the earth every 315 years. You
look at it now as in all probability
you will not be here when it ap
pears again.
An Incipient HIh.
An alarm was sounded ye.-ter
day afternoon for a tire in Wilcox
A Conn's photograph gallery, hut
the tire was extinguished with a
few buckets of water, and without
the assistance of the engines. Tin
nre canghi in ine rooi irom a terra i i ne woi k on the hnogc is pro
cotta flue. I givssihg s ilislactot v and in s
MO Kewsrd.
Ten dollars reward will be paid
for the arrest and conviction ,,i
any person or persons tearing
down sigu-ltoards put up along
the county roads, advertising o.h
goods. Kl.tIN I'.Kos.
Last evening, on the county roa l
road between this city and oo,
some parties shot a hole through j
one of our signs. The miscreant.
is known, and unless he comes
forward and makes good the dam
age done will be prosecuted.
Ki.kin Bkos.
tor Sale.
A single buggy uorse, young and
fine traveler, together with a jump
eat buggy, harness, whip, etc.
nearly new, inquire of O. C
'wbrey. Odd Fellows' temple.
Tbt City Will be Supplied With Para
Water From the S tctiam C.inab
It is gratifying to not'' that the
city will again be supplied with
pure water from the Santiam
canal. All the drains along the
water ditch in this city have been
closed, and draining into the canal
is a thin. o.' tin- past. The puiu;
that his for sime time been diaw
ing its water lr-.ui the Calapooi.i,
Ins neen changed and here liter
will furnish pure, mountain waier
from the Santiam.
Previous to thi one
drawn from a Hiniif
along the bottom of the canal, hut
this had long ago out lived its use
fulness and impurities fiom tiso
drains and sevvets seeped through
and our citizens were complied
to use t Ids malaria breeding rlni-1
in lieu of pure water. The secoi.o
pump got its water frmu the Cal.t-p-'oia
river, and immediately
above where the water was
punred out are two cemeteries
and i slaughter housp, and the
('alapooia street sewer and several
drain- emptv into the stream that
supplied our water.
Too much praise cannot le ac
corded the present management
for its action in pure
water for the city.
, mi ii nu
Adelina Patti will sing fourteen
times in Russia and get 100-1
guineas for each time.
Anton Itubensteiti is stayimr in
the Black Forest, and, is so busy
composing that he raiely noes out
except for an houi's stroll late i i
the afternoon, lie is thought to
be at work on a grand open.
Colonel Frederic A. Bee, Ch -
nese consul to San Francisco, and!
said ' he the only American,!
with the eption of Anson Bur-'
liflL'.iiii. who held il ih liloliintic I
diice unci r that government, is
on a vacst o i visit to Bar Harbor.
The decoration ollicer of publi
instructions has been couferied by
France, thioigh the French lee.
ation at Washington, mi I'r. l'er
sifor Fiaer, of Philadelphia, who
was vice picsidcnt of 1 1 ie fourth
session of the International iiolog
ical congiess at I'lulad Ipira.
James I. King of Butl'alo, regis
tered a' the l.obcemian spa, at
Carlsbad, liming the summer, ami
was announced in tin- local press
as James 1., Kino! thulVio. l'h:s
brought do vn upon him such a
rush of U-g.irs, turl-huiitcr- and
lee hunters that he had to get out
ol to n. Some of ihe natives
even took him tor l-mia'o l-iil.
