Morning daily herald. (Albany, Or.) 1885-19??, September 27, 1890, Page 4, Image 4

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Th Dau.t Hen i to will be on
wle each morning a1 H. J. Jones'
book atore.where it in be procured
(U 5 otnU per copy.
Spectacles for every one at
French'" jewelry store, j
Lau-.-ft novelties in
.aiibari anil i
MtpecatE. C. t;e..r!s.
Ask to flee our -'.50
ladifta at E. C. Searls.
shoes for
All kinds of fresh fruits receii
feily at Jas. F. Powell M. s.
When vou w- ! a sHIisr- man s
r boy's it go. to - i. vV. Simpson. :
Get -rour Lata me iauieo
Baaar.' A drat class trimmer in
A yery large assortment of new
tint, gingnams, strong cloth,
w ' r " , T ' , i i
Try m can of baking powder and
jetawaa'i Dowi arm piicuer ,ara. waoiat an lion
Blackbuan A Pironi a. pro,.eeds converted int
JS. C. Searls, has the finest j thjJ i, ,-,.,1 st lies treasury,
ladies' shoes at the lowest prices j A jar ,. proportion "f the na-k-to
be found in the valley. ages and -urccls sent to the dead
Wanted A Kirl
to do general j
Motuework. Inquire at the
irnca ef C. E. Wolverton.
Ladies and misses jockey raps,
infants caps and bonnets, and a
' fall line of infants' wear at G. W.
r ur . l ..... I
. J- G. Gross, of Uaterloo wah I
in tne cuy yesieruay, oup.ji.-it
customers with water trono me
popular soda springs ol that place.
"A dollar saved is a dollar
earned." so call at the Ladiei
Bazaar, and examine prices on
aillinery before purchasing else
where. The Misses Ball will have ai.
pening of Fall and Winter millin
ery Wednesday, Thursday and fol
lowing days, to which all are cor
dially invited.
Special bargains in all woo!
itings just received at 30 and 4"
fcenU, the beat Talue. ever showii
in Albany. Call and sea them at
W. F. Bead's.
?. W. Mimoson has receive! his
mil stock of stockinette and seale- j
jacketa and three quarter seali . ,
eloaks, and have a complete ass rt -!
sue! ot all the latest st le.
Tue ladies of the W, c. T. I
are requested to observe -uturdax ,
SpDt. 27. as membership crusadi
day. They will meet at the haii
at H o'clock v. M.. lor special prayer.
Messrs. Will A -stark hav.- jiirt
received a new line of Waiud'o'
silverware, solid gold watches,
rings and jewelry oi H kinds.
1' . -i :d see theii line selections.
Geo. Anderson, at the Albat ".
Ish market, next door to the ott
wfnee, has fresh oysters by tl.
int. quart, bushel or any quant it;,
desired, in the dressed or u -dressed.
W. A. MeGhee goes to-day
Bcio to take charge of the publ .
school in that ity. His lr.tiie.
in-law J. W. White will hav,
charge cf tha City Restaurant u
this city.
J. W. Brock, the aaeni lor t) .
Maskell Literary Club, i- iu t, .
eily, having begun a canvass oi
the county. lu't fail to see bi
llet of elegant premium bibles i n
We are requested to announce
that on Sunday, .Sept. 2ith, at '.
'clock p. w. in the Kvangelidt!
ahurcti of Albany there will he
eervice by the German minisU ',
Uev. Gust fi. Meyer oi Mou .1
We are sole agents in thi city
lor the best dour on the mark t.
The Benton Full Holler, Corvaliis
new tlouriug mill. It is the b it
and cheapest at 1.10 per sat li.
Blackburn A Pironi.
F. L. Kenton continues to re
ceive subscriptions for all the
leading newspapers and maazin ;
at the cash grocery store near ti;e
postottice. All orders leit wi;h
him will be forwarded without re
lay, saving the subscriner t- t
trouble and expense of toi warding
the same to the publisher.
Having purchased all the Iat t
atvlen in millinery the ladies ill
tind it to their interest to call and
exa.nine our stock beioie purchas'
uig elsewhere. K. k K. Hall.