Two. f the M-vrii ladies in wail
ing of iii'-cn Margaret, ol Italy,
are New York girls the Prun e s
Vic -v.iro, who was .M.s.s F.leiior
Loiillard Spencer, ami tin- i'
eess P.iaucaci), who was .Mi s
liiikson Field. The Prince Vic
ovaio is a Cetui, an i siili u v us I he
stalely paiace which heiongeil to
l.ubrezia Pelroid, the slepmotln i
of Itertrice Cenci. together wilh
many memorials of the n : .let
ManlaK that
A niiiuix-r oj papers th
the st ite have r.jc--ut!y s.
ol h.t
in the r respeetive e mnti- s a
her of marriage ceremonies
had been solemnized weiev
account of the failure of t:
sons performing such c- .
lotile the repined certiiiia
the iouiii v cl-i k. uch. h
is not the case. A ma" ,
this state sodomized U :
authorized otlicer or miie i
not "'void" bec.iuse a c- .
had lot i)en obtained i. i
that per-
t (Ml
r is
i the
ce, ti -
county clerk or because ti
ticate was not. tilled w
th the
cjuiity clerk within the lone
scribed by l:w, or within
oii.c. i. mo. i .ic penalty tab.
any II J (Oil
me cierK or solemnizing oll.i er or
both, but the marriage is g. od and
binding, and the married parties
need feel no alarm aliout ine ma:
ter. Only those marriages ai
void which are prohibited -v law,
hecau.-e ol consanguinty betwten
the parties, dr on a. count of either
having a former w :fe or husband
then living, or on account ol either
of tht-m heing t)f one fourth ol
more of negro blood, if solemnized
within this itat".
Itvliolal the Diver.
The performances of Iiver Nel
son, who is engaged in boring
holes through the timbers that w ill
be bolted to the heavy iron piers
of the new Madison s reet bridge.
is attracting considerable idle curi
osity from rowing parties who
happen to pass by. The diver in
his heavy coat oi mail ami he d
gear looks like some lost knight o:
the days of feudal chivalry He
remains under water sometimes
several hours at a stretch, and is
supplied widi air by two men who
operate an air pump, w hile he
makes his imder-watw explora
tions. The timiiers that are U-ing
hoi ted to the piers ae there togive
a footing or brai e-work that will
be bui.t between oli si;e tiers.
weeks the river w ill be spaned.
An AnoIIii K.lilor'i Atniclloii.
F.sotin Sentinel : Joh must have
h- en a rem irkahly good loan to
stand his athii tions so meeklv and
r sigueilly. I bis editor has onlv
j onf of tiie protnberaiices that
JaHlicted the above individual, and
el his padein e is sorely tried, and
r '
little more provocat ion would be
piired t in luce him to say
Isnn. I his pet rest.s just
; l low the p u t ear, and when the t
lead turns the body goes wit I
iygoes with it. j
! thus being anvtlnng but ow i-lik
and graceful. The hoys, "consarn
'em," say we "got it in the neck"
at that big hamiuet over at Fair
havvii. ijuench your thirst
so la fountain.
at the new
PoRTLA N l, Or., Sept 27ti
The Industrial Exposition of the j
northwest for A. I) , lsw, may
be considered now fairly under
way .spaces being pretty well tilled
and exhibitions generally com
pleted, some few changes and
touching up in the machinery hall
being done yet. Yesterday" and
last night the attendance was
not so large as on opening day,
but this afternoon a Lug,? number
of women and children availed
themselves of the tine warm day
to visit the fair, and fat st-ck ex
hibit. And to-night the attend
punip Inn I am-e js (,MitP large. The building
iu uo hiring Sltlll Utt llllll ll t1.1i,i- i.OU,u
the crow d is hardly ever great at
any one p'ace long, yet all the
rooms were prettv well tilled, and
a belter dressed and decorous
gntherng of people has rarely been
seri anywhere. Ol course the
music hall and I.ihrettaV band is
the central attraction and hstn-rs
are alway occiipx ing the galleries.
isut the eastern hall is the place
Miere one can visit again am
again always rinding a nong the
exhibits then something to ex
amine and admire. But it seems
to me tin gr.-.'.fe-t of all attractions
isrheciowd in atten. lance itself.
S':ch a variety of humanity and
human nature on sees in a small
sp i e and a short time.