Prof. Jewitt, of the Harrisburg
public school has been seriously
ill and lr. Davis of thiscit, has
been called to see him, bur is now
better. Only the primary depart
ment of the school as open dur
ing his illness, Miss Kllen White
being teacher of that department.
The counters for the Bank of
Oregon building have been placed
in uosition. and they form an
eleaant finish to the room Thev i
are of the most elaborate pattern
and finish, being in native Oreg ai
wood in natural color. The Sugar
Pine Door and Lumber compai!
certainly deserve and receive great
credit for their manufacture,
showing as they do most superior
workmanship. The bank build
ing throughout ib simply elegantly
planned and carried out in erec
tion. It is an ornament to thw
Buy your tickets to the east via
the Canadian Pacific railroad, the
best railway service in existence
from 5 to 10 cheaper than ant
Athor transcontinental line. The
tinest scenery in the world is along j
the Canadian Pacific railroad. Ke- j
member you can save 5 on a second-class
ticket and 10 on a tirbt
class ticket by purchasing youi
tickets over this line. For map
and tickets, etc. .call on F'.A.Burk
hart, office opposite tne First
National bank, Alt any, Or.
Matthews & Washburn now have
in stock the largest and most com
plete line of heating stoves evei
brought to the valley.
A choice and coaplete line ol
bottled delicasies have just beea
added to my stock call and ate
C, Jfc. JKrowi Mi.
the Bm'H-js Expands and Bom
Hlote Ttt' Shoild b Obaemd.
How tii- rmsinea. of the United
Mates posiotriee department liu?
gro n into colossal dimensions i.
known ny all. A circular, con
taining much inloruiatu n, has
been pi iced in our hand, from
which e ni'Mi vi-e o make iicota-
titcs from nine to time. This
worningwe quota :
WC OIA UHl iuno ,-. v..
matter are .sent .inn la ly to tin
dead 'letter ytliiv h teas n nl in
correct, i'ltifii'le. or deficient ai
dress, insutlicient postage, inse
cure inclosing, whereby matter
mailed Incomes separated from
the envelope or wrapper, u. sin
lai.tire to be called lor r :, liv
ered to the person addressed.
This is a dailv average of ovei
20,000 pieces.
Packages and parcel are re
corded, ami where they do t dis
.;lo-e the name and address of the
owner are riled ; if
of w.j(hin t
not called t"i
or el.- iiea witnin two years ttie
letter otli fail to be re-Wed t
the owners because of the ahsenci
on the wrapp- rs or ini losures t
anvthng to indicate ownership
Packages and all matter mailed
at lees than letter rates of postage.
, aj,resH of ,
should, in addition to the name
le sender up.m
. l
lie or wrapper, hear in
connection therewith a reuuesl
for its return in the event of non
delivery, in w i. ii h case it is also
returnable directly to the sender
from the p-Moffiee addressed,
charged with return postage :it the
rate required for the class oi
matter to which it belongs.
A ! -Oonert Shame.
Three i darion county's most
respected c nines have been sui-
jecied to a gross insult at : in
hands of County Assessor 1'Iacker- j
by. When he late assessment i
was being copied it aasdiscoveren j
that but three dogs, at a totai j
valuation of $0, had been asi-essed.
Ul ttiese, one helonged to a mat j
named Mr) iuire and another to i
j Mr. McCuhy. The two beast ;
were given in as worth .'!5, Th j
j third dog was the property of A j
"K Coudit, the county treasurer . j
j and the va'u.'.'ion placed on th j
I animal was $2f. When it caun
j time t' copy the do asessmenib j
; into the rolls there was found t i
I he no "dog column,'' .o th j
canines were counted in with ti -pins
put in the pig pen, hs i
were. Thus it is that M.iri.o
county's new assessment show
three more ho is than the county
is entitled t . and tnu it is, als
I that three are slandere.'.
The hog ceusun has been padden
Salem Statesma .
The Secuiifl Cr.