From the seeming prosperous
mm of city business at fairs sleek
and well ke t with his -;dm and
with iofty air ami tine attire .o
'he laboer with clothes hearing
marks ihat th.-ir ow ner has h'-eii
o liged to wear them when at
labor iluiing the dav as well as at
hi bird earned recreation here
in the evening. Then the 1 ahi 1
tongif s as i hey puss. Chinese
lingo :iml Scotch brouge, voiuble
French ami sloa lierman. Scan
din.ivi n and Japanese, al liein
-andAiciied with the Alueiictn One race seems to be
oroni-ing out now, the native is really going. One hard
iy sees an Imli ,n now in the street
or elsew here in Portland..
Saturday about noon
weie prettv ivelv about th
vicinity of 'J and .'lid, stret ts, on
Alder a Chinese rookery then
caught fire and a dense smoke
rolleil out for a while which
exciteil the Chinese and
energetic lirema.i. Spectitois
soon hi ck.nled the streets lor
ii in KS. I lie rlK hou.-tv-i-r u im ut
once got under control to the trrea;
disappointment apparently of
many lookeis on.
Sund -y here w as a lovely da
and the many lies of the
Young Men's Chi isi iin Associa
tion oi the north wi s' were promi
nent persons m the city that day,
occupying the diti'erent pulpit.
uioiiiing and evening, closing with
a mass meeting in toe 1'ahcnacle
Sunday night. The State Chamber
ol Commerce completed itsorgani
zation on yesterday, which
promises to be of much benelit to
the slate. Certainly theie is .
wide tield for usefulness repre
sented for it. To-day, Tuesday, is
"barbaeu: day" at the fair.
Weather verv tine.
Oregon Predlij tery.
The Oregon presbytery of the
I'nited Picsbyterian" ciuirc.i w ill
meet at the Willamette church,
Oakviile, Tue day, the 7th of Oc
tober, and a ill bc. opened with a
seimon by Rev. M. M. Marling, j1
I laisey, at the I. on oi V. 30 P. si.
On Wednesday theio will he a
- onfereiice on home i.. .ssions, and
on Thursday, under t:.e diiection
of Dr. G. W. Gruy, P. S. S. S., a
conference on Sitnbath school
worn. We expect an interesting
meeting of the presbytery. The
public are coidially "invited to
Utend. Clerk.
The Alsi-a Komi.
The Corvallis Tunes s ijb: The
wagon road has been completed
dow n the .-lsea vallev to the head
of tide, and those who have trav
eled over it rep ut it a very good
mountain tharonghfare. The peo
p e of Alsea have been trying for
vears u, get this road built and
now that it is accomplished there
is rejoicing throughout .he vallev.
The Als a oay is beautiful and off
era ui -ny induceuieuls to the
pieasuie seeker to spend his sum
mer vacation, ami now that it is
easy of access, it will soon become
as well known as Yaipiina
New I
Statesman : A
plat of the new-
tow n o Niagara has been sent to
the county recoider's ollice to be
tiled. Niagara is situated in Mar
ion county on tbe Saii'iam several
miles above Mehama and the Or
egon Pacific rwboad borders oil
one of its limits. This newly laid
out town is composed of eight
blocks of twelve lots each and one
block of twenty-one. Clarance
Brown is the founder. The town
plat refered to is the well known
Brown's Mill at the narrows on
the North Santiam.
Killed h Koiine.
This week one off. L.liavidsoii's
Jeisey cows a as k.lled by the Cal
if or uia express north bound. The
animal had been left in a small
enclosure through w hich the road
extendeded and was feeding on
the track at the time she wass
struck by the engine. It happened
on the cifrve where it was impossi
ble lor an engineer o see but a
short distance ahead. Section
Boss Prunty had two gentlemen
place a value on tin dead bovine
and the sum decided upon was
$11 Hi a high one, to he sure.
ei-inl Meetlnj;.
There w ill be a sp -cial meeting
,,f in -oi.i Ki.i-h i v.. i. i
o. O F.. at their hall on fhiirl
day evening, for the
PUrpOSe of
....... .... riv urjirej. j
All membeis are specially invited '
to oe present.