The Orponian menlions
-rop raspberries as foiio.
Uavid Cole yesterday le
boxes of tine ripe tasplw
the Second crop ol this
the Oregoniau otli- e Met
thev were something oi a
I W4 .
es o;
.1 lo-itv
and imagined that hi-, i.irm at
Belle Haven, out on tiie slough
was a great fruit producer. Sec
ond growth rasplerries. or :'i: ies
or potatoes, are no rarity . und
tlie room ot the Oregoin.
porters. Their table.- are
with this soir of stud up
time of tiie first hard fro;t.
ally about Christmas. .V
will become ujr'it'en"d
raspberries for his t h 'pm
ner after lie has lru
few years.
s re
it re;
o the
- din
iing a
folk l'lueer.
!' r ;" e. . pojn c uij' met
ajain at Monmouth fue-' it t'oi
the purposes of adopting a insti
tution ami by-laws for the g-.vern
ment of the recently or.-inized
camp of pioneers. The oiganiza
tion shall be known by the name
of the Polk County Pi meer asiei
ation. All persons residing in
Polk county w ho came to Oregon
prior to January 1K"5, and there
children horn prior to said date,
all be eligible to membersiiit
Au m.-. tings of the association
shall be held at Mon mouth
The Nest !'rex AHxn lutlun,
President L. Samuels, of trie
Oregon Stale Press Assoeiat ii.n,
yesterday fixed the time for hold
mg the next annual convention.
At the last business meeting oi
the association held in Portland
last month, Astoria was selected
as the place for holding the next
annual meeting, but the date was
left blank, and President tiamuels
was authorized to choose the
time. He yesterday decided on
August 27, 28 and 2!, and ) hegon
journalists can paste this in their
tiats, so as not to forget it.
Id the' Clutche.
I. Crowder, a resident of Al
bany for the past year or so, was
arrested and brought down here
by Deputy I'uitt-d Slates Marshal
Miller. He was arrested on a war
rant based upon an indictment
found in Kansas in l.S.S'.l, charging
him with per.-onating a United
States secret -ervice officer, a id
in this manner procuring free
transporta'i in on a railroad. He
has employed counsel and will
endeavor to secure his liberty.
Tiie indictment appears to be all
right. Oitgonian.
Mining ( lanua.
J. W. liardner, II. W. White and
G. P. Harris, have luc.ttetl the
S -uthern I'n. ilic, t entral I'acilic,
Cnion Paritic, Kansas I'acilic and
North Pacific miiiiiit: claims in i tie
S.-ntiain mining district; Wiu
McLeod, the Lexington, in the
Calapooia district, and Geo. P.
Harris, the Mountain Lion, in the
S.tntiani district.
Try a glass of Celery phosphate
ta Cumiaisg's drug store.
Benjamin Barker gave us lately Last, evening wan the secondand
a branch off a Terra J ipoiiic tree past evening of the fair, and a
which. is growing in his yard in ; grand success .t was. The pro
I ei.anon. Tlie tree bore fruit this j gramme was well carried out and
ear, which gave rise to numerous
conjectures concerning its real
name. The Terra Jap n is iden
tical with the catechu of commerce
ami is much used n m-diciiie aud
also us a taiiiiing aeiit.
The Camp Fire tt be given by
the(J. A. K., Saturday evening,
S pt 27, at the- L'nion hall,
promises much Onetf ttie iiiOft
salient features of the occasion will
be pork and ''eaiif. There will br
! songs, recitations und army
I reminiscences by those V'"J wer-
tncre and can spe:tk trom esper
ieuce. The V. It. C. will serve
ice cream and cake. The public
are cordially invited.
Married, at i he. residence O! the
bride's mother in Lebanon, Sept
24 h. Prof It. N Wright and Mis-
1 md linihi'd. Tin couple stilted
on n bridal tour 1 hur.-d ty morning
Proiessor ai-I his bride haw the
ivell wishes ii many frieti is
Between the hours of (5 and 8 'ii
ihe mo' ni-- ajons I- mled wish
rock am! mihk r pas. .'own our
fv. ? ;iiii iihinit t:e 'hi'lgr!
ee- of e e'ti 's are wauo s lo;. ltd
it i iiili!i'!g material. To u.
his is an ii.di aiioii oi (.nrsperou
titnes hi d cons (ju id ar wth.
V -. 1 .1 lixlh
Tin- r a nei .-5; mi 1 j II. imI .unrik
; i i:.e Willa -a river one nij:ht !al
viek. Alioiit 2 o'l-li ck at night
:ew were awakened by w it r
iv.tinng in ! rients into the i-aVio
a here t'.ey were sieepin. To
t heir h nor they discovered that
'. steamer was to the water's
Ige ate i .- inki'ig, and they only
ii id ti ee to jump into a rowboat
(1 tn.iKe their escape. The
- .-aine. hes on her side is one of
t c deep 'st pang of the river, and
. aliiio-t entirely out of s'ght.
i lie c; ise of the accident is a? y t
C. P. Davis's young son. who
bad an arm broken recently
.'bile imitating circus artist on a
rapeze, is surely a child of mis
I'ortnne, .-ays tiie Pendleton East
: iretsoiiiau. Ye-terday, while
vheeling a baby, he happened to
-tep on a pistol cylinder, full of
artndges, which had been care
essly thrown away by someone.
.)ne of the cartridges 'xploded, the
bail passing very t ar the boy's
f ice. and burning his eyes so
sewiely with powdc hat he is
hardly able to see this morning.
Tiie cylinder was after.-. ard found,
with one chamberempty.
Grange Meeting.
The Dades Sun say: The
'V.i-rii ahd Sherman counties busi
ness council. Patrons of
Husbandly, met with Highland
grange at Kingsley r.n the W!h,
inst. President John Medh-r pre
sided and William Holder, state
grange lecturer, acted as secretary.
Seven granges were repiesented,
and the inmost good feeling pre
vailed. One of the results of the
iie-tiug was the formation of a
co-oper dive business association,
mention oi which was made in
these columns last week.
A Valuable Bovine.
The Astoria Pioneer says that
B. F. Hall, residing up tt e river in
the vicinity ot Hall's ferry, has a
half roan Durham cow which
brought him f ur calves inside ol
eleven months, all alive and doing
well, and good grass the past
season cave about tive gallons of
rich nnlk eai h day. The first two
calves came in April, IS.Sil, and
the next two last March, the former
both being males and the latter a
male and female. A man with a
few cows like that could soon stock
the ranges of Eastern Oregon.
For tlie Mine.
The Albany Minincand Milling
company are sending in to their
Santia i mines, a laige amount of
material .i .d provisions, and yes
terday Ken Irick, an experi
enced : mill man, went in to
work : r iem in charge ol their
new machinery.
Death troBi 'i'hlent.
Prof. I. C. Keezel of that faction
of the I'nited Brethren church that
is putting up a new college build
ing at Phiioina'h, is reported 'o
have leen iatal.y injured by fail
mg from the build i.t; in course of
construction and died y stt rday.
About Completed.
The g itherinu of straw tor the
Lebanon pajier mills has been
completed. and their immense
: heils are full. The material is
also on the ground and the. mills
will be pushed to completion and
put to work as soon as Ksibie.
Sl'XDAVS llll.l. OK I-AUK.
Sweet potatoes. Cauliflower,
' .reen corn,
Picketed eo I fish, Pius feet,
Offshore M ickeral, Swiss cheese,
Cauned Asparagus, rreneh peas.
All of the above, fresh aud nice,
at Mueller A Garretts
Dried r ruit.
1 am prepared tn pay thw high
est market price, in trade or cash,
for choice dried u nits of all kin. Is.
Sampel E. Yoino.
Visible supply of grain : Wheat,
17,610.439 bushels, an increase of
70,710. Corn, 8,500,835 bushels,
an increase of 37o,2!HJ. Oats, 4,
179,747 bushels, an increase of
i 130,501. Baney, 1,344,470 bueh-
eis, an increase oi Ml.U&o.
very ent.'rtalnihg. The duet by
Mrs. Chamberlain and Mr. Prich
ard was the only part of the pro
gramme that was not rendered,
Mr. Pnchard being ill. The booths
were beautiful, the curio booth be
ing especially interesting.
liuftinemt Change.