Elegant Lotion renders the skin
soft and beautiful. .
Following is the weather rejiort
from observations taken at Albany,
Linn county, Oregon, by John
Briggs, vol. observer for the Signal
Service, U. S, auny.
Highest barometer on the 2d,
Lowist barometer on the Sth,
Mean barometer for the mouth,
Highest daily average of baro
meter, 29.9.!.
Ijowest daily average of baro
meter, 29.79.
Highest temperature on thi 4th,
Lowest temperature on the 13th,
Mean for the month, 01.17.
Highest daily range of theruiom
etor on the 4th, 45.
Low c.t daily tango of thci iiiom
eter on the 25th, 1 1.
Mean temperature at 7 a. m.
daily, 49.
Mean temperature at 2 e. m.
"i i daily, 79.20.
.nt'Hii temperaiure at J r. m.
daiiy, 57.9.
Prevailing direction ol wind, N.
Max. Velocity or force, 3.
Total rainfall or melted snow,
0 05.
Depth of snow at end of month
No. of days on which .01 or more
rain fell, 1.
No. of days of cloudiness aver
age S scale of 10, 0.
Of 30 days observation, 7 were
clear, 0 cloudy, 5 fair, 0 foggy, 0
rain, 8 hazy, 0 overcast, 10 smoky
Light frosts on the morning of
13; h.
Temperature plus 0.29 on aver
age of 12 years.
uaiiuaii minus l.o on average
of 12 years.
The Prilox.
The opening night at tho open
house last night was remarkably
well attended for .lbanv, the
opera hous being tilled. The per
foimance, was all that was prom
' 'se'' and pleased evervbodv. Th
i .; I :
iiuiitai iiiui ity pomes was
tine and drew great applause. The
visit of Mr. and .Mrs. Schneider
and Baby Budge was greeted with
loud upplause on their entrance,
und the ladies especially appreci
ated the waltzing by Mr. and .Mrs.
S hneider. The back somesault
by Barm-v wag a wo ideriul feat
i a,,1 ':s cmuplished by
few dogs.
The dog pyramid which concluded
the tirst part was an unique
feature. The " leaping by the 1'
hounds created a great excitement
and when Folyetla made his
chamnion jump of 35 feet the
i iulience were beside themselves
w ith excitement.
The Komeo and Juliet pyramid,
being a living picture of hors s
and dogs, was the crownin;
feature of the evening and was the
concluding piece.
Another performance will he
given this evening, and the house
will he crowded, as all were well
pleased with the performance l-ist
evening. Tickets can be procured
at Blackmail's drug store, reserved
seats without extra charge, 25 and
50 cents.
Nerktie Turtle Advocated.
The horse-stealing traffic should
he abolished in this country, no
matter at what cost. Horses are
stolen no only one or two at a
time, but in bands ;. ; high as
thirty, and right under the eyes
of ihe state law. The ow ner " of
stolen stock does not feel able to
otter a reward for the thieves' cap
ture, anil it is at least the duty of
tha county court to oiler a stand
ing reward for their capture, a de
cent sum for any man' w ho wonld
risk his life to capture the thieves,
since the county officers, it seems.
are unable to. If prompt action is
not taken the farmers and stock
men will be justified in forming
necktie parties again as in years
gone by. We are in favor of hang
ink the rascals, without judge or
jury. Weston leader.
VH4 Smoothing Things Over.
J. W. Strange, recent suuervis-
or of census for the second district
of Oregon, devotes nearly two col
umns of his paper, the Pendleton
Tribune, to explaining how and
why he is not responsible for mis
takes made by enumerators in tak
ing the census, and says he was
will ng all the time, and is now
anxious, for a recount, but doesn't
mention anything about being in
Portland week before lasttrving to
convince Agent Leland that the
count in Eastern Oregon was all
right, and that a re-enumeration
was unnecessary. It looks as if
Sirangewas convinced that a re
count is inevitable, and was trying
io ai.iooin inings over so as to re
lieve himself of any responsibilitv
tor the blunders made last June.
l ichoco Keview.