John Isom purchased the
co'itectionerv store and business
of Francis P:eifVer for $7000, and
will take immediate possession.
lhe business will he continued at
the old stand without interruption.
Slaughtering Cattle,
The Ialles Times-Mountaineer
sarf th - t Tu-s a a.iernoon, a train, west-bound, when
: a-sing ('ape Horn, came on a
nan l of cattle. I h" w histle was
blown, aud brakes set ; but the
animals crowded the track so it
was itnpossdj'e to p.iss. In this
Ktion of the toa'i it ieuircs con
siderable i-owei to overcome the
rade, ami i: as in. possible to
t p suddenly. Consequently the
I'icon otiue ran over several of the
ca'tle, throwing it from the track
I ditching elever cars, several ol
which were leduo-d to kindling
wood. The eni;:i -r and rireman
h id no time t- jump, aed escaped
iuiinjuied. A 1 lamp in one of
h x car bad a leu broken, and
a- otherwise bruized. There
'vere several cattle killed, and
pieces of tieef-stenk were scattered
'or ip-iite a distance over the track,
The cars were loaded with wheat
.nd general merchandise.
An Old Gun.
The wandering lale Arke, an
ild German with a French name,
passed throu.-h the city on Sunday
last, says the Pomeroy Indepen
dent, wilh a little Mexican burro
packed down to (he guards. The
old man had oneof General Scott's
old field pieces, which some
rneriean lost in the Mexican war.
The gun was made by S. North,
Middleton, Conn., V. S., in 1845.
The old man told in fair German
that he had been a wanderer for
ixt years. He had been in all
the old mining camps of this
Terrible Accident.
A frightful accident occurred
about ten miles east of Union
Friday evening. Mr. R. D. Nel
son was hauling a lead of wood
from the mountains when the
team became unmanageable and
ran away. The load was turned
over, Mr. Kelson falling beneath
His right leg was broken just be
1 .w the knee and his left foot was
torn entirely off. It is probable
that he also leceived internal in
juries. He died at : o'clock the
next morning.
The Improved Roaster and Baker.
in this day of inventive genius
many articles are being made that
are of surpassing utility. In the
culinary line, one of the most use'
ftil of these is a latest improved
roaster and baker, being a very
useful and desirable article for
every housewife in the land. Mrs.
.d. Tall, oi this city, has the
agency for Linn county, and de
sires to place one in every well
regulated family. She also desires
to place them in the hands of local
agents in dill'erent parts of the
county. For particulars address
her at this city, P. box U7, or
call at this oflice.
Fall and Winter Woolens.
We have received a large
invoice of line wo jlens, including
novelties of the latest foreign and
eastern designs and await your
early inspection. It is of course
understood we positively guaran
tee perfect tit and firot-class work
manship. Zacuks A Son,
Merchant Tailors and Drapers,
Opposite Postolfice.
the l'nion 1'aciflc.
Is the only line running two
fast trains dailv from Portland to
Omaha, St. Paul. Kansas City,
Chicago, St. Louis and all points
East and Sou' h. Buy your tickets
of C. (i. Rawli.-igs, foot of Broad
albin street, Albany.
Another Car.
We will have another car of
choice watermelons and (-antelopes
to-day. We are still turning out
cho e groceries by the wagon
load ami selling cheaper than any
house in t..wn. Order your fine
groceries from MullerA Garrett's.
The Dailes Times Mountaineer
says a deposit of opals has been
lout d near Moscow Idaho, and
taken up nnder the mining laws.
A tine specimen of rough opal
found there was sent to W W
Bakei of Walla Walla. Jewelers pro
nunce it a first-class article.
This opal mine w ill prove very
valuable to its owners, and is but
another of the many latent re
source? of the Pacific Northwest.
Hi Plummor's- seven acres of
hops turned out 10,000 pounds,
the eight acres of John Groves
yielded 13 00(1 pounds, and from
eh ven acres Joda Morrison took
2'V0i pounds. They have had
opportunities to unload at from
;!" to 37 cents, but are waiting for
better figures Dalles Itemieer.
Sick headache is the bane of
many lives ; to cure and prevent
this annoying complaint use Dr.
J. H. McLean's Liver and Kidney
pillets. They are agreeable to take
and gentle in theii action.
For rent, a building suitable for
email business or a dressmaker, on
First street. Inquire of E. L.
Matthews & Washburn, the en
terprising hardwate and s'ove
dealers, received their thirt1 car
load of stoves yesterday.
Kew geods at Read's.
Canes at French's.
Com passes at F. M. French's.
Wilcox A Conn, photographers.
Fountain pens at W ill A Stare's.
Cumming's for choice soda wa
ter. Wilcox & Conn's photograph gal
lery. Go to Wilcox & Conn for photo
graphs. Gentlemen's fine shoes at E. C.
Secure a good picture at Wilcox
& Conn's.
Silver headed canes at F. M.
Latest styles in dress goods ai
E. C. Searls.
Twenty yards of calico for if. I at
V. se-ins.
School shoes are tee lowest a;
E. C. Seai is.
Go to Jus F. Powell A Co s
fresh groceries.
If ou want a go xl gold pen i .. 1 ;
on F. M. French.
See those, gl Viiit slock in u
lacket' - at R'vd's.
F. M. French sells Seth Tboma-;
watches and clocks.
"The latest in canes at the corner
jewelry store.
Weill headed eniies at the corner
jewelry store.
Latest novelties in ladies clo.k-
at E. C. Seai Is.
See those undressed k 1 gloves
tt W F. It-ad'.
When vou want a nice hat
)n i i. W. Simpson.
All the Litest in ci'mk - and
jacket at W. I, Head's.
Drink ice cold soda at C. K.
Brownell's and be happv.
Ladies jacket-' and capes in the.
latest stvles at E. C. Searls.
Latest designs in jewelry just
received at F. M. French s.
A fine line of fall tea gowns just
received at the Ladies' Bazaar.
Corner of Second and Ferrv is
Wilcox A Conn's photograph gal
Go to Cumming's drug store
BlumSerg Hock, for vour arfist'e
Zaches A Son received a large
invoice of fad and winter woolens
recenth .
And when you want a delicious
cold drink go to C E. Brownell's
for soda.
We make a specialty of fine
cakes for parties and weddings.
Blackburn A Pironi.
I'se Beggs Dandelion bitters for
nuiirestion, dyspepsia and all kindred
Begirs celebrated family remedies
are fur sale b all leading druggiaU
every w here.
Jiens', youths' and lxys' cloth
ing and furnishing goods atG. W.
Special prices made on all dress
goods to make room for fall stock
at G. W. Simpson's.
The best assortment of musical
instruments ever seen in Albany
at Will A Link's music store.
Dr. C. C. Kelly can be found in
hfs oflice in the strahan-Pearce
block ready for calls every day.
Happy Is he who buys his fruits
and vegetables of C. E. Brownell.
Always fresh and full weight.
Smoke tht celebrated Havana
filled 5-cent igars, manufactured
at Julius .loss ih"s cigar factory, f f
Ladies can procure Hughes A
Storey's tailor system at the
Ladies Bazaar. IT. J. Sower,
1 have received my fall line of
kid gloves, and our $1.50 glove is
the best ever offered here for the
money. E. C. Searls.
Get some of those fine pies and
cakes for Sunday at Blackburn A
Pironi's. Don't cook over the hot
stove these days.
The latest novelties in cloaks,
jackets and capes for Ladies,
Misses and Children at the Indies
Urad wold's fine teas, with the
cut-glassware that goes w ith them,
forms quite an attraction and goes
very rapidly.
Anything you want in our ba
kery department is of the very
best. Good goods and low prices
is what you get there. Blackburn
A Pironi.