The New Clothing Store.
On text Saturday the new
popular lirm of T. L. Wallace
t o., will give a grand opening of
meir new clothing store. Tbe
bovs are favorites with the people
oi ooio me cuy aim countrv, and
having put in an immense stock of
tirst class goods, and doing a
strictly cash business, they wi'l
command an immense trade from
the -tart. The p? inciple of .juick
cash sides at small profits, will
give the pdople good bargains and
build up a tine trade. Give the
)o s a call.
The Pnion Pacific are now run
ning two oaiiy train through to
Chicago in three days, carrying all
classes oi passengers on both
trains, having Pullman sleepers,
tourists sleepers and free reclining
chair cars attached. Passengers
can now leave Portland at 7 a. m.
and 9 e. m. For slec-nimr car
..r. - atir... ... 1.. ..
The little 1-year-old daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Workman, died in
this city yesterday.
Canes at French's
Compasses at F. VI. French's.
Wilcox A Conn, photographers.
Fountain pens at V. ill A Stare's.
Cumming's for choice soda wa
ter. Wilcox A Conn's photograph gal
lery. Go to Wilcox A Conn for photo
graphs. Gentlemen's fine shoes at E. C.
Secure a good picture at Wilcox
A Conn's.
Silver headed canes at F. M.
Latest styles in dress goods at
E. C. Searls.
Twenty yards of calico for $1 at
E. C. Searls.
School shoes are the lowest at
E. C. Searls.
Go to J as. F. Powell A Co'a for
fresh groceries.
If you want a good gold pen call
on F. M. French.
See those stylish stockinette
jacket' at Read's.
F. M. French sells Seth Thomas
watches and clocks.
The latest in canes at the corner
jewelry store.
Gold headed canes at the corner
jewelry store.
Latest novelties in ladies cloaks
at K. C. Searls.
See those undressed k'.d gloves
at W. F. Read's.
When you want a nice hat call
on G. W. Simpson.
All the latest in cloaks and
jackets at W. F. Read's.
Drink ice cold soda at C. E.
Brownell's and le happy.
Ladies jackets and capes in the
latest styles at E. C. Searls.
Latest designs in jewelry just
received at F. M. French's."
lust received a new stock of Y.
I.' F. hosiery at W. F. Read's.
io to Cumming'H drug store
Blum'ierg l.lock, for your artist's
Zaches A Son received a large
invoice of fad and w inter woolens
receiitb .
And when you want a delicious
cold (Inn!; go to C. E. Brownell's !
for soda.
We make a specialty of tine
takes for parties and weddings.
Blackburn A Pironi.
t'se Hcggs Dandelion bitters for
i ni-.'estion, dyspepsia and all kindred
Beggs celebrated family remedies
an- for sale b all leading druggist
every where.
oecial prices made on all dress
g'SMls to make room for fall stock
at ' i. W. Simpson's.
The best assortment of musical
instruments ever seen in Albany
at Will A Link's music store.
Dr. C. C. Kelly can be found in
his office in the strai,anpeam,
block ready for calls every day.
Happy is he w ho buys his fruits
and vegetables of C. E. Brow nell.
Always fresh and full weight.
Smoke th celebrated Havana
filled o-eent igirs, manufactured
it Julius Jos ill's ciuar factorv. j
1 have received my f ill line of
kid gloves, and our $1.50 glove ie
the be-t ever ottered here for the
money. E. C. Seail -
Get some of those line pies and
cakes for Sunday at Blackburn A
Pironi's. Don't cook over the hot
stove these days.
Oradwohl's fine teas, w ith the
cut-glassware that goes w ith them,
forms quite an attraction and goes
very rapidly.
Anything you want in our ba
kery department is of the very
best. Good goods and low prices
is what you get there. Blackburn
A Pironi.