For all kinds of green or dry
fruit boxes call at the Sugar Pine
Door A Lumbei Company's ware
heuse, Albany, Or.
A large stock of guitars, violins,
banjos, mandolins, accordeons,
etc. just received at Will A Link's.
Call and get our prices.
Fort miller A Irvinn have a full
line of lace curtains, chenille cur
tains ana tame covers mat are as
handsome as handsome can be.
Fresh bread, fresh bread, fresh
bread. Order your pies and cakes
from Blackburn A Pironi ; they
are experienced bakers and can
make anything you want to order.
The genuine Boynton furnaces
are sold by Matthews A Washburn
the largest kealers in stoves aud
ranges in the valley. Go and in
spect their stock, they can please
Secure your railroad, steamship
and sleeping car tickets to all
points North, South and East via
Khe Union Pacific railway, and
save time and money. Ticket
office on Broadalbin street.
An elegant display of fruit, in
cluding peaches, apricots, eielons,
pineapples, bananas, plums,
apples, and in fact every kind of
rare fruits and fresh vegetables, is
to be found at .las. F. Powell A
Company's grocery store. They
keep all the market affords.
Take'tbe Union Pacific railway
for the East, thirty-five heurs
quicker than any other transcon
tinental line. Elegant new dining
cars, Pullman palace sleepers, free
family sleeping cars run through
to Denver, Omaha, Council Bluffs,
Kansas City, St. Louis and Chi
oafo. C. G. Bawlinga, city ticket
agent, foot of Broadalbin street.
We desire - ?"f..rm the citizens of Albanv and vicinitv that we have just received direct from Eas ern
Factoritrovcr2iKCOM.slM. V.D UV.WV. ..OVn-, Much we are en a?.. ' m t prices fal
low all rompe; ito.. As an a-iver i-en et.t I our busin--we will isive to ea.-h purchaser oi ..i.e oollai s
worth of goods a -icket ei.-.i lin - t' e h -ider lo o e chance in a full nickel-plated btov i now on exhibition
at our store. If vou intend puichasii g a .-love- ad ai.u see our line ami get our prices.
Farmers Attention,
Po'vou want to tiuy a
A Steaxatcat Lead cf Ttir. Jci:reiy jttt iccei-vec
Call and Sel ct What You Want.
ItUsoluttou .Notice
TO WHOM it may concern- The .vart
ueohip herctofure exisiins unlcr the tirm
nme of Bnrkhart SUlin carrj inu on n
iteneral Keal Fjitatc Lnau A I neiirnnr-e
RusincM in Albanv, Oregon is tin
day disiolveil fey mutual rnunt, W.
A. Mai in retiring. The bnsinos A ill he
continue hmwifter ky F A. liurKhart at the
i place of liu&ineos and under his name.
Hated this lath day of Septeniher, lslK',
W. A, Mali.
F, A. St R ,
DT. WTMAN t8t fir tlie Pacific Mil
lual Life and Acidnt linuram e Co: al-
ho aent for Fire lnaurancn Co. Albany, Or.
S. E. Yousa, L. Fmnn
L. E. IIlais, b. (. Sox.
E. W. Langdon
Pfoifler, Prop. Only firet-eclaiw hoiwe
n the citv. Laiirc sample rooms mr com-
mercial men. No Chinamen employed in the
kitchen. General staife orh Cor-atlb.
I 1ATARRH CURED, health nmi sweet
J breath secured, by Shiloh'n Catarrh
Remedy. Price 50 centd. Nanal Injeotor free.
Sold by Foshay & Mason.
A!;;;; :1 ;Fi;;i : Job : Pria tsrs
Albany Opera House,
OCT, 11 AND 12,
Equine and
Will give three of the grandest
entertainments ever seen in Amer
"Prices 50c; children 25c.
Xo extra charge for reserved seats.
Seats on sale at Blackman's drug
".ii tin, Kugine, TLieher,
this ear i
969 PAIF( OF"
Mower or
ofLti mac Limy
fex lire tenet cf 1690.