For all kinds of green or drv
fruit boxes call at the Sugar Pine
Door A Lumbei t -ompany's ware
house, Albany, Or.
A large stock of guitars, violins,
banjos, mandolins, accordeons.
etc. just received at Will A Link's.
Call and get our prices,
Fortmiller A Irving have a full
line of lace curtains, chenille cur
tains and table covers that are as
handsome as handsome can he.
Fresh bread, fresh bread, fresh
bread. Order your pies and cakes
from Blackburn A Pironi; they
are experienced bakers and can
make anything you want to order.
Ihe genuine Bovnton furnaces
are sold by Matthew s A Washburn
the largest kealers in stoves and
ianges iinne vauev. uo and in
spect their s ock, they can please
Secure your railroad, steamship
and sleeping car tickets to all
points North, South and East via
the. Union Pacific railway, and
save time and money. Ticket
office on Broadalbin street.
An elegant display of fruit, in
cluding peaches, apricots, melons,
pineapples, bananas, plums,
apples, and in fact every kind of
rare fruits and fresh -egetables, is
to be found at Jas. F Powell A
Company's grocery store. They
keep all the market affords.
Latest novelties in jackets
capes at E. C. ! earls.
Young l'lce.
Work at the Clackamas salmon
hatchery has been commenced
and in a few weeks eggs and young
hsh may be seen in all stages of
growth. The artificial propagation
of salmon is an interesting study.
Upon its success to a large extent
lepends the future of the salmon
industry of this state, as the nat
ural increase of the fish is not suf- !
ficient to keep pace with the
j heavy annual catch. The output :
ot hsh this year will tall short of i
last year owing to the high water i
and the delay in building tne
racks. If 4,000,000 young fish are
obtained, the fish commissioners
will realize their expectations.
Citizens of Linn and adjoining counties : We greet you one and all, and extend to you a cordial invi
tation to attend at our new store
Tne gran.'est oH-ning and most collos-al exhibition of Men's, Youths' and Cbil lren's clothing ever
h fore exhibited 'n tin- Willamette Valley. Our opening is de.-tined to open a new epoch in the clothing
trade of lids s'au-. We leave .-e irehed the market from far and wide, and will display the finest line of
goods thnt Amei i. i
Having gone in -, tne market wi:h ready cash we were enabled to bnv good clothing of the very best
aclories and laigest importers in the C ited States at such prices as w ill absolutely defy competition.
. Is simply incomparable. Our stock
expected to obtain, while our Furnishing
verc Hits at bedrock prices.
In boots and shoes we have m ule
manufacturers in the East, and are
KolMHhv'i1-'' ' lSiI-1R1' that'8 wh' we are enabled to
K U CAH, and by d ,ing .., are ,nble 1 to get the verv best goods at
,.lv f ., , rU.,,l n ",e ,aS
- " "J
most respectlully yours,
We desire to inform the citizens of
Factorier over 2n0 COOKING AND
;v:r." r:.r t7 rr ti. .t " .Tr;:rr ' "r-a " "a?i
at our store.
ii you luieiiu puiuuusmg a swvecau ana see our line and
Our Stock Of Men's
f Youths', Bovs ind
' Pepattnient is
e Cflretii! rp pi-ttin . .1 tho
enabled to , v th 'Zt 7 "
, ,.
' 8-V8'1"1 ii00b can
"- "nit in uii: toy umj inspect
Albanv anl
that we have
Children's clothing far aiiove uui we had
Replete in ever respect. A lull line of
u 1 i l .1 .
"JY, " L 'L.vf 7.
uici-c (uwij cixi iiru' gut 10 this
sell vou goods cheap.
the i.unoV u .
b- bought C H EVP FOR C s 1 1 will
s.-ount. Ae
our stock, e tansi-ribe ourselves .
just received direct from Ettern
one tlollar'a
- pwiea stov now on exhibition
get our prices